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Russian Medieval Urban Development indonesia


Academic year: 2018

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Russian Medieval Urban Development

Instructor: Anna Adashinskaya Tel.: +7-910-460-63-80

E-mail: adashik@gmail.com

The course will focus on origin and development of medieval Russian town, which traditionally was regarded in Russian scholarship mainly from the points of view of socio-economical history and archeology. However, as a more complex phenomenon, it should be studied with the assistance of some other disciplines as art history, topography and church history. Moreover, the direction of city’s development was determined to a large extent by a political situation and political concepts of their epochs, therefore studies of medieval urban life can be regarded even as a part of larger political history.

Only very recently some scholars (Batalov A.L. Belyaev L.A. and Sedov V.V.) started to apply new methodological approaches, such as iconology and history of mentality to urban studies in Russia. The data received by them proved that history medieval Russian cities can not be represented as a straight line of outspread, progress and craft development, it rather can be understood as a transformation of environment or adjusting to it. A city itself, with its topographical structures and buildings, materializes “a concept of that world, where a human being was put by unknown power.” The parts of this urban environment can be endowed for a medieval person with different scales of authority and sacrality.

The course, which covers almost seven hundreds years, with no doubt should be based on a selective approach. It offers fourteen topics on different periods, consistently following the chronology, for reflection and discussions. It starts with theories of towns’ origination and principles of their organization and goes over three main model of urban life in Rus’ (according traditional conceptions - Kiev, Novgorod and Vladimir), predominated in their development with one of three forces – ecclesiastical, sovereign and communal. However, as we will see, all these cities were organized by the means of these three powers in collaboration, only the ways of their exercising and functioning were different. Later on the course goes along via a problem of Tartars’ influence on cities and origination of urban-like monastic settlement to a very important for our country issue of political centralization, as it was reflected in architecture, topography and religious celebrations. The emergence of the periphery-center opposition is dated back to the time of Ivan the Terrible, but it continues to influence the Russian mind even nowadays. The late centuries (16-17th) of Russian medieval town-planning are usually considered as decay of inventiveness and innovation in architecture and in urban social life. But the course offers another point of view at this problem, namely to consider urban-like settlements of monasteries as successors of town-life principles. Moreover, this luck of innovation should be, probably, regarded as an intentional political program, stated with architectural tools.

The course is aimed at providing an overview of medieval Russian towns’ history, as determined by different political concepts, reflected in their architecture and topography. These concepts emerged in interaction of three political forces, namely – sovereign, ecclesiastic and communal. However, these concepts were different for every epoch and arose under different historical conditions; that’s why we can trace them by the examples of various cities (Kiev, Vladimir, Novgorod, Moscow etc.), built and developed in the response to historical changes.


Course goals: The course tries to provide an overview of non-linear development of cities and urban settlements of Rus’, both capital and regional, secular and monastic throughout Medieval period (10 – 17th centuries), and to trace the political and ecclesiastical reasons for their emergence and modifications at various levels of urban constructing, from topography to single monuments and streets. It also targets the development of organizational and analytical students’ skills (the students themselves must organize the fieldtrips and guided tours) and encourages cross-faculty collaboration (students should find a colleague from different department than their own and to arrange the class presentations as a pair).

Requirements Students are supposed to attend classes, to discus mandatory readings (30 % of grade) and to give paired presentations on topics (description of one of medieval Russian towns and its potential evaluation as tourism destination or urban environment) during the course (40% of grade). Art history students also should write an independent research in the form of 5 page long essays on chosen topic, related with the course theme (30% of grade), urban planning students are expected to give on place presentations or guiding tours (30% of grade), tourism management students should participate in practical organization of the field trips (30% of grade).

Students are also expected to interpret secondary literature critically, to integrate different approaches to the material, to handle allied with art history subjects, and, finally, to share their own ideas with group. They should form a pair with 1 of the members from other department for making the presentation.

For ART HISTORY STUDENTS is mandatory to write a 5-pages long essay on course-related theme

For URBAN DPLANNING STUDENTS is mandatory to provide on place presentations during the field trip or to organize themselves guided tours.

