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WHO Global Data Bank on Infant and Young Child Feeding (IYCF)


Academic year: 2018

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size size months size months size size

% size size size size Year size Years size

National: Total B 95.2 16504 0.7 20.7 9960 40.6 1069 32.4 1664 43.9 13471 27.6 3405 86.8 1026 52.9 4612 79.9 1090 50.3 915 1

Children by sex F 95.4 7890 1.0 21.1 4725 44.7 6463 50.7 2196

Children by sex M 95.0 8614 0.7 20.2 5235 43.1 7008 55.0 2417

Children by area: Urban B 93.7 6835 0.7 19.6 4115 60.0 5571 52.9 1906

Children by area: Rural B 96.2 9669 0.7 21.4 5844 45.5 7899 53.0 2707

Sampling: two-stage stratified cluster sampling; sample selected from 42341 households; data on "early initiation of breastfeeding" collected among last-born children. Survey note:

Reference:Statistics Indonesia (Badan Pusat Statistik-BPS) and Macro International. Indonesia Demographic and Health Survey 2007. Calverton, Maryland, USA: BPS and Macro International, 2008.

Date of survey:

Location and sample descriptor

Sex Sample

size Median exclusive

breast-feeding (months)

Exclusive breastfeeding rate % Median

any breast-feeding (months) Sample

size <4 months

Sample size

<6 months

Sample size

Sample size Ever

breastfed %

Sample size Early initiation of

breastfeeding % Bottle-feeding rate% 0-11 %

Sample size

Sample size Intro solid,

semi-solid foods 6-9 mo %

Sample size Minimum meal frequency %

Sample size

Sample size Continued breastfeeding


Year Years2

27 Reference number:

Administrative level: N 2002 - 03

Line note Minimum dietary

diversity %

National: Total B 95.9 15089 1.6 22.3 9119 55.1 1001 39.5 1547 38.7 14474 23.6 2943 91.1 768 84.6 1021 58.7 755 2

Children by sex F 96.1 7301 1.7 22.6 4294 39.1 7015

Children by sex M 95.8 7787 1.5 21.9 4824 38.4 7459

Children by area: Urban B 95.1 7029 1.4 21.2 4315 36.4 6688

Children by area: Rural B 96.6 8059 1.7 23.1 4804 40.7 7786

Sampling: multi-stage stratified cluster sampling with probability proportional to the number of households; sample selected from 34738 households; 4 provinces excluded due to political instability (Nanggroe Aceh Darussalam, Maluku, North Maluku and Papau). Survey note:



WHO Global Data Bank on Infant and Young Child Feeding (IYCF)

Date updated: 2009-07-21

Date of survey:

Location and sample descriptor

Sex Sample

size Median exclusive

breast-feeding (months)

Exclusive breastfeeding rate % Median

any breast-feeding (months) Sample

size Early initiation of

breastfeeding % Bottle-feeding rate% 0-11 %

Sample size

Sample size Intro solid,

semi-solid foods 6-9 mo %

Sample size Minimum meal frequency %

Sample size

Sample size Continued breastfeeding


Year Years2

288 Reference number:

Administrative level: N 1997

Line note Minimum dietary

diversity %

National: Total B 96.3 16217 1.7 23.9 9768 52.0 1032 42.5 1562 8.3 16217 10.7 3009 86.0 1053 65.6 969 3

