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(A Case Study Among Part Time Teachers Of Islamic Elementary School In Banyubiru District Semarang)


Submitted to the Board of Examiners as a Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Degree of Saijana Pendidikan Islam (S.Pd.I)

in the English Department of Education Faculty, State Islamic Studies Institute (STAIN) Salatiga

By :


113 00 043





Case : Nurul Azizah’s Thesis Salatiga, August 30th, 2006


The Head of State Islamic

Studies Institute of Salatiga.

Assalamu 'alaikum IVr. Wb.

After reading and correcting Nurul Azizah’s (11300043) thesis entitled “ INFLUENCE



would like to propose that could be accepted by the educational faculty, I hope it would

be examined as soon as possible.





A m ong Part T im e T ea ch ers o f Isla m ic E lem en ta ry

S c h o o ls in B ayubiru D is tr ic t Sem arang)


NIM : 113 00 0 4 3

H as been b ro u g h t to th e b o ard of ex am in ers in S ep tem b er 06th, 2006/ Sya'ban 13 lh, 1427 H, a n d h ereb y co n sid ered to com pletely

fullfill th e req u ire m e n t of S a rja n a degree in th e E nglish D e p artm en t of E d u catio n al F aculty.

S ep tem b er 0 6 th, 2 0 0 6 M Salatiga, ---S y a 'b a n 13th, 1427 H

B oard of e x am in ers

Drs. S a a d i, M.Ag

NIP. 150 5 2 6 8 24

S ecretary

Dr. Muh. Saerozi,

NIP. 150 247 014

2 nd exam er

Ari Setyaw an, M.M



In the name of Allah The Most Gracious and The Most Merciful.

Hereby the writer fully declares that this thesis is made by the writer her

self, and it is not containing materials written or has been published by other

people, and other people's ideas except the information from the references.

The writer capable account for this thesis if in the future this thesis can be

proved of containing others' ideas or in fact the writer imitates the others' thesis.

Likewise, the declaration is made by the writer and the writer hopes that

this declaration can be understood.

Salatiga, August 6th 2006


Nurul Azizah


heart, they are:

• To the God Allah SWT

• My highly valued parents, my mom (Luwiyati) and my father (Yusuf


• My beloved sisters (Mbak Diyah and Mbak Anna), my younger brother

(Drajat si "Othong"), thanks greatly for your support and motivation.

• All my patners (Mitapasa and Getar) we are a great teams.


to Him for His blessing so the writer can finish this graduating paper. Blesses and

praises also go to Prophet Muhammad SAW.

This thesis antitied " The Influence o f Part Time Teachers' Salary Toward Their Work Ethos (A Case Study Among Part Time Teachers o f Islamic Elementary Schools in Banyubiru District Semarang)" is presented as partial fulfillment of requirement for the Sarjana Degree at English Department Of the

Salatiga State Islamic Studies Institute (STAIN). In writing this thesis the writer is

guidanced and supported by several people so it can be finished, although there

are still many mistakes. Hence the writer would like to thak to:

1. Drs. Imam Sutomo, M.Ag, as the head of Salatiga State Islamic Institute


2. Hanung Triyoko, SS, M.Hum, as the head of English Department.

3. Ruwandi, S.Ag, M.Ag^as the councelor in writing this thesis.

4. Dearest mom and father who have touch me in everything.

5. All lectures and staff of Salatiga State Islamic Studies Institute (STAIN).

6. My beloved sisters (Mbak Anna and Mbak Diyah) and my brother (Thong!).

7. My lovely friends, Nontin, Muniph, Kojek, Grand, Katul, mami Siska and the

others that I cannot mention it one by one, thanks for all.

8. MITAPASA and GETAR, the nice community. Let's move guys!

9. PakDene DotCom, thank you for helping me.


13. All my friends in TBI2000.

Finally, I realize that this thesis lack of many things, therefore, I hope

criticsm and suggestions for it's prefection. I hope this thesis would be useful for

the readers. Amin.



MOTTO... iii




CHAPTER I : INTRODUCTION A. Background of the Study... 1

B. Clarification of the Term... 3

C. Statement of the Problem... 3

D. The Objective and the Benefit of the Study... 4

E. Hypothesis... 5

F. Methodology of the Research ... 5

G. Outline of the Study... 8

CHAPTER II REVIEW OF REALED LITERATURE A. Definition of the Teacher... 10

B. Definition of Salary... 24

C. Teacher’s Salary... 25


B. Type of Research... 41

C. Subject of Research... 42

D. The Method of Collecting Data... 42

E. Data Analysis... 44

F. Data Presentation... 45


B. Finding... 54

C. Implication of the research... 54

CHAPTER V CLOSURE A. Conclusion... 55


A. Background of the Study

The law quality of out put and out come may relay on Islamic

elementary schools’ institutions. It comes from several problems, they are; the

lack of the teachers, the mineworker conducted unprepared, and, the teachers’

low work ethos.

Teachers are the most dominant that contribute to determine the

quality of the output. Undedicated teachers may cause the law of teaching

quality since they teach haphazardly’ this low work ethos also contributes

considering the quality of education. Their low work ethos can be caused by

several factors; one of them is the low of salary.

Teacher is one of element in educational system that has to take

accountability to the case. Therefore, they have to be ideal teachers and

playing various functions. In contrast appreciation of Indonesian to teaching

professional is still unrealistic. “Warrior Without Honor“, still becomes


Their professionalism should be enhanced to improve the quality of

education. They are often to be blamed when the quality of education

decreases. However, the appreciations of the Indonesian government and the

community to the teachers, particularly the part time teachers, in term of

salary and prosperity are still unsatisfying.


The low salary may cause more complicated problems take for the

instance, the low of teachers’ work ethos, including in elementary school

institution. Accordingly the improvement of part time teacher quality through

the improvement of salary problems.

Although part time teachers are less appreciated but this profession

still become the last choice among young generation. Since the position of

teachers is still strategic, Indonesian government should pay attention not only

to improve their professionalisms but also their salary. They are responsible to

sharp their students’ knowledge so they will be open minded to the world

advantages. We will able to predict what will happen in Indonesia if the

teachers are not professional and their salary is also not improved. It is the fact

that a lot of part time teachers only receive more or less Rp. 25.000 a month. It

is possible that they are able to teach professionally if they get only such a

hind of salary? This is difficult to justify but the writer doesn’t think so.

Dealing with this issue, the writer is interested in conducting a research

on “The Influence of teachers salary toward their work ethos (a case study

among part time teachers of Islamic elementary school in Banyubiru district


Teacher is a person who has idea that must be appearance for the

student’s importance, that can to honor highly, involvement and

preferment of virtue’s religi culture and knowledge.1

Salary is usually monthly payment for regular employment on a

# n

yearly basis.

