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TABLE OF CONTENTS. No. Title Media Source Page


Academic year: 2021

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Daily News Update Page 1


No. Title Media Source Page

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11.

Wow! February Reference Coal Prices Soared to US$ 87.79 Per Ton

Wus! Harga Batu Bara Acuan Februari Meroket hingga US$87,79 Per Ton

Bukit Asam (PTBA) remains focused on selling coal to the domestic market

Bukit Asam (PTBA) tetap fokus jual batubara ke pasar domestik

Debt Refinancing, Adaro Explores US$ 400 Million Loan

'Refinancing' Utang, Adaro Jajaki Pinjaman US$ 400 Juta

Vale production in 2020 increased slightly by 2% to 72,237 MT

Produksi Vale 2020 Naik Tipis 2% Jadi 72.237 MT

4 Days of Free Fall, Coal Prices Give Signals to Rebound!

4 Hari Terjun Bebas, Harga Batu Bara Beri Sinyal Rebound nih!

MDKA and PSAB Partnership for Pani Mine is Threatened with Failure, Who Will Get More Losses?

Kongsi MDKA dan PSAB di Tambang Pani Terancam Gagal, Siapa yang Lebih Rugi?

Freeport is following government directions for the smelter project

Freeport ikuti arahan pemerintah untuk proyek smelter Tesla to Submit Investment Proposal as Indonesia's Battery Plan Is Taking Shape

Inalum Helps Hydroponic Vegetable Farmers in Kuala Tanjung

Inalum Bantu Petani Sayuran Hidroponik di Kuala Tanjung

Global Environmental Standards Need To Be Applied In The Production Of Nickel Electric Vehicle Batteries

Standar Lingkungan Global Perlu Diterapkan Dalam Produksi Nikel Baterai Kendaraan Listrik

Vale Production Misses, Iron Ore Prices Rebound

Produksi Vale Meleset, Harga Bijih Besi Rebound

Bisnis Kontan Investor Daily Dunia Energi CNBC Indonesia Bisnis Kontan Jakarta Globe Republika Dunia Energi Bisnis 3 4 6 9 10 12 14 16 18 19 21


Daily News Update Page 2 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17.

Argus Media: Indonesia coal exports rise in December Iron ore price surges on Vale’s 2021 production outlook Glencore coal output drops amid soft market

Global gold production drops for the first time in 12 years - report

US mines produced $82.3 billion in minerals in 2020 – report Analysts predict bright prospects for global REE market despite pandemic World Coal Mining.com Australian Mining Kitco News Mining.com

Mining Metal News 23 24 25 26 27 28


Daily News Update Page 3

Wow! February Reference Coal

Prices Soared to US$87.79

Per Ton

Denis Riantiza Meilanova


HE REFERENCE coal price in February 2021 has increased in line with the sentiment formed by the commodity supercycle. The February benchmark coal price (HBA) was set at US$ 87.79 per ton, or a rally of 15.7 percent from the previous month at US$ 75.84 per ton.

"The existence of commodity supercycle sentiment, including the increase in gas prices, has also strengthened coal prices," said the Head of the Communication Bureau, Public Information Services and Cooperation of the Ministry of ESDM, Agung Pribadi in a written statement, Thursday (4/2/2021).

This supercycle signal, he said, is believed to occur this year in various commodities, especially mining commodities. One of the triggers comes from low reference interest rates, a weak US dollar, to economic growth and infrastructure development in various countries.

Apart from the supercycle factor, the main cause of driving the HBA increase is the soaring demand for imports from China. "[China's] domestic coal supply cannot meet coal demand for power plants," said Agung.

Coal prices have recovered in the last 4 months after experiencing pressure throughout 2020 due to the Covid-19 pandemic. The trend of increasing HBAs was seen in October 2020 at US$ 51 per ton,...

Wus! Harga Batu Bara Acuan

Februari Meroket hingga

US$87,79 Per Ton

Denis Riantiza Meilanova


ARGA batu bara acuan pada Februari 2021 mengalami kenaikan seiring dengan sentimen yang dibentuk oleh supercycle komoditas. Harga batu bara acuan (HBA) Februari ditetapkan sebesar US$87,79 per ton atau reli sebanyak 15,7 persen dari bulan sebelumnya sebesar US$75,84 per ton.

"Adanya sentimen commodity supercycle, antara lain kenaikan harga gas ikut memperkuat harga batu bara," ujar Kepala Biro Komunikasi, Layanan Informasi Publik dan Kerja Sama Kementerian ESDM Agung Pribadi melalui keterangan tertulis-nya, Kamis (4/2/2021).

Sinyal supercycle ini, katanya, diyakini akan terjadi pada tahun ini pada berbagai komoditas, terutama komoditas pertam-bangan. Salah satu pemicunya berasal dari suku bunga acuan yang rendah, dolar Amerika Serikat yang lemah, hingga pertumbuhan ekonomi serta pem -bangunan infrastruktur di berbagai negara. Selain faktor supercycle, penyebab utama dari pendorong kenaikan HBA adalah melonjaknya permintaan impor dari China. "Suplai batu bara domestik [China] tidak dapat memenuhi kebutuhan batu bara pembangkit listrik," kata Agung.

Harga batu bara kembali pulih dalam 4 bulan terakhir setelah sepanjang 2020 mengalami tekanan akibat pandemi Covid-19. Tren peningkatan HBA terlihat pada Oktober 2020 sebesar US$51 per ton,...


Daily News Update Page 4 The trend of increasing HBAs was seen in

October 2020 at US$ 51 per ton, then rising to US$ 55.71 per ton in November 2020, December 2020 at US$ 59.65 per ton, and January 2021 rising to US$ 75.84 per ton. "Over the past 4 months the price of coal has continued to go to a psychological level," said Agung.

Changes in HBA are also caused by derivative factors of supply and demand derivatives. The derivative factors of supply are influenced by weather, mining engineering, supply country policies, to supply chain techniques such as trains, barges, and loading terminals.

Meanwhile, demand derivative factors are influenced by the decreasing demand for electricity which correlates with industrial conditions, import policies, and compe-tition with other energy commodities, such as LNG, nuclear, and hydro.

Later, this February HBA will be used to determine the price of coal at the point of delivery for free on board on board the carrier (FOB vessel). Editor: Zufrizal

Tren peningkatan HBA terlihat pada Oktober 2020 sebesar US$51 per ton, kemudian naik ke US$55,71 per ton pada November 2020, Desember 2020 US$59,65 per ton, dan Januari 2021 naik menjadi US$75,84 per ton. "Selama 4 bulan terakhir harga batu bara terus menuju ke level psikologis," kata Agung.

Perubahan HBA juga diakibatkan oleh faktor turunan pasokan dan faktor turunan permintaan. Untuk faktor turunan pasokan dipengaruhi oleh cuaca, teknis tambang, kebijakan negara pemasok, hingga teknis di rantai pasok seperti kereta, tongkang, maupun loading terminal.

Sementara itu, untuk faktor turunan per-mintaan dipengaruhi oleh kebutuhan listrik yang turun berkorelasi dengan kondisi industri, kebijakan impor, dan kompetisi dengan komoditas energi lain, seperti LNG, nuklir, dan hidro.

Nantinya, HBA Februari ini akan diper-gunakan pada penentuan harga batu bara pada titik serah penjualan secara free on board di atas kapal pengangkut (FOB vessel).

Editor : Zufrizal

Bukit Asam (PTBA) remains

focused on selling coal to the

domestic market

Reporter: Dimas Andi | Editor: Khomarul Hidayat


T BUKIT Asam Tbk (PTBA) is keeping a close watch on the effects of the recent rising trend in global coal prices. This MIND ID subsidiary also remains focused on selling coal to the domestic market.

Bukit Asam (PTBA) tetap fokus

jual batubara ke pasar


Reporter: Dimas Andi | Editor: Khomarul Hidayat


T BUKIT Asam Tbk (PTBA) tetap men-cermati efek tren kenaikan harga batubara global yang terjadi belakangan ini. Anak usaha MIND ID ini pun tetap fokus pada penjualan batubara ke pasar domestik.


