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Academic year: 2017



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Submitted as Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Sarjana Degree of English Department Faculty of Letters and Humanities UIN Sunan Ampel


BY SRI LESTARI Reg. Number: A83211189





Lestari, Sri. 2015. An Analysis of Dyslexia of Ishaan on “Taree Zameen Par” Movie. English Department, Faculty of Humanities, the State Islamic University Sunan Ampel Surabaya.

The Advisor : Dr. H. A. Dzo’ul Milal, M.Pd

Key word : Psycholinguistic, Dyslexia, Taree Zameen Par

Penelitian ini membahas tentang analisis dislexia pada Taree Zameen Par. Tujuan penelitian ini berdasarkan beberapa masalah, jenis-jenis dislexia yang di alami oleh Ishaan, apa yang Ishaan lakukan untuk mengatasi dislexia dan strategi apa saja yang di gunakan guru untuk menolong Ishaan. Analisa ini fokus pada dislexia di adegan pada film. Di harapkan, penelitian ini bermanfaat untuk mahasiswa Sastra Inggris, khususnya untuk menolong mereka memahami dislexia di film Taree Zameen Par.

Penelitian ini menggunakan metode deskriptif kualitatif karena penelitian ini meliputi mengumpulkan data untuk menemukan jawaban berdasarkan kondisi pada film. Data di ambil berdasarkan skrip dan cerita pada film yang di bagi menjadi 41 sine, tetapi tidak semua sine dapat di jadikan menjadi data. Penulis menggunakan beberapa theory tentang dislexia yaitu Uta Frith, Angela, J.F. dan beberapa theory lain yang di gunakan untuk mendukung penelitian ini.



Lestari, Sri. 2015. An Analysis of Dyslexia of Ishaan on “Taree Zameen Par” Movie. English Department, Faculty of Humanities, the State Islamic University Sunan Ampel Surabaya.

The Advisor : Dr. H. A. Dzo’ul Milal, M.Pd

Key word : Psycholinguistic, Dyslexia, Taree Zameen Par

This study concerns with the analysis of dyslexia in Taree Zameen Par. This study purpose a problem what kind of dyslexia happens to Ishaan, what does Ishaan to overcome his dyslexia and what strategies used by teacher to help Ishaan. This analysis is specially focused on dyslexia in scene of the movie. Hopefully, this study will be useful for students of English Department, especially to help them understand dyslexia on Taree Zameen Par Movie.

This analysis uses descriptive qualitative method because this research includes collecting data in order to find the answer conserving the condition of the movie. The data is taken from the script and the story of the movie which is divided into 41 scenes, but only 11 scenes that can be the data. The writer uses some theories about dyslexia from Uta Frith, Angela, J.F. and some other supporting theories to conduct this study.



Inside Cover ... i

Declaration ... ii

Dedication ... iii

Motto ... iv

Thesis’s Advisor’s Approval... v

Thesis Examiner’s Approval... vi

Acknowledgments... vii

Abstract ... viii

Table of Contents ... ix

CHAPTER 1 INTRODUCTION 1.1 Background of the Study... 1

1.2 Statements of the Problems ... 5

1.3 Objective of the Study... 6

1.4 Significance of the Study ... 6

1.5 Scope and Limitation ... 7

1.6 Definition of Key Terms ... 7

CHAPTER 2 LITERATURE RIVIEW 2.1 Theoretical Framework ... 9

2.2 Related Studies... 22

CHAPTER 3 RESEARCH METHOD 3.1 Research Design... 24


3.3 Instrument ... 25

3.4 Technique of Data Collection ... 25

3.5 Technique of Data Analysis ... 26


4.2 Discussion ... 50





This introduction chapter presents the background of the study, statement

of problem, objective of the study, scope and limitation of the study, and the

definition of the key terms. All sections which have been mentioned above will be

discussed as follows:

1.1 Background of the Study

Everyone in this world has ability to do something in every condition

in their life. Nobody perfect that we can say to everyone that life in the world.

Everyone has their own way to finish their job of life in their way. Because

everyone can do all things in this world based on god blessing. The

Al-Qur’an says that, (God does not impose on anyone, but according to his ability. It

gets the reward (of virtue) is earned and he got the punishment (of the crime) was

doing. (they prayed): Our Lord, Thou our laws if we forget or guilty. Our Lord, do

not You impose upon us a heavy burden as You impose on people before us. Our

Lord, Thou give us what we cannot bear. Give us ma'aflah; forgive us; and bless us.

Thou our helper so help us against the unbelievers. (al-Baqarah 286) based on the

Al-Qur’an, as human we have our own ability). Ability to something that we can do in this world, as people say that “no body perfect”. No one people life in

this world is perfect, it is always everyone has their shortage. But god gives



without excess, because god is the infinite justice. Like people who has the

shortage to know and understand to something, as dyslexia.

Dyslexia is best described as a combination of abilities and difficulties

that affect the learning process in one or more of reading, spelling and

writing. Accompanying weaknesses may be identified in areas of speed of

visual processing, short-term memory, sequencing and organization, auditory

or visual perception, spoken language and motor skills. It is particularly

related to mastering and using written language, which may include

alphabetic, numeric and musical notation. (Peer 2003) which means that we

understand something is different with others. Every people has their own

ability to something, they can do something as like people can do, but

sometimes they cannot do what someone do. It is life, we life together in the

world, all people in the world are different each others, as they are twin, it

always be different between them. As human life in this world, we cannot

imagine how world is come, our brain cannot thing about that.

Dyslexia refers to a learning disability which is common in children.

This disorder makes children find it difficult to write, read spell and

sometimes even experience hindrance in speaking. Although the severity of

this disorder can range from being mild to severe it can be treated

successfully with timely intervention. In many cases owing to the absence of

any obvious symptoms dyslexia goes undetected in many children during

their early years. The survey established a clear consensus in the dyslexia



specialists whose opinions spanned the spectrum of approaches to dyslexia

and adult literacy. There was consensus that new developments in computer

technology made it feasible to introduce computer supported testing

procedures that do not require the direction of a trained clinician or

diagnostician, and could therefore be carried out cost-effectively in centers

such as adult literacy centers, units for young offenders or job centers, subject

to the provisos that a follow-up second stage testing procedure was available,

and that the screening was integrated within a support framework.

