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Syafryadin, 2013

The Use Of Talking Chips Technique In Teaching Speaking

Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia | repository.upi.edu | perpustakaan.upi.edu


This thesis is entitled


( Quasi Experimental Design at Tenth Grade in One of the Senior High Schools in Bandung)

Approved by

First Supervisor

Prof. Dr. Hj. Nenden Sri Lengkanawati, M.Pd

Second Supervisor


Syafryadin, 2013

The Use Of Talking Chips Technique In Teaching Speaking

Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia | repository.upi.edu | perpustakaan.upi.edu DECLARATION

I hereby certify that this thesis which entitled The Use of Talking Chips Technique

in Teaching Speaking (Quasi Experimental Design at Tenth Grade in One of the

Senior High Schools in Bandung) is completely my own work. I am fully aware

that I have quoted some statements and ideas from various sources. All of the

quotations are already acknowledged.

Bandung, 2013


Syafryadin, 2013

The Use Of Talking Chips Technique In Teaching Speaking

Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia | repository.upi.edu | perpustakaan.upi.edu


(Quasi Experimental Design at Tenth Grade in One of the Senior High Schools in Bandung)


Submitted to English Education Program at the School of

Post Graduate Studies of UPI in Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for Master’s Degree in English Education





Syafryadin, 2013

The Use Of Talking Chips Technique In Teaching Speaking

Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia | repository.upi.edu | perpustakaan.upi.edu 2013

The Use of Talking Chips Technique

in Teaching Speaking

Oleh Syafryadin

S.Pd Universitas Haluoleo, 2011

Sebuah Tesis yang diajukan untuk memenuhi salah satu syarat memperoleh gelar Magister Pendidikan (M.Pd.) pada Fakultas Pendidikan Bahasa dan Seni

© Syafryadin 2013


Syafryadin, 2013

The Use Of Talking Chips Technique In Teaching Speaking

Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia | repository.upi.edu | perpustakaan.upi.edu

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Skripsi ini tidak boleh diperbanyak seluruhya atau sebagian,


Syafryadin, 2013

The Use Of Talking Chips Technique In Teaching Speaking


Syafryadin, 2013

The Use Of Talking Chips Technique In Teaching Speaking


Syafryadin, 2013

The Use Of Talking Chips Technique In Teaching Speaking

Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia | repository.upi.edu | perpustakaan.upi.edu


(Quasi Experimental Design at Tenth Grade in One of the Senior High Schools in Bandung)


This study investigated how the Talking Chips Technique can help students to improve their speaking. The sample of this study was only one class and total number of students was 36 students. This study used a quasi experimental design and three data collection, i.e. note taking, participant observation, and speaking test. The data from observation were analyzed by using thematic analysis and band score of speaking. This study was conducted by using multiple pre-test and post-pre-test. Therefore, the findings of this study were based on pre- pre-test, treatments and post- test. During the treatments, there were problems related to classroom management (noisy, low participation, laughing), fluency (pause, flow and speed) and accuracy (pronunciation, grammar and vocabulary). Those problems could be minimized. After post test, there were still problems, but the problems were fewer than previous ones like only fluency and accuracy because students had showed the awareness and enthusiastic in speaking English. This study

showed the improvement of students’ speaking achievement from treatment until post test. It was

proved by the mean score pre test and post test. In pre-test, the mean score of fluency was 61.1 and 62.81 for accuracy. In post-test, the mean score of fluency was 71.451 and accuracy was 74.69. Then, t- test for fluency was 7.05 and t-test for accuracy was 8.31 with t critical or table was 2.031. It meant that H1 was accepted. It indicated that there was significance improvement


Syafryadin, 2013

The Use Of Talking Chips Technique In Teaching Speaking

Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia | repository.upi.edu | perpustakaan.upi.edu

Table of Contents

2.3 Factors that Affect in Teaching and Learning Speaking ... 10

2.3.1 Lack of knowledge skill ... 10

2.3.2 Personal factors ... 12

2.4 Principle of learning and teaching speaking ... 13

2.5 Fluency and accuracy in speaking ... 15

2.5.1 Fluency in speaking ... 15

2.5.2 Accuracy in speaking ... 15

2.6 Characteristics of speaking activities ... 17

2.7 Problem in speaking activities ... 18

2.8 Cooperative learning in speaking ... 20

2.9 Teaching speaking through Talking Chips Technique ... 22

2.10 Criteria selecting for topic ... 24

2.11 Review of previous study through Talking Chips Technique ... 25


Syafryadin, 2013

The Use Of Talking Chips Technique In Teaching Speaking

Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia | repository.upi.edu | perpustakaan.upi.edu

