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Customize Your Off Road Vehicle


Academic year: 2017

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In these times when we’re all being defined by numbers and crunched into conformity, we still want something that expresses our own style. Something that says, "This is me."


Customize Your Off-Road Vehicle

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In these times when we’re all being defined by numbers and crunched into conformity, we still want something that expresses our own style. Something that says, "This is me."

For some time, an underworld of car customization has existed. But today, it’s not just low-riders and hotdoggers who want to make a personal statement. With the popularity of shows such as "American Chopper" and "Pimp My Ride," orders for custom cars and bikes have skyrocketed.

Now, ATV and utility vehicle owners are just as eager to spruce up their rides. They are beginning to appreciate their sturdy off-road vehicles - more often associated with hunting and farming - and are dreaming up ways to make them unique. Each becomes a signature piece, reflecting the taste and style of the owner. The trend, spearheaded by celebrities and sports stars, now is becoming more mainstream, according to Polaris, a leading manufacturer of ATVs and utility vehicles. The Southwest, especially California and Arizona, seems to be the hub of this new fad.

Here are some of the hottest ways to customize your ride:

* Flames: Since the 1950s, painted flames scorching the front and sides of hot rods have meant speed. Today, this classic design still leads the pack. * Chrome: The luxurious Packards and Cords of the 1930s

were loaded with shine and sparkle. Grills, doors - everything that could gleam, did gleam. Even now, chrome says high style.

* Color-keyed rims: They would have loved this in the 1960s. Bright primaries, strong earth tones, simple neutrals -choose a color and your ride is instantly one of a kind.

* Sound systems: Install one in the bed or roof. Whether your music of choice is golden oldies or heavy metal, everything will sound better. And on those camping trips when you’re deprived of your usual comforts, you can still enjoy quality sound.

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