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Academic year: 2017



Teks penuh



1. Jawaban : A

Ada di baris ke 2 dan 3. Professor Shasta Ewing, a leading animal behaviorist, will be o du ti g a i fo ati e o kshop e titled U de sta di g You Pet.

2. Jawaban : B

Dijelaskan di baris 4 dan 5. This session will explore animal cognition and behavior commonly demonstrated by our pets.

3. Jawaban : B

Dijelaskan di baris 7 dan 8. All registered participants will receive a certificate of attendance. Audiocassettes will also be available for purchase.

4. Jawaban : B

Commonly artinya umumnya. Accordingly : berturut turut, Generally : umumnya,

Specifically : khususnya, Cordially : denga hangat, Specially: istimewa. Jadi jawabannya

generally. 5. Jawaban : B

Attendance artinya kehadiran. Occasional : sekali kali, Presence : kehadiran, Permission

: permisi, Reception : resepsi, Prescription : resep. Jadi jawabannya Presence

6. Jawaban : E

Jawanbannya ada di baris pertama. Light Amplification by Stimulated Emission of Radiation

7. Jawaban : A

Ada di paragraph ke 2 kalimat ke 2 8. Jawaban :C

Ka e a pa ag aph ke e jelaska kegu aa de ga kata …. a a …., …. a t a el …., …. a also e used ….

9. Jawaban : E

Ada di paragraph 4 kalimat pertama. Lasers are ideal for communications in space. 10.Jawaban : C

Semua fungsi lasers ada di paragraph ke 2 kecuali Economic tidak ada di semua paragraph.


Te dapat pada pa ag ap pe ta a, aitu The de elop e t of the ho se has ee recorded from the beginning through all its evolutionary stages to the modern form. Paragrap berikutnya juga menjelaskan evolutionary.

12.Jawaban : D

Terdapat pada paragrap pertama Fossil finds provide us not only with detailed information about the horse itself, but also with valuable insights into migration of herds and even evidence for speculation about the climatic conditions that could have instigated such migratory behavior. Sementara pilihan D tidak berhubungan dengan fossil.

13.Jawaban : B

Hipparion pada kalimat di bawah ini dig anti dengan pronoun it di akhir kalimat

Less developed and smaller than the hipparion, the anchitheres was completed replaced by it.

14.Jawaban : C

Extinct artinya punah. Familiar: dikenal/akrab, widespread:menyebar luas, nonexistent: punah, tame: jinak, fertile: subur. Jadi jawabannya nonexistent

15.Jawaban : D

Terdapat pada paragraph kedua, Masa Pliocene lebih dahulu dari masa Miocene

…. Pliocene age, a horse, about midway through its evolutionary development, crossed a land bridge where the Bering Straits are now located, from Alaska into the grasslands of Europe. The horse was the hipparion, about the size of modern-day pony with three toes and specialized cheek teeth for grazing. In Europe the hipparion encountered another less advanced horse called the anchitheres, which had previously invaded Europe by the same route, probably during the Miocene Period.

16.Jawaban : A

Te dapat di pa ag aph pe ta a, aitu Please let me express my deepest sympathies to you and the children. I was shocked and shattered when I heard about Franklin horrific a ide t.

17.Jawaban : E

Te dapat pada pa ag ap pe ta a, aitu …. he I hea d a out F a kli ho ifi a ide t.

18.Jawaban : E

Ada kali at No o ies a o e of ha i g no finance to support your study … da ada f ase …. continuing education.

19.Jawaban : D


20.Jawaban : E

Te dapat pada pa ag aph pe ta a, aitu de ga kali at A st o g ea th uake st u k off the oast of East Ti o o Wed esda ….

21.Jawaban : E

Te dapat pada pa ag aph kee pat, aitu kali at I do esia’s Meteo olog a d Geophysics Agency issued a tsunami alert , saying it had been powertful enough to generate giant waves , ….

22.Jawaban : B

Retracted artinya menarik kembali/ mencabut/ menarik masuk. Taken back: mengambil kembali, Cancelled: membatalkan, Neglected: mengabaikan, Put off: melepas, Proved: membuktikan. Jadi jawabannya taken back.