3.4 Instrument of the Study ... 30

3.5 Technique of Data Collection ... 31

3.6 Evaluation of two raters ... 32

3.7 Marking Scheme ... 33

3.8 Technique of data analysis ... 36

3.9 Procedure of teaching Talking Chips Technique ... 38


4.1.1 Pre-test ... 39

4.1.2 Treatment 1-3 ... 49

4.1.3 Treatment 4-5 ... 53

4.1.3 Pos-test ... 57

4.2 Result ... 59

4.3 Hypothesis testing ... 83

4.3 Discussion ... 85


5.2 Recommendation ... 91



Syafryadin, 2013

The Use Of Talking Chips Technique In Teaching Speaking

Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia | repository.upi.edu | perpustakaan.upi.edu CHAPTER I


1.1 Background

Speaking English is still a difficult skill for senior high school students. It was based on

an observation and interview with the teacher and the students in the tenth grade in one of the

senior high schools in Bandung on 9th of October 2012. . It was found that most of the students

had low ability in speaking English. Furthermore, most of the students got stuck because they

did not know what they wanted to say. They made many mistakes in speaking English like

grammatical mistakes and poor vocabularies. Next, they used Indonesian language for several

words. They also pronounced words incorrectly and so many pause when they were speaking

English. In addition, they were lack of motivation in speaking because the teacher just taught

them by using asking and answering questions. Therefore, the students were not enthusiastic in

speaking English.

In line with the facts mentioned above, Ur (1996), students have problems in speaking

activities, such as inhibition, low motivation, mother tongue use, and nothing to say. Those

problems were often occurred when students spoke English. Harmer (2007) also says that there

are two elements of speaking which become problems for students. Those elements are accuracy

and fluency. Those elements are very important for students in speaking English. They have to

consider about those elements when they are speaking English. It is because without considering



Syafryadin, 2013

The Use Of Talking Chips Technique In Teaching Speaking

Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia | repository.upi.edu | perpustakaan.upi.edu

cause misunderstanding between speaker and listener, if the speaker cannot speak fluently and

accurately. In brief, students should pay attention to elements of speaking. Harmer (2007) says

that if students want to speak English fluently and accurately, they need to be able to pronounce

the words correctly and speak without mistakes in grammar.

Teaching speaking needs innovation to improve students’ speaking fluency and accuracy.

Thus, this research attempts to apply Talking Chips technique in teaching speaking in to see

whether this technique could help students to speak fluently and accurately. According to Kagan

(1992), Talking Chips Technique is a technique of teaching speaking which make the students

interested and help students to speak. It is because this technique can make students: (1) active

in the classroom, (2) learn how to cooperate in a group and (3) have a chance to speak English

because in Talking Chip, students are divided into several groups and each member of the group

will have a turn to speak English. Related to Talking Chips Technique, Furyanto (2011) had

conducted this technique in teaching speaking using action research. This study is going to

investigate know whether Discussion Using The Talking Chips Technique can improve the

speaking skill of the XI IPA 1 students of SMA Negeri 1 Bantarujeg or not, and to know the

strength and the weaknesses of the implementation of Discussion using the Talking Chips

Technique when it is used to teach speaking. The finding of the study shows that the Talking

Chips Technique could improve the students’ speaking skill.

The Talking Chips technique also applies three functions of speaking which are stated by



Syafryadin, 2013

The Use Of Talking Chips Technique In Teaching Speaking

Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia | repository.upi.edu | perpustakaan.upi.edu

others in order to be more interactive or try to interact for other people. The Second function is

that speaking can be used for transaction purposes because in speaking, a human can deliver his

or her meaning and making other people understand clearly about the transaction. The Third

function is that speaking can be seen as the consideration in our performance. It means that if

someone speaks well in front of many people, someone will have good performance in speaking.

Based on those functions, speaking is very important for students as Bailey and Savage (1994)

point out that speaking is an activity which involve other language skills

However, studies on teaching speaking by using Talking Chips technique are rarely

conducted in Indonesia because it is not known well by most of the teachers. Thus, this research

is expected to reveal some advantages of the use of the technique, so that it will help teachers in

teaching speaking.

1.2 Research Question

The research questions of this study are as follows.

