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Fenomena Cyberbullying di Kalangan Remaj


Academic year: 2018

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Sebagai makhluk social yang tak luput dari perhatian masyarakat, setiap hari Anda selalu bergaul, berhubungan, dan berkomunikasi dengan orang lain yang ada disekitar Anda.

Pelajaran psikologi social ini merupakan studi tentang hubungan manusia dengan kelompok yang berfokus pada individu dan mencoba untuk menjelaskan bagaimana pikiran, perasaan dan perilaku individu yang dipengaruhi oleh orang lain.

Dalam buku ini membahas tentang fenomena Cyberbullying dikalangan remaja yang ditinjau dari sikap dalam kebiasaan social disertai dengan beberapa contoh kasus Cyberbullying yang pernah dialami oleh penulis. Di zaman yang serba tak luput dari teknologi terdapat berbagai keuntungan serta kerugian. Dimana informasi dan komunikasi dapat diakses dengan mudah namun juga membawa dampak buruk seperti adanya perilaku bullying di dunia maya.

Akhirnya, penulis mengucapkan terima kasih kepada semua pihak yang membantu selesainya pengerjaan Buku Fenomena Cyberbullying di Kalangan remaja untuk memenuhi persyaratan ujian akhir dalam mata kuliah Psikologi Sosial. Semoga buku ini dapat bermanfaat bagi semua orang terutama para remaja. Selamat belajar!

Surabaya, 19 Juni 2016


Fenomena Cyberbullying di Kalangan Remaja


Cyberbullying adalah tindakan intimidasi yang dilakukan anak maupun remaja di dunia maya terutama di media social. Bentuk cyberbullying dapat berupa ejekan, hinaan, caciaan, ataupun hacking. Fenomena cyberbullying ini sebenarnya sama saja dengan bullying pada umumnya yang menyerang psikis dan fisik seseorang yang di bully, yang membedakan adalah tempatnya. Cyberbullying dilakukan pada dunia maya melalui perantara media elektronik sedangkan bullying dilakukan di dunia nyata dan tanpa perantara namun langsung dan berhadapan dengan korban.


paham akan dunia maya menyebabkan tidak adanya perhatian khusus terhadap kasus cyberbullying di Indonesia.


perlakuan intimidasi maka ia akan berontak dan berusaha untuk tetap menjaga harga dirinya namun jika di lingkungannya korban mempunyai sifat yang simple dan tidak terlalu memikirkan suatu masalah maka ia akan mendapatkan perlakuan intimidasi secara terus menerus dan lebih intens maka para pelaku akan bebas mengeksplore, memfitnah dan mencari-cari kesalahan korban namun korban akan memilih diam dan tidak memberontak.


sahabat saya yang memang mempunyai fisik gendut ataupun berkulit hitam legam maupun sahabat saya yang lamban dalam berfikir namun semua itu masih dalam konteks yang wajar atau hanya sekedar bercanda tapi sahabat saya yang menjadi korban bullying saya dengan beberapa sahabat saya yang lain, dia selalu marah dan meminta kita untuk tidak mengulanginya lagi namun lagi-lagi hal itu malah dijadikan bahan tertawaan dengan beberapa sahabat saya yang lainnya.

“One fundamental attribute of attitudes is that they are subjective— that is, they reflect how a person sees an object and not necessarily

how the object actually exists. Consequently, attitudes should be

considered a part of the subjective self, which is the stream of

thoughts, feelings, and actions that govern how someone lives


merupakan hasil aliran pikiran, perasaan, dan tindakan yang mengatur bagimana seseorang itu hidup.

“Guiding Assumptions The three-component model hypothesizes

that attitudes express people’s beliefs, feelings, and past behaviors


Guiding Assumptions It is also possible to view attitudes as

evaluative responses to an object that are influenced by beliefs alone

(e.g., McGuire, 1960; Wyer, 1970)”

Cyberbullying dapat terjadi jika dalam melihat tanggapan dari suatu sikap sebagai evaluative terhadap objek didasarkan pada keyakinan sendiri. Dari perspektif ini, penting untuk memahami bagaimana keyakinan saling terkait dengan tanggapan afektif. Gagasan mengenai sikap bahwa penolakan dan penerimaan hasil dari evaluative merupakan bagian dari perspektif harapan-nilai pada sikap,

(misalnya, teori tindakan beralasan; Fishbein & Ajzen, 1975).

