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Academic year: 2017



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First of all, I huge thanks to the Heavenly God, Jesus Christ, for all the graces and blessings that provides health and wisdom to me for finishing this thesis well.

The title of this thesis is “Effect of Problem-Based Learning Model Using Virtual Laboratory Flash Media on Student’s Achievement on the Teaching of Solubility and Solubility Product”. This research is done in SMA Negeri 2 Pematangsiantar. Therefore, this thesis writing is one of the prerequisite to get the degree of Sarjana Pendidikan in Chemistry Department, Faculty of Mathematics and Science, State University of Medan.

In this opportunity, I would like to express my greatest thanks to Drs. Wesly Hutabarat, M.Sc as my thesis supervisor, thanks for his valuable time spent in giving guidance comment and advice during the process of completing this thesis from the beginning of proposal seminar, conducting the research, until processing the data of research result. The gratitude are also expressed to Prof. Dr. Albinus Silalahi, M.S, Drs Jamalum Purba, M.Si, and Dr. Zainuddin Muchtar, M.Si as my reviewer counselor for their advice, suggestion, guidance, and constructive comment in the process of completing this thesis.

Thanks also to all of staff and lecture in Chemistry Department and Bilingual Chemistry Education Study Program at FMIPA UNIMED who have helped me. Dr. Simson Tarigan, M.Pd as my academic supervisor. The gratitude also presented to Mr. Rudol Barmen Manurung, M.Pd as principle of SMA Negeri 2 Pematangsiantar who give permission for conducting the research in school and also for all teacher and students in SMA N 2 Pematangsiantar, especially Bu Menak Pakpahan and Bu L.R Siregar as chemistry teacher who has given much support and guidance for me as long as the research is conducted.



dearest big family (Raja Doli Siregar, Tri Utami Siregar, Pa Glen Siregar, Lia Yanti Siregar, Nani R Siregar, Romauli M Siregar, Robby N. Siregar, Tulang Lian, Kak Asna, Kak Reni, Kak Juli, Kak Ida, Kak Risna, etc) for their love, support, prayer, and comment, also the motivation to me for finishing the study in UNIMED.

Special thanks to my best friend and my sister, Bernike Firmayanti Aruan for your time to accompany me during the research. And to my best partner, Sri Rahmania for the moment we had enjoyed, happiness and sadness for our thesis until the final day of examination. Dewi N Marpaung, Angel Siregar, and Ferinda Simbolon for their supports. Also to all of my 25 friends in Bilingual Chemistry 2010, thanks for the togetherness in this 4 years. Special thanks also to my special partner for the pray, support, and continuous motivation. And for all whose name cannot be mentioned one by one, thanks for everything.

I hope this thesis would be useful for the researcher who wants to make the further study about the learning model which is suitable for learning solubility and solubility product, especially for the students in chemistry department. I realize that this thesis is still far from perfections, therefore suggestions, comments, and constructive criticism from readers are needed for further improvement of this thesis.

Medan, Writer,





Sinitta Ella Siregar (Reg. Number: 4103332026) Abstract

The research was conducted on the second year of SMA Negeri 2 Pematangsiantar, North Sumatera. Effect of Problem-based learning model using virtual laboratory flash media on students’ achievement was investigated in order to know the significance difference of students’ achievement in experimental class and in control class using a direct instructional model.

Instrument used is multiple choice questions validated as much as 20 questions and questionnaire that spread related to the virtual laboratory flash media. The pretest is done as a preliminary action to know the prior knowledge of students’ and also to homogenize the sample. After that, the teaching treatment could be conducted for both experimental class and control class. The last, posttest is given for both classes. Before the hypothesis test was done, the data were tested by normality using Chi Square test and Homogeneity using F test. The result is sample was distributed normally and homogeny.





