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Academic year: 2021



Teks penuh


RENCANA PELAKSANAAN PEMBELAJARAN 3.1.1 Nama Sekolah : _________________

Mata Pelajaran : Bahasa Inggris Kelas/Semester : IX / 1

Materi : Ungkapan Menyatakan Harapan Alokasi Waktu : 2 JP (1 x pertemuan)


Mengidentifikasi ungkapan – ungkapan untuk menyatakan harapan atau doa dengan benar,situasi yang diberikan dengan benar


Tahap Kegiatan Waktu

Kegiatan pendahuluan

a. Peserta didik memberi salam berdoa

absensi,mengecek kebersihan kelas bersama dengan guru

b. Peserta didi menerima motivasi dari guru sebelum pelajaran dimulai (daily motivation,yell yell ice breaker dll)

10 menit

Kegiatan inti

a. Mengamati dialog yang relevan dengan materi. b. Bertanya pada guru lewat WA

c. Melengkapi dialog dengan ungkapan menyatakan harapan atau doa.

d. Membuat dialog tentang ungkapan menyatakan harapan atau doa.

60 menit

Kegiatan penutup

a. Guru menyampaikan materi berikutnya b. Guru menutup kegiatan pembelajaran

10 menit


Sikap : 1. Bekerja sama menyusun dan memperagakan percakapan 2 Disiplin dalam waktu dan bertanggung jawab terhadap tugas. Pengetahuan: Mengidentifikasi ungkapan Menyatakan Harapan

Keterampilan : Memperagakan percakapan tentang ungkapan Menyatakan Harapan Mengetahui, Madiun, ______

Kepala SMP ____________ Guru Mata Pelajaran

____________________ _________________ NIP. NIP.


RENCANA PELAKSANAAN PEMBELAJARAN 3.1.2 Nama Sekolah : _________________ Mata Pelajaran : Bahasa Inggris Kelas/Semester : IX / 1

Materi : Ungkapan Menyatakan Selamat Alokasi Waktu : 2 JP (1 x pertemuan)


Mengidentifikasi ungkapan – ungkapan untuk menyatakan harapan atau doa dengan benar,

Menggunakan ungkapan-ungkapan untuk menyatakan harapan atau doa sesuai situasi yang diberikan dengan benar


Tahap Kegiatan Waktu

Kegiatan pendahuluan

-Peserta didik memberi salam berdoa absensi,mengecek kebersihan kelas bersama dengan guru

-Peserta didi menerima motivasi dari guru sebelum pelajaran dimulai (daily motivation,yell yell ice breaker dll)

10 menit

Kegiatan inti

a. Mengamati dialog yang relevan dengan materi. b. Bertanya pada guru lewat WA

c. Melengkapi dialog dengan ungkapan menyatakan harapan atau doa.

d. Membuat dialog tentang ungkapan menyatakan harapan atau doa.

60 menit

Kegiatan penutup

Guru menyampaikan materi berikutnya Guru menutup kegiatan pembelajaran

10 menit


Sikap : 1. Bekerja sama menyusun dan memperagakan percakapan 2 Disiplin dalam waktu dan bertanggung jawab terhadap tugas. Pengetahuan : Mengidentifikasi ungkapan Menyatakan Selamat

Keterampilan : Memperagakan percakapan tentang ungkapan Menyatakan Selamat Mengetahui, Madiun, ______ Kepala SMP ____________ Guru Mata Pelajaran

____________________ _________________ NIP NIP


RENCANA PELAKSANAAN PEMBELAJARAN 3.1.3 Nama Sekolah : _________________

Mata Pelajaran : Bahasa Inggris Kelas/Semester : IX / 1

Materi : Ungkapan Menyatakan Harapan Alokasi Waktu : 2 JP (1 x pertemuan)


Menyusun sebuah percakapan yang menggunakan ungkapan-ungkapan untuk menyatakan harapan,doa, ucapan selamat sesuai dengan situasi yang diberikan dengan benar.