Daily News Update Page 5 Bukit Asam Corporate Secretary

Apollonius Andwie C. conveyed that the increasing trend of coal prices in the global market would certainly be a positive signal for the recovery in demand, especially from China, which is the main consumer of coal. The trend of improving coal demand is believed to continue along with the effect of the start of the Co vid-19 vaccination program in various countries. "With the vaccine, it is hoped that this pandemic can be overcome and the need for energy fuel will recover," said the figure who is familiarly called Pollo, Thursday (4/2).

On paper, soaring coal prices can trigger an increase in exports from these commodity producers. Related to this, Bukit Asam Management ensures that it will remain focused on prioritizing domestic coal sales. Pollo said that basically PTBA always supports and strives to fulfill the domestic market obligation (DMO) policy that has been directed by the government through the Ministry of ESDM. Moreover, the demand for coal in Indonesia is actually quite high, especially in the power generation sector.

For the record, last year the realization of domestic coal utilization was at the level of 132 million tons. As for this year, the target volume for domestic coal utilization is set at 137.5 million tons.

Although it has not been announced in detail, 55% of PTBA's production in 2020 can be absorbed by the domestic market. "That number far exceeds the minimum DMO percentage requirement of 25%," explained Pollo.

PTBA's commitment to strive to meet domestic demand for coal is certain to continue this year and beyond.

Sekretaris Perusahaan Bukit Asam Apollonius Andwie C. menyampaikan, tren kenaikan harga batubara di pasar global tentu menjadi sinyal positif akan pulihnya permintaan, khususnya dari negara China yang notabene menjadi konsumen utama batubara. Tren perbaikan permintaan batubara dipercaya terus berlanjut seiring efek dimulainya program vaksinasi Covid-19 di berbagai negara.

“Dengan adanya vaksin, diharapkan pandemi ini bisa diatasi dan kebutuhan akan bahan bakar energi kembali pulih,” ujar sosok yang akrab disapa Pollo ter-sebut, Kamis (4/2).

Di atas kertas, melonjaknya harga batubara dapat memicu peningkatan ekspor dari para produsen komoditas tersebut. Terkait hal tersebut, Manajemen Bukit Asam me-mastikan akan tetap fokus memprioritas-kan penjualan batubara di dalam negeri. Pollo berujar, pada dasarnya PTBA selalu mendukung dan berupaya memenuhi kebijakan domestic market obligation (DMO) yang telah diarahkan oleh pemerintah melalui Kementerian ESDM. Terlebih lagi, kebutuhan batubara di Indonesia sejatinya cukup tinggi terutama di sektor pembangkit listrik.

Sekadar catatan, tahun lalu realisasi pemanfaatan batubara domestik berada di level 132 juta ton. Adapun di tahun ini, target volume pemanfaatan batubara domestik ditetapkan sebesar 137,5 juta ton.

Meski belum diumumkan secara rinci, 55% produksi PTBA pada tahun 2020 mampu diserap oleh pasar domestik. “Jumlah itu jauh melebihi ketentuan persentase minimal DMO sebesar 25%,” terang Pollo. Komitmen PTBA untuk berusaha me-menuhi kebutuhan batubara di dalam negeri dipastikan berlanjut pada tahun ini dan seterusnya.


Daily News Update Page 6 Apart from that, PTBA is also looking for

opportunities through selling coal in the export market in line with the trend of rising prices. So far, PTBA has several export destination countries such as India, Taiwan, Thailand, Vietnam, Hong Kong, China and other countries. "For exports, the majority still go to Asia, especially East Asia and South Asia," he said.

Furthermore, PTBA is reluctant to respond to the deteriorating political situation in Myanmar. The state-owned company does not actually export coal to Myanmar this year. As a result, such sentiment does not affect PTBA's coal export plan.

For information, PTBA has not disclosed the realization of coal production in 2020 and production targets in 2021.

Last year, PTBA targeted the adjusted coal production to reach 25.1 million tons. Meanwhile, until the third quarter of 2020, PTBA's coal production reached 19.4 million tons.

Terlepas dari itu, PTBA juga tetap mencari peluang melalui penjualan batubara di pasar ekspor seiring dengan tren kenaikan harga. Sejauh ini, PTBA memiliki beberapa negara tujuan ekspor seperti India, Taiwan, Thailand, Vietnam, Hongkong, China, dan negara-negara lainnya. “Untuk ekspor, mayoritas masih ke kawasan Asia, terutama Asia Timur dan Asia Selatan,” tutur dia. Lebih lanjut, PTBA enggan menggapi soal situasi politik yang memburuk di Myanmar. Emiten pelat merah tersebut sejatinya tidak mengekspor batubara ke Myanmar pada tahun ini. Alhasil, sentimen demikian tidak mempengaruhi rencana ekspor batubara PTBA.

Sebagai informasi, PTBA belum mengungkap-kan realisasi produksi batubara di tahun 2020 dan target produksi di tahun 2021.

Tahun lalu, PTBA menargetkan produksi batubara yang telah disesuaikan sebanyak 25,1 juta ton. Sedangkan sampai kuartal ketiga 2020, produksi batubara PTBA men-capai 19,4 juta ton.

Debt Refinancing, Adaro

Explores US$ 400 Million Loan

Farid Firdaus


T ADARO Energy Tbk (ADRO) is reportedly exploring a loan of US$ 400 million from a syndicated bank. The loan will be used to pay off (refinancing) the debt.

Global Capital Asia reports that the coal company has submitted proposals to a number of credit groups. Creditors who are interested in making loans are given until mid-February to submit bids.

'Refinancing' Utang, Adaro

Jajaki Pinjaman US$ 400 Juta

Farid Firdaus


T ADARO Energy Tbk (ADRO) dikabar-kan tengah menjajaki pinjaman sebesar US$ 400 juta dari sindikasi bank. Pinjaman tersebut akan digunakan untuk melunasi (refinancing) utang.

Global Capital Asia melaporkan, perusaha-an batu bara tersebut telah menyampaikperusaha-an proposal kepada sejumlah grup kreditur. Para kreditur yang berminat mengucurkan pinjaman diberikan waktu hingga per-tengahan Februari untuk menyampaikan penawaran.


Daily News Update Page 7 Regarding the report, Adaro Energy's Head

of Corporate Communication Febriati Nadira said the company will always strive to strengthen its capital structure, including from external funding sources. "The source can be from bonds or loans," he told Investor Daily, Thursday (4/2). One of the company's biggest debts is a syndicated loan with a ceiling of up to US$ 1 billion from 14 international banks which was obtained on August 25, 2014. At that time, this loan was used to pay off bonds and refinance old syndicated loans. The loan will mature on August 25, 2021. Meanwhile, until the third quarter of 2020, Adaro had made an installment payment of US$ 108 million. The outstanding loan balance from this loan facility is US$ 448 million or decreased from the end of December 2019 which was US$ 556 million.

The company maintains a solid free cash flow of US$ 428 million until the third quarter of 2020, up 10% compared to the same period in 2019 which amounted to US$ 437 million. The company continues to implement operational efficiency and strengthen its capital structure amid the economic slowdown due to the pandemic. Meanwhile, the international rating agency, Fitch Ratings, estimates that the performance of domestic coal mining companies will improve in 2021, in line with the improvement in coal prices. In addition, the coal sales volume of Indonesian mining issuers is also predicted to increase, which will also support a slight increase in the credit metrics of each issuer.

Fitch assumes that Indonesia's coal price will recover 4,200 kcal calories in 2021 to US$ 32.5 per ton compared to 2020 at US$ 27 per ton. Price improvements are also starting to appear at the end of 2020 as estimated.

Terkait laporan tersebut, Head of Corporate Communication Adaro Energy Febriati Nadira mengatakan, perseroan akan selalu berupaya memperkuat struktur permodalan, termasuk dari sumber pendanaan eksternal. “Sumbernya bisa dari bond atau loan,” kata dia kepada Investor Daily, Kamis (4/2).

Adapun salah satu utang terbesar perseroan adalah pinjaman sindikasi dengan plafon hingga US$ 1 miliar dari 14 bank inter-nasional yang diraih pada 25 Agustus 2014. Ketika itu, pinjaman ini digunakan untuk melunasi obligasi dan refinancing pinjaman sindikasi lama. Jatuh tempo pinjaman ini pada 25 Agustus 2021.