Teachers’ salary is monthly payment for a person who has idea that

must be appearance for students’ importance that can honor highly,

involvement and performance of virtue religi culture and knowledge.

2. Teacher’s Work Ethos.

Work is use bodily or mental powers with the purpose of doing or

making something.


Ethos is code of values by which a group or society live.

Teacher’s work ethos is code of value by teachers’ life to the

purpose of education. 1 2 3

1 Safrudin Nurdin and Basyirun Usman,Guru P rofesion al dan Im plem entasi Kurikulum,

Jakarta, 2002, Page.8

2 Hornby. A .S ,O xford A d va n ced L e a n e r’s D iction ery o f Current English,Oxford University Press, 1974,Page.752


C. Statement of the Problem

From the explanation above, the writer is able to formulate the three

main problems as follows:

1. How is the salary of part time teachers of Islamic Elementary Schools in

Banyubiru District Semarang?

2. How is the work ethos of part time teachers of level of Islamic Elementary

Schools in Banyubiru District Semarang?

3. How far is the influence of the salary of part time teachers of Islamic

'' Elementary Schools in Banyubiru District Semarang toward their work


D. The Objective and the Benefit of the Study

1. The objective of the study is as follows:

a. To know the salary of part time teachers of Islamic Elementary

Schools in Banyubiru District Semarang.

b. To know the work ethos level of part time teachers of Islamic

Elementary Schools in Banyubiru District Semarang.

c. To find out of salary level of part time teachers of Islamic Elementary

School in Banyubiru District Semarang toward their work ethos.

2. The Benefit of the Study is as Follows :

Practically this research is expected to contribute to solve the

problem of the part time teachers’ prosperity. It is supposed to be one of


part time teachers of Islamic Elementary School in Banyubiru District


E. Hypothesis

Hypothesis is a proposition attentively assumed in order to draw out its

logical or empirical consequences and so test its accord with facts that are

known or may be determined.4 5

Based on the statement above, the hypothesis of this research says that

there is contribution of the salary level of part time teachers of Islamic

Elementary School in Banyubiru District Semarang to their work ethos

F. Methodology of the Research

The writer has tried to arrange the research methodology

systematically in order to analyze the collected data easily.

1. Population and Sample

a. Population.

Population is all subjects intended to be investigated.3 The

defined population has at least one characteristic that differentiates it

from other groups.6

4 Webster’s Third N ew Dictionary, op.cit. Page. 1117


The population of the research is the part time teachers of

Islamic Elementary Schools in Banyubiru District Semarang, there are

25 teachers.

b. Sample

Sample is part of population that represents the whole

population.7 8 In this research the writer takes all the member of part

time teachers of Islamic Elementary Schools in Banyubiru District

Semarang. There are 25 teachers (13 males and 12 females).

2. The Methods of Collecting The Data

a. Observation

Observation is intended to get the more complicated data to

support questionnaire, beside it is also used to verify data from the

questionnaire. The purpose of the observation is to perceive the nature

and the extent of the significant interrelated elements with social

complex phenomenon.

Observation is the ways to collect the data by direct


observation in the field of study (Population or Sample).

b. Questionnaire

Questionnaire is a list of questions to be answered by a group

of people, especially to get facts or information or for a survey.9 In this

7 Arikunto, Suharsimi, P rosedu r P enelitian; Suatu Pendekatan Praktek, Jakarta, Rineka Cipta, 1993, Page.62

8 Iqbal, Hasan, A nalisis D a ta P enelitian D engan Statistik, PT. Bumi Aksara, Jakarta, 2004, Page.23


research it is used to know the influence of salary level of part time

teachers toward their work ethos.

3. Data Analysis

To finding of content analysis inferences about the characteristic of

the phenomena constituting the meaning of the data is gained by analyzing

the relations between the data and its context. The data will be presented in

chapter III.

To analyze the data in this research the methods used is

quantitative then to analysis the item of the influences of part time

teachers’ salary toward their work ethos. The writer uses a system as


While to find the answer the technique that will use Product

Moment Correlation and the formula goes like this :

rxy = the coefficient correlation of the part teachers’ and their work




X = the sum of the part time teachers’ salary

Y = the sum of the part time teachers’ work ethos


G. Outline of the Thesis

The result of the study was reported in a research paper outlined


Chapter I presents Introduction, it contains background of the study,

clarification of the Term, Statement of The Problem, The Objective and The

Benefit of The Study, Hypothesis, Methodology of The research and Outline

of The Study.

Chapter II presents review of definition of the teacher which consists

of kinds of teachers, function of teacher, teaching activities, teaching

professionalism, teaching productivities, definition of salary and kinds of

salary, teacher’s salary and work ethos motivation.

Chapter III presents research methodology. It contains the general

description of part time teachers of Islamic Elementary Schools in Banyubiru

District Semarang, type of research, subject of research, the method of

collecting data, technique of data analysis, data presentation.

Chapter IV presents discussion of result and the result’s implication.

Chapter V presents closure, which contains conclusion and


This chapter discuss about the review of teacher, involve; definition of

teacher, function of teacher, teaching activities, definition of salary, teacher’s

salary and work ethos motivation.

These will explain in the following:


Teacher is professional employee in field of education, who has to

teach, educates and leads students to have personality.1

Teacher is a person who has idea that must be appearance for the

student’s importance, which can honour highly, involvement and preferment

of virtue’s religious culture and knowledge.

Teacher is one that teaches or instructs; esp.; one whose occupation is

to instruct.1 2 3

Teacher is civil servant employee who given assignments, competence

and responsibility by functionary whose competence to do school education.4

A teacher is a person who helps others learns. Yet teachers do much

more than explain, lecture and drill. They also design materials, make

1 Sardiman,Interaksi dan M otivasi Mengajar, Rajawali Pers, Jakarta, 1998, Page. 148 2 Nurdin,Safrudin,Basyirun Usman,Guru P rofesional dan Im plem entasi Kurikulum, Ciputat Pers,Jakarta, 2003,Page.8

3 W ebster ’s Third. N ew International D ictionary o f English Language, U n abridged Vol 3,

MirriamWebster.Inc, United States o f America, 1981, Page.2346

4 Moekijat,Drs, Kamus Pendidikan dan Pelatihan, Mandar Maju, Bandung, 1993, Page. 13


assignments evaluate the student’s performance and maintain discipline. They

must keep record arrange the classroom, create experience, talk to parents and

counsel students. A teacher assumes a multitude rules.

