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Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisa teks dan tingkatan kalimat dari contoh ujian menulis IELTS. Topik dari ujian menulis ini adalah pendapat peserta ujian (siswa) mengenai pernikahan yang dijodohkan atau memilh pasangan sendiri di beberapa negara. Dalam analisa teks, akan ada beberapa pertanyaan yang berhubungan, seperti jenis teks atau genre, analisa tingkatan kalimat,dan analisa penggunaan bahasa.

Sebagai kesimpulan, peserta ujian (siswa) sangat memahami ciri - ciri penulisan yang berhubungan dengan genre, seperti argumen yang pro dan kontra; dan cirri – ciri bahasa, seperti penggunaan Simple Present Tense. Demikian juga halnya dengan penggunaan klausa, bentuk kata kerja dalam analisa tingkatan kalimat peserta ujian (siswa) mampu menggunakannya dengan baik dengan kesalahan yang sedikit. Sebagai rekomendasi, penulis mengusulkan supaya seluruh guru Bahasa Inggris mampu menjelaskan dan menggunakan jenis teks argumentasi atau discussion genre.

Keywords: IELTS (International English Language Testing System), genre.

1. Introduction

One of the most important things in learning languages is that people might have to know about grammar. There are many terms of ‘grammar’, but it always depends on how people define it. Some linguists, such as Derewianka (2001) defines that “Grammar is that dimension of the language system that is concerned with words and how they can be combined in various ways” (p. 241). In addition, Harmer (1987) as cited in Arndt et al. (2000) states that “grammar…is the way which words change themselves and group together to make sentences” (p.102). Furthermore, Butt et al. cited in Arndt et al. (2000, p.102), says that “grammar is the way in which a language is organized.”


Majalah Visi ISSN: O853 - 0203 perspectives. The first perspective is formal which emphasizes on “how to put English language together” (p. 9). Then, functional which emphasizes that “grammar is concerned with what the language is doing or being made to do by giving the various parts of speech functional names in a particular sentence” (p. 10). Finally, figural perspectives which say that “grammar looks at how language represents things, actions, or events, in concrete terms” (p. 10).

Furthermore, Knapp and Watkins (1994) also suggest that context, text and grammar are the three basic categories for a functional model of language.

2. Discussion

In this section, there will be a brief discussion in analysing the text level and the sentence level of essay found in IELTS Writing Test. The topic is about marriages in the examinee’s point of view, agree or disagree, that marriages are arranged by the parents or people choose their own marriage partner in some countries. In text analysis, there will be some questions that should be concerned, such as the type of the text or genre, the cultural context, the vocabulary used and its relation to the text as a whole. While in sentence level analysis, there will be analysis for language patterns, such as clauses, phrases, verb form and verb tense.

2.1 Text Level Analysis

“Genre is a functional term that refers to the language processes involved in doing things with language” (Knapp & Watkins, 1994, p. 12). Also, genres are the ways to exchange information and knowledge and interact socially (Knapp & Watkins, 1994). In addition, Bhatia (1999) as cited in Paltridge (2000) assumes that generic competence (interpret and create contextually texts) is not the ability to understand what happens in real words interactions and use this understanding to participate in real world communicative activities. Furthermore, to use genre effectively, students need knowledge of the culture, circumstances and purposes that pervail in particular settings as Hallidayan model of language (Derewianka, 2001).

Based on the above explanations, the examinee’s essay for the IELTS writing test could be said as follows:

2.1.1 Text Type / Genre

In terms of genre, the text is a discussion type because the examinee presents information about marriages for both sides of argument, such as the argument for in the second paragraph and against in the third and fourth paragraph. Also, she/he concludes with logical evidence that the problem of marriages apply in all societies and situations.


 Where, for examples: in so-called western societies, in all societies and situations.

 When, for examples: always, when it is set up in this manner.

 How, for examples: in a such way, on your cultural expectation.

 Why, for examples: most young people would not welcome the idea.

In grammatical categories, participants are generally realised by the grammatical category of the noun group; processes are generally realised through the verb group; and circumstances

b. Modality shows attitude: should be, would come, might acknowledge, can be, etc. c. Passive forms: should be arranged, could be said, was arranged, etc.

d. Use of logical conjunctive relations: yet, however, so, etc. e. Use of material: make, organise, meet, etc.

- Use of relational: is, are, have, has, etc. - Mental process: acknowledge, feel, etc.