1. How is Talking Chips technique applied in teaching speaking?

2. Can Talking Chips technique improve students’ speaking skill?



Syafryadin, 2013

The Use Of Talking Chips Technique In Teaching Speaking

Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia | repository.upi.edu | perpustakaan.upi.edu

The objective of this study is to find out how to teach speaking by using Talking Chips

Technique and whether Talking Chips Technique can improve students’ speaking achievement

1.4 Significance of the Study

The significance of this study will be explained as follows.

1. This study is expected to improve teachers’ knowledge about various techniques in teaching

speaking especially Talking Chips Technique.

2. This study could improve students’ interest in learning speaking by using Talking Chips


3. This study would be useful for the school because this technique contributes to fulfill the

school’s target in improving students’ speaking achievement

4. This study would be useful for other researchers as their reference in conducting their


1.5 The Coverage of the Study

The coverage of this study is implementing of Talking Chips technique and describing

pictures in teaching speaking which focus on two elements of speaking namely fluency and

accuracy. Fluency is related to the flow, speed, and pause, while the accuracy is related to the

pronunciation, grammar (simple present tense), and vocabulary.



Syafryadin, 2013

The Use Of Talking Chips Technique In Teaching Speaking

Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia | repository.upi.edu | perpustakaan.upi.edu

The hypothesis of this study is “Talking Chips Technique can improve significantly

students’ speaking skill”

1.7 Definition of Terms

To avoid misunderstanding related to the title of this study, so, there are some definitions

of terms that will be explained below.

1. Accuracy in this study refers to the use of correct utterances do not contain errors relating to

the phonological, syntactic, and semantic or discourse features of a language (Bryne, 1988).

In the other words, accuracy refers to grammar, pronunciation, and vocabulary. Accuracy is

one of elements in speaking which will be observed during Talking Chips technique is

applied in the classroom. In evaluation test, accuracy will be assessed well to students.

2. Fluency is the ability to produce written or spoken language easily and ability to speak well

(Richards, 1992). Fluency is one of the elements in speaking which will be observed during

Talking Chips technique is applied in the classroom. Then, in evaluation test, fluency will be


3. Speaking achievement is related to the expected targets which used to measure the students’

speaking achievement.. In this case, the fluency and accuracy can be measured by using a

band score of speaking from Cauldwell (2005) and Hughes (2003).

4. The Talking Chips Technique is one of the techniques in cooperative learning which used in



Syafryadin, 2013

The Use Of Talking Chips Technique In Teaching Speaking

Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia | repository.upi.edu | perpustakaan.upi.edu

which used when they are speaking. And also, each member is given a chance to speak



Syafryadin, 2013

The Use Of Talking Chips Technique In Teaching Speaking

Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia | repository.upi.edu | perpustakaan.upi.edu CHAPTER III


This chapter is going to elaborate several items which related to the method of

the study. Those items are, the research design, population and sample of the

research, instrument of the research, procedure data collection, data analysis,

procedures teaching speaking by using Talking Chips Technique in experimental

class and procedures teaching speaking by using Picture Describing technique in

control group.

3.1 Design of the Study

The design of this research was the quasi experimental study (time series design).

Quasi-experimental design which consisted only experimental class without control

class. Ary, et al (1979) defines quasi-experimental design as the design that would

have two choices either uses control group or not. Sugiyono (2006) states that the

times series design is one of the quasi experimental designs which only used

experimental class without a control group. Creswell (2012) states that time series

design is a design which only uses one group with multiple pre test and post test. The

design of this study can be seen in the following schema:

Time Series Design



Syafryadin, 2013

The Use Of Talking Chips Technique In Teaching Speaking

Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia | repository.upi.edu | perpustakaan.upi.edu participants

3.2 Population and Sample

3.2.1 Population

Ary, et al defined population as all members of any well defined class of people,

events or objects. The population of this research was all of the first year students in

one of the senior high schools in Bandung who were registered in academic year

2012/2013. It was considered homogeneous because all the populations were not

based on ranking. Based on the data gathered, the first grade students in one of the

senior high schools in Bandung.



Syafryadin, 2013

The Use Of Talking Chips Technique In Teaching Speaking

Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia | repository.upi.edu | perpustakaan.upi.edu

The sampling technique of this research was the purposive sampling. It means

that in determining the sample class was based on the purpose of the study. In this

study, the researcher used class X1 as the experimental study because all the classes

have the same level in terms of ability. There was not favorite class.