A teacher has strategic position in improvement of intelligence and

readiness efforts of students to face their future. The student’s successes is

considered of teacher’s success, but the teacher is considered fail if the student

fail too.

1. Kinds of Teacher

There are two kinds of teacher, they are :

a. Civil Servant Teacher (Guru Pegawai Negeri Sip il)

Pegawai Negeri menurut pasal 1 Angka 1 Undang Undang

Nomor 43 Tahun 1999 tentang perubahan atas Undang Undang Nomor

8 Tahun 1974 tentang Pokok pokok Kepegawaian, adalah setiap warga

negara Republik Indonesia yang telah memenuhi syarat-syarat yang

ditentukan dalam Peraturan Perundang-undangan yang berlaku

diangkat oleh pejabat yang berwenang dan diserahi tugas negara

lainnya yang di tetapkan berdasarkan suatu Peraturan Perundang-

undangan dan di gaji berdasarkan Peraturan Perundang-undangan.5

A civil servant teacher must obey profession that arranged by

government in it’s constitution.


b. Part Time Teacher

Part time teacher in Indonesian is Guru Wiyata Bakti or Guru

Honourer. Part time is employed or functioning less than usual or

number of hours.6

Part time teacher is employed or functioning teacher less than

usual or number of hours.

Part time teachers have raised from a concern of Indonesian

education phenomenon, such as a school with a large students but lack

of teachers, specially to the private schools, for example; Islamic

Elementary School.

2. Function of Teacher

The function of the teacher are to sharpen and direct the experience

of the student, to deepen their understanding to use the knowledge as a

means to them intellectual and emotional growth.7

The function of teacher is to stimulate students’ potential and teach

them to learn. Teacher doesn’t make the student to be clever, the teacher

has just given opportunity to find the student’s potential and then improve


According to developing of educator’s education system 21st

century {system Pendidikan Tenaga Kependidikan Abad ke-21) was

6 The N ew G rolierW ebster International D iction ary o f English Language, The English_Language Institute o f America.Inc, New York, 1974, Page. 691

7 Nawawi,Hadari,DR.H, O rgan isasi Sekolah dan P engelolaan K elas S ebagai Lem baga Pendidikan, PT. Gunung Agung, Jakarta, 1985, Page. 125


published by National Education Ministry in year 2002, main function of

teacher are:9

a. To spell out the policy and education’s base in learning planning’s

form in classroom and out of classroom.

b. To application learning’s component as the system of teaching learning


c. To communicate in profession community, social and to facilitate

society’s learning.

d. To manage the class with learner’s unique characteristic by approach

and right procedure and relevant.

e. To research improve, innovate in education and learning field, and able

to abuse its result to profession improvement.

f. To do function as educator to produce alumna who hold high ethic

value, unity and value of nation glorious, society and religious.

g. To do the function and family planning programme and education’s


h. To improve conception, attitude and profession’s skill.

i. To abuse technology, environment, culture and social, and nature in

teaching learning’s improving.

A teacher is supposed to able to do the activities which can active

in both of physic and old way of thinking.


A teacher assumes a multitude role. They are:10

a. The Teacher as an Instructional Expert

The teachers must constantly make decisions about teaching

methods. These decisions are based on the number of factors,

including the subject matter to be covered, the abilities and needs of

the students, and overall goals to be reached.

1) The Teacher as Motivator

The teacher motivates the student to act. The grading

method a teacher uses, for example, can motive students to try

harder or give up.

2) The Teacher as Manager

Management includes class’ supervising activities,

organizing lessons, completing forms, preparing test, assigning

grades, training aides, meeting with other teachers and parents, and

keeping records.

3) The Teacher as Leader

Effective teacher is an effective leader, using the power of

the group to promote individual growth.

4) The Teacher as Counsellor

They must try to respond constructively when students’

emotions are getting in the way.

10 Woolfock,Anita E,Nicolich, Lorraine McCune, E ducational P h ysicology f o r Teacher,


5) The Teacher as Environment Engineer

The physical space of a classroom is used can help or

hinder learning.

6) The Teacher as Model

Enthusiasm for a subject will more likely be taught by an

enthusiastic teacher giving a less than

perfect demonstration than by a board instructor lecturing

brilliantly on the value of the subject.

Function of teacher in teaching learning activities are:11

a) The teacher as Information

Teacher is an implementer of informative teaching

laboratory, field study and source of academic and general


b) The teacher as Organizer

Teacher is an academic implementer, syllabus,

workshop, subject schedule and so on.

c) The teacher as Motivator

Teacher has to stimulate and give support and

reinforment to dynamic learners’ potential, create activity and

creativity. 11


d) The teacher as Director

Teacher has to guide and direct to learner’s learning

activity based on purpose of learning.

e) The teacher as Initiator

Teacher has to be the sparkers of idea in learning


f) The teacher as Transmitter

Teacher will act as disseminator of education and

knowledge wisdom.

g) The teacher as Facilitator

Teacher give facilitate in teaching learning process.

h) The teacher as Mediator

Teacher is as media in learning activities.

i) The teacher as Evaluator

Teacher has to evaluate the learner’s prestige in social

attitude and academic.

3. Teaching Activities

Teaching is both of an art and a science, if it is an art, then teaching

calls for inspiration, institution, talent and creativity very little of which

actually can be taught. If it is a science, however teaching requires

knowledge and skills that can indeed be learned.

Ibid, Page.2


Teaching is an activity to organize the environment as good as and

correlate to the pupil, that be learning activities for the students.13

Teaching is an effort to create conducive condition for significant

and optimum of teaching learning process. It is about transfer of

knowledge and educate by transfer of values.14

Teaching is an activity to organized and conducts teaching learning

process. Because of it each teacher necessary makes teaching planning, so

the teacher can allocate that time efficiency.

One of the teaching stages of teaching that has to be passed by

professional teacher is teaching planning arrange or teaching programme

arrange. It was described by Nana Sudjana (1989:100).15

R.D Conners’ (1980) state that teaching is a fused activity and

implemented gradually, like as described in teaching analyses:16


Teacher’s assignment in Teaching Activities

Pre-active Interactive Post active

Period learning - Management - Student’s progress

planning, subject unit Control of evaluation

planning. transferring . - Planning activities

information - Teaching learning

- Implying verbal and

nonverbal behaviour.

process evaluation

- Student’s congenital - Psychology principle


- Goal’s formula

- Method of choosing,

learning experience,

tool and matter


- Consider student’s - Learning difficulties - Result of student’s

characteristic, teaching diagnostic. learning

action, grouping - Evaluation. Cognitive and

pattern and learning



In teaching activities, a teacher realizes curriculum development

experts would include additional steps. There are three basic steps in the

phase approach to teaching:17

a. The Planning Phase

The teacher should have goals, and selecting a strategy and gathering

the supporting materials.

b. The Implementing Phase

The teaching activity in the implementing stage is the actual

performance of the strategy the teacher has selected. In implementing a

teaching strategy to reach & predetermined goal, teachers must organize and manage their classrooms so the learning process can

process smoothly.

c. The Evaluating Phase

The teacher attempts to gather information that can be used to

determine of his teaching has been successful.