Sementara itu, hingga kuartal III-2020, Adaro telah melakukan pembayaran cicilan sebesar US$ 108 juta. Saldo pinjaman yang terutang dari fasilitas pinjaman ini sebesar US$ 448 juta atau turun dari periode akhir Desember 2019 yang sebesar US$ 556 juta.

Perseroan tetap mempertahankan arus kas bebas yang solid US$ 428 juta hingga kuartal III-2020, naik 10% dibandingkan periode sama 2019 yang sebesar US$ 437 juta. Perseroan terus menerapkan efisiensi operasional dan memperkuat struktur permodalan di tengah perlambatan ekonomi akibat pandemi.

Sementara itu, lembaga pemeringkat inter-nasional, Fitch Ratings memperkirakan kinerja emiten pertambangan batu bara domestik lebih baik pada 2021, seiring dengan perbaikan harga batu bara. Selain itu, volume penjualan batu bara dari emiten pertambangan Indonesia diprediksi turut meningkat, yang juga akan mendukung sedikit peningkatan dalam metrik kredit setiap emiten.

Fitch mengasumsikan pemulihan harga batu bara Indonesia berkalori 4.200 kcal pada 2021 menjadi US$ 32,5 per ton dibandingkan 2020 sebesar US$ 27 per ton. Perbaikan harga juga mulai tampak pada akhir 2020 seperti yang diestimasikan.


Daily News Update Page 8 Fitch estimates that the coal industry's

production volume can grow by 6% in 2021 compared to a decrease of 3% in 2020. The increase in production will help coal companies to get better revenue in 2021, considering that most issuers have succeeded in reducing production costs by 2020.

As of last November, Fitch Ratings still maintained a stable outlook for PT Adaro Indonesia, a subsidiary of PT Adaro Energy Tbk, PT Bayan Resources Tbk (BYAN), and Golden Energy and Resources Ltd (GEAR) which is part of the Sinarmas Group. Excellence

Mirae Asset Sekuritas Indonesia analyst Andy Wibowo Gunawan revealed that Adaro Energy is a coal mining company with the largest reserves. "This large reserve will be a competitive advantage for the company in the long run," he wrote in his research recently.

Assuming the company's coal production reaches 52 million tons per year, the mining life time of the company is more than 20 years. Adaro also has an engine for future growth, namely the Kestrel coal mine in Australia. This is an added value for the company.

Andy predicts that the selling price of coal will be in the range of US$ 70 per ton in 2021 and is expected to increase to US$ 75 per ton in 2022. However, the trend of rising selling prices has not been matched by stable production. This makes Adaro Energy's estimated financial performance in 2021 and 2022 lower than originally estimated.

The company's coal production volume in 2021 is revised down from 54 million tons to 52 million tons. Meanwhile, the selling price is estimated to remain at the level of US$ 70 per ton. With this assumption,...

Fitch mengestimasikan volume produksi

industri batu bara bisa tumbuh 6% pada 2021 dibandingkan dengan penurunan sebesar 3% pada 2020. Kenaikan produksi akan membantu emiten batu bara untuk mendapatkan penda-patan yang lebih baik pada 2021, mengingat sebagian besar emiten telah berhasil menekan biaya produksi pada 2020.

Per November lalu, Fitch Ratings masih mem-pertahankan outlook stabil terhadap PT Adaro Indonesia, anak usaha PT Adaro Energy Tbk, PT Bayan Resources Tbk (BYAN), serta Golden Energy and Resources Ltd (GEAR) yang merupakan bagian dari Grup Sinarmas.


Analis Mirae Asset Sekuritas Indonesia Andy Wibowo Gunawan mengungkapkan, Adaro Energy merupakan perusahaan pertambangan batu bara dengan cadangan terbesar. “Cadangan yang besar ini akan menjadi keunggulan kompetitif bagi perseroan dalam jangka panjang,” tulis dia dalam risetnya, baru-baru ini.

Dengan mengasumsikan produksi batu bara perseroan yang mencapai 52 juta ton per tahun, jangka waktu penambangan (life time) tambang perseroan lebih dari 20 tahun. Adaro juga memiliki mesin pertumbuhan ke depan, yaitu tambang batu bara Kestrel di Australia. Hal itu menjadi nilai tambah bagi perseroan.

Andy memprediksi harga jual batu bara pada kisaran US$ 70 per ton pada 2021 dan di-harapkan meningkat menjadi US$ 75 per ton pada 2022. Namun, tren kenaikan harga jual tersebut tidak diimbangi dengan produksi yang stabil. Hal itu membuat estimasi kinerja keuangan Adaro Energy pada 2021 dan 2022 lebih rendah dari perkiraan semula.

Volume produksi batu bara perseroan tahun 2021 direvisi turun dari 54 juta ton menjadi 52 juta ton. Sedangkan harga jual diper-kirakan bertahan pada level US$ 70 per ton. Dengan asumsi tersebut,...


Daily News Update Page 9 With this assumption, the company's

revenue estimate for 2021 will be lowered from US$ 2.68 billion to US$ 2.54 billion. The estimated net profit was also cut from US$ 338 million to US$ 323 million.

However, Mirae Asset Sekuritas raised the recommendation for ADRO shares to buy with a target price of Rp 1,765. The short-term catalyst for the strengthening of ADRO's price comes from the increase in global coal selling prices. Editor: Jauhari Mahardhika

Dengan asumsi tersebut, perkiraan penda-patan perseroan tahun 2021 diturunkan dari US$ 2,68 miliar menjadi US$ 2,54 miliar. Estimasi laba bersih juga dipangkas dari US$ 338 juta menjadi US$ 323 juta. Meski demikian, Mirae Asset Sekuritas menaikkan rekomendasi saham ADRO menjadi beli dengan target harga Rp 1.765. Katalis jangka pendek penguatan harga ADRO berasal dari kenaikan harga jual batu bara global. Editor : Jauhari Mahardhika

Vale production in 2020

increased slightly by 2% to

72,237 MT

Rio Indrawan


RODUCTION of nickel in matte PT Vale Indonesia Tbk (INCO) throughout 2020 increased 2% to 72,237 metric tons (MT) compared to 2019 realization of 71,025 MT. Nico Kanter, Chief Executive Officer and President Director of Vale Indonesia, said that in the last quarter of last year there was actually a decrease in production compared to the third quarter and the fourth quarter of 2019.

In the last three months of 2020, Vale's nickel production was only 16,445 MT, a decrease compared to the third quarter of 2020 of 19,447 MT and production in the fourth quarter of 2019 which could reach 20,494 MT. Fortunately, the decline in production at the end of last year did not affect overall nickel production. The decline in production at the end of last year was the result of the maintenance of the Vale mining facilities and equipment that the company had planned.

Produksi Vale 2020 Naik Tipis

2% Jadi 72.237 MT

Rio Indrawan


RODUKSI nikel dalam matte PT Vale Indonesia Tbk (INCO) sepanjang 2020 naik 2% menjadi 72.237 metrik ton (MT) dibanding realisasi 2019 sebesar 71.025 MT. Nico Kanter, Chief Executive Officer dan Presiden Direktur Vale Indoesia, mengatakan pada kuartal terakhir tahun lalu sebenarnya terjadi penurunan produksi jika dibandingkan kuartal III maupun kuartal IV 2019.

Tiga bulan terakhir 2020 produksi nikel Vale hanya 16.445 MT, menurun dibanding kuartal III 2020 sebesar 19.447 MT maupun produksi kuartal IV 2019 yang bisa mencapai 20.494 MT. Untungnya penurunan produksi pada akhir tahun lalu tidak mempengaruhi produksi nikel secara keseluruhan. Penurunan produksi akhir tahun lalu sebagai dampak dari dilaku-kannya pemeliharan fasilitas maupun peralatan tambang Vale yang sudah di-rencanakan perusahaan.


Daily News Update Page 10 "Production in the fourth quarter of 2020

was 16% and 20% lower than the production volume in the third quarter of 2020 and the fourth quarter of 2019 which was due to planned maintenance activities," said Nico, Friday (5/2).

Vale's management previously targeted nickel in matte production throughout 2020 to be 73,700 tons. At that time, Vale said that one of the operational challenges was the Covid-19 pandemic. (RI)

“Produksi pada kuartal IV 2020 itu 16% dan 20% lebih rendah dibandingkan volume produksi pada kuartal III 2020 dan kuartal IV 2019 yang disebabkan oleh aktivitas pemeliharaan yang terencana,” kata Nico, Jumat (5/2).