3.3 Factors that were observed

There were several factors that were observed when the research was

conducted. In this case, the teacher (observer) observed the researcher (teacher) and

students. Related to this, factors that were observed as follows:

1. Students : The researcher tried to look into the speaking accuracy and

fluency of students in speaking activities.

2. Teacher : Observer (English teacher) investigated the teacher

(researcher) in applying in implementing or applying

Talking Chips Technique in teaching speaking.

3.4 Instruments of the Research

The instruments for conducting the research were observation sheet, note



Syafryadin, 2013

The Use Of Talking Chips Technique In Teaching Speaking

Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia | repository.upi.edu | perpustakaan.upi.edu

a. Observation Sheet

Observation sheet was the instrument which used to know and observe

what the teacher and students were doing in the classroom.

b. Note Taking

Note taking was an instrument which used to take notes about what is

going on in the classroom from the beginning of the lesson until the end of the

lesson. In this case, it has included note the application of Talking Chips

Technique in speaking activities.

c. Handy Camera

Handy camera was an instrument which used to record what was

happening in the classroom. It could be as a proof that the research was

conducted in the classroom. Besides, it was also used to know how the

implementation of Talking Chips Technique in speaking English.

d. Speaking test

Speaking test was an instrument which used to measure the speaking of

students. Then, it was conducted at pre test and post test. It was used to know

how far the ability of students in speaking English. This speaking test covered



Syafryadin, 2013

The Use Of Talking Chips Technique In Teaching Speaking

Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia | repository.upi.edu | perpustakaan.upi.edu 3.5 Data and Technique of Data Collection

3.5.1 Data Collection

Data collection of this research comprised qualitative data and quantitative

data. Qualitative data could be seen from the result of observation sheet and note

taking. It was because those instruments were used to collect more information about

the implementation of Talking Chips Technique in speaking English. Then, it could

be seen from teaching and learning process and how the problems that faced by

students could be overcome. While, quantitative data were seen from speaking test.

In this case, the result of evaluation test was as the consideration in cultivating the

quantitative data. The quantitative data elaborated about the result of accuracy and

fluency in speaking.

3.5.2 Technique of Data Collection

Technique of data collection of this research can be described as follows:

1. Observation

Observation sheet was made as a guideline in observing the students and

the teacher. After the observation sheet was ready, the observation started. The

teacher and an observer knew activities during the implementation of the



Syafryadin, 2013

The Use Of Talking Chips Technique In Teaching Speaking

Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia | repository.upi.edu | perpustakaan.upi.edu

technique which was observed, but also the speaking accuracy and fluency of

students in speaking English.

2. Giving a test

There were two kinds of test that will be given to students. Those were

pre test and evaluation test. Pre-test was given in the beginning before

conducting the research. It was used to know the background knowledge of

students. Next, evaluation test or post test was a test which given at the end of

each cycle. It was used to know the progress of students in speaking English

and whether the students improved their speaking achievement or not after

Talking Chips Technique applied.

3.6 Evaluation of two Raters

This research used two independent raters to make the evaluation more valid.

In this case, the researcher and the English teacher in the tenth grade in one of the

senior high schools in Bandung had a role as independent raters. These independent

raters tried to evaluate the students’ speaking fluency and accuracy.

To measure two raters, the students’ score of each rater was correlated by

using product moment formula as follows:



Syafryadin, 2013

The Use Of Talking Chips Technique In Teaching Speaking

Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia | repository.upi.edu | perpustakaan.upi.edu

Where :

Rxy = The coefficient correlation of inter-rater agreement

X = The student’s score from the first rater

Y = The student’s score from the second rater

N = Number of respondents (36 students)

The criteria of coefficient correlation are as follows:

1. If rxy > rtable means that there is any significant correlation of inter- rater

agreement or it is accepted.

2. If rxy < rtable means that there is not significant correlation of inter-rater

agreement or it is rejected. ( Arikunto, 1992 : 71 )

3.7 Marking Schema

The marking schema for accuracy and fluency could be mentioned below:

Table 3.2 Band score of oral testing criteria for accuracy

Proficiency Description Score


Pronunciation frequently unintelligible 1

Frequent gross errors and a very heavy accent make understanding difficult, require frequent repetition


“Foreign accent” requires concentrated listening, and mispronunciations

lead to occasional misunderstanding and apparent errors in grammar or vocabulary.


Marked “foreign accent” and occasional mispronunciations which do

not interfere with understanding.




