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DAILY SCHEDULE (Monday, Tuesday Thursday)


Academic year: 2019

Membagikan "DAILY SCHEDULE (Monday, Tuesday Thursday)"


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1. It is understood that each parent or guardian takes full


for the supervision of their child or children at the

Institute. Any injury or accident that occurs shall be the

responsibility of the parent or guardian.

2. Parents who due to an emergency or outstanding circumstances,

cannot attend classes with their child, should report to the SII2015

registration desk.

A Student Supervisor

will be assigned to the child

for a fee.

3. Teachers or their assistants will take

daily attendance and report

to the SII2015 registration desk of student and parent absences.

Student Supervisor will be assigned to children who do not have a

parent/ guardian supervisor for a fee.

4. My child’s photo may be used for

promotional purposes


support of Suzuki education.



Registration fees are non-refundable. All other fees will

be refunded if notice of cancellation is received by

May 11, 2015

. Due

to commitments to faculty and travel plans, applicants withdrawing

after May 16 forfeit full fees. If enrollment is full or a course is

cancelled, all relevant registration and course fees will be refunded.

1. Setiap pendamping harus bertanggungjawab penuh atas anak-anaknya

selama SII2015 berlangsung. Setiap kecelakaan / keteledoran yang terjadi,

merupakan tanggung jawab dari orangtua/pendamping masing-masing.

2. Orangtua / Wali yang berhalangan hadir dalam tugas pendampingan,

harus melapor pada Panitia SII2015. Disediakan Student Supervisor untuk

mendampingi peserta dan dikenakan biaya tambahan.

3. Guru dan Asisten Pengajar akan mencatat kehadiran murid dan

pendampingnya dalam kelas. Seorang Student Supervisor akan

membantu setiap peserta yang tidak hadir bersama Orangtua/Walinya.

4. Dokumentasi peserta selama SII 2015 dapat digunakan untuk

mendukung Suzuki Method.

5. PENGEMBALIAN BIAYA: Uang pendaftaran tidak dapat dikembalikan.

Pengembalian atas biaya lain yang telah dibayarkan hanya berlaku apabila

berita pembatalan diterima sebelum

11 Mei 2015

. Pengembalian dalam

jumlah penuh akan diberikan apabila terjadi hal teknis, seperti: Jumlah

Peserta sudah melampaui batas atau hal lainnya yang berkaitan dengan

Pembatalan Kelas maupun Jadwal Kehadiran Guru Tamu yang diundang

dari Luar Indonesia.


DAILY SCHEDULE (Monday, Tuesday & Thursday)

JADWAL HARIAN (Senin, Selasa & Kamis)








For Morning and Full Day Participants

(Monday only)

Half day program: For Beginners - Book 2

Full day program: For Books 2 and up








Acara Penyambutan (Senin, 29 Juni 2015)

Bagi Peserta Program Half Day Pagi dan Full Day

Sesi untuk Program Half Day Pagi

(Tk. Pemula s/d Buku 2)

Sesi untuk Program Full Day

(Buku 2 ke atas)







Welcome Afternoon Participants

(Monday only)

Recital all welcome

Half Day Program: For Books 3 and up

Full Day Program: For Books 2 and up






Acara Penyambutan (Senin, 29 Juni 2015)

Bagi Peserta Program Half Day Siang

Resital (tertbuka untuk semua peserta)

Sesi untuk Program Half Day Siang

(Buku 3 ke atas)

Sesi Lanjutan untuk Program Full Day

(Buku 2 ke atas)


JADWAL KHUSUS (Rabu, 1 Juli 2015)




Follow MORNING DAILY Schedule

(Only for Morning Half Day and Full-Day



Semua kegiatan di pagi hari dilaksanakan sesuai Jadwal.

(Khusus Program Half Day Pagi dan Full-Day)

 Kegiatan Rabu, 1 Juli untuk Peserta Half Day Siang dipindahkan ke Jumat

3 Juli pada Pagi hari Jam 09.00-12.00

Afternoon Water Sports and Games.

On Wednesday all participants may join in the fun and

games around the SPH Campus and Swimming Pool.

Water balloons are the favorite.


Olahraga Air dan Permainan

Semua peserta diajak untuk bergabung dalam acara santai di

Lokasi SPH (Aneka permainan balon atau berenang)


JADWAL KHUSUS (Jumat, 3 Juli 2015)






(Only for Afternoon Half Day and Full-Day




Semua kegiatan di pagi hari dilaksanakan sesuai Jadwal dan

diperuntukkan hanya bagi Peserta Program Half Day Siang dan



Makan Siang








Concert Preparation

Grand Concert

Concert Reception & Teacher Appreciation








Persiapan Konser

Grand Concert



Half Day Mornings, New Beginner Program

Geared toward pre-school students, this program is designed to get parent and child off to a good start the Suzuki way. Each day, New Beginners have a master class lesson, group lesson and a Kodaly based musicianship class. Plan ahead to bring a properly-sized instrument for your child. It is limited to 4 students from each instrument: violin, cello and piano.

