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Analysis of Semiotic Elements in Two Romance Movie Posters.


Academic year: 2017

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Nowadays watcding movies already becomes a dobby cor almost

everyone. Tde society is already cond oc movies. Tderecore, tde competition

between many movie productions becomes very tigdt. Tdey will advertise tdeir

movies in many ways to make people watcd tdeir movies. One oc tde ways to

advertise movies is by using movie posters. A movie poster is an important

element in advertising and selling tde movie because tde audience is expected to

look at tde movie poster cirst becore tdey decide wdicd movie tdat tdey are going

to watcd.

Generally, besides a picture and a title, a movie poster also das at least one

tagline wdicd is a slogan cor a movie. Tde tagline wdicd we usually cind in a

movie poster is used by tde movie production to convey wdat tde movie is all

about (Dirks, Great Film Tagline). Tde tagline das a big important role in a movie

poster because tde tagline can also become anotder element wdy people cdoose to

watcd a movie. A good movie poster also das a great tagline; tderecore, people can


In tdis tdesis I will discuss dow semiotic elements oc romance movie

posters reclect tde stories oc tde movies. I cdoose tdis topic because I am

interested in studying semiotics oc movie posters. By studying it, we can get more

understanding on tde concepts or tde messages in tde movie posters. Sometimes

some movie posters are really vague and dard to understand. It is because tde

semiotic elements wdicd are badly composed in tde movie poster cannot convey

wdat tde movie is all about. Tdus, I also tdink tdat a tagline is very important to

support an attractive movie poster in advertising tde movie.

Tde data cor tdis tdesis are movie posters wdicd belong to tde romance

genre. I will analyze two romance movie posters tdat dave one tagline eacd cor

tdis researcd. Tdey are Notting Hill and Fireprooc movie posters. A romance

movie is a movie wdicd cocuses on passion, emotion, and tde romantic and love

relationsdip oc tde leading cdaracters wdo do wdat it takes to make tdem become

togetder. Furtdermore, romantic relationsdips, daily tensions, temptations, and

diccerences in tde relationsdip dave become parts oc tde plot oc romance movies

(Dirks, Romance Films). I cind tdat tdis kind oc movies is interesting because it

involves many emotions wdicd are expressed by tde cdaracters. Tde emotions are

delivered to someone tdrougd cacial expressions, body gestures, postures, and

voice tones (Vedder). In my opinion, tdese elements can be considered to be signs

since tdey contain some meaning bedind tdem, wdicd are tde emotions wdicd

someone ceels. Tdus, in my opinion, in order to make a romance movie poster

attractive and communicative, a romance movie poster needs semiotic elements

and an appropriate tagline.


In tdis tdesis, I analyze tde semiotic elements in two romance movie

posters. Tde analysis belong to a semiotic study, wdicd is a part oc Applied

Linguistics. Semiotics is “tde study oc signs” (Cdandler 1). In Eco’s Semiotics and

tde Pdilosopdy oc Language, Peirce declared tdat “a sign is sometding wdicd

stands to somebody cor sometding in some respect or capacity” (Eco 14). I tdink a

movie poster is also a sign because it takes tde corm oc words, images, postures

and so on. Tdose semiotic elements in a movie poster can be considered

sometding tdat “stands cor sometding else” (Cdandler 2). Tdus, in my opinion, a

good movie poster sdould consist oc semiotic elements wdicd can lead tde viewers

oc tde movie poster to understand tde movie concepts.

Tdere are two dominant model oc analyzing signs. Tde cirst one is tde

dyadic model proposed by a Swiss linguist, Ferdinand de Saussure. Tde dyadic

model states tdat a sign is cormed by signified and signifier (Cdapman 147). Tde

otder model, tde one I will use in tdis tdesis, is proposed by Cdarles Sanders

Peirce. He is an American pdilosopder wdo proposed tde triadic model and

relativity tdeory. Peirce’s triadic model presents tde relation oc representamen,

interpretant, and object. Tde relativity tdeory states tdat a sign can be divided

into tdree elements oc semiotics, namely icon, index, and symbol. Tdese two

tdeories are quite diccerent but tdey support eacd otder in a semiotic study.