For TOURISM MANAGEMENT STUDENTS is mandatory to participate in organization of Field Trips (Hotel reservation, ordering a bus, choosing the places for rest and eating). For this purpose the meetings at departmental class will be arranged before every field trip).

Course level: MA (4-5 year of Art History, Urban Planning and Tourism management)

List of lectures and weekly readings

1) Introduction: Town – problems of definition and its function. Towns in Europe, Byzantium and Russia – common features and differences.

 Origination of towns in Medieval Europe: Antiquity heritage and Christian bishopric centers. Population diversity: guilds, universities, merchants and officials. Dependent and Independent towns.

 Byzantine towns or the Byzantine city? Urban decay in 7th century and relative revival of 9th century. Dominating of Constantinople in political, cultural and administrative spheres. The role of 1204 year for urban development.


Class discussion on readings: Can Russian towns be regarded as a part of European context? Mandatory:

Le Goff, J. The town as an agent of civilisation c.1200-c.1500 in: Fontana economic history of Europe v.1 chapter 2, ed. Carlo Maria Cipolla. London, 1971.

[Batalov A.L., Belyaev L.A.] Баталов А. Л. , Беляев Л.А. «Некоторые проблемы топографии средневекового русского города» (On some problems of topography of a Medieval Russian city) in: Сакральная топография средневекового города. (Sacral topography of medieval city), Moscow, 1998, 13-22.


Saradi, H., “Towns and cities” in: The Oxford handbook of Byzantine studies, ed. E. Jeffreys et al., Oxford University Press, 2008, 317-327.

Braudel F., Civillization and Capitalism 15th-18th Century, vol. 1. The Structures of Everyday Life, tr. S. Reynolds (London, 1979), pp. 479-558.

[Sedov V.V.] Седов. В.В., “Древнерусское языческое святилище в Перыни” (Old Russian pagan temple at Peryn'), Краткие сообщения Института истории материальной культуры (Short papers of the Institute of material culture history), 50 (1993): 92-103.

2) Theories of origins of towns in Old Russia.

 Theory of trade and craft centers – Grekov and Tichomirov

 Theory of tribal centers – Froyanov

 “Burg – castle” theory – Yushkov

 Theory of “proto-towns – Wics” - Petruchin.

Class discussion: The transformation of approaches to Urban history of Rus. Students’ 15 minutes presentations on one of approaches (if an author or school you want to present is not stated above, make me know via email).


[Darkevich V.P.] Даркевич В. П., “Происхождение и развитие городов древней Руси (X-XIII вв.)” (Origins and development of towns of Old Rus’ (10-13th centuries), Voprosy istorii, 10 (1994): 43-60.


[Tichomirov M.N.] Тихомиров М.Н., Древнерусские города. (Medieval Russian Towns) Moscow: 1956, 9-43


[Melnilova E.A., Petruchin V.Ya.] Мельникова Е.А., Петрухин В.Я., “Формирование сети раннегородских центров и становление государства (Древняя Русь и Скандинавия)” (Formatting of network of proto-urban centers and establishing of state (Old Rus’ and Scandinavia), История СССР (History of USSR), 5 (1986): 63-77.

3) Types , models and functioning of Old Russian towns . Three factors of urban life : sovereign , ecclesiastical and communal .

 The main functional parts of towns and their role in social and economic life (Kremlin/Ostrog, Posad/Sloboda, market, gates)

 The residences of princes out of town and the ways of exercising power – povoz vs. poljudje (Lehenspflicht), druzhina (bodyguards) and home servants.

 The residences of bishops and their authority. The practice of judicial functions and courts. The laymen on service of church (“tiuns”).

 Urban legislation: “Russkaya Pravda” (1019-1054) as the first urban legislation, the Novgorodian (1440-1471) and Pskovian (1461) Judicial charters, as those ones, which delimit the authority of a prince, church hierarchs and veche (folk moot).

Class discussion: Dependence of towns’ topography on social structures. Students’ 15 minutes presentations on sources (Russkaya Pravda and Pskovian Judicial charter) or zonation and infrastructure of towns (roads, streets, transportation). Critical readings in class of some extracts from the sources.


