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Academic year: 2019



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Cissus quadrangularis




Rattus norvegicus






Has been assessed in Result Seminar

Date: August 14th2015


Secretary :Ira Sari Yudaniayanti, drh., MP.

Member : Dr. Kadek Rachmawati, drh., M.Kes.

Supervisor : Prof. Dr. Fedik Abdul Rantam, drh.




Vidi Purdianingrum


The purpose of this research was to determine the effect ofCissus quadrangularis extract therapy on serum alkaline phosphatase concentration in Rattus norvegicus osteoporotic bone fracture. This research used femaleRattus novergicusof Wistar strain. The rats were three months old with a weight range of 150-200 grams. Twenty-four rats were randomly divided into four groups, as follows T0(-) were non-ovariectomized rats that received 1.5 ml Na CMC as the negative control, T0(+) were ovariectomized rats that received 1.5 ml Na CMC as the positive control, T1 were ovariectomized rats that received raloxifene and T2 ovariectomized rats that received Cissus quadrangularis extract. Serum alkaline phosphatase were measured at week-2 and week-6 after osteotomy. Analysis of Variance did not show significant differences in the effect of Cissus

quadrangularis extract on serum alkaline phosphatase concentration in Rattus

norvegicusosteoporotic bone fracture (p>0.05).



Alhamdulillah, my greatest gratitude for Allah S.W.T for blessing and

mercy that this thesis entitled THE EFFECT OF Cissus quadrangularis



FRACTURE has been completed. Shalawat and salam always dedicated to

Prophet Muhammad S.A.W who brought us from darkness into the light.

In arranging this thesis, I would like to give my sincere gratitude to:

Prof. Hj. Romziah Sidik, drh., Ph.D. as the dean, Dr. Anwar Ma’ruf, drh.,

M.Kes. as the first vice dean, and Dr. Rr. Sri Pantja Madyawati, drh., M.Si. as the

head of academic division of the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, Universitas


My supervisor committee, Prof. Dr. Fedik Abdul Rantam, drh. and

Suzanita Utama, drh., M.Phil., Ph.D. for the guidance, advices, motivations, and

patience from the beginning up to the completion of this thesis. The advisor

committee, Prof. Dr. Bambang Sektiari L, drh., DEA., Ira Sari Yudaniayanti, drh.,

MP. and Dr. Kadek Rachmawati, drh., M.Kes. for all the advices and corrections.

Emy Koestanti Sabdoningrum, drh., M.Kes. as my academic counselor for

all help, patience, and guidance throughout the years. All the lecturers for the

knowledge, information, help, and encouragement.

My beloved father Sukamto, SE. and my beloved mother Endang


affection, advices, and everything they gave to me. My sisters and brothers for all

the love and motivations.

To my beloved college best friends Elsa, Gita, Inanda, Karina and Riri, my

beloved classmates in International Class 34+, Vanya, Benda, Grady, Gita, Ogen,

Karina, Anisah, Diana, Sally, Usy, Dewi, Bayu, Tika, Belga, Hening, Lilian, Ari,

Sony, Hadi, Inanda, Gheby, Ihsan, Riri, Dona, Kemala, Tri, Elsa, Imam and Pavi

for all motivations, informations, help, energy, prayers, and encouragement

whenever I feel down. My high school best friends Andien, Asma, Dita, Diana,

Lilik and Rina for the prayers, supports, love and laughters. All members of

ANDALAS and KMPV PW, thanks for all experiences and stories we shared.

Also, thanks to everyone that can’t be mentioned one by one who was very

helpful during my study.

I, as the author, understand that this writing is still lacking in several parts

and far from perfection. However, I sincerely hope that this research will be useful

for the advancement of science and may contribute to the veterinary medicine

world and the society.

