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Academic year: 2018



Teks penuh




Diajukan untuk memenuhi tugas mata kuliah Pengantar tekhnik Industri

Disusun oleh :

Nama : Ali Wisnu

NIM : 2514141034

Jurusan : Teknik Industri




Technology And Benefits for Life

Technology is a means to provide the overall goods necessary for the survival and comfort of human life . Technological developments taking place in evolution . Since the days of Ancient Roman thought and culture results has appeared oriented towards the field of technology .

Etymologically , the root of the word technology is " techne " which means a set of rational principles or methods relating to the making of an object , or a particular skill , or knowledge of the principles or methods and the arts . The term itself for the first time the technology used by Philips in 1706 in a book entitled Technology : Description About Art - Art , Especially Machine ( Technology : A Description Of The Arts , Especially The Mechanical ) .

The use of technology by humans begins with the conversion of natural resources into simple tools . Recent technological developments , including the printing press , the telephone , and the Internet , has zoomed physical barriers to communication and allowed humans to interact freely on a global scale, and can not deny the advances in automotive technology , in developing countries and even in the whole world of automotive technology impact on the smoothness of the activities carried out by humans .

Automotive Technology is an applied science of how to design , create and develop tools that use ground transportation machinery, especially motorcycles , cars , buses and trucks as a whole means to provide the vehicle necessary for the survival and comfort of human life . In the field of this technology required the incorporation of elements of knowledge of mechanics , electricity , electronics , safety / environment , mathematics , physics , chemistry , biology and management . While the history of the automotive world began when Nicolaus August Otto invented the motorcycle in 1876 then , in 1885 Gottlieb Daimler invented the oil -fueled revolution that allows the opening to the birth of the car design , including motorcycles . The discovery was followed by Karl Benz, a mechanical engineer who first build practical car that is run by an internal - combustion engine with its engine in 1985.


To deal with this globalization era , humans certainly facilitated through technological advances growing . Human consciousness that wants to do everything with easy , fast , convenient and efficient but still quality caused undeniable technological progress today is growing very rapidly . The important role of technology in human life can be evidenced by the many innovations that have been made in this world. From the simple to the horrendous world .

In simple terms we can find in everyday life , for example, that in former times men usually have to walk for months to get anywhere else , now only takes a few hours by using the sophisticated technology of human creation called by plane , car and vehicles other vehicles are continuously developed by humans . Not only do these simple things advances in technology are quite shocking even one of them happened in our country . Yes , in Indonesia , there is the phenomenon of the car esemka created several schools in Solo . National car has made innovations to Indonesia . In addition , in Sidoarjo , the fishermen who usually go to the sea just by using a sailboat is now facilitated by the production vessel at sea for fishermen fishing needs .

Advances in technology are very important for human life today . Because technology is one of the supporting human progress . In many parts of society , technology has helped improve the economic, food , computers , and much more .

On the other hand a policy of ' open doors for a long time ' against the flow of foreign technology , particularly in the form of foreign direct investment ( FDI ) , which inhibits greater independence in the process of developing technological capabilities of developing countries because of too great reliance on the part of foreign investors , because they are the one who make every effort difficult and complicated technology .

This is proof that indeed technology has become a necessity and evenly in every sector of human life . Especially after the discovery of computers and laptops , which are now almost all human work has a relationship with a computer or laptop . So it is appropriate that the computer is the most cutting-edge discoveries and the most effect on human life .


Pada hakikatnya, teknologi adalah hasil dari cipta, karya, dan rasa manusia. Berbanding lurus dengan nilai seni dalam kehidupan, teknologi diciptakan dari sumber daya alam atau komponen yang lebih rumit menjadi komponen yang lebih sederhana tujuannya adalah untuk melancarkan atau memberi kenyamanan yang lebih bagi para penggunanya.

Pada masyarakat zaman dahulu, kesulitan dan hambatan untuk melakukan suatu pekerjaan atau kegiatan sangat sering dijumpai. namun, seiring berjalannya waktu, manusia mulai berpikir untuk menciptakan sebuah alat tansportasi yang tentu saja akan sangat bermanfaat bagi kelancaran dan kenyamanan hidup manusia.

Sumber daya manusia di era globalisasi ini dituntut untuk cermat dalam menciptakan hal-hal baru, maupun mengembangkan teknologi-teknologi yang telah ada pada masa sebelumnya. Kemampuan dan keinginan manusia untuk mendapatkan kenyamanan serta kemudahan inilah yang terus mendorong manusia menciptakan teknologi-teknologi, yang tidak hanya memuaskan kaum muda-mudi tetapi juga orang dewasa. Memasuki abad ke 20 Kemajuan teknologi berkembang pesat.

Ada tiga klasifikasi dasar dari kemajuan teknologi yaitu :

Kemajuan teknologi yang bersifat netral. Terjadi bila tingkat pengeluaran (output) lebih tinggi dicapai dengan kuantitas dan kombinasi faktor-faktor pemasukan (input) yang sama.

Kemajuan teknologi yang hemat tenaga kerja. Kemajuan teknologi yang terjadi sejak akhir abad kesembilan belas banyak ditandai oleh meningkatnya secara cepat teknologi yang hemat tenaga kerja dalam memproduksi sesuatu mulai dari kacang-kacangan sampai sepeda hingga jembatan.


Berbicara tentang teknologi,semua hal apapun pasti ada dampak positif dan negatifnya. Begitupun dengan teknologi,pasti ada dampak positif dan negative bagi kehidupan kita,namun semua itu kembali pada penggunanya,bagaimana cara kita menfaatkan teknolgi tersebut. Bagi di kalangan pemula orang yang hidup di daerah yang jauh dari wadah teknologi,contohnya di pedesaan,mereka berasumsi bahwa teknologi ini hanya semata-semata membantu manusia melakukan komunikasi jarak jauh,dll. Tapi bagi para pengguna teknologi,mereka benar-benar tahu kalau teknologi itu bisa membuat orang terjerumus dalam tindakan kriminal, hubungan seksual dan lain-lain,ini di akibatkan karena salah dalam hal menggunakan teknologi dalam kehidupan.


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