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Academic year: 2017



Teks penuh







Submitted to the English Department, in Partial Fulfillment of Requirement for the Degree of Sarjana Pendidikan



Registration Number: 209421032






First of all, the writer would like to thank the Almighty God, Jesus Christ,

for His blessings to the writer so she is able to accomplish her thesis as a partial

fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Sarjana pendidikan at the English

Department of Language and Arts, Faculty of Languages and Arts (FBS), State

University of Medan (UNIMED).

During the process of writing, the writer realizes that she cannot

accomplish her thesis without support from many people. Therefore the writer

would like to express her sincere gratitude to:

Prof. Dr. Ibnu Hajar Damanik, M. Si., the Rector of State University of Medan.

Dr. Isda Pramuniati, M. Hum., the Dean of Faculty of Languages and Arts for formalizing the thesis at the end of her study

Prof. Dr. Hj. Sumarsih, M. Pd., the Head of English Department, Rika, S.Pd. M.Hum, the Secretary of English Department the Secretary of English Department and

Dra. Masitowarni Siregar, M. Ed., as the Head of Educational Program of English Department

Drs. Bachtiar, M. Pd., the Writer’s Thesis Advisor who has consciously guided her in the entire process of the Thesis writing with all of the constructive comments, which helped the writer made the thesis well.  Beloved father, Pahala Manalu and lovely mother, Mawan Sihombing,

the deepest gratitude for their greatest supports, caring and loves to the writer. Thanks and love to the writer’s sister and brother, Emma R.Manalu, Rustina M, Riometi M, Elvrida M, Renata M, Intan M and Rahmat Salem Manalu, for they are the reason why the writer keeps on struggling.

 Roy Sihombing (Baculku), for his love and support to the writer during the process of finishing this thesis.

 The writer’s best friends, CESS KENTAL Yusniah Tampubolon and Nurmahari Siregar (Nuncong) for every single help, support and love that mean a lot to the writer

 The writer’s PPL friends, Dian P , Eva , Hery,Geltry, Yonathan(Jobo), Sutan, and all friends PPLT SMP N 1 PEMATANGSIANTAR 2012 Drs.Andarias Barus, the Headmaster, L.Purba S.Pd as the English



Last but not least, the writer extends gratitude for those who cannot be

mentioned here, that give contribution on the writer’s life. The writer realizes that

the content of this thesis is still far from perfect, but she warmly accept any

constructive suggestions that will improve the quality of this thesis. She hopes it

would be useful for those who are interested in this field of study.

Medan, Januari 2014

The Writer

Mediana Manalu



E. The Significance of the Study ... 5


A.Theoretical Framework ... 7

F. Indicator of Students’ Achievement in Reading Comprehension ... 18

G.Strategy ... 19


A. Research Design ... 26

B. Subject of Research ... 28

C. The Procedure for Collecting Data ... 28

D. The Procedure of the Research ... 28

E. Instrument for Collecting Data ... 33

F. The Technique for Data Analysis... 34

G. Validity and reliability ... 35

1. Reliability ... 35

2. Validity ... 35


A. Cycle I ... 37

1. Planning ... 37

2. Action and Observation ... 37

3. Reflection ... 39

B. Cycle II ... 39



2. Action and Observation ... 40

3. Reflection ... 44


A. Conclusion ... 45

B. Suggestion ... 45



Table 2.1 Five components in generic structure of narrative. ... 16

Table 2.2 Modeling steps of learning with the PQ4R ... 22

Table 3.2 Criteria of Students’ Achievement ... 35

Table 4.1 The Score of the cycle I test and cycle II test... 37






1. Appendix A Lesson Plan ... 49

2. Appendix B The score of students from the test I cycle I, reading test in cycle II test II and test III cycle II ... 81

3. Appendix C Diary Notes ... 83

4. Appendix D Observation Sheet... 88




A.The Background of the Study

Approximately 80 per cent of the world’s population is reported to be able

to read.An unknown percentage of these readers is also able to read, at varying

ability levels, in one or more additional language.The role of reading in society is

actually quite complex, so a few comments are needed to situate the role of

reading and student learning. Language is basic form of communication. By

using language , human beings can narrate and share their experience to others

and tell some information to the others. Language is a tool used by human beings

to communicate to the others. So, language is an important thing and cannot be

separated from human life. One of the skills in language so the people can

communicate to the other is reading.

Reading is one of the four skills in language and one of the most

important skills in learning besides listening, speaking, and writing. Reading is an

essential skill for all students at all levels. Reading is important because it can

help the student to gain information such as general knowledge which is needed to

insure the continuing personal growth and adapt the change in the world.

Reading for comprehension is not of course an easy task , especially for

senior hight school students. Hence, students must possess interpretation ability to


Teaching rading of English learners is exciting for teachers who have the ability

to perform it.They have skills and competence to apply the appropriate teaching

strategis and teaching method which can motivated the students to enjoy the

printing materials they distribute . Actually the aim of reading depends on the

reader.But mostly the purpose or the main goal of the reading instruction must be

comprehension ; above all, we want students to understand what is on a page.

Moreover , based on the writer’ experinece in Teaching Training

Practice(PPL) T the writer observed that most students of Junior High School

where the writer interviewed the students, they told her that it happened because

of some factor. The learning is the teacher oriented.Commonly teacher taught

reading comprehension by using translation method too.