Surabaya, August 7th 2015



1.2 Statement of the Problem ... 3

1.3 Theoretical Basis ... 4

1.4 Aim of Research ... 5

1.5 Outcomes of Research ... 6

1.6 Hypothesis ... 6


2.1 Bone ... 7

2.2 Osteoporosis ... 8

2.3 Estogen Deficiency ... 10

2.4 Bone Fracture ... 11


2. 4. 2 Bone Healing in Osteoporotic Fracture ... 13

2.5 Ovariectomy ... 13

2.6 Raloxifene ... 14

2.7 Alkaline Phosphatase... 15

2.8Cissus quadrangularis ... 16

2.8.1 Classification ofCissus quadrangularis(Shah, 2011)... 17

2.8.2 Habitat ... 17

2.8.3 Morfology ... 17

2.8.4 Chemical Contents ... 18

2.9 Rattus norvegicus ... 19

2.9.1 Classification ofRattus norvegicus(Ballenger, 2009)... 20


3.1 Research Location ... 21

3.2 Research Materials and Equipments ... 21

3.2.1 Material ... 21

3.2.2 Experimental Animal... 21

3.2.3 Research Chemical Material... 22

3.2.4 Research Equipments ... 22

3.3 Research Procedure ... 22

3.3.1 Preparation ofCissus quadrangularisEthanolic Extract .. 22

3.3.2 Treatment ... 23

3.3.3 Preparation of Osteoporotic Rat ... 24 Ovariectomy ... 24 Osteotomy ... 25

3.3.4 Samples Observation and Examination... 26

3.4 Experimental Design ... 26

3.5 Research Variables ... 27

3.5.1 Independent Variables ... 27

3.5.2 Dependent Variables ... 27


3.7 Research Flowchart ... 28




6.1 Conclussion ... 33

6.2 Suggestion ... 33

SUMMARY ... 34







Pages Figure 2.1 X-ray of the femur fracture model in ovariectomized rat

a 4 weeks. b 12 weeks (Dai and Hao, 2007)... 12

Figure 2.2 The leaves and stems ofCissus quadrangularisplant (Rao,

2007)... 18




Appendix 1. Preparation ofCissus quadrangularisethanolic extract ... 44

Appendix 2. Dosage Calculation... 45

Appendix 3. SPSS Data Analyzing... 49

Appendix 4. Data of Alkaline Phosphatase Laboratory Examination ... 53



ALP : Alkaline Phosphatase

ANOVA : Analysis of Variance

BALP : Bone specific Alkaline Phospatase

BR : Bone Remodelling

et al : et alii

HRT : Hormon Replacement Therapy

Iu/l : international unit per liter

NF-kB : Nuclear Factor kappa B

MSCs : Mesenchymal Stem Cell

PTH : Parathyroid Hormone



1. 1 Background of Research

Osteoporosis is characterized by low bone mass and micro-architectural

deterioration of bone tissue, leading to enhanced bone fragility and consequent

increase in fracture risk (Tuck and Francis, 2002). A recent study of the global

burden of osteoporotic fractures estimated that nine million new osteoporotic

fractures occurred during the year 2000. The number of individuals suffering from

the consequences of osteoporotic fractures in the year 2000 was conservatively

estimated to be fifty million worldwide (Johnell and Kanis, 2006).

The increase in bone turnover and enhanced bone fragility, with disruptive

and lytic changes in the bone architecture as observed in the histopathological

study following ovariectomy is indicative of the development of osteoporosis in

rats due to estrogen deficiency and mimics human postmenopausal osteoporosis

(Shirwaikaret al., 2003).

Estrogen deficiency accelerates the normal turnover of bone tissue, but the

net activity of bone resorbing cells (osteoclasts) is greater than that of bone

forming cells (osteoblasts). This gives rise to thinning of the cortices of bones,

thinning of trabecular bone and loss of trabecular elements (Kanis, 2010).

In the modern clinical practice for prevention and treatment of

postmenopausal osteoporosis, hormone replacement therapy (HRT), as well as

some drugs, such as raloxifene, bisphosphonates, calcium and vitamin D,


bone protective effects of these agents are well-confirmed, side effects, such as

hypercalcemia, increased risk of endometrial and breast cancer, vaginal bleeding

and hot flushes have also been reported (Jordan, 2001). Due to some severe side

effects or lack of efficacy of synthetic drugs, the potential efficacy of traditional

medicines has arouse the interest of scientists and doctors to seek the cues from

traditional medicines for treatment of some chronic and difficult diseases,

including the treatment for osteoporosis (Yanet al.,2006).

ALP is a membrane bound protein, synthesized by the cells of various

tissue. ALP in animal have five variants (intestinal, hepatic, bone, kidney and

placenta in rats). Bone and hepatic ALP are considered as isoforms, not as

isonzymes and there are some laboratory assays and kits able to determine only

the bone ALP (Paskalev et al., 2012). Serum ALP concentrations correlate well

with the process of fracture healing, ALP is considered a more spesific marker of

bone (Singhet al., 2013).

The measurement of serum markers of bone metabolism could assist in the

evaluation of the cellular function in the bone fracture healing process, providing

near real time information about the organic response to the lesion and to the

selected treatment. These assays could also provide a simple, accessible and

accurate method of assessing disease progression during the bone fracture healing

process (Allen, 2003; Breur et al., 2004). The process of fracture healing have a

positive correlation with the total alkaline phospatase (ALP) serum concentration

and could be used to determine the progress of fracture healing of the surgically


activity in serum, the most common being obstructive liver disease and metabolic

bone disease (Sarac and Saygili, 2007).

Cissus quadrangularis can influence bone by several mechanisms. At the

fracture site, it increases mucopolysaccharides and mineral (calcium) that is

deposited during the bone formation phase (Srisook et al., 2010). The fresh stem

and leaves of Cissus quadrangularis are used for the treatment of various

ailments. Pharmacological studies have revealed the bone fracture healing

property and antiosteoporotic effect of this plant and that 750 mg/kg of body

weight of ethanolic extract given to rats was effective in ovariectomy induced

osteoporosis (Shirwaikaret al., 2003). Experimental fracture animal models, local

and systemic administration of Cissus quadrangularis extract caused less tisssue

reactions, significantly accelerated complete new bone formation and reduced

healing time (Dekaet al., 1994).

Further experimentation in animal models is really needed to find out the

multiple factors implicated in osteoporosis, its obscure pathogenesis, the dramatic

decline in quality of life, high incidence of the disorder, financial cost and high

mortality (Lelovas et al.,2008). More research are needed to determine the ALP

serum concentration in osteoporotic fracture healing process of Rattus norvegicus

withCissus quadrangularisextract therapeutic.

1.2 Statement of the Problem

Can Cissus quadrangularis plant extract increase serum ALP


1.3 Theoretical Basis

Osteoporosis is a chronic, progressive disease characterized by low bone

mass, microarchitectural bone deterioration, and decreased bone strength that lead

to increased bone fragility and a consequent increase in fracture risk (Mauck and

Clarke, 2006).

The most common causes of osteoporosis are postmenopausal estrogen

deficiency, immobility or disuse and drug-related causes, including

corticosteroids, long-term heparin use, anti-epileptics and lithium. Both estrogen

and androgen are protective of bone mineral density by decreasing the rate of

bone remodelling. Reduction in estrogen after menopause effects to an increase in

bone turnover causing an imbalance between formation and resorption, an

increase in osteoclast lifespan and decrease in osteoblast lifespan and increase in

immature bone with incomplete mineralisation due to decreased time between

remodelling episodes. Estrogen depletion may cause delayed callus mineralization

and reduced sensitivity to applied mechanical strain. Glucocorticoid treatment is

the most common cause of secondary osteoporosis, exerting its effects on the

skeleton by decreasing the function and differentiation of osteoblasts (Giannoudis,


Osteoblasts are needed to produce large amounts of ALP, a

phosphate-splitting enzyme that is released into the osteoid to initiate the deposition of

minerals. Calcium hydroxyapatite, which comprises 70% of the bone mass,

crystallizes along the cavities in the three-dimensional collagen network. After


properties necessary to withstand external forces, support the body and protect the

internal organs (Potuet al,2009).

