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Academic year: 2017



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A Case Study of Forth Semester Students in English Teacher

Education Progam of Universitas Islam Negeri Sunan Ampel




Submitted in partial fulfillment of requirement for the degree of

Sarjana Pendidikan (S.Pd) in Teaching English


Nasruddin Roziq Ali Kutub








Roziq. N (2016). Students Difficulties In Using English Monolingual Dictionary ( a

Case Study Of Forth Semester Students In English Teacher Education Progam of Universitas Islam Negeri Sunan Ampel Surabaya, a Thesis English Education Department, Faculty of Tarbiyah and Teacher Training, Sunan Ampel State Islamic University. Advisor: Irma Soraya and Rakhmawati


This study is conducted of monolingual dictionary use in fourth semester students of English teacher education program at UIN Sunan Ampel Surabaya. The focus are to

obtain students’ problems during using monolingual dictionary and also the reason that make them are getting hard in using monolingual dictionary. The research defines that most of fourth semester use bilingual dictionary more than monolingual dictionary to understand vocabularies from reading text.

The researcher used qualitative as the design of his research. Data collection technique used in this research was questionnaire and interview. The questionnaire was to know

students’ problem and their reason of using bilingual dictionary use in getting the

meaning of phrasal verb in reading English text. Interview guide line to gain more information about students’ difficulties in using monolingual dictionary and complete the information from questionnaire.

Based on the data analysis on the previous chapter, the researcher concludes the result

of those analyses about the student’s issues in using monolingual dictionaries on fourth semester students of English Teacher Education Department. Researcher concludes that, all of students were have capacity and capability in every each of

word skill or language Students of English Teacher Education Department were seldom to

apply monolingual dictionary and just little of student were using monolingual dictionary.

Students were able in using monolingual dictionary but they are fail in several skills

and able in several skills. Many of English Teacher Education Department actually gets difficulties in using monolingual dictionary even though they still consult in monolingual dictionary. Students need teacher or lecturer guiding





B. Word classes ... 18

C. Students’ capability in using monolingual dictionary ... 28

D. Students’ experiences in using monolingual dictionary ... 30

E. Previous Study ... 33

CHAPTER III : RESEARCH METHODE A. Research Subject……….. 38


C. Research procedure ... 40

D. Source of data ... 42

E. Data Collection Technique ... 43

F. Data Analyze ... 43


B. Discussion ... 72


B. Sugestion ... 80





This chapter presents issues that related to the students’ problem in using

monolingual dictionary. Such issues become the rationale of this thesis are presented

in the background of the study. This chapter also states research questions, objectives,

significance, scope and limitation of the study. Definition of key terms is presented in

the last part of the chapter.

A. Research Background

English is one of foreign languages that studied in all of schools in

Indonesia. According, the Ministry of Education role No.023/2006, English is

included in school curriculum to make students easier to get international

knowledge.1 That role also tells that English were allowed to learn in Indonesia,

in order many of knowledge and communication were using English. Therefore,

English is taught in Indonesia.

Indonesia is a one of EFL country, English as Foreign language (EFL)

is some traditional system of educations learned by non-native teacher and

student in several countries which do not use English as their lingua franca.2 It

causes some problems in learning process, there is some of problems had found

by Brown, he found that in learning process most EFL students got wrong



interpretation and differentiate the word of target language.3 Target language

have significant role in language acquisitionbecause to get well understand about

second language students need to understand the role of target language. Another

difficulty has been found by Reynold and Ernest, in their research found that

EFL students have difficulties to understand vocabularies that affected to their

language capability.4 It proper to said that, good language capability comes from

how many vocabularies that students have. According to Yunia to understand the

meaning of word well, the students must have enough vocabulary.5 The student

who have enough vocabulary means, how much vocabulary that student have can

helps students to get good understanding information that explained in second

language deeply.

To get enough vocabulary, Jacob has suggested for students to open

dictionary.6 Reasons that make students should open dictionary because, it

provides many information about the meaning of vocabularies that student needs.

Besides, dictionary also helps the students to look up difficult vocabulary for

comprehending their learning material and other language skills.


Brown, Douglas, Principle Of Language Learning And Teaching, (Pearson Education,inc 2007) page 213

4 Reynolds, Diane L. Schallet, & Ernest T, Goetz , “Frame Works For Comprehending Discourse”

ERIC July1976 . 3


DifaKahrismaYuniar, thesis undergraduate program: The Effectiveness Of Using Monolingual Dictionary In Reading Comprehension For Eleventh Grade Multimedia SMKN 12 Surabaya,( Unesa Surabaya. 2014 ), 3.




Dictionary is kind of important references which are included the

information about words collection and other information that can cover

student’s problem to understand the meaning.7 Dictionary is a book which

includes many words and phrases of language which is listed in dictionary the

words are listed alphabetically followed by the meaning or the translation in

other language about some foreign words. Based on the function and purpose of

dictionary, Pichard has classified the dictionary into three classes, they are

monolingual, bilingual, and bilingualized.8 Monolingual dictionary is some

books that include a bar of native word that explained in the same language.

Monolingual dictionary such as: Oxford, Cambridge, Long man and Collins Co

build dictionary.

Bilingual dictionaries are some books that contain an alphabetical list of

words and expressions in one language for translating of foreign word use in

another language as the meaning of word.9 The bilingual dictionary that is

commonly knows by academia such as English to Bahasa Indonesia and any

others. Bilingualized is kind of dictionary which a combination of monolingual

dictionary that are listed in a same entry of target language and the meaning for


Based Ying-Chun (2008) Quoted By Lei Gao,(2010), Historical Background Of The Translatological Dictionaries, Journal Of Language Teaching And Research, Vol.1,No30,Pp,285-294, May 2010, 30.