This research is “An Analysis of Dyslexia of Ishaan on “Taare

Zameen Par” Movie”.This research is focused on the analysis of dyslexia that

explains in the movie Taare Zameen Par. The movie is Indian movie that

explain about child that has a problem with his brain, he was difficult to

understand while learning in science, focusing on the reading and writing. In

the movie also focused on the main characters that had dyslexia in his brain,

the name of main characters is Ishaan Nandkishore Awasthi, but usually

everyone call him Ishaan. The researcher also focused on main characters in

the movie to do this research.

Taare Zameen Par is Indian drama movie directed by Aamir Khan and

release on 21 December 2007. Aamir Khan could have to give a positive side

in this movie and give some advice to the reader of this research that found

child that had dyslexia in the real life. Taare Zameen Par isn't one of those

films that merely entertains, but also enlightens. Taare Zameen Par is one



pursuit to make them stronger academically, forget that there is hitherto

untapped talent that needs to be nourished and encouraged.

Thus, to analyze a movie, the theory of dyslexia is chosen because

dyslexia is used to point thing in order to make clear what a writer means.

Dyslexia as relation with study of psycholinguistics. Dyslexia is best

described as a combination of abilities and difficulties that affect the learning

process in one or more of reading, spelling and writing. Accompanying

weaknesses may be identified in areas of speed of visual processing,

short-term memory, sequencing and organisation, auditory and or visual perception,

spoken language and motor skills. It is particularly related to mastering and

using written language, which may include alphabetic, numeric and musical

notation. (Peer 2003) Turning to an alternative, complementary perspective

from cognitive neuroscience theory, following Uta Frith (1997), it is

important to distinguish between three levels of theory of dyslexia, there are

biological, the cognitive, and the behavioral level. The writer chooses a

movie entitled “Taree Zameen Par”. Actually, the writer assumes that one of

kinds of theory of dyslexia which can be analyzed. The main character in the

movie has dyslexia, because of that the writer can analyze the movie by the

main characters.

The writer interested in the research because she wants to explore the

knowledge about dyslexia. The writer also wants to know that dyslexia can be

discovered by some ways. Many children have their own way to know



want to understand. As like visual dyslexia leads to a child having difficulty

in writing letters properly and often leading to letter reversals and inability to

follow the correct sequence while writing. Also, auditory dyslexia on the

other hand is characterized by the child having difficulty in perceiving the

sound of the letters or words correctly. The writers do this research because

want to make some parents that had children who had dyslexia to be more

patient and love their child as like another normal children. Also want to give

an advice the all reader of this research while they found children who had

dyslexia, can teach and know how the way to make them know and

understand in learning process.

Furthermore, the writer chooses a literary work “Taree Zameen Par”

that directed by Aamir Khan in order to understand what the interpretation of

the story. In this study, the writer will analyze the dyslexia that happened in a

movie “Taree Zameen Par” by using kinds of dyslexia theory that proposed

by Uta Frith (1997).

1.2 Statement of the Problems

Based on the background of the study above, this study is conducted to

find out the answer of some problems in relation with the discussion above, as


1. What kind of dyslexia happens to Ishaan in the “Taare Zameen Par”



2. What does Ishaan do to overcome his dislexia before meeting the teacher

in “Taare Zameen Par” movie?

3. What are the strategies used by teacher to help Ishaan in “Taare Zameen

Par” movie?

1.3 Objective of the Study

The objectives of the research on dyslexia in “Taare Zameen Par” are:

1. To describe kind of dyslexia is happen by Ishaan in the “Taare Zameen

Par” Movie.

2. To describe what Ishaan has done to overcome his dislexia before meeting

the teacher in “Taare Zameen Par” movie?

3. To describe the strategies used by teacher to help Ishaan in “Taare

Zameen Par” movie?

1.4 Significance of the Study

Through this study, it is purposed for giving both theoretical and

practical contribution. Theoretically, the result of the study is expected to give

contribution to develop the study and analysis on linguistic study related to an

analysis of dyslexia in a movie entitled “Taare Zameen Par” by Aamir Khan.

The writer expects that it will give new knowledge and understanding about

dyslexia that used in “Taare Zameen Par” movie.

Practically, this study is expected to give valuable information to



faculty and readers. For the further researcher, this study is expected to

provide the base in analyzing the dyslexia more deeply. For the students, this

study is expected to give inspiration addition for the readers who are interested

in this study and it will be the alternative references for the readers who are

interested in researching in this area.

1.5 Scope and Limitation

The scope of this research is focused on the psycholinguistic analysis.

The psycholinguistic analysis is taken as one of the theories for this research,

because the research of dyslexia is also under the psycholinguistic analysis.

The analysis is centered to the kinds of dyslexia and the way how to learn by

child who had dyslexia, also the purpose and reason by teacher who help child

to learn and understand the lesson.

This research also focused on An Analysis of Dyslexia of Ishaan on

“Taare Zameen Par” Movie. There are a lot movie that can be founded, but the

writer focused on one movie to do the research. It is also because the movie

that will be analysis is focused on dyslexia. The research also focused to

analyze one character of the movie, the characters name is Ishaan Nandkishore

Awasthi. He is the main character in the movie Taare Zameen Par.

1.6 Definition of Key Terms

1.6.1 Dyslexia is the type of aphasia involves disorders in reading and writing.



alphabets. Usually they cannot distinguish like b and g, also difficult to

remember when teacher give command in long sentences.

(Psycholinguistics, 2001: 334 )

1.6.2 “Taree Zameen Par”: it is the title of movie that directed by Aamir Khan. It

tells about the struggle of teacher and child or student who has dyslexia,

also the way how teacher help child to face his dyslexia.

1.6.3 Aamir Khan: Mohammed Aamir Hussain Khan is his full name but usually

people called him Aamir Khan. He is the director of “Taree Zameen Par”.

He is also producer, director, screenwriter, television presenter, and social

worker. He was born on 14st of March 1965 in India.


1.6.4 Directional dyslexia is distinguished by left-right confusion and a tendency

to become disoriented or lost. The term is also occasionally used to mean

confusion with letters such as p and b or d and b, where there is confusion

over the 'direction' of the letter. Generally, problems with directions are a

symptom of dyslexia more than a sub-type. Not all dyslexics have this


1.6.5 Cognitive level, in addition to the automatization deficit and phonological

deficit account, the major newcomer to the cognitive level accounts is the

‘double deficit’ hypothesis (Wolf and Bowers, 1999) that suggests that

dyslexic children suffer not only from a deficit in phonological processing

but also in central processing speed.( Dyslexia: Theory and Good Practice,




To support the analysis, this chapter reviews use several theories related to

this research. Those are language disorder: aphasia, basic groups: broca’s aphasia

and wernicke’s, broca’s aphasias, wernicke’s aphasia, other speech-related

aphasias, reading and writing aphasias: dyslexias, definition of dyslexia, the types

of dyslexia, the biological level, the cognitive level, directional dyslexia, and

related to support the analysis.