2.1.2 Cultural Context of the Text

Halliday’s model emphasises the relationship between grammar and context, or the relationship between language and its cultural context (Derewianka, 2001). In the IELTS writing test, the purpose is to relate the social issue that is about marriage in the form of IELTS test, especially in the discussion genre. In terms of relationship (tenor) between the examiner and the examinee, the examiner has more power on the examinee because the examinee should follow what is asked in the test that is discussion type, in order to get a good mark or pass the exam which is one of the requirements to enter the high level of academic purposes.

In Indonesia, there is a similar type of text like this discussion type. But the teachers never teach it in detailed, such as explaining the differences between this text and the others, also the purpose of learning this text. The writer assumes why it is not taught in detailed because of the teachers’ lack of knowledge in text types, and it could also be because it is not the requirement to write any kinds of texts in order to enter the high level or university.

2.1.3 Vocabulary

In the analysing test, the examinee applies some simple vocabularies, such as the changes of singular to plural forms: marriage – marriages, using to be (am, is, are), etc. In addition, it can also be said that the examinee is able to use more complex sentences which can be seen in the first paragraph as example. She/he also has knowledge in discussion structure, especially in arguments for and against by using the word however, for instance.


Majalah Visi ISSN: O853 - 0203 (Derewianka, 1998, p.9). There are many types of clauses, such as simple, compound, complex and relative clauses (Thornbury, 1997).

In analyzing the text, the examinee uses complex clauses which contain a main clause and one or more dependent clauses, such as the first paragraph. The main clause is “the idea that a marriage should be arranged by the parents of the couple”. While the rest sentences are the dependent clause. The examinee also uses simple, compound as well as relative clauses. One of the examples of simple clause she/he uses is such as ‘it all depends on your cultural expectation’ (first paragraph, last sentence). And one of the examples of compound clause is ‘this applies in all societies and situations’, because this sentence can be said into two parts, such as ‘this applies in all societies’ and ‘this applies in all situations’.

Furthermore, one of the examples of relative clause is ‘their parents have the right to choose their partner for life’. Have in that sentence relates the subject (their parents and the complement (their partner for life). (See Appendix 1 for more details)

2.2.2 Phrases

Phrases are “grouping of words which have functions like individual parts of speech” (Thornbury, 1997, p.11). There are five types of phrases in English, they are as follows:

a. Noun Phrase

Noun phrase is “a phrase whose head is a noun or a pronoun, optionally accompanied by a set of modifiers” (Wikipedia, 2006). In the IELTS writing test, the examinee uses some examples, such as the idea, a marriage, the parents of the couple (the parents; the couple), etc. A marriage is one of the examples above tells us that marriage is a noun which functions as the head, while a is the determiner which functions as an indefinite article.

b. Verb Phrase

Verb phrase is “a phrase which consists of a verb in combination with a preposition or adverb or both, the meaning of which is different from the meaning of its separate parts” (Oxford Learner’s Cambridge Dictionary, 2006). In the discussion test the examinee writes, we can see some examples of verb phrase, such as should be arranged, depends on, to be arranged, etc. Should be arranged is a verb phrase because it contains of more than one verb, such as should, be, and arranged. Arranged is modified by the modal verb (should), in order to make it passive the writer must use be. (See section 2.2.3 about verb forms).

c. Adjective Phrase

Adjective phrase is a phrase that describes a noun or pronoun. In the discussion type, the examinee uses some examples of adjective phrase, such as quite acceptable, cultural expectation, western societies, etc.


d. Adverb Phrase

Adverb phrase is a phrase which describes or gives more information about a verb, adjective, or adverb. We can find out the examples used by the examinee in the discussion type, such as completely out of, in all societies and situations, in so-called western societies, etc. In all societies and situations is the example of adverb phrase because it tells about the location or place where the action takes place.

e. Prepositional Phrase

Prepositional phrase is a combination of a preposition and a noun or pronoun that is its object (Cambridge Dictionary of American English, 2006). The examples in the test are such as by the parents, by other members, to some societies, etc.

The parents are noun which are modified by the determiner the in front of it, and by Preposition by, so it can be said that it is prepositional phrase.

2.2.3 Verb Forms/Tense

Verb forms or tense tell people about time when action takes place. “The verb group tells us whether something is happening in the present, the past, or the future” (Derewianka, 1998, p.61).

Verb forms can also be seen from its morphology and syntax.

Examples: - work (verb stem) worked (past tense/ past participle).