Studies examining the fracture healing process in osteoporotic bone are

very limited and scant which might be due to lack of a standard protocol for

osteoporosis induction. In a glance osteoporosis would result in bone fragility and

an increase in susceptibility to fracture (Namkung-Matthaiet al.,2001).

Experimental studies on the effect of osteoporosis on fracture healing have

been carried out on ovariectomized rats. These studies have shown that

ovariectomy significantly reduces bone mass and that the mechanical strength of

the bone after completion of healing appears to be reduced (Giannoudis et al.,


Potu (2009) studied that the Petroleum ether extract of Cissus

quadrangularis stimulates osteoblastogenesis and can be used as preventive or

alternative natural medicine for bone diseases such as osteoporosis and it might be

a potential candidate for prevention and treatment of postmenopausal

osteoporosis. The biological activity of Cissus quadrangularis on bone may be

attributed to the phytogenic steroids present in this plant.

1.4 Aim of Research

To find out the effect of Cissus quadrangularis plant extracts on


1.5 Outcomes of Research

The research can be used as a reference about the benefits of Cissus

quadrangularis plants as alternative medicine to improve the healing outcome of

osteoporotic fractures.

1.6 Hypothesis

Cissus quadrangularis plant extract can increase the serum ALP



2. 1 Bone

Bone is a complex tissue of which the principal function is to resist

mechanical forces and fractures. Bone strength depends not only on the quantity

of bone tissue but also on the quality, which is characterized by the geometry and

the shape of bones, the microarchitecture of the trabecular bones, the turnover, the

mineral and the collagen (Viguet-Carrin,, 2006).

The structural properties of bone include geometry (size and shape) and

microarchitecture (eg, trabecular thickness and connectivity and cortical

thickness/porosity). The material properties of bone include mineralization

(mineral-to-matrix ratio and crystal size), collagen composition (type and

cross-links), and damage accumulation (such as microfractures). These components of

bone strength are affected by the bone turnover rate, in which old bone is resorbed

and new bone is created (Link, 2003; Felsenberg, 2005).

Normal bone develops using only two mechanisms, those are

intramembranous and endochondral bone formation. Intramembranous bone

formation is mediated by the inner periosteal osteogenic layer with bone

synthesized initially without the mediation of a cartilage phase. Endochondral

bone formation describes the synthesis of bone on a mineralized cartilage scaffold

after epiphyseal and physeal cartilage have shaped and elongated the developing


Bone modeling and remodeling are the result of the osteoblastic and

osteoclastic cell activities. The healing potential of bone, whether in a fracture or

fusion model, is influenced by variety of biochemical, biomechanical, cellular,

hormonal, and pathological mechanisms (Kalfas, 2001; Allen, 2003).

Bone tissue is subject to remodeling throughout the lifetime of the

individual. The continuous remodeling cycle is actuated by the bone remodeling

(BR) units (Camozzi, 2007). BR also plays an integral role in the union of

fractures which consists of removal of older bone tissue followed by callus

formation (NCCLS, 2004).

In the reversal phase, mononuclear cells line the resorptive cavity and form

a cement line (glycoprotein) that helps in attaching osteoblasts. Osteoblast

precursors are derived from the stromal mesenchymal cells and converted into

mature osteoblasts under the influence of many growth factors, hormones and

cytokines. Osteoblasts synthesize collagenous bone matrix and then complete its

mineralization leading to the formation of bone matrix proteins like collagen

type-1, osteopontin, osteocalcin, bone specific alkaline phosphatase (BALP) and bone

sialoprotein (Gallagher and Sai, 2010).

2. 2 Osteoporosis

Osteoporosis is a silent disease, reflected only in a low bone density, till a

fracture occurs. Much in the manner that asymptomatic conditions such as


respectively, a low bone density (reflecting poor bone health) predisposes to

osteoporotic fractures (Malhotra, 2008).

Osteoporosis characterized by reduced bone mineral density and an

alteration of bone micro-architecture that results in an increased risk of fracture

(Raisz 2005). Loss of bone mineral density is attributable to a pathological

imbalance between bone resorption and bone formation during the remodelling

process. Whereas the postmenopausal osteoporosis is mainly attributable to the

increased bone resorbing activity of osteoclasts caused by oestrogen deficiency,

senile osteoporosis is attributed to inadequate osteoblastic function (Beil et al.

2008). Various systemic and local factors, both in physiological than in

pathologicalconditions, can influence the strictly coupled activity of osteoblasts

and osteoclasts, determining an imbalance in bone remodelling in favour of

resorptive activity (Horwitz and Lorenzo 2002).

Several factors such as genetic, nutritional and lack of exercise etc., along

with aging have been shown to be risk factors in the aetiology of osteoporosis

(Malhotra, 2008). Osteoblastic activity and calcium absorption from the gut also

suffers with the age (Tanna, 2005). In addition to menopause and aging,

hereditary factors, lack of exercise or immobilization, lifestyle, prolonged steroid

administration, excessive diet, alcohol intake, smoking, thyroxin therapy and

geographical variations are the major causes of osteoporosis, among which

lifestyle changes, diet and oestrogen deficiency are modifiable factors, whereas


with corticosteroids, cyclosporins, cytotoxins or certain anticonvulsants like

phenytoin are the prime candidates for osteoporosis (Ferguson, 2004).

2. 3 Estrogen deficiency

Osteoporosis that associated with ovarian hormone deficiency following

menopause is by far the most common cause of age-related bone loss.

