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Academic year: 2017



Teks penuh







Submitted in Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Degree of Sarjana Pendidikan



Registration Number. 2103321018





The writer would like to acknowledge her countless thanks to the Most Gracious and the Most Merciful, Allah SWT who always gives her the best of this life that indeed there is no doubt about it and the blessings to the researcher so that she can accomplish this thesis from the first page to the last page.

The writer would like to take her opportunity to express her deep and sincere gratitude to the following:

 Prof. Dr. Ibnu Hajar Damanik, M.Si., Rector of State University of Medan.

 Dr. Isda Pramuniati, M.Hum, the Dean of Languages and Arts Faculty.  Prof. Dr. Hj. Sumarsih, M.Pd., the Head of English Department and

also her Academic Consultant, Rika, S.Pd. M.Hum, the Secretary of English department, and Dra. Masitowarni Siregar, M.Ed., the Head of English Education Study Program,.

 Prof. Dr. Busmin Gurning, M.Pd., her Thesis Consultant, for the precious time on giving the precious advices and guidance.

 All Lecturers who have taught her in this English Department, for giving knowledge, advices and amazing study experiences.

 Drs. H. Adnan, the Principal of SMP Negeri 2 Selesai and the English Teacher for giving permission and helping the writer to conduct this research.

 Muchtar Butarbutar and Yati Gurning, her beloved parents, who always give her everlasting love, affection, prays and hard works. She loves them to the moon and back.



Nasution, for the friendship they have. Thanks God it has been 8 years already.

 Her nicest students of SMPN 3 Tanjung Pura, who had inspired the researcher to create the title of this study, and the most memorable of Udiners, PPLT SMPN 3 Tanjung Pura 2014, for experiences they ever had together.

The writer hopes this thesis will be useful for those who read it, especially for the student of English Department.

Medan, September 2014 The Researcher,



Butarbutar, Icha Ramadhani. 2103321018. The Effect of Using Teaching

Media on Students’ Achievement in Reading Narrative Text. A Thesis. English

Department. Faculty of Languages and Arts. States University of Medan. 2014.

This study was investigating the effect of applying teaching media on students’ achievement in reading narrative text. This study used the experimental design. The population of the study was the second grade of SMP N 2 Selesai. There were sixty students used as sample out of the research taken by randomly from the population of 160 students. This study was conducted with two groups, experimental and control group. The experimental group was taught by using English Animation Movie while the control group by using pictures. The instrument of collecting the data was multiple choice tests. To obtain the result of the reliability of the test, the researcher used the Kuder Richardson formula (KR-21). The result of the calculation showed that the reliability of the test was 0.94, which means that the reliability of the test is very high. The data was analyzed by using t-test formula. The result of the analysis showed that tobserved is exceeded than ttable (3.70 > 2.00) at the level of significance of 0.05 with the degree of freedom (df) 58. The result of this study showed that the students’ achievement taught by using English Animation Movie in reading narrative text is higher than those who taught by using pictures.




Table 1.1 Students’ Accumulated Score of Grade VIII-A ... 2

Table 2.1 The Advantages and Disadvantages Using English Animation Movie and Pictures ... 39

Table 3.1 Research Design ... 41

Table 3.2 Procedure of Treatment for Experimental Group ... 44



Appendix A The Score of Pretest By The Students of Experimental Group ... 61

Appendix B Score of Pretest By The Students of Control Group... 62

Appendix C The Calculation of Reliability ... 63

Appendix D Calculation of T-test ... 66

Appendix E T-table Distribution ... 70

Appendix F Reading Test ... 71

Appendix G Lesson Plans ... 75





A. The Background of the Study

English is one of the foreign languages for Indonesian students that become one of important lesson which is available in school since kindergarten level until University level in order to compete globally. English is considered as a difficult subject for the Indonesian students, because English is completely different from Indonesian language being looked at from the system of structure, pronunciation and vocabulary. English teaching involves of four language skills, they are listening, speaking, reading and writing.

Students find some difficulties in the process of learning grammar, vocabulary, spelling and pronunciation in the same time while learn English, more over with the conventional method that teacher applies in the class. In this case in English word, they may be confronted by words that are totally unfamiliar with them and their problem is they have to mastery the whole skills; listening, speaking, reading, and writing.

From the fourth skills, reading is the most complex one to master. As Brown (2004:185) states that reading arguably the most essential for success in all educational context, remain a skill of paramount importance as we create assessment of general language ability. The first point to be made about the reading process is reading comprehension. Knowledge is the basic element for comprehension.



Reading is the process of extracting meaning from a written text or printed text. It is assumed that readers can comprehend and respond to what is read. The readers must be able to translate the written words into meaningful language.

