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Chapter 16 - SIPI


Academic year: 2021

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Problems 16.1 16.! 16." #$% 16.&

Problems 16.1 16.! 16." #$% 16.&

C$se 16.1 : E'(lor)%* +,RL Tools

C$se 16.1 : E'(lor)%* +,RL Tools

C$se S-#/ : Trbo I%0.

C$se S-#/ : Trbo I%0.

D)ss% ole: D)ss% ole:  Jefrey R  Jefrey R 15067741121506774112 R Raahhmmi i AAmmeelliiaa 15150066777744228833 S Suucciittaalliiaa 11550066777744442211 S Suuwwiittoo 11550066777744446666













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Materi ini tidak/belum pernah disajikan/digunakan sebagai bahan untuk makalah/tugas pada mata ajaran lain, kecuali saya/kami menyatakan dengan jelas bahwa saya/kami menggunakannya.

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 Nama : 1. e!!rey " 1#$%&&'11( (. "ahmi )melia 1#$%&&'(*+ +. Sucitalia 1#$%&&''(1 '. Suwito 1#$%&&''%% Tanda tangan : 1. ... (. ... +. ... '. ...

Mata )jaran : Sistem n!ormasi -engendalian nternal

udul Tugas : hapter 1% : eneral 0edger and "eporting System osen : Ma!ri2al 3eppy, M4)



16.1. Match the term in the left column with its appropriate definition from the right column

)nswer :


1. ournal 7oucher 8ile d. The set o! journal entries that updated the general ledger 

(. ntance ocument

k. ) !ile that contains speci!ic data 9alues !or a set o!  4"0 elements !or a speci!ic time period or point in time

+. 4"0 ;lement a. )n indi9idual !inancial statement item '. 4alanced Scorecard !. ) multidimensional per!ormance report #. 4"0 ;<tension Ta<onomy

l. ) !ile containing a set o! customi2ed tags to de!ine new 4"0 elements that are uni=ue to a speci!ic organi2ation

%. )udit Trail

i. ) detecti9e control that can be used to trace changes in general ledger account balances back to source documents

&. 4"0 Ta<onomy e. ) set o! !iles that de!ines 4"0 elements and speci!ies the relationship among them

*. 4"0 0inkbase g. ) !ile that de!ines relationship among 4"0 elements

>. 4"0 Schema h. ) !ile that de!ines the attributes o! 4"0 elements 1$

. 4"0 Style Sheet

 j. ) !ile that e<plains how to display an 4"0 instance document

11. "esponsibility )ccounting  b. ;9aluating per!ormance based on controllable costs


. 8le<ible 4udget

c. ;9aluating per!ormance by computing standars in light o! actual acti9ity le9els


16.#. $hich control procedure would be most effecti%e in addressing the following problems

a. ?hen entering a journal entry to record issuance o! new debt, the treasurer  inad9ertently transposes two digits in the debit amount.

• 8oot the balance o! debits and credits

 b. The spreadsheet used to calculate accruals had an error in a !ormula. )s a result, the controller@s adjusting entry was !or the wrong amount.

• Support journal entries by using audit spreadsheet

c. The controller !orgot to make an adjusting entry to record depreciation.

• Ase a standard adjusting entries

d. ) sales manager tipped o!! !riends that the company@s !inancial results, to be released tomorrow, were une<pectedly good.

• -re9ent the sales manager to access the ledger and reporting using access control

e. The general ledger master !ile is stored on disk. 8or some reason, the disk is no longer readable. t takes the accounting department a week to reenter the past month@s transactions !rom source documents in order to create a new general ledger master  !ile.

• reate a back up !iles daily

• reate more than one back up and sa9e it in di!!erent place

!. The controller sent a spreadsheet containing a preliminary dra!t o! the income statement to the 8B by eCmail. )n in9estor intercepted the eCmail and used the in!ormation to sell his stock in the company be!ore news o! the disappointing results  became public.

• ;ncrypt the !ile so that not e9eryone can crack it

g. ) company@s 4"0 business report was incorrect because the controller selected the wrong element !rom the ta<onomy.