4. Teaching Professionalism

Profession is an occupation usually involving relatively long and

specialized preparation on the level of higher education and governed by

its own code of ethic; profession is one who has required a learned skill

and conforms to ethical standard of profession in which he practice to skill

(Good, 1997, 440).18

17 Jacobsen, David, Paul Eggen, Donald Kauchak, M ethods f o r Teaching, A Skill A pproach, Merril Publishing Compani, Ohio, 1989, Page.xii


Relate to the professionalism, the teacher whose high teaching

ability will get high discipline too. By arrange the right time to adhere to

the order.19

The teachers’ duty is to help the intellectual developing affective

and psychomotor, by transferring the knowledge, problem solving,

affective and skill exercise. The central role of a teacher is to promote

growth and achievement, in example; learning is as an internal process.

This being the case teachers don’t teach students to learn; they disseminate

information, demonstrate desire behaviour, model appropriate behaviour,

and facilitate students’ achievement.20 21 To do all these roles the teachers

need high discipline, such as the teachers dedication to their job as the


Based on SCAN’s (Secretary’s Commission on Achieving

Necessary Skills) research, there are five competences and there are basic

skills to someone to handle the job well:

a. Resources : Identifies, plans and allocates resources.

: work well with others

: acquires and uses information

: understands complex interrelationships b. Interpersonal

c. Information

d. System

e. Technology : works with a variety of technologies.21

19 Anoraga, Panji,SE,MM,P sikologi K erja, Rineka Cipta, Jakarta, 2005, Page.46 20 Op. Cit, Jacobsen, Page. 148


The teachers have high responsible and important role to conduct

of education success or not, seeing that, teacher as professional employee

need guidelines or ethic code for them to avoid from all kinds of

deviations. There are nine teacher’s ethic codes:22

a. Teacher must loyal to lead the leaner to be whole of Indonesian’s

being whose spirit of Pancasila.

b. A teacher has and does professional honesty.

c. Teacher tries to get information about member of leaner as the lead

and cultivate material.

d. Teacher creates school’s environment as well as to support teaching

learning process successfully.

e. Teacher takes care to the same profession, in family spirit and social


f. Teacher takes care of relation to the learner’s parents and environs

society to cultivate gathering part and responsible to education.

g. Teacher takes care and raises PGRI quality as the instrument of

struggle and dedication with togetherness.

Teaching professional is the concept of teaching that must be done

an expert. A professional is a person who has competency, because

competency is very important to perform the professional function. The


characteristic of teacher’s professionalism, to be professional, teacher must

try to obtain the following character traits. They are:23

a. The teachers must to act as the parents to their students.

b. The teachers must develop a good relationship with their students.

c. The teachers must absolutely understand their students

d. The teachers must fulfil their obligations to the community

e. The teachers must be honest and fair

f. The teachers must have pure motivates

g. The teachers must be an example to their students

h. The teachers must have a broad understanding.

i. The teachers must posses good timing

j. The teachers be enthusiastic

k. The teachers must be physically healthy

5. Teaching Productivities

Productivity is increase efficiency and rate at which goods are

produced.24 25

Productivity is meant as comparison of out put with a number of

work sources that was used as in put,

Teaching productivity is increase efficiency and the rate at

teaching learning process. On it, teacher is the main component. Teacher

2j Supriyono dkk, Teknik B elajar D alam CBSA,, Rineka Putra, Jakarta, 1992, P.75 24Homby, As, O xford A d va n ced L e a rn e r’s D ictionary o f Current English, Oxford University Perss, Oxford, New York, 1974 , Page.666


is one of human’s components in teaching learning process, which act in

natural resource potential development.26

In the teaching productivity there are some teachers’ characteristic

to support it, that is, with effective teaching. It is must agree with teaching

professionalism. It means a professionalism employee must have

philosophical perception and steady policy in the way of behaving the


Someone who called “a teacher” not only to know about the

subject theoretically, but he or she has to have “teacher’s personality” with

all stages adolescent. Because of the teacher must educate the learners’

mentally and so do the knowledge. The teacher must to know the way to

transfer knowledge with the teacher as the model.

Effective teaching most relate to improvement of classroom

climate, management, and feedback and reinforment practices;

involvement in self-improvement and staff development; and

improvement of other teaching practices that increase student engagement

ant content coverage and improve organization, structuring and clarity

expectations, or student interest and motivation.27 * 21

26 Op.Cit, Nawawi, Hadari, Page. 126



Salary is work wages that paid in the settle time.28

Salary is fixed computation paid regularly ( as by the year, quarter,

periodically to person for regular work.31

Salary is an employee earning in the form of money, which is accepted

from work_ giver for work’s achievement had been done in certain period. For

civil servant employee in Indonesia, salary is consist of main salary add other


Kinds of salary system they are:33

1. Time Span Salary’s System

Time span salary’s system is salary’s system giving base on certain span

like as daily, weekly, or monthly.

28 Saliman,Drs, Drs. Sudarsono,SH, Kamus Pendidikan P engajaran dan Umum, Rineka Cipta, Jakarta, 1994, Page.80

29 Op. Cit, Webster, Page.2002 ,0 Op. Cit, Hornby, As, Page.752 31 Op. Cit, The N ew G rolier, Page.847

32 (Editor) Westra, Pariarta, Drs, SH, Drs. Sutarto, Drs. Ibnu Syamsi, Ensiklopedi A dm inistrasi,

Haji Masagung, Jakarta, 1989, Page.392

3j Asikin, Zainal, SH, SU (Ed), H. Agusfiar Wahab,SH, Lalu Husni, SH, Zaeni Alyahdie, SH,


2. Abbreviation Salary’s System

It purposes to change time span salary’s system, if the work’s outcome


3. Agreement Salary’s System

It means a salary’s system giving by give some salaries to the certain

group, and then it will distribute to the member of group.

4. Change Span Salary’s System

In this system act of distribution of some salaries are related to price of

selling product in the market.

5. Index Salary’s System

It based on index of life requirement.

6. Share Profit Salary’s System

It like as giving of bonus, if the company get profit in the end of the year.


Teacher salary is recompense to be paid to a teacher for regular time.