Manajemen Vale sebelumnya menargetkan produksi nikel dalam matte sepanjang 2020 sebesar 73.700 ton. Vale saat itu menye-butkan salah satu tantangan operasional adalah adanya pandemi Covid-19. (RI)

4 Days of Free Fall, Coal Prices

Give Signals to Rebound!

Tirta Citradi, CNBC Indonesia


FTER a free fall in trade for 4 days in a row, the price of coal has finally risen. The ICE Newcastle coal futures contract price ended up 1.07% higher than the previous closing position.

The coal price had dropped below US$ 80/ton or to be precise to US$ 79.6/ton on February 3, 2020. This is the lowest coal price since January 7, 2021. However, yesterday the contract price that was actively traded on the futures exchange returned penetrated to the level of US$ 80.45/ton.

The price of the rock has touched the lowest point (bottom) so it is natural that it strengthens. Seeing the historical trend, coal prices will shoot up and touch new highs after a significant drop.

The price went to US$ 91/ton and became the highest price for this year. A more positive prospect for coal in 2021 provides an opportunity for prices to rise to US$ 100/ton. However, it still has to pass the psychological level of US$ 95/ton first.

4 Hari Terjun Bebas, Harga Batu

Bara Beri Sinyal Rebound nih!

Tirta Citradi, CNBC Indonesia


ETELAH terjun bebas dalam perdagangan 4 hari beruntun harga batu bara akhirnya naik juga. Harga kontrak futures (berjangka) batu bara ICE Newcastle berakhir menguat 1,07% dibanding posisi penutupan sebelumnya.

Harga batu bara sempat ambrol ke bawah US$ 80/ton atau tepatnya ke US$ 79,6/ton pada 3 Februari 2020. Ini menjadi harga batu bara terendah sejak 7 Januari 2021. Namun kemarin harga kontrak yang aktif ditransaksikan di bursa berjangka tersebut kembali tembus ke level US$ 80,45/ton. Harga si batu legam sudah menyentuh titik terendah (bottom) sehingga wajar jika menguat. Melihat tren historisnya harga batu bara akan melesat dan menyentuh rekor tertinggi barunya setelah drop signifikan. Harga sempat ke US$ 91/ton dan menjadi harga tertinggi untuk tahun ini. Prospek batu bara yang lebih positif di tahun 2021 membuka peluang harga untuk naik ke US$ 100/ton. Namun tetap harus melewati level psikologis US$ 95/ton terlebih dahulu.


Daily News Update Page 11 The price of coal began to be under severe

pressure since the last quarter of 2018. The trend of correction continues until 2019. Prices are increasingly falling when the Covid-19 pandemic breaks out in 2020. Even the ICE Newcastle coal contract price fell below US$ 50/ton. Only then did the coal price go uptrend because there was improvement in terms of its fundamentals, especially supported by the stretching economy of China as the world's largest coal consumer.

The decline in Newcastle coal prices followed the drop in China's domestic thermal coal price Qinhuangdao. Last weekend, China's benchmark coal price dropped 14%. One tonne of Chinese local thermal coal is pegged at RMB 768/tonne. Despite the plunge, China's benchmark coal price is still much higher than the price targeted by the government. In China there is such a thing as a green zone. The government is targeting domestic coal prices, especially for the thermal type, in the range of RMB 500 - 570 per ton.

This means that there is a difference of almost RMB 200/ton or almost the equivalent of US$ 31/dollar from the upper limit of this primary energy commodity price. The difference (spread) in the price of Australian and Chinese coal has narrowed. However, the difference is still above average for the last 10 years.

The price of coal has appreciated in line with the improving economic prospects in 2021, especially in China. The increase in demand for Chinese coal cannot be met with domestic supply because it is not sufficient.

Extreme weather and increasing demand for electricity have made the demand for coal imports in Panda Country to increase. Launching Reuters,...

Harga batu bara mulai tertekan hebat sejak kuartal terakhir tahun 2018. Tren koreksi terus terjadi hingga tahun 2019. Harga semakin ambrol ketika pandemi Covid-19 merebak di tahun 2020.

Bahkan harga kontrak batu bara ICE Newcastle sempat jatuh ke bawah US$ 50/ton. Baru setelah itu harga batu bara uptrend karena ada perbaikan dari sisi fundamentalnya terutama ditopang oleh geliat ekonomi China sebagai konsumen batu bara terbesar dunia.

Penurunan harga batu bara Newcastle mengekor anjloknya harga batu bara termal domestik China Qinhuangdao. Akhir pekan lalu harga batu bara acuan China ini anjlok 14%. Untuk satu ton batu bara termal lokal China ini dipatok di RMB 768/ton.

Kendati anjlok, harga batu bara acuan China masih jauh lebih tinggi dibanding harga yang ditargetkan oleh pemerintah. Di China ada yang namanya zona hijau. Pemerintah menarget harga batu bara domestiknya terutama untuk yang berjenis termal di kisaran RMB 500 - 570 per ton. Itu artinya ada selisih sekitar hampir RMB 200/ton atau hampir setara dengan US$ 31/dolar dari batas wajar tertinggi harga komoditas energi primer ini. Selisih (spread) harga batu bara Australia dan China pun menyempit. Namun tetap saja selisihnya masih di atas rata sejak hampir 10 tahun terakhir.

Harga batu bara mengalami apresiasi seiring dengan prospek perekonomian di tahun 2021 yang membaik terutama di China. Kenaikan permintaan batu bara China tidak bisa dipenuhi dengan pasokan domestik karena memang tidak mencukupi.

Cuaca ekstrem dan kebutuhan listrik yang meningkat membuat permintaan impor batu bara Negeri Panda mengalami kenaikan. Melansir Reuters,...


Daily News Update Page 12 Launching Reuters, China's coal imports in

January 2021 are estimated to reach 20.75 million tons, an increase from December and November last year, which were only 18.74 million tons and 10.21 million tons, respectively.

Apart from the increasing demand for Chinese coal, the price of liquefied natural gas (LNG), which is also a coal substitute product, shot up sharply. This makes coal consumers and users, especially power generation companies, tend to switch to using coal because it is cheaper. CNBC INDONESIA RESEARCH TEAM (twg/twg)

Melansir Reuters, impor batu bara China di bulan Januari 2021 diperkirakan tembus 20,75 juta ton atau naik dari bulan Desember dan November tahun lalu yang masing-masing hanya 18,74 juta ton dan 10,21 juta ton.

Selain peningkatan permintaan batu bara China, harga gas alam cair (LNG) yang juga merupakan produk substitusi batu bara melesat tajam. Hal ini membuat para konsumen dan pengguna batu bara terutama perusahaan pembangkit listrik cenderung beralih menggunakan batu bara karena lebih murah. TIM RISET CNBC INDONESIA (twg/twg)

MDKA and PSAB Partnership for

Pani Mine is Threatened with

Failure, Who Will Get More


Finna U. Ulfah


ONFUSION between PT Merdeka Copper Gold Tbk. and PT J Resources Asia Pasifik Tbk. threatens the sustainability of the two companies' planned cooperation in the Pani mine, which should be a positive catalyst for the performance of each issuer. For information, PT Merdeka Copper Gold Tbk. (MDKA) through PT Pani Bersama Tambang (PBT), sued subsidiary PT J Resources Asia Pasifik Tbk. (PSAB), PT J Resources Nusantara (JRN), at the Singapore International Arbitration Center (SIAC).

The case was related to the imple-mentation of the Conditional Shares Sale and Purchase Agreement (CSPA) on 25 November 2019 as amended on 16 December 2019.

Kongsi MDKA dan PSAB di

Tambang Pani Terancam Gagal,

Siapa yang Lebih Rugi?

Finna U. Ulfah


ISRUH antara PT Merdeka Copper Gold Tbk. dan PT J Resources Asia Pasifik Tbk. mengancam keberlanjutan rencana kerja sama kedua perseroan di tambang Pani, yang seharusnya menjadi katalis positif bagi kinerja masing-masing emiten.

