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Kohonen Neural Network Dalam Pendeteksian Duplikasi Image Digital Melalui Deteksi Garis Tepi


Academic year: 2019

Membagikan "Kohonen Neural Network Dalam Pendeteksian Duplikasi Image Digital Melalui Deteksi Garis Tepi"


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Imports System Imports System.IO Imports System.Math

Public Class frmUtama

Dim diCari As DirectoryInfo

Dim flPath As String, srcPath As String

Dim asNode As Double, dsNode As Double, ksNode As Double, ssNode As Double

Dim atNode() As Double, dtNode() As Double, ktNode() As Double, stNode() As Double

Dim tmpTarget As PictureBox Dim LT As Long, HT As Long

Dim MaxErr As Double, LRate As Double

Dim outDev() As Double, outKur() As Integer, outSkew() As Integer Dim inDev As Double, inKur As Integer, inSkew As Integer

Dim FinProses As Boolean

Dim posX As Single, posY As Single

Private Sub DoReset()

ClearPictureBox(pbSource) ClearPictureBox(pbPreview) btnSource.Text = "Load" btnSource.Enabled = True btnProses.Enabled = False lblFolder.Text = ""

txtLT.Text = "10" txtHT.Text = "250" txtErr.Text = "0.05" txtInDev.Text = "" txtInKur.Text = "" txtInSkew.Text = "" lstDeviasi.Items.Clear() lstKurtosis.Items.Clear() lstSkewness.Items.Clear() lstHasil.Items.Clear() lstDaftar.Items.Clear() End Sub

Private Sub ClearPictureBox(ByVal pb As PictureBox) pb.Image = Nothing

pb.BackColor = Color.Empty pb.Invalidate()

End Sub

Private Sub btnSource_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles btnSource.Click

Select Case btnSource.Text Case "Load"

FinProses = False


ofdPicture.Filter = "BMP|*.bmp" ofdPicture.FileName = ""


srcPath = ofdPicture.FileName If Len(srcPath) < 1 Then Exit Sub

pbSource.Image = LoadPic(Image.FromFile(srcPath), 150, 150)

btnSource.Text = "Deteksi Tepi" Case "Deteksi Tepi"

intVector = pbSource.Width * pbSource.Height pbSource.Image = DoEdgeLinking(pbSource, True) If Len(lblFolder.Text) < 1 Then

btnSource.Enabled = False Else

btnSource.Enabled = True End If

btnSource.Text = "Segmentasi Kohonen" Case "Segmentasi Kohonen"

LT = txtLT.Text HT = txtHT.Text

ReDim srcNode(intVector - 1)

pbSource.Image = DoSegment(pbSource, LT, HT, True, 0) asNode = AvgNode(True, 0)

dsNode = DevNode(asNode, True, 0)

ksNode = KurNode(asNode, dsNode, True, 0) ssNode = SkewNode(asNode, True, 0)

ReDim trgNode(lstDaftar.Items.Count - 1, intVector - 1)

ReDim atNode(lstDaftar.Items.Count - 1) ReDim dtNode(lstDaftar.Items.Count - 1) ReDim ktNode(lstDaftar.Items.Count - 1) ReDim stNode(lstDaftar.Items.Count - 1) tmpTarget = New PictureBox

tmpTarget.Width = 150 tmpTarget.Height = 150

For i = 0 To lstDaftar.Items.Count - 1 lstDaftar.SelectedIndex = i

tmpTarget.Image = LoadPic(Image.FromFile(flPath & "\" & lstDaftar.Items(i)), 150, 150)

tmpTarget.Image = DoEdgeLinking(tmpTarget, False) tmpTarget.Image = DoSegment(tmpTarget, LT, HT, False, i)

atNode(i) = AvgNode(False, i)

dtNode(i) = DevNode(atNode(i), False, i)

ktNode(i) = KurNode(atNode(i), dtNode(i), False, i)

stNode(i) = SkewNode(atNode(i), False, i) Next

btnProses.Enabled = True btnSource.Text = "Load" End Select

End Sub

Private Sub btnFolder_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles btnFolder.Click

fbdFolder.Description = "Pilih Lokasi Folder" fbdFolder.ShowDialog()


diCari = New DirectoryInfo(flPath) lstDaftar.Items.Clear()

For Each fi In diCari.GetFiles("*.bmp") lstDaftar.Items.Add(fi.Name)


