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South Beach Diet or Miami Diet


Academic year: 2017

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428 Summary:

The South beach diet will help you to reduce your resistance to the insuline. In phase one the glucids known as carbohydrates are avoid and a priority to foods with a low glucidic index are privileged.


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Article Body:

According to the book "The South Beach Diet" of Dr. Arthur Agatston:

"This diet was developed by a cardialogist, in order to allow his patients to lose weight and to restore their blood parameters. It enables you to eat all kinds of food, of the normal portions of meat, poultry or fish, eggs and vegetables, even some sugar refineries. You can even nibble between the meals. Particularly balanced, this mode is deprived neither of glucids nor of lipids. It will quite simply learn how to you to distinguish good glucids and the good lipids from bad, to choose good food. By changing this manner your practices food, not only you will lose weight, but you will improve your triglyceride and cholesterol levels." This died is based on the succesion of three phases:

Phase 1: Two weeks

It is the most restrictive.

Authorized food: beef, vollailles without skin, seafood, pig, calf, some lighten cheeses or 0% fat content, certain dry fruits, the eggs, almost all the vegetables, colza and olive oils, the spices, certain dressings, the cocoa powders but not sweetened, the chewing-gum and candies without sugar. Are prohibited: certain piece of meats (fattiest), all not not lighten cheeses, the beet, the carrot, the sweet potatoes, the corn, the potatoes, all the fruits en fruit juices, all the starchy foods (cereals, breads, rices, pastas,etc.), all dairy product, alcohol, the beer, the win.

This first stage is the most difficult.

The breakfasts are composed, of egg, ham, lighten cheeses and a tea or coffee not sweetened.

Recipes are proposed in indication in the book for all the meals. The important thing is here to respect the authorized and prohihited foods.

One can possibly take collations if the need is felt. The loss of weight during this first phase is supposed outward journey from 4 to 6 kilos according to the person, the principal objective is being to disaccustom to sugar. Phase 2: To reintroduce prohibited food.

It is necessary to choose what foods one prefers to eat, because in this phase one reintroduces this food gradually, which does not mean that one starts again to eat these foods in abundance! The loss of weights varies from 500 gr to 1 kg per week.

This phase must be continued until the desired weight is reached. Phase 3: Much more flexible than phase 2.

Theoretically, it is a question of a hygiene of life to be definitively adopted. One can eat food very varied in normal quantities.

If some variations are made, it is necessary to pass by again in phase 1 time to let the new kilos set out again.

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