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The Impact of Globalization in Education and Examples

Dampak Globalisasi dalam Teknologi Pendidikan dan Contohnya

Posted onOctober 25, 2021by admin 1 Comment

Globalization is often associated with unlimited advances in technology and information, but actually globalization is related to various fields of life. As a result of this globalization, the barriers between a country and other countries are fading because of the ease with which they can interact in various fields. Countries around the world are not spared from this flow of globalization, including Indonesia, which is a developing country in Southeast Asia .

Globalization is like having two blades because it has both positive and negative impacts. We as humans who live in the era of globalization must be wise in responding to it, because we will be negatively affected if we fall into the flow of globalization.

Globalization has positive and negative impacts on various fields of life, including in the field of education. Globalization has a positive impact on the education sector as well as a negative impact that needs to be watched out for. Then what are the impacts on education caused by globalization? As we know that education is a place for children to develop their potential, both developing emotional intelligence and technical skills. Education is the key to the development of a nation, because with education the generations in a country can be well educated and trained. The following will discuss in detail the positive and negative impacts of globalization on the education sector .

The Positive Impact of Globalization on Education

The following are some positive points arising from globalization in the world of education:


1. Teaching and Learning System That Is Not Always Face To Face

The first positive impact in the field of education caused by the flow of globalization is the online learning system or commonly called e- learning . This learning system does not require educators and students to meet each other face to face. Of course, this can be an option for students who have a high level of activity, because e- learning systems can usually be accessed at any time and are flexible.

In addition, this learning system can save transportation costs for both educators and students, in contrast to conventional learning systems that require transportation costs to support education.

Computers or laptops and internet networks are important elements needed to access this online learning system, therefore this learning system is still limited in use.

2. Ease of Accessing Educational Information

The next positive impact of globalization in the field of education is the ease of accessing

educational information. The internet makes it easy for educators and students to access learning materials, say the presence of sites that provide books in digital form that can be downloaded and used as references in the teaching and learning process. These electronic books or e-books can be downloaded and read directly without having to print them first, thus saving paper usage.

3. Increasing the Quality of Educators

Ease of accessing educational information directly can improve the quality of educators. The convenience in this era of globalization should be utilized optimally by teachers, because at this time teachers can freely see learning trends in the world, and look for references from the most advanced countries in the world that are useful in the teaching and learning process. By

maximizing technology and information in the era of globalization, the quality of teachers will continue to improve.

4. Improved Quality of Education

As a result of the rapid flow of globalization, learning methods that were originally simple have now turned into technology-based educational methods. Advances in increasingly sophisticated technology turned out to have a positive impact on improving the quality of education. For example, in ancient times a teacher had to write on the blackboard using chalk. Now with technology, teachers can use computers and the internet to combine writing, images, sounds, videos and even films to facilitate the delivery of knowledge, including teaching climatology.

5. Student Exchange

Student exchange in the world of education often occurs in the era of globalization. Students in a country can have the opportunity to study abroad or vice versa. Students who have the

opportunity to study in countries with the best education are required to be able to adapt to new environments and be able to know and understand foreign cultures, so that students are expected to have broad knowledge and insight.


6. Encouraging Students to Create Innovative Works

The development of science and technology in the era of globalization for an educational institution should be used to encourage students to create an innovative work. The traditional learning system which is only one-way seems to be able to hinder the development of students, therefore new learning methods such as student-oriented methods are needed which can

stimulate students' thinking power and also increase student activity in learning.

Negative Impact of Globalization on Education

The following are some of the negative impacts of globalization on the world of education:

1. Decline in the Moral Quality of Students

The bad impact of globalization for the world of education is the decline in the moral quality of students. Information on the internet that can be freely accessed is very vulnerable to influencing student morale, for example sites that smell pornographic, as well as the presence of

inappropriate photos and videos that are very easily accessible and rampant on social media without any filtering. The existence of content that is not good can affect student behavior either directly or indirectly. Therefore, so that students' morale is not further damaged, it requires control and attention from parents, teachers and the state.

2. Increasing Social Inequality

The next bad impact is the increasing social inequality in society. Technology-based education methods can be an opportunity for a country to improve its education, but in fact advances in technology and information in the world of education need to be accompanied by mental readiness and certainly not small capital. In some countries in the world, especially developing countries, technological developments can only be enjoyed by schools in urban areas, while schools in rural areas continue to be left behind due to difficulty of access and lack of capital. As a result, social inequality in the field of education can no longer be dammed.

3. The erosion of local culture

The very rapid flow of globalization can also erode local culture in a country. The development of technology allows cultural contact to occur through the mass media, as a result foreign influences can enter freely into a country. The influence of globalization in the field of education which is controlled and driven by developed countries can be a problem for developing

countries, not least for Indonesia, which has several islands that are included in the category of the largest islands in the world.

As a result of this current of globalization, it is feared that culture in Indonesia will be lost due to the fading sense of nationalism, reduced kinship, and westernized people's lifestyles. As an example, we can see from the symptoms that appear in everyday life, many teenagers in

Indonesia dress up to imitate Korean and American celebrities. This teenager wears clothes that are inappropriate and not in accordance with the culture in Indonesia.


4. The Emergence of Fast and Instant Tradition

The next bad impact of globalization in the world of education is the emergence of fast-paced and instant traditions. The inappropriate attitude of globalization can make education lose its ideal orientation, namely the learning process. The orientation of education which initially emphasized the process has changed to the realm of achieving results. As a result, many people only emphasize the final result when taking an education, even now there are more and more fake diplomas buying and selling because many people want to get quick and instant profits. Of course, this can become a big problem and harm the country if it is not handled quickly.

Globalization in the world of education needs to be addressed wisely so that later it will not be misguided.

5. Commercialization of Education

The bad impact of globalization is the threat of purity of purpose in education as a result of the commercialization of education. Currently, many educational institutions are established with the main purpose of being a place of business. An educational institution can be called a

commercialization of education if it is concerned with registration fees and building fees, but its educational obligations are often ignored.

Commercialization in the world of education occurs when an educational institution sets the cost of education that is not proportional to its educational services, so that the agency only prioritizes the profits earned. There is even an educational institution that carries out educational practices just to get an academic degree without going through an ideal educational process, as a result, the cost of education in such an institution is very high.

Therefore, commercialization in the field of education is a very dangerous thing and needs to be followed up. An educational institution should pay attention to the quality of educational services in order to create high-quality students, so that students and capital holders can get the same benefits.

Well, those are the positive and negative impacts caused by globalization in the world of education . The development of the times that make it easier for us in various fields of course must be addressed wisely so that later we are not in the wrong direction. Hopefully this article is useful.


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