They tended to translate their reading text in the initial stages of their

teaching stategis. First, the conventional tehnique that teacher applied inteaching

reading was not effective, teacher had students underline some difficult words

then find out the meaning from dictionary. Then teacher asked them to translate

all the paragraphs in the text. After that, the teacher asked them to analyze the

generic structure of the text. These are suitable to problems faced by students

based on the interview. In this case, the teacher should make or apply a suitable

strategy in teaching reading comprehension in order to make the students interest

when they are studying.

PQ4R is an acronym for Preview, Question, Read, Reflect, Recite, and


Preview, Question, Read, Reflect,Recite and Riview (PQ4R) method to overcome

or improve the problems. One part of the elaboration strategy. This strategy used

to help studentsto remember what they have read and this strategy also can help

the students in learning process about reading activities. This strategy will

improve the student's reading comprehension. It also may improve recall of facts

by as much as 70%.

PQ4R was conducted by many researchers on their action research

and experimental. An action research was done by Meilissa in 2012. Meilissa

applied PQ4R terhadap hasil belajar siswa pada materi pokok sistem indera for

eleventh graders.PQ4R very good to apply because it is suitable to use for the

teaching of knowledge in form of concepts, definitions, rules, and knowledge

application in daily life.It can help the students that has the low ability to

memorize the lesson.It easy to apply in all levels of education.It can help students

to improve their skills in the process of asking questions and to communicate their

knowledge.It can rise the lessons in spready.

By using PQ4R method can improve the students reading ability because,

it will help students to understand the text easily and well.PQ4R is one of the

good strategy that can help students to understand and to remember the material

that they have read (Thomas and Robinson (1972).Therefore, in learning reading

comprehension , both teacher and students can be more active to express their idea

or opinion. In this case , PQ4R method can give good solution for teacher and

students to get the education succesfull.As an expectation, by applying this


students are able to focus more on reading comprehension easily and well.

B.The problem of the study

Based on the backround of the study , the problem of this study can be

formulated as follows:“ is the students’ achievement in reading comprehension

improve if it is taught by using PQ4R method?”

C.The objective of the Study

In relation to the problem, the objective of the study is aimed at finding

out wheter the application of : Preview, Question, Read, Reflect, Recite, &Review

(PQ4R) method improves grade eight student’ achievement of SMP Negeri 4

Pagaran Class VIII-1 in reading comprehension of narrative text.

D.The Scope of the Study

The scope of the study is limiteon finding the second year student’s

achievement in reading comprehension by using Preview, Question, Read,

Reflect, Recite, &Review(PQ4R) method. The levels of comprehension are

limited on literal comprehension and Inferential Comprehension of SMP Negeri 4

Pagaran class VIII-1.

E.The Significance of the Study

The findings of the study are expected to be useful and relevant both


Theoretically the findings are expected to:

1. The horizons on theories of language learning,

2. Apply the theories on the second language learning, and

3. Be thereference for those who want to conduct the other

reseacher who wants to conduct the same researchandinterested

in using: Preview, Question, Read, Reflect, Recite, &Review

(PQ4R) in teaching reading comprehension as well.

Practically the findings are relevant and useful for:

1. English teachers to provide the information in their attempt to

decide the using of Preview, Question, Read, Reflect, Recite, &

Review (PQ4R) method in teaching reading comprehension.

2. to improve students’ ability in reading comprehension and to

motivate them to be active in reading.

3. This research is hoped to give the improvement of students’

participation in reading class so the students can comprehend

reading text easier.

4. They can recall as much as information after they read the text.

5. This strategy can improve the people’s reading ability to make

students understand the content of the text, especially

handbook, textbook.

6. It can improve the professionalism of reader and teaching


7. Give inputs for the teacher use PQ4R strategy to guide

students’ interaction with their text so can comprehend the




A. Conclusion

After analyzing the data, it is found out that the students’ reading

achievement improved from the test I cycle I into the cycle II test III. It means

that there was an improvement toward students’ reading achievement by applying

PQ4R technique. It was shown from the improvement of the mean of the students

score namely the mean of the cycle I test was 53.62, and the mean of the cycle II

test was 73.28. It can be stated that the score continuously improved from test I

cycle I to cycle II test. Therefore, it could be concluded that PQ4R Technique can

improve students’achievement in reading comprehension. Beside the mean of the

score, there was percentage of the students who got the score above 70. In the

cycle I test was 20.00% (7 students) and in cycle II test was 77,14% (27students). It

means that there was an improvement of the students in their reading comprehension

about 57.14% compared with the first test and for the second test.

B. Suggestion

The result of this study shows that the uses of PQ4R technique could

enlarge or improve the students’ achievement in reading comprehension in

narrative text. The following suggestions are offered:

a. For the English teacher; is better to use PQ4R technique since it

could make teaching and learningprocess more interesting and


b. For the students; it is suggested that they study more and active in

teaching learning process using PQ4R technique.

c. For all the readers and the other researcher ;it is suggested to





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Brown, Douglas. 2003. Language Assessment: Principles and Classroom Practices. California: Longman.

Grabe, William & Stoller, L Fredrica. 2002. Teaching and Researching Reading: London: Pearson Education Longman.

Hopkins, David.1998. A Teacher’s Guide To Classroom Research. Buckingham: open University.

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Table 2.1  Five components in  generic structure of narrative. .............   Table 2.2   Modeling steps of learning with the PQ4R  ........................


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