Menurut pendekatan ini sikap merupakan hasil dari keyakinan evaluative mengenai objek sikap.


“That is, semantic differential and Likert scales yield attitude scores that predict behavior (Ajzen & Fishbein, 1977; Kraus, 1995). In addition, the unidimensional model is consistent with Judd and Kulik’s (1980) observation that people are faster at identifying their agreement or disagreement with extreme attitude positions than with neutral attitude positions.” Orang akan dengan mudah mewakili sikap positif yang kuat (tanpa negative apapun) dan sikap negative

yang kuat (tanpa positif apapun) dalam pikiran mereka. Dapat

disimpulkan bahwa seseorang yang mempunyai kecenderungan

condong untuk memilih diantara keputusan yang akan diambilnya

(positif maupun negative) akan dapat lebih mudah untuk

mengidentifikasi sikap yang akan dilakukan daripada seseorang yang

memilih bersikap netral dalam mengambil suatu keputusan untuk


positif dan beberapa keyakinan dan emosi yang negatif.

Dalam hal tindakan Cyberbullying maka, pelaku mempunyai

pemikiran ekstrim dalam menentukan suatu keputusan untuk

melakukan sebuah tindakan namun pelaku lebih mewakili sikap yang

condong terhadap sikap negative yang kuat (tanpa positif apapun)

dan menunjukkan keyakinan dan emosi yang negatif.


objects; the value-expressive function exists in attitudes that express the self-concept and central values (e.g., equality, freedom; Maio & Olson, 1998; Rokeach, 1973; Schwartz, 1992); and the ego-defensive function protects self-esteem.”

Fungsi obyek penilaian (yang menggabungkan aspek fungsi utilitarian dan pengetahuan) mungkin paling menjelaskan mengapa orang-orang membentuk sikap di tempat pertama. Fungsi ini menyiratkan bahwa sikap mengklasifikasikan objek di lingkungan untuk tujuan tindakan. Selain itu, bisa dikatakan bahwa semua sikap yang kuat menyederhanakan interaksi dengan lingkungan di cara ini, terlepas dari apakah sikap menyiratkan ungkapan kesukaan ataupun ungkapan ketidaksukaan menuju objek sikap. Fazio (1995, 2000) berpendapat bahwa fungsi object appraisal harus lebih kuat dilayani oleh sikap yang spontan diaktifkan dari memori ketika objek ditemui dibandingkan dengan sikap yang tidak spontan diambil. Konsistensi hipotesis ini dapat dilihat bahwa sikap yang mudah diakses atau sikap yang dapat dengan mudah di identifikasi oleh orang lain cenderung lebih mudah untuk mendapatkan penilaian yang relevan dari orang lain.


(1960) menyatakan bahwa orang tidak mungkin untuk mengembalikan konsistensi dengan mengubah pribadi nilai karena setiap nilai dapat relevan dengan banyak sikap. Jadi untuk meminimalisasi tindakan Cyberbullying sebaiknya tidak terburu-buru untuk berprasangka negative terlebih dahulu dan menyimpulkan maksud sikap yang dilakukan orang lain itu buruk sebab suatu sikap dapat membias dan mempunyai maksud yang beragam.

“Instrumental attitudes classify attitude objects according to their ability to promote self-interest, whereas symbolic attitudes express concerns about self-image and personal values (Herek, 1986; Sears, 1988).” Dalam pengukuran sikap seseorang, sikap terhadap kelompok terkait dengan keyakinan tentang nilai-nilai anggota

kelompok tersebut, lebih dari keyakinan tentang implikasi anggota

kelompok untuk kesejahteraan pribadinya. Ketika sikap memiliki

fungsi simbolik, maka nilai-nilai pribadi meningkatkan prediksi

terhadap perilaku dengan menghubungkan relevansi sikap diatas

keyakinan tentang atribut yang berperan sebagai perilaku yang positif

atau negative dan persepsi norma kelompok.