[Sh’enkov A.S.] Щенков А.С., “Функциональная структура городов” (Functional structure of cities) in: Древнерусское градостроительство X-XV веков (Old Russian town-planning), ed.by Gulyanitsky N.F., Moscow, 1993, 31-50


[Tikhomirov M.N.] Тихомиров М.Н., Пособие для изучения Русской Правды (Handbook for studies on Russkaya Pravda), Moscow, 1953, 87-112.

[Alexeev Yu.G.] Алексеев Ю.Г., Псковская судная грамота. Текст, комментарий, исследование (Pskovian Judicial charter. Text, commentaries, research) Pskov, 1997.

4) Medieval Kiev: from princes’ residence to imitation of Constantinople.

 Old residences on Zankovaya Gora, Starokievska Gora and Podol. The role of the first churches and chapels.

 Large-scale housing construction, composing of city-structure and street-planning in 11-12th centuries/


Class discussion, based on readings and Power Point Presentation of Kiev. Students’ 15 minutes presentations on Kiev Monuments (Golden Gate, St. Sophia, Archangel’s monastery, Kievan Laura monastery) or on Kiev as living/communication zones (Kresh’atik, Podol, Lavra, Maidan nezalezhnosti) .


Franklin S., “Borrowed time: Perceptions of the Past in Twelfth-Century Rus'” in: The Perception of the past in twelfth-century Europe, ed. P. Magdalino. London, 1992, 157-172.


[Mule E.] Мюле Э., “К вопросу о начале Киева” (On the question of Kiev’s origins), Voprosy istorii, 4 (1989): 118 - 127.

[Rappoport P.A.] Раппопорт П.А., “Архитектура киевской Руси (конец XI в.)” (Architecture of Kievan Rus; (the end of 11th century)) in: Idem., Зодчество Древней Руси (Architecture of Old Russia), Leningrad, 1986, 15-43.

[Sedov V.V.] Седов В. В., “Новый Иерусалим в надвратных храмах Византии и Древней Руси” (New Jerusalem, reflected in Church Over-the-gates in Byzantium and Old Rus’) in: Новые Иерусалимы. Иеротопия и иконография сакральных пространств (New Jerusalems. Heirotopy and iconography of sacral spaces), ed. Lidov A.M., Moscow, 2009, 544–584.

5) Novgorod: From Varangian settlement to republic. Boyar or National republic? The role of a bishop in political organization of the city.

 Alternative to Kiev model of social-economic organization with strong influence of communal factor. Elections of posadnik and veche (assembly of citizens) as an instrument of power.

 Large landowners (startsi) as heads of districts (kontsy) in the city. Cohesion of political decision-making with possession of agricultural property and social stratification.

 Electivity of bishops in the city and inviting of princes.

 Reflection of socio-political organization in topography (district churches and two city parts – one of prince and one with fortress).

Class discussion: Comparison of Novrogod and Kiev models (partially based on the previous class). Power Point Presentation of the city + in-class analysis of the monuments (for art

Historians), assessment of touristic potential (for Tourism management) and of contemporary urban historical memory (Urban planning). Students’ 15 minutes presentations on Novgorod Monuments (St. Sophia, St Nicholas, Antoniev monastery) or Novgorod as zones of tourism and living.


[Aleshkovsky M. Ch.] Алешковский М.Х., “Архитектура и градостроительство Новгорода и Пскова как источник изучения их социальной истории,” (Architecture and town-planning of Novgorod and Pskov as a source for their social history), Restavracija i isledovaniya pamyatnikov kultury, 1 (1975): 22–30.


[Yanin V.L., Aleshkovsky M. Ch.] Янин В.Л., Алешковский М.X. “Происхождение Новгорода (к постановке проблемы)” (The Origins of Novgorod (on posing a problem)), Istoriya SSSR, 2 (1971): 32-61.

