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Daftar Referensi 1-3


Academic year: 2021

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Daftar Referensi 1-3



1. World Health Organization. Patient safety curriculum guide for medical schools: topic 1: what is patient safety?. 2009.

2. 1Canadian Health Services Research Foundation. Teamwork in healthcare: promoting effective teamwork in healthcare in Canada. 2006.

3. 1World Health Organization. Patient safety curriculum guide for medical schools: topic 4: being an effective team player. 2009.

4. 1Mickan S, Rodger S. Characteristics of effective teams: a literature review. Australian Health Review, 23(3), 201 – 208, 2000.

5. 1West, M. Reflexivity, revolution, and innovation in work teams. In: Beyerlein MM, Johnson DA, Beyerlein ST (eds.). Advances in interdisciplinary studies of work teams (Vol. 5, pp. 1 – 9). Stamford, Connecticut: JAI Press. 2000.

6. 1Royal College of Nursing.Developing and sustaining effective teams. 2009.

7. 1Canadian Medical Association.Putting patients first®: patient-centered collaborative care, a discussion paper. 2007.

8. 1Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality. Team STEPPS pocket guide: strategies and tools to enhance performance and patient safety. 2008.

9. 1University of Manitoba. Interprofessional Practice Education in Clinical Settings: Immersion Learning Activities. 2011.

10. 1Sargeant j, Loney e, Murphy g. Effective interprofessional teams: “contact is not enough” to build a team. Journal of Continuing Education in the Health Professions, 28(4):228– 234, 2008.

11. 1 Peraturan Menteri Kesehatan Republik Indonesia nomor 6 tahun 2013 tentang Kriteria Fasilitas Pelayanan Kesehatan Terpencil, Sangat Terpencil, dan Fasilitas Pelayanan Kesehatan yang tidak Diminati.

12. 1World Health Organization. WHO levels of health services: definitions. 13. 1Family Health Teams. Guide to Collaborative Team Practice. 2005.




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1. The role of the pharmacist in the health care system. Preparing the future pharmacist: curricular development. Report of the third WHO Consultative Group on the Role of the Pharmacist, Vancouver, Canada, 27–29 August 1997. Geneva: World Health Organization; 1997. Document no.

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5 Bagaimana sejarah perkembangan, fungsi kompetensi, dan peran tenaga kesehatan masyarakat?

Naskah Akademik Pendidikan Kesehatan Masyarakat yang disusun oleh Ikatan Ahli Kesehatan Masyarakat (IAKMI) dan Asosiasi Institusi Pendidikan Tinggi Kesehatan Masyarakat Indonesia (AIPTKMI)

6 Bagaimana sejarah perkembangan, fungsi kompetensi, dan peran ahli gizi? 7 Aspek apakah yang dapat menjadi hambatan terciptanya kolaborasi interprofesional?

Canadian Medical Association. Putting patients first: patient-centred collaborative care-a discussion paper.2007. pp.3

Ontario Family Health Teams. Guide to collaborative team practice. 2005. pp.10

Victorian Quality Council. Promoting effective communication among healthcare professionals to improve patint safety and quality of care. 2010.pp.5

Queen’s Office of Interprofessional Education and Practice. Timely open communication for patient safety. pp.10

O’Daniel M, Rosenstein AH. Professional communication and team collaboration. In: Patient safey and quality: a handbook guide for nurses. pp.3-5 8 Strategi apakah yang perlu digunakan untuk mencapai kolaborasi interprofesional yang efektif?

Borrill C, West M. How good is your team? A guide for team members. pp.3-12

Borrill C, et al. Team working and effectiveness in healthcare: findings from the healthcare teams effectiveness project. pp.7-12

Canadian Health Service Research Foundation. Teamwork in healthcare: promoting effective teamwork in healthcare in Canada. 2006.pp. 6-19

Canadian Medical Association. Putting patients first: patient-centred collaborative care-a discussion paper.2007. pp.4-12

Mickan SM, Rodger SA. Effective healthcare teams: a model of six characteristics developed from shared perceptions. Journal of Interprofessional Care 2005;19(4): pp.358-70


Ontario Family Health Teams. Guide to collaborative team practice. 2005. pp.6-9

O’Daniel M, Rosenstein AH. Professional communication and team collaboration. In: Patient safey and quality: a handbook guide for nurses. pp.2-3, pp.9-10

Victorian Quality Council. Promoting effective communication among healthcare professionals to improve patient safety and quality of care. 2010.pp.4, pp.6, pp.8

Queen’s Office of Interprofessional Education and Practice. Timely open communication for patient safety. pp.18-19

Marshall S, Harrison B, Flanagan J. The teaching of a structured tool improves the clarity and content of interprofessional clinical communication. Quality of safety healthcare 2009;18:137-40 Sargeant J, Loney E, Murphy G. Effective interprofessional teams: “contact is not enough”to build a team. Journal of Continuing Education in Health Profession 2008;28(4):228-34




1. Marquis, B.L. & Huston, C., J. (2012). Leadership roles and management function in nursing:

Theory & application. (7th ed.). Philadelphia: Lippincott

2. Jonas, S, McCay, L, Keogh, SB (2011). The importance of clinical leadership. In: Swanwick T, McKimm J (eds). ABC of Clinical Leadership. Wiley-Blackwell. BMJ Books.

3. Long, A (2011). Leadership and management. In: Swanwick T, McKimm J (eds). ABC of Clinical Leadership. Wiley-Blackwell. BMJ Books.

4. Swanwick, T (2011). Leadership theories and concepts. In: Swanwick T, McKimm J (eds). ABC of Clinical Leadership. Wiley-Blackwell. BMJ Books.

5. Markiewicz, L & West, M (2011). Leading groups and teams. In: Swanwick T, McKimm J (eds). ABC of Clinical Leadership. Wiley-Blackwell. BMJ Books.


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