Teacher’s salaries vary greatly from one part country to another and from one

district to another, even in the same state. In Indonesia there are some policy

toward giving of salary to the teachers, according to the level of position, time

dedication and work achievement.

The advancement in rank of the teachers are based on point credit or

value of work achievement minimal in two years range of time, and it will be


The whole of teacher’s identity, the teacher as be social being. Salary

of civil servant teachers could be different for each level. They have to receipt

their salary after get some butchering for social contributions and others.


Work is sustained physical or mental effort valued as it overcomes

obstacles and achieves an objective or result.34 *

Work is use bodily or mental powers with the purpose of doing or

1 C making something.

Work is activity undertaken in return for payment.36

Ethos is a guiding beliefs, standards, or ideals that characterize or

pervade a group, a community, a people, or an ideology: the spirit that

motivates the ideas, customs, or practices of a people, an epoch, or a region.37 38

Work ethos is the spirit that motivates the physical or mental effort

valued as it outcomes obstacles and achieves an objective or result.

Every action has certain good motivation, recognize or not. It means to

fulfil the requirements. Teaching has motivation too, such as to get salary,

status raising, appreciation and so on.

Motivation is the act or process of motivating.

34 Op.Cit, Webster_, Page.2634 5 Op.Cit, O xford , Page.l 146

36 Op.Cit, N ew G rolier_V ol.H l, Page. 1146 37 Op.Cit, W e b s t e rPage.781


Motivation is a purposed urging, and it called for a vector which

enable for someone to move to get a certain aim.39

Motivation is the process of including a person or a group people, with

distint needs and personalities, to achieve the organization’s objectives, while

also working to achieve their own objectives.40

There two kinds of basic motivation, they are:41

1. Inside Motivation

Urging in action doing. In example; act because of it match to the talent

and interested.

2. Outside Motivation

Urging comes from out of action. In example; act because of high salary.

Work ethos motivation is the spirit that supposed urging the physical

or mental effort valued as it outcomes obstacles and achieves an objective or


9 Op.Cit, Anoraga, Pandji, Page.53

40 Mosley,Donald.C, Paul.H.Piertri, Leon.C.Megginson, M anagem ent L eadership in A ction, Horper Collins Publisherslnc, New York, 1996, Page. 166




1. Al M a’arif Islamic Elementary School o f Kebumen ( MI Al M a’arif Kebumen ) Banyubiru

Al Ma’arif Islamic Elementary School of Kebumen sub district

Banyubiru is an accredited Elementary School under the control of

Departement of Religious Affairs and the department of National

Education Which is located in Kebumen Village, Banyubiru, district

Semarang. It is built in January 1st 1956.

The total area of Al Ma’arif Islamic Elementary School of

Kebumen Banyubiru is 1436 meters square. It is divided into two main

infrastructures, namely building and school yard. The total wide of the

building is 1100 meters square. The building construction is permanent

and the institution’s own.


a. The Structure o f the School’s Organization.

b. The Teachers of MI Al Ma ’arif Kebumen

No Name Graduate Civil Servant /

Part Time



1. Mr. Rozikin SI Civil Servant Headmaster

2. Mrs. Maryatun Dll Civil Servant Teacher

3. Mrs. Nur Sururiyah Dll Civil Servant Teacher 4. Mrs. Siti Maemunah SI Civil Servant Teacher 5. Mrs. Siti Barokah SI Civil Servant Teacher

6. Mr. M Chaerun PGA Civil Servant Teacher


c. The Students o f MI Al Ma 'arif Kebumen

d. The Situation of Medium MI Al Ma 'arif Kebumen

There are 6 classrooms for each grade, a headmaster’s room

Departement of Religious Affairs and the department of National

Education Which is located in Demakan Village, Banyubiru, district

Semarang. It is built in January 1st 1967.

The total area of Al Ma’arif Islamic Elementary School of


infrastructures, namely building and school yard. The building

construction is permanent and the institution’s own.

a. The Structure of the School’s Organization

b. The Teachers of MI Al Ma 'arif Demakan

No Name Graduate Civil Servant /

Part Time Teacher Duty 1. Mr. Barkoni Dll Civil Servant Headmaster 2. Mr. Ali Suwamo DII Civil Servant Teacher 3. Mrs. Luwiyati DII Civil Servant Teacher 4. Mrs. Umi Nasiroh DII Civil Servant Teacher

5. Mr. Ashadi DII Civil Servant Teacher

6. Mrs. Laela

Mustafida SI Part Time Teacher Teacher


d. The Situation of Medium MI Al Ma ’arif Rowoboni

There are 5 classrooms for 3 rd to 6th grade, a room for 1st

grade and 2nd grade by turns, a teacher’s room, a living room, a

toilet. For support teaching learning activities there are some tools,

they are: 60 desk, 30 bench, 6 teachers’ table, 6 teachers’ chair, 5

blackboards, a typewriter, 2 clocks, 7 cupboards, 4 sports’ set, a tape

recorder, 3 visual sets.

6. Nurul Huda Islamic Elementary School o f Sepakung (MI Nurul Huda Sepakung) Banyubiru

Nurul Huda Islamic Elementary School of Sepakung sub district

Banyubiru is an accredited Elementary School under the control of

Departement of Religious Affairs and the department of National

Education Which is located in Sepakung Village, Banyubiru, district

Semarang. MI Nurul Huda Sepakung is built in 1970. It is in 1 lOOmdpl.

The total area of Nurul Huda Islamic Elementary School of

Sepakung Banyubiru is 325 meters square, and the wide building is 240

meters square. It is divided into two main infrastructures, namely

building and school yard. The building construction is permanent and the


a. The Structure o f School’s Organisation

b. The Teachers of MINurul Huda Sepakung

No Name Graduate Civil Servant /

Part Time



1. Mr. Sugiri DII Civil Servant Headmaster

2. Mr. Achmadi PGA Civil Servant Teacher

3. Mr. Didik M SI Civil Servant Teacher

4. Mrs. Ianah DII Part Time Teacher Teacher

5. Mr. Askuri DII Part Time Teacher Teacher

6. Mr. Tumari SI Part Time Teacher Teacher 7. Mr. Edi Istiawan DII Part Time Teacher Teacher


c. The Students o f MI Nurul Huda Sepakung

Grade Male Female Total

I 23 16 39

II 15 19 34

III 17 13 30

IV 13 13 26

V 11 10 21

VI 10 14 24

Total 89 85 174

d. The Situation of Medium MI Nurul Huda Sepakung

There are 5 classrooms for 3rd to 6th grade, a room for 1st

grade and 2nd grade by turns, a teacher’s room, a living room, a

toilet. For support teaching learning activities there are some tools,

they are: 74 desk, 74 bench, 10 blackboards, 2 typewriters, 8 clocks,

8 cupboards, 3sports’ set, a tape recorder, 3 visual sets.