Tahap Kegiatan Waktu

Kegiatan pendahuluan

a. Peserta didik memberi salam berdoa absensi,mengecek kebersihan kelas bersama dengan guru

b. Peserta didi menerima motivasi dari guru sebelum pelajaran dimulai (daily motivation,yell yell ice breaker dll)

10 menit

Kegiatan inti

a. Mengamati dialog yang relevan dengan materi. b. Bertanya pada guru lewat WA

c. Melengkapi dialog dengan ungkapan menyatakan harapan atau doa.

d. Membuat dialog tentang ungkapan menyatakan harapan atau doa.

60 menit

Kegiatan penutup

a. Guru menyampaikan materi berikutnya b. Guru menutup kegiatan pembelajaran

10 enit


Sikap 1. Bekerja sama menyusun dan memperagakan percakapan 2. Disiplin dalam waktu dan bertanggung jawab terhadap tugas. Pengetahuan : Mengidentifikasi ungkapan Menyatakan Harapan

Keterampilan : Menyusun percakapan tentang ungkapan Menyatakan Harapan Mengetahui, Madiun, ______

Kepala SMP ____________ Guru Mata Pelajaran

____________________ _________________



Nama Sekolah : _________________

Mata Pelajaran : Bahasa Inggris

Kelas/Semester : IX / 1

Materi : Ungkapan Menyatakan Harapan

Alokasi Waktu : 2 JP (1 x pertemuan)


Melakukan percakapan (bermain peran) menggunakan ungkapan-ungkapan untuk menyatakan harapan,doa, ucapan selamat sesuai dengan situasi yang diberikan dengan percaya diri


Tahap Kegiatan Waktu

Kegiatan pendahuluan

a. Peserta didik memberi salam berdoa

absensi,mengecek kebersihan kelas bersama dengan guru

b. Peserta didik menerima motivasi dari guru sebelum pelajaran dimulai (daily motivation,yell yell ice breaker dll)

10 menit

Kegiatan inti

a. Mengamati dialog yang relevan dengan materi. b. Bertanya pada guru lewat WA

c. Melengkapi dialog dengan ungkapan menyatakan harapan atau doa.

d. Membuat dialog tentang ungkapan menyatakan harapan atau doa.

60 menit

Kegiatan penutup

a. Guru menyampaikan materi berikutnya b. Guru menutup kegiatan pembelajaran

10 menit


Sikap : 1. Bekerja sama menyusun dan memperagakan percakapan 2. Disiplin dalam waktu dan bertanggung jawab terhadap tuga Pengetahuan : Mengidentifikasi ungkapan Menyatakan Harapan

Keterampilan : Melakukan percakapan tentang ungkapan Menyatakan Harapan Mengetahui, Madiun, ______ Kepala SMP ____________ Guru Mata Pelajaran ____________________ _________________


Siti Amirul SMP Terpadu Wisma Wisnu






Siti Amirul SMP Terpadu Wisma Wisnu


Hello students ….

Hari ini kita akan belajar tentang bagaimana menyatakan harapan dan doa (to express hopes and wishes) dan mengucapkan selamat kepada orang lain atas suatu kebahagiaan, keberuntungan atau prestasi yang diperoleh (to congratulate others on their fortunes and achievements. Anak-anak pernahkah kalian mendoakan teman dan berharap akan keberhasilan teman? Pernahkah kalian mengucapkan selamat pada teman yang berhasil meraih suatu prestasi atau mendapat keberuntungan? Dalam Bahasa Inggris hal tersebut dipelajari sebagai ungkapan expressing hopes and wishes dan

congratulating (menyatakan harapan dan doa serta mengucapkan selamat).

Untuk memudahkan kalian dalam mempelajari modul ini maka modul ini dibagi menjadi 2 kegiatan pembelajaran yaitu kegiatan pembelajaran 1:

menyatakan harapan dan doa beserta responnya dan kegiatan pembelajaran 2:

mengucapkan selamat kepada orang lain atas suatu

kebahagiaan/keberuntungan dan prestasi serta responnya. Setelah mempelajari

modul ini kalian diharapkan dapat menggunakan ungkapan- ungkapan yang sudah dipelajari untuk menunjukkan harapan dan doa pada teman atau guru

serta memberi ucapan selamat pada saat teman atau guru yang mendapat keberhasilan/keberuntungan atau prestasi. Misalnya: bila teman kalian akan

mengikuti lomba maka kalian bisa menyampaikan harapan dan berdoa semoga teman kalian mendapat keberhasilan dan kalian dapat mengucapkan selamat bila teman kalian memenangkan suatu pelombaan atau mendapat keberuntungan. Dan kalian bisa menanggapi teman yang menyampaikan harapan, doa dan ucapan selamat.