Postmenopausal osteoporosis has become a major problem with significant

morbidity and mortality (Reddy, 2003). Estrogen modulates the

mechano-sensitivity of bone cells. In the presence of estrogen, the expression of

prostaglandin as a response to mechanical strain was significantly enhanced,

which indicates that fractures in postmenopausal women may react differently to

the mechanical signal that occurs during fracture repair, compared to fractures in

premenopausal women or men (Joldersma et al., 2001). In addition, estrogen

deficiency after menopause has been associated with an accelerated loss of bone

and bone turnover, leading to a substantial increase in the risk for fracture

(Felsenberg, 2005).

Loss of estrogens increases the rate of bone remodeling by removing

restraining effects on osteoblastogenesis and osteoclastogenesis and also causes a

focal imbalance between resorption and formation by prolonging the lifespan of

osteoclasts and shortening the lifespan of osteoblasts. (Kini and Nandeesh, 2012).

Therefore, loss of estrogen in women after the menopause results in

increased osteoclast formation and survival (Krum et al., 2008). Estrogen also


has a role in regulating the response of bone to mechanical stimulation (Zamanet


2. 4 Bone Fracture

2. 4. 1 Bone Healing in Normal Traumatic Fracture

Bone has a remarkable ability to repair itself to full structural and

functional effectiveness. The ideal end result of repair should be a complete

reconstitution of lamellar bone oriented along the longitudinal axis of the bone,

merged across the fracture site with a seamless incorporation into the adjacent

bone, and remodelled to the point of no indication as to where the fracture or

osteotomy was (Shapiro, 2008).

Fracture healing is the most remarkable of all repair processes in the body

since it results in the actual reconstitution of the injured tissue. The relation

between metabolic bone disease and fracture healing depends on the role of the

skeleton as a metabolic resource (Giannoudis et al., 2007). Extracellular matrix

metabolism plays a central role in the development of skeletal tissues and in most

orthopaedic diseases and trauma such as fracture healing (Fukuiet al.,2003).

Marsh and Li (1999), observed that bone fracture healing in animal model

can be divided into three phases. The inflammation phase is the first stage of

healing. Immediately upon fracture, a blood clot forms, allowing the influx of

inflammatory, clean up cells to the wound area. This is followed by a cytokine


begin to differentiate into specialized cells that build new bone tissue (osteoblasts)

and new cartilage (chondroblasts) (Marsh and Li, 1999).

The second, reparative stage begins about two weeks after the fracture

occurs. In this stage, proteins produced by the osteoblasts and chondroblasts begin

to consolidate into what is known as a soft callus. This soft, new bone substance

eventually hardens into a hard callus as the bone weaves together over a 6 to 12

week time period (Marsh and Li, 1999).

The final step of fracture repair is known as the remodeling phase. At this

stage the callus begins to mature and remodel itself. Woven bone is remodeled

into stronger lamellar bone by the action of both osteoblast bone formation cells

and osteoclast bone resorption cells (Marsh and Li, 1999).

Figure 2.1 X-ray of the femur fracture model in ovariectomized rat.a4 weeks.b


2. 4. 2 Bone Healing in Osteoporotic Fracture

The mechanical and biological factors that are involved in the healing

process of bone are certainly affected by age and osteoporosis. Alterations in bone

metabolism, like osteoporosis, seem to delay callus maturation and consequently

decelerate fracture healing (Giannoudiset al.,2007).

Endochondral bone formation and intramembrane bone formation acted in

the osteoporotic fracture healing, with the former playing a major role. But during

osteoporotic fracture healing process, endochondral bone formation decelerated,

and simultaneously, bone callus tissue remodeling (bone resorption more than

bone formation) accelerated and resulted in decline of callus quality. The

abnormal change of the organizational constitution, microstructure, bone mineral

metabolism, and bone mass in osteoporotic fracture repair could result in the

decrease of its mechanical strength. As compared with normal fracture healing,

the osteogenesis and endochondral ossification were delayed, whereas the hard

callus remodeling was accelerated, a faster bone turnover resulting in more bone

resorption and less bone formation. In addition, the collagen fibers in the hard

callus appeared loosely disorganized and irregular with regard to the direction of

the principal stress (Dai and Hao, 2007).

2. 5 Ovariectomy

Mice ovariectomy is analogized to resemble a dog or cat and women

which estrogen deficiency occurs in these conditions. According the study of Estai


was sufficient to cause significant bone loss in the rat model. Therefore, a period

of eight weeks post-ovariectomy will be implemented radiological examination in

the control group to see the changes in bone density and osteoporosis

examinations in adult rat models to make sure osteoporis have occurred.

Experimental studies on the effect of osteoporosis on fracture healing have

been carried out on ovariectomized rats. These studies have shown that

ovariectomy significantly reduces bone mass and that the mechanical strength of

the bone after completion of healing appears to be reduced (Giannoudis et al.,

2007). The ovariectomized rat is one of the excellent pre-clinical animal model

that precisely follows the clinical feature of the estrogen depleted human skeleton

and the response of therapeutic agents (Jee and Yao, 2001).

2. 6 Raloxifene

One such pharmacological measure, hormone replacement therapy (HRT),

initiated at the onset of menopause, has been demonstrated in numerous studies to

be capable of improving menopause-related symptoms, while at the same time

preventing the loss of bone mass associated with menopause (Brown and Josse,

2001). Nevertheless, due to its side effects, particularly relevant among which is

the potential risk of developing breast and endometrium cancer (Chlebowski,

2003). The use of this type of medication should not be consumed as first line

therapy for osteoporosis, reserving it instead for its current indication as treatment

of perimenopausal symptoms and always for the shortest time possible


Raloxifene, a member of the class of selective estrogen receptor

modulators (SERM), reproduces the beneficial effects of estrogens on the skeletal

system, without the negative effects estrogens on breast and endometrium (Reyet

al., 2009). Currently, it is used for prevention of osteoporosis in postmenopausal


The effects of raloxifene on bone and the determinants of bone strength

(turnover, quantity, and quality) have been well studied in the last several years.

