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T BIO 1402327 Bibliography


Academic year: 2017

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Abell, S. K. (2008). Twenty years later: Does pedagogical content knowledge remain a useful idea?. International Journal of Science Education, 30, hlm. 1405-1416.

Alshamali, M. A. &Daher, W. M. (2015). Scientific reasoning and its relationship with problem solving: The case of upper primary science teachers.

International Journal of Science and Mathematics Education.

Anderson, D. (2015). The nature and influence of teacher beliefs and knowledge on the science teaching practice of three generalist New Zealand primary teachers. Research in Science Education, 45, hlm. 395-423.

Anwar, Y. (2014). Perkembangan pedagogical content knowledge (PCK) calon guru biologi pada peserta pendekatan konsekutif dan pada peserta pendekatan konkuren. Disertasi.Bandung : UniversitasPendidikan Indonesia.

Aseeri, M. M. Y. (2015). The reality of professional development of mathematics and science teachers at elementary schools in Najran, Saudi Arabia.

Journal of Education and Practice, 6 (23),hlm. 85-98.

Australia Catolic University &Erbes International. (2008). Scoping study into approaches to student wellbeing. Literature Review.

Berland, L. K., & McNeill, K. L. (2009). Using alearning progression to inform scientific argumentation intalk and writing. Learning Progression in Science.

Bertram, A. &Loughran, J. (2012). Science teachers‟ views on CoRes and PaP-eRs as aframework for articulating and developing pedagogical content knowledge. Research in Science Education, 42, hlm. 1027-1047.

Brookhart, S. (2010).How to assess higher order thinking skills in your classroom. Alexandria, VA: ASCD.

Boyd, S. & Barwick, H. (2011). Well-being at school. Wellington : New Zealand Council.

Chen, P. S.& She, H. (2014). The effectiveness of scientific inquiry with/without integration of scientific reasoning. International Journal of Science and Mathematics Education.

Chin. C. C., Yang W., & Tuan H. (2014). Argumentation in a socioscientific context and its influence on fundamental and derived science literacies.


Dahar, R.W.(2003).Teori-teori belajar. Jakarta : Gelora Aksara Prima.

Darling-hammond, L., Wei, R. C., Andree, A., Richardson, N., &Orphanos, S. (2009). Professional learning in the learning profession : A status report on teacher development in the United States and abroad. United States : National Staff Development Council.

Deporter, B., Reardon M., & Singer-Nourie, S. (2000). Quantum teaching: Mempraktikkan quantum learning di ruang-ruang kelas

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Dershimer, G. M & Kent, T. (1999).The complex nature and sources of teachers‟ pedagogical knowledge. Dalam Gess-Newsome, J dan Lederman, N.G. (Penyunting), Examining PCK: The construct and its implications for science education. Boston: Kluwer Academic Press, hlm. 21-50.

Demirdogen, B. (2016). Interaction between science teaching orientation and pedagogical content knowledge components. Journal Science Teacher Education.

Dodge, R., Daly, A., Huyton, J., & Sanders, L. (2012). The challenge of defining wellbeing. International Journal of Wellbeing, 2 (3), hlm. 222-235.

Duschl, R. A. & Osborne, J. (2002). Supporting and promoting argumentation discourse in science education. Studies in Science Education, 38 (1),hlm. 39-72.

Ekanara, B. (2014). Keterampilan argumentasi siswa Sekolah Menengah Atas.

Tesis. Bandung : Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia.

Elvianasti, M. (2014). Analisis PCK calon guru biologi pada materi genetika dan ekologi. Tesis. Bandung : Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia.

Eryilmaz, A. (2015). Positive psychology in the class: The effectiveness of a teaching method based on subjective well-being and engagement increasing activities. International Journal of Instruction, 8(2), hlm. 1308-1470.

Faturochman, Minza, &Chizanah. (2012).

Psikologiuntukkesejahteraanmasyarakat. Yogyakarta: PustakaPelajardanFakultasPsikologi UGM.

Fitri, W. (2015). Profil Kemampuan PCK mahasiswa calon guru dan kecenderungan hubungannya dengan PK dan CK pada materi genetika.


Fraenkel, J. R., Wallen, N. E., & Hyun, H. H. (2012). How to design and evaluate research in education. United State of America: Lane Akers, Inc.

Fraillon, J. (2004). Measuring student wellbeing in the context of Australian schooling:Discussion paper Commissioned by the South Australian Department of Education and Children‟s Services as An Agent of The Ministerial Council on Education, Employment, Training and Youth Affairs.

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Fraser, S. P. (2016). Pedagogical content knowledge (PCK) : Exploring its usefulness for science lecturers in higher education. Research Science Education, 46,hlm. 141-161.