2.1.1 Language Disorders: Aphasias

Language in young children shows large variation in onset and

development between individual children. Children speak their first words

between 9 – 18 months (Goorhuis-Brouwer and Schaerlaekens 1994). By the age

of 2 most children have at least 50 words of vocabulary and produce 2-3 word

combinations (Rescorla 1989). Some common symptoms include, difficulty

understanding what other people say, hard time following spoken directions and

trouble organizing thoughts.

Language disorders may appear as difficulties in the receptive, expressive

and/or communication domain. A receptive language disorder means that the

child has difficulties with understanding spoken language. Children need to

understand language before they can use language adequately. In most cases, the



which means they have trouble using spoken language. An expressive language

disorder implies difficulties with verbal and written expression. The child

generally has difficulties with spoken language. Their vocabulary (the number of

words they know and say) tends to be smaller compared with other children of the

same age. (Hellen Van Agt, 2011) Some children have a language disorder even

though they produce sounds well and have understandable speech. Difficulty

expressing meaning to other people is called an expressive language disorder.

Difficulty understanding other speakers is called a receptive language disorder. A

child might have difficulties with both. This is what is called a mixed

receptive-expressive language disorder.

Then, children with language disorders may have difficulty labeling an

object or remembering a name. This is similar to the feeling of “having it on the

tip of your tongue.” A phonemic cue helps the child produce the word quicker!

Simply give the child the first sound of the word:

Math Example: 2 + 2 = (cue “four” by saying the sound “f”)

History Example: Columbus came to America in...(cue “1492” by

saying “f”)

Science Example: The gas which humans need is...(cue by saying “ah”

for “oxygen”)

From the statement above, the researcher can take a conclusion that

language disorder is the study of psycholinguistic that includes broca aphasia,

dyslexia, etc. It is also called as problem in brain that can make some differences



oral language or in listening. They may have difficulties processing and retaining

auditory information, and in following instructions and directions. Difficulties

understanding what is said may be exacerbated in group discussions. Difficulties

in answering questions may be related to a limited understanding of question

forms. Students may have difficulties filtering out background noise and have

difficulties with verbal reasoning. Difficulties remembering strings of words and

difficulties with sound discrimination may also be evidenced.

2.1.2 Two Basic Groups: Broca’s Aphasia and Wernicke’s

Language disorders, known as aphasias, are presumed to have as their

cause some form of damage to some specific site in the hemisphere where

language is located. Such damage cause characteristic problems in speech, as

well as in reading and writing. An extensive study using radio-isotope scanning

by Benson and Patten (1967) served to support the traditional distinction that

aphasias are generally classifiable into two groups, Broca’s Aphasias and

Wernicke’s Aphasias. In addition to these two basic groups, other aphasias sites

were also found. Steinberg, Nagata, Aline (2001: 332)

2.1.3 Broca’s Aphasias

Broca’s area, in front of and just above the left ear. The sections of the

brain involved in the actual articulation of speech seem to be partly distinct from



agree that some areas of the brain are statistically likely to be involved in speech

planning and comprehension. Aitchison, J (2008: 50)

It was in 1861 that Broca published the first in a series of studies of

language and brain. This was the beginning of the true scientific study of cases of

aphasias, a term which covers a very broad range of language disorders which are

commonly caused by tissue damage or destruction in the brain. War injuries,

strokes, and car accidents are frequent causes of such injuries. Steinberg, Nagata,

Aline (2001: 332) Broca was one of the first researchers to discover that damage

to certain portions of the brain, but not to others, results in speech disorder. One

particular condition, now called Broca’s Aphasias, is characterized by meaningful

but shortened speech and also occurs in writing.

Although the most noted feature of Broca’s Aphasias is the fragmentary

nature of speech production, it has recently been discovered that speech

comprehension is also affected. In one experiment with a patient with Broca’s

Aphasia, when presented with the spoken sentence, ‘The apple that the boy is

eating is red’, the patient was able to understand the sentence, particularly with

regard to who was doing the eating (the boy). Thus, there is a loss of syntactic

knowledge in both speech production and understanding for those with Broca’s

Aphasia. Interestingly, people with Broca’s Aphasia can often sing very well,

even using the same words and structures they are unable to utter in conversation.

This show that Broca’s Aphasia is not simply a breakdown in the muscular



The loss, therefore, must be something of a deeper nature. Steinberg, Nagata,

Aline (2001: 333).

2.1.4 Wernicke’s Aphasia

Wernicke’s area, in the region around and under the left ear, located on the

temporal lobe on the left side of the brain. Area after the neurologist who first

suggested this area was important for speech. Wernicke's area is the region of the

brain that is important in language development, responsible for the

comprehension of speech.() Language development or usage can be seriously

impaired by damage to this area of the brain. Aitchison, J (2008: 50)

There are two kinds of wernicke’s aphasia:

Nonsense double-talk

This condition is characterized by speech which often resembles what is

called nonsense speech or double-talk. It sound right and is grammatical but it is

meaningless. It can seem so normal that the listener thinks that he or she has

somehow misheard what was said, as is often the case in ordinary conversation. A

patient with Wernicke’s Aphasias may say, ‘Before I was in the one here, I was

over in the order one. My sister had the department in the order one’, ‘My wires

don’t hire right’, or ‘I’m supposed to take everything from the top so that we do

four flashes of our volumes before we get own low’.