Based onCaleb Prichard, (2008) Evaluating L2 Reader Vocabulary Strategies And Dictionary Use Reading In A Foreign Language, Quoted By Khumrotun Amelia, Siti. 2014. Bilingual Dictionary Use In Getting The Meaning Of Phrasal Verb In Reading English Text For 4th Semester Student Of Teacher English Education Department At Uin Sunan- Ampel Surabaya,5




each entry that use another language.10 Bilingualized dictionary has published

such as “Oxford Advance Learner Dictionary Current English” and any other.

Many types of dictionary that has classified upon function and content also

purpose that available depends on student’s need.

In this study, the researcher chooses monolingual dictionary as the object

of study because some of lectures in English teacher education department such

as Reading, Phonology, Syntax and any other need to consult monolingual

dictionary. In another side, monolingual dictionary provides many information

that makes students easily to understand about the vocabulary. In this occasion

Hayati says, monolingual dictionary can make students easier in understanding

reading text especially in reading comprehensive text.11 By those reasons, makes

the researcher choose monolingual dictionary as topic of study.

To get information about using monolingual dictionary, the researcher

does pre research to get in information about students knowledge in using

monolingual at third semester students of English Teacher Education Department

in reading interpretative class in 22th September 2014. From those study, the

researcher gets information that, from 30 students of reading interpretative class

of student there are 10 students who felt difficult in understanding about the

illustration of dictionary, 7 students of them feel hard in understanding the word

10Laufer.B, Haidar, L,“

The Effectiveness Of English Monolingual, Bilingual, Bilingualized Dictionary In The Comprehension And Production Of The Word”, The Modern Language Journal, Vol 81,No2, 56.




spelling, 13 students were try use their other dictionary and 3 students waiting

for discussion without open their dictionary at all.

For more information the researcher does second surveys in critical

reading class on 11th May 2015 at fourth semester students. From those survey

that t 25 students, 10 of them have difficulties in using monolingual dictionary

such as: difficulties in understanding the meaning, need more time in using

monolingual and less vocabulary. 12 students have difficulties in understanding

the definition and 3 of student has no difficulties in using monolingual

dictionary. From second survey, the researcher gets information that students still

have difficulties in using monolingual dictionary. In this occasion, the researcher

eager to know something happen in using monolingual dictionary and find some

suggestion that may can helps student. By those considerations, the researcher

chooses fourth semester students as the subject of study.

In this present study, the researcher conducts in English Teacher

Education Department of Sunan Ampel State Islamic University Surabaya based

on the following considerations. Sunan Ampel State is the only one state Islamic

university that located in Surabaya, this university were be central of Islamic

scholar This suitable university’s vision that gain the students be Islamic

scholar that has capability in International mobilization during Islamic religious

and Islamic knowledge. This university has Education and teacher training



Further more, this research located in English Teacher Education since,

this department is the famous major that one of center of English language

pedagogy in Sunan Ampel State Islamic University that has a motto guides

students be a good English teacher.

In addition, this major has opportunities in knowledge development

especially English pedagogy with lecturing and academic research. Those

reasons and considerations makes the researcher chooses Sunan Ampel State

Islamic University and English Teacher Education Department as the location of


Therefore, in this study the researcher focus on reading activity because,

reading is some activity that always needs dictionary. So based on those reasons,

the researcher does this study with the title: “Students’ Issues In Using

Monolingual Dictionaries (A Study of Fourth Semester Students of UIN Sunan



B. Research Questions

Based on the background above, there are some issues to be analyzed

about students’ problems in using English monolingual dictionary during class.

They are stated as follows:

1. How capable do students distinguish word classes by using monolingual


2. What are the student’s experiences in comprehending vocabularies’

definition in monolingual dictionary?

C. Objectives of the Study

Referring to the research questions above, the objectives of this study

proposed research are:

1. To know the student student’s capabilities’ in differentiate word classes with

using monolingual dictionary.

2. To know students experiences in understanding word’s definitions from

monolingual dictionary.

D. Significance of the Study

This study is expected to give significant for:

1. For the teachers: the result can be use by teachers to train the students in

using the monolingual dictionary.

2. For the students: the results information about students capabilities in



monolingual dictionary to make student knows the strategy to use

monolingual dictionary.

E. Scope and Limitation of the Study

This research aims to observe about students capabilities to understand

word from monolingual dictionary and to find common experiences, student

capability means how long the students’ proficient to differentiate word classes

according terms it selves that provides on monolingual dictionary. The

experience means something that students feel when they are using monolingual

dictionary that look from their satisfaction and problems face which students

find in using monolingual dictionary.

For the research location the researcher’s did the study in Critical

Reading classes, in this study the researcher tooks 24 students as a sample from

120 students of fourth semester of English Teacher Education Department

academic year 2014-2015 as the participant of this study. In this research, the

researcher took 24 students randomly to get the natural respond that purposed for

objective data that takes from Critical Reading class A-D.



F. Definitions of the Key Terms

To avoid misunderstanding in the way of understand the study, the writer

needs to give definition of the terms that are often found in the study, such as:

1. Students’ Difficulties:

Students’ difficulties are some disturbtion that students of English

Teacher Education Department feel in using monolingual dictionary. In this

research, the researcher finds another problem that makes students feel

difficulty and classified the problems that commonly student gets when they

are consulting monolingual dictionary.

2. Monolingual Dictionary:

Dictionary is the kinds of book that the target words, the meaning, and

other lexical information that written in same language.12 In this research the

monolingual dictionary that researcher’s propose is the monolingual

dictionary that students use such as Oxford, Longman, Collin Co builds,

Cambridge and Webster without exception to kind of dictionary; printed or

electronic dictionary.

3. Students Capabilities

According to Atmosudirdjo capability is natural action that everyone

have that aimed to see the self-possibility to face some object. 13 In this


Aldarayeh,(2013), activation of using English dictionary by English majors at al imam university; uses difficulties and types of used dictionary, vol 3, no 3, 423 429.




research, students capabilities means some possibly that became from student

individual in term of using monolingual dictionary.

