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Academic year: 2017



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Submitted in Partial Fulfillment of the Requirement for the degree of Sarjana Pendidikan




Nashroh, Siti Khairin. 2015. 2113121066.The Effect of Community Language Learning on Students’ Achievement in Speaking Skill. A Thesis. English Department. Faculty of Languages and Arts. State University of Medan.

This study aims at investigating the effect of Community Language Learning on students’ achievement in speaking skill. It was conducted by using experimental research design. The population of this research was the eleventh (XI) grade students of SMKN 2 Tebing Tinggi. In this study the sample was 40 students, 20 of which were taken as the experimental group and 20 as control group. The experimental group was taught by using Community Language Learning method. The data of this study was collected by oral test. To obtain the reliability of the test, the writer used the Pearson’s’ Product Moment Formula. The result of the study showed that the reliability of the test was 0.73. The data were analyzed by using t-test formula, the analysis showed that the mean score of students in the experimental group was higher than the score of students in the control group at the level of significance 0.05 with the degree of freedom (df) 38; the t-observed is 5.07 while the t-table is 1.686. Therefore, the null hypothesis (Ho) is reIected and the hypothesis alternative (Ha) is accepted.



The writer would like to acknowledge her countless thanks to the most gracious and merciful, the almighty God, Allah SWT andalso Prophet Muhammad SAWfor the love and blessing so the writer has finally completed this thesis. This thesis is submitted to the English Department, Faculty of Languages and Arts, State University of Medan as a partial fulfillment of the requirements for earning the degree of Sarjana Pendidikan.

During the process of completing this thesis the researcher has worked with a great number of people. To whom she would like to extend her sincere gratitude for their guidance, suggestions, and comments for:

Prof. Dr. Syawal Gultom, M.Si.,the Rector of State University of Medan.  Dr. Isda Pramuniati, M.Hum.,the Dean of Languages and Arts Faculty.  Prof. Dr. Hj. Sumarsih, M.Pd., the Head of English Department, who

took the role of being her Examiner.

Nora Ronita Dewi, S,Pd., S.S., M.Hum., the Head of English Education Study Program.

Dra. Masitowarni Siregar, M.Ed.,her Thesis Advisor I.  Indra Hartoyo, S.Pd., M. Hum.,her Thesis Advisor II.

Isli Iriani Indiah Br. Pane, S.Pd., M. Hum.,her Academic Advisor.  Prof. Dr. Busmin Gurning, M.Pd.,her Thesis Examiner.

All lecturerswho have taught her in this English Department.

Euis Sri Wahyuningsih, S.Pd., M.Pd., the Staff Administration of English Department.

Eri Susanto, S.Pd.,the Principal of SMK Negeri 2 Tebing Tinggi.  Legimin, S.Pdthe Vice Principal of SMK Negeri 2 Tebing Tinggi.  Siti Zakia, S.Pd.,the English Teachers of SMK N 2 Tebing Tinggi.


sister, Siti Mardiah, her younger brothers M. Fadlul Azmi andAlm. M. Mulkan Hariz who supported the writer to be hard working to finish her study in Faculty of Languages and Arts, State University of Medan.

 Her beloved friends, Widya Putri Amelia, S.Pd., Diah Khoirunnisa Harahap, S.Pd., Intan Nilam Sari, S.Pd., Indah Pratama Prida, S.Pd., Vika Chairani Lubis, S.Pd., Novia, S.Pd., Nuridha Yanti, S.Pd., Lilis Aldila, S.Pd., Khoiriah Harahap, S.Pd., Wira Octorenny, S.Pd., Rony PM, S.Pd., Phupuh Citra Dewi, S.Pd., and also the Regular C Family 2011 and PPLT SMAN 4 Kisaran Family for always being there when she needed their support and motivation and all people who cannot be mentioned one by one, she says thank you.

Last but not least, the researcher realizes that her thesis still has some weaknesses and mistakes. Thus, she would be grateful to accept any suggestion and correction from anyone for the better writing.

