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The Development of Senior High School Students’ Worksheet Based on Chemo (CEP) Approach on the Topic of Colloid | Habibati | Proceedings of AICS Social Sciences 1 SM


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Social Science


The Development of Senior High School Students’ Worksheet Based

on Chemo-Entrepreneurship (CEP) Approach on the Topic of Colloid

*Habibati, Zulfadli, Rizki Amalia

Chemistry Department, Faculty of Teacher Training and Education, Syiah Kuala University, Darussalam, Banda Aceh 23111, Indonesia;

*Corresponding Author: habibati581@yahoo.com


This study aim was to determine the feasibility of the LKS based on CEP approach and to evaluate the response of teachers and students against LKS-based CEP approach. The subjects were 4 chemistry teachers and 27 students of class XI IPA 3 SMAN 9 Banda Aceh that consists of 16 male and 11 female students. This research type was the Research and Development (R & D) with 4-D models, namely the define phase, design phase, develop phase, and the disseminate phase. The data was collected through LKS validity test, questionnaires, and observation. The research instrument used was the observation sheets

of students’ activities, attitudes and skills; the cognitive test, the questionnaire sheet of teachers’ and students’ response, and LKS. Based on the validation result from 2 validators,

the feasibility result of LKS based CEP approach obtained was 94.6%, which can be interpreted very valid. The response of teachers to LKS based CEP approach can be interpreted very well, in which 84.4% gave positive responses and 15.6% gave negative responses. While the students' responses to LKS based CEP approach can also be interpreted very well, where 81% gave positive responses and 19% gave negative responses. Based on the results of this study, it can be concluded that LKS based CEP approach on the colloid topic was well received by the user so that it can be used as a learning material which can trigger the students to be entrepreneur.

Key words: Chemo-entrepreneurship (CEP), student worksheet, colloid.


The student worksheet (LKS) was one of the learning sources that can be developed by teachers as facilitator in the learning process based on the situation happened in the class (Wikhdah, Sumarti, & Wardani, 2015). LKS can be effective if it was design inovatively and interesting. Therefore, it can

enhance the students’ creative and critical thinking.

The curriculum of 2013 has philosophy that knowledge cannot be moved easily from teacher to their students. It requires the students to be more active and creative in sharpening their knowledge. This can be done, for example, by supporting the instructional process with LKS based on Chemo-entrepreneurship (CEP) approach. CEP approach is the approach that is related to the real life of the students in order to stimulate and develop them to be an entrepreneur. Besides getting the lesson, the students also have a chance to learn the making process of one ingredient to be one commercial product. Therefore, it is hoped that this approach can stimulate the students’ creativity as they apply what they already learned in the class.

Colloid is one of the topics in chemistry lesson that are taught in semester 2 of class XI at Senior High School (SMA). Colloid contains theories related to real life experiences as it can be found in the form of paint, air, dust, etc. (Qudsiyah, Hadisaputro, & Sumarni, 2014). The colloid concept is also used in the business field such as in the production of jelly, jam, soy milk, etc. Therefore, CEP approach is suitable to be applied in the topic of colloid (Lelono & Saptorini, 2015).


Social Science


topic of colloid. As a result, the learning outcome of the students in the chemistry classes was not satisfactory (low). This was proved by the classical average value of the daily test on the lesson of colloid in the academic year of 2013-2014 was still below than the minimum completeness criteria (KKM) established at school for this subject that is 2.67. Therefore, it may be solved by designing LKS based on CEP approach.

Kusuma, Sukirno and Kurniati (2009) stated that by using CEP approach with the focus on green chemistry in the topic of acid-based solution, it can improve the students’ outcome and life skills. Based

on the research’s result in cycle I, it was gained the average value and the mastery of students’ life

skills were 53,55% and 65% with middle criterion. At cycle II, these improved to good criteria with the

average of 60,02% and 92,5% in a row. In addition, in cycle III, the average value of students’ learning

outcome and the mastery of students’ life skills were 63,64%. Furthermore, the study results conducted by Kusuma and Siadi (2010) on the undergraduate subject of colloid showed that the undergraduate students mastery learning on this topic increase from 43& in cycle I to 50% in cycle II and to 86% in

cycle III classically. The average score of undergraduate students’ life skills in cycle I, II, and III were

38%, 55%, and 63% respectively. This was because of the implementation of learning source based on CEP approach. In addition, Rohmadi (2011) concluded in his research that the instruction by applying

CEP approach with SETS vision in colloid topic could improve students’ motivation to learn chemistry.