Ratification Sheet i

Biography ii

Abstract iii

Acknowledgement iv

List of Contents vi

List of Tables x

List of Figures xi

List of Appendix xii


1.1 Background 1

1.2 Identification of Problems 4

1.3 The Scope of Problems 5

1.4 The Problem of the Research 5

1.5 Research Objectives 5

1.6 Research Significances 5


2.1 Theoritical Framework 7

2.1.1 Teaching and Learning Concept 7

2.2 Problem-based Learning Model 8

2.2.1 Characteristics of Problem Based Learning 10 2.2.2 Comparison between Problem Based Learning and Other



2.3 Direct Instruction 14

2.3.1 The Phases of Direct Instruction 15

2.4 Learning Media 17

2.5 Computer Based Media 19

2.5.1 Macromedia Flash 20

2.5.2 Virtual Laboratory 22

2.5.3 Virtual Laboratory in Chemistry 23

2.6 Description of Study Materials 24

2.6.1 Solubility and Solubility Product 24 Solubility Equilibria 25 Solubility Rules 27 Solubility Product 28 The Relationship Between Ksp And the Solubility of a Salt 30 The Role of the Ion Product (Qsp) In Solubility

Calculations 32 The Common-Ion Effect 36

2.7 Conceptual Framework 37

2.8 Hypothesis 38


3.1 Overview of the Research 39

3.2 Research Location and Research Object 40

3.3 Population and Sample 41

3.4 Research Variable and Instrument 41

3.4.1 Research Variables 41



3.5 Research Type and Procedures 44

3.5.1 Research Type 44

3.5.2 Research Procedures 44

3.6 Data Collection Technique 46

3.6.1 Validity of Test 47

3.6.2 Reliability of Test 47

3.6.3 Discrimination Index of Test 48

3.6.4 Level of Difficulty Test 49

3.7 Data Analysis 49

3.7.1 Normality Test 49

3.7.2 Homogeneity Test 50

3.7.3 Normalized Gain 50

3.7.4 Hypothesis Testing 50

3.8 Research Time Table 52


4.1 Research Results 53

4.1.1 Data Analysis of Research Instrument 53 Validity of Test 53 Reliability of Test 53 Difficulty Index of Item Test 54 Discrimination Index of Test 54 Learning Media Validation 54

4.1.2 Data Description of Research Results 55

4.1.3. Data Analysis of Research Results 56


ix Homogeneity Test 58 Normalized Gain 59 Hypothesis Testing 60

4.2 Discussion 60


5.1 Conclusion 63

5.2 Suggestion 63





Page Table 2.1 The role of the teacher and the student with different

Instructional approach 12

Table 2.2 Cognitive aspect and student’s role with different of

instructional media used 13

Table 2.3 Phases of Direct Instruction Model 16

Table 3.1 Criteria for Respondent Test Questionnaire 42 Table 3.2 The design of research the effect of problem-based learning

(PBL) combined with virtual laboratory flash media in improving students’ achievement in the teaching of solubility

and solubility product. 45

Table 3.3 Research time table Effect of problem-based learning model using virtual laboratory flash media to improving student achievement on the teaching of solubility and solubility

product year 2014. 52

Table 4.1 Result of Respondent Test based on Criteria 55

Table 4.2 Data Research Result 56

Table 4.3 Normality Test of Research Data 58

Table 4.4 Homogeneity Test of Research Data 59




Page Figure 2.1 The graph shows the possible combinations of the Ag+ and Cl-

ion concentrations in an aqueous solution 35 Figure. 3.1 The overview of research planning in Senior High School

Student (SHS), by using problem-based learning (PBL) combined with virtual laboratory flash in improving student’s achievement





Appendix 1 Syllabus 67

Appendix 2 Lesson Plan 70

Appendix 3 Instrument Test before Validation 99

Appendix 4 Key Answer of Pretest and Posttest 103

Appendix 5 Table of Specification Based on Indicator Before

Validation 104

Appendix 6 Instrument Test after Validation 112

Appendix 7 Key Answer of Pretest and Posttest 115

Appendix 8 Table of Specification Based on Indicator after

Validation 116

Appendix 9 Virtual Laboratory 124

Appendix 10 Questionnaire for Media 125

Appendix 11 Validity Test 130

Appendix 12 Reliability Test 135

Appendix 13 Difficulty Index of Instrument Test 137 Appendix 14 The Calculation of Discrimination Index 142