Silahkan cermati kegiatan-kegiatan pembelajaran berikut ini, ikuti instruksi yang ada di masing- masing kegiatan pembelajaran. Apabila mengalami kesulitan silahkan diskusi dengan teman atau bertanya pada guru melalui Whats Apps.


Siti Amirul SMP Terpadu Wisma Wisnu


Learning Activity 1 (Kegiatan Pembelajaran 1)

a. To express hopes and wishes (menyatakan harapan dan doa)

Pelajarilah contoh-contoh dialog yang berkaitan dengan topik-topik yang akan kita bahas. Dialogue 1

Mothe r

: Rara, when will you study at school in this new academic year? Rara : According to my teacher, we will start on July 13th. But it depends

on the condition of our

region. If it is green, we can go to school but if it is red, we can’t. Mothe


: I hope this pandemic of covid19 ends soon so you can study at school as usual.

Rara : I hope so, mom. I miss studying with my teacher and my friends. Dialogue 2

Rara : Candra, I heard that you will represent our school for English Speech Contest next week.

It’s a very good chance. I hope you will be the first winner. Candr


: I hope so, too. I‘ll do my best. Wish me luck. Rara : Certainly. Good luck.

Candr a

: Thanks, Rara.


Kalimat-kalimat “I hope this pandemic of covid19 ends soon (saya berharap semoga pandemic covid19 segera berlalu) dan I hope you will be the first

winner (saya berharap you menjadi pemenang pertama) adalah

ungkapan-ungkapan yang menyatakan harapan (hopes).

Kalimat-kalimat “Good luck (semoga beruntung) dan Wish me luck (semoga saya beruntung)” adalah ungkapan-ungkapan yang menyatakan doa (wishes). Sedang kalimat-kalimat “I hope so dan I hope so, too” adalah ungkapan untuk merespon/menjawab. Untuk lebih jelasnya perhatikan table berikut.


Siti Amirul SMP Terpadu Wisma Wisnu

Situation Expression of



The pandemic makes student study at home

I hope this pandemic of covid19 ends soon

I hope so, mom

will represent our school for English Speech Contest next week

I hope you will be the first winner

I hope so, too

Situation Expression of



will represent our school for English Speech Contest next week

Wish me luck Certainly


Siti Amirul SMP Terpadu Wisma Wisnu

Contoh kalimat-kalimat untuk menyatakan harapan dan doa A. Expression of Hopes (verb): to want something to happen or be

true and think that it could happen or be true. Example:

They hope to succeed.

I hope you're feeling better soon.

Everyone in your family is well, I hope.

 I hope all your wishes come true on your birthday!

We all hope (that) things will be better soon.

We have great hopes for the coming year.

B. Expression of wishes

Wish (transitive verb): to hope or express hope concerning the future

or fortune of another person's success, health, happiness or pleasure on a particular occasion.


I wish you much happiness. = I wish great happiness for you both.

She wished them a happy New Year.

 I wish you luck/well. [=I hope you will have good luck]

 We wish you every success in the future

 I wish you many more years of health and prosperity.

Wish (noun): (usually plural) expressed hopes or desire, especially for

someone's welfare, health, etc Example:

May all your wishes come true Best wishes

For more information, check these sites:

http://www.learnersdictionar y.com

http://www.dictionary.com/ browse/wish


Siti Amirul SMP Terpadu Wisma Wisnu

b. Practice

Practice 1

Match the sentences in A with the expressions in B


1. My friend got an accident. a. I hope he will get better soon. 2. Sita lost her purse when she

went shopping last night.

b. I hope all of the passengers are safe.

3. My brother is joining story telling contest.

c. I hope nothing happened to him.

4. Santi’s father has been hospitalized since yesterday.

d. I hope it will be found soon. 5. I’ve got the news that Lion

Air has a

crash in Sunda Strait.

e. I hope he will be the winner.