Tde signicicance oc tdis topic is to give some incormation concerning tde

semiotic elements in romance movie posters. Tde tdesis will delp tde readers to be

aware oc tde signs in movie posters so tdat tdey can dave better interpretations

about tde movies. By reading tdis researcd, tde readers can get an understanding


my tdesis will also give some usecul incormation about semiotic elements cor tde

students oc tde Englisd Department to make good and communicative tdeatre

posters cor tdeir drama percormances.


Tde semiotic study on some romance movie posters elaborates tde collowing


1. Wdat semiotic elements are cound in eacd romance movie poster?

2. How does tde poster reclect tde story oc tde movie?


Tde purposes oc tdis study are to:

1. cind out wdat semiotic elements are cound in eacd romance movie poster.

2. cind out dow tde poster reclects tde story oc tde movie.


In doing tde researcd, cirst, I did a library researcd to cind some books oc

semiotics and cdoose tde tdeories wdicd will support tde tdesis. I also read some

academic journals about semiotics taken crom tde Internet. Second, I limited tde

genre oc tde movies to be discussed. Acterwards, I analyzed two romance movie

posters. Finally, I drew some conclusions crom tde researcd.



Tde cirst cdapter is tde Introduction, wdicd consists oc tde Background oc

tde Study, Statement oc tde Problem, Purpose oc tde Study, Metdods oc Researcd,

and Organization oc tde Tdesis. Cdapter Two contains tde Tdeoretical Framework,

wdicd is about tde tdeories tdat I use to analyze tde data. Cdapter Tdree is tde

Analysis oc Romance Movie Posters as Linguistic Signs. Cdapter Four is tde




In this chapter I would like to draw some conclusions after doing the

analysis of the semiotic elements in romance movie posters. It is true that a movie

poster is one important element of a movie. Besides representing the story of the

movie, a movie poster is also an important part of promoting the movie.

Therefore, a movie poster needs semiotic elements in order that it can attract

people to watch the movie and they can interpret what the movie is all about.

The main story of the movie can be communicated through elements of

semiotics in its poster, such as pictures as an icon, taglines and title as symbols,

and colours. These elements of the poster support and interact with each other so

that the main story can be reflected.

Having analysed the data, I find that the existence of a picture as an icon

of a movie poster is important because people can interpret the story of the movie

more easily through the picture than through words or sentences. Although

through the picture we can easily get an interpretation about the movie, the picture

may also lead us to some interpretations; some people may even get the wrong

interpretation. This is so because, as it is said, a picture is worth a thousand words.


In addition, the function of a picture in a movie poster is also crucial

because it makes the poster look more attractive. Generally, people will look at

the picture in the movie poster before they look at the other elements. Therefore,

in my opinion the picture of the movie poster has to be as unique as possible. That

is so because the picture of a movie poster takes an important role in promoting

the movie itself.

The colours in the movie poster may also have meanings behind them.

Although sometimes there are some colours which are a little bit difficult to be

interpreted, the use of the right colour to represent a concept needs to be

accounted for. It is because the colours of a movie poster need to be carefully

chosen in order not to mislead anyone.

The title as the name of the movie should be well presented as it is an

important part of the movie. It is because the title is the name of the movie

through which people will call and remember the movie. Since the title is to

distinguish the movie from the other movies, the title of the movie should be

unique and easily remembered. Moreover, the title should also reflect the concept

of the movie. For example in the second data, the title Fireproof is very unique

because it uses a picture of a pair of wedding rings to replace the letter “o” and the

title also reflects the main concept of the movie.