Word substitution

Patients with Wernicke’s Aphasia commonly provide substitute words for he



‘chair’, for example, elicited the following in some patients: ‘shair’ (similar

sound), ‘table’ (association), ‘throne’ (related meaning), ‘wheelbase’ (?) and ‘you

sit on it. It’s a …’ (word loss). As with Broca’s Aphasia, Wernicke’s Aphasia can

also cause a svere lost of speech understanding, although the hearing of

non-verbal sounds and music may be unimpaired. Steinberg, Nagata, Aline (2001: 333

2.1.5 Other Speech-Related Aphasias

In addition to the kinds of aphasias which can occur from damage to te

two main language centres of the brain, Broca’s Areas and Wernicke’s Area, there

are other aphasias which occur due to damage at sites near or between those areas

and at other sites in the brain as yet undetermined. Damage to the area which

leads into Wernicke’s Area from the auditory cortex may result in pure word

deafness, where one cannot recognize the sounds of words as speech but can hear

other types of sound. Steinberg, Nagata, Aline (2001: 333)

A condition known as conduction aphasia is characterized by a poor

ability to repeat words despite relatively good comprehension. Persons with this

aphasia might substitute a closely related sound for the one they actually hear, e.g.

for ‘teethe’ (the verb) they say ‘teeth’ (the noun) and for ‘bubble’ they say

‘bupple’ (here inventing a new word but one that conforms to the sound pattern of


Anomic aphasia involves problems in finding the proper words for spontaneous

speech, even though language comprehension and repetition are good. Typically,



phenomenon which we all experience at times, e.g. ‘hand me that

uh…uh…uh…thing over there.’ In this aphasia, however, the loss is frequent.

There are also reported cases of patients being unable, in response to a verbal

command, to perform skilled motor movements with their hands, even though

they understand the command and their spontaneous hand movements are

perfectly normal. This inability to respond appropriately to verbal commands is

called apraxia. There is also global aphasia, a terrible condition in which many

or all aspect of language are severely affected, presumably due to massive

damage at numerous sites in the left hemisphere or to critical connections

between language areas. Steinberg, Nagata, Aline (2001: 334)

2.1.6 Reading and Writing aphasias: Dyslexias

The type of aphasia which involves disorder in reading and writing is

called dyslexia. There are many sorts of dyslexia, one category of which is due to

damage to the brain, afterreading and writing have been acquired. With children,

however, dyslexia may be observed while they are in the process of acquiring

reading and writing skills. Problem of hemispheric dominance or defects in visual

perception, for example, may play some role in causing difficulties in reading and

writing. Consider the following example:

Deer as reed

Some children may only be able to write backwards (deer as reed)

or upside-down, or in reading may only be able to wrote letters (b with d,



remedy such problem as those with letters, it is best not to present the

letters to the child in isolation but in a context. Then, b and d should be

shown in words, e.g. tub, dog. In this way, the child can see the proper

orientation of the letter and the word in which it appears.

Dyslexia is a neurodevelopment disorder with a probable genetic basis,

and it is generally agreed that more boys than girls are affected (although the

gender ratio is higher in referred samples). The core feature of dyslexia is a

problem with word decoding, which in turn impacts spelling performance

and the development of reading fluency. Dyslexia is persistent across the lifespan,

and adult outcomes are variable, although some young people with dyslexia

proceed to a university education, others leave school with minimal qualifications.

Most adults with dyslexia complain of slow reading, problems of spelling and

difficulties with written expression. In addition, problems with working memory,

attention and organisation are frequently reported.

Then, right hemisphere is better prepared than the left to appreciate some

of the pragmatics aspects of language. Kaplan, Brownell, Jacobs, and Gardner

(1990) examined the ability of individuals with right-hemisphere brain damage to

interpret conversation remarks. (Carrol, 1994)

Dyslexia may be subdivided into two basic categories, alexia, which

involves disorder in reading, and agraphia, which involves disorder in writing.

One may be afflicted by both conditions at the same time, in which case the

person is unable to either read or write property. In pure agraphia there is a total



purposes. For example, a person who has had a left hemisphere stroke may be

able to read the simple sentence ‘How are you?’ and yet be unable to write it.

Also, some may be unable to read a phrase yet be quite able to write it as

dictation. That condition is termed alexia without agraphia, where a patient may

not even be able to read what they themselves have just written. Steinberg,

Nagata, Aline (2001: 334)

2.1.7 Dyslexia definition of Dyslexia

Dyslexia is best described as a combination of abilities and difficulties that

affect the learning process in one or more of reading, spelling and writing.

Accompanying weaknesses may be identified in areas of speed of visual

processing, short-term memory, sequencing and organisation, auditory and or

visual perception, spoken language and motor skills. It is particularly related to

mastering and using written language, which may include alphabetic, numeric and

musical notation. (Peer 2003)

In other hand, Margaret J. Snowling (2012: 1) Dyslexia is a

neurodevelopmental disorder with a probable genetic basis, and it is generally

agreed that more boys than girls are affected (although the gender ratio is higher

in referred samples). The core feature of dyslexia is a problem with word

decoding, which in turn impacts spelling performance and the development of



variable; although some young people with dyslexia proceed to a university

education, others leave school with minimal qualifications. Most adults with

dyslexia complain of slow reading, problems of spelling and difficulties with

written expression. In addition, problems with working memory, attention and

organisation are frequently reported.

Rosana (2009: 251) said that Dyslexia is a language disability, affecting

reading, writing, speaking and listening. It is a dysfunction or impairment in the

use of words. Consequently, relation with others and performance in every subject

in school can be affected by dyslexia. It can be found around the world principally

among boys. It exists in learners of slow, average and superior intelligence. The

dyslexic child can come from any background or any income level and dyslexia

may occur in any child in a family regardless of order in which he is born. The Types of Dyslexia

Every linguist has his/her own view and opinion about types of dyslexia.

There are several types of dyslexia as follows the genetic/biological level, the

cognitive level and behavioral level. In this research, the discussion is focused

only on three parts of dyslexia based on Uta Frith (1997) theory. The Biological Level

A range of new and intriguing findings have emerged, indicating that

dyslexia is likely not to be caused by a single gene but through the interaction of



phenotypes (behavioural symptoms). It is not clear what bearing these genes have

directly on behaviour or even on the development of the brain. It is, for instance,

possible that one gene might lead say to birth complications, and so it would have

only an indirect effect upon the child’s brain. Another gene might lead to sinus

problems or ‘glue ear’ in infancy. The poor quality auditory input during the

critical period for development of speech-related auditory cortex might lead to

poorer quality auditory representations of speech, and thus phonological deficit –

again an indirect effect. Angela J. Fawcett (2001: 11)

New theories have been suggested, both in terms of magnocellular deficit

(Stein) and cerebellar deficit (Fawcett and Nicolson), as discussed in this volume.

Both theories have a good deal in common, and both suggest that problems will

be more widespread than just phonological deficit. A good deal more research is

needed to establish the extent to which these theories account for dyslexia and, in

particular, we need to establish the ‘prevalence’ of the different subtypes that

might be expected under the different accounts. Angela J. Fawcett (2001: 12) The Cognitive Level

In addition to the automatization deficit and phonological deficit account,

the major newcomer to the cognitive level accounts is the ‘double deficit’

hypothesis (Wolf and Bowers, 1999) that suggests that dyslexic children suffer

not only from a deficit in phonological processing but also in central processing



may take longer to acquire a skill in proportion to the square root of the time

normally taken to acquire it.