4. Word Classes

Word classes are some words that classify according function that has

relationship as subject and predicate.14 In this research, word class means

some word that followed by the classification of word in term of function


This research entitled “Students’ Issues In Using Monolingual

Dictionaries (A Study of Fourth Semester Students of UIN Sunan Ampel’s

English Teacher Program) the researcher conduct this study to find out the

difficulties that fourth semester students gets in using monolingual dictionary.

To make this research not too general, the researcher limits the observation to

find the students’ difficulty by observing capability in understanding word

classes and their experiences in using monolingual dictionary.





This chapter focuses on review of related theories and literatures of the

student’s problems in using English monolingual dictionary in learning process,

which is focus on thestudents’ problems followed by definition of dictionary,

students capability and student experiences in using monolingual dictionary. Each of

those will be discussed more in this following section.

A. Dictionary

1. Definition of Dictionary

Dictionary is a book that has many words collection it is used to give

in one or more specific languages, that listed systematically according

alphabet that used to give of information, definitions, etymologies, phonetics,

pronunciations, translation, and other information.1 Another definition said

that the word “dictionary” came from word Dictionnairiques that mean some

expected activities to present the data presentation by selecting the valuable

examples, and deciding on abbrevations to be used to convey information

about certain descriptive results.2 Most of the students use their dictionary to

get information about the meaning of words that they do not understand about

the target language.


Webster's New World College Dictionary, Fourth Edition, 2002.




In this activity dictionary has an important role to help students to get

the meaning of target language and make them understand well about the


2. Types of Dictionary

Many types of dictionary uses to help people in understanding

vocabulary in this occasion, Pilchard has classified dictionary in three kinds

they are: monolingual, bilingual, and bilingualized.3 Besides, Li and Zhou

have also classified kind of dictionary in term of language involved they are

monolingual and bilingual dictionary.4 Based on those theories, the researcher

agreed to both of them. Depend on function of dictionary, which aims to show

the differences between target language and meaning easily. Besides, in along

of this research mostly students were using bilingual and monolingual to help

them in language learning especially learning English. By those

considerations, the researcher agreed that kinds of dictionary are monolingual

and bilingual dictionary.


Based on Prichad (2008) Evaluating L2 Reader Vocabulary Strategies and Dictionary Use Reading in a Foreign Language Quoted By Khumrotun Amelia, Siti. Thesis Undergraduate degree: “Bilingual Dictionary Use in Getting the Meaning of Phrasal Verb in Reading English Text For 4th Semester Student of Teacher English Education Department at Uin Sunan- Ampel Surabaya” ( Surabaya: library of UIN Sunan Ampel,) 2014, 5.




a. Monolingual Dictionary

Monolingual dictionary is the kind of book that the target words ,

the meanings, and other lexical information that written in same

language.5 Using monolingual dictionary is useful because monolingual

dictionary provide definition that suitable for students to have free

interpretation about the words, monolingual dictionary provide only the

meaning of words but also the way to understand other skills such as to

spell the word correctly. Using Monolingual dictionary is one of

excellent models to make English as foreign learners (EFL) students are

easier to acquire the language in their learning process.6

Using monolingual dictionary makes students more fun to get the

meaning of language. English monolingual Dictionary is an important

tool to help the students to understand the meaning of unknown

vocabulary. By using monolingual dictionary EFL students can learn

many aspects of the English language such as phrases, pronunciations,

word speechs, word collocations, etc.7 Moreover, inside of monolingual

dictionary provide some in formations such as examples and better

5 Al-Darayseh, Al-Mu'tassim, A,(2013),” Activation of Using English Dictionaries by English



information on grammar, collocations, and register of a word.8 According

the researcher experiences along his class activity, monolingual

dictionary is benefit tools that helps students to increase their personal

understanding by understanding word definitions that needed by student

to understand context vocabulary that provide in academic journal.

Monolingual dictionary help students easier to understand about

phonology, because monolingual dictionary has been completed by

phonetic symbol that make students easier to pronounce some words

correctly. By those several consideration, it might proper to say that,

monolingual dictionary is very beneficial tools in language learning

because, it provide all of information that students need in acquiring

language. Even, monolingual dictionary has many advantages. There are

some disadvantages including monolingual dictionary, one of

disadvantages found by Thomson, he stated that monolingual is not

effective for many learners in terms of rewards word choice.9

Another problems, has found by Carter. In this occasion he state that

even monolingual dictionary has completed with classified defining

vocabularies that is no guarantee that the words used will be known by


Chun, Y,V,(2004), EFL Learners' Use of Print and Online Dictionaries in L1 and L2 Writing Processes, Multimedia-Assisted Language Learning, 7(1), 9-35,2004, 3.




the learner because monolingual dictionary do not provide clearly

definitions.10 In the researcher’s experience when did class activity, the

researcher see that most of student feels difficult in understanding word

definition that shows meaning ambiguity and too general. Based on that

information, it properly make student students feels hurt in using

monolingual dictionary and stop to apply monolingual dictionary.

b. Bilingual Dictionary

The bilingual dictionary is kind of lexicographer that always has

an explanatory definition about foreign language that followed by free

translation by using other language as meaning of vocabulary.11 Using

bilingual dictionary can also said as an activity that aimed to get direct

understanding of the target language by meaning with students own

language. Some of students use bilingual dictionary because it is easy to

understand the meaning and helps them dealing with transitive and

intransitive verbs meaning.12 Bilingual dictionary helps the student easly

to get the target words meaning in their own language.

Bilingual has some advantages and one of advantages stated by

Baker’s and Kaplan’s, they said bilinguals dictionary are the best

equipment inlanguage learning because it is provide translations that


Carter, R ,Vocabulary: Applied Linguistic Perspectives (1987) London: Routledge, 17.


Fact and Fiction of the Bilingual Dictionary an article by Albrecht Neubert.




make students easier to prove translation correctly.13 Another advantage

of bilingual dictionary according to Swanepoe, bilingual dictionary is one

of ideal tolls in learning English because bilingual dictionary provides

suitable information that is needed by students in comprehending word

based on cultural context.14 Using bilingual dictionary is the best way to

get easier and express understanding about second language, according

the researcher experiences along lecture class activity, bilingual

dictionary are commonly used after monolingual dictionary because,

bilingual dictionary were easier to get meaning about new vocabulary

instantly because they need a little time to get the meaning of vocabulary.