Untuk diketahui, PT Merdeka Copper Gold Tbk. (MDKA) melalui PT Pani Bersama Tambang (PBT), menggugat anak usaha PT J Resources Asia Pasifik Tbk. (PSAB), PT J Resources Nusantara (JRN), di Singapore International Arbitration Centre (SIAC). Perkara tersebut terkait pelaksanaan Conditional Shares Sale and Purchase Agreement (CSPA) tanggal 25 November 2019 sebagaimana diubah pada tanggal 16 Desember 2019.


Daily News Update Page 13 PBT assesses that JRN has failed to carry

out its obligations in meeting the preliminary requirements needed for the completion of the CSPA.

PBT asked JRN to fulfill all of its obligations under CSPA or to pay compensation to PBT in the amount of around US$ 500 million to US$ 600 million. However, neither PBT nor JRN has ended the CSPA.

Meanwhile, the CSPA is related to the plan to merge IUP Pani owned by MDKA and Project Pani owned by PSAB into one joint project so that the overall material reserves will be greater than if the projects were developed separately.

RHB Sekuritas analyst Ghibran Al Imran said that if PSAB fails to meet preliminary requirements, the cooperation plan at the Pani gold mine is in danger of failing which should benefit both parties.

"If the JV fails, this could actually be more detrimental to PSAB, especially if the compensation paid and the size of the resources owned by PSAB in the Pani project is smaller than that of MDKA, so seen from the proportion of total resources it also has more impact on PSAB," said Ghibran to Bisnis, Thursday (4/2/2021). In the Pani mine, MDKA owns 66.7 percent of shares in Pani's mining business license (IUP) through PT Pani Bersama Jaya, PBT's business capital. The IUP has mineral resources of 89.5 million tonnes and gold content of 0.82 grams per tonne for 2.37 million ounces of gold.

Meanwhile, PSAB controls 100 percent of the interest in the Pani project through JRN. The Pani project is estimated to contain 72.7 million tonnes of mineral resources at a gold grade of 0.98 gram/ tonne for 2.3 million ounces of gold.

PBT menilai JRN telah gagal melakukan kewajibannya dalam memenuhi per-syaratan pendahuluan yang diperlukan untuk penyelesaian CSPA itu.

PBT meminta JRN harus memenuhi seluruh kewajibannya berdasarkan CSPA atau membayar ganti rugi kepada PBT dalam jumlah sekitar US$500 juta hingga US$600 juta. Namun, baik PBT maupun JRN belum ada yang mengakhiri CSPA itu. Adapun, CSPA itu terkait rencana

peng-gabungan IUP Pani yang dimiliki oleh MDKA dan Proyek Pani yang dimiliki oleh PSAB menjadi satu proyek bersama sehingga cadangan keseluruhan secara material akan lebih besar daripada apabila proyek-proyek tersebut dikembangkan secara terpisah.

Analis RHB Sekuritas Ghibran Al Imran mengatakan bahwa jika PSAB gagal me-menuhi persyaratan pendahuluan, rencana kerja sama di tambang emas Pani terancam gagal yang seharusnya saling meng-untungkan kedua belah pihak.

“Kalau JV gagal, ini bisa lebih merugikan PSAB sebenarnya, apalagi kalau bayar kompensasinya dan size resource yang dimiliki PSAB di proyek Pani pun lebih kecil dibandingkan dengan MDKA, jadi dilihat dari proporsi total resourcesnya juga lebih impact ke PSAB,” ujar Ghibran kepada Bisnis, Kamis (4/2/2021).

Di tambang Pani, MDKA memiliki 66,7 persen saham dalam izin usaha pertam-bangan (IUP) Pani melalui PT Pani Bersama Jaya, ibu usaha PBT. IUP tersebut memiliki sumber daya mineral sebanyak 89,5 juta ton dan kadar emas 0,82 gram per ton untuk 2,37 juta ons emas.

Sementara itu, PSAB mengendalikan 100 persen kepentingan dalam proyek Pani melalui JRN. Proyek Pani diestimasi meng-andung sumber daya mineral 72,7 juta ton pada kadar emas 0,98 gram/ton untuk 2,3 juta ons emas.


Daily News Update Page 14 "However, overall I regret if PSAB and

MDKA fail to form a JV, because the land in the middle has not been dredged, so that [resources] are just wasted so they are actually losers," said Ghibran.

On the other hand, at the close of trade on Thursday (4/2/2021) both MDKA and PSAB parked in the red zone. MDKA closed at Rp2,480, corrected 3.5 percent, while PSAB dropped 6.84 percent to Rp218.

Editor: Hafiyyan

“Namun, secara keseluruhan saya menya-yangkan jika PSAB dan MDKA gagal mem-bentuk JV, karena tanah yang di tengah tidak jadi di keruk, sehingga [resources] kebuang aja gitu jadi sama-sama rugi sebenarnya,” papar Ghibran.

Di sisi lain, pada penutupan perdagangan Kamis (4/2/2021) baik MDKA maupun PSAB sama-sama parkir di zona merah. MDKA ditutup di level Rp2.480, terkoreksi 3,5 persen, sedangkan PSAB anjlok 6,84 persen ke level Rp218. Editor : Hafiyyan

Freeport is following

government directions for the

smelter project

Reporter: Filemon Agung, Ridwan Nanda Mulyana | Editor: Handoyo


T FREEPORT Indonesia (PTFI) ensures that it will continue to follow government directions regarding the smelter construc-tion plan.

Previously, the Coordinating Minister for Maritime Affairs and Investment (Kemen-ko Marves) Luhut Binsar Pandjaitan revealed that Tsingshan and PT Freeport Indonesia were on the verge of a cooperation agreement to build a copper smelter in Weda Bay, Halmahera.

On the other hand, Freeport also currently has homework to complete the cons-truction of the second smelter in Manyar, Gresik.

Vice President (VP) of Corporate Communications of PT Freeport Indonesia, Riza Pratama, said that so far his party is still committed to implementing the smelter project in Gresik.

Freeport ikuti arahan

pemerintah untuk proyek


Reporter: Filemon Agung, Ridwan Nanda Mulyana | Editor: Handoyo


T FREEPORT Indonesia (PTFI) me-mastikan bakal tetap mengikuti arahan pemerintah terkait rencana pembangunan smelter.

Sebelumnya, Menteri Koordinator Bidang Kemaritiman dan Investasi (Kemenko Marves) Luhut Binsar Pandjaitan meng-ungkapkan Tsingshan dan PT Freeport Indonesia diambang kesepakatan kerja-sama untuk membangun smelter tembaga di Weda Bay, Halmahera.

Disisi lain, Freeport juga kini masih me-miliki pekerjaan rumah untuk menuntas-kan pembangunan smelter kedua di Manyar, Gresik.

Vice President (VP) Coorporate Communications PT Freeport Indonesia, Riza Pratama mengungkapkan sejauh ini pihaknya masih berkomitmen melaksana-kan proyek smelter di Gresik.


Daily News Update Page 15 "PTFI remains committed to building a

second smelter in Manyar, Gresik as part of the agreement in the previous divestment process," Riza explained to Kontan.co.id, Thursday (4/2).

Riza was unable to say further about the discussion process with Tsingshan. According to him, currently the assessment process is still ongoing according to the government's direction. Riza added that PTFI completely left it to the government regarding which smelter project to work on. "But PTFI's commitment remains unchanged," said Riza.

In Kontan.co.id's notes, Luhut conveyed that the cooperation agreement between Tsingshan and Freeport was a driving force for investment in Indonesia, especially from the downstream side of the mine which had been intense in the last six years.

"This is the finalization of the agreement between Tsingshan and Freeport in Weda Bay, Halmahera. It will make a copper smelter which partly produces sulfuric acid," Luhut said in an online interview on a TV broadcast, Wednesday (3/2).

Furthermore, Luhut explained, the sulfuric acid produced by the Freeport-Tsingshan consortium smelter will be integrated with the nickel ore smelter as part of lithium battery production. Meanwhile, the Freeport agreement with the Chinese company will reach US$ 2.8 billion.

"So if all goes according to plan, because the Ore smelter is already running, then in 2023 we will produce the NM811 lithium battery, which is the newest technology," continued Luhut.

For information, cooperation with third parties is an option to build a new smelter. This is to fulfill Freeport Indonesia's obligations in accordance with the IUPK it received in December 2018.

"PTFI tetap berkomitmen untuk mem-bangun smelter kedua di Manyar, Gresik sebagai bagian dari kesepakatan dalam proses divestasi yang lalu," jelas Riza kepada Kontan.co.id, Kamis (4/2).