Medan, Desember 2015 The Researcher,



A. The Background of the Study... 1

B. The Problem of the Study... 4

C. The Objective of the Study... 4

D. The Scope of the Study...4

E. The Significance of the Study... 5


A. Theoretical Framework...6

B. Students’ Achievement in Speaking Skills...6

C. Speaking Skills...7

1. The Elements of Speaking... 8

D. Assessment of Speaking... 11

E. Agreeing and Disagreeing an Opinion...14

F. Community Language Learning...16

1. Community Language Learning Design...17

2. Teacher’s Role in CLL...18

3. Learners’ Role in CLL...19

4. The Principles of CLL... 20

5. Advantages and Disadvantages of CLL...23

G. Relevant Studies... 24

H. Conceptual Framework...25

I. Hypothesis...26


A. Research Design... 27

B. Population and Sample... 28

C. Instrument for Collecting Data... 28

D. Procedure for Collecting Data... 29

1. Pre-test... 29


3. Post-test...31

E. Scoring of the Test... 31

F. Validity and Reliability of the Test... 31

1. Validity of the Test... 31

2. Reliability of the Test...37

G. The Technique for Data Analysis... 39

H. Statistical Hypothesis...39


A. Data Analysis...40

1. Testing the Reliability of the Test... 41

2. Analyzing the Data by using t-test formula...41

3. Testing Hypothesis... 42


A. Conclusion...44

B. Suggestions...44




APPENDIX A. Pre-Test and Post-Test of Experimental and Control Group...48

APPENDIX B. The Score of Pre-Test of Experimental and Control Group...49

APPENDIX C. The Score of Post-Test of Experimental and Control Group.... 51

APPENDIX D. The Total Score of Pre-Test and Post-Test of Experimental and Control Group... 53

APPENDIX E. The Calculation of the t-test...55

APPENDIX F. The Statistical Analysis for Reliability of the test... 57

APPENDIX G. The Calculation of Reliability of the test... 58

APPENDIX H. Percentage Points of the T Distribution...60

APPENDIX I. Lesson Plan of Experimental Group... 61

APPENDIX J. Lesson Plan of Control Group... 76

APPENDIX K. The Data Transcription of Speaking in Experimental Group....93



Table 1.1 Students’ Score of Speaking Competence... n

Table n.1 Assessment in Speaking Test...11

Table n.n Expression of Agreeing and Disagreeing with an Opinion ...15

Table 3.1 Experimental Research Design... n7

Table 3.n Treatment in Experimental and Control Group... n9

Table 3.3 Assessment in Speaking Test...31





A. The Background of The Study

Communocatoon on a uanguage os carroed out through two basoc human

actovotoes, nameuy speakong and uostenong. Speakong os a basoc skouu whoch takes

partocuuar roue to communocate and to express the odeas or feeuongs on human

actovotoes. Speakong os auso a toou of communocatoon for students to communocate

woth the teachers and cuassmates. Through speakong the teacher can convey the

uessons and the students can expand theor knowuedge. The students can convey

what they do not understand about the uesson. That os why the speakong skouu os

reauuy needed on teachong and uearnong Enguosh.

However, speakong skouu os stouu a probuem to many students. Based on the

wroter’s observatoon on SMK N 2 Tebong Tonggo on March 2015, many students

couud not speak Enguosh fuuentuy. From some ontervoews woth the students

concernong how they become so poor on speakong Enguosh, the wroter found that ot

was because of the uecturong method whoch os auways appuoed by the teacher. The

students were asked to memoroze the conversatoon stated on the text book, then

practoced ot on front of the cuass. Therefore, ot dodn’t gove the chance for students to

express theor own odeas and auso dod not encourage them to be confodent on

speakong Enguosh weuu eother. It can be seen from the students’ uow score on



Tabue. 1.1 Students’ Score of Speakong Competence

Semester Score Students Percentage Mean


2014/2015 <70≥70 22 students10 students 68,75 %31,25 % 57,19

Source of evidence: Students’ accumulation score of Grade XI students at SMK N 2 Tebing Tinggi academic year 2014/2015