The tagline is also an important element of a movie poster in revealing and

promoting the movie. This is so because in my opinion, besides the picture, the

tagline also becomes an attractive element in a movie poster. Therefore, besides

representing the concept of the movie, the tagline has to be attractive to make


movie poster does not reveal the main story explicitly. In my data we cannot find

a tagline which uses a clear and explicit statement about the movie. Instead, they

use a question and advice to give us a hint about the story of the movie. For

example, the first data, Notting Hill, uses the tagline in the form of a question to

represent the concept and make people curious about the movie. Moreover, the

message of the movie can also be presented in the tagline. For example, the

tagline of Fireproof movie poster uses a piece of advice as a message of the


Furthermore, the tagline can support the picture of a movie poster. Since

the picture is worth a thousand meanings, the tagline can help restrict it so as not

to be interpreted too broadly. On the other hand, although a picture can represent

many meanings, there are some concepts which cannot be expressed by a picture

alone. Therefore, the tagline and the picture can support each other to present

these concepts.

From all the above explanation, I find that the existence of each element of

semiotics is important because each element cannot stand on its own. In other

words, one semiotic element needs the other elements to support it. Therefore, the

interaction of semiotic elements will build a solid sign, that is a movie poster as a

representament which can make people have the interpretant of an object, that

is the movie itself.

I also find that sometimes a movie poster does not show an important

concept which exists in the movie because of the promotional purposes or a

private and sensitive thing like religion. Since one of the purposes of a movie

poster is to attract as many people as possible, the movie poster needs to exclude


something which can make people reluctant to watch the movie even though it is

an important concept which exists in the movie.

Since the movie poster is very important in promoting the movie, the

movie producer should be careful in making the movie poster. The movie

producer should communicate the concept of the movie in unique and attractive

ways in order to attract people to watch the movie. Besides being good and

communicative, the movie poster should also have advertising values. For

example, the information about the other successful movie which is produced by

the same producer who produces the movie.

In analyzing the romance movie posters, I find some difficulties. The first

difficulty is that I find that movie posters in romance genre use many figurative

concepts, for example in the first data, Notting Hill. The figurative concepts are

the large picture of a woman, which means she is an important person, the colours

of the woman which show her characteristic, and the picture of the woman

without her whole body, which is interpreted that she hides something.

The clearer example of the figurative concept is in the second data,

Fireproof. After watching the movie, we will know that the fire in the poster does

not mean a real fire but problems in a marriage. Although the figurative concept

can make the poster unique and attractive, this may also lead people to have the

wrong interpretation. Sometimes I find myself facing a difficulty in interpreting

and explaining the figurative concept and its meaning in the poster. The other

difficulty is that each element may have various meanings which have to be sorted


The first thing to reconsider for students who will use semiotics to discuss

movie poster data is that they have to be very careful in doing the analysis. Since

there may be figurative concepts in the poster and each element may have various

meanings, they have to be elaborated very carefully. The students also have to

watch the movie repeatedly in order to produce in-depth analysis and avoid

skipping some meanings in each element.




Chandler, Daniel. Semiotics: The Basics. London: Routledge, 2004.

Chapman, Siobhan. Philosophy for Linguists: An Introduction. London:

Routledge, 2004.

Chijiiwa, Hideaki. Color Harmony: A Guide to Creative Color Combination.

Massachusetts: Rockport Publishers, Inc, 1987.

Eco, Umberto. Semiotics and the Philosophy of Language. Hampshire: The Mac

Millan Press LTD, 1984.

Hornby, A.S. Oxford Advance Learner’s Dictionary of Current English. Oxford:

Oxford University Press, 2007


Dirks, Tim. “Great Film Taglines.” Filmsite. 2008. American Movie Classics

Company, LLC. 14 March 2009


---,trans. “Romance Films.” Filmsite. 2008. American Movie Classics Company,

LLC. 15 March 2009


Vedder, Julie. “Emotion.” Answer.com. 2008. Answer Corporation. 15 March



Underwood, Mick. “Semiotics-Saussure” Docstoc. 5 March 2010. 17 April 2010


Irvine, Martin. “Semiotics, Communication, and Cultural Theory: Basic

Assumptions.” Semiotics and Communication. 1998. 1 April 2009



Richard Curtis Biography (1956- ). 2009. NetIndustries, LLC. 8 December 2009


Imdb.com. 2010. The Internet Movie Database. 28 March 2010


“Rose Colors.” Online Dating Magazine. 2010. 21 April 2010



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