Besides, bilingual dictionary has been provided in APPS (application

phone system) in smart phone that makes students easier to bring and use

everywhere. By those reasons the researcher knows about something that

motivates students to use bilingual dictionary.

Even though bilingual dictionary has many advantages actually,

bilingual has some disadvantages one has found by Win, according Win

using bilingual dictionary makes students difficult to know how words are

used based authentic context.15 Inside of bilingual dictionary were


Baker, M. and R. Kaplan. 1994. Translated! A New Breed of Bilingual Dictionaries. Babel 40(1), 9.

14 Swanepoel, P.H. Only Study Guide for LEKPER–Q. Pretoria: University of South Africa.202-203,

1989, 36.

15 Jenpattarakul, Win, “ Optimizing the Advantages of Monolingual Dictionary Utilization by Thai



provide the meaning of word with different language that has different

context with native vocabularies. Other disadvantage found by Nida in

her study found that bilingual dictionary has some the semantic problems

such as different form between word and definition and also more

complicated than those encountered in the compilation of monolingual

dictionaries.16 In another hand, Atkins and Varantola said that bilingual

dictionary has damage meaning and has no clearly meaning about some

word that partially include has a synonymous.17 Disadvantage of bilingual dictionary the limitation of information that provide on bilingual dictionary that sometimes happened based term and students need.

3. Print and Electronic Dictionary

According Zaley and Gujjar, dictionaries publish and commonly in

two shapes they are print and electronic dictionary.18

a. Printed Dictionary

Printed dictionary is some dictionaries that produce on paper or

another material using a machine.19 Printed dictionary can be call

conventional dictionary because it producing techniques those dictionary

16 E, A, Nida, “

Analysis of Meaning and Dictionary Making, International Journal of American Linguistics24, 1958, 279.


Atkins, B, & Varantola, K “Monitoring Dictionary Use” International Journal of Lexicography, vol. 10 no. 1 Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1999, 29.

18 Zarei, Abbas, Ali, & Ahmed, Gujjar, “

Aijaz, The Contribution of Electronic and Paper Dictionaries to Iranian EFL Learner's Vocabulary Learning”, International J. Soc. Sci. & Education2012 Vol. 2 Issue 4, ISSN: 2223-4934 E and 2227-393X Print, 2012, 559.




uses before technology are growing. There are some examples of

Conventional dictionary they are pocket dictionary, glossary and any


b. Electronic Dictionary

Electronic dictionary is an electronic dictionary which contains

the entry list of the word that exists in digital form and can be accessed

through a number of different media.20 The electronic dictionary means

like the oxford electronic dictionary and any others.

B. Word Classes

Word are some instructions series that commonly used to speaks or

writes, it repeated to arrange in some sentences to giving information.21

In another

word, Scuilo and Wiliam have another definition about word. They said that,

words is the result of morphological object that used to explain about factual

moment that happens.22 In this research the researcher means word is some ways

to transfer some idea and feeling about some object oral or written.

To make easier in applying the words, it has been classified by some Letters Arxiv:Math/0511411v1 [Math.Oa] 16 Nov 2005. 2005, 1.





In some occasions, Boij have been classified the word according the

functions they are determiners, conjunctions, pronouns, and positions (pre- and

postpositions).24 Besides, Parrot has been divided word in three divisions they are:

adjective, noun, and preposition.25

In another that, that Shadily and Echols

classified word classes into Pronoun, noun, adjective, adverb, preposition.26

Based on the theories above the researcher agrees that, word class means the word

that divided in to five classes they are, noun, pronoun, adjective, adverb, and

things, place, opinion and any others28. Example: doctor and rose. There are

many things are not explanation in this occasion, there are countable noun and

uncountable noun.29


Parrot, Martin, Grammar for English Language Teacher (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2000),, 87.


Booij, Geert, The grammar of words : an introduction to linguistic morphology (New York; Oxford University Press Inc, 2005), 51.


Parrot, Martin, Grammar For English Language Teacher (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2000), 5.

26 Echol, J,M, Shadili English –Indonesian Dictionary, (Jakarta : Gramedia,1975), ii. 27

Danesi, Marcel, Basic American Gramar and Usage an Esl/Efl Hanbook, (New York : Barrons Educational . Inc, 2006), 22.

28Mas’ud, Fuad, “Esensial of English Grammar : Pratical Guide” (Yogyakarta :BPPE, 2010), 44. 29



Noun is some words that allow with the name and label the person

entities, object, places and concept that make up our world.30 In some

occasion Mas’ud stated that noun is some word that tells about somebody,

things, place, opinion and any others.31 Example: doctor and rose.

There are many things are not explanation in this occasion, there are

Examples are oil, water, air and any others.

2. Pronoun

Pronoun is some words that changing the aimed to explain about

subject position. Example; they, we, are, you, he, she, and it. So many subject

positions were including the word, to make classified for better understanding


Danesi, Marcel, Basic American Gramar and Usage an Esl/Efl Hanbook, (New York : Barrons Educational .Inc, 2006), 22.

31Mas’ud, Fuad, “Esensial Of English Grammar : Pratical Guide” (Yogyakarta :BPPE, 2010), 44. 32

Alter, J.B., Essensial English Usage and Grammar 2 , (Jakarta: Binarupa Aksara, 1991), 11.



Frank classified pronoun into five classifications.35 Mas’ud state that Personal

Pronoun, Interrogative Pronoun, Relative Pronoun, Demonstrative Pronouns,

Reflexive Pronoun, Reciprocal Pronoun, and Indefinite Pronoun.36

a. Personal Pronoun

Personal pronoun is some pronouns that refer to someone which

refer to clarify personality.37 The examples: I, we, you, they, he, she, it,

me, us, him, her, them.

b. Interogative Pronoun

Interrogative pronoun is some question words that used to introduce

some questions.38 For example: who, what, whom, and which.

c. Relative Pronoun

Relative pronoun is some words that standing before dependent

clause.39 The example of relative pronoun they are, who, which, that,

whoever, and whichever.

d. Demonstrative Pronoun

Demonstrative pronoun is identities and specifies process to noun or

pronoun or points to specific things, replacing rather than modifying a

35 Frank, Marcella, “ Modern English a practical reference guide”,( New York: Prentice Hall Inc,

1972), 23.