Children by sex F 96.4 7830 1.8 24.1 4777 8.3 7830

Children by sex M 96.3 8387 1.6 23.6 4991 8.3 8387

Children by area: Urban B 95.4 4373 1.5 22.1 2714 7.5 4373

Children by area: Rural B 96.7 11844 1.8 24.7 7054 8.6 11844

Children by region: Java-Bali B 96.3 9188 1.5 25.6 5522 9.5 9188

Children by region: Java-Bali (urban) B 95.8 2940 1.7 22.4 1832 7.9 2940

Children by region: Java-Bali (rural) B 96.5 6247 1.4 27.5 3690 10.2 6247

Children by region: Outer Java-Bali I B 96.4 4821 1.7 21.7 2916 5.6 4821

Children by region: Outer Java-Bali I (urba B 94.9 984 0.7 20.6 614 6.4 984

Children by region: Outer Java-Bali I (rural B 96.8 3837 1.9 21.9 2302 5.5 3837

Children by region: Outer Java-Bali II B 96.2 2207 2.4 23.0 1330 9.2 2207

Children by region: Outer Java-Bali II (urba B 93.6 448 2.2 20.4 269 7.1 448

Children by region: Outer Java-Bali II (rura B 96.9 1759 2.4 23.6 1062 9.7 1759

Children by province: Bali B 97.5 202 1.9 21.4 123 9.3 202

Children by province: Bengkulu B 96.9 117 2.2 23.1 70 5.3 117

Children by province: Central Java B 96.4 2385 2.0 1402 7.8 2385

Children by province: Central Kalimantan B 96.4 153 0.9 26.4 86 27.1 153

Children by province: Central Sulawesi B 96.5 177 3.6 28.1 108 7.0 177

Children by province: DI Yogyakarta B 97.7 181 1.8 25.6 105 9.9 181

Children by province: Dista Aceh B 96.2 354 0.5 20.4 214 3.4 354

Children by province: DKI Jakarta B 94.3 572 1.0 20.3 354 5.0 572

Children by province: East Java B 96.3 2497 0.5 22.3 1502 8.2 2497

Children by province: East Kalimantan B 96.1 223 2.7 23.7 135 9.2 223

Children by province: East Nusa Tenggara B 97.5 367 2.6 22.4 220 2.4 367

Children by province: East Timor B 98.7 116 1.8 21.3 70 13.6 116

Children by province: Irian Jaya B 96.1 173 2.3 22.9 103 20.0 173

Children by province: Jambi B 95.9 247 2.4 24.1 153 2.5 247

Children by province: Lampung B 97.7 544 2.3 21.1 320 4.7 544

Children by province: Maluku B 97.7 173 3.6 20.7 106 17.6 173

Children by province: North Sulawesi B 97.3 192 1.6 17.9 114 12.8 192

Children by province: North Sumatra B 95.0 1267 0.7 19.3 777 5.0 1267

Children by province: Riau B 93.1 344 1.2 22.8 208 5.9 344

Children by province: South Kalimantan B 96.0 214 2.0 25.1 130 5.2 214

Children by province: South Sulawesi B 97.4 655 2.4 23.1 398 3.1 655

Children by province: South Sumatra B 96.3 516 2.8 24.3 314 3.6 516

Children by province: Southeast Sulawesi B 97.1 117 2.8 22.8 71 4.3 117

Children by province: West Java B 96.4 3351 2.0 26.5 2036 12.4 3351

Children by province: West Kalimantan B 95.2 324 0.8 28.8 197 4.5 324

Children by province: West Nusa Tenggar B 98.0 371 3.2 21.9 214 15.4 371

Children by province: West Sumatra B 97.2 385 1.6 21.2 236 6.6 385

Sampling: three-stage stratified cluster sampling with probability proportionate to size; sample selected from 35362 households. Survey note:

Reference:Central Bureau of Statistics (CBS), State Ministry of Population/National Family Planning Coordinating Board (NFPCB), Ministy of Health (MOH), and Macro International Inc. (MI). Indonesia Demographic and Health Survey 1997. Calverton, Maryland: CBS and MI, 1998.


size size months size months size size

% size size size size Year size Years size

National: Total B 96.7 16983 1.3 23.8 10131 47.3 1024 41.5 1304 8.0 16983 11.0 2997 88.2 1137 63.3 933 4