Based on the phenomenon where the researcher did observations to students in SMP N 2 Selesai, Langkat usually get bored to learn reading, because in the language learning, the teacher still focuses on learning independent style; the students just read the story by themselves and answer the questions afterwards correctly.

The ability to comprehend story seems so low with that learning style. The writer attaches the students’ score in two semesters, academic year 2013-2014 below. The Minimum Criteria Mastery (Kriteria Ketuntasan Minimum/KKM) is 70.

Semester Score Students Percentage Mean

1st Semester 2013/2014 <70 34 Students 80.95 %

This finding really proves that the students’ achievement in reading is bad.

Students should have knowledge in many aspects especially in academic terms, one of the ways to get more knowledge is by reading. Because without knowledge they cannot even compete with others student in modern ages like nowadays.



them. Just like the proverb says, read a book if you want to sleep earlier. That is also a proof that sometimes reading is a boring activity to do.

As an English teacher, we should be creative to find a good and appropriate way to help students to get more knowledge, to be able to comprehend a story, especially mastery the forth skills, moreover in an entertaining and enjoyable way so they will not feel bored in the class.

For the proofs and reasons mentioned above, some linguists state that success of teachers in teaching is often measured through the accuracy of media, method or technique they apply. So teachers should be able to choose a suitable media and model of learning in order to create a better, interesting and communicative teaching and learning process. For this condition, linguists never stop to explore some good media, method or technique to teach English in order to increase the students’ achievement in learning English (Anthony, 1963).

It considers as well that teaching learning process will be more successful if it relates to students’ interest, eagerness, ambition. Nowadays, teens tend to have interest in entertainment ways, such as animation and movie. It is proved by many television shows and cinema programs; they focus more on animation and movie, which are teens love to. The more influences by animation and movie make the researcher interested in conducting research and the effect.



argued that viewers are, generally, quite motivated to understand what is shown and said by televisions when the caption provided.

Dealing with the facts previously mentioned, the researcher needs to try to carry out a study in teaching reading. In this case, the researcher believes that English animation movie is very good media to be applied in teaching reading, especially for narrative genre. It is also an interesting and suitable media. By applying this media, students are assumed to be more love in reading because this media gives entertainment, enjoyment, interesting way to the class without makes students become sleepy in reading.

Using English animation movie makes students comprehend the story easily while they are watching, reading and listening to the animation movie shows in the same time. The researcher will instruct the students to keep silent while watching the movie and if necessary they take a note to mark whether there is vocabulary they do not know. By applying this media, students will automatically learn vocabularies, pronunciation, and also listening skill in the same time. It becomes a complete media to apply in the class. Using English animation movie is assumed to solve the problem and to bring a good improvement in students’ achievement in reading narrative text.

From the explanation above, the writer is interested in conducting a research under title “The Effect of Teaching Media on Students’ Achievement in



B. The Problem of the Study

Based on the background of the study above, the research problem is formulated as follows:

“Is the students’ achievement in reading narrative text taught by using

English animation movie higher than the students’ achievement taught by

using pictures?”

C. The Objective of the Study

The objective of this study is to find out whether the using English animation movie effects students’ achievement in reading narrative story or not.

D. The Scope of the Study

Based on the background of the problem and identification of the problems mentioned above, this study will be limited to the effectiveness using English Animation Movie as media in teaching reading narrative text, since this media is expected to affect students’ achievement in grade VIII.

E. The Significance of the Study

This finding of research will be expected to be useful for:



2. Teachers and teachers to be, the results of this study are expected to provide feedback for teachers and teachers to be to increase the varieties of media that are used in English language learning activities, but is also possible to apply on any other study.

3. Students, the results of this research to improve the reading skills of English language texts, especially narrative one.





A. Conclusion

Based on the result of the data analysis and discussion, the researcher concludes that using English Animation Movie as media significantly affects the

students’ achievement in reading narrative, since students’ achievement in reading

narrative text who taught by using English Animation Movie is higher than taught

by using pictures. Therefore, the formulated hypothesis as “The students’

achievement taught by using English Animation Movie in reading narrative text is

higher than those taught by using pictures as media” is accepted. This supported

by the data analysis results in which the t-observed (3.70) is higher than the t-table (2.00) at the significant level of (0.05).

B. Suggestions

Based on the conclusion above, the researcher gives some suggestions for those who are interested in teaching reading as follows:

1. English teachers are suggested to use English Animation Movie as a media in their teaching learning process in order to improve their

students’ achievement in reading narrative text.

2. Students are advised to have more practices in reading, since practice makes perfect and applying this kind of media in reading.



3. The researchers who are interested in doing a research related to this study should explore the knowledge more to enlarge their

understanding about how to improve students’ achievement in reading




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Table 1.1 Students’ Accumulated Score of Grade VIII-A  .....................................


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