This can be known from the study results in which, in cycle I, it was gained the average scores of

affective, psychomotoric, cognitive, and students’ activity were 80.55%, 71.52%, and 64.76% in a row.

These increased to 88.89%, 76.83%, 75.51%, and 90.97% in cycle II. Therefore, it is important to conduct this research as many researchers found that CEP approach can assist the student to do better in learning chemistry as well as to be an entrepreneur.

Research Method

This research’s type used was Research and Development (R&D) with 4-D models. The research’s

subjects were four (4) chemistry teachers and 27 students of class XI IPA 3 which consists of 11 female and 16 male students at SMAN 9 Banda Aceh. These study subjects were collected through purposive sampling technique that is sample determination technique with certain consideration (e.g. research time and topic being studied).

The data was collected through the use of questionnaires, observation, and LKS validity test. The

research instrument used was the observation sheets of students’ activities, attitudes and skills; the

cognitive test which was consisted of 5 multiple choice questions, the questionnaire sheet of teachers’ and students’ response, and LKS. Before these instruments were used, they were tested for their

validation by 2 validators. The instruments’ quality tested were test items, the observation sheets of

students’ activities, attitudes, and skills; and questionnaire sheet of students’ response. After the data

were obtained, they were analyzed by using qualitative (for questionnaire and LKS) and quantitative

(for observation of students’ activities, attitudes and skills) descriptive analysis techniques.

Results and Discussion

Define Stage

This stage is aimed to determine and define the needs in the development of LKS which involves the analysis of problems emerged, students, concept, and preliminary design. The problem found in the LKS

used at school was uninteresting as it only contains of topic’s explanation and questions. In addition,

the LKS’s design do not attract students’ attention as it does not have pictures and not colorful enough.

Further, it still used KTSP curriculum which is not appropriate for 2013 curriculum. As a result, students become passive and less motivated to learn chemistry. In this stage is also determined the questions

for teachers’ and students’ response toward LKS based CEP approach in colloid topic. The questions

asked were arranged based on the rubric determined for collecting data.

Design Stage


Social Science


Figure 1. Example of CEP experiment activity in the LKS

The CEP approaches LKS is divided into five parts, the two parts are contextual chemistry learning while the rest are entrepreneurship parts. In the first part of it, the students should identify the pictures about the types of colloid. The picture themselves related to the students’ real world such as cheese, cloud, smoke, etc. The result of this part is that the students have an ability to identify the colloid types correctly. The second part of LKS contains an experiment about making simple colloid in which the students looked enthusiast to do and discuss its results. In here, the students did two experiments related to the making of colloid dispersedly and condensable.

The third until the fifth part of CEP approach LKS comprise of entrepreneurship experiment activities in which the students are asked to make art jelly, mango pancake, and soya bean milk with the teacher and researcher guidance. These experiments were chosen as they were related with the chemistry learning of colloid topic. The third part of LKS is about the making of jelly art. This experiment trains the students to be creative in creating painting forms inside jelly. Jelly art is related with the characteristics of colloid in which after doing the experiment they were asked to answer the questions related the characteristics of colloid. The two final parts are about mango pancake and soya bean milk. These part aims is to train the students the skills to make them. Furthermore, the students are also required to identify which materials or substances that are categorized as the types of colloid. In all parts of the experiments, the students are seen very active and enjoy the process. According to Prayitno, Dewi and Wijayati (2016), CEP approach if it is applied in the form of module as well as LKS, it can improve and equip the students with the life skills required in their future lives.

Develop Stage

The aim of this stage is to obtain the learning source which was already revised based on the recommendation and consideration given by two validators. This stage involves LKS and questionnaires

validation, trial and error at school, and setting the teachers’ and students’ questionnaire questions.