According to the research by Bjarnasonet al.,(2001) in a subgroup of participants

in the Multiple Outcomes of Raloxifene Evaluation study, those patients with the

most important reductions of bone formation markers (bonespecific alkaline

phosphatase and osteocalcin) were precisely the ones who presented a greater

decrease in the risk of vertebral fracture at the 3 year endpoint; no such correlation

was seen with bone resorption markers.

2.7. Alkaline Phosphatase

ALP serum is a member of a family of zinc metalloprotein enzymes that

function to split off a terminal phosphate group from an organic phosphate ester.

Many things may cause increases of ALP activity in serum, the most common

being obstructive liver disease and metabolic bone disease. The highest total ALP

values have been attributed to an increased bone isoenzyme level due to Paget

disease or rickets/osteomalasia. The enzyme activity, which is localized in the

plasma membrane of osteoblasts before extracellular release, correlates with the


Causes of high bone ALP include bone growth, healing fracture, acromegaly,

osteogenic sarcoma, or bone metastases, leukemia, myelofi brosis, and rarely

myeloma; so ALP is used as a tumor marker. Hyperthyroidism, by its effects upon

bone, may also elevate ALP (Sarac and Sagili, 2007)

ALP in animal have five variants ( intestinal, hepatic, bone, kidney and

plascenta in rats). ALP can be a detection of spesific serum biomakers of bone

formation and clinically useful in evaluating the progres of healing process.

Osteoblast secrete large quantities of ALP, which is involved in the process of

bone matrix formation and its calcium. ALP is believed to either increase the

concentration of local inorganic phospate or neutralize inorganic pyrophosphate,

an inhibitor of hydroxyapatite crystal formation (Whelan et al.,2010). The range

of normal values of rat is 56.8-128 iu/l (international unit/liter) (Johnson, 1996).

2. 8 Cissus Quadrangularis

Cissus quadrangularisis available throughout the year. The plant has been

reported to possess wound healing (Mohanty et al., 2010), antiostoporotic

(Shirwaikaret al., 2003), antioxidant (Chidambaraet al.,2003), antipseudomonal

and antibacterial (Kashikar and George, 2006), ulcer protective (Jainu and Devi,

2006a), antiplasmodial (Bah et al., 2007) and anti-inflammatory (Jainu et al.,


2.8.1 Classification ofCissus quadrangularis (Shah, 2011)

Cissus quadrangularis grows natively in hot, dry regions of India, such as

the Deccan peninsula and also can be found on the lower slopes of the Western

Ghats and widespread across drier areas of Arabia and Africa (Justin Raj, 2011).

2.8.3. Morphology

Cissus quadrangularis is a succulent shrubby climbers reaches a height of

1.5 m. Stems sharply 4-angled, jointed at nodes, internodes are 8 to 10 cm long

and 1.2 to 1.5 cm wide, tendrils simple long and slender emerging from the

opposite side of the node. Leaves simple, lamina ovate or reniform, ±5 cm wide,

crenate-serrate, base truncate-cordate; petiole ±2 cm long. Flowers is umbellate


stamens 4. Berries globose, ±0.7 cm in diameter, apiculate, red on ripening,

1-seeded (Panda, 2004).

Cissus quadrangulariscan be identified with the fleshy quadrangular stem

and nodes at intervals. At nodes we can see a leaf and a tendril (Figure 2.1)

Figure 2.2The leaves and stems ofCissus quadrangularisplant (Rao, 2007) 2.8.4 Chemical Contents

Phytochemical screening ofCissus quadrangularisrevealed high contents

of ascorbic acid, carotene, anabolic steroidal substances, and calcium. The stem

contains two asymmetric tetracyclic triterpenoids, and two steroidal principles.

The presence of β-sitosterol, δ-amyrin,δ-amyrone, and flavanoids (quercetin)

having different potential metabolic and physiological effects has also been

reported (Jakikasem, 2000; Jainu and Devi, 2004).

Cissus quadrangularis can influence bone by several mechanisms. At the

fracture site, it increases mucopolysaccharides and mineral that is deposited

during the bone formation phase. In addition, it also reduces bone resorption,

maybe by inhibiting the activation of nuclear factor kappa B (NF-kB) (Srisooket


in the long bones. Cissus quadrangularis is also anti-inflammatory (Panthong et

al., 2007), so it may reduce the formation of proinflammatory cytokines that

stimulate bone resorption, thereby reducing bone loss. It may also act as an

estrogen receptor agonist as the Friedlin rich fraction of Cissus quadrangularis

increases estrogen in rats (Aswaret al.,2010).

2. 9 Rattus norvegicus

The Norway rat is a social, colonial and mostly nocturnal rodent (Olds and

Olds, 1979). Mean adult mass is 150 300 g, and mean total length (body plus

tail) is 37–60 cm (Olds and Olds, 1979; Moors, 1990).

Rattus novergicus is generally robust and heavily built. The tail length is

always less than head and body length in adult rat, and sometimes equal to head

and body length in young rat. The ear is short and, when drawn forward, does not

reach the eyes. Dorsal fur color varies slightly from dark brownish to ochre, and

the dorsal hair bases are grayish. Tail slightly bicolored and covered with short,

sparse, dirty, whitish hairs. The outer and inner surfaces of ears are covered with

short, sparse, blackish hairs. The upper sides of the feet are covered with tiny

whitish hairs, the nail is pigmented, and the soles of the fore and hind feet are

completely naked. The hairs on ventral fur are white but the bases are grayish.

The line of demarcation along the flanks is fairly distinct. Rattus norvegicus has

12 mammae, those are two pairs pectoral, one pair abdominal and three pairs


2.9.1 Classification ofRattus norvegicus (Ballenger, 2009) Kingdom : Animalia

Phylum : Chordata

Class : Mammal

Order : Rodentia

Suborder : Sciurugnathi

Family : Muridae

Subfamily : Murinae

Genus : Rattus

Species :Rattus norvegicus.