23.Jawaban : C

Ada kata/frase tertentu yang salah pada pilihan dan tidak sesuai dengan kata/frase pada text, yaitu:

A. In December 2004 , a missive earthquake caused tsunami that killed few people. seha us a, kill o e tha ….

B. There was a tsunami warning due to the large waves that hit the ti atio ’s coast. seha us a … o la ge a e hit…

C. East Timor is located along a series of fault lines and volcanoes (kalimat yang benar)

D. A weak earthquake struck off the coast of East Timor. seha us a … a st o g … E. The warning was retracted because it was too late. a i g late et a ted… 24.Jawaban : A

Te dapat pada pa ag ap pe ta a, aitu O e o i g, I got up with the feeling that the day was going to be an unlucky one for me. Fo e ea s fo the ite .

25.Jawaban : E

Someone had thrown a bag of fish bones out of the window and it landed on me! Jadi it e ga u pada a ag of fish o e

26.Jawaban : E

Te dapat pada pa ag aph keli a, aitu Whe I ea hed s hool, my name was taken down by the teacher. The teacher scolded me for being late.

27.Jawaban : A

Rage artinya kemarahan. Anger: kemarahan, Confusion: kebiingungan, Impatience: ketidaksabaran, Unhappiness: ketidakbahagiaan, Dissatisfaction: ketidakpuasan. Jadi jawabannya Anger.

28.Jawaban : D


also iti all i po ta t to health ai de elop e t. Da pa ag aph keli a kali at pe ta a, aitu The p o ess of building and strengthening brain connection continues throughout our lives, but is at its most intense between ages 3 and 12.

29.Jawaban : D

Strengthening artinya memperkuat. Fastening: mengikatkan, enlightening: member penerangan, heightening: meninggikan, escalating: memperkuat, weakening: melemahkan. Jadi jawabannya escalating.

30.Jawaban : D

Te dapat pada pa ag aph kee pat kali t pe ta a, aitu To help a ies de elops thei brain well, as parents, you should provide your babies with visual stimulating which can p odu e de elop e t ad a tages….

31.Jawaban : D

Ada di paragrap keempat kalimat kedua, aitu pa e t should gi e hild e ple t of ti e to o e a ou d, a l o alk a d u e d pla a ti e ga es.

Sementara pilihan yang lain salah, yaitu:

A. Every baby is born with exactly 100 billion brain cells (seharusnya around)

B. The more you touch, hold and cuddle your babies, the weaker their brain grows (seharusnya faster)

C. Parents must move the babies around, and make them flying (seharusnya playing) D. Parent should give children plenty of time to move around, crawl or walk *

E. …. urture your children by postponing emotionally-displa i g lo e… seha us a responding)

32.Jawaban : A

Te dapat pada pa ag aph pe ta a, aitu Ma of us a e dis a ed a out the ualit of our education which is not commensurate with the high cost spent on school fees. It is way below our expectation if we compare our graduates with those who studied overseas, especially concerning the mastery of English. Da pa ag aph ketiga, aitu All stude ts i I do esia ha e studied E glish si e the e e i ju io high s hool. Even some of them, English had been introduced when they were in elementary school. However, lots of graduates have less English skills”

33.Jawaban : D

Yearn for artinya menginginkan/merindukan. Receive: menerima,

Desire:menginginkan, Ignore for: mengabaikan, Unsatisfied: tidak puas, Never think for: tidak pernah memikirkan. Jadi jawabannya desire.

34.Jawaban : C


35.Jawaban : A

Te dapat pada pa ag ap pe ta a, aitu It is a elo ou e pe tatio if e o pa e our graduates with those who studied overseas, especially concerning the mastery of E glish.

36.Jawaban : B

Te t te ta g e ie suatu fil , aitu pa ag ap kedua: Re is a tee age at gifted ith some highly developed senses of taste and smell. Inspired by his idol, the recently de eased hef Auguste Gusteau, Re ’s a ted to e a hef. Da di e ie lagi pada paragraph berikutnya.

37.Jawaban : A

Te dapat di pa ag aph ketiga kali at ketiga, aitu When the owner of the home is forced to abandon the rats in the home, Remy had been separated from his family and ends up in the severs of Paris. Then Remy found Gusteau’s estau a t. Kali at te se ut menjelaskan bahwa Remy secara tidak disengaja bertemu Alfredo.