Each of questionnaires has eight questions.

The validation result of CEP LKS showed that the average score of two validators’ respond was 94,6%, which was considered as very valid and appropriate to be distributed to the students as a learning

material. Meanwhile, the teacher and student’s questionnaires validation result was 100%, which was

assumed as very valid.

The trial and error of CEP LKS has done at SMAN 9 Banda Aceh towards 27 students of class XI IPA 3. They are students who have already learned the colloid topic before. They were also given explanation about what is meant by CEP approach LKS and then divided into 3 groups of 9 students. It was then followed by answering the questions and doing simple experiments. The experiences obtained might make them to be entrepreneur person.

Disseminate Phase

This stage involved the distribution of CEP LKS and the questionnaires to the chemistry teachers and students in school in where the teachers were asked to validate and give feedback towards the CEP LKS.

The teachers’ and students’ responds to the CEP LKS were obtained the average percentage of 84,4%

and 81% respectively (as can be seen in Table 1 and 2), which were both considered as very good. As a result, the CEP LKS can be used as a data collection instrument.


Social Science


No The Respond Aspects


Answer Sum Respond %

Yes No Yes No

1 Have you developed Chemo-entrepreneurship (CEP)

approach LKS to the topic of colloid? 0 4 0 100

2 Are you interested in CEP approach LKS that has been

developed for colloid topic? 4 0 100 0

3 Has CEP approach LKS been appropriate with the

indicators and the learning purposes for colloid topic? 4 0 100 0

4 Has CEP approach LKS used the language that is easily

to be understood? 4 0 100 0

5 Can the content of CEP approach LKS help the students

to understand better the colloid topic? 4 0 100 0

6 Can CEP approach LKS make you teach the colloid topic

better? 4 0 100 0

7 Does CEP approach LKS appropriate to be used as a

learning material for colloid topic? 4 0 100 0

8 Can the availability of CEP approach LKS make you be

motivated to develop it for different chemistry topics? 3 1 75 25

Total percentage 675 125

Percentage average 84,4 15,6

Based on the table above, it can be seen that, for example, in question number 2, all the teachers gave positive responds. These were due to they can learn new knowledge on how to make a connection with being an entrepreneur person when learning colloid topic. Another example was the question number 8 in which three teachers gave positive statements whereas one teacher gave negative respond. This teacher said that almost chemistry topics have mathematical chemistry that may be difficult to be implemented to support the students to be an entrepreneur person in which they can produce something, sell it, and get benefit of it. This was in line with the statement of Nurmasari, Supartono and Sedyawati (2014) who said that the complex mathematical chemistry sometimes makes the students to experience difficulties in mastering the chemical concepts.

Table 2.The students’ response towards CEP approach LKS

No The Respond Aspects

2 Are you interested in CEP approach LKS that has been

developed for colloid topic? 27 0 100 0

3 Has CEP approach LKS used the language that is easily

to be understood? 27 0 100 0

4 Is the use of CEP approach LKS help you understand

better the colloid topic? 27 0 100 0

5 Do you like better the way the teacher present colloid

topic with the use of CEP approach LKS? 27 0 100 0

6 Are the pictures and colors in the CEP approach LKS

make you interested to read it? 25 2 92,6 7,4

7 Can CEP approach LKS that has been developed

improve your motivation to learn colloid topic? 23 4 85,2 14,8

8 Can learning colloid topic with the use of CEP approach

LKS stimulate you to be an entrepreneur person? 19 8 70,4 29,6

Total percentage 648,2 151,8

Percentage average 81 19


Social Science


colloid. As a result, the chemistry learning experiences become meaningful for them. However, there were two students who did not like the way the LKS is presented in terms of its pictures and colors. This is due to they were more like direct experiences rather than read the colloid topic through LKS. Thus, they were less motivated to read it. Whereas, the majority of the students liked it as they said that the pictures presented are related to their real life experiences. In addition, they also said that CEP approach LKS comprises of simple experiment methods which are not difficult to be implemented. Therefore, they were motivated to read and to learn colloid topic through it. Last but not least, 19 of 27 students said that CEP approach LKS stimulates them to be an entrepreneur person while the rest of them (which were all men) said they were less stimulated as they had another dream (ambition) that was to be professional athletes. These results are in accordance with the research results of Rohmadi (2011) who noted that CEP approach with Science, Environment, Technology and Society (SETS) vision can improve students’ outcome, performance, motivation, and proclivity in learning chemistry lesson. Further, Supartono, Saptorini and Asmorowati (2009) argued that CEP approach can make the students learning experiences of chemistry lessons more meaningful and joyful.


