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Human-Computer Interaction

Computer Interaction

New Interaction Techniques 22.1.2001 New Interaction Techniques 22.1.2001

Roope Raisamo (rr@cs.uta.fi) Roope Raisamo (rr@cs.uta.fi)

Department of Computer and Information Sciences

Department of Computer and Information Sciences

University of Tampere, Finland


Multimodal human-computer

Multimodal human-computer



A definition [Raisamo, 1999e, p. 2]:


Multimodal interaction

Multimodal interaction



Our definition of an interaction technique

[Raisamo, 2000]:

• An

interaction technique

is a way to carry out

an interactive task. It is defined in the binding,

sequencing, and functional levels, and is

based on

using a set of input and output

devices or technologies


– In a multimodal interaction technique there are


Two views

Two views

• A Human-Centered View

– common in psychology

– often considers human input channels, i.e.,

computer output modalities, and most often vision and hearing

– applications: a talking head, audio-visual speech recognition, ...

• A System-Centered View

– common in computer science




human-computer interaction

computer interaction

Cognition ”cognition” Computer

Human Computer input


Human output channels

Computer output media

Human input channels


Senses and modalities

Senses and modalities

Sensory perception Sense organ Modality Sense of sight Eyes Visual Sense of hearing Ears Auditive Sense of touch Skin Tactile Sense of smell Nose Olfactory Sense of taste Tongue Gustatory Sense of balance Organ of equilibrium Vestibular


Design space for

Design space for

multimodal user interfaces

multimodal user interfaces

Use of modalities

Sequential Parallel Combined





Meaning No Meaning Meaning No Meaning Levels of abstraction




An architecture for

An architecture for

multimodal user interfaces

multimodal user interfaces

Input processing - motor - speech - vision - … Output generation - graphics - animation - speech - sound - … Media analysis - language - recognition - gesture - … Media design - language - modality - gesture - … Interaction management





Put Put – That – That – There – There


Potential benefits

Potential benefits

A list by Maybury and Wahlster [1998, p. 15]:

– Efficiency

– Redundancy

– Perceptability

– Naturalness

– Accuracy

– Synergy


Common misconceptions

Common misconceptions

A list by Oviatt [1999b]:

1. If you build a multimodal system, user will interact multimodally.

2. Speech and pointing is the dominant multimodal integration pattern.

3. Multimodal input involves simultaneous signals.

4. Speech is the primary input mode in any multimodal system that includes it.


Common misconceptions

Common misconceptions

6. Multimodal integration involves redundancy of content between modes.

7. Individual error-prone recognition technologies combine multimodally to produce even greater unreliability.

8. All users’ multimodal commands are integrated in a uniform way.

9. Different input modes are capable of transmitting comparable content.


Two paradigms for

Two paradigms for

multimodal user interfaces

multimodal user interfaces

1. Computer as a tool

– multiple input modalities are used to enhance direct manipulation behavior of the system

– the machine is a passive tool and tries to

understand the user through all different input modalities that the system recognizes

– the user is always responsible for initiating the operations


Two paradigms for

Two paradigms for

multimodal user interfaces

multimodal user interfaces

2. Computer as a dialogue partner

– the multiple modalities are used to increase the anthropomorphism in the user interface

– multimodal output is important: talking heads and other human-like modalities

– speech recognition is a common input modality in these systems


Two hypotheses on

Two hypotheses on

combining modalities

combining modalities

1. The combination of human output channels

effectively increases the bandwidth of the


machine channel.

This has been discovered in many empirical


Two hypotheses on

Two hypotheses on

combining modalities

combining modalities

2. Adding extra output modality requires more

neurocomputational resources and will lead

to deteriorated output quality, resulting in

reduced effective bandwidth.

Two types of effects are usually observed:

a slow-down of all output processes, and

 interference errors due to the fact that selective attention cannot be divided between the increased number of output channels.


Call for research

Call for research

A summary in [Raisamo, 1999e] pointed out that more research is needed to understand the following:

– How the brain works and which modalities can best be used to gain the synergy advantages that are possible with

multimodal interaction?

– When a multimodal system is preferred to a unimodal system?

– Which modalities make up the best combination for a given interaction task?

– Which interaction devices to assign to these modalities in a given computing system?

– How to use these interaction devices, that is, which

interaction techniques




[Raisamo, 1998][Raisamo, 1998]

• Touch’n’Speak is a multimodal user interface

framework that makes use of combined touch and speech input and different output modalities

– Input: touch buttons, touch lists, touch gestures in area selection (time, location, pressure), speech commands

– Output: graphical, textual, and auditory (non-speech) output, speech feedback

• The framework was used to implement a restaurant information system that provides information on




• CHI2000 Video Proceedings: The Efficiency of

Multimodal Interaction for a Map-Based Task


• SIGGRAPH Video Review 76, CHI’92

Technical Video Program: Multi-Modal Natural

Dialogue (10:25)

• SIGGRAPH Video Review 77, CHI’92

Technical Video Program: Combining

Gestures and Direct Manipulation (9:56)




• Read Chapter 2 (Multimodal interaction)

in [Raisamo, 1999e].

– [Raisamo, 1999e] is available online at http://granum.uta.fi/ pdf/951-44-4702-6.pdf

– A printable version is available online at


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