If a skill takes four practice sessions to master, it would take a dyslexic

child eight sessions to reach the same standard. If it normally took 400 sessions, it

would take the dyslexic child 8000 sessions! If replicable, this finding would have

striking implications for dyslexia support in that it mandates progression in terms

of small, easily assimilated steps. This would not only provide theoretical support

for existing good practice in dyslexia support but might also distinguish dyslexia

support requirements from those for other poor readers. Clearly considerable

further research is needed to investigate these hypotheses. Angela J. Fawcett

(2001: 12) Directional Dyslexia

Directional dyslexia is distinguished by left-right confusion and a

tendency to become disoriented or lost. The term is also occasionally used to

mean confusion with letters such as p and b or d and b, where there is confusion

over the 'direction' of the letter. Generally, problems with directions are a

symptom of dyslexia more than a sub-type. Not all dyslexics have this problem.

We now have a wide range of skills on which groups of dyslexic children

show significant impairment. These include sensory deficit (flicker, motion

sensitivity, rapid auditory discrimination), motor (bead threading, balance), and

cognitive (phonological, working memory, speed). The challenge is no longer to



perform at normal or above normal levels. These typically include non-verbal

reasoning, vocabulary and Introduction 13 problem solving. What is still not clear

is whether there are different ‘subtypes’ of dyslexia, each corresponding to a

different ‘profile’ of skills, and to what extent dyslexia is distinct from other

learning disabilities. Angela J. Fawcett (2001: 13) Primary Dislexia

Primary dyslexia is a dysfunction of, rather than damage to, the left side of

the brain (cerebral cortex) and does not change with age. Individuals with this

type of dyslexia are rarely able to read above a fourth-grade level and may

struggle with reading, spelling, and writing as adults. Primary dyslexia is passed

in family lines through their genes (hereditary). It is found more often in boys

than in girls. (14 mei 2015. TYPES OF DYSLEXIA

http://www.understanding-learning-disabilities.com/types-of-dyslexia.html) Phonological (auditory) Dyslexia

Phonological (auditory) dyslexia refers to the specific learning disability

termed auditory processing, or the more severe condition termed Auditory

Processing Disorder (OPD). This form of dyslexia involves difficulty with sounds

of letters or groups of letters. When this form of dyslexia is present, the sounds

are perceived as jumbled or not heard correctly. And just as with visual





2.2 Review of Related Studies

1. Reading, dyslexia and the brain (Centre for Neuroscience in Education, University of Cambridge, UK), (Received 17 August 2007; final version

received 8 November 2007)

This research was written by Usha Goswami, the purpose is

focused on the different neuroimaging technologies available offer

complementary techniques for revealing the biological basis of reading

and dyslexia. Functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) is most

suited to localisation of function, and hence to investigating the neural

networks that underpin efficient (or inefficient) reading.

2. A Study Of Dyslexia Among Primary School Students In Sarawak, Malaysia

This research was written by Rosana Bin Awang Bolhasan, The purpose of this

study was to determine the degree of dyslexic reading problem among primary

school students and the relationship between the degree of dyslexia and the

demographic factors. Eight demographics factors, according to gender of age,

class, parents’ income, parent education, parents’ occupation, students’ position in

the family and the number of brothers and sisters in the family are chosen for the

study. There are 32 characteristics of dyslexic student listed in the questionnaire “



Petra Jaya area in Sarawak, who were early, determined in the pilot study, were

the sample in the study.

There are two related studies that the writer founded. About reading

dyslexia and a study of dyslexia among primary school student. After read the

analysis of dyslexia above, the writer more interesting to analyze about dyslexia.

The writer takes other object in this analysis, the writer use movie for the object.

The writer analyzes kind of dyslexia and how to overcome, also help child who

had dyslexia. Then, the writer want to know dyslexia more deeply and want to




This chapter discusses the method used in the sssstudy which includes

research approach, data sources, data, research instrument, technique of data

collection, technique of data analysis and triangulation.

3.1 Research Design

In this research, the writer uses descriptive qualitative. Because this

research includes collecting data in order to find the answers concern the

condition of this movie. Descriptive qualitative is the method allows the

writer to observe and describe the phenomenon by presenting the facts in

detail. (Litosseliti 2010: 52) Definition of qualitative research is concerned

with structures and patterns, and how something happens as Uta Frith (1997)

theories. In this research, the researcher also was interpreting by the utterance

includes words and alphabets.

3.2 Data and Source

The data source of this research is movie “Taare Zameen Par”

published in 2007. The reason why the movie “Taare Zameen Par” was

chosen as the subject to conduct this research, it is one of the movies which



movie. This movie also focused on the main character that had dyslexia and

explore how he can face the problem of his comprehension to learn.

The data in this research is the utterance includes words and alphabets

in the movie “Taree Zameen Par” by Aamir Khan.

3.3 Research Instruments

The instrument is very important to obtain the data of research. The

instrument of this research is the writer herself because there are no other

instruments which are more important to be used to obtain the needed data as

she becomes a researcher and instrument. Arikunto (2002: 126) defined

instrument as a tool or means that the researcher used to collect the data.

The writer had analyzed the dyslexia from the movie “Taare Zameen

Par”. Then, the writer had founded research article and previous research

(journal) to give some references about dyslexia based on Uta Fith theories.

The writers also use some books references to find the theories that relate to

the topic. The researcher does some instrument to collect the data, it’s like

look for the script of “Taare Zameen Par movie”, because this is Indian

movie. So, the way to make the researcher understand the movie is know the

scrip on the movie. Also uses laptop, modem and books as the references.

3.4 Technique of Data Collection

The data of this research are taken from the utterance includes words



uses some steps in collecting the data, such as: first watching the whole of the

movie carefully. Second, the writer pause while watching the movie when

found some words, alphabets and number that include in dyslexia as the

characters did not understand. And the last, the writer had analyzed the data

of word, alphabets and number that the main character did not understand and

include in the category of dyslexia.

3.5 Technique of Data Analysis

After gathering the data from “Taree Zameen Par” movie, the

researcher analyzes the data as follows.

