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Academic year: 2021



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Mochamad Socheh









Peternakan kambing Kejobong dipelihara secara tradisional oleh petani tanaman cassava sebagai usaha pokok. Ternak hanya diberi pakan hijauan hasil menyabit di lahan, seperti rumput lapangan, Glyricidia immaculata, dan daun

cassava. Ternak tidak pernah diberi konsentrat sebagai pakan tambahan,

pada-hal di daerah sekitarnya banyak dijumpai onggok sebagai limbah industri tepung tapioka.

Flushing