Appendix 15 Learning Media Validation 145

Appendix 16 Data of Students’ Achievement 147

Appendix 17 Normality Test of Data 155

Appendix 18 Homogeneity Test 162

Appendix 19 Hypothesis Test 164

Appendix 20 Calculation of Improving Students’ Achievement

(Normalized Gain) 169

Appendix 21 Calculations of Percentage Students’ Achievement 177



Appendix 23 Value of R Product Moment 179

Appendix 24 The List of Value in T-Distribution (Table T) 180

Appendix 25 List of F Distribution Value 181




1.1 Background

The concept of „„learning by doing‟‟ (Bruner, 1990) is certainly not new; however, allowing the student to learn by doing within the classroom context is a departure from traditional methods. In this context, laboratories are important components of education to make students to gain experience. Especially when thinking that chemistry is totally an applied branch of science, the importance of laboratory applications in instruction is clearly understood. In the chemistry laboratory students become active in their learning by seeing, observing and doing.

In this technology era, the quality of teaching and learning also can improve so that it can increase the student achievement. Then, the instrument which is developed must be concordance with the student‟s interest so that the teaching and learning process can be fun, interesting, and increase student achievement related to chemistry subject. The learning process is not difficult anymore.

According to Kemp (1994) the difficulty in learning are caused by the abstract and complex concept in chemistry subject. Another expert also has the same opinion, Poedjiaji (2005), “Chemistry is a difficult subject that is not quite attractive for student among the natural science subject.” Then, the teacher must design and implement many alternatives of learning strategy to motivate student in learning process. The good learning outcomes of students will be gotten if students are able to invest their knowledge based on observations and direct experiences (Dale, 1969).



classroom anymore. Then the virtual lab is the solution. Virtual lab is a teaching tool in a medium which is essentially to optimize student learning and improve learning outcomes. In this research, it is done by the simulation in computer using macromedia flash.

Many researchers and educational practitioners believe that Virtual laboratory has provided new insights into education. Duffy and Jonassen (1992) claimed that today‟s educational technology practices should indeed be couched in the constructivist paradigm. This plays out in terms of developing systems that are implemented in the real world as much as possible. Sung and Ou (2002) reported that VR‟s capability to facilitate constructivist-learning activities is one of its key advantages. Therefore, as an experiential learning tool, virtual reality is an enactive knowledge-creation environment.

Therefore, the researcher want to use the virtual laboratory media or simulation programs because it can overcomes some of the problems faced in traditional laboratory applications and make positive contributions in reaching the objectives of an educational system. It is not always possible to see the results of students‟ studies in a real laboratory application, especially in inadequate laboratory conditions. Use of simulation programs can overcome that mistakes occur as a result of such laboratory conditions or misuse of the laboratory.

Moreover virtual laboratory also overcome the possible dangers that can be seen in the real laboratory conditions. For example a dangerous experiment for human health is prepared in computer as simulations, so that students can see the experiments design and perform the experiment in computer and observe the result. Other than performing dangerous, difficult or impossible experiments, simulations have advantages from the time, security, cost and motivation point of view (Rodrigues, 1997).



and affective and able to contribute to society, nation, state, and world civilization. In the structure of the curriculum in 2013 SMA/MA there are additional hours of study for 4-6 hours per week. With the additional hours of study and the reduction of the number of Basic Competencies, teachers have the flexibility of time to develop a process-oriented by learning to make students more active. Student active learning process takes longer in deliveries process because students need information to perform exercises, observe, ask, associate, and communicate. From the description above, then needed a suitable method and media of learning that can help students increase their achievement and it is suitable for the curriculum 2013.

One of the learning models which is student active learning oriented is problem based learning model. Through problem-based learning, students will learn how to use an interactive process of evaluating what they know, identify what they need to know, gather information, and collaborate in evaluating a hypothesis based on the data collected. While teachers act more as tutors and facilitators to help students explore and find the hypothesis, and draw conclusions. Problem based learning is an innovative model that involves student to solve problems through scientific steps so that students are able to learn the knowwledge which are related to the problem possed and also have the skill to solve the problems.