[Lukin P.V.] Лукин П. В., “О социальном составе новгородского веча XII-XIII вв. по летописным данным” (About social composition of Novgorodian veche of 12-13th centuries, according to data of chronicles) in: Древнейшие государства Восточной Европы (The most ancient states of Eastern Europe) Moscow, 2004, 164-209.

[Choroshev A.S.] Хорошев А.С., Церковь в социально-политической системе

Новгородской феодальной республики (Church in socio-political system of Novgorodian feudal republic), Moscow 1980, 18-41, 174 – 198.

6) Vladimir : transmission of power from Suzdal and Rostov . Opposition of Town and Knaz ’ s residence.

 Priority of sovereign factor in town-building. Residence of a prince as a governmental center. (Kideksha – Bogoljubovo) and consequential conflict with urban authorities and the church.

 Town as a newly-established unit on unpopulated territory.

 Recreation of Kievan model in town topography and Establishing of a new Christian celebration – Pokrov (Intersession of Holy Virgin) – with its state-protective


Class discussion: Comparison of Novrogod, Vladimir and Kiev models (partially based on the previous classes). Power Point Presentation of the city + in-class analysis of the monuments (for art Historians). Students’ 15 minutes presentations on Vladimir Monuments (Bogolyubovo residence, St. Demetrius, Annunciation cathedral) or transportation and tourism infrastructure.

The students of Tourism management are expected at the departmental room after the class.

FIELD TRIP to Vladimir on the nearest Weekend with presentations of Urban planning students on the place.


Vodoff W., “Un «partie théocratique» dans la Russie du XIIe siècle? Remarques sur la politique ecclésiastique d'André de Bogoljubovo,” Cahiers de civilisation médiévale, 17 (1974): 193-215; pamyatnikov kultury, 1 (1975): 22–30.



[Ionnisyan O.M.] Иоаннисян О.М., “Зодчество Северо-Восточной Руси XII - XIII вв.” (Building activity of the Northern-East Russia, 12-13th centuries) in: Dubov, I.V., Города, величеством сияющие (The cities, shining with grandeur), Leningrad, 1985, 140-163.

[Zagraevsky S.V.] Заграевский С.В., Боголюбовский архитектурный ансамбль конца 1150-х–начала 1170-х годов: вопросы истории и реконструкции. В кн.: Памяти Андрея

Боголюбского. Сб. статей. Москва – Владимир, 2009, 141–167

[Sokolov P.] Соколов П, Русский архиерей из Византии и право его назначения до нач. XV в. (The Russian archeries from Byzantium and the right to appoint him until the beginning of 15th century), Kazan’, 1913, 96-158.

7) The Tartars and decay of old Russian urban centers.

 Physical destruction of some towns or parts of towns (Kiev, Vladimir)

 Unification of sovereign functions for all the princes on Russian territories as subjected to Tartarian center and functioning as tax-collections officials.

 Coherence of church life and social life of community, reflected into city topography (merchants’ churches as centers of districts gathering).

 Towns’ development as centers of crafts and organization of the first craft-unions.

Class discussion: Power Point Presentation of the ruined cities + in-class analysis of

archeological data (for Art Historians) and abandoned vs newly built towns (for Urban planning and Tourism management). Students’ 15 minutes presentations on Ryazan’ or Rostov. Class critical reading of Narrative of the Ravaging of Ryazan' exerts.


Miller D. B., “Monumental Building as an Indicator of Economic Trends in Northern Rus' in the Late Kievan and Mongol Periods, 1138-1462,” American Historical Review, 94/2 (1989), 360-390.


Повесть о разорении Рязани Батыем (Narrative of the Ravaging of Ryazan' by Batu Khan) - Read it only at the web page of the Institute of Russian Literature

(http://www.pushkinskijdom.ru/Default.aspx?tabid=4956), with commentaries and introduction of Lobakova I.A.

[Cherepnin L.V.] Черепнин Л.В., Образование русского централизованного государства в XIV-XV веках (Constituting the Moscow centralized State in 14-15th centuries), Moscow, 1960, 329-373.

Fennell J., The crisis of medieval Russia, 1200-1304, New York, 1983, 122-174.