1. The writer classified the example of words, alphabets and number that

the characters were did not understand based on Uta Frith (1997) that


2. The writer analyzed the process how Ishaan as main character learn

the lesson and be a normal child like others and collect all words,

alphabets and number that the character did not understand.

3. Then, the writer looked for the reason and the way how teacher

teaches Ishaan, also searches the purpose by teacher that teaches him.

4. Finally, the writer concluded the whole data analyzed to obtain the





This chapter consists of finding and discussion, the data taken in this

research is “Taree Zameen Par” movie by Aamir Khan. The analysis of the movie

is based on the problem in chapter 1. In this discussion, the writher have got the

data from the script of the movie, the writer has been divided into some scene. But

not all the scenes of the script can be the data.

4.1 Finding

4.1.1 Kinds of Dyslexia

There are some kinds of dyslexia, not all kinds of dyslexia are included in

this discussion. The writer has been founded some dyslexia that has been same by

indication on the main character in this movie that had a dyslexia. Directional Dyslexia

Directional dyslexia is distinguished by left-right confusion and a tendency to

become disoriented or lost. The term is also occasionally used to mean confusion with

letters such as p and b or d and b, where there is confusion over the 'direction' of the

letter. Generally, problems with directions are a symptom of dyslexia more than a

sub-type. Not all dyslexics have this problem.

Data 1, (Scenes 8)


Here Table is "tabl" and here "tabal". And what is this? D instead of The. What is this?

Father: Kanti, Rohan then will you feel good? Son, concentrate.


Mother: Shut up and correct the spelling. Ishaan: - No.

Mother: - What? Ishaan: - No, no, no. Mother: - Ishaan.

In this scene, Ishaan learn in his home and mother teaches him. Here

Table is "tabl" and here "tabal". These sentences by utterance show how Ishaan

cannot write by hearing the teacher said. And what is this? D instead of The.

These sentence show Ishaan didn’t understand how write the alphabets.

Directional dyslexia is distinguished by left-right confusion and a tendency to

become disoriented or lost. The term is also occasionally used to mean confusion

with letters such as p and b or d and b, where there is confusion over the

'direction' of the letter. Generally, problems with directions are a symptom of

dyslexia more than a sub-type. Not all dyslexics have this problem (Angela J.F,



Here Table is "tabl" and here "tabal". Ishaan cannot write down word

“table”, he write tabl and tabal. Ishaan do not understand how to write the word.

Too hard make an identified letter by letter while writing word or words.

And what is this? D instead of The. Ishaan just write what he was

interpreted while hearing word, although the correct one is letter but he imagine

that is word. Also, mother teaches Ishaan and like usually she is shock while

looking at Ishaan’s book. All are wrong and Ishaan always did the same mistaken

like before. He cannot make distinguish some alphabets, like b and d, it is called

directional dyslexia. But in this scene Ishaan cannot write table in correctly, he

write table to tabl and tabal. Also write D instead the. Then, in data 2 there are

some alphabets that Ishaan didn’t understand, how to distinguish.

Data 2, (Scene 31) Teacher: Hello.

My name's Ram Shankar Nikum. I teach at New Era School. Mother: Come in.

Father: Are these his 3rd standard books? Teacher: - Yes.

Teacher: Can I have some water please? Why did you send him? Why?

Father: There was no choice.

Last year he failed in 3rd standard. Can you believe?



This, my elder son, he comes 1st in every class every subject. You're telling me he has the fever, that's I know already.

I'm asking why is he having fever. Father: What's the reason of the fever?

Then you tell me.

Here "b" is in place of "d" and "d" in place of "b"



Maybe he can't read "apple" That's why he can't

get the meaning as well.

To learn, one has to know the sounds, visual and meanings of words.

buttoning his shirt or tying his shoelace? Yes A ball, how big, from how far and at what speed coming towards him. Until he analyze all this...

It's too late. Think about it.

This scene is in Ishaan’s house. Who made this?. Ishaan did. Ishaan did?.



he did many wonderful painting. Look here. Here "b" is in place of "d" and "d" in

place of "b" Confusion among similarlooking alphabets. Ishaan cannot make

differentiate between b and d. Here, he wrote "s" and "r". in reverse. Even more...

This small "h" and small "t". Mirror imaging. Animal, animal, animal. Three

different. spellings on the same page. It means, it's not the case that. He

remembers one wrong spelling. He mixes similar looking words. This "t-o-p"

becomes "p-o-t" This "s-o-l-i-d" become "s-o-i-l-d". Why does he do that?. Is he

stupid, or lazy?.No. Actually the words are correct but we can read that directly,

we can read by mirror because words are rolled back. I think, he's having

difficulty. in recognizing words.. When you read "a-p-p-l-e" apple,. you imagine a

red apple in your head.. Maybe he can't read "apple" That's why he can't. get the

meaning as well. Difficult to recognized word by words in a sentence. Directional

dyslexia is distinguished by left-right confusion and a tendency to become

disoriented or lost.

The term is also occasionally used to mean confusion with letters such as p

and b or d and b, where there is confusion over the 'direction' of the letter.

Generally, problems with directions are a symptom of dyslexia more than a

sub-type. Not all dyslexics have this problem (Angela J.F, 2001: 13).This problem in

studies. is called as "Dyslexia".. Sometimes child has some more. problems other

then Dyslexia.. Like difficulty in. understanding. multiple instructions.. Turn to

page 65, chapter 9,.Para 4, line 2 Confusion...Teacher explain to Ishaan’s parent

that Ishaan was not a normal child because he had dyslexia. That’s way Ishaan



Ishaan’s teacher was excited and proud of him, because he was looked at

Ishaan’s painting and that was so wonderful. Ishaan very love to paint for release

his hobby and explore what he was looking at. Teacher give explanation to Ishaan

parent that how Ishaan ‘s mistake. In learning he was so confuse how to make

differences between “b” and “d”, that’s words are had similarities. Ishaan has a

problem how to understand that alphabets. Some children may only be able to

write backwards (deer as reed) or upside-down, or in reading may only be able to

wrote letters (b with d, p with q, u with n, m with w) and engage in other

anomalies. To help remedy such problem as those with letters, it is best not to

present the letters to the child in isolation but in a context. Steinberg, (Nagata,

Aline, 2001: 334)

For this mistake, Ishaan write down the words are rolled back. When we

look those words by a mirror, we will understand and can read the word well.

Teacher show that to Ishaan’s parent and said that Ishaan was not stupid child but

he needed more and different way to understand alphabets, number and others

about science.