Children by sex F 97.1 8246 1.7 23.8 4953 8.0 8246

Children by sex M 96.3 8737 0.7 23.8 5178 8.1 8737

Children by area: Urban B 95.2 4646 1.3 22.1 2817 8.1 4646

Children by area: Rural B 97.2 12337 1.2 24.8 7314 8.0 12337

Children by region: Java-Bali B 96.6 9678 0.9 25.3 5820 9.4 9678

Children by region: Java-Bali (urban) B 95.3 3184 1.2 22.4 1944 8.2 3184

Children by region: Java-Bali (rural) B 97.2 6494 0.7 26.9 3876 9.9 6494

Children by region: Java-Bali I B 96.8 5073 1.6 21.4 2992 6.9 5073

Children by region: Java-Bali I (urban) B 95.7 995 1.7 22.2 583 9.0 995

Children by region: Java-Bali I (rural) B 97.1 4077 1.6 21.2 2409 6.3 4077

Children by region: Java-Bali II B 96.9 2233 2.2 22.8 1319 5.0 2233

Children by region: Java-Bali II (urban) B 93.5 467 1.7 19.3 290 5.5 467

Children by region: Java-Bali II (rural) B 97.8 1766 2.4 23.7 1028 4.9 1766

Children by province: Bali B 97.6 210 1.7 22.8 126 10.1 210

Children by province: Bengkulu B 97.2 138 2.8 23.9 82 3.7 138

Children by province: Central Java B 96.8 2599 0.6 30.9 1516 2.6 2599

Children by province: Central Kalimantan B 99.7 126 1.3 20.9 69 17.3 126

Children by province: Central Sulawesi B 97.4 166 2.3 24.1 96 6.3 166

Children by province: DI Yogyakarta B 98.1 182 0.9 25.0 109 0.0 182

Children by province: Dista Aceh B 95.8 374 0.4 20.6 216 4.1 374

Children by province: DKI Jakarta B 95.6 618 1.4 21.1 372 7.4 618

Children by province: East Java B 96.6 2393 0.6 24.2 1534 12.5 2393

Children by province: East Kalimantan B 96.0 215 2.1 24.7 129 10.2 215

Children by province: East Nusa Tenggara B 98.5 361 2.8 22.8 225 2.8 361

Children by province: East Timor B 99.0 123 1.6 17.8 76 8.3 123

Children by province: Irian Java B 96.1 167 2.1 25.9 100 5.1 167

Children by province: Jambi B 97.6 207 2.1 24.4 123 4.0 207

Children by province: Lampung B 98.3 563 3.2 21.0 349 8.8 563

Children by province: Maluku B 98.2 190 3.2 19.6 114 2.0 190

Children by province: North Sulawesi B 98.3 203 2.5 19.9 120 16.2 203

Children by province: North Sumatra B 96.6 1298 1.0 18.1 764 5.1 1298

Children by province: Riau B 92.6 389 1.2 22.3 214 1.7 389

Children by province: South Kalimantan B 96.8 225 0.7 25.4 125 0.6 225

Children by province: South Sulawesi B 96.6 701 3.4 23.5 417 5.6 701

Children by province: South Sumatra B 96.6 563 1.7 24.6 319 5.5 563

Children by province: Southeast Sulawesi B 98.5 149 4.1 24.9 91 2.6 149

Children by province: West Java B 96.4 3675 1.6 25.3 2164 12.9 3675

Children by province: West Kalimantan B 94.3 380 1.3 22.2 221 5.0 380

Children by province: West Nusa Tenggar B 97.8 399 1.5 23.7 235 19.7 399

Children by province: West Sumatra B 97.6 366 1.8 17.9 225 3.7 366

Sampling: three-stage stratified cluster sampling with probability proportionate to size; sample selected from 35510 households. Survey note:



WHO Global Data Bank on Infant and Young Child Feeding (IYCF)

Date updated: 2009-07-21

Date of survey:

Location and sample descriptor

Sex Sample

size Median exclusive

breast-feeding (months)