Then, using of problem-based learning model can make the learning process more interesting and motivating students by giving them some problems. Nowadays, there are a few of teacher who build students' confidence to take on the problem, and encourage the students, while also stretching their understanding. PBL represents a paradigm shift from traditional teaching and learning philosophy, which is more often lecture-based. The construct for teaching PBL are very different from traditional classroom/lecture teaching. Combination of problem-based learning with virtual laboratory make the student receives learning matter easily thus will give the best result in learning process.



information technology, it is aimed to investigate the effects of problem based learning combined with virtual laboratory prepared by using computer animations which is suitable with curriculum 2013 in teaching “Solubility and Solubility Product”, a part of 11th

grade chemistry curriculum on students‟ achievement. General chemistry knowledge is a core component of scientific literacy. In addition to being a long-established prerequisite for most of the traditional science, engineering, and medical fields, general chemistry knowledge is a foundation for many modern interdisciplinary pursuits such as forensics, environmental studies, and patent law. A basic chemical understanding also can assist everyday citizens with their personal choices as well as their participation in public policy decisions (Evans & Leinhardt, 2008). “Solubility and Solubility Product” is one of the important units in the chemistry. The matter of Solubility and Solubility product was taught in the second semester grade 2 SHS curriculum. It was one of subject matter categorized as difficult in SHS student because the subject is generally abstract to student. Also sometimes the calculation is rather difficult because they cannot match the suitable formula to the kinds of problem.

Based on the description above, researcher would like to investigate “Effect of Problem-Based Learning Model Using Virtual Laboratory Flash Media on Student’s Achievement on the Teaching of Solubility and Solubility Product”

1.2Identification of Problems

Based on the background of the problems that have been presented, some problems are identified as follows:

1. Why do the teaching and learning process of in chemistry especially in Solubility and Solubility Product topic does not grow enthusiasm of students?



3. Why teachers do not use virtual laboratory flash media in teaching and learning process chemistry topic?

4. How the improving of student‟s achievement using problem based learning model combined with virtual laboratory flash media and without problem based learning?

1.3The Scope of Problems

In order to provide the right direction of this study, then some of the things that identified problems are constrained as follows:

1. This study is limited to observe the effect of Problem Based Learning using virtual laboratory flash media to improve students‟ achievement on Solubility and Solubility Product topic.

2. The student‟s achievements are acquired through pretest and posttest results individually.

1.4The Problem of the Research

To give the instruction that can be used as the guidance for research then listed the problems below:

1. Is the student‟s achievement taught by using problem-based learning model higher than direct instructional model which both used virtual laboratory flash media in teaching of Solubility and Solubility Product topic?

1.5Research Objectives

The objectives of this study are to know:

1. The significant differences of student‟s achievement which is taught by using problem-based learning and direct instructional model which both used virtual laboratory flash media in the Solubility and Solubility Product topic.



By this research can give the benefit especially for chemistry teacher about how to make the good learning by implementation of problem-based learning using virtual laboratory in teaching of Solubility and Solubility Product. The benefit from the result of this research is generally described such as:

1. As the reference for chemistry teacher about alternative the problem-based learning using virtual laboratory and applying in learning process.

2. As the attractive learning in improving student achievement with Solubility and Solubility Product topic.

3. Contribution to the process of learning chemistry that have insufficient laboratory facilities.




5.1 Conclusion

Based on the research that has been conducted, it can be concluded as follow:

1. There are significant differences of students’ achievement that taught by problem-based learning model using virtual laboratory flash media compare to direct instructional model using virtual laboratory flash media with the improvement 24 %.

2. The gain achievement of students’ taught by problem-based learning model using virtual laboratory flash media on the teaching solubility and solubility product topic is 75 % while the average gain of students in control class taught by direct instructional model using virtual laboratory flash media is 51 %.

3. The average value of pretest that taught by problem-based learning model using virtual laboratory flash media on the teaching solubility and solubility product topic is (36.5 ± 6.04) and the average value of posttest ± standard deviation is 85.17 ± 5.65.

4. The average value of pretest that taught by problem-based learning model using virtual laboratory flash media on the teaching of solubility and solubility product is (37 ± 5.35). The average value of posttest ± standard deviation is 69.33 ± 9.26.

5.2 Suggestion



2. For chemistry teacher, could be use the virtual laboratory flash media as an alternative in choosing the learning media especially for the school with the insufficient laboratory facilitation to improve the students’ understanding in chemistry subject matter.



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Table 2.1  The role of the teacher and the student with different
Figure 2.1 The graph shows the possible combinations of the Ag+ and Cl-
Table of Specification Based on Indicator Before


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