Ishaan has problem how to recognized words, while he was know and read

that words that different with his imagine. He can read and imagine that word but

that make he can’t get the meaning as well.

Give explanation that Ishaan had disability, based on the problem usually

called dyslexia. Some problem who children had dyslexia, they are difficult in

understanding multiple interaction, so, we can called this symptom directional


34 Primary Dyslexia

Primary dyslexia is a dysfunction of, rather than damage to, the left side of

the brain (cerebral cortex) and does not change with age. Individuals with this

type of dyslexia are rarely able to read above a fourth-grade level and may

struggle with reading, spelling, and writing as adults. Primary dyslexia is passed

in family lines through their genes (hereditary). In data 3, scene 7 show how

Ishaan didn’t understand to read the sentences.

Data 3, (Scene 7)

Teacher: Class, turn to page 38, chapter 4, paragraph 3.

We are going to mark adjectives today. That goes for you as

well Ishaan Awasthi.

Page 38, chapter 4, paragraph 3. Ishaan: (silent)

Teacher: Can I have your attention Ishaan? Ishaan?

together. Just read the sentence for me. Just read the sentence Ishaan.

Ishaan: They are dancing.



The letters are dancing. They are dancing, are they?

Okay, and then read the dancing letters. Trying to be funny? I don't want to your kitten in my class, look at your books. Shameless boy.

Open your books now. Whose gonna tell me what the adjectives are?

- I don't want a sound for this class. - Yes.

Do you bring the signed test paper? No. Too bad, now you are gone. Mother: Yohaan, Ishaan, wash your

hands n' mouth, I m serving food.

This scene is about an order teacher to student in the class. Class, turn to

page 38, chapter 4, paragraph 3.(scene 7) These are an order to open the lesson

for all student in the class. well Ishaan Awasthi. Page 38, chapter 4, paragraph 3.

Teacher order Ishaan to open the book. I said, page 38, chapter, the first sentence



book, look on the first sentence and found the adjective. Page 38 Ishaan….

Teacher order for the third times to Ishaan. They are dancing. Ishaan didn’t

understand and say the words in the book are dancing.

Class, turn to page 38, chapter 4, paragraph 3. Those sentences are an

order to all students open their book and see the page, chapter, and paragraph. It

means there is a command from teacher to student.well Ishaan Awasthi. Page 38,

chapter 4, paragraph 3. That command especially for Ishaan to open the book,

but Ishaan do nothing. He just silent and see, he try to understand what teacher

say and order to him. I said, page 38, chapter, the first sentence and, point out the

adjectives. Teacher repeats and order to Ishaan again, to open the book also point

out the adjective. Ishaan try to understand again what teacher order by look at

teacher face. He still didn’t understand what teacher said. Page 38 Ishaan….

Teacher cannot stop her anger to Ishaan, she say the order to Ishaan loudly and

Ishaan still didn’t understand. They are dancing.Ishaan answer and make teacher

angrier, he didn’t say the correct answer, he say that words are dancing. Actually,

that are the fact, Ishaan didn’t lying to teacher.

Dyslexia cannot read long sentence, like teacher order to Ishaan. Dyslexia

look words are dancing is fact, because they are feel confused to understand and

read the words in a sentences. So, that’s why Ishaan feel the words are dancing

while he try to read and undertand, because he was confused. well Ishaan

Awasthi. Page 38, chapter 4, paragraph 3. Ishaan cannot understand what teacher

say if the command was like that. He cannot remember what teacher say like that,



there are three kinds of number, (38, 4, 3), Ishaan fully cannot understand to the

command and just make him more confused. Primary dyslexia is a dysfunction of,

rather than damage to, the left side of the brain (cerebral cortex) and does not

change with age. Individuals with this type of dyslexia are rarely able to read

above a fourth-grade level and may struggle with reading, spelling, and writing as

adults. Primary dyslexia is passed in family lines through their genes (hereditary).

It is found more often in boys than in girls. (14 mei 2015.



Ishaan find the answer. The answer of 3 into 9 is 3. Teacher: Times up.

Student: Ishaan, how was the test? Ishaan: Great.

This scene is all about mathematics. "The Earth" 3rd planet from. sun into

the 9th planet. "Pluto" of the solar system. Three into nine. These sentences

interpreted how Ishaan do the mathematics test. Pluto is destroyed. The planet is

no more. Now 3 is entering into 9.The great Captain. Ishaan find the answer. The

answer of 3 into 9 is 3.founded the result of mathematics test by his imagination.

Ishaan did the mathematics test by his imagination of planet. (3x9=3) three

as earth and nine as Pluto, his imagination was three battles with nine. Because he

didn’t understand how to count the question of test like other normal students. In

this test Ishaan just answer one question and he sure that the answer is correct, but

the fact is incorrect, how can (3x9=3).

Ishaan didn’t understand how to count as while he did the mathematics

test. He was finished the tests use his imagination, three as earth and nine as Pluto.

They are battle and the result was Pluto destroyed, so Ishaan think the answer of 3

into 9 is 3. Because, three was the win of battle between earth and Pluto. There

are three main types. "Primary Dyslexia" is a genetic form. It is the most common

form of Dyslexia. Dyslexics in this group typically experience problems with

letter and number identification, spelling, reading, arithmetic, measurement, time,

instructions and other skill sets that are normally performed by the left



http://www.dyslexiavictoriaonline.com/tyofdy.html#.VX2g6mcinDc). Then, in

data 5 the writer found that Ishaan difficult in reading.

Data 5, (Scene 18)

Teacher: Children, this is Ishaan Nandkishor Awasthi. Come forward here. Come, pickup your bag.

You place is over here from today. Exact in front of my eyes. Writing a poem and its central idea today's topic is. Page No. 28. 'Then you seems to be filled with water, you are our sweet stream'.

Very good. Yes Ishaan Anand Kishor Awasthi explain the central idea of the poem.

Ishaan: What we see, we feel it exists and what we can't see we feel it isn't exists. But sometimes what we see, isn't true. And what isn't visible, is true. Means. Teacher: Err! What are you doing



Poet says when he see the stream then he's see the sky reflection in it and he explain ...that reflection with different kind of

ways. And the flow of the stream rises again. Good, very good.

Menoo Patel, sit down.

Yes children, 'Open sky from the top'...

This scene is about learning at the class. today's topic is. Page No. 28.

Rajan Damodharan you'll read. the poem and Ishaan Nandkishor ...Awasthi you,

you'll explain the. central idea of the poem.'Nature'. Okay. This scene show that

teacher give commands to Ishaan explain the central idea of the poem. Very good.