Exclusive breastfeeding rate % Median

any breast-feeding (months) Sample

size Early initiation of

breastfeeding % Bottle-feeding rate% 0-11 %

Sample size

Sample size Intro solid,

semi-solid foods 6-9 mo %

Sample size Minimum meal frequency %

Sample size

Sample size Continued breastfeeding


Year Years2

287 Reference number:

Administrative level: N 1991

Line note Minimum dietary

diversity %

National: Total B 96.5 14493 1.8 23.3 8679 52.4 854 44.5 1289 9.5 3183 87.4 927 61.5 861 5

Children by sex F 96.9 6893 1.7 22.9 4223

Children by sex M 96.2 7599 1.9 23.6 4456

Children by area: Urban B 94.6 4205 1.3 18.8 2526

Children by area: Rural B 97.3 10288 2.0 24.0 6152

Children by region: Bali B 97.9 168 0.8 23.8 99

Children by region: Central Java B 97.9 2116 1.9 24.7 1254 Children by region: DI Yogyakarta B 95.7 157 1.6 24.2 96 Children by region: DKT Jakarta B 92.8 571 1.5 15.6 353 Children by region: East Java B 96.3 2040 0.7 24.1 1166 Children by region: Java-Bali B 96.7 8105 0.8 25.0 4835 Children by region: Outer Java-Bali I B 96.5 4368 2.4 20.4 2626 Children by region: Outer Java-Bali II B 96.0 2020 2.6 21.0 1218 Children by region: West Java B 96.8 3053 0.7 27.2 1867

Sampling: two-stage stratified cluster sampling with probability proportionate to size; in the six most remote and logistically difficult provinces (East Timor, Irian, Java, Maluku, East Nasa Tenggara, Central Kalimantan and East Kalimantan) a three-stage procedure used; sample selected from 28141 households.

Survey note:

Reference:Central Bureau of Statistics (CBS), National Family Planning Coordinating Board (NFPCB), Ministy of Health (MOH), and Macro International Inc. (MI). Indonesia Demographic and Health Survey 1991. Calverton, Maryland: CBS and MI, 1992.

Date of survey:

Location and sample descriptor

Sex Sample

size Median exclusive

breast-feeding (months)

Exclusive breastfeeding rate % Median

any breast-feeding (months) Sample

size <4 months Samplesize

<6 Early initiation of

breastfeeding % Bottle-feeding rate% 0-11 %

Sample size

Sample size Intro solid,

semi-solid foods 6-9 mo %

Sample size Minimum meal frequency %

Sample size

Sample size Continued breastfeeding


Year Years2

289 Reference number:

Administrative level: N 1987

Line note Minimum dietary

diversity %

National B 22.0 4652 76.6 516 55.7 384 6

Sampling: two-stage cluster sampling; sample selected from14227 households. Survey note:

Reference:Central Bureau of Statistics (CBS), National Family Planning Coordinating Board (NFPCB), Ministy of Health (MOH), and Institute for Resource Development/Westinghouse (IRD/Westinghouse). Indonesia National Contraceptive Prevalence Survey 1987. Calverton, Maryland: CBS and (IRD/Westinghouse), 1989.


Exclusive breastfeeding under 6 months, continued breastfeeding at 1 year (12-15 months), continued breastfeeding at 2 years (20-23 months) and bottle-feeding rate calculated prevalences.

Line note: 3

Exclusive breastfeeding under 6 months, continued breastfeeding at 1 year (12-15 months), continued breastfeeding at 2 years (20-23 months) and bottle-feeding rate calculated prevalences.

Line note: 4

Exclusive breastfeeding under 4 months and under 6 months, continued breastfeeding at 1 year (12-15 months), continued breastfeeding at 2 years (20-23 months) and bottle-feeding rate

calculated prevalences.

Line note: 5

Continued breastfeeding at 1 year (12-15 months) and continued breastfeeding at 2 years (20-23 months) calculated prevalences.


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