• i9e the employer a proper training • etect the mistake by audit

h. nstead o! a 2ero, the letter o was entered when typing in data 9alues in an 4"0 instance document.


• Asing autoamtic detection i! not a number input to the data

16.&. E'plain the components of an audit trail for %erif(ing changes to accounts pa(able. )our answer should specif( how those components can be used to %erif( the accurac(* completeness* and %alidit( of all purchases* purchase returns* purchase discounts* debit memos and cash disbursements

1 The sum o! all amounts owed to indi9idual 9endors would be computed and compared to the balance in the general ledger accounts payable control account.

( To 9eri!y all transactions, you would !ollow the audit trail to identi!y the 9oucher  numbers, purchase order numbers, and recei9ing report numbers !or all appro9ed 9endor  in9oices and use that list to select all source documents.

+ Dou could then recalculate the total amount purchased and the total cash disbursed. Dou could also recalculate all purchase discounts a9ailable and compare that to the amount taken.

' To 9eri!y 9endor balances, you could recompute the e!!ects o! all purchases and  payments on the beginning balance, this calculated !igure should e=ual the new ending  balance.


16.+. ,s manager of a local pi--a parlor* (ou want to de%elop a balanced scorecard so (ou can more effecti%el( monitor the restaurants performance

"e=uired :

a -ropose at least two goals !or each dimension, and e<plain why those goal are important to o9erall success o! the pi22a parlor. Bne goal shoud be purely per!ormance oriented, and the other should be risk related.

 b Suggest speci!ic measures !or each goal de9eloped in part a. )nswer :

DME!S"! /",0S ME,SRE T,R/ET ,2T,0

8inancial : -ro!itabilitas

Meningkatkan -enjualan

Bperating Margin

-ersentase perubahan penjualan

1(E #E 1+,#E 'E ustomer : Fepuasan -elanggan  Fast Service

Tingkat Fepuasan -elanggan ?aktu rataCrata untuk   menyiapkan makanan >,# 1# minutes >,% 1' minutes nternal -rocess : Mengurangi kesalahan Mengurangi limbah

-ersentase kesalahan order 

0imbah Makanan 5-ersentase  penjualan6

1E +E

(E 'E nno9ation and 0earning :

Mengembangkan produk   baru

Meningkatkan kemampuan karyawan

umlah produk baru tahun ini umlah kehadiran kelas memasak tahun ini

( (#

( 1*

c. ;<plain how to gather the data needed !or each measure de9elop in part b

,nswer 3

)da beberapa cara yang dapat digunakan untuk mengumpulkan data yang dibutukan untuk  setiap pengembangan pengukuran di bagian b, antara lain :

1 -engukuran keuangan akan dihasilkan oleh sistem in!ormasi

( Fepuasan pelanggan dan fast service dapat diukur melalui sur9ey di dalam toko + -engukuran lainnya dapat dikumpulkan sebagai bagian dari kinerja akti9itas

2ase 16.1. E'ploring 45R0 Tools



a. t adds a menu to the e<cel ribbon that lets accountants create e<actly the analysis spreadsheet re=uiredG

 b. ts menu o!!ers choices !or opening o! 4"0 !iling, creating and using ;<cel templates !or  working with 4"0 dataG

c. )ppending other companies@ 4"0 data !or comparison purposesG d. nserting 4"0 !unctionsG and

e. -er!orming adChoc analysis.


a. ) cloudCbased repository o! scrubbed and normalised 4"0 data that users can log in to and accessG and

 b. orrecting and standari2ing 4"0 data in its reporting !rameworks, it means it !ills in  potential di!!erence !or sideCbyCside company comparison.