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The Use Of Talking Chips Technique In Teaching Speaking

Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia | repository.upi.edu | perpustakaan.upi.edu


Native pronunciation, with no trace of “foreign accent” 6


Grammar also entirely inaccurate phrases. 1

Constant errors showing control of very few major patterns and frequently preventing communication.


Frequent errors showing some major patterns uncontrolled and causing occasional irritation and misunderstanding.


Occasional errors showing imperfect control of some patterns but no weakness that causes misunderstanding.


Few errors, with no patterns of failure. 5

No more than two errors during the interview. 6


Vocabulary inadequate for even the simplest conversation. 1 Vocabulary limited to basic personal and survival areas (time, food,

transportation, family, etc.)


Choice of words sometimes inaccurate, limitations of vocabulary prevent discussion of some common professional and social topics.


Professional vocabulary adequate to discuss special interests; general vocabulary permits discussion of any non-technical subject with some circumlocutions.


Professional vocabulary broad and precise; general vocabulary adequate to cope with complex practical problems and varied social situations.


Vocabulary apparently as accurate and extensive as that of an educated native speaker.


(Hughes, 2003: 111)

Table 3.3 Band Score of oral testing criteria for fluency

Proficiency Description Score

Speech Flow

hesitations, slowness, or even silences in language processing may prevent communication


speech is very slow and exceeding halting, strained, and stumbling except for short or memorized expressions


speech is slow and often hesitant and jerky. Sentences may be left uncompleted, but speaker is able to continue




Syafryadin, 2013

The Use Of Talking Chips Technique In Teaching Speaking

Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia | repository.upi.edu | perpustakaan.upi.edu

this does not prevent effective communication

speech is fast but with some hesitation and unevenness caused primarily by rephrasing and grouping for words


speech is effortless and smooth with speed that approaches that of a native speaker


Average Speed

No word along conversation 1

Utterances are produced in few words, even in a short and single word


Average speed indicates up to 50 words per minute 3

Average speed indicates between 50 and 100 words per minute 4 Average speed indicates ability to speak at length with relative ease

on familiar topics, between 100 and 200 words per minute


Average indicates ability to speak at natural length, more than 200 words per minute



Producing any pauses, whether silent pause, fillers uh/um only, or fillers uh/um plus continuously and distractingly


Producing stretches of language with long pauses to get understand with interlocutors, pauses are distracting


Producing sentences with pauses that are sometimes distracting. Pauses occur when looking for lexical choices


Producing sentences with pauses that are sometimes not distracting 4 Producing sentences with pauses that are not distracting 5 Producing pauses that are supported by good arrangement, it

approaches native speaker expression


(Cauldwell, 2005: 9)

The way of calculating final fluency and accuracy:

Fluency : total score of fluency (flow, speed, pause) x 100%

total maximum score (18)

Accuracy : total score of accuracy (accent, grammar, vocabulary) x 100%



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The Use Of Talking Chips Technique In Teaching Speaking

Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia | repository.upi.edu | perpustakaan.upi.edu Table 3.4 Students’ Classification in Speaking Achievement

Classification Value Speaking Achievement (%)

Very High 8-10 80-100

High 7-7.9 70-79

Enough 6-6.9 60-69

Low 0-5.9 0-59

(Sayekti, 1983: 75)

3.8 Technique of Data Analysis

The data in this research were analyzed by using descriptive and inferential statistic.

Descriptive statistic analysis was used to describe the maximum and minimum

scores, mean, and deviation standard. While the inferential statistic analysis was used

to test the hypothesis. Before the hypothesis test was done, it was conducted

normality test of the data as the condition for testing the hypothesis.

1. Normality test was used for knowing the normality of data distribution in both of

the classes.

The formula that can be used is Chi-square test with the formula:

∑ [( ) ]

(Riduwan, 2004: 179)



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The Use Of Talking Chips Technique In Teaching Speaking

Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia | repository.upi.edu | perpustakaan.upi.edu

fo = the observed frequency in each cell

fe = the expected frequency in each cell

With the criteria: If χ2

count χ 2table, it means that the data is not distributed

normally and If χ 2

count χ 2table, it means that the data is distributed normally.

To know whether there was a significant difference or not, then the post-test

score in students’ writing are analyzed by the dependent t-test. Two scores from pre

and post-test collected, and the two groups the scores from not independent are

paired. The important thing in dependent of t-test was to find the difference between

pre test score and post test score.

