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Defensive Driving The Need We All Have


Academic year: 2017

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Defensive driving is quite an important thing that we have. People simply need to know that while you can control your own actions most of the time, you cannot control or know what is happening with other drivers. Defensive driving courses offer a wealth of information for people who are looking for solutions to prevent accidents and problems from happening. So, what is defensive driving all about? It is a method of driving in which you take every possible precaution that...


Defensive driving

Article Body:

Defensive driving is quite an important thing that we have. People simply need to know that while you can control your own actions most of the time, you cannot control or know what is happening with other drivers. Defensive driving courses offer a wealth of information for people who are looking for solutions to prevent accidents and problems from happening. So, what is defensive driving all about? It is a method of driving in which you take every possible precaution that you can to prevent problems from happening. This method of driving is an excellent way to keep you and your family safe. Here are some of the rules of defensive driving:

? Its starts by being prepared. Checking such things as tire pressure and oil, gas, and water levels before leaving are important. You will want to check mirrors, seats as well as make sure that you have all the insurance and other documentation that you need before heading out. ? Never display or react to road rage.

? Purchasing bright colored cars can also help you. The purchase of a red, orange, yellow or other brightly colored car can help you to be seen. Unlike light colored cars that are more difficult to be seen, bright colored ones are less likely to be in an accident. ? Always use your headlights.

? When driving, make sure that you use the three-second rule. This states that you should be at least three seconds of driving time behind the driver in front of you at all times. In bad conditions, it should be five seconds. ? To make sure that you can see clearly, never follow too closely behind large trucks.

? Avoid the blind spot of other cars by not driving in those spots for every long.

? In fact, try to drive without anyone next to you at all times so that if you need to get off the road quickly, you can.

? Avoid cars that are broken down or show signs of being damaged. Studies show that these cars are often driven by bad drivers.

These are only a few of the defensive driving rules that are out there. You will find a wide range of them as well as places to take defensive driving classes on the web.

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