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Job-Costing Systems. Distinct, identifiable units of a product. Examples: Custom-made machines, Houses


Academic year: 2021

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Job-Costing Systems

Distinct, identifiable units of a product or service or service Examples: • Custom-made • machines, • Houses


Process-Costing Systems

Masses of identical or similar units of a product or service

product or service Examples:

• Food,


• Process costing is a system where the unit cost of a product or service is obtained by assigning total costs to many identical or similar units

• Each unit receives the same or similar amounts of • Each unit receives the same or similar amounts of

direct materials costs, direct labor costs, and manufacturing overhead

• Unit costs are computed by dividing total costs incurred by the number of units of output from the production process



• Direct Materials are added at the beginning of the production process, or at the start of work in a subsequent department down the

assembly line assembly line

• Conversion Costs are added equally along the production process


Five-Step Process-Costing Allocation

1. Summarize the flow of physical units of output

2. Compute output in terms of equivalent units 3. Compute cost per equivalent unit

3. Compute cost per equivalent unit

4. Summarize total costs to account for

5. Assign total costs to units completed and to units in ending Work in Process


Equivalent Units

A derived amount of output units that:

1. Takes the quantity of each input in units

completed and in unfinished units of work in process and

2. converts the quantity of input into the amount of 2. converts the quantity of input into the amount of

completed output units that could be produced with that quantity of input

Are calculated separately for each input (direct materials and conversion cost)


Chapter 17

Pacific electronics membuat berbagai cell phone models. Produk dibuat di Assembly Dept dan Testing Dept.


Januari Pebruari Maret

Persediaan awal PDP

0 unit 0 unit 225 unit

Jumlah yang masuk proses

400 unit 400 unit 275 unit masuk proses

Produk selesai 400 unit 175 unit 400 unit Persediaan

akhir PDP


*) tingkat penyelesaian: direct materials 100% dan conversion costs 60%.

**) tingkat penyelesaian: direct materials 100% **) tingkat penyelesaian: direct materials 100%


Case 1

Selama Januari 2009 diproses dan diselesaikan di Dept Perakitan sebanyak 400 unit produk SG-40.


Physical units for January 2009:

WIP, beginning inventory 0 units

Started during January 400 units

Completed and transferred out during January

400 units during January


Total costs for January 2009:

Direct materials added during


$ 32,000

Conversion costs added during




Total Assembly Dept costs

added during January


• Direct material cost per unit $ 80 • Conversion cost per unit 60 + • Assembly Dept cost per unit 140


Case 2

Selama Pebruari 2009 diproses di Dept

Perakitan sebanyak 400 unit , terselesaikan dan ditransfer ke Dept Percobaan sebanyak 175 unit produk SG-40.

175 unit produk SG-40.

Persediaan akhir produk dalam proses sebanyak 225 unit, dengan tingkat penyelesaian: direct materials 100% dan conversion costs 60%.


Physical units for Pebuary 2009:

WIP, beginning inventory 0 units

Started during Pebruary 400 units

Completed and transferred out during Pebruary

175 units during Pebruary


Total costs for Pebruary 2009:

Direct materials added during


$ 32,000

Conversion costs added during




Total Assembly Dept costs

added during Pebruary


Physical units Equivalent units Direct Materials Equivalent units Conversion costs WIP , beginning 0

Started during current period 400

To account for 400

Completed and transferred out during period

175 175 175

WIP, ending 225 225 135

Accounted for 400

Work done in current period only


Total production costs

Direct materials Conversion costs

Costs added during February

$ 50,600 $ 32,000 $ 18,600

Total costs to account for 50,600 32,000 18,600 Costs added in current 50,600 32,000 18,600 Costs added in current


50,600 32,000 18,600

Equivalent units 400 310

Cost per equivalent unit $ 80 $ 60

Assignment of costs: Completed and

transferred out

24,500 14,000 10,500

WIP, ending 26,100 18,000 8,100


Adanya persediaan awal produk dalam proses: • Metode rata-rata


Case 3

Pada awal Maret 2009 terdapat persediaan produk dalam proses sebanyak 225 unit, dengan tingkat penyelesaian: direct materials 100% dan

conversion costs 60%.

Selama Maret 2009 mulai diproses di Dept Selama Maret 2009 mulai diproses di Dept Perakitan sebanyak 275 unit. Jumlah yang

terselesaikan dan ditransfer ke Dept Percobaan sebanyak 400 unit.

Persediaan akhir produk dalam proses sebanyak 100 unit, dengan tingkat penyelesaian: direct materials 100% dan conversion costs 50%.


