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Academic year: 2018



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ABSTRACT: The study was conducted to evaluate the implementation of partnerships between SMK and industry in

the development of teaching industry manufacturebased SMK at Directorate of Technical and Vocational Education. This is done with the goal of get the factors that support and inhibit the shape / pattern of the implementation of partnerships, and key success factors at implementation of the partnerships between SMK and industry. Data analysis was performed with descriptive qualitative research approach, using several methods used in synergy. The method used is a SWOT analysis (Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunity, and Threats) and KSF (Key Success Factor). The analysis performed included review of documents and interviews that became the basic ingredient for constructing a pattern / model industry manufacture vocational teaching partnership with the SWOT analysis followed the initial elements of KSF. These results became the first FGD material centrally by involving all relevant respondents. The first FGD process is done with the discussion of the approach according to the SWOT analysis of the implementation the partnership of teaching industry manufacture -based SMK. The results of the initial FGD update the results of SWOT and KSF later to become the next FGD material in each SMK respondents, together with the observations / survey location / field. Result of FGD and observations from each SMK respondent made SWOT analysis and KSF for each SMK, then made a complete KSF classification of partnership of teaching industry manufacture - based SMK. Directorate of technical and vocational education still looking approach to the implementation of teaching industry manufacture- bases SMK program, in order to obtain Industry whose mission and vision in order to create domestic products quality and cheap, and create competent human resources to support the economic development of Indonesia, is not limited to gain market. In partnership implementation with SMK, industry needs a clear legal framework so that no change of the principal events which caused the change of policy / agreement, as well as the legal basis of teaching industry manufacture - based SMK, related to the use of budget and resources of government, which is tied quite closely by regulations. From the vocational school, principal and teachers require a detailed implementation guidance, stage by stage, and extent of involvement and responsibilities of each party in each of these stages. Basically, partnerships between SMK and industry at teaching industry manufacture program almost every party will support the implementation of this program, which is still needed is a deepening of the concept at the level of implementation of the agreed stakeholders related, and well socialized to human resources that will carry it out.

INTISARI: Penelitian yang dilakukan adalah mengevaluasi implementasi kemitraan SMK dan Industri dalam


manufacture berbasis SMK agar memperoleh Industri yang mempunyai tujuan menciptakan produk-produk dalam negeri yang berkualitas dan murah, serta menciptakan sumber daya manusia yang kompeten untuk mendukung perkembangan perekonomian Indonesia. Dalam penerapan kemitraan dengan SMK, Industri membutuhkan payung hukum yang jelas sehingga tidak terjadi peristiwa pergantian kepala sekolah yang menyebakan pergantian kebijakan/kesepakatan, juga terkait penggunaan anggaran dan sumber daya pemerintah yang terikat oleh peraturan-peraturan. Pihak SMK, Kepala Sekolah dan Guru, memerlukan pedoman pelaksanaan detail, tahap demi tahap, dan tanggung jawab masing-masing pihak dalam setiap tahapan. Pada dasarnya pelaksanaan kemitraan industri dan SMK dalam program teaching industry manufacture didukung semua pihak, yang masih diperlukan adalah pendalaman perencanaan pada tataran implementasi yang disepakati para pihak terkait, dan perlu disosialisasikan dengan baik kepada pihak-pihak yang akan melaksanakan.

Kata kunci Kemitraan, Pendidikan, Industri, SMK, Manufaktur, Teaching Industry

Program Studi UGM

No Inventaris


Deskripsi xv, 101 p., bibl., ills., 29 cm.

Bahasa Indonesia

Jenis Tesis

Penerbit [Yogyakarta] : Universitas Gadjah Mada, 2012

Lokasi Perpustakaan Pusat UGM


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Ketentuan Layanan:

1. Pemustaka diperkenankan mengkopi cover, abstrak, daftar isi, bab pendahuluan, bab penutup/ kesimpulan, daftar pusatak

2. Tidak diperbolehkan mengkopi Bab Tinjauan Pustaka, Bab Pembahasan dan Lampiran (data perusahaan/ lembaga tempat penelitian)


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