Riza pun belum bisa mengemukakan lebih jauh mengenai proses diskusi dengan Tsingshan. Menurutnya, saat ini proses penjajakan masih berlangsung sesuai arahan pemerintah. Riza menambahkan, PTFI menyerahkan sepenuhnya kepada pemerintah terkait proyek smelter mana yang bakal digarap. "Tetapi komitmen PTFI tetap tidak berubah," tegas Riza.

Dalam catatan Kontan.co.id, Luhut menyampaikan, kesepakatan kerjasama antara Tsingshan dan Freeport menjadi pendorong investasi di Indonesia, khususnya dari sisi hilirisasi tambang yang gencar dalam enam tahun belakangan ini. "Ini finalisasi perjanjian antara Tsingshan dengan Freeport di Weda Bay, Halmahera. Itu akan membuat smelter dari copper yang sebagian menghasilkan asam sulfat," kata Luhut dalam wawancara daring dalam salah satu siaran TV, Rabu (3/2).

Lebih lanjut, Luhut menjelaskan, asam sulfat yang dihasilkan oleh smelter Freeport-konsorsium Tsingshan akan terintegrasi dengan smelter nikel ore sebagai bagian dari produksi lithium battery. Adapun, kese-pakatan Freeport dengan perusahaan asal China itu akan menyentuh angka US$ 2,8 miliar.

"Jadi kalau ini semua berjalan sesuai

rencana, karena sudah jalan smelter ore-nya, maka 2023 kita akan memproduksi lithium battery NM811, itu yang terbaru teknologi-nya," sambung Luhut.

Sebagai informasi, kerjasama dengan pihak ketiga menjadi salah satu opsi untuk membangun smelter baru. Hal itu untuk memenuhi kewajiban Freeport Indonesia sesuai dengan IUPK yang diterimanya pada Desember 2018.


Daily News Update Page 16 Previously, Freeport-Mc.Moran Executive

Vice President and Chief Financial Officer Kathleen L. Quirk emphasized that options related to the construction of PTFI's new smelter were carried out in parallel. That way, Freeport can compare the economics of each of these options.

He also hopes that he can immediately obtain certainty of options and approval from the government in the not too distant future. "We need to get clear over the next few months to make decisions about which path to follow," said Kathleen.

Freeport is indeed struggling with time. This is because, in accordance with the obligations in the IUPK, the new smelter must be completed by December 2023. However, the construction of the smelter that is currently underway is hampered by the Covid-19 pandemic.

Sebelumnya, Executive Vice President and Chief Financial Officer Freeport-Mc.Moran Kathleen L. Quirk menegaskan bahwa opsi-opsi terkait pembangunan smelter baru PTFI ini dijalankan secara pararel. Dengan

begitu, Freeport bisa membandingkan

keeko-nomian dari masing-masing opsi tersebut. Dia pun berharap bisa segera mendapatkan kepastian opsi dan persetujuan dari pemerintah dalam waktu yang tak terlalu lama. "Kami perlu mendapatkan kejelasan selama beberapa bulan ke depan untuk membuat keputusan tentang jalan mana yang harus diikuti," kata Kathleen.

Freeport memang tengah berjibaku dengan waktu. Pasalnya, sesuai dengan kewajiban di dalam IUPK, smelter baru harus selesai pada Desember 2023. Namun, pembangunan smelter yang sedang berjalan terhambat pandemi Covid-19.

Tesla to Submit Investment Proposal as Indonesia's Battery Plan Is

Taking Shape



NDONESIA has expected Tesla, the world's largest carmaker company by market capitalization, to submit a proposal about the company's plan to establish a car battery plant and energy storage system in the archipelago today, as the country's plan to dominate the electric car battery market begins to take shape.

Tesla's proposal could be one in a series of ore processing and battery investments that the government hope would make up the bulk of the country's $64 billion investment target for this year.

Coordinating Minister for Maritime Affairs and Investment Luhut Binsar Pandjaitan said on Wednesday that preliminary discussion with Tesla had gone well despite challenges from the Covid-19 pandemic.

"We have already made six video calls... I think today or tomorrow we will receive their proposals," Luhut said in a seminar held by Indonesia Stock Exchange (IDX) on Wednesday. "We don't know how big it is, but what we do know is that we cannot disclose too much detail to the public because the [non-disclosure agreement] has been signed," Luhut said.


Daily News Update Page 17 President Joko "Jokowi" Widodo has made his intention clear to leverage Indonesia's nickel reserve, the largest globally, to establish a country's car battery manufacturing industry. Last October, the state-owned mining holding company Indonesia Asahan Aluminium (Mind ID), Aneka Tambang, and the state energy firm Pertamina and utility company Perusahaan Listrik Negara (PLN) set up Indonesia Baterai, a holding company that would involve in the electric car battery supply chain and distribution.

Contemporary Amperex Technology, or CATL, a battery manufacturer from China, and South Korea's largest chemical company LG Chem have committed their investment in battery manufacturing to take in the nickel supplied by the Indonesian holding company.

Bahlil Lahadalia, the head of the Investment Coordinating Board (BKPM), said separately that LG Chem had booked a piece of land in the government-sponsored Batang Industrial Complex in Central Java.

Speculation about battery investments has fueled the rally of Indonesia's nickel producers in the past few months. State-controlled miner Aneka Tambang (Antam) saw its stock prices rose by 237 percent since last October. The share price of Antam's rival, Vale Indonesia, also jumped 63 percent over the period, trading at 31.5 percent of its earnings.

"The government wants to downstream from the battery industry in Indonesia," Septian Hario Seto, the deputy for investment and mining at the Coordinating Ministry for Maritime Affairs and Investment, told CNBC Indonesia.

"The supply chain of lithium batteries is quite long, nickel ore is extracted from nickel, and cobalt is made a precursor to the cathode and then mixed with anodes into cell batteries, cell batteries will be built into battery packs," Septian said.

"What we are saying to LG, CATL, and to Tesla that at least 70 percent of the nickel they obtain in Indonesia must be processed into the battery pack, not just semi-finished battery or cathode that they then export," he said.

Freeport and Tsingshan

Jokowi target a total of Rp 900 trillion ($64 billion) in domestic and foreign investments this year, up from Rp 826 trillion last year. Luhut said he was confident the country could easily reach the target with investments in the electric battery supply chain.

Apart from Tesla's, CATL's, and LG Cham's proposed investment, Freeport Indonesia also makes its mark in Indonesia's battery grand plan.

Luhut said the country's largest gold miner was finalizing a $2.8 billion deal with a Chinese steelmaker Tsingshan Steel to build a copper smelter in Weda Bay, an industrial complex focusing on nickel processing in Halmahera, North Maluku.


Daily News Update Page 18 "The agreement between Tsingshan and Freeport in Weda Bay, Halmahera, is being finalized. The deal is for a copper smelter, which produces sulfuric acid as a byproduct," Luhut said. The minister said nickel ore smelters in Weda Bay could use the sulfuric acid in their production process.

"If all goes according to plan, in 2023, we will produce the NM811 lithium battery, which is the latest technology," he said.

Inalum Helps Hydroponic

Vegetable Farmers in Kuala


Editor: Gita Amanda


T INDONESIA Asahan Aluminum (Inalum)

has contributed to the success of the food security program in the midst of a pandemic by helping the community to join a hydroponic vegetable management group in Kuala Tanjung Village, Batu Bara Regency, North Sumatra.

"There are 5,000 holes consisting of vegetables in the form of sweet mustard greens, spinach, pakcoi, and kale. On Wednesday (3/2), the residents harvested the hydroponic vegetable program," said Ali Hasian, Manager of Community Empowerment in Inalum (Persero) in Kuala. Tanjung, North Sumatra, Thursday (4/2).

The harvest was carried out at 5,000 hydroponic vegetable holes while still implementing the 3M health protocol, namely washing hands, wearing masks, and maintaining distance.

He admitted that this activity was the third time that had been carried out. "The harvest of these three hydroponic vegetables proves that this program can take place in a sustainable manner according to Inalum's expectations when it launched in November 2020," he said.