8) The 14-15th centuries urban settlements and monastic centers. New urban centers of


 Monasteries as new centers of economic and social life and building the towns near them.

 Grant Charters to the monasteries with tax exemption (Savvino-Storozhevsky, Borovsky etc.)

 Russian hermits as political figures (Sergius of Radonezh, Paphnutius of Borovsk).

Class discussion: Power Point Presentation of the monasteries + in-class analysis of monasteries buildings (for art Historians). Students’ 15 minutes presentations on Radonezh, Zvenigorod, Kolomna or Borovsk as historical environment, touristic destinations and living communities.

The students of Tourism management are expected at the departmental room after the class.

FIELD TRIP to Zvenigorod or Borovsk on the nearest Weekend with presentations of Urban planning students on the place.


[Antonov A. V.] Антонов А.В., “Вотчинный архив Саввина Сторожевского монастыря конца XIV - начала XVII века” (Patrimonial archive of Savvino-Storozhevsky monastery of the end of 14th – beginning of 17th centuries), Russky diplomatiary, 9 (2003): 423 – 438.


[Sakharov A.M. ] Сахаров А.М., Города Северо-Восточной Руси XIV-XV веков (Towns of Northern-East Rus’ of 14-15th centuries), Moscow, 1959, 82-106.

[Tverskoj L.M.] Тверской Л.М., «Влияние социально-экономических условий на

планировку старых городов» (Influence of socio-economical conditions on planning of old cutues) in: Idem., Русское градостроительство до конца XVII века (Russian urban development before the end of 17th century) Moscow-Leningrad, 1953, 43-52.

[Borisov N.S.] Борисов Н. С., Русская церковь в политической борьбе XIV-XV веков (Russian Church in political struggles of 14-15th centuries), Moscow, 1986, 77 -129.

9) Moscow of 14-15th centuries: centralization of Russian territories, the idea of

historical continuity and transmission of power from Vladimir .

 Affiliation of sovereign and ecclesiastical factors in city building (Ivan Kalina – Peter the metropolitan, Dimitri of the Don – Alexei the Metropolitan, Ivan III – Philippe I). Planning the city from the top-down.

 The transfer of the metropolitan seat from Vladimir to Moscow by Peter the metropolitan and building the Assumption cathedral (1326) and rebuilding it by Philippe I, the metropolitan (1475).

 Making visible a new center of power - Rebuilding of Kremlin as ruler’s and metropolitan’s residences in 1339, 1367, 1485.


The students of Tourism management are expected at the departmental room after the class.

FIELD TRIP to Moscow Kremlin on the nearest Weekend with students’ 15 minutes

presentations on the Dormition, the Archangel’s and the Annunciation cathedrals or on Kremlin as the center of tourism and power on the place.


[Panova T.D.] Панова Т. Д. “Трансформация Кремля - крепости в резиденцию высшей светской и духовной власти в России” (Transformation of the Kremlin as a fortress into the residence of superior secular of spiritual power) in: Idem., Историческая и социальная топография Московского Кремля в середине XII - первой трети XVI в. (опыт комплексного исследования) (Historical and social topography of the Moscow Kremlin in thr middle of 12th – the first third of 16th centuries (an attempt to a complex research)) Moscow, 2003, 517 – 562.


[Batalov A.L.] Баталов А.Л. «Строительство московского Успенского собора и самоидентификация Руси: к истории замысла митрополита Филиппа I» (Building of Assumption cathedral in Moscow and self-indentification of Rus’:) in: Древнерусское искусство: Византия, Русь, Западная Европа: искусство и культура (Old Russian Art: Byzantium, Rus’, Western Europe: art and culture), St. Petersburg, 2002, 353-361.

[Fehner M.V.] Фехнер М. В., “Москва и ее ближайшие окрестности в XV и начале XVI века” (Moscow and its close neighborhood in 15th – the beginning of 16th centuries), Materialy I issledovanija po archeologii SSSR, 12 (1949): 106-124.

[Tikhomirov M.N.] Тихомиров М.Н. “Иностранцы в Москве” (Foreigners in Moscow) in: Idem, Древняя Москва XII-XV веков (Old Moscow of 12-15th centuries), Moscow, 1992, 113-130.