38.Jawaban : C

Gifted artinya diberikan/dihadiahkan. Endowed: memberkahi, Established: didirikan, Presented: diberikan, Promoted: dipromosikan, Delivered: dikirim. Jadi jawabannya presented.

39.Jawaban : E

Te dapat di pa ag aph pe ta a kali at pe ta a, aitu “uti oso ill pi k up a asia ai ualit Ma age e t A a d F ida at a i te atio al o fe e e i Jogjaka ta, …. . Kalimat tersebut dijelaskan pada paragrap berikutnya.

40.Jawaban : C

Te dapat di pa ag ap ketiga kali at pe ta a, aitu He also i tiated the us a p oje t, hi h I elie e is a good step to a d edu i g ai pollutio i Jaka ta.

41.Jawaban : C

Restored artinya memperbaiki/memulihkan. Kept: menjaga, Opened: membuka, Rebuilt: membangun kembali, Changed: mengubah/menukar. Announced: mengumumkan. Jadi jawabannya rebuilt.

42.Jawaban : D

Te dapat pada kali at The od of a adult i se t is su di ided i to head, a tho a of three segments , and a segmented abdomen, ordinarily,the thorax bears three pairs oflegs. Kali at te se ut e jelaska st uktu da i i se t.

43.Jawaban : D

Te dapat di kali at pe ta a, aitu The body of an adult insect is subdivided into head, a thorax of three segments , and a segmented abdomen, ordinarily, the thorax bears th ee pai s oflegs.


Diga a ka pada kali at Featu es of the outh pa ts o a di les a e the a illae, which serve to direct food into the mouth between the jaws , a labrum above and labium below are similar to an upper and lower lip, in insects with sucking mouth parts ,the mandibles , maxillae , labrum and labium are modified to provide a tube through

hi h li uid a e d a . 45.Jawaban : C

Te dapat pada kali at Featu es of the mouth parts or mandibles are the maxillae, hi h se e to di e t food i to the outh et ee the ja s, ….

46.Jawaban : A 5, 3 1, 4, 6, 2

5. Try to always look at the bus schedule first before planning to go somewhere by bus . “ta i li e a ti e ou’ e going to aboard on the bus

. Let the olde a to get i the us fi st a d do ’t i g the food a d d i k i 4. Insert a $2 bank note in the box beside the driver soon you get in the bus 6. o , it’s the ti e fo ou to e jo t a eli g us

. do ’t fo get to press the red button to let the bus stop for you get off

47.Jawaban : D 4, 1, 5, 2, 3

4. Phobias are very strong fears which may start in childhood.

1. Usually there has been an early experience which started the fear.

5. A person may forget the experience which started the fear, but the fear reminds.

2. For example, a person who is afraid of closed room has claustrophobia.

3. Perhaps that person had parents who once locked him in a closet as a child. As an adult, he has forgotten the experience in the closet, but he fears looked room.

48.Jawaban : D

Komodo dragons are the worlds (48) heaviest living lizard. They can grow to a length of 10 feet (over 3 meters), with an average length of 8 feet (2.5 meters) and weight of 91 kgs. Kata heaviest dapat mewakili ukuran komodo dragon yang digambarkan.

A. skinniest: berhubungan dengan kulit

B. most fantastic: berhubungan dengan kekaguman C. most amazing: behubungan dengan kekaguman D. heaviest: berhubungan dengan ukuran

E. smartest: berhubungan dengan akal 49.Jawaban : A


A. especially: khususnya B. however: namun C. nonetheless: namun D. because of: karena E. but: tetapi

50.Jawaban : D

They have about 60 teeth that they replace frequently and are (50) positioned to cut hu ks of its p e . Kata positio ed adalah V-3 yang digunakan untuk menjelaskan kalimat pasif.

A. Positioning: memposisikan

B. being positioned: yang sedang diposisikan (untuk kegiatan yang sedang terjadi untuk kalimat passive dalam present continuous)

C. have been positioning: telah memposisikan

D. positioned: diposisikan (untuk kegiatan yang pada umumnya terjadi untuk kalimat passive dalam simple present) dan paragrap di atas harus menngunakan kalimat simple present untuk menggambarkan sesuatu pada umumnya.


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