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Institutional Repository | Satya Wacana Christian University: Implementation of Problem-Based Instruction Learning Model Using Media Kotak dan Kartu Misteri to Improve Student Learning Outcomes


Academic year: 2019

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1.1. Background of the Research

Many critics leveled at the way teachers teach that too much emphasis on the mastery of a number of material or concepts only. Stacking information or concepts to the students may be considered less helpful if it is only communicated by teachers to students through a one-way communication like pouring water into a glass (Rampengan 1993: 1). There It cannot be denied that concept is a important thing but more important is how the concept understood by students. The importance of understanding the concepts in the teaching and learning activities greatly influence the attitudes, decisions and ways of solving problems. Therefore, the most important and meaningful learning occurs not just like pouring water into a glass.

At school, we often found out that students simply memorize concepts and less able to use the concept if they face any problem in real life that associated with the concept they already owned. Furthermore, even students are less able to determine the problem and formulate it. Talking about the teaching and learning process often makes us feel disappointed, especially that associated with the students' understanding of teaching materials. However, we realize that there are also students who are capable and have a good level of memorization of the material they receive, but the fact that they often lack an understanding and a deep understanding of rote knowledge (DEPDIKNAS 2002: 1).


also require students to solve problems, but rarely taught how students should solve the problem.

In reality, the fact found still less in accordance with the expectations. Based on the results of the observation, interviews, and documentation conducted by the researcher with the homeroom teacher and grade fourth students of SD Negeri Dukuh 01 Salatiga in natural science subject, there was information that the student learning outcomes in natural science subject tend to be low. The low outcomes of the students learning can be seen in the document of the average score of fourth grade midterm exam in the first semester of 2016:

Table 1.1

Fourth Grade Students’ Natural Science Midterm Exam Outcome

No. Interval Frecuency Percentage

1 33-42 1 2,70 %

2 43-52 2 5,41 %

3 53-62 5 13,51 %

4 63-72 14 37,84 %

5 73-82 8 21,63 %

6 83-92 6 16,21 %

7 93-102 1 2.70 %

Total 37 100 %

Complete 20 54 %

Incomplete 17 46 %

Minimum 33

Maximum 95

Average 68,76


The learning outcome tends to be low occurs due to several causes, for instance: (1) the students still look timid, hesitant and afraid to ask, and only a few students who answered questions from the teacher, (2) the lack of interest and attention of the students to the lesson, it can be seen when in the process of teaching and learning activities taking place many students are rowdy that caused the classroom atmosphere becomes not conducive, (3) the student's motivation in learning is still low, they seem lack passion because no learning media making learning activities interesting.

Based on the descriptions of the problems, the researcher decided to find a way to resolve it by conducting an observation that aims to improve student-learning outcomes especially in natural science. The researcher defines an alternative action that not only aims to improve the quality of learning outcomes but also to train students to learn independently in solving a problem, motivating students to take an active role in the learning process and also enhance their creativity. The researcher using a model learning, the model is Problem-Based Instruction using media Kotak dan Kartu misteri (KOKAMI). Problem-Based Instruction learning model using Kotak dan Kartu Misteri (KOKAMI) will help the students to develop thinking skills, problem solving, and intellectual ability through game activities that do not create learning activities become saturated and boring.


The use of the learning model will be more effective by using an interesting learning media. One of the interesting learning media using Problem-Based Instruction is Kotak dan Kartu Misteri (KOKAMI). According to Kadir (2004), Kotak dan Kartu Misteri (KOKAMI) is a media that uses elements of the game in its use. It is a combination of media and games that are significantly able to provide the students' motivation as well as to attract the students to actively engage in learning activities, facilitate them to understand the lesson easier and allows them to work in groups.

Thus, from the descriptions of the background problems mentioned above, the researcher decided to conduct action research (classroom action research) about “To Increase Student Learning Outcomes in Natural Science Through Problem-Based Instruction Learning Model Using Media Kotak dan Kartu Misteri (KOKAMI) in Second Semester Student of Fourth Grade SD Negeri Dukuh 01 Salatiga 2017”.

1.2 Statements of the Problem

Based on the background research that were outlined above, there are several reasons or issues relating to the learning outcomes of the fourth grade students SD Negeri Dukuh 01 Salatiga in studying natural science, which is as follows:

1. Students were less enthusiastic and had not been active in participating following learning activities. In learning activities, they tend to be passive, and there are still many students who had not dared to express their opinion or simply ask questions when learning process was ongoing.

2. Models or methods used in the learning process are monotonous and more often using lectures method, discussion and assignments so that learning becomes less attractive and tend to be boring.


1.3 Question of the Research

The questions of this research are:

1. “Can implementation of Problem-Based Instruction learning model using media Kotak dan Kartu Misteri (KOKAMI) be able to increase natural science learning outcomes of fourth grade students of SD Negeri Dukuh 01 Salatiga?”

2. “How do implementation of Problem-Based Instruction learning model using Kotak dan Kartu Misteri (KOKAMI) able to increase natural science learning outcomes of fourth grade students of SD Negeri Dukuh 01 Salatiga?”

1.4 Purpose of the Research

The purposes of this research are:

1. Knowing whether the implementation of Problem-Based Instruction learning model using media Kotak dan Kartu Misteri (KOKAMI) be able to increase natural science learning outcomes of fourth grade students of SD Negeri Dukuh 01 Salatiga or not.


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