If btnSource.Enabled = False Then btnSource.Enabled = True End Sub

Private Sub lstDaftar_MouseDown(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.Windows.Forms.MouseEventArgs) Handles lstDaftar.MouseDown If e.Button = Windows.Forms.MouseButtons.Right And FinProses Then

cmsAksi.Show(Me.lstDaftar, New Point(Me.posX, Me.posY)) End If

End Sub

Private Sub lstDaftar_MouseMove(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.Windows.Forms.MouseEventArgs) Handles lstDaftar.MouseMove posX = e.X

posY = e.Y End Sub

Private Sub lstDaftar_SelectedIndexChanged(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles


Using fs As New System.IO.FileStream(flPath & "\" & lstDaftar.Items(lstDaftar.SelectedIndex), IO.FileMode.Open, IO.FileAccess.Read)

pbPreview.Image = LoadPic(Image.FromStream(fs), 150, 150) End Using

If FinProses Then

lstDeviasi.SelectedIndex = lstDaftar.SelectedIndex lstKurtosis.SelectedIndex = lstDaftar.SelectedIndex lstSkewness.SelectedIndex = lstDaftar.SelectedIndex lstHasil.SelectedIndex = lstDaftar.SelectedIndex Using fs As New System.IO.FileStream(flPath & "\" & lstDaftar.Items(lstDaftar.SelectedIndex), IO.FileMode.Open, IO.FileAccess.Read)

pbPreview.Image = LoadPic(Image.FromStream(fs), 150, 150)

End Using

pbPreview.Image = DoEdgeLinking(pbPreview, False) pbPreview.Image = DoSegment(pbPreview, LT, HT, False, lstDaftar.SelectedIndex)

End If End Sub

Private Sub btnReset_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles btnReset.Click

DoReset() End Sub

Private Sub frmUtama_Load(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Me.Load

DoReset() End Sub

Private Sub btnProses_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles btnProses.Click


Dim CekDev As Boolean, CekKur As Boolean, CekSkew As Boolean Dim Hasil() As String

MaxErr = txtErr.Text inDev = dsNode

tmpKur = ksNode - 3 If tmpKur < 0 Then inKur = -1

ElseIf tmpKur = 0 Then inKur = 0


inKur = 1 End If

If ssNode < 0 Then inSkew = 0 Else

inSkew = 1 End If

txtInDev.Text = inDev txtInKur.Text = inKur txtInSkew.Text = inSkew

ReDim outDev(lstDaftar.Items.Count - 1) ReDim outKur(lstDaftar.Items.Count - 1) ReDim outSkew(lstDaftar.Items.Count - 1) ReDim Hasil(lstDaftar.Items.Count - 1) lstDeviasi.Items.Clear()

lstKurtosis.Items.Clear() lstSkewness.Items.Clear() lstHasil.Items.Clear()

For i = 0 To lstDaftar.Items.Count - 1 outDev(i) = dtNode(i)

tmpKur = ktNode(i) - 3 If tmpKur < 0 Then outKur(i) = -1 ElseIf tmpKur = 0 Then outKur(i) = 0 Else

outKur(i) = 1 End If

If stNode(i) < 0 Then outSkew(i) = 0 Else

outSkew(i) = 1 End If

dDev = Abs(inDev - outDev(i)) * 100 If dDev <= MaxErr Then

CekDev = True Else

CekDev = False End If

If inKur = outKur(i) Then CekKur = True


CekKur = False End If

If inSkew = outSkew(i) Then CekSkew = True



If CekDev And CekKur And CekSkew Then Hasil(i) = "Mirip"


Hasil(i) = "Tidak Mirip" End If

lstDeviasi.Items.Add(outDev(i)) lstKurtosis.Items.Add(outKur(i)) lstSkewness.Items.Add(outSkew(i)) lstHasil.Items.Add(Hasil(i)) Next

FinProses = True End Sub

Private Sub cmsAksi_ItemClicked(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.Windows.Forms.ToolStripItemClickedEventArgs) Handles cmsAksi.ItemClicked

Dim strNewFile As String, strOldFile As String Dim tmpCheck As Boolean

strOldFile = flPath & "\" & lstDaftar.Items(lstDaftar.SelectedIndex)