36 Mas’ud, Fuad, “Esensial Of English Grammar : Pratical Guide” (Yogyakarta :BPPE, 2010), 45. 37 Azar, Scramper, “Foundamentals Of English Grammar”, ( New York: Longman, 2003), 171. 38Mas’ud, Fuad, “

Esensial Of English Grammar : Pratical Guide 3rd edition” (Yogyakarta: BPPE, 2010), 60.

39 Ehrlich, uegene, “ English grammar 3rd


pronoun means there are some subjects which effect from some event that

back to subject itself. The examples of pronoun are: myself, ourselves,

yourself, yourselves, herself, himself, themselves, itself.

f. Reciprocal Pronun

Reciprocal Pronoun is some pronoun that express correlation

between people or more something.41 The examples of Reciprocal

Pronoun are each other and one another.

g. Indifinite Pronoun

Indefinite Pronoun is some pronouns that use for calling someone

or something that usually unknown.42 The examples of Indefinite Pronoun

are somebody, anybody, nobody, everybody, someone, anyone and any



Alter, j.b., Essensial English Usage and Grammar 3,(Jakarta: Binarupa Aksara, 1991), 39.


Mas’ud, Fuad, Esensial of English Grammar : Pratical Guide (Yogyakarta: BPPE, 2010), 61.




3. Adjective

Adjective is some words that modify noun and pronoun.43 There are

examples of adjective they are, good, happy, long, bad, sad, hot, tall, and any

others. In this occasion to make easy to understand about adjective

Schoenberg and Maurer has classified adjectives into tree classifications they

are, Descriptive Adjective, Comparative Adjective, and Superlative

Adjective.44 The example of Comparative Adjective is some words that

modify noun and pronoun.45 There are examples of adjective they are, good,

happy, long, bad, sad, hot, tall, and any others.

In this occasion to make easy to understand about adjective

Schoenberg and Maurer has classified adjectives into tree classifications they

are, Descriptive Adjective, Comparative Adjective, and Superlative


a. Descriptive Adjective

Descriptive adjective is some adjective that used to explain about

size, color, or shapes of person or any others.47 The examples of

descriptive adjective they are: fat, fast, muscular, thin, slim, pink white.


Jhon E Warriner,”Warriner’s English Grammar and Composisition,” Harcourt Brace Jovanovich, Inc, 1958, 40.

44 Schoenberg ,I, E, Maurer, J, “ Focuss on Grammar”, (New York : Longman, 2002), 186-198. 45

Jhon E Warriner, ”Warriner’s English Grammar and Composisition, Harcourt Brace Jovanovich, Inc, 1958, 40.


Schoenberg ,I, E, Maurer, J, “ Focuss on Grammar”, (New York : Longman, 2002), 186-198.



Superlative adjective is A superlative adjective compares three or

more nouns.49 . An example of superlative adjective is, My mother’s

cooking is the best.

4. Verb

Verb is some word that feature the activities name that done by subject

according event. For examples: sleep, eat, wash, study, read, write and any


In this occasion Mas’ud has been divided into five kinds of verbs they

are Ordinary Verb, Auxiliary Verb, Linking Verb, Transitive Verb, and

Intransitive Verb50.

a. Ordinary Verb

Ordinary Verb is some verb that has some complement do, does or

did and can be changing according tenses that applied.51 The examples of

Ordinary Verb are, she works hard, he is smoking and any others.

48.Ts, Kon,, “ Practical English Usage 4,” English as a Second Language, ( Jakarta ; Binarupa

Aksara, 1999), 123.


http://grammar.yourdictionary.com/parts-of-speech/adjectives/what-is-a-superlative-adjective.html accesced 29th September 2015, 8.45. pm.



b. Auxilary Verb

Auxiliary Verb is some verb that used together with other verb to

express about action or events that has grammatical functions.52 The are

many kinds of Auxiliary Verb they are to be, to do, have, can, shall, will,

may, must, ought to, used to, need, and dare.

example of Transitive Verb, she memorized, the lecturer announced, the

baker deliver bread and any others.

e. Intransitive Verb

Intransitive Verb is some verbs that do not have a direct object. In

other words, it is not uses to someone or something. It only involves



the subject.55 The examples of Intransitive Verb, he joked, she cries, he

disappears after party and any others.

5. Adverb

Adverb is some words that give explanations about place or location,

time and the way of some events are happening, or something to do.56 In this

occasion Mas’ud also explain that adverb has six items they are, adverb of

usually, always, often, rarely, never and any others.


http://www.grammar-monster.com/glossary/intransitive_verbs.htm accessed October 15,2015.

56 Mas’ud, Fuad, Esensial of English Grammar : Pratical Guide (Yogyakarta: BPPE, 2010). 89. 57

Ehrlich, uegene, English grammar 3rd edition, Jakarta , erlangganga, 110.




c. Relative Adverb

Relative Adverb is some words that have function as the

connector inside of sentences.59 The examples of elative adverb are,

therefore, accordingly, moreover, besides and any others.

d. Adverb of Degree

Adverb of Degree is used as explanation before the word used.60

The examples of Adverb of degree are completely, inadequately, and any


e. Adverb of Place

Adverb of Place is some adverb that used to explain about location

or place that sentence happens.61 The example of Adverb of place are go

home, go there, here, and any others.

f. Adverb of Time

Adverb of Time is that explain about the time when some event

that happening.62 The examples of adverb of time are, soon, recently,

already just, today tomorrow and any others.

Ehrlich, uegene, English grammar 3rd edition, Jakarta , Erlangganga, 110.