3.1 Research Location

Research conducted in several places. The animals were maintained under

standard husbandry conditions in Animal Holding Unit Universitas Airlangga

Surabaya. The ovariectomy and osteotomy procedure was done in Hospitalization

Room of Educational Veterinary Hospital Universitas Airlangga Surabaya.Cissus

quadrangularis leaf was performed extraction in the Assessment Service Unit of

Pharmacy Faculty Universitas Airlangga Surabaya. The examination of blood

serum ALP was performed in Balai Besar Laboratorium Kesehatan Daerah

Surabaya. This research was done from March 2015 until July 2015.

3.2 Research Materials and Equipments

3.2.1 Material

The test material used in this research are stems and leaves of the Cissus

quadrangularis plant which is collected from Purwodadi botanical garden,


3.2.2 Experimental Animal

Experimental animals used in this study were twenty-four (24) female

Rattus novergicus of Wistar strain. The rats were three months old with a weight

range of 150-200 grams under controlled conditions. Rats were in health


animals were allowedad libitumaccess drinking water and were fed a commercial


3.2.3 Research Chemical Material

The extraction process used absolute ethanol, aquadest, hexane and ethyl

acetate. For the treatment be used Raloxifene (Elly Lily production, USA). 0.5%

Na CMC, 70% alcohol, 96% alcohol, aquabidest, ketamine, xylazine, povidone

iodine and enrofloxacin (antibiotics).

3.2.4 Research Equipments

The research was using animal cage; Ohaus balance; digital balance;

rotavapur; knife; autoclave; gloves; masker; ovariectomy and osteotomy surgical

equipment set; Vernier caliper; intramedullary pin 1 and 1.2 mm; 1, 3, 5 ml

disposable syringes; tube and centrifuge.

3.3 Research Procedure

3.3.1 Preparation ofCissus quadrangularisEthanolic Extract

Cissus quadrangularis fleshy stems and leaves were washed, cut into

small pieces, air-dried and ground into powder. The powder was then extracted


3.3.2 Treatment

All rats were allow to adapt in their cages for ten days, which aims to

reduce the level of stress and given ad libitum drinking water and feed.

Twenty-four rats were randomly divided into Twenty-four groups as follows:

T0 (-) : group of non-ovariectomized rats which received 1.5 ml 0.5%

NaCMC as the negative control (intact control).

T0 (+) : group of ovariectomized rats which received 1.5 ml 0.5%

NaCMC as the positive control (ovariectomized control).

T1 : group of ovariectomized rats which received 5.4 mg/kg BW


T2 : group of ovariectomized rats which received 750 mg/kg BW

Cissus quadrangularisextract.

The ovariectomy was performed at the tenth day of adaptation, except the

T0 (-) which is the negative control group. The osteotomy performed to all rats

after osteoporosis confirmed by radiological examination eight weeks after

ovariectomy. The treatment started to be given the next day after osteotomy for

six weeks. Rats in T0(-) and T0(+) group received 1.5 ml 0.5% NaCMC per-oral

as placebo. T1 group was treated using Raloxifene 5,4 mg/kg of body weight and

T2 group was treated using Cissus quadrangularis extract 750 mg/kg of body

weight. Raloxifene and Cissus quadrangularis extract doses were based on

previous research of Potu et al. (2009) which studied the effect of Cissus


3.3.3 Preparation of Osteoporotic Rat Ovariectomy

Rats were weighed to determine the anesthetic dose with a weight range of

150-200 grams. Anesthesia was performed using a combination of ketamine (50

mg/kg of body weight) and xylazine (10 mg/kg of body weight) (Flecknell, 2009).

(Flecknell, 2009).

Mice were shaved and cleaned with 70% alcohol on the ventral-lateral area

at the level of the lower poles of the kidney before a single longitudinal skin

incision was made (Alagwu and Nneli, 2005). The shaved area was sterilized with

povidone iodine. Mice were placed in dorsal recumbency positionand and drapped

from the umbilicus to the edge of the pelvis.

A single longitudinal skin incision was made, the skin and linea alba was

retracted laterally toward one side and the ovary exposed through a thin muscle

mass just below the dorsal muscle mass. Each incision should be minimum length

to allow the extrusion of ovary. Ligation of the upper horn of the uterus, including

the arteries with chromic catgut was carried out (Alagwu and Nneli, 2005). The

abdominal cavity was irrigated using antibiotics (ampicillin) to prevent infection.

The incision was closed with sutures under aseptic technique. After the

operation is complete, the surgery area was swabbed with povidone iodine and

closed with hypafix. 5% Enrofloxacin (Baytril, Bayer) at a dose of 10 mg/kg of

body weight was given intramuscularly daily for two days. Povidone iodine was

(40) Osteotomy

After the rats were confirmed by radiological examination as having

osteoporosis, rats from all groups were osteotomized in the diaphysis of the femur

with the installation of intramedulary pin. The length of the pin that would be

needed was measured with Vernier caliper, based on the length of the femur from

radiograph result to determine the length needed. Osteotomy was conducted under

anesthesia using a combination of ketamine (50 mg/kg of body weight) and

xylazine (10 mg/kg of body weight) (Flecknell, 2009). Mice were shaved along

the lateral of femur to the patella and cleaned with 70% alcohol. The shaved area

was sterilized with povidone iodine 10%. Rats were drapped from the umbilicus

to the edge of the pelvis. Incision was made along the lateral line cranio of major

trochanter to the patella bone. Bone stem was separated from the surrounding

muscles. The middle of the diaphysis of the femur was cut by using bone saw.

Intramedulary pin was inserted into the medullary canal of the femur

through the end of the broken bone fragments at the distal and driven until the pin

fixed. The part of proximal bone fragment was taken. The top end of the pin

which is mounted in the medullary canal of the distal part of the bone fragments

be pushed earlier into the proximal bone fragment of the medullary canal until the

bone connected perfectly.