If e.ClickedItem.Name = "tsmHapus" Then

If MsgBox("Anda Ingin Menghapus File Gambar " &

lstDaftar.Items(lstDaftar.SelectedIndex) & " Dari Media Penyimpanan Data?", MsgBoxStyle.Question + MsgBoxStyle.YesNo, "Konfirmasi Hapus File") = MsgBoxResult.Yes Then

tmpCheck = False Do


If File.Exists(strOldFile) Then FileSystem.Kill(strOldFile) MsgBox("File Berhasil Di Hapus",

MsgBoxStyle.Information + MsgBoxStyle.OkOnly, "Hapus File Sukses") tmpCheck = True


For Each fi In diCari.GetFiles("*.bmp") lstDaftar.Items.Add(fi.Name)

Next End If

Catch ex As Exception tmpCheck = False End Try

Loop Until tmpCheck = True End If


If MsgBox("Ubah Nama File Gambar " &

lstDaftar.Items(lstDaftar.SelectedIndex) & "?", MsgBoxStyle.Question + MsgBoxStyle.YesNo, "Konfirmasi Ubah Nama File") = MsgBoxResult.Yes Then

strNewFile = InputBox("Input Nama File Pengganti") If Len(strNewFile) < 1 Then Exit Sub

strNewFile = flPath & "\" & strNewFile & ".bmp" Do


If File.Exists(strOldFile) Then

FileSystem.Rename(strOldFile, strNewFile) MsgBox("Nama File Berhasil Di Ubah", MsgBoxStyle.Information + MsgBoxStyle.OkOnly, "File Rename Sukses") tmpCheck = True


For Each fi In diCari.GetFiles("*.bmp") lstDaftar.Items.Add(fi.Name)

Next End If

Catch ex As Exception tmpCheck = False End Try

Loop Until tmpCheck = True End If

End If End Sub

Private Sub btnAbout_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles btnAbout.Click

frmAbout.ShowDialog(Me) End Sub

Private Sub btnTutup_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles btnTutup.Click

Me.Close() End Sub

Private Sub tsmHapus_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles tsmHapus.Click

End Sub End Class

Imports System

Imports System.Drawing

Imports System.Drawing.Imaging Imports System.Math

Module mdlUtama

Public intVector As Long, trgVector As Long

Public srcNode() As Double, trgNode(0, 0) As Double Public Bobot As Double

Public Function LoadPic(ByVal tmpPic As Image, ByVal THeight As Integer, ByVal TWidth As Integer) As Image

Return New Bitmap(tmpPic, THeight, TWidth) End Function

'By Hippies


Public Function DoEdgeLinking(ByVal tmpPic As PictureBox, ByVal blMode As Boolean) As Image

Dim bmpIn As New Bitmap(tmpPic.Image) Dim bmpOut As New Bitmap(tmpPic.Image)

Dim tmpR As Long, tmpG As Long, tmpB As Long

Dim Op_X(0 To 2, 0 To 2) As Integer, Op_Y(0 To 2, 0 To 2) As Integer

Dim Itensity As Long, GradX As Long, GradY As Long, Grad As Long

Grad = 0


Op_X(1, 0) = -(Sqrt(2)) Op_X(2, 0) = -1

Op_X(0, 1) = 0 Op_X(1, 1) = 0 Op_X(2, 1) = 0 Op_X(0, 2) = 1

Op_X(1, 2) = (Sqrt(2)) Op_X(2, 2) = 1

Op_Y(0, 0) = -1 Op_Y(1, 0) = 0 Op_Y(2, 0) = 1

Op_Y(0, 1) = -(Sqrt(2)) Op_Y(1, 1) = 0

Op_Y(2, 1) = (Sqrt(2)) Op_Y(0, 2) = -1

Op_Y(1, 2) = 0 Op_Y(2, 2) = 1

For X = 0 To bmpIn.Height - 1 For Y = 0 To bmpIn.Width - 1 GradX = 0

GradY = 0 Grad = 0

If X = 0 Or Y = 0 Or X = bmpIn.Width - 1 Or Y = bmpIn.Height - 1 Then

Grad = 0 Else

For I = 0 To 2 For J = 0 To 2

tmpR = bmpIn.GetPixel(Y + J - 1, X + I - 1).R

tmpG = bmpIn.GetPixel(Y + J - 1, X + I - 1).G

tmpG = bmpIn.GetPixel(Y + J - 1, X + I - 1).B

Itensity = (tmpR + tmpG + tmpB) / 3 GradX = GradX + (Itensity * Op_X(J, I)) GradY = GradY + (Itensity * Op_Y(J, I)) Next J