The method used in this research is the quantitative method. It means

that data, which are collected will have to shape of numerable than analyze by

the use of statistic.

In this research will analyze the influence of teachers’ salary toward

their work ethos. Since this research will also analyze how far the influence of



1. Population

Arikunto states that population is the total number of the subject of

an investigation1

The population of the research is The Part Time Teachers of

Islamic Elementary School in Banyubiru District Semarang, which consist

25 teachers (13 females and 12 males).

2. Sample

In this research the researcher takes all the number of part time

teachers of Islamic Elementary School in Banyubiru District Semarang,

which consist 25 Part Time Teachers (13 Females and 12 Males) in six

Islamic Elementary Schools institutions.


In this research the writer used questioners and interviewing, the

instruments of collecting data are:

1. The questioner

Questioner is a number of written questions, which are used to gain

information from respondent themselves as their knowledge, belief or

action. The questionnaire is used to know the influence of salary level of

part time teachers’ toward their work ethos.


After the writer gives some question for sample, the writer

contracts the result answers distinct from sample. Then the writer

summered the result about the influence of part time teachers’ salary

toward their work ethos. The writer can get data by percentage from part

time teachers’ answers.

2. Interview

An interview is designed from the questioner. The interview was

done after the observation and while asking question orally. The researcher

interviewed The Part Time Teachers, The Headmaster and The Islamic

Education Supervisor (Pengawas Pendidikan Agama Islam) of Banyubiru.

Interview with the part time teachers are intended to get data as

like as the influence of their salary toward their work ethos. And interview

with the headmasters has intended to get the data, as like as the number of

part time teacher in his or her institution, the situation of the teachers and

teaching learning activities. The interviews with the Islamic Education

Supervisor (Pengawas Pendidikan Agama Islam) are to get data of

teachers’ salary and data of Part Time Teachers’ number and their work


After getting data from the type of objective test the writer can



To determine whether or not there is influence of teachers’ salary

toward their work ethos. The researcher examined the opinion by computed

the data by applying the formula of the person.

Product moment correlation analysis

While to find the answer the technique that will use Product Moment

Correlation and the formula goes like this:


r : The coefficient of variable x and y

Exv : The sum of product multiplying the teachers’ salary

questionare and the work ethos questionare.

Ex : The sum of teachers’ salary questionare.

Ey •' The sum of work ethos questionare

Ex2 : The sum of square of teachers’ salary questionare

Ey2 : The sum of square of work ethos questionare

N : Number of respondent


In this paper the writer will describe about data presentation with write


To know about how far the influence of part time teachers’ salary toward their

work ethos in Islamic Elementary Schools in Banyubiru District Semarang, the

writer would like to give data analysis using questioners consist of 20 items for

knowing about the teachers’ salary and 20 items to reveal their work ethos.

A. Data Analysis

There are two variables that will be analyzed in this thesis, namely:

1. Independent Variable (x) is Part Time Teachers’ Salary

2. Dependent Variable (y) is Part Time Teachers’ Work Ethos.

There area the result of part time teachers’ salary and part time

teachers’ work ethos

1. The Analysis about part time teachers' salary toward their work ethos of

islamic elementary schools in Banyubiru district Semarang, is to used to

find the part time teaachers' salary.


a. Data of Part Time Teachers’ Salary

No Name of Respondents The Part Time Teachers’ Salary Score


b. Determine interval width, by using the formula as follows:

1. Finding the highest limit score (Ba), is 44

2. Finding the lowest limit score (Bb), is 21

3. After finding Ba and Bb, by using formula as following:

{Ba - Bb) +1 3

(4 4 - 2 l)+ l 23 +1 _ 24 _ g 3 3 ~ 3 ~

c. Classify the degree of part time teachers' salary by interval width. So

it can be known:

1. 36 until 44 is category high score

2. 28 until 36 is category middle score

3. 20 until 28 is category low score

d. Finding the number of an individual in three categories, are high,

middle and low

1. Category high score

— x 100% = 60% 25

2. Category middle score

— x 100% = 36% 25

3. Category low score


e. The percentage of Part Time Teachers' Salary

work ethos of Islamic elementary schools in Banyubiru district Semarang,

is to used to find the part time teachers' work ethos,

a. Data of Part Time Teachers’ Work Ethos


No Name of Respondents The Part Time Teachers’ Work Ethos

b. Determine interval width, by using the formula as follows:

1. Finding the highest limit score (Ba), is 37

2. Finding the lowest limit score (Bb), is 24

3. After finding Ba and Bb, by using formula as following:

( B a - B b



(3 7 -2 4 ) + ! 11 + 1 _ 12 _ 3 3 ” 3 ~

c. Classify the degree of part time teachers' salary by interval width. So

it can be known:

1.33 until 37 is category high score

2. 29 until 33 is category middle score

3. 24 until 29 is category low score

d. Finding the number of an individual in three categories, are high,


1. Category high score

e. The percentage of Part Time Teachers' Work Ethos

No Category Interval Frequency Percentage

1 High 33-37 7 28%

2 Middle 29-33 11 44%

3 Low 25-29 7 28%

3. Product Moment correlation analysis this formula is used to find out the

correlation between part time teachers’ salary and part time teachers’ work

ethos as follow:

The Squared and Multiple of X and Y


No X Y X2 Y2 XY


From the computation above, it was obtained that rxy = -0.216 and

then rxy is consulted to the critical value for r table of product moment to

examine whether rxy value is significant or not. The value of r table with

N = 25 and the 5 % significant level is 0,396 and 1% significant level is

0,505. So, it can be concluded that rxy is lower than r table or -0.216 is

lower than 0,396 and 0,505.

Based on the requirement above the correlation between the two

variables was not significance. From the computation above it can be

inferred that there was negative correlation between part time teacher's

salary and their work ethos. There's no influence to the part time teacher's

salary toward their work ethos.

B. Finding

The result findings indicate that there is not significant correlation

between the part time teachers' salary and their work ethos. These facts imply

that part time teachers' salary give a low contribution to their work ethos. They

have high dedication to their job, even though they have not gotten high


C. Implication of the Research.

Based on the result of the study we know that the part time teachers'

salary give a low contribution to the part time teachers' work ethos is falls on


In this chapter the researcher presents the conclusion and the suggestion of

the research. The conclusion is summary of the findings that have been discussed

in chapter IV. They are the whole answers of the research problems presented in

chapter I. The suggestion, as the follow up of the findings is addressed to part

teachers and the students.