The incision was closed with sutures under aseptic technique. After the

operation is complete, the surgery area was swabbed with povidone iodine and


body weight was given intramuscularly daily for two days. Povidone iodine was

applied topically on the wound to prevent wound infection (Estai, 2011).

The Cissus quadrangularis extract therapy, NaCMC and raloxifene was

given to each group for six weeks.

3.3.4 Samples Observation and Examination

Observation and examination of the blood sampling in this study

performed twice. The first examination was done two weeks after osteotomy.

Three rats were taken from each treatment groups and anesthetized for

intracardiac puncture.

The second examination was done six weeks after osteotomy. Examination

results in six weeks is in addition to be compared among treatment groups with

the two week post osteotomy.

Rat blood sample was taken 3 ml with disposable syringe 5 ml. The blood

samples was put into a test tube and centrifuged at 3000 rpm for 5-10 minutes

until the serum come out. Serum ALP concentration examination was done in

Balai Besar Laboratorium Kesehatan Daerah Surabaya using spectrophotometric

method (Bowers and McComb, 1966).

3.4 Experimental Design

The experimental design used completely randomized control group


3.5 Research Variables 3.5.1 Independent Variable

Independent variable used on this research was Cissus quadrangularis

extract and raloxifene drug.

3.5.2 Dependent Variable

Dependent variables in this research was the serum ALP concentrations.

3.5.3 Controlled Variable

Controlled variable in this research was the animal species, the strain, age,

sex, body weight, cages, animal feed, water, maintenance and the environmental

condition for the animal.

3.6 Data Analysis

The result data of serum ALP concentrations were analyzed using

ANOVA (Steel and Torrie, 1993). Analysis was performed with SPSS 20.0 for


3.7 Research Flowchart

T0 (+)



Osteoporosis confirmation Rats adapted for ten days

T0 (-) T1 T2

Placebo (T0 (-)) Placebo (T0 (+)) Raloxifene (T1) CQ extract (T2)

Blood samples collection on week-2 and week-6 after osteotomy



Twenty-four rats consisted of six non-ovariectomized rats which received

1.5 ml 0.5% NaCMC (T0 (-)), six ovariectomized rats which received 1.5 ml 0.5%

NaCMC (T0(+)), six ovariectomized rats which received Raloxifene (T1) and six

ovariectomized rats which received Cissus quadrangularis extract (T2). All rats

were osteotomized eight weeks after ovariectomy.

The research followed by blood sampling and laboratory examinations

using spectrophotometric method (IFCC, 1983). Data of serum ALP

concentrations presented in the following table:

Table 4.1 Serum Alkaline phosphatase Concentrations (U/L, means ± SD) of ovariectomized rats 2 and 6 weeks after osteotomy


T2 269.00ª ± 121.06 229.33ª ± 66.51


Comparison data of alkaline phosphatase serum concentration of week-2

and week-6 presented in the following figure:

Figure 4.1Week-2 and week-6 after osteotomy of rat serum alkaline phosphatase concentration with normal value 56.8-128 U/L (U/L, means ± SD); T0 (-) = non-ovariectomized and osteotomized which received 1.5ml Na CMC; T0(+) = ovariectomized and osteotomized which received 1.5 ml Na CMC; T1 = ovariectomized and osteotomized rats which received Raloxifene; T2 = ovariectomized and osteotomized rats which received Cissus quadrangularis extract.

Data from the table above shows the mean value of alkaline phosphatase

serum concentration on week-2 of Group 1 is 247.67 ± 14.47; Group 2 is 291.00 ±

133.63; Group 3 is 173.33 ± 88.30 and Group 4 is 269.00 ± 121.06. The mean

value of alkaline phosphatase serum concentration on week-6 of Group 1 is

342.00 ± 292.11; Group 2 is 161.00 ± 28.48; Group 3 is 161.67 ± 35.12 and

Group 4 is 229.33 ± 66.51. From table 4.1 it can be seen that in serum ALP

treatment there is no significant difference among groups of all treatment amd the

healing process time needed, either at week-2 nor at week- 6 (p> 0.05).



Rats that were used in this research had the criteria of active movement,

shiny fur and bright eyes. All rats hadad libitumaccess to drinking water and fed

a commercial diet. The environment that used in this study have been conditioned.

The dosages of treatment used in this research are using effective dosages based

on previous study (Potu, 2009).

The normal range of serum alkaline phosphatase concentration in rats was

56.8-128 iu/l (± 87) (Johnson, 1996). Serum alkaline phosphatase concentration in

group of ovariectomized, osteotomized rats received Cissus quadrangularis

extract showed higher mean value on week-2 than week-6. The mean value on

week-2 is 269.00 ± 121.06 while the mean value on week-6 is 229.33 ± 66.51.

Hoemann, et al. (2008) has been studied that there is two stage developmental

process including a 1-2 week initiation phase during which cells slowly

proliferate, express ALP activity and other bone specific genes, and produce and

assemble a collagen matrix. The mineral phase generally deposited in these

osteoblast cultures is a calcium-phosphate, substitued hydroxyapatite.