Frydenberg, E., Care, E., Freeman, E., & Chan, E. (2009). Interrelationships between coping, school connectedness, and wellbeing. Australian Journal of Education, 53 (3), hlm. 261-276.

Gillies, R. M., Nichols, K., Burgh, G., & Haynes, M. (2014). Primary students‟ scientific reasoning and discourse during cooperative inquiry-based science activities. International Journal of Educational Research, 63,

hlm. 127-140.

Grossman, P. L. (1990). The making of a teacher: Teacher knowledge and teacher education. New York: The Teachers College Press.

Hamidah, D. (2012). Pengembanganprofesionalguru biologi SMA melaluiprogram pelatihanpedagogical content knowledge padamaterigenetika. Disertasi. Bandung : UniversitasPendidikan Indonesia.

Hamidah, D., Rustaman, N., & Mariana, M. A. (2011). Penerapan pedagogical content knowledge (PCK). JurnalPendidikan MIPA, 12 (2),hlm. 88-95.

Harris, D. N. & Sass, T. R. (2006). Teacher training, teacher quality and student achievement. Working paper.

Hayat, S. M. S. (2015). Analisis persepsi mahasiswa terhadap implementasi wacana argumentasi dalam pembelajaran. ProsidingSemnas Sains & Entrepreneurship II, hlm. 403-410.


Herlina, L. (2015). Perkembangan pedagogical content knowledge mahasiswa calon guru biologi peserta program pengalaman lapangan. Tesis.

Bandung : Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia.

Inch, E. S., Warnick, B., &Endres, D. (2006). Critical thinking and communication. Boston : Pearson Education, Inc.

Jalmo, T. &Rustaman, N. Y. (2010). Pengembangan program pelatihanpeningkatankompetensi guru IPA SMP. Forum Pendidikan, 30 (1), hlm. 79-88.

Jimenez-Aleixandre, M.P., Rodriguez, B. A., & Duschl, R A. (2000). “Doing the lesson “ or “doing science”: Argument in high school genetics. Science Education, 84,hlm. 757-792.

Karagos, M. & Cakir, M. (2011). Problem solving in genetics: Conceptual and procedural difficulties. Educational Sciences: Theory & Practice. 11, (3),hlm.1668- 1674.

Kaplan, A. & Maehr, M. L. (1999). Achievement goals and student well-being.

contemporary educational psychology, 24, hlm. 330-358.

Khan, W.& Ullah, H. (2010). Scientific reasoning: A solution to the problem of induction. International Journal of Basic & Ahlmlied Sciences, 10(3),

hlm. 58- 62.

Kurniadi, A. (2015). Analisisreasoning skill siswapadapembelajaranbiologi SMA.

ProsidingSimposiumNasionalInovasidanPembelajaranSains 2015.

Kurniastuti, I. &Azwar, S. (2014). Construction of student wellbeing scale for 4-6thgraders. JurnalPsikologi, 41 (1), hlm 1-16I.

Lee, C. Q., & She, H. C. (2010). Facilitating students‟ conceptual change scientific reasoning involving the unit of combustion. Research in Science Education, 40, hlm. 479-504.

Lee, E &Luft, J. A. (2008). Experienced secondary science teacher‟s representation of pedagogical content knowledge. International Journal of Science Education, 30 (10), hlm. 1343-1363.

Loughran, J., Berry, A., &Mulhall, P. (2012). Undestanding and developing science teacher’s pedagogical content knowledge. Rotterdam : Sense Publisher.


Mary, Holfve, A., & Sabel. (2014). Learning, interaction, and relationship as components of student well-being : Differences between classes from student and teacher perspective. Social Indicators Research, 119, hlm. 1525-1555.

McDonald, C. V. (2013). An examination of preservice primary teachers‟ written

arguments in an open inquiry laboratory task. Science Education International, 24 (3), hlm. 254-281.

Marzano, R. J. (2012). Becoming a reflective teacher[Online]. Diaksesdari: http://pages.solutiontree.com/rs/solutiontree/images/32mwp_BART_cha pter.pdf

Marzano, R.J, et al. (1988). Dimensions of thinking: A framework for Curriculum and instruction. Alexandria, Virginia USA: Association for Supervision and Curriculum Development.

McConnel, T. J., Parker J. M., &Eberhart, J. (2015). Assesingteachers‟ content knowledge : A strategy for assesingdepth of understanding. Journal of Science Teacher Education, 24,hlm. 717-743.

McDonald, C. V. (2013). An examination of preserviceprimary teachers‟ written arguments in an open inquiry laboratory task. Science Education International, 24 (3), hlm. 254-281.

McMellan, R & Steward, S. (2015). Measuring children and young people‟s wellbeing in the school context. Cambridge Journal of Education, 45 (3),

hlm. 307-332.