10) Moscow: the conception of the Third Rome and succession to Byzantium.

 Sophia Palaiologos as a Russian queen and mother of Russian czar: inruduction of new atributs of power and Byzantine ceremonial. The Archangel cathedral as a necropolis of Moscow czars.

 Creating a legend of Monomakh’s cap and Riurik’s genealogy from emperor Constantine. Stating the idea of the Third Rome in writings of Philopheus the monk.

 Sacralization of city space with processions and monastery-building. New typology of city monastery.

Class discussion: Power Point Presentation of Moscow monasteries and streets + in-class analysis of the buildings (for art Historians), zonation (for urban planning) and infrastructure (for tourism management). Students’ 15 minutes presentations on Donskoi monastery, British


Mandatory :

[Belyaev L.A.] Беляев Л. А., «Проблемы архитектурной топографии Москвы XVI в.» (Problems of architectural topography of Moscow of 16th century) in: Древнерусское

искусство: Русское искусство Позднего Средневековья. XVI век (Old Russian Art: Art of Late Middle Ages. 16th century), St. Petersnurg, 2003, 456-468.


[Sinitsina N.B.] Синицына Н.В., Третий Рим. Истоки и эволюция русской средневековой концепции (The Third Rome. Origins and evolution of the Russian medieval conception), Moscow, 1998, 221-248, 299-305.

[Saenkova E.M.] Саенкова Е. М. «Городские процессии средневековой Москвы» (Urban processions of Medieval Moscow) in: Idem., Чиновники (типиконы) Успенского собора Московского Кремля как источник по истории русского искусства Позднего

Средневековья. Кандидатская диссертация. (Chinovniks (typika) of the Assumption cathedral of Moscow Kremlin as a source on art history of late Middle Ages. PhD thesis). Moscow, Moscow State University, 2004, 71-113.

[Batalov A.L.] Баталов А.Л. “К истории храмового строительства в Москве первой трети XVI века и проблема топографической локализации Ивановского монастыря” (On history of church building in Moscow in the first third of the 16th century and the problem of topographical localization of Ivanovsky monastery) in: Древнерусское и

поствизантийское искусство: Вторая половина XV – начало XVI века (Old Russian and Post-Byzantine art: the second half of 15th – the beginning of 16th centuries) Moscow, 2005, 454-466.

Послания старца Филофея (Letters of Philopheus the elder) - Read it only at the web page of the Institute of Russian Literature (http://www.pushkinskijdom.ru/Default.aspx?

tabid=5105), with commentaries and introduction of Kolesov V.V.

11) The time of Ivan the Terrible. Origins of opposition: Center (Moscow) – periphery. The periphery .

 Unification of city life. Law code of 1550 and establishment of municipality and elective members of urban government.

 Unification of urban topographical models. Building Volga fortress line for war with Kazan’ khanate. Replication of Moscovite centric system of a city: Kremlin, surrounded with “Sloboda” divided into quarters, with a market place in front of the main gates.

 Unification of church building in accordance with decisions of Stoglav council (1551) and replication of Moscovite type of five-domed cathedral.

 Fighting against separatism or against democracy? Novgorodian campaign (1570)


Mandatory :

[Chumicheva O.V.] Чумичева О. В. , “Иконические перформансы Ивана Грозного. О трансформации идеи царской власти” (Iconic performances of Ivan the Terrible. About transformation of idea of czar’s power.) in: Пространственные иконы текстуальное и перформативное (Spatial icons: textual and performative), ed. Lidov A.M., Moscow, 2009, 149-154ff.