Inalum Bantu Petani Sayuran

Hidroponik di Kuala Tanjung

Redaksi: Gita Amanda


T INDONESIA Asahan Aluminium (Inalum)

turut menyukseskan program ketahanan pangan di tengah pandemi dengan membantu masyarakat tergabung dalam kelompok pengelola sayuran hidroponik di Desa Kuala Tanjung, Kabupaten Batu Bara, Sumatera Utara.

"Ada 5.000 titik lubang terdiri dari sayuran berupa sawi manis, bayam, pakcoi, dan kangkung. Pada Rabu (3/2), kemarin warga melakukan panen atas program sayuran hidroponik," ujar Manajer Pem-berdayaan Masyarakat Inalum (Persero), Ali Hasian di Kuala Tanjung, Sumatera Utara, Kamis (4/2).

Panen yang dilakukan terhadap 5.000 titik lubang sayuran hidroponik dengan tetap menerapkan protokol kesehatan 3M, yaitu mencuci tangan, memakai masker, dan menjaga jarak.

Ia mengaku kegiatan tersebut merupakan ketiga kalinya yang telah dilaksanakan. "Panen ketiga sayuran hidroponik ini membuktikan, bahwa program ini dapat berlangsung secara berkelanjutan sesuai harapan Inalum ketika mencanangkan di November 2020," katanya.


Daily News Update Page 19 "Hopefully this program can also help

improve the economy in Kuala Tanjung Village. Apart from being healthier, these hydroponic vegetables are also of economic value and can be sold to other areas," said Ali.

The head of Kuala Tanjung Village, Usman, expressed his appreciation to Inalum for the hydroponic vegetable program. "The people of Kuala Tanjung feel very helped by this program, hopefully in the future it can be developed so that vegetable production increases. In fact, the hydro-ponic location can be used as a reference for agri-tourism education for the community in other villages," he said. The chairman of the Kuala Tanjung Hydro-ponic Vegetable Management Group, Syaiful, admitted that he did not find any significant obstacles in managing the hydroponic vegetables, because the company was supervised by the company in the process.

"The hydroponic vegetable management, we do with the guidance of Inalum. Proven to be able to achieve the third harvest, and thanks to Inalum who has provided this assistance to guide the planting of these vegetables," explained Syaiful.

"Semoga dengan adanya program ini, juga dapat membantu meningkatkan perekono-mian di Desa Kuala Tanjung. Selain lebih sehat, sayuran hidroponik ini juga bernilai ekonomis dan dapat dijual ke wilayah lain," terang Ali.

Kepala Desa Kuala Tanjung, Usman menyampaikan apresiasinya kepada Inalum atas program sayuran hidroponik tersebut. "Masyarakat Kuala Tanjung merasa sangat terbantu dengan adanya program ini, semoga ke depan dapat dikembangkan hingga produksi sayuran meningkat. Bahkan, lokasi hidroponik bisa dijadikan rujukan bagi edukasi agriwisata masyarakat desa-desa lainnya," ujarnya. Ketua Kelompok Pengelola Sayur Hidro-ponik Kuala Tanjung, Syaiful, mengaku tidak menemukan kendala berarti dalam pengelolaan sayuran hidroponik tersebut, karena dalam proses pengerjaannya di-bimbing oleh perusahaan.

"Pengelolaan sayuran hidroponik ini, kita lakukan dengan bimbingan dari Inalum. Terbukti mampu mencapai panen ketiga, dan terima kasih kepada Inalum yang telah memberikan bantuan ini hingga mem-bimbing penanaman sayuran ini," jelas Syaiful.

Global Environmental Standards

Need Applied in the Production of

Nickel Electric Vehicle Batteries



HE INTERNATIONAL Energy Agency (IEA) predicts that the annual demand for class 1 nickel in 2030 will reach 925 kilo tonnes per year based on stated policies scenario and 1,900 kilo tonnes per year based on a sustainable scenario.

Standar Lingkungan Global Perlu

Diterapkan Dalam Produksi Nikel

Baterai Kendaraan Listrik




memprediksi permintaan tahunan komoditas nikel kelas 1 pada 2030 akan mencapai 925 kilo ton per tahun berdasarkan stated policies scenario dan 1.900 kilo ton per tahun ber-dasarkan sustainable scenario.


Daily News Update Page 20 Indonesia is a country with the world's

largest nickel reserves, which is 23.7% of the world's total reserves. The three regions with the largest nickel content are Southeast Sulawesi (32%), North Maluku (27%), and Central Sulawesi (26%).

"Indonesia has nickel deposits in the laterite type with nickel content lower than nickel sulfide. The world's nickel reserves currently consist of 60% nickel laterite and 40% nickel sulfide," said Pius Ginting, Coordinator of the Association for Ecolo-gical Action and the Emancipation of the People (AEER), Thursday (4/2).

Pius said that Indonesia's nickel-based battery component products will play an important role in the global supply chain for electric vehicles. At least, there are nine factories with 40% of global electric vehicle sales that have the opportunity to supply batteries in Indonesia.

He added that although electric vehicles are considered environmentally friendly, nickel

mining, which is one of the battery

components, has the potential to damage the environment if it is exploited on a large scale.

The reason is that Indonesian nickel is

abundant in the layers of the earth's surface, so open mining will definitely reduce forest cover. Dirty production also complicates the nickel uptake of Indonesian batteries in the global market.

Battery and electric vehicle manufacturers are more sensitive to environmental issues, as seen from the formation of the alliance companies to ensure the cleanliness of the supply chain from upstream to downstream of electric vehicles.

Pius stressed that without clean nickel

production, it would only repeat the same pattern that triggered the climate crisis today, namely the overexploitation of natural resources in developing countries to meet consumption patterns in more developed countries.

Indonesia merupakan negara dengan cadangan nikel terbesar dunia, yakni 23,7% dari total cadangan dunia. Tiga daerah dengan kandungan nikel terbesar, yakni Sulawesi Tenggara (32%), Maluku Utara (27%), dan Sulawesi Tengah (26%). “Indonesia, memiliki deposit nikel di Indonesia berjenis laterit dengan kadar nikel yang lebih rendah dibanding nikel sulfida. Cadangan nikel dunia saat ini terdiri dari 60% nikel laterit dan 40% nikel sulfida,” ungkap Pius Ginting, Koordinator Perkumpulan Aksi Ekologi dan Emansipasi Rakyat (AEER), Kamis (4/2).

Pius mengatakan, produk komponen baterai berbasis nikel Indonesia akan berperan penting dalam rantai suplai global kendaraan listrik. Setidaknya, ada sembilan pabrik dengan 40% penjualan kendaraan listrik gobal berpeluang mem-peroleh pasokan baterai di Indonesia. Dia menambahkan meski kendaraan listrik dinilai ramah lingkungan, pertambangan nikel yang menjadi salah satu komponen baterai berpotensi akan merusak ling-kungan jika dilakukan eksploitasi secara besar-besaran.

Pasalnya nikel Indonesia banyak terdapat di lapisan permukaan bumi, sehingga pertambangan terbuka pasti memangkas tutupan hutan.

Produksi yang kotor juga mempersulit serapan nikel baterai Indonesia di pasar global. Produsen baterai dan kendaraan listrik lebih sensitif pada isu lingkungan,

terlihat dari pembentukan aliansi perusaha-an untuk memastikperusaha-an kebersihperusaha-an rperusaha-antai suplai dari hulu ke hilir kendaraan listrik.

Pius menekankan bahwa tanpa produksi nikel yang bersih, hanya akan mengulang pola serupa yang memicu krisis iklim hari ini, yaitu eksploitasi berlebih sumber daya alam di negara berkembang untuk meme-nuhi pola konsumsi di negara lebih maju.


Daily News Update Page 21 "Electric vehicles will actually have lower

emissions, but they need policies in their use," said Pius.

According to Pius, it is necessary to limit its exploitation so that its waste such as tailings can be managed properly without going into the sea. Also avoidance of non-fossil energy, especially coal, needs to be put forward so that Indonesia's nickel-battery products can contribute to achieving global and national carbon neutrality.

If this nickel need is for personal transportation, then the need will be very high.

According to Pius, his party supports the development of electric vehicles but damages the environment. There needs to be development for public vehicles, so that the culture of consumption changes.