‘New Beginner’ Program (Half

Day Pagi)

Program ini diirancang khusus bagi para orangtua sebagai suatu langkah awal yang tepat untuk memulai program pendidikan Suzuki bagi anak mereka. Setiap harinya, peserta akan mengikuti: Master Class, Group Lesson dan Musicianship Class yang berbasis ‘Kodaly Method’. Disarankan agar membawa alat musik.yang sesuai. Peserta dibatasi hanya 4 Siswa dalam setiap kelas biola, cello dan piano

Half Day Mornings, Pre Twinklers to Book 2

A Pre Twinkler is a beginning student who does not yet play all Twinkle Variations without assistance. Book 1 students will have 1 session Master Class lesson, 1 group lesson and 1 enrichment class. Book 2 students who have graduated from Book 1 will be assigned to master class lesson, group lesson and Reading Orchestra.

Program ‘ Pre Twinkler’ dan Buku 1

- 2 (Half Day Pagi)

Program ini diperuntukkan bagi peserta kelas biola, cello dan piano yang belum menyelesaikan Twinkle Variations. Setiap harinya, peserta Buku 1 akan mengikuti 1 sesi Master Class, 1 Sesi Group Lesson dan 1 Enrichment Class Pilihan. Bagi Peserta Buku 2 akan mengikuti Master Class, Group Lesson dan Reading Orchestra.

Half Day Afternoons only, Books 3


(For violin, viola, cello and piano) Students in this program will be placed in classes with other students at a similar book level based on their most recently polished piece. This is for students learning with the Suzuki Method or learning from the Suzuki Method books. Students need to prepare and have the repertoire list memorized. All strings students will be assigned to an Orchestra based on reading level.

Program Buku 3

6+ (Half Day Siang)

Khusus bagi peserta biola, viola, cello dan piano yang belajar dengan Suzuki Method, maupun yang pernah menggunakan Buku Suzuki dalam kelas biola, cello dan piano mulai dari buku 3 hingga buku 6+, akan ditempatkan dalam kelas sesuai dengan level ‘Polished Piece’ yang dicantumkan dalam formulir registrasi. Peserta wajib menghafal lagunya masing-masing. Siswa akan dikelompokkan dalam Orkestra

sesuai dengan kemampuan membaca partitur.

Full Day Program, Book 2 - 6

Students enrolled in the full day program will participate in 1 session master class, 1 repertoire group class or gypsy music, 1 technique group class, orchestra and 1 enrichment activity. Students may join an additional enrichment class if they desire

Program Buku 2 - 6 (Full day)

Peserta yang mendaftar dalam program ini akan mengikuti Master Class, Repertoir Group Class atau Pilihan mengikuti Gypsy Music Class, Technique Group Class, Orckestra dan 1 Kelas Tambahan (Enrichment) yang dapat dipilih.

Advanced Program

(For Suzuki Book 6 Graduates and Above, Traditional Students)

(For violin, viola and cello, by audition only for Suzuki Book 6 graduates and Traditional advanced students). All students accepted into this program will have five hours of class each day, including master class (two students per class), technique, performance, chamber music, orchestra and one practice hour. Audition recordings are due by May 1, 2015. Students will be notified about acceptance into this program by May 10.

Program Advance

(Suzuki Buku 6 ke atas dan Traditional Method)


Video Audition Materials:

3 octave scale, 1 Baroque style and 1 Romantic

style piece from (Suzuki )Book / Level 6 or up.

Materi Audisi:

Tangga Nada 3 Oktaf, 1 Gubahan Era Barok + 1 Gubahan Era Romantik dari (Suzuki) buku 6 atau level di atasnya

Please mail audition to:

Mrs. Adriana, SII2015 Registrar

Community Music Center

Jl. Kalimantan 62 Ruko Plaza Espana

North Lippo Village

Tangerang 15811, INDONESIA

Rekaman video Audisi dikirimkan ke:

Ibu Adriana, Registrar SII2015

Community Music Center

Jl.Kalimantan 62 Ruko Plaza Espana

North Lippo Village

Tangerang 15811, INDONESIA


Master Class

Students meet daily with a private teacher, each student receiving individualized instruction. Students should be prepared to play their most recent polished piece at the first class.

Beginning-Book 1A (through Andantino): four students per class.

Book 1B (Etude and up): three students per class.