Total costs for March 2009:

Direct materials added during


$ 19,800

Conversion costs added during




Total Assembly Dept costs

added during March


Weighted-Average Method

The weighted-average process costing method calculates cost per equivalent unit of all work done to date (regardless of the accounting period in which it was done) accounting period in which it was done) and assigns this equivalent units completed and transferred out of the process and to equivalent units in ending WIP inventory.


Physical units Equivalent units Direct Materials Equivalent units Conversion costs WIP , beginning 225

Started during current period 275

To account for 500

Completed and transferred out during period

400 400 400

WIP, ending 100 100 50

Accounted for 500


Total production costs

Direct materials Conversion costs

Costs added during March

$ 26,100 $ 18,000 $ 18,600

Total costs to account for 36,180 19,800 18,600 Costs added in current 62,280 37,800 18,600 Costs added in current


62,280 37,800 18,600

Equivalent units 500 450

Cost per equivalent unit $ 75.60 $ 54.40 Assignment of costs:

Completed and

transferred out (400 unit)

52,000 30,240 21,760

WIP, ending (100 unit) 10,280 7,560 2,720 Total costs accounted for 62,280 37,800 24,480


First-In, First-Out Method

The FIFO process costing method:

(1) Assigns the cost of the previous accounting period’s equivalent units in beginning WIP inventory to the first units completed and transferred out of the process; and

transferred out of the process; and

(2) Assigns the cost of equivalent units worked on during the current period first to complete

beginning inventory, next to start and complete new units, and finally to units in ending WIP


Physical units Equivalent units Direct Materials Equivalent units Conversion costs WIP , beginning 225 Started during current period 275 Started during current period 275 To account for 500 Completed and transferred out

during period: From beginning

Started and completed

225 175 0 175 90 175 WIP, ending 100 100 50 Accounted for 500 Work done in current period



Total production costs Direct materials Conversion costs WIP, beginning

Costs added in current period $ 26,100 36,180 $ 18,000 19,800 $ 18,600 16,380 period

Total costs to account for

36,180 62,280 19,800 37,800 16,380 24,480 Costs added in current


Equivalent units of work done in current period

Cost per Equivalent unit of work done in current

period $ 19,800 275 $ 72 $ 16,380 315 $ 52


Total production costs Direct materials Conversion costs Assignment of costs:

Completed and transferred out:

WIP, beginning $ 26,100 $ 18,000 $ 8,100 WIP, beginning

Costs added to beginning WIP in current period

Total from beginning inventory Started and completed

Total costs of units completed and transferred out $ 26,100 4,680 30,780 21,700 52,480 $ 18,000 12,600 30,600 $ 8,100 4,680 12,780 9,100 21,880 WIP, ending 9,800 7,200 2,600


Metode Rata-rata:

Unit Unit ekuivalen ekuivalen Jumlah biaya

Jumlah biaya Biaya per Biaya per unit

unit Biaya

Biaya bahanbahan baku


500 unit $ 37,800 $ 75.60


Biaya konversikonversi 450 unit 24,480 54.40


• Jumlah biaya yang ditransfer ke Dept Percobaan = $ 52,000

• Nilai persediaan akhir produk dalam proses: - Biaya bahan baku $ 7,560

- Biaya bahan baku $ 7,560

- Biaya konversi 2,720 +


Metode masuk pertama keluar pertama:


Biaya bahanbahan bakubaku BiayaBiaya konversikonversi PDP awal PDP awal 0% x 2250% x 225 40% x 22540% x 225 Produk jadi Produk jadi 400 400 –– 225 = 175225 = 175 400 400 –– 225 = 175225 = 175 Produk jadi Produk jadi dari periode dari periode sekarang sekarang 400 400 –– 225 = 175225 = 175 400 400 –– 225 = 175225 = 175 PDP akhir PDP akhir 100% x 100100% x 100 50% x 10050% x 100 Unit Unit ekuivalen ekuivalen 275 unit


Unit Unit

ekuivalen ekuivalen

Jumlah biaya

Jumlah biaya Biaya per Biaya per unit

unit Biaya

Biaya bahanbahan baku


275 unit $ 19,800 $ 72


Biaya konversikonversi 315 unit 16,380 52


Nilai persediaan produk selesai:

• Nilai PDP awal $ 26,100

• Biaya penyelesaian PDP awal:

- Biaya konversi, 40% x 225 x Rp 52 = 4,680 + - Biaya konversi, 40% x 225 x Rp 52 = 4,680 +

30,780 Produk jadi dari periode sekarang 21,700 +


Nilai PDP akhir:

• Biaya bahan baku, 100 unit x 100% x $ 72 = $ 7,200 • Biaya konversi, 100 unit x 50% x $ 52 = 2,600

9,800 9,800


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