6. Preposition

Preposition is some word that offers some connection between nouns,

pronoun with another word.63 There are kinds of prepositions, Such as, at,

ahead, after, above, around, against, back and any others.

C. Students’ Capabiliy in Using Monolngual Dictionary

1. Deinition of Capability

Capability is come from word ability that means can to do

something necessary.64 Capability can be means some capacity to acts

something Another definition by Carver, stated that capability is some

situation when someone does not get any problems to respond the some

contexts even though feels easy or difficult.65 In this occasion

Milmanyusdi has some opinion about capability, he said that Ability is

some personal competences to master some achievement inside of some

particular activities.66 Naturally capability is physical achievement that

build when someone was born that make them were possible to past their

activities 67 According to the definition above the researcher state that,

63 Warrier,E, John, “ English Grammar and Composition”,( New York: 1982, Harcourt Brace

Jovanovich, Inc). 71.

64 Oxford Learner’s Pocket Dictionary, (New York: Oxford University Press,1998), 60. 65

Carver, R.P, Percentage of Unknown Vocabulary Words in Text as a Function of The Relative Difficulty of The Text: Implications for Instruction. Journal of Reading Behavior 26(4), 1994, 413.


http://milmanyusdi.blogspot.co.id/2011/07/pengertian-kemampuan.html, accessed, September 30,2015, 05.00 pm.




capability is some natural physical appearance that shown about some

personal possibilities to acts or responses about some event.

2. The Quality of Students’ Capability in Language Acquisision.

According to Didin students’ capability is dominant factor in

learning process that influenced many aspects in site of personality such,

physical growth, cognitive, emotion, and spirituals growth.68 In this

occasion the researcher has opinion that, in order personal development

the things that influence students capability is also became from

environment that someone leave. So that it can be said that, capability is

reflection from personal motivation that remake according environment.

In this occasion the researcher discuss about the measurement of

students capabilities in language learning process. One of measurements

explained by Baker, Baker said that students have some capabilities if

students are able to understand and interpreting some instructions in to

their own language.69 Beside, Reynolds and Ernest have some

measurement of students’ capabilities that are looking from vocabulary

acquisition that students’ have.70

To get good comprehension in any

language skills especially reading text, students need to own vocabulary


. Dindin Abdul Muiz Lidinillah (2002) Perkembangan Metakognitif dan Pengaruhnya pada Kemampuan Belajar Anak .


Based On Baker, M. (1992): in Other Words: a Coursebook on Translation, London, Routledge. And Newmark, P. (1988): A Textbook of Translation, New York, Prentice-Halquoted By Using Specialized Monolingual Native-Language Corpora as a Patranslation Resource: a Pilot Study Lynne Bowker Dublin City University, Dublin, Ireland Meta, Xliii, 4, 1998,.3.




for learning 114,000 word-families.71 Perhaps students need for owning

vocabularies at least 88, 500.72 By those reasons much vocabulary that

students’ have much comprehending and language capability they get.

D. Students Experences in Using Monolingual Dictionary

1. Definition of Experiences

Experiences is some event which have done by the human, it has

been a long time or still in process.73 In some occasion Gage and Berliner

said that experiences are some process that influence to human behavior.74

In order that the researcher has opinion that making experiences became

some fundamentals things in physical development because from

experiences make someone more known how to respond some event in

another time.

2. Students Experices in Using Monolingual Dictionary

Many experiences happened in using monolingual dictionary one

of those experiences has found by Nesi. In this research found that, using

monolingual dictionary is can be called some process of comprehension

because, when students consult with monolingual dictionary need


Based on Goulden, Nation, & Read, 1990) How Large Can a Receptive Vocabulary be? Applied Linguistics, 11(4), 363.



applying linguistic knowledge by understand deeply about around of

linguistic information.75

In different research by Nesi and Meara found that students as the

subjects of research do not use monolingual to find grammatical

information because there is information that not match with student need

to find meaning or word structure.76 But in Garcia’s research has different

finding in her research shows monolingual dictionary is an important tool

in the solution of lexical problems in that including in writing skills and

regardless it back from students proficiency level that use monolingual

dictionary as the good kill tools in writing skills.77 In another that, there

are some research fond by Thompson found that using the monolingual

learner's dictionary can also be problematic when monolingual

dictionaries provide some words that have ambiguity in definitions.78

Proper to researcher opinion, monolingual are some helpful tools

that aimed to make student easy in language learning. But some

considerations must be known that some problems which include on

75Nesi h, “ the Specific of Dictionary Reference Skills in Higher Education” National Report and

Thematic Report TNP Subproject Dictionary, Berlin , 2000, 6.

76 Nesi, H., & Meara, P, “ Patterns of Misinterpretation in the Productive Use of EFL Dictionary

Definitions.” System, 22(1),1994, 5.


Besed O on Garcia, S. S. (2012). Dictionary Use in L1 Writing. Phd Dissertation, University of Essex, UK Quoted By Win, Jenpattarakul, “ Optimizing The Advantages of Monolingual Dictionary Utilization by Thai EFL Students,” Mediterranean Journal of Social Sciences, Vol. 3 (11) November 2012 , 147.




dictionaries that makes the problems happen from personal’s proficient

can make students get easy or difficult in using monolingual dictionary.