1. Ekstremitas

Mengacu sejauh mana sikap menyimpang dari netral titik

tengah, sejauh mana evaluasi individu adalah sangat

menguntungkan atau sangat tidak menguntungkan. Sikap

ekstrim lebih tahan pengaruh, diproyeksikan ke orang lain,

memprediksi perilaku. Teori sikap diasumsikan bahwa sikap

ekstrim berkembang dari waktu ke waktu, sering dihasilkan

dari tindakan yang secara terbuka dalam posisinya.

2. Langsung tidaknya pengalaman

Sikap dapat didasarkan secara langsung dalam pengalaman

pribadi dengan objek, atau didasarkan pada informasi

langsung dari orang lain tentang objek. Pengalaman langsung

meningkatkan kepercayaan sikap.

3. Aksesbilitas

Aksesbilitas mengacu pada kemudahan aktivasi (aktivasi

potensial) dari suatu konstruksi (Higgins, 1996). Sikap yang

sangat mudah diakses merupakan evaluasi yang datang ke

pikiran dengan cepat dan spontan ketika objek sikap ditemui.


lebih mungkin untuk mempengaruhi persepsi sikap dalam

peristiwa yang relevan, mungkin untuk memprediksi perilaku.

4. Embeddedness

Sikap yang dibentuk melalui banyaknya informasi yang

diterima memungkinkan orang untuk bersikap lebih percaya

diri dan memberikan individu banyak pengetahuan untuk

menangkal pengaruh potensial informasi baru.

5. Konsistensi Evaluatif

Mengacu pada tingkat konsistensi antara sikap keseluruhan

(evaluasi) dan 3 komponennya (Kognitif, afektif, atau

informasi perilaku). Sikap konsisten membuat seseorang lebih

percaya diri dan lebih mudah diakses daripada tidak konsisten

sikap. Sikap konsistensi evaluative tinggi lebih stabil, lebih

tahan terhadap perubahan, lebih mungkin untuk

mempengaruhi informasi pengolahan, dan lebih mungkin

untuk memprediksi perilaku daripada sikap konsistensi

evaluative yang rendah.

6. Ambivalensi

Mengacu pada keberadaan simultan bertentangan unsur


memiliki efek polarisasi karena sikap tersebut mengandung

baikn positif maupun negative informasi yang mempengaruhi


Melalui berbagai macam karakteristik sikap yang telah disebutkan

diatas, karakteristik yang satu dengan yang lain sangat

berkesinambungan dan berkaitan, yang dapat menjadi dasar untuk

menidentifikasi bagaimana sikap Cyberbullying timbul.


orang lain, mengubah keyakinan bahwa tidak selalu orang lain itu salah atau mengubah pandangan untuk menilai perilaku orang lain menjadi lebih berfikir positif, dan diferensiasi yang berfokus pada aspek tertentu saja.

Solusi pencegahan cyberbullying dikalangan remaja dapat dimulai oleh memaksimalkan peran orang tua dan guru untuk mengontrol setiap kegiatan para remaja khususnya dalam hal kehidupan sosialnya di dunia maya. “In addition, attitudes toward social partners become more imbued with affect as people get older and when they are diagnosed with a critical illness—conditions that presumably increase the importance of close affective ties with others (Carstensen, Isaacowitz, & Charles, 1999).” Sikap terhadap mitra social lebih akan dijiwai apabila seseorang sedang mengalami

permasalahan yang kritis seperti tindakan Cyberbullying yang

mengancam kepercayaan diri dan keyakinan seseorang, kondisi yang

memungkinkan untuk meningkatkan ikatan afektif dekat dengan

orang lain. Dalam hal ini, ikatan afektif antara seseorang dengan

orang terdekatnya (missal: orang tua, guru, sahabat, kekasih) dapat


The Preface

As a social creature who could not escape the attention of the public, every day you always hang out, connect, and communicate with other people around you.