Advanced: two students per class. Students stay for the entire class to learn from each other’s lessons.

Please note we are unable to honor requests for specific teachers


Master Class

Peserta akan belajar dengan seorang guru dengan sistem individual. Peserta harus mempersiapkan ‘Polished Piece’ yang tertulis di formulir.

Pembagian kelas disusun berdasarkan kemampuan.

Buku 1A (4 peserta per kelas): harus sudah melewati lagu Andantino.

Buku 1B (3 peserta per kelas): minimal berada di Lagu Etude atau di atasnya.

Tingkat Advance (2 peserta per kelas). Semua peserta harus tetap berada di dalam

kelas sambil belajar dari peserta yang lain.

Tidak melayani permintaan untuk penempatan pada guru tertentu.

Technique Group Class

Students focus on the technical aspects of playing, such as posture, tone, intonation, review, and practice techniques.

Technique Group Class

Peserta diajarkan untuk berkonsentrasi pada masalah teknis dalam memainkan alat musik, seperti: postur tubuh, nada yang dihasilkan, intonasi, kilas balik pelajaran dan teknik berlatih yang benar.

Performance Group Class

Students work on polishing pieces from the Institute repertoire for performance, focusing on musicality and phrasing

Performance Group Class

Peserta diajak untuk berfokus pada sisi musikalitas dan alunan dari lagu-lagu yang sudah dipilih oleh Panitia untuk ditampilkan dalam konser.

Students Repertoire and Gypsy Music

Students will review songs for the Grand Concert as well as learn several Gypsy music songs by rote. The traditions of this music style are learned through varied repertoire and will be performed at the Grand Concert.

Students Repertoire and Gypsy Music



Students will be assigned to an orchestra according to their age, reading ability and previous orchestra experience.

Level A: Book 1 Graduates and all Book 2 students

Level B: For students in Book 2 graduates and up who have had some reading and/or orchestral experience.

Chamber Orchestra: For Students in advance class and who have had regular orchestral experience. Teachers and parents who play at this level are welcome.

Please note that these levels may adjusted slightly depending on SII2015 enrolment.


Peserta ditempatkan untuk bermain di dalam Orkestra. Penempatan disesuaikan dengan usia, kemampuan membaca not balok dan pengalaman peserta apabila pernah bermain dalam orkestra sebelumnya.

Level A: Bagi peserta yang sudah lulus Buku 1 dan sudah berada di Buku 2

Level B: Bagi peserta yang sudah lulus Buku 2 dan seterusnya, serta mampu membaca notbalok dengan baik atau pernah bermain dalam orkestra sebelumnya.

Chamber Orchestra: Diperuntukkan bagi murid peserta yang mengikuti Advance Program, dan yang sudah pernah bergabung dalam orchestra sebelumnya.

Panitia SII2015 berhak menempatkan peserta sesuai dengan kondisi dan situasi.


Some enrichment classes are offered to students and siblings for an

additional fee. Any qualified student or sibling may sign up for

enrichment classes. Offerings include:

Enrichment Class ditawarkan bagi peserta dan saudaranya dengan tambahan

biaya. Silahkan bergabung bagi yang tertarik untuk mencobanya.


A good way to blow off some steam and get exercise- sports are a favorite! Students will enjoy games with balls, Frisbees, relay races and sports that get them moving after long rehearsals and sitting through lessons.


Sehabis belajar dan duduk dalam ruang kelas sejak pagi hari, saatnya para peserta diajak beraksi dan melepas kelelahan dengan bermain bola, frisbee, relay races dan bermacam pilihan olahraga yang menyegarkan tubuh

Yoga for Kids

This is for Ages 6-12 years and will be taught by an experienced Iyengar yoga teacher and mother of 2 active boys; Indah Wilien. The class teaches good alignment and posture (so important for musicians!), breathing and fun, creative poses suitable for children


Yoga for Kids

Fokus dalam pembentukan postur tubuh dan pernafasan merupakan unsur yang sangat penting dalam bermain musik. Untuk itu, SII2015 mengadakan Kelas Yoga yang khusus dirancang untuk anak-anak usia 6-12 tahun. Dengan adanya berbagai macam aktivitas yang menarik dan dibimbing oleh pengajar yang berpengalaman, Ibu Indah Wilien, tentu saja kelas ini akan menjadi amat menyenangkan untuk dihadiri anak-anak.


Musicianship means ‘knowledge, skill and artistic sensitivity in performing music.’ These classes will be custom designed for each age group to be interactive, enjoyable and fun while enhancing children’s knowledge of music, skills and their appreciation for music. Classes will be adjusted by age level.



Art Activities from Hadiprana Artcentre

This art gallery is known for its fine teachers and being able to engage young children in a variety of art activities. Children will look forward to a new creative art activity every day.

