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The Facts about Rosacea


Academic year: 2017

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Rosacea is a skin condition that is marked by red, broken capillaries, acne, and oily and inflamed skin. Rosacea is a chronic condition and unfortunately there have been no developments in determining its cause or its cure.


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Article Body:

There are many types of skin conditions and Rosacea just happens to be one of them. It generally affects light skinned women anywhere between 30 and 50 years of age, however it can begin earlier or later in life as well. Many individuals are affected by Rosacea yet do not know much about it. Fortunately, the following information will help determine what Rosacea is, what causes it, its symptoms, as well as its treatments. What is Rosacea?

Rosacea is a skin condition that is marked by red, broken capillaries, acne, and oily and inflamed skin. Rosacea is a chronic condition and unfortunately there have been no developments in determining its cause or its cure. This disease is not one that should cause serious concern medically, however it does cause significant cosmetic concern. Since Rosacea most often affects women it can cause self esteem problems. Simply knowing there is no cure makes women frustrated and dislike their reflection in the mirror. Symptoms

Individuals who believe they may be affected by Rosacea won’t undergo any fancy tests to determine this. Instead, a physician will simply look at their face and ask them about their symptoms. If many of the symptoms are experienced by the patient and the evaluation shows physical signs of the disease then the physician will likely diagnose Rosacea.

The following symptoms are frequently experienced by Rosacea sufferers. They include burning or stinging of the face, rashes or the appearance of sunburn on the face, dry skin with hard pimple like bumps, broken capillaries, and blushing or flushing that occurs frequently. If you have any of these symptoms then you should consider visiting your physician or dermatologist. The symptoms a Rosacea sufferer endures may be made worse in certain situations. For example, many Rosacea sufferers experience increased activity when they drink alcohol or caffeine or eat spicy foods. The climate can also have a negative affect on those with Rosacea. Wind, sun, and even dramatic changes in temperature may cause a flare up of Rosacea.

Another type of Rosacea is Ocular Rosacea and this has similar symptoms as outlined above in addition to symptoms that affect the eyes. For example, Ocular Rosacea sufferers might experience swollen eyelids with bumps, lose eyelashes, have red eyes and eyelids, as well as others. Rosacea Stages

There are three stages of Rosacea that are experienced in the following pattern. Stage 1

The first stage is typically noted by dry and sensitive skin. Other symptoms include red lines on the face and sore eyes. Erythema may show up and last for hours or even days. Stage 2

In stage 2 of Rosacea a patient may notice that their face is not the only part of their body affected. This is because symptoms may spread to the neck and chest or even the scalp. Typically in Stage 2 nodules, pustules, or both appear on the skin and may last for days or even weeks. Stage 3

If Rosacea is left untreated then the disease will reach stage 3, which is classified by a swollen nose and larger nodules on the cheeks. Fortunately, most individuals receive treatment prior to the disease reaching these lengths. Treatments

Once you have been diagnosed with Rosacea you will certainly be interested in treatment options. Unfortunately, there is no cure available for Rosacea because doctors and researchers are still unsure of what causes Rosacea in the first place. However, there are treatment options available that do a good job of controlling the disease and keeping it under control. Without treatment the disease will cause permanent damage to the face and possibly other parts of the body, so treatment is important. Currently, treatment of Rosacea focuses on keeping the disease from progressing, minimizing redness and inflammation, as well as reducing eruptions. Frequently oral antibiotics and a topical antibiotic gel are prescribed to bring the disease under control. However, oral antibiotics cannot be taken for long periods of time so only topical treatments will be continued after the Rosacea is under control. Some lifestyle changes may also be in store for Rosacea sufferers to help control the disease.

If you feel you have similar symptoms as outlined above that are exacerbated by the sun or wind, alcohol, caffeine, or spicy foods, then you should see your dermatologist as soon as possible for a diagnosis. There are many skin conditions that have similar symptoms so only a physician may diagnose you. There is no cure available, but the variety of treatment options do help keep Rosacea under control for the majority of sufferers.

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