A. Conclusion

This research is proposed to answer whether or not there is significant

correlation between part time teachers' salary toward their work ethos

In her attempts to obtain the intended data, the researcher arranged her

own made questionnaire, which contains question relating to part time

teachers' salary and part time teachers' work ethos.

The result of the research is as follows:

1. The first variable of this research is about part time teacher' salary. The

part time teachers' salary is enough for them. Because it cannot be the

hindrance to them to teach professionally. It can be seen in the result of

the questionnaires form the part time teachers of high score is 60%,

middle score is 36 % and law score is 4%.

2. It is well known that part time teachers work ethos is good enough or it in

the middle can be seen the result of questionnaires from part time teachers'


work ethos' score. It's high score is 28%, middle score is 44%, and low

score is 28%.

3. There is negative correlation between part time teachers' salary toward part

teachers' work ethos. This result is obtained from the computation of the

correlation between part time teachers' salary applied to sample is -0,216.

The critical value of the Pearson r with the 5 % level is 0,396 and 1%

level is 0,505. It means that result obtained from the computation is lower

than its critical value. Therefore the researcher concludes that the

correlation of the two variables above was not significant. It means that

part time teachers' salary has no influence toward their work ethos. They

have high work ethos even though they got low salary.

B. Suggestion

Based on the result of the research, she would like to offer some

suggestions to be considered to enlarge the students’ vocabulary achievement.

The suggestions as follows:

1. The teachers are expected to increase them self quality.

2. The Department of Religious Affair and the department of

National Education are expected to pay attention to the teachers'


3. The institutions are expected to be facilitator for the teachers'

aspirations to the Department of Religious Affair and the


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Identitas Nama Instansi

Lingkarilah alternatif jawaban di bawah ini yang sesuai dengan keadaan bapak / ibu guru!

A. Kesejahteraan

1. Apakah bapak / ibu guru merasa kerasan bekeija di sekolah ini? a. Ya, saya kerasan

b. Kadang-kadang ingin pindah

c. Kalau ada pekeijaan ditempat lain saya akan pindah.

2. Apakah selama menjalankan profesi sebagai guru honorer bapak/ ibu guru merasa cukup menerima honor?

a. Sangat mencukupi b. Pas-pasan

c. Kurang dari cukup

3. Selama mengajar apakah kenaikan honor bapak/ibu guru lancar? a. Sangat lancar

b. Kurang lancar c. Sangat sulit

4. Selama ini apakah honor yang bapak/ ibu guru terima cukup untuk memenuhi kebutuhan hidup?

a. Sangat mencukupi b. Cukup

c. Tidak Cukup

5. Setiap ada penerimaan honor ada semacam pemotongan honor yang diterima dengan untuk biaya administrasi, apakah bapak/ibu guru setuju dengan adanya pemotongan honor tersebut?

a. Sangat setuju b. Setuju

c. Kurang setuju

6. Setiap kali mengajar, sarana transportasi apa yang bapak/ibu guru gunakan? a. Mobil pribadi

b. Kendaraan bermotor


7. Apakah selama menjadi guru honorer bapak/ibu guru pernah mengalami tekanan dalam bidang ekonomi?

a. Belum pernah b. Jarang

c. Selalu

8. Pernahkah bapak/ibu guru mendapat teguran atau intimidasi apabila melakukan kerja sampingan selain sebagai guru honorer?

a. Belum pernah b. Kadang-kadang c. Pernah

9. Pernahkah ketika bapak/ibu guru terkena musibah mendapatkan bantuan linansial dari tempat anda mengajar?

a. Selalu

b. Kadang-kadang mendapatkan c. Tak pernah mendapatkan

10. Salah satu upaya peningkatan kesejahteraan guru honorer, pemerintah memberikan gaji intensif dalam kurun waktu tertentu, apakah bapak/ibu guru mendukung dengan adanya hal tersebut?

a. Sangat mendukung b. Selalu mendukung c. Kurang mendukung

11. Pernahkah bapak/ibu guru mendapatkan gaji intensif sebagai guru honorer? a. Belum pernah

b. Kadang-kadang c. Pernah

12. Apakah pemberian gaji intensif yang diberikan kepada bapak/ibu guru selalu tepat waktu?

a. Tidak

b. Kadang-kadang c. Selalu


16. Selama menjadi guru honorer, apakah bapak/ibu guru dalam mengurus administrasi kerja mendapat kesulitan?

a. Selalu

b. Kadang-kadang c. Tidak

17. Pada saat mengurus administrasi keija, apakah bapak/ibu guru merasa mendapatkan diskriminasi atau pembedaan terhadap guru honorer dari instansi kerja lain?

a. Belum pernah b. Jarang

c. Selalu

18. Apakah bapak/ibu guru merasa bahwa penghasilan yang bapak/ibu guru terima dari kerja sampingan tersebut lebih bisa diandalkan dalam memenuhi kebutuhan sehari-hari dari pada penghasilan sebagai guru honorer?

a. Ya

b. Kadang-kadang c. Tidak

19. Apakah bapak/ibu guru merasa pernah mendapatkan intimidasi (tekanan) dari tempat bapak/ibu guru bekerja?

a. Belum pernah b. Jarang

c. Selalu

20. Apakah penurusan administrasi kerja yang bapak/ibu guru lakukan tiap jangka waktu tertentu mengganggu konsentrasi bekerja bapak/ibu guru?

a. Ya

b. Kadang-kadang c. Tidak

B. EtOS K erja

1. Apakah bapak/ibu guru setiap mengajar membuat perencanaa? a. Selalu


3. Pernahkah Bapak/ibu guru mencatat hasil evaluasi belajar? a. Sering

b. Kadang-kadang c. Tidak pernah

4. Berapa kali bapak/ibu guru mebuat perencanaa pengajaran dalam mengajar? a. Sebulan sekali

b. Setiap cawu c. Setahun sekali

5. Apakah bapak/ibu guru senang mengajar? a. Sangat senang

b. Senang c. Biasa saja

6. Bagaimana perasaan bapak/ibu guru ketika prestasi belajar baik? a. Sangat senang

b. Senang c. Biasa saja

7. Ketika prestasi siswa rendah, bagaimanakah perasaan bapak/ibu guru? a. Sangat sedih

b. Sedih c. Biasa saja

8. Apakah gaji bapak/ibu guru dapat menjadikan motivasi dalam mengajar? a. Selalu

b. Kadang-kadang c. Tidak pernah

9. Dalam mengajar, pernahkah bapak/ibu guru memperhatikan waktu? a. Sering

b. Kadang-kadang c. 'l'idak pernah

10. Dalam mengajar, pernahkah bapak/ibu guru datang lebih awal? a. Sering


11. Bagaimana perasaan bapak/ibu guru ketika melanggar tata tertib guru? a. Sangat merasa bersalah

b. Mersa bersalah

c. Tidak merasa bersalah

12. Pernahkah bapak/ibu guru terlambat waktu mengajar? a. Tidak pernah

b. Kadang-kadang c. Sering

13. Dalam mengajar pernahkah bapak/ibu guru berusaha meningkatkan prestasi siswa?

a. Sering

b. Kadang-kadang c. Tidak pernah

14. Apakah bapak/ibu guru memberikan perhatian lebih terhadap siswa yang kurang mengasai pelajaran dibanding dengan siswa yang lebih menguasai pelajaran?