Even though, monolingual dictionary looks difficult. The

researcher has some solutions that may be able to solve students’ problems

in using monolingual dictionary, one of solution has been performed by

Harmant. According to Hartman, students get difficulty in using

monolingual dictionary because of understanding word dentition and any

other from monolingual dictionary. It needs teacher or lecturer

participation and guidance about the role to consult dictionary

sistematickly.79 That is like what fan stated that Teachers may join to

work very closely together with learners to find out ways to use

dictionaries more efficiently for specific according students’ needs.80 In

this occasion the researcher has opinion that to avoid more students

problem in learning process besides the lecture or teacher should be lead

the students forward in using monolingual some continue training skill are

needed. Another solution presented by Faridah and Iqbal, they state that


Based on Hartmann, R. R. K, What’s the use of learners' dictionaries? March 6, 1991 quoted by FAN ,M, The Dictionary Look-Up Behavior of Hong Kong Students: A Large-Scale Survey* Institute of Language in Education Journal, 4, 88-92 Education Journal Vol. 28, No.1, Summer, 2000, 134




to make students were easier in using monolingual dictionary , the

lecturer should lead the students to avoid them from translating word.81

To support Faridah and Jaffar statements the researcher has an

opinion about avoid the translating word, according to the researcher’s

idea to avoid translating means students are not allowed to translate some

vocabularies one word by one word it is caused makes students need

more time in using monolingual dictionary. Perhaps, from those solutions

that researcher has presented above that to solve the student’s problem in

using monolingual dictionary by dictionary training skills and avoiding


E. Previous Study

This section discus about the previous study related to the researcher’s

topic “Students Problem in Using Monolingual Dictionary” and the researcher

will explain what the differences between study and the previous study.

The first study by Wai-on Law entitled “Translation Students’ Use of

Dictionaries: A Hong Kong Case Study for Chinese to English Translation”

this study This study held according to situation in HongKong, this study

attempts to investigate the dictionary use pattern of 107 students of translation

from five local universities for Chinese to English translation, and the




dictionary consultation process of four respondents. This study Triangulation

methods were used such as: questionnaire survey, interview, think-aloud

protocol, and performance exercise.

The second study conducted by AL-Darayeh entitled Activation of

Using English Dictionaries by English Majors at Al-Imam University: Uses,

Difficulties, and Types of Used Dictionaries “ this study activated the use of

English language dictionaries by English majors at Al-Imam Mohammad Bin

Saud University located in Riyadh, the capital of Saudi Arabia. It mainly tries

to find out students' skills in using dictionaries, the difficulties students

encounter while using their dictionaries, and the type of the used dictionaries.

The population of the study consists of all English majors at Al-Imam

University, while the specific sample of the study consists of about 60 male

students selected randomly out of the third and fourth year English majors at

the same university. The subjects of the study were asked to fill in a

questionnaire, this research found that most of students are mostly concerned

with two types of information when they consult their dictionaries: finding the

meanings of words and checking the spelling of these words and students got

difficulty in the arrangement and given instructions or examples while using

their dictionaries.

The third research by Mananen titled “ Why Monolingual Dictionary

Is Under-Utilities Among Student.” This research investigated the use of



University Technology Malaysia, Kuala Lumpur. This research aimed to

discover the students’ habit and attitude in using monolingual dictionary, the

object of study in this research is with 160 students that have opportunities to

ask a survey on the questionnaire as the instrument of the research. From the

questionnaire that has answered shown that the result of respondent were less

in using monolingual dictionary, the knowledge about the information that

provide monolingual dictionary were less and there were no explanation about

technical and habitual in using monolingual dictionary in their previous

school or previous grade.

The forth research by Chan entitled “ Advance Cantonese ESL

Learners’ Use Monolingual Dictionary For Language Production”. This

research investigated the use of monolingual dictionary, by Hong Kong

Cantonese Advance Level in their product upon target language sentence.

Chan use completion and sentence construction with and without applied

monolingual dictionary for the test materials of the research, in her research

there are thirty one students of English major be participant to comprehend to

conduct the data Chan also use questionnaire, self-reporting protocol and

focus groups interview. Chan found that monolingual dictionary can help

student to identify the correct use of a word and by using monolingual

dictionary also can support student use their personal perception in language



Fifth research by Winker entitled “Students Working with an English

Learner Dictionary on CD Room” In this research, she studied about

pedagogical lexicography and the growing focus on the dictionary ability in

second language learning on writing task, and also to know students use a

CD-ROM dictionary.

From this study winker found that, most of writing’ students were less

ability in using dictionary-using skills in certain areas, particularly true of the

appendices and the structure of the individual entries. To get the data Winker

uses a questionnaire for students that eager to know the use of English

Learners' Dictionaries ability.

Sixth research by Diab and Hamdan entitled “Interacting with Words

and Dictionaries: the Case of Jordanian EFL Learners.” In their research,

investigated how 50 Jordanian Arab university students of English interacted

with words and dictionaries while reading a specialized text in linguistics. The

results of their study showed that meaning and pronunciation were the prime

purposes of dictionary use. It was also found that the overwhelming majority

of the dictionary look-ups were not preceded by any pre-dictionary use

strategy, suggesting that there was no instruction in dictionary use for the

students. The study also showed that English Monolingual Dictionary were

used more frequently used than bilingual ones, and that they were also found



This study concerned on the students capabilities to understand word

classes that provide in monolingual dictionary and their experiences When,

they are using monolingual dictionary in Critical Reading class. This study is

on descriptive qualitative method to observe the factual case in reality. For

technical collecting data the researcher used instrument to get the data they

are questionnaire, and interview that gave to 24 student as the sample from

120 student s as population of fourth semester students of critical reading




This research aims to investigate the students issues in using monolingual

dictionary, this study runs in fourth semester students of English Teacher Education

Department. This chapter explains the research design, the research subjects, the data

and source, the research procedure, the data collection technique, the research


A. Research Subject

This research conducts in English Teacher Education Department

(ETED) at Faculty of Education and Teacher Training, Sunan Ampel State

Islamic University Surabaya that located in Jl. A.Yani 117 Surabaya. In this

research, there are 26 students from fourth semester students whom entering

critical reading in A-D class.

The researcher chooses fourth semester as object of study because, in this

semester all materials also reading competence and quality grade of materials are

increasing. Fourth semester students are focusing on English material deeply and

students’ level has classified. The research conducted in reading impetrative class

because, reading is the most important skill to get specific information from

various. Therefore, reading is a basic and complementary skill in language



students and reading impetrative class as the place of the researcher held his


To choose object of study because to limit time, bugged and another

limitation that researcher has, the researcher chooses sampling technique.