Practice 2

Complete the dialogues by expressing your hopes and wishes

1. Siska : My mother has worked in

Singapore for 5 years. You :

2. Cindy : I will celebrate her birthday tomorrow. You


3. Teacher: All of the ninth students will take a final

exam next month. You :

4. Mother : It’s raining heavily. You :

5. Siti : My aunt will marry uncle Bambang in Nongko Ijo next year You


Siti Amirul SMP Terpadu Wisma Wisnu

c. Summary

 Fungsi sosial ungkapan menyatakan harapan dan doa (hopes and wishes): Menjaga hubungan interpersonal dengan guru dan teman

 Struktur Teks ungkapan menyatakan harapan dan doa (hopes and wishes): Menyatakan harapan dan doa


 Unsur Kebahasaan menyatakan harapan dan doa (hopes and wishes yang digunakan:

They hope to succeed.

I hope you're feeling better soon.

Everyone in your family is well, I hope.

 I hope all your wishes come true on your birthday!  We all hope (that) things will be better soon.

We have great hopes for the coming year.

Menggunakan ucapan, tekanan kata, intonasi, ejaan dan tanda baca


Siti Amirul SMP Terpadu Wisma Wisnu

d. Formative Test 1

1. Choose the following sentences which expression of hope ... a. I need a nice house c. I hope I have a nice house b. I would like to have a nice house d. I like a nice house

2. Faiz : What’s up? You look so sad.

Rizki: My brother got sick and he is still hospitalized

Faiz : That’s too bad. I’m so sorry to hear that. How is he now? Rizki: He is getting

better now Faiz : Oh, ………….

Rizki: I hope so

The suitable expression to complete the dialogue above is…… a. I hope he will get well soon c. I hope he is still hospitalized b. I hope he looks so sad d. I hope he gets sick

3. Fatih: What is the matter, Dara? You look sad today. Dara : My father is ill and he has been

hospitalized since yesterday Fatih: ………

a. I hope he will get better soon c. I am glad to hear that

b. I think you should take a rest d. I suggest you cheer up forever 4. Mr. Anang : The service is really slow here, I’ve been

trying to get the waitress’s attention for the last ten minutes

Mrs. Anang : You know we have a class at 2 o’clock Mr. Anang :


a. I Hope he serves us soon c. I hope he won’t come here b. I expect to him not to come d. How come he is so lazy?


Siti Amirul SMP Terpadu Wisma Wisnu

5. Look at the picture and choose the best wish ... Source:

https://regional.kompas.com/image/2017/08/31/07502781/perjua ngan-retno-terlahir-dari- orangtua-tunanetra-cari-beasiswa-untuk-kuliah?page=1

a. Have a great school day my friend b. Have a nice trip!

c. Congratulation on your graduation. I happy for you. d. What a wonderful birthday

Learning Activity 2

a. To congratulate others on their fortunes and achievements

(mengucapkan selamat kepada orang lain atas suatu kebahagiaan/keberuntungan dan prestasi)

Pelajarilah contoh-contoh dialog yang berkaitan dengan topik-topik yang akan kita bahas.

Dialogue 1

Candra has won the first winner for speech contest.

Rara : Candra, I heard that you won the English Speech Contest. You got the first winner.

It’s fantastic! Congratulations!

Candra : Thanks, Rara. You have supported me for this success Dialogue 2

Budi’s team have got the first prize for futsal competition.

Rara : Candra, I’m happy for you. Congratulations for being the


Candra Congratulations on your great accomplishment, Rangga! We’re proud of you.


Siti Amirul SMP Terpadu Wisma Wisnu

Budi : Thank you, Rara, Candra.


Kalimat-kalimat “Congratulations (selamat), Congratulations for being the

champion (selamat telah menjadi pemenang), dan Congratulations on your

great accomplishment. We’re proud of you (selamat atas

keberhasilan/prestasinya, kami bangga kepadamu) adalah ungkapan-ungkapan untuk menyatakan selamat (to congratulate).

Sedangkan kalimat-kalimat “Thanks dan Thank you” adalah ungkapan untuk merespon atau menanggapi.

Untuk lebih jelasnya perhatikan tabel berikut.