2ase Stud( 3 Turbo* nc. 5acground

Turbo, inc., is a wholly owned subsidiary o! National ;ngine orporation, Bhio, AS, which was ac=uired in ($$+. ts sales !or ($$# was H(>,*$+,$$$ on which Turbo earned H1,&>>,1*$ be!ore ta<. Turbo is manu!acturer and seller o! turbochargers !or use on new and used cars, trucks and spareparts.

n ($$%, Fen 4auer, operational audit sta!! o! National ;ngine orporation, conducted a re9iew o! purchasing practices. 3e !ound:

a. ! Turbo had purchases !rom National ;ngine orporation@s suppliers 5in bulk/large 9olume  purchase !or all subsidiaries@ combined6, sa9ing in ($$# would be H+$,+#'.+$. National ;ngine orporation also de9eloped a Forean casting supplier whose prices were considerably lower than going rates in AS.

 b. Turbine wheels and compressor wheels were singleCsourced, )rt unn. Turbo@s current in9entory o! bearing housings was almost hal! o! the ($$# purchases, that@s because )rt un ordered e<tra bearing housings to help 9endor@s !inancial per!ormance.

c. 0arge amount o! money has been spent !or tooling, whereas H1,>+(,*1% o! H+,$1&,>*+ !or  tooling and repairs, was !or patterns and dies made !or Turbo by the casting 9endors. ;=uipment stays at 9endor@s location. ohn 3arris !rom buyer department, had heard rumors that some o! the casting 9endors were using Turbo@s e=uipment to produce castings !or sale to other companies.


1. ?hat operational de!iciency 5s6 e<plain that buyers were not aware o! the corporate discount  programI


There is lack o! socialisation o! roup@s strategy and control o! cash !low budget as Turbo@s  purchasing department did not know that parent company has negotiated !a9orable prices on

consolidation basis due to large 9olume o! orders. National ;ngine orporation, as parent, needs to assist all o! its subsidiaries, especially regarding with control o! cash !low budget. 7endor selection can be also organised in consolidation basis, there!ore terms and conditions will be applied !or all companies under National ;ngine orporation roup to a9oid !ailure to take ad9antage o! discounts !or prompt payment.

#. n what ways could that de!iciency5s6 ha9e been disco9eredI "esponse:

There are two ways to disco9ered this de!iciency: a. ontrol on cash !low budgetG and

 b. 7endor selection in roup basis.

?hile cash !low budget needs to be controlled also by parent company, perhaps roup needs to ha9e list o! appro9ed 9endor with all terms and conditions related with the 9endor. This list will be maintained and updated on regular basis there!ore the negotiation will be based on roup basis, also in regular basis.


&. ! National ;ngine elects to pay !or casting molds !or its 9endors what protecti9e actions should be takenI

;=uipment should be at Turbo@s location to be easier to monitor and to a9oid that casting 9endor uses the e=uipment !or sale to other companies. The other way, perhaps National ;ngine needs to protect the e=uipment with restricted access. ?ith restricted access, only selected person can access the e=uipment and it@s also maintained with log book to update the use o! e=uipment. This is to a9oid the casting 9endors use Turbo@s e=uipment to produce castings !or sale to other companies.

+. )rt unn had ordered an unusually large amount o! bearing housings !rom astco to help the !irm 5astco6 weather !inancial di!!iculties. ?hat issues are present in this actionI

The issue is e<cess in9entory as )rt unn ordered e<tra bearings housing !rom astco. Turbo needs to ha9e !ormal policy regarding purchases beyond current production re=uirements, !or e<ample to obtain appro9al !rom Turbo prior the order. Though there is no obsolescence e<posure, there is other potential risks including risk o! price !luctuation.

8. ?rite the !irst sections o! the audit report as you think Fen should write them 5optional6 8irst o! all, Fen needs to e<plain Turbo@s e<penditure cycle. 8ew points need to be highlighted in the report are as !ollows:

a. Turbo@s employees were not aware o! the corporate discount program. roup@s strategy o! purchasing needs to be impro9ed, especially to ha9e !a9orable pricesG

b. There is e<cess o! in9entory. Turbo needs to ha9e proper policy regarding purchases  beyond current production re=uirementsG and

c. ;=uipment that has been bought by Turbo, stays with 9endor@s location !or use in  producing additional castings. They also need to re9iewthe cost.


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