Further, the researcher considered to use purposive sampling technique.

B. Research Design

The researcher prefers to do qualitative method, because the researcher

wants to describe the data by using descriptive method to present the data of

research. This research describes some event and comments recent the

phenomena. This research aims to get information about the students’ problems

in using the monolingual dictionary by using research question the student

capability to distinguish word classes. Besides, to see the problem deeply the

researcher uses research question what the most students’ experiences using

monolingual dictionary. To generate data this research used descriptive


In this occasion Susilo said that qualitative research is some process that

depends on inductive understanding or personal approach.82 It can be said that,

qualitative research is some method that uses data that based on personality.

Other argument has present by Ary in his book that translated by Furqon also

states that descriptive qualitative is designed to get information about indication

82Susilo “MetodologI Penelitian Bidang Pendidikan Kuantitative, Kualitatife, Dan Campuran ”,



status when the research is done.83 In this study, the phenomena investigated is

the students’ problem in using monolingual dictionary and to explain the

condition of the students attitude about those some problems, to get information

about the students’ problem in using monolingual dictionary and students attitude

toward those some problems, the researcher collected the data naturally in

reading class without any treatment.

As Denzim stated that, qualitative study uses various methods. In this

research data were collected using qualitative method. Qualitative method was

used to collect and analyze the data from the instrument of questionnaire and

interview. Those are used to know the students problem about monolingual

dictionary and also to know the students’ attitude toward monolingual dictionary

also by giving them interview and questionnaire.

C. Research procedure



For questionnaire, this research used open questionnaire because to

help students easier to answer the questions from researcher. In this research

open questionnaire used in two research questions, all of questions that

provided were arranged based arranged based on two research questions

first research about students’ capability distinguish word classes from

monolingual dictionary, second research question, students’ experiences in

using monolingual dictionary. Besides, to help student to express their own

feeling in using monolingual dictionary all of the questions in research

instruments explain in Bahasa.

2. Implementation

The researcher gives and collects the questionnaire paper from

students, to get data the researcher continued with interview. All of the

interview’s questions aimed to obtain as much as information about

students’ experiences in comprehending word’s definition using

monolingual dictionary. The researcher records audio or audio –visual about

the interview between the researcher and the respondent.

After collecting the data through questionnaire and interview, the

researcher analyzes the students’ answer from questionnaire and interview to



3. Concluding

After analyzing all of the data from questionnaire and interview, the

researcher decided to make conclusion that aimed to draw the data analysis

and discussion as the result of research.

D. Source of Data

In this research there are many types of data, based on the qualitative

research. In quantitative research the data are in numerical form. Here as

qualitative data are the data, which involves words rather than numerical form

such as photograph, sound recording, etc.84

The data used in this research primer and secondary data. Primer data

means the priority data that comes from students as the research’s object of

research. Beside, the primary data has important position in this study it causes

all of part the data is the result of finding from data analysis. The primary data

are taken from research instrument, the aim of primary data is shows the data

finding according the students’ issue in using monolingual dictionary and

students capability and experiences in using monolingual dictionary.

Besides the primary data the researcher uses also the secondary data, the

secondary means some data aimed to gain the primary data aims to strengthen

and completes the primary data. In this study, secondary data is qualitative data

that complete the explanation of qualitative. So that, by that way can help the

researcher easily to get the data completely.



E. Data Collection Technique

To answer research question, the researcher collected the data that

appropriate for this research. In this research used questionnaire and interview by

the data collection techniques. Then, the research used questionnaire and

interview that aimed to answer the second research question to know the

students’ attitude toward monolingual dictionary. Questionnaire is similar to

interview but the different is in that interview conducted face to face between

interviewer and interviewee while questionnaire was in form of written responses

to written questions without the presence of the researcher.85 According to

Donald Ary, as explained in Furqon book, there are two kinds of questionnaires:

structured questionnaire and closed questionnaire.86 This research used open

questionnaire in which the answer options have been given in the multiple

choices: the student respondents only needed to choose the answer best express

what their opinion. In another that in this research uses also quantitative data that

support the qualitative data, in side of quantitative data.

F. Data Analisys Technique

After the researcher gets the data the researcher analyze the information

of the data the researcher use constant comparative method to classify the data to

get information about the subject briefly, in order to analyze the data, the

85Nana Syaodih.“MetodePenelitianPendidikan”. (Bandung: Remadja Rosdakarya, 2009), 219. 86Arif Furqon.”Pengantar Penelitian Dalam Pendidikan”.Translated from Donal Ary. (Yogyakarta :



researcher use some techniques to analysis data that coming from the research

instrument, the researcher used:

1. Reduction

Data reduction process is sorting , focusing, sampling, abstracting

and transforming the raw data from questionnaire and interviews in fact as

the figure above , data reduction occur continuously during the process of

conducting qualitative research. It means that the researcher had been

reducing data before, during and after collecting the data as well ass.

Data reduction is some processes the conclusion are taking by

choosing the data that suitable with the main subject, in this researcher were

make the data shorter to get a brave result from the data.Data reduction after

get the data, the researcher classifies the result data in to the table to look the

commonly problems and most student’ attitude in using monolingual


2. Construct Validity

Qualitative research was aimed some process to gain the data based

on the real happen in field, to make the result of study clearly and tangible

needs some validity. There are many ways uses to gain validity of data,



possible to do more time for observing the object, increasing attention to the

object of study, triangulation, and do some discussion87.

In this occasion, the researcher uses triangulation to gain the validity.

Triangulation to check the truth of data or information obtained by

researcher from different perspective as much as possible reducing the bias

that occurs during data collection and analysis. In this step, the researcher

reflects and rechecks the data from questionnaire and interview guideline.

This process the researcher do some correspondences to leading lecture and

reading class students aimed to get reliability, validity, and reliability of the

data and also make a final conclusion of the data that been analyzed,

interpreted, and identified in the preceding process.



  Table 4.1
 Table 4.2
  Table 4.3 Table of Students’ Capability to Apply Word’
Table 4.4


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