The lesson of this is social psychology study of human relations with a group that focuses on the individual and tried to explain how the thoughts, feelings and behaviors of individuals are influenced by other people.

In this book discusses the phenomenon of Cyberbullying among adolescents in terms of attitudes in social habits accompanied with some example cases of Cyberbullying ever experienced by the author. At the time of the all-round no escape from technology there are various advantages as well as disadvantages. Where information and communication are easily accessible but also brings bad impacts such as existence of bullying behavior in cyberspace.


Cyberbullying among adolescents to meet the requirements of the final exam in Social Psychology courses. Hopefully, this book can be of benefit to all people especially teenagers. Happy learning!

Surabaya, Indonesia, 19 June 2016



stabbing, hair pulling, hitting, biting, kicking and slapping. Verbal bullying include; taunt, flirt and gossip. Emotional bullying include; refuse, terrorize, humiliate, blackmail, manipulating friendships, and isolate (excommunicated). These things can be done individually and the Group and usually the perpetrators take advantage of others who are considered weak. So, the Bullying actions can certainly be detrimental to the victim, and generally be scoffed at the name, disturbing or isolate the victim.


upload photos that humiliate the victims, paved a wide range of social media accounts (hacking), create a website that aims to malign and threatening to make trouble on the victim. Reason for doing the Act of bullying also ranged from frustration, depression, wanted revenge, seeking existence and popularity, entertain, or just kidding.


knowing his children become victims of bullying in the virtual world. So that cyberbullying is not known by laymen who don't know or don't understand about virtual worlds unless the parties will understand the particular virtual world cause lack of particular attention to cases of cyberbullying in Indonesia.


problem then he will get the treatment continuous intimidation and more intense then the perpetrators will be free to explore , defamatory and find fault the victim but the victim would choose the silent and do not rebel.


of objective alone but still have to look at the person in terms of subjective anyway, because to build a assumption in need of thinking in terms of subjective and objective in a balanced way. The importance of the components of a value make someone is different, with a positive attitude does not mean having the target in the form of principles is important in life. One fundamental attribute that subjective attitude shows how to look at an object and is not necessarily an object that really exists. Therefore, the attitude should also be assessed in subject which is the result of a stream of thoughts, feelings, and actions that are set up for how the person is alive.


behavior shows a distaste for expressions against an object. Verbal and nonverbal is the steps that can be used as indicator for each component are then collected to form the overall index. As evidence of the 3 components model found that a belief, feeling, and behavior of a different but correlated object measured from the verbal and nonverbal.

"Guiding Assumptions It is also possible to view u.s. attitudes evaluative responses to an object that are influenced by beliefs alone (e.g., McGuire, 1960; Wyer, 1970) "

Cyberbullying can occur if in seeing responses from an attitude as evaluative against objects is based on his own beliefs. From this perspective, it is important to understand how beliefs intertwined with affective responses. The idea of the attitude that the denial and the acceptance of the results of evaluative perspective is part of a hope-the value at position (for example, the theory of reasoned action; Ajzen Fishbein &, 1975). According to this approach the attitude was a result of beliefs concerning evaluative attitude object.


conflict between affect and cognition (Lavine, Thomsen, Zanna, & Borgida, 1998), (b) affect has a stronger influence on mental representations of others in general (Jussim, Nelson, Manis, & Soffin, 1995), and (c) affect is more closely related to the importance attached to social values (Maio & Olson, 1998).”

“That is, semantic differential and Likert scales yield attitude scores that predict behavior (Ajzen & Fishbein, 1977; Kraus, 1995). In addition, the unidimensional model is consistent with Judd and Kulik’s (1980) observation that people are faster at identifying their agreement or disagreement with extreme attitude positions than with neutral attitude positions.”


object of the attitude, or perhaps derived from the simultaneous presence of both positive and negative; the scales of the split can distinguish the two types of neutrality. This approach allows respondents to indicate some beliefs and emotions

positive and some negative beliefs and emotions.