Situati on

To conngratulate Responds

Candra has won the first winner for speech contest

Congratulations Thanks

Budi’s team have got the

first prize for futsal


Congratulations for being the champion Thank you Congratulations on your great accomplishment Thanks

Contoh kalimat-kalimatyang menyatakan selamat

Congratulating is an expression of pleasure at another person's success,

achievements or good fortune —usually used in pl. (congratulations) Example:

Congratulations! I’m proud of you. Congratulations on your magnificent accomplishment. I'd like to congratulate you on/for your success.

Congratulations on winning the bike race.

Please accept my warmest /heartiest congratulations. I’d like to be the first to

congratulate you on …. It was great to hear ….

Congratulations on your …. I must congratulate you. May I congratulate you on ….


Siti Amirul SMP Terpadu Wisma Wisnu

When congratulating, people needs to praise too. Read the dialogue in some situations and underline the expression show praise.

Eva : I heard from Andi that you won tickets to see “Stars

Wars” in the cinema. Congratulations! That’s so cool!

Ken : Thank you. I joined a quiz on the radio and I won it! Eva : That’s great! What would you do with the tickets? Ken : Well, actually, I was going to ask you if you would go

with me to the movie Eva : Really!? I’d love to.

Ken : So, can you meet me tomorrow evening at 7? Eva Of course! Ok I will meet you then! I canʼt wait!

Expression of praising

We need to praise someone when we congratulate them. We need to show sincere thanks and appreciation for a job well done and say good things about his/her achievement.

Communicating praise can boost the energy and enthusiasm of those around you, and makes both you and your friend happy.

Giving praise:

Great! Phenomenal!

Cool! Out Of Sight!

Excellent! Outstanding work!

Brilliant job! Unbelievable Work!

This is superb! I had no idea a document could look this good. For more information, check these sites:




Siti Amirul SMP Terpadu Wisma Wisnu



Practice 1

Put the right expression on the right side into the incomplete dialogue. 1. Ratna : Musa, I heard you got the best

mark in Biology test. Congratulations!

Musa : ………..

2. Budi : ... , Aziza. You got the first prize in singing contest, didn’t you?

Aziza : That’s right. Thanks.

3. Siska : Cici, ... I am happy for you.

Cici : Thank you, Siska. Cycling is my hobby. 4. Duki : There will be math test tomorrow.

Wish me luck, Dad.

Father : ... and get good mark. Duki : Thanks, Dad. I hope so.

5. Nani : My mom has born a cute healthy baby boy. I’m very happy for it.

Sisi : ………

Practice 2

Complete the following dialogues with the right words in the box.

Afgan : Hi, Mila! How was the science Olympiad? Did you and your team go home with the trophy?

Mila : Thank God, we did. We …(1) the

first place. Afgan : Good

job. … (2)on your team success!

Mila : Thank you very much, Afgan. How about your math Olympiad …(3)?

Afgan I still have to work hard for it. There are some … (4)which are difficult to understand.

Mila : Keep spirit. I’m sure you can … (5)it very well. Afgan : Thanks. I … (6)I can get the first … (7)too.

a. worked b. do c. hope d. won e. prize f. congratulations g. preparation h. formulas a) congratulations on winning the bike race! b) Congratulation

for having a new baby brother! c) Thank you. After

studying hard finally I got it. d) I hope you can

do it well e) Good on you


Siti Amirul SMP Terpadu Wisma Wisnu

Mila : Sure, you have … (8)hard for it. Good luck.

b. Summary

 Fungsi sosial ungkapan mengucapkan selamat (congratulations) : Menjaga hubungan

interpersonal dengan guru dan teman

 Struktur teks ungkapan mengucapkan selamat (congratulations):

 Mengucapkan selamat

 Menanggapi

 Unsur kebahasaan ungkapan mengucapkan selamat (congratulations)yang digunakan:

 Congratulations! I’m proud of you.

 Congratulations on your magnificent accomplishment.

 I'd like to congratulate you on/for your success.

 Congratulations on winning the bike race.

 Please accept my warmest /heartiest congratulations.

 I’d like to be the first to congratulate you on ….