Based on the research result, it can be concluded that the LKS based on CEP approach on colloids topic is proper to be used as teaching and learning source. As it is stated very valid by two validator who gave an average scores of 94,6%. Teachers’ feedback can be interpreted very well as 84.4% gave positive responses while 15.6% gave negative responses. The students' responses to LKS based CEP approach can also be considered very well, where 81% gave positive responses and 19% gave negative responses.


The authors would like to thank the headmaster and the chemistry teachers at SMAN 9 Banda Aceh as well as those who contributed greatly to the substantial improvement of this manuscript.


Nurmasari, N., Supartono & Sedyawati, S. M. R. (2014). Keefektifan pembelajaran berorientasi Chemoentrepreneurship pada pemahaman konsep dan kemampuan life skill siswa. Jurnal Inovasi

Pendidikan Kimia, 8(1): 1289-1299.

Kusuma, E., Sukirno & Kurniati, I. (2009). Penggunaan pendekatan Chemo-Entrepreneurship berorientasi green chemistry untuk meningkatkan kemampuan life skill siswa SMA. Jurnal Inovasi

Pendidikan Kimia, 3(1): 368-371.

Kusuma, E., & Siadi, K. (2010). Pengembangan bahan ajar kimia berorientasi Chemo-Entrepreneurship untuk meningkatkan hasil belajar dan life skill mahasiwa. Jurnal Inovasi Pendidikan Kimia, 9(1): 1450-1458.

Lelono, W. T., & Saptorini. (2015). Peningkatan kemampuan Chemo-entrepreneurship siswa melalui penerapan konsep koloid yang berorientasi life skill. Jurnal Inovasi Pendidikan Kimia, 4(1): 544-551.

Prayitno, M. A., Dewi, N. K., & Wijayati, N. (2016). Pengembangan modul pembelajaran kimia bervisi sets berorientasi Chemo-Entrepreneurship (CEP) pada materi larutan asam basa. Jurnal Inovasi

Pendidikan Kimia, 10(1): 1617-1628.

Qudsiyah, F. H., Hadisaputro, S., & Sumarni, W. (2014). Implementasi praktikum aplikatif berorientasi Chemoentrepreneurship terhadap peningkatan hasil belajar kimia. Jurnal Inovasi Pendidikan Kimia, 8(1): 1309-1318.

Rohaeti, E., Widjajanti, E., & Padmaningrum. (2009). Pengembangan Lembar Kerja Siswa (LKS) mata pelajaran Sains Kimia untuk SMP. Jurnal Pendidikan, 10(1): 1-11.

Rohmadi, M. (2011). Pembelajaran dengan pendekatan CEP (Chemoentrepreneurship) yang bervisi SETS (Sceince, Environment, Technology and Society) guna meningkatkan kualitas pembelajaran.

Jurnal Education, 6(1): 30-32.

Supartono, Saptorini & Asmorowati, D. S. (2009). Pembelajaran Kimia menggunakan kolaborasi konstruktif dan inkuiri berorientasi Chemo-Entrepreneurship. Jurnal Inovasi Pendidikan Kimia, 3(2): 477-479.

Wikhdah, I. M., Sumarti, S. S., & Wardani, S. (2015). Pengembangan modul larutan penyangga berorientasi Chemoentreprenership (CEP) untuk Kelas XI SMA/MA. Jurnal Inovasi Pendidikan


Figure 1. Example of CEP experiment activity in the LKS
Table 2. The students’ response towards CEP approach LKS


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