- exploits (verb/active) is exploited (passive/verb) - make (verb stem will make (future tense)

Based on the above examples, it can also be said that the examinee knows how to change the verb forms from simple present into past or future action, like make into will make.

2.2.4 Morphological pattern

Morphology is the study of the structure of word forms (Wikipedia, 2006). The two main branches of morphology are derivational morphology which means “an affix which one word is formed (derived) from another” (Wikipedia, 2006).

And the other one is inflectional morphology which relates to the grammatical (syntactic) changes the affix causes (Carlos on Deakin Communion Board, 2006).


Majalah Visi ISSN: O853 - 0203 Analysing the Text and the Sentence Level of Essay

Found in IELTS Writing Test

Majalah Ilmiah Universitas HKBP Nommensen Vol: 22 No 1 Feb 2014

Also in inflectional morphology, the examinee adds d to a verb stem arrange, and uses it in a passive form (be + Past Participle = should be arranged), so arranged is the past participle of arrange.

3. Conclusion

IELTS is one of the requirements to enter the western university; especially for people whose English is as foreign or second language. In the IELTS Writing test, there are two kinds of analysing the text, such as the text level analysis and sentence level analysis that should be considered. In text level analysis, the writer (the examinee) understands well what is asked in discussion function in terms of generic structure, such as arguments for and against; and language features, such as the use of Simple Present Tense. Also in the sentence level analysis, the writer is able to use clauses, phrases, verb forms/tenses, and morphological pattern quite well with minor errors.

4. Suggestions

The writer suggests that teacher should use discussion text type in writing classroom.



Arndt, V. et al. (2000). Alive to Language: Perspectives on Language Awareness for English Language Teachers. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.

Derewianka, B. (1998). Text level. A Grammar Companion for Primary School Teachers. Sydney: Primary English Teaching Association.

Derewianka, B. (2001). Pedagogical Grammars: Their Role in English Language Teaching. In A. Burns, & C. Coffin (Eds.), Analysing English in a Global Context: A Reader. London: Routledge.

Knapp, P., & Watkins, M. (1994). A Functional Model of Language. Context-Text-Grammar: Teaching the Genres and Grammar of Writing in Infants and Primary Classrooms. Broadway, NSW: Text.

Paltridge, B. (2000). Genre Knowledge and the Language Classroom. EA Journal, 18(2), 52-59.


Majalah Visi ISSN: O853 - 0203 Analysing the Text and the Sentence Level of Essay

Found in IELTS Writing Test

Majalah Ilmiah Universitas HKBP Nommensen Vol: 22 No 1 Feb 2014


IELTS SAMPLE ESSAY-Marriages Arranged by the Parents

The idea that a marriage should be arranged by the parents of the couple, or by other members-of the family, is quite acceptable to some societies, yet completely out of the question for others. It all depends on your cultural expectations.

In so-called western societies, it is very unusual for marriages to be arranged. Most young people would not welcome the idea that their parents have the right to choose their partner for life.

They feel that arranged marriages deny them their fundamental right to choose, even if

they make a bad decision.

However, if we are honest about it, we might acknowledge that some parents organise their children's lives in such a way that they are likely to meet and marry partners the parents approve? It could be said that this is, to some extent, similar to an arranged marriage. It is always better when families support the relationship and welcome the grandchildren.

People for whom arranged marriages are the cultural norm often argue that the likelihood of the marriage lasting is greater when it is set up in this manner. Parents can be assured that their children are joining a family of similar standing and cultural background, and this, in the long run, makes for a more stable society if your parents' marriage was arranged, and has worked well, then why should you question the custom?



Personal Identity

Name : Bobby Pramjit Singh Dhillon

Place/Date of birth : Pematangsiantar/July, 24th 1974

Age : 39 years old

Sex : Male

Status : Married

Religion : Sikh

Address : Jl. Pane No. 131 Pematangsiantar

Educational Background:

 2006 – 2007 Master of TESOL Deakin University, Melbourne,


 1994 – 1999 Bachelor Degree, Nommensen University,

Pematangsiantar, North Sumatera, Indonesia

 1990 – 1993 Budi Mulia Senior High School, Pematangsiantar,

North Sumatera, Indonesia

 1987 – 1989 Rome Catholic (RK) 1 Junior High School,

Pematangsiantar, North Sumatera, Indonesia

 1980 – 1986 Rome Catholic (RK) 2 Primary School,


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