Mulder, A. M &Cashin, Andrew. (2015). Health and wellbeing in students with very high psychological distress from aregional Australian University.

Advances in Mental Health, 13 (1),hlm. 72-83.

Muthmainnah, R. (2014). Analisis PCK guru dan implementasinya dalam pembelajaran sistem hormon. Tesis. Bandung : Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia.

Nelson, M. D, Tarabochia, D. W., & Koltz, R. L. (2015). PACES : A model of student well-being. Journal of School Counseling.

Nichols, K., Gillies, R., &Hedberg, J. (2015). Argumentation based collaborative inquiry in science through representational work : Impact on primary students‟ representational fluency. Research in Science Education.


Park, S., Jang, J., Chen, Y., & Jung, J. (2011). Is pedagogical content knowledge (PCK) necessary for reformed science teaching? : Evidence from an Empirical Study. Research of Science Education, 41, hlm. 245-260.

Park, S. & Oliver, S. (2008). Revisiting the conceptualisation of pedagogical content knowledge (PCK) : PCK as a conceptual tool to understand teacher as professionals. Research Science Education, 38, hlm. 261-284.

Pollard, E. L., & Lee, P. D. (2003). Child well-being: A systematic review of the literature. Social Indicators Research, 61(1), hlm 59-78.

Ryff. C. D. & Keyes, C. L. M. (1995). The structure of psychological well-being revisited. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 9 (4), hlm. 719-727.

Ruhrig, J. & Hottecke, D. (2015). Components of science teachers‟ professional competence and their orientational frameworks when dealing with uncertain evidence in science teaching. International Journal of Science and Mathematics Education, Special Issue.

Rusmana, N. E. (2014). Perkembangan PCK guru peserta kegiatan MGMP IPA di Kota Sumedang. Tesis. Bandung : Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia.

Sagala, S. (2010). KonsepdanMaknaPembelajaran. Bandung : Alfabeta

Santrock, J. W. (2011). Educational psychology 5th Ed. New York : The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc.

Sherafat, R. (2015). Critical thinking, reasoning, and logical concluding‟ abilities in relation to academic achievement among Indian adolescent students.

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Shemwell, J. T., & Furtak, E. M. (2009). Argument-driven formative assessment for conceptual science learning. California: The Annual Meeting of The American Educational Research Association.

Shulman, L. (1987). Knowledge and teaching: Foundations of the new reform.

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Shulman, L.S. (1986). Those who understand: Knowledge growth in teaching.

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Simosi, M. (2003). Using Toulmin‟sframework for the analysis of everyday argumentation : Some methodological consideration. Argumentation, 16, hlm. 185-202.

Simon, S. & Campbell, S. (2012). Teacher learning and professional development in science education. Dalam Fraser, B. J., Tobin, K. G., dan McRobbie, C. J. (Penyunting). Second International Handbook of Science Education Volume 1. New York: Springer Science and Business Media, hlm. 307-322.

Slade, M. (2001). What is a „good teacher‟?: The views of boys. International Education Journal, 2 (4), hlm. 240-253.

Slavin, R. E. (2006). Educational psychology: Theory and practice, 8thEdition. Boston : Pearson Publishing.

Stiggin, R. G., (1994). Student-centered classroom assessment. New York: McMillan College Pub. Co.

Thomas, N. (2016). Conceptualisations of children‟s wellbeing at school : The contribution of recognition theory. Chidhood, hlm. 1-15.

Tytler, R., Prain, V., Hubber, P., &Waldrip, B. (2013).

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Van-Driel, J. H., Verloop, N., & Vos W. (1998). Developing science teachers‟ pedagogical content knowledge. Journal of Research in Science Teaching, 35 (60), hlm. 673-695.

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Waldrip, B., Cox, P., Deed, C., Dorman, J., Edwars, D., Farrelly, C., Keeffe, M., Lovejoy, V., Mow, L., Prain, V., Sellings, P., &Yager, Z. (2014). Students perceptions of personalised learning: Development and validation of a questionnaire with regional secondary students. Learning Environment Research, 17, hlm. 355-370.


Wallace, J. & Loughran, J. (2012). Science teacher learning. Dalam Fraser, B. J., Tobin, K. G., dan McRobbie, C. J. (Penyunting). Second International Handbook of Science Education Volume 1. New York: Springer Science+Business Media, hlm. 295-306.

Yohafrinal, Damris, &Risnita. (2015). Analysis pedagogical content knowledge mathematic and science‟s teachers SMA Negeri 11 Kota Jambi. Edu-Sains, 4 (2), hlm. 15-24.

Zimmerman, C. (2005). The development of scientific reasoning skills what psychologists contribute to an understanding of elementary science learning. Final Draft of a Report to the National Research Council. Committee on Science Learning Kindergarten through Eighth Grade. Illinois State University.


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