a. Selalu

b. Kadang-kadang c. Tidak pernah

15. Apakah bapak/ibu guru akan berusaha melengkapi sarana dan prasarana yang ada disekolah untuk menunjang prestasi siwa?

a. Selalu

b. Kadang-kadang c. Tidak pernah

16. Apakah bapak/ibu guru memberikan jam pelajaran tambahan ketika jam pelajaran yang disediakan dirasa kurang?

a. Selalu

b. Kadang-kadang c. Tidak pernah

17. Apakah bapak/ibu guru melakukan diskusi (pembicaraan) tentang prestasi siswa disekolah terhadap orang tua yang bersangkutan?

a. Selalu

b. Kadang-kadang c. Tidak pernah

18. Apakah bapak/ibu guru lebih memilih menggunakan suatu metode pengajaran berdasarkan kebutuhan, dari pada metode yang sudah ditetapkan?

a. Sering


19. Pernahkah bapak/ibu guru mendapatkan dukungan terhadap metode mengajar yang bapak/ibu guru gunakan selama ini?

a. Pernah

b. Kadang-kadang c. Tidak pernah

20. Apakah dalam mengembangkan kreatifitas bekerja bapak/ibu guru merasa terbatasi?

a. tidak

b. kadang-kadang c. selalu


1 ORMASS 28-30 A gust 2000 Peserta 3

2 PENDASPALA 2-4 Okt 2000 Peserta 2

J English Friendship Camp 7-8 Okt 2000 Peserta 2

4 LATSAR Keteateran

6 Ramadhan In Campus 16 Des 2000 Panitia - t


RUKE Semarang) 19-21 Okt 2001 Panitia


Dewan Kesenian Salatiga 11-14 Nov 2001 Panitia 3


Bedah Film “Erin Brockovich” ALIF WOMEN’S STUDY CLUB dan MAPALA

Mitapasa STAIN Salatiga 12 Maret 2002 Panitia


11 LATSAR Keteateran

XIV 28-31 Maret 2002 Panitia


Peron UNS) 4-10 Juni 2002 Panitia


14 English Friendship Camp 11-13 Okt 2002 Panitia Dn


18 Ramadhan In Campus 21 Okt 2002 Panitia 3

19 Pekan Budaya 30 Apr-09 Mei 2003 Panitia 3


Pendakian Massal dan Bersih Gunung

MAP ALA Mitapasa 6-7 Sept 2003 Panitia


21 LATSAR XVI 02-05 Okt 2003 Panitia 3


Seminar dan Bedah Film “Mencari Format

Pengelolaan yang Efektif

dalam Krisis Air 17 Juli 2004 Panitia

' t

24 LATSAR XVII 07-10 Okt 2004 Panitia ' t



l .omha Khitobah tingkat SLTA dan REMAS SE- Salatiga HMI Cab.

Salatiga 30-31 Okt 2004 Panitia

- t J

26 Ramadhan In Campus 04 Nop 2004 Panitia ' t


27 PENDASPALA X 17-29 Jan 2005 Panitia 3


Bersih-bersih Kota dan Kampanye Polusi Udara

GPA Kota Salatiga 12 Juni 2005 Peserta


latiga, 31 Agustus 2006 Pembantu Ketua Bidang Akademik



Mahasiswa tersebut benar-benar telah mengikuti kegiatan-kegiatan sebagaimana tersebut dibawah ini:


1 LATSAR Keteateran XIII 19-21 Okt 2000 Peserta


Diskusi dan buka bersama TEATER

GETAR “Insan, Seni dan Budaya” 30 Nov 2000 Panitia

3 Ramadhan In Campus 16 Des 2000 Panitia


Kegiatan Bersama, Sarasehan, Pentas Teater dan Whorkshop keteateran (teater Getar Salatiga dan

teater RUKE Semarang) 19-21 Okt 2001 Panitia


Kenduri Teater bersama Dewan

Kesenian Salatiga 11-14 Nov 2001 Panitia

6 LATSAR Keteateran XIV 28-31 Maret 2002 Panitia


Gebyar Teater (Teater GETAR Salatiga, teater Nol Surakarta, Teater

Peron UNS) 4-10 Juni 2002 Panitia


Pentas Keliling 4 Kampus (STAIN Salatiga, UNSIQ Wonosobo, UMM

Magelang, LTKSW Salatiga) 11-20 Juni 2002

Panitia/Tim Produksi

9 LATSAR XV 03-06 Okt 2002 Panitia

10 Ramadhan In Campus 21 Okt 2002 Panitia


Pentas Produksi XXIII “Nyidam " Keliling 2 Kota (Kota Salatiga, dan Boyolali)

10, 14 Maret 2003 Panitia/ Tim Produksi

12 Pekan Budaya 30 Apr-09 Mei 2003 Panitia

13 LATSAR XVI 02-05 Okt 2003 Panitia

14 LATSAR XVII 07-10 Okt 2004 Panitia




b. Luas Gedung m2

No Jenis Peralatan A da/ Tidak Jum lah Keterangan


Assalamualaikum wr. Wb

Yang bertanda tangan di bawah ini, Kepala Madrasah Ibtidaiyah Demakan Kec. Banyubiru, dengan ini menerangkan dengan sesungguhnya bahwa;

Nama : Nurul Azizah NIM : 113 00 043

Mahasiswa : Sekolah Tinggi Agama Islam Negeri (STAIN) Salatiga Jurusan : Tarbiyah

Program Study : Tadris Bahasa Inggris (TBI)

Benar-benar telah mengadakan penelitian di Madrasah Ibtidaiyah Demakan kecamatan Banyubiru. Demikian surat keterangan ini di buat dengan sebenar-benarnya dan agar dapat digunakan sebagaimana mestinya.

Wassalamualaikum wr. Wb

Banyubiru, ic Agustus 2006


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