[Shmidt S.O.] Шмидт С. О., “К истории земской реформы (Собор 1555/56 г.)” (On history of Land reform (counsil of 1555/1556)) in: Города феодальной России (Cities of feudal Russia), Moscow, 1966, 121- 138

Optional :

[Batalov A.L.] Баталов А. Л., “О традиции строительства Успенских храмов в Московской Руси XVI в.” (About the tradition of Assumption cathedrals in Moscovite Rus’ of 16th century) in: Древнерусское искусство: Русское искусство Позднего Средневековья. XVI век (Old Russian Art: Art of Late Middle Ages. 16th century), St. Petersnurg, 2003, 38–50. [Gulyanitsky N.F.] Гуляницкий Н.Ф., “Общие принципы и особенности градостроительства московского государства XVI-XVII веков” (Common principals and specific features of town-building of Moscovite state in 16-17th centuries) in: Русское градостроительное искусство. (Russian town-building art), Moscow, 1993 (accessible at http://emsu.ru/um/view.asp? c=842&p=7)

[Narration on Ivan the fourth’s the Novgorodian campaign of 1570] Повесть о походе Ивана IV на Новгород в 1570 году, in: Русские летописи XI-XVI веков. Избранное (Russian chronicles of 11-16th centuries. The collection), ed. Bobrov A.G., St.

Petersburg, 2006, 425-433.

[Stoglav] Стоглав (http://www.krotov.me/acts/16/2/pravo_04.htm) – chapters 11, 37-38, 52-55, 60.

12) The time of Ivan the Terrible. Origins of opposition: Center (Moscow) – periphery. The center.

 Unification of the church life at Stoglav council (1551) and dividing of Moscow into church districts (soroka).

 Cathedral of Intercession of Theotokos on the Moat (1555-1561) as an image of Holy Jerusalem in Moscow. An idea of sacralization of a market place by imitation of Entry to Jerusalem, performed by the czar and the patriarch.

 The czar, playing a role of the old-time feudal lord – “Oprichnina.” Dividing the Russian lands between the czar and the boyars. Alexandrov residence as an imitation of feudal castle.

 Conflict between czar’s people and boyars’ people, reflected in topography of Moscow, also divided on oprichnina (czar’s personal possession) and zemsh’ina (possessions of boyars).


towns. Students’ 15 minutes presentations on different chapters of Stoglav council (1551) or memory of Ivan the Terrible in Moscow.

The students of Tourism management are expected at the departmental room after the class.

FIELD TRIP to Alexandrov on the nearest Weekend with presentations of Urban planning students on the place (theme of satellite-towns).


[Batalov A.L.] Баталов А.Л., “К интерпретации архитектуры собора Покрова на Рву” (On interpretation of architecture of the cathedral of Intercession of Theotokos on the Moat” in: Иконография архитектуры.(Iconography of Architecture), ed. Batalov A.L., Moscow, 1990, 15-38.

[Pod’yapolsky S.S.] Подъяполъский С.С., “О датировке памятников Александровской слободы” (About dating of monuments of Alexandrova Sloboda), Художественная культура Москвы и Подмосковья (Artistic culture of Moscow and Its surroundings), Moscow, 2002, 161-184.


[Sakharov V.A.] Сахаров В. А., “Опричнина и самодержавие Ивана Грозного как

воплощение идей теологической политологии XVI века (Oprichnina and autocracy of Ivan the Terrible as implementation of ideas of theological politology of 16th century) in:

Государственное управление: исторические аспекты (State governing: historical aspects), Moscow, 1997, 42-47.

[Bondarenko I.A.] Бондаренко И.А., “Формирование градостроительной структуры средневековой Москвы” (Formatting of town-planning structure of medieval Moscow), Architekturnoe nasledstvo, 42 (1997): 7-25.

[Stoglav] Стоглав (http://www.krotov.me/acts/16/2/pravo_04.htm) – chapters 6, 35, 49, 69.

13) 16 th century monasteries of fortress type. 17th century monastery – imitation of

fortress type. Architecture as Iconography.

Debates of monasteries’ properties in 15-16th centuries: “Josephite” and “Nonpossessors.” Consequences of Josephite’s victory.

Monasteries of 16th century as fortresses on trade ways and borders: the Trinity Laura of St. Sergius (besieged in 1608-1610), Simonov monastery (besieged in 1612), Solovetsky monastery (besieged in 1667-1675), Kirillo-Belozersky Monastery (besieged in 1612-1614).