Here are the steps to compute dependent t-test:

1. State the hypothesis, the null hypothesis is no difference between students

speaking with Talking Chips Technique and without Talking Chips

Technique, that is

H0: µ1 = µ2

The alternative hypothesis is that there is different between students writing

with comic strips and without comic strips:

H1: µ1≠ µ2

2. Select level of significance. The 0.05 is the level of significance as α = 0.05



Syafryadin, 2013

The Use Of Talking Chips Technique In Teaching Speaking

Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia | repository.upi.edu | perpustakaan.upi.edu

t = X D X D= Mean of the difference score

SD / N SD= standard Deviation

X = Score of difference score

XD = ΣD ΣD = Sum of difference scores

N N = Number of sample

State the results (t), if it is less than value of the level significance (accept H0

or null hypothesis) or greater than value of the level significance (reject H0 or null


3.9 Procedures in teaching speaking through Talking Chips Technique in

experimental class

The procedures of teaching speaking through Talking Chips Technique were

combination from Kagan (1992) and Huda (2011). Then, it is modified as follows.

1. The teacher gave the topic for discussion and prepares the box which contains


2. The teacher divided students into several groups based on the total number of

students in the classroom. Due to total number of students are 36, so there are



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The Use Of Talking Chips Technique In Teaching Speaking

Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia | repository.upi.edu | perpustakaan.upi.edu

3. Every member in the group was given the head number A, B, C, D, E, and F

4. The teacher gave every group a piece of paper.

5. The teacher gave each member 2 or 3 chips.

6. The discussion was begun and when every member of the group talked about

something, he or she must put the chip in the middle of the table. Then, it was

continuous until the chips had been used by the students

7. The chips were filled with the things that students want to speak.

8. If the member had used all chips, he or she might not speak until his or her

friends in groups did not have chips too.

9. If the chips had been used by all students and discussion has not been finished,

they had to make an agreement to divide the chips again and continue



Syafryadin, 2013

The Use Of Talking Chips Technique In Teaching Speaking



Syafryadin, 2013

The Use Of Talking Chips Technique In Teaching Speaking

Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia | repository.upi.edu | perpustakaan.upi.edu CHAPTER V


This chapter is going to elaborate the conclusion about the implementation

Talking Chips Technique at grade x in one of the senior high schools and

recommendation for further researcher.

5.1 Conclusion

There are two things that can be concluded in this research. Those things

are how Talking Chips Technique applied in teaching speaking and how Talking

Chips Technique can improve the students’ speaking at grade X in one of the

senior high schools in Bandung. Firstly, Talking Chips Technique had been

implemented well in teaching speaking based on the procedures. During the

teacher conducted Talking Chips Technique, students still got problems related to

the classroom management, procedures of Talking Chips Technique, fluency and

accuracy. During several meetings of treatments, several problems could be

solved, but the problems about fluency and accuracy still occurred. However,

those problems were still less than previously. It was the same as after post test,

students still made mistakes in terms of fluency and accuracy. However, the

mistakes were fewer than before.

Secondly, the improvement of students’ speaking achievement could be seen



Syafryadin, 2013

The Use Of Talking Chips Technique In Teaching Speaking

Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia | repository.upi.edu | perpustakaan.upi.edu

of fluency was 61.1 and 62.81 for accuracy. In post test, generally, the mean score

of fluency was 71.451 and accuracy was 74.69. Those mean scores got

improvement from pre test to post test. Besides, the score of ttest for fluency and

accuracy were 7.05 and 8.31 and tobserved was higher that tcritical. It indicated that

there was significant improvement of Talking Chips technique to students’

speaking skill. Next, it was caused also by the progress of the students. For

example, they were active in speaking, high motivation, responsible for their task

and so on. Besides, the cooperative learning elements which had been

implemented well during the Talking Chips Technique was implemented in

teaching speaking like face to face interaction, individual accountability,

simultaneous interaction, and equal participation.

5.1 Recommendation

There are three recommendations about this research. The first, English

teachers in that school or other schools could use Talking Chips Technique as the

alternative way to teach speaking. The second, for the future researchers, Talking

Chips Technique could be investigated again by using another design of the

research and another scope or other skills in English. The third, the teacher must

prepare well about the chips and everything before implementing Talking Chips


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The Use Of Talking Chips Technique In Teaching Speaking

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Table 3.2 Band score of oral testing criteria for accuracy
Table 3.3 Band Score of oral testing criteria for fluency Proficiency Description
Table 3.4 Students’ Classification in Speaking Achievement


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