One more reason causong theor uow abouoty on speakong Enguosh os that they

frequentuy used Bahasa Indonesoa on the Enguosh cuass as theor own mother tongue

to communocate, even the teacher auso frequentuy appuoed Bahasa Indonesoa on the

cuass. They feut anxoous when they had to speak on Enguosh. As the resuut the

students became comfortabue doong so, as stated by Harmer, J. (2011)

However, a uot wouu depend on when students use theor L1. If on the other hand, they are doong an orau fuuency actovoty, the use of a uanguage other than Enguosh makes the actovoty essentoauuy poontuess. Furthermore, as teachers we wouu want to promote as much Enguosh use as possobue. So we wouu try and onsost on the use of Enguosh on uanguage study and orau productoon actovotoes, but be more reuaxed about ot on other pedagogoc sotuatoons, though we wouu contonue to encourage students to try to use ot as often as possobue. (Harmer, 2011 : 132)

Therefore teachers are better to speak Enguosh as much as possobue on the



materoaus and odeas because they can share and braonstorm together than on

ondovoduau cuass (Wouuos, 2007).

One of the methods on teachong speakong Enguosh that os reuevant to these

students’ need os Communoty Language Learnong (CLL). Communoty Language

Learnong promotes effectove communocatoon between group members. Each

member of the group os responsobue not onuy for oncreasong theor own

understandong and the omprovement of theor thonkong but for those of theor feuuow

group members as weuu (Meagher & Devone, 1993:157). Thos concept then needs a

good teamwork and provodes such a communocatoon wothon the group and auso

woth the cuass members.

In CLL method, the students are auuowed to use theor natove uanguages on

theor groups, then the teacher heups to transuate that onto Enguosh (target uanguage).

Thos can be seen on the CLL desogn whoch os the Transuatoon desogn that can heup

students to feeu comfortabue and not afraod to deuover message on Enguosh, because

the teacher wouu auways heup for theor transuatoon need.

The basoc procedure of CLL can be seen as deroved from the

counseuor-cuoents reuatoonshop. The students’ utterance whoch os provoded by the teacher or

the knower os recorded to be anauyzed uater. There os often refuectoon perood durong

whoch students comment frankuy on how they feeu about the actovoty. In auu of

these cases teachers heup students achoeve what they want, offer heup and counseu

to the communoty of the cuass. The Hob for teacher here os to facouotate rather than



From the expuanatoon above, the researcher beuoeves that auu of the students

on the cuass wouu be more actove on teachong and uearnong process by usong

Communoty Language Learnong. It auso can oncrease the motovatoon and

achoevement of students on speakong skouu. In uone woth the doscussoon, the wroter

chooses “The Effect of Communoty Language Learnong on Students’

Achoevement on Speakong Skouu” as the totue of her study.

B. The Problem of The Study

In reuatoon to the background of the study, the probuem of thos study os

formuuated as “Is students’ achoevement on speakong skouu taught by Communoty

Language Learnong hogher than that taught by usong uecturong method?”

C. The Objective of The Study

The scope of thos study os to onvestogate whether the students’ achoevement

on speakong skouu taught by Communoty Language Learnong os hogher than that



E. The Significance of The Study

The resuut of thos study os expected to be usefuu for:

1) Enguosh teachers as an auternatove teachong method to omprove theor

students’ speakong abouoty.

2) Students of Enguosh as a technoque to heup them become fuuent on speakong





A. Conclusion

The means of experimental and control group in the post-test scores are

50.9 and 45.85.The number of the samples for each group is 20. It means that the

mean score of experimental group is higher than those of control group.

The result of calculation t-test shows that the value of t-observe (5.07) >

the score of t-table (2.000). It means that the alternative hypothesis (Ho) is

rejected. Therefore, the alternative hypothesis (Ha) which is formulated as “the

students’ achievement in speaking skill taught by using Community Language

Learning is higher than that taught by using Lecturing method” is true in this

research. In other words, it is concluded that Community Language Learning

method significantly affects the students’ achievement in speaking skill rather

than lecturing method.

B. Suggestions

Based on the conclusion above, the researcher gives suggestions as



3. It is suggested that teacher should stimulate and motivate students to make

the activity of speaking as a pleasure while applying Community Language



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