Yes Ishaan Anand Kishor Awasthi. explain the central idea of the poem. These

scenes show that Ishaan was given incorrect answer.

Teacher gives a command to students, for Ishaan teacher want he explains

the central idea of the poem. This is difficult for Ishaan. Ishaan didn’t explain

well, teacher said that his explanation was incorrect. He cannot understand how to

explain well, make him more fell give up to learn, because for Ishaan that is

something difficult. Primary dyslexia is a dysfunction of, rather than damage to,

the left side of the brain (cerebral cortex) and does not change with age.

Individuals with this type of dyslexia are rarely able to read above a fourth-grade

level and may struggle with reading, spelling, and writing as adults. Primary

dyslexia is passed in family lines through their genes (hereditary). It is found more

often in boys than in girls. (14 mei 2015.


41 Phonological (auditory) dyslexia

Phonological (auditory) dyslexia refers to the specific learning disability

termed auditory processing, or the more severe condition termed Auditory

Processing Disorder (OPD). This form of dyslexia involves difficulty with sounds

of letters or groups of letters. When this form of dyslexia is present, the sounds

are perceived as jumbled or not heard correctly. in data 6, scene 1 show how

Ishaan didn’t understand when someone give command to him.

Data 6, (Scenes 1)

Assistant driver: Where have you been? Bus had been stopped for you from 10 minutes. Let's go. Ishaan: (silent)

Assistant driver : Why you haven't listening, daily we are late because of you. Let's go. Ishaan: (silent)

Assistant driver : Let's Go.

In the first scene, it is while employees of school who pick up Ishaan

invite him to enter the bus. But Ishaan just silent and focused on his activity, there

are no answer anymore like say ok or others. Where have you been?, Bus had

been stopped for you, from 10 minutes. Let's go. It is a long sentence that spoken

by the employees, Ishaan didn’t understand and as he didn’t listen well to the

employees. Why you haven't listening, daily we, are late because of you. Let's go.

Let's Go. After that, the employees just take Ishaan to enter the bus. Dyslexia

cannot understand to the command and asking by people who order.

Where have you been?, Bus had been stopped for you, from 10 minutes.

Let's go. Why you haven't listening, daily we, are late because of you. Let's go.



because want to something and wants to others answer or do that order also invite

for. But dyslexia was cannot understand what people said, just do what they more

interested. Ishaan did not answer and focused to his little fishes that he founded in

the gutter. Phonological (auditory) dyslexia refers to the specific learning

disability termed auditory processing, or the more severe condition termed

Auditory Processing Disorder (OPD). This form of dyslexia involves difficulty

with sounds of letters or groups of letters. When this form of dyslexia is present,

the sounds are perceived as jumbled or not heard correctly. And just as with visual

processing, the brain correctly interprets information that it correctly received. (14



Data 7, (scenes 2)

Ishaan: Shero... Shero jani, Hi... Hello, Hello.

Hey, stop, stop...

Mother: Go, wash your hands and mouth and put your bag in bedroom, in bedroom. First go hand wash your hands. Ishaan: (silent)

Mother: Put it down, put it down. What are you doing in school?

Look at your hands, look at your face. Ishaan, put it down, Ishaan...

Baby, close the tab properly.



Mom, I get First in all subjects. Algebra, Geometry, Physics, Chem.

your bag in bedroom, in bedroom. First go hand wash your hands. Put it down,

put it down. What are you doing in school?Look at your hands, look at your face.

Ishaan, put it down, Ishaan...(Scene 2)These sentences show an utterances also

order by mother to Ishaan. Ishaan, first complete your, homework, No Ishaan...

uniform...(Scene 2)These line show an utterances to do something.

There are long sentences above, that is an utterance to order by mother to

Ishaan, but Ishaan didn’t listen and leave away. Mother say and order not one

more time to Ishaan but he didn’t know, until make mother little scream to say

some order to Ishaan. There are seven orders that mother order to Ishaan and

dyslexia cannot understand about long sentence like that. Ishaan just focus on his

fish that he was founded on the moat side of road while he waiting the bus.

Phonological (auditory) dyslexia refers to the specific learning disability termed

auditory processing, or the more severe condition termed Auditory Processing

Disorder (OPD). This form of dyslexia involves difficulty with sounds of letters

or groups of letters. When this form of dyslexia is present, the sounds are

perceived as jumbled or not heard correctly. And just as with visual processing,





4.1.2 Ishaan Overcome his Dyslexia

Ishaan didn’t understand if he had the dyslexia, also his parent didn’t

know about that disease. Ishaan fell difficult to understand when learn, that make

teacher who teach him always say that Ishaan is stupid and lazy to learn. The fact

Ishaan is learning with his mother and others. In data 8, scene 8 sow that Ishaan

learn and do the homework with his mother.

Data 8, (Scenes 8)

Here Table is "tabl" and here "tabal". And what is this? D instead of The. What is this?

Father: Kanti, Rohan then will you feel good? Son, concentrate.


Mother: Shut up and correct the spelling. Ishaan: - No.



Mother: - Ishaan.

1. Ishaan always do the homework and learn with his mother.

Ishaan is not lazy child, he is diligent student. When his teacher gives

homework he always did the homework. Usually mother help Ishaan to do the

homework. But every looking at Ishaan book’s his mother always shock while

looking at how Ishaan write down some alphabets or some words. For learn,

actually Ishaan always spirit but he was should thinking to the lesson harder. It is

good while Ishaan thinking harder and he understood but the fact he still didn’t

understand. One thing strange is Ishaan always did same mistaken. For normal

child or human after we know if those things are wrong, usually repair and be

good or right one to that thing. It is not for Ishaan, he always did something wrong

at the same thing in learning. While mother ask to him for read some sentence, he

cannot do that and just looking to mom’s face. Because of that he always gave

word from his mother, the word is “stupid”.

Mother: Inho, How's about your? Ishaan: Wow!

It's working.

Mother: Ishaan, first complete your

homework, No Ishaan... uniform...

2. Paint while he has been founded something.

For learning Ishaan is so bad but for paint he is smart or we can call

clever. While Ishaan back from school and he founded or looking at ice cream,

when he comeback home he directly paint. Ishaan love to paint, everything that he

like or looking at, he always paint that thing. The result of his paint is so beautiful,


Table is "tabl" and here "tabal". These sentences by utterance show how Ishaan


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