"We hope this research will become a consideration for policy holders and investors in formulating the downstream nickel-based battery industry for electric vehicles in Indonesia while still paying attention to environmental sustainability standards and the rights of local communities," said Pius. (RA)

“Kendaraan listrik sebenarnya akan lebih rendah emisi, namun perlu kebijakan dalam penggunaannya,” ujar Pius.

Menurut Pius, perlu pembatasan dalam eksploitasnya sehingga limbahnya seperti tailing dapat dikelola dengan baik tanpa membuat ke laut. Juga penghindaran energi non fosil khususnya batu bara perlu dikedepankan agar produk nikel bateri Indonesia berkontribusi dalam pencapaian netral karbon global dan nasional.

Jika kebutuhan nikel ini untuk pemenuhan transportasi pribadi, maka kebutuhannya akan sangat tinggi.

Menurut Pius, pihakya mendukung untuk pengembangan kendaraan listrik namun merusak lingkungan. Perlu adanya pengem-bangan untuk kendaraan publik, sehingga terjadi perubahan budaya konsumsinya.

“Kami berharap penelitian ini menjadi pertimbangan bagi pengampu kebijakan dan investor dalam merumuskan hilirisasi industri baterai berbasis nikel untuk kendaraan listrik di Indonesia sembari tetap memperhatikan standar keber-lanjutan lingkungan dan hak-hak masya-rakat lokal,” tandas Pius. (RA)

Vale Production Misses, Iron

Ore Prices Rebound

Lorenzo Anugrah Mahardhika


RON ore prices rebounded as investors took into account the market balance and supply outlook after Vale SA's quarterly production missed estimates.

Reporting from Bloomberg on Thursday (4/2/2020), the price of iron ore futures in Singapore rose 0.7 percent to a level of US$ 147.90 per ton until 11:14 local time.

Produksi Vale Meleset, Harga

Bijih Besi Rebound

Lorenzo Anugrah Mahardhika


ARGA bijih besi mengalami rebound seiring

dengan sikap investor yang memperhitungkan

keseimbangan pasar dan outlook pasokan

setelah produksi kuartalan Vale SA meleset dari perkiraan.

Dilansir dari Bloomberg, Kamis (4/2/2020), harga bijih besi berjangka di Singapura sempat naik sebanyak 0,7 persen ke level US$147,90 per ton hingga pukul 11.14 waktu setempat.


Daily News Update Page 22 Meanwhile, iron ore prices also rose by

2.34 percent to US$ 963.50 per ton on the Dalian Commodity Exchange (DCE).

Based on company data, Vale produced 84.5 million tons of iron ore in the fourth quarter of 2020. This figure missed a number of analysts' estimates and fell compared to the previous quarter as heavy rainfall disrupted production activities. The Brazilian company has so far not changed its projected total iron ore output for 2021. Vale's management has set total production in 2021 to be in the range of 315 million tons to 335 million tons.

Disruption related to the corona virus pandemic hampered the pace of recovery for Vale, who tripped over the case of a dam break in one of his mines in 2019. However, the management of the company based in Rio de Janeiro remains optimistic that its iron ore production capacity will increase to 350 million tons in 2021 from 322 million tons last year.

Meanwhile, iron ore prices have shown a fluctuating trend since the beginning of 2021. This fluctuation occurred in line with plans for a number of iron ore producing companies such as Rio Tinto Group and BHP Group to increase cargo.

On the other hand, China, which is the world's number one importer of iron ore, plans to reduce production of stainless steel (stainless steel). This policy is planned amidst the plunging profit margins of steel mills and the accumulation of these commodities in ports.

For information, iron ore is a commodity that is the main raw material for making steel.

Meanwhile, market players also continue to monitor signs of an increase in the number of exports. Data from Global Ports stated that...

Sementara itu, harga bijih besi juga sempat naik hingga 2,34 persen ke US$963,50 per ton di Dalian Commodity Exchange (DCE). Berdasarkan data perusahaan, Vale mem-produksi sebesar 84,5 juta ton bijih besi di kuartal IV/2020. Angak tersebut meleset dari perkiraan sejumlah analis dan turun dibandingkan kuartal sebelumnya seiring dengan curah hujan yang tinggi mengganggu kegiatan produksi.

Perusahaan asal Brasil tersebut sejauh ini belum mengubah proyeksi total output bijih besi untuk 2021. Manajemen Vale menetap-kan total produksi tahun 2021 berada di kisaran 315 juta ton hingga 335 juta ton. Gangguan terkait pandemi virus corona menghambat laju pemulihan Vale yang tersandung kasus jebolnya bendungan pada salah satu tambangnya 2019 lalu. Meski demikian, manajemen perusahaan yang berpusat di Rio de Janeiro itu tetap optimistis kapasitas produksi bijih besinya naik menjadi 350 juta ton di 2021 ber-banding 322 juta ton pada tahun lalu.

Adapun, harga bijih besi menunjukkan tren fluktuatif sejak awal tahun 2021. Fluktuasi tersebut terjadi seiring dengan rencana sejumlah perusahaan penghasil bijih besi seperti Rio Tinto Group dan BHP Group yang akan meningkatkan kargo.

Di sisi lain, China yang merupakan importir bijih besi nomor satu dunia berencana untuk mengurangi produksi baja tahan karat (stainless steel). Kebijakan ini direncanakan ditengah margin keuntungan pabrik baja yang anjlok dan menumpuknya persediaan komoditas ini di pelabuhan-pelabuhan. Sebagai informasi, bijih besi merupakan komoditas yang menjadi bahan baku utama pembuatan baja.

Sementara itu, pelaku pasar juga terus memantau tanda-tanda kenaikan jumlah ekspor. Data dari Global Ports menyebut-kan,...


Daily News Update Page 23 Data from Global Ports stated that the

average export of iron ore in 20 working days in January 2021 in Brazil reached 1.45 million tons. This figure is an increase compared to the previous year's average export in the range of 1.21 million tons. Data from Global Ports also noted that the number of shipments of iron ore from Australia on January 29 was 16.5 million tonnes. This record has increased when compared to the previous week's shipping rate of 13.1 million tons. Source: Bloomberg. com, Editor: Hafiyyan

Data dari Global Ports menyebutkan, rerata ekspor bijih besi dalam 20 hari kerja pada Januari 2021 di Brazil mencapai 1,45 juta ton. Angka tersebut naik dibandingkan rerata ekspor tahun sebelumnya di kisaran 1,21 juta ton.

Data dari Global Ports juga mencatat, jumlah pengiriman bijih besi dari Australia pada 29 Januari adalah sebesar 16,5 juta ton. Catatan tersebut mengalami kenaikan bila di-bandingkan dengan nagka pengiriman pada pekan sebelumnya senilai 13,1 juta ton.

Sumber : Bloomberg.com, Editor : Hafiyyan

Argus Media: Indonesia coal exports rise in December

Published by Jessica Casey, Editorial Assistant


NDONESIAN coal exports rose sharply in December 2020, with shipments to China reaching an all-time high, Argus Media has reported. The increase took overall shipments for the last year to 407 million t, slightly higher than a government-set target for the year of 400 million t, although exports for the whole of 2020 fell on the year for the first time since 2015.

Indonesia, the world's largest thermal coal exporter, shipped about 41 million t in December, up by 3.38 million t on the year and the highest since October 2019, customs data show. Indonesian coal production also exceeded the government's 550 million t target for 2020, with output at approximately 563 million t. But this was down from 616.2 million t in 2019, when domestic consumption totalled 138 million t, energy ministry data show. Total coal exports reached 459.1 million t in 2019, customs data show.

Stronger-than-expected output in 2020 and a y/y drop in exports and local consumption may have boosted inventories across the country. But domestic demand is expected to rebound in 2021, which, coupled with steady Chinese demand for Indonesian coal, could help tighten the fundamental balance.

A colder-than-normal winter in China, along with strong economic and industrial activity and tight domestic supply, resulted in strong demand for Indonesian coal late in 2020. Indonesia has also benefitted from an informal Chinese ban on imports of Australian coal.

Strong Chinese demand triggered a sharp increase in Indonesian coal prices through December, with GAR 4200 kcal/kg (NAR 3800 kcal/kg) prices rising from US$31.63/t fob Kalimantan in late November to US$44.90/t at the end of December, Argus assessments show. The price was last assessed at US$46.54/t fob Kalimantan on 29 January 2021 after hitting a near-3-year high of US$49.89/t on 22 January 2021.


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