Art Activities

Art Activities bagi peserta dan dibimbing oleh pengajar dari Hadiprana Artcentre yang sudah dikenal melalui staf pengajarnya yang berpengalaman dalam berbagai macam aktivitas kesenian yang mampu membuka dunia kreativitas baru dalam setiap kegiatannya


Daily Recitals

Announcements, student recitals, and faculty performances will be presented. Students who have polished and memorized Lightly Row and above have the option to perform solo in the daily recitals. Children/ parents need to follow the practice schedule to rehearse with the accompanist on their recital day.

Recitals will be filled on a first-come, first-served basis. The first ones to send in their form signed by their home teacher will be selected until the recitals are full. Once a student is registered they may not change their recital piece. Again: Students need to pay careful attention to the recital rehearsal schedule the day of their recital.

Daily Recitals

Selain Solo Recital, berbagai macam pengumuman dan juga Penampilan dari Faculty, akan dihadirkan dalam acara ini. Persyaratan peserta yang berkeinginan untuk tampil dalam acara ini sudah harus minimal berada di Lagu Lighty Row Buku 1 dan menghafalkannya. Penampilan harus didahului latihan persiapan bersama pengiring piano.

Mengingat banyaknya pendaftar yang tertarik, maka bagi peserta yang

berkeinginan untuk tampil di acara ini, diharapkan agar mendaftar terlebih dahulu dan menyerahkan persetujuan (tanda tangan) dari pengajarnya. Judul lagu yang sudah dimasukkan kepada Panitia SII2015 tidak dapat dirubah. Dan dimohonkan agar memperhatikan jadwal latihan persiapan.


A lunch box program can be ordered for the week from local

restaurants that sell fresh healthy food.

(5 days Rp. 300,000,-)

The Grand Concert Ticket is included in the tuition fee for students

and one accompanying adult, however accompanying family

members and friends need to buy a concert ticket which includes

concert and dinner.

Please bring your water bottle. Water dispensers will be available

on campus.

Dapat dipesan paket makan siang selama penyelenggaraan SII2015

yang khusus dipesan dari rumah makan yang terjaga kebersihan dan


(Rp. 300,000/5 hari)


iket Grand Concert sudah disediakan bagi peserta dan 1 pendamping

dewasa. Tiket tambahan dapat dipesan melalui panitia selambatnya 2

hari sebelum Grand Concert. Tiket Grand Concert untuk menonton

Grand Concert dan makan malam bersama.





There are a number of low cost hostels and hotels now in the

Lippo Karawaci area that participants can choose from and book

on the internet.

Guests may also wish to take advantage of the special rate for

SII2015 members from

5-Star Hotel Aryaduta Lippo Village:


Special rate for SII2015- Rp. 700,000/ night including breakfast

Please reserve through Ms. Grace at camp.smai@gmail.com

Harga Spesial dari Aryaduta Hotel khusus untuk peserta SII2015.

5-Star Hotel Aryaduta Lippo Village

(http://www.aryaduta.com/hotels_home_lippo.php) seharga:

Rp. 700,000 / malam (untuk 2 orang) termasuk sarapan.

Pemesanan dapat menghubungi Grace di: camp.smai@gmail.com

Peserta juga dapat memesan sendiri berbagai jenis penginapan yang

dinginkan dalam wilayah Lippo Karawaci melalui internet.


Taxi service is readily available from the airport and in the Lippo

Karawaci area. If you are in need of transportation for a group,

please contact Ms. Grace at camp.smai@gmail.com.

Tersedia jasa Taksi dari Bandara Soekarno Hatta Jakarta menuju

Lippo Karawaci Tangerang.

Apabila membutuhkan penjemputan dalam jumlah massal, silahkan

menghubungi Grace di: camp.smai@gmail.com.


See our Faculty Profiles at: www.suzuki-indonesia.org

Biodata para pengajar dapat dilihat di: www.suzuki-indonesia.org

Alicia Casey

(Violin, USA)

Antonella Aloigi

(Violin, Italy)

Jennifer Cadd

(Violin, Australia)

Pam Hillygus

(Violin, Orchestra, USA)

Siripong Tiptan

(Violin, Thailand)

Stieneke Voorhoeve-Poot

(Violin, Gypsy Music, Holland)

Therese Wirakesuma

(Violin, Indonesia / USA)

Carolyn Cheng

(Piano, Philippines)

Bai Chi Chen

(Cello, Taiwan / USA)

Herrick Ortiz

(Cello, Philippines)

Hannah Amanda

(Musicianship, Indonesia)

Jasmine Wan

(Musicianship, Indonesia / Malaysia)


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