Next I

Grad = Round(Sqrt(Abs(GradX * GradX) + Abs(GradY * GradY)))

End If

If Grad < 0 Then Grad = 0

ElseIf Grad > 255 Then Grad = 255

End If

bmpOut.SetPixel(Y, X, Color.FromArgb(Grad, Grad, Grad))

Next Next

DoEdgeLinking = bmpOut End Function

Public Function DoSegment(ByVal tmpPic As PictureBox, ByVal iTL As Long, ByVal iHL As Long, ByVal blMode As Boolean, ByVal Pos As Long) As Image


Dim tmpR As Long, tmpG As Long, tmpB As Long Dim tmpPos As Long

Dim Node As Boolean

tmpPos = 0

For X = 0 To bmpIn.Height - 1 For Y = 0 To bmpIn.Width - 1 tmpR = bmpIn.GetPixel(Y, X).R If tmpR < iTL Then

tmpR = 0 tmpG = 0 tmpB = 0 Node = 0

ElseIf tmpR >= iTL And tmpR <= iHL Then tmpR = 255

tmpG = 255 tmpB = 255 Node = 1 Else

tmpR = 0 tmpG = 0 tmpB = 0 Node = 0 End If

If blMode Then

srcNode(tmpPos) = Node Else

trgNode(Pos, tmpPos) = Node End If

bmpOut.SetPixel(Y, X, Color.FromArgb(tmpR, tmpG, tmpB))

tmpPos += 1 Next


DoSegment = bmpOut End Function

Public Function AvgNode(ByVal blMode As Boolean, ByVal Pos As Long) As Double

Dim tmpTotal As Double

tmpTotal = 0

For i = 0 To intVector - 1 If blMode Then

tmpTotal = tmpTotal + srcNode(i) Else

tmpTotal = tmpTotal + trgNode(Pos, i) End If


AvgNode = tmpTotal / intVector End Function

Public Function DevNode(ByVal avNode As Double, ByVal blMode As Boolean, ByVal Pos As Long) As Double

Dim tmpTotal As Double, tmpDist As Double

tmpTotal = 0

For i = 0 To intVector - 1 If blMode Then


tmpTotal = tmpTotal + (tmpDist ^ 2) Else

tmpDist = trgNode(Pos, i) - avNode tmpTotal = tmpTotal + (tmpDist ^ 2) End If


tmpTotal = tmpTotal / (intVector - 1) DevNode = tmpTotal ^ 0.5

End Function

Public Function KurNode(ByVal avNode As Double, ByVal dvNode As Double, ByVal blMode As Boolean, ByVal Pos As Long) As Double

Dim tmpTotal As Double, tmpMoment As Double, tmpSD As Double

tmpTotal = 0

For i = 0 To intVector - 1 If blMode Then

tmpMoment = Abs(srcNode(i) - avNode) ^ 4 tmpSD = Abs(srcNode(i) - avNode) ^ 2

tmpTotal = tmpTotal + (tmpMoment / (tmpSD ^ 2)) Else

tmpMoment = Abs(trgNode(Pos, i) - avNode) ^ 4 tmpSD = Abs(trgNode(Pos, i) - avNode) ^ 2

tmpTotal = tmpTotal + (tmpMoment / (tmpSD ^ 2)) End If


KurNode = tmpTotal / intVector End Function

Public Function SkewNode(ByVal avNode As Double, ByVal blMode As Boolean, ByVal Pos As Long) As Double

Dim tmpM3 As Double, tmpM2 As Double

tmpM3 = 0 tmpM2 = 0

For i = 0 To intVector - 1 If blMode Then

tmpM3 = tmpM3 + ((srcNode(i) - avNode) ^ 3) tmpM2 = tmpM2 + ((srcNode(i) - avNode) ^ 2) Else

tmpM3 = tmpM3 + ((trgNode(Pos, i) - avNode) ^ 3) tmpM2 = tmpM2 + ((trgNode(Pos, i) - avNode) ^ 2) End If


tmpM3 = tmpM3 / intVector

tmpM2 = (tmpM2 / intVector) ^ (3 / 2) SkewNode = tmpM3 / tmpM2


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