Topographical icons and architecture as a subject for icon painting: Icon of Solovetsky monastery (17th century, Rybinsk), “Vision of Dorotheus the Elder” (17th century, Pskov), “Vision of Tarasius, the sexton” (16th century, Novgorod).

Class discussion: Power Point Presentation of the Trinity Laura of St. Sergius and Novodevichy monastery in Moscow. In-class analysis of the buildings, roads and infrastructure. Comparison of functions and appearance of the similar buildings in the both monasteries. Students’ 15 minutes presentations on different monasteries.

The students of Tourism management are expected at the departmental room after the class.

FIELD TRIP to Novodevichi monastery on the nearest Weekend with presentations of Urban planning students on the place. Students are advised to pay attention to interdependence of metro stations decoration, monastery placement and quarters’ arrangement.

Mandatory :

[Ryabushkina I.A.] Рябушина И.А., “К вопросу о композиции русских монастырей XV– XVII вв.” (On question of composition of Russian monasteries of 15-17th centuries),

Architekturnoe nasledstvo, 34 (1986): 193–200.


[Tyumentsev I.O.] Тюменцев И. О., Оборона Троице-Сергиева монастыря в 1608—1610 гг. (Defense of Troitse-Sergijev monastery in 1608-1610), Moscow, 2008.

[Smolich I.K.] Смолич И.К., “Вопрос о земельных владениях монастырей в полемических сочинениях и в законодательстве XVI и XVII веков” (The question of land possessions of monasteries in polemical writing and legislation of 16-17th centuries) in: Русское Монашество: Возникновение. Развитие. Сущность (988-1917) (Russian monasticism: Origins,

Development, Essence (1998-1917), Moscow, 1997, 113-158.

[Shalina I.A.] Шалина И. А., “Икона «Видение пономаря Тарасия»” (Icon of Vision of sexton Tarasius), Sofia, 4 (1996): 14-15.

14) Final stage of medieval Russian city: imitations and desacralization of space?.

 Rostov kremlin (1670-1683) as a residence of Iona, the metropolitan. Non-defensive kremlin walls and reminiscence of Constantinopolitan Hodegitria procession.

 New Jerusalem (1656-1694): how the city became the monastery. Mimetic project of patriarch Nikon.

 Kolomenskoe palace (1667-1668) of czar Alexei Michailovich as revival of Old Russian Style.

 The end of medieval town –St. Petersburg (1703).


the similar buildings in pilgrimage places and in monastery imitations. Students’ 15 minutes paired presentations on Rostov Kremlin as monument and tourist destination.

The students of Tourism management are expected at the departmental room after the class.

FIELD TRIP to New Jerusalem monastery on the nearest Weekend with presentations on the place. Urban planning students are advised to pay attention to the topic of decaying towns.

Mandatory :

[Batalov A.L.] Баталов А.Л., “Об идейном значении и использовании иерусалимского образца в русской архитектуре XVI - XVII вв.” (About ideological meaning and usage of Jerusalimite model in Russian architecture of 16-17th centuries Architekturnoe nasledstvo 36 (1988): 22-42.


[Melnik A.G.] Мельник А.Г., “Ростовский митрополит Иона (1652-1690) как творец

сакральных пространств” (Iona, the metropolitan of Rostov (1652-1690) as a creator of sacred spaces) in: Иеротопия: создание сакральных пространств в Византии и Древней Руси (Hierotopy: the creation of sacred spaces in Byzantium and Medial Russia) Moscow, 2006, 741-753.

[Zelenskaya G.M.] Зеленская, Г. М., “Новый Иерусалим под Москвой. Аспекты замысла и новые открытия” (The aspects of conception and new doscpveries) in: Новые Иерусалимы. Иеротопия и иконография сакральных пространств (New Jerusalems. Heirotopy and iconography of sacral spaces), ed. Lidov A.M., Moscow, 2009, 549-580.

[Buseva-Davydova I.L.] Бусева-Давыдова И.Л., “К интерпретации идейного замысла Коломенского дворца” (On the interpretation of ideological conception of Kolomensky palace), Architektura mira, 2 (1993): 28–31.


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