In terms of action, then the perpetrators of Cyberbullying has extreme thinking in determining a decision to perform an action but the perpetrators of the more representative of the attitude of the leaning against a strong negative attitude (without any positive) and shows negative beliefs and emotions.


knowledge function represents the ability of the attitudes to summarize information about attitude objects; the utilitarian function exists in the attitudes that minimize maximize rewards and punishments obtained from attitude objects; the value-expressive function exists in the attitudes that express the self-concept and central values (e.g., equality, freedom; Maio & Olson, 1998; Rokeach, 1973; Schwartz, 1992); and the ego-defensive function protects self-esteem. "

The function of the object assessment (which combines aspects of utilitarian function and knowledge) is probably best explains why people form attitudes in the first place. This function

implying that the attitude of classifying objects in the environment for the purposes of the Act. In addition, it can be said that all a strong stance to simplify interaction with the environment

in this way, regardless of whether the phrase implies an attitude of joy


stronger is served by the spontaneous attitude switched from memory when

the object was found compared with the attitude that no spontaneous taken. The consistency of this hypothesis can be seen that attitude is easily accessible or attitude that can easily identify by others tend to be easier to get the relevant judgment of others.

The theory of cognitive-evaluative consistency Rosenberg, according to this theory the people strive to consistency between attitudes and social values. Rosenberg (1960) stated that it is not possible to restore consistency by changing personal value because any value can be relevant to a lot of attitude. So to minimize acts of Cyberbullying should not rush to biased negative first and conclude the meaning of the attitude of others have done that's bad because an attitude can be bias and has the meaning.


for the well-being of the group. When attitude has a symbolic function, then the personal values improve predictions of behavior by linking against the relevance of the above beliefs attitudes about attributes that act as positive or negative behaviors and perceptions of the norm group.

There are some characteristic attitudes include: 1. Limb

Referring to the extent to which attitudes away from the neutral midpoint, the extent to which the evaluation of the individual is very profitable or highly unprofitable. Extreme attitudes are more resistant to the influence, projected onto others, predict behavior. The theory assumed that extreme attitude attitude developed from time to time, often resulting from actions that openly in its position.

2. whether Direct experience

The attitude can be based directly in the personal experience with objects, or be based on direct information from others about the object. The direct experience of improving trust attitude.


Accessibility refers to the ease of activation (activation potential) of a construction (Higgins, 1996). The attitude that is very easily accessible is an evaluation that comes to mind quickly and spontaneously when the object of the attitude. The attitude that is easily accessible is more resistant to change, is more likely to affect the perception of attitude in relevant events, it's possible to predict behavior.

4. Embeddedness

Attitudes formed through the multitude of information received enables people to be more confident and give the individual a lot of knowledge to ward off the potential influence of new information. 5. The consistency of the Evaluative


6. Ambivalence

Refers to the simultaneous existence of the contradictory elements of positive and negative in attitude. Ambivalent attitude polarization effects due to alleged to have the attitude that contains positive or negative information influence the assessment.

Through a variety of characteristic attitudes that have been mentioned above, the characteristics of each other's very sustainable and deals, which can be the basis to identify how the attitude of Cyberbullying occurred.


convert the behavior that does not comply with such bad behavior change frequently insulting other people, change the belief that other people were not always wrong or change views to judge another person's behavior becomes more positive thinking the differentiation, and focus on a particular aspect of the course.


At the time of the already versatile cannot escape from this technology, prevention efforts are no longer being an effective way of controlling. We have to analyst the phenomenon of bullying from a variety of perspectives that correspond to various conditions and situations, if viewed from the side the perpetrator makes cyberbullying becoming a bad habit should begin the habit is more directed to point to things that are positive and better. Such as if someone is already accustomed to doing the cyberbullying we must steer a habit becomes a habit which has benefits such as a bullying nature build others. Here is my more emphasis to the perpetrators of cyberbullying in order for trying to bully someone positively so there will arise a loss meaning of behavior between perpetrator and victim of cyberbullying.



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