The maximum concentration of total ALP occur on three weeks after

surgery, then gradually decreased and returned to initial value (Nakagawa et al.,

2006). The result of this study proved thatCissus quadrangulariscan increase the

osteoblast needed to produce alkaline phosphatase. The decrease of alkaline

phosphatase on week-6 means the bone healing fractures are confirmed similar


The reseach showed that there is no significant differences (p > 0.05) from

ALP serum concentration of six intact rats with 1.5 ml Na CMC treatment, six

ovariectomized rats with 1.5 ml Na CMC treatment, six ovariectomized rats with

Raloxifene treatment and six ovariectomized rats with Cissus quadrangularis

extract treatment which all rats are also osteotomized eight weeks post


It is currently accepted that bone ALP is a specific marker of bone

formation. Considerable increases of blood total and bone ALP activities were

reported after operative treatment of fractures in men (Kurdy, 2000; Nakagawa,

2006). It was observed that the serum activities of ALP and BALP presented

statistically significant differences between the non-union and the fracture healing

groups, with higher values in the fracture healing group during the post-operative

period regarding to the non-union group. This difference had also been observed

for ALP in an earlier study by (Komnenou et al., 2005; Sousa. 2011). Based on

the results of this study, ALP is still possible as markers of osteoblast activity

decrease during the bone remodelling to the bone due to osteoporosis but the



6.1. Conclussion

Based on the research that has been done, it can be concluded as follows:

Cissus quadrangularis can increase the ALP. ALP is still possible as markers of

osteoblast activity increases to repair damage to the bone due to osteoporosis but

the diagnosis can not stand alone without other diagnoses were complementary.

6.2. Suggestion

1. Alkaline phosphatase serum concentration can not be used as a single

diagnostic tool for osteoporotic bone fracture, should be supported by

other diagnostic tests, such as radiology, examination osteocalcin or

osteopontin examination.

2. Bone alkaline phosphatase should also be monitored as it is more

sensitive bone metabolism parameter than alkaline phosphatase.

3. Further research about Cissus quadrangularis effect on the healing

process of osteoporotic bone fracture in ovariectomized rats based on



Vidi Purdianingrum. The Effect of Cissus quadrangularis on Serum Alkaline Phosphatase Concentration in Rattus norvegicus Osteoporotic Bone Fracture. This present research was conducted under the guidance of Prof. Dr. Fedik Abdul Rantam., drh. as the first supervisor, Suzanita Utama. drh., M.Phil.,

Ph.D. as the co-supervisor and Prof. Dr.Bambang Sektiari L, drh., DEA. as the

head of examiners.

Osteoporosis is characterized by low bone mass and micro-architectural

deterioration of bone tissue, leading to enhanced bone fragility and consequent

increase in fracture risk. The alkaline phosphatase (ALP) enzyme is essential for

mineralization of bone. ALP is produced by osteoblast to make an alkaline

environment (optimum pH of 10) on the osteoid which needed by calcium to

deposit and bind with phosphate leading to calcification of new bone. Cissus

quadrangularis high contents of ascorbic acid, carotene, anabolic steroidal

substances, and calcium. At the fracture site, it increases mucopolysaccharides

and mineral that is deposited during the bone formation phase.

This research be done from March 2015 to July 2015. Material used in this

research are stems and leaves of the Cissus quadrangularis plant which is

collected from Purwodadi botanical garden, Pasuruan. The extraction was

conducted in Assessment Service Unit of Pharmacy Faculty of Airlangga

University. The experimental animal used female Rattus novergicus of Wistar


Twenty-four rats randomly devided into four groups and allow to adapt in their

cagesfor ten days, as follows T0 (-) are non-ovariectomized rats that received 1.5

ml Na CMC as the negative control, T0 (+) are ovariectomized rats that received

1.5 ml Na CMC as the positive control, T1 are ovariectomized rats that received

raloxifene, T2 are ovariectomized rats that received Cissus quadrangularis

extraction. Three rats will be taken from each treatment groups and going to be

done serum ALP concentration examination on 2 and 6 weeks after osteotomized.

Serum ALP concentration examination be done in Balai Besar Laboratorium

Kesehatan Daerah Surabaya.

The result data was analyzed using ANOVA (Steel and Torrie, 1993).

Data showed that there is no significant differential between groups of all

treatment and the healing process time needed (p >0.05). Cissus quadrangularis

tends to increase the serum ALP concentrations. ALP is still possible as markers

of osteoblast activity increases to repair damage to the bone due to osteoporosis

but the diagnosis can not stand alone without other diagnoses were



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Appendix 1. Preparation ofCissus quadrangularisethanolic extract

The fleshy stem and leaves of Cissus quadrangularis are washed, cut into

small pieces and air dried. Dried Cissus quadrangularis are mashed and ground

until it turned into powder. The dry powder then was extracted using maceration


In maceration method, the dry powder was soaked with ethanol 96% and

then sonicated for 10 minutes. The next step is allow to incubate for one night and

then filtered using bugner funnel. The remaining residue was added with ethanol

96%, and then stirred and filtered again. Maceration was performed three times,

the result solution were pooled and evaporated using rotavapour, so the condensed


Appendix 2. Dosage Calculation

Dosage Calculation for 1stand 2nd weeks

1. The dilution process was done once every two days. From the calculation

of Cissus quadrangularisextract dilution, the extract amount given to the

rats (Rattus norvegicus)with weigh±200 g was:

Cissus quadrangularis: 750 mg/kg BW= 150mg/200 g BW

Raloxifene: 5.4 mg/kg BW = 1.08mg/200 g BW

2. Cissus quadrangularis(CQ) extract needed for 3 days:

22 rats x 3 days x CQ dose = 22 x 3 x 150 mg = 9900 mg = 9.9 g

- Aquadest volume needed: 22 rats x 3 days x 1.5 ml = 99 ml

- 0.5 % Na CMC :

0.5 g/100 ml = a/99

a = 99 x 0.5 / 100

a = 0.495 g = 495 mg

- 495 mg Na CMC was poured to petri disc and added with 99 ml

aquadest 80oC and the 9.9 g CQ extract slowly and stir well. The


Table 4.1 Serum Alkaline phosphatase Concentrations (U/L, means ± SD) of.
Figure 2.2 The leaves and stems of Cissus quadrangularis plant (Rao,
Figure 2.1 X-ray of the femur fracture model in ovariectomized rat. a 4 weeks. b12 weeks (Dai and Hao, 2007)
Figure 2.2 The leaves and stems of Cissus quadrangularis plant (Rao, 2007)


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