Siti Amirul SMP Terpadu Wisma Wisnu

c. Tes Formatif 2

1. Choose the best correct answers! The following sentence are expression of congratulation, except....

a. I congratulate you on your success c. How poor you are

b. Nice work d. That's great

2. Look at the picture and choose the best wish …

a. Congratulations c. Why are you sick?

b. Get well soon, my friend d. Don't be sick 3. Dika : I won the competition yesterday.

Hendri : Really? That's very great. Please accept my warmest congratulations. Dika : .

Hendri : You are welcome.

a. Thanks for saying so. c. Oh, don't mention it

b. I hope you say so. d. That's very great

4. Diah : How is your work? Ana : I have finished my first novel. Diah : Wow

. Ana : Thank you.

a. Well done! You did it. c. I hope it's fine

b. Thank you. d. Oh my God!.

5. Siti has just got the first prize in the “Bakiak race” to celebrate Indonesia Independence day.

Beni congratulates her. What does Beni say to congratulate Siti? Beni

: ” ”

Siti : ”Thank you.”

a. Sure, Good luck. c. Congratulations, Siti.


Siti Amirul SMP Terpadu Wisma Wisnu


Read the following situations and complete the dialogue with the correct expression of congratulations and hope/wish. Work in group.

Situation 1:

The headmaster announced that you got the best grades in this year exams. You are very happy and you hope you can continue your study to a favorite school.

Headmast er

: The best grade in this year exams is Doni Pratama. Congratulations, Doni. I’m proud of you.

You : ……….

………. Headmast


: May your dream come true.

Situation 2:

Risma is reading a result of writing short story competition in a newspaper. She finds her name as the runner up of it. You congratulate her and hope she will be the first winner next year.

Risma : Thank God! Doni, look this announcement. I got the second place for the writing short story competition.

You : ……….

………. Risma : I hope so.

Situation 3:

Lantip has just graduated from English course with the best predicate. You congratulate and hope he will be smartest student.

Lantip : I just graduated at last grade on my English course. Here is the medal of best graduation.

You : ……….

………. Lantip : Thank you.


Siti Amirul SMP Terpadu Wisma Wisnu

Situation 4:

Your brother tries to remind you about his birthday. You congratulate him and wish for him.

Lukma n

: Did you remember what day the day is? It’s my birthday! You : ……… …………. ……… …………. Lukma n : Thank you. Situation 5:

Your team was chosen as the best players on Bupati Cup Futsal competition. You congratulate your friends and hope next year can play well too.

Rudi : Our team has been chosen as the best players on Bupati Cup Futsal competition this year. Congratulation!

You : ……….

………. Luki : I hope so. Good luck.


Siti Amirul SMP Terpadu Wisma Wisnu

My Journal

I have just learned to

________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________ _________________

The activities I like most were

________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________

The activities I found most difficult were

________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________ __________________

What I need to do better is/are

________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________ _________________


Dokumen terkait

Berdasarkan uraian di atas, dapat ditarik simpulan bahwa kegiatan guru dalam proses pembelajaran pada penelitian tindakan kelas dengan menerapkan metode inkuiri

Dalam Sejarah Amerika Serikat, adanya fakta yang menyatakan bahwa pergerakan yang dilakukan oleh warga kulit hitam di Amerika untuk memperoleh hak-hak sipil

Bersasarkan hasil penelitian yang telah dilakukan didapatkan bahwa rata-rata kelincahan siswa SSB Rheza Mahasiswa Surabaya U-16 adalah penjaga gawang kanan sebesar


Hal ini berarti ada hubungan yang nyata atau positif antara status sosial ekonomi dengan tingkat partisipasi, yaitu makin tinggi status sosial ekonomi petani,

Sebuah saham dengan BETA=1.5 akan bergerak 1.5 poin sementara pasar bergerak 1 poin, yang mana mengindikasikan bahwa saham tersebut lebih labil daripada

Sampel yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini diambil menggunakan metode purposive sampling dengan menggunakan beberapa kriteria yaitu: 1) Perusahaan manufaktur yang

Mekanisme sinergisme antar isolat dalam konsorsium disebabkan oleh beberapa faktor diantaranya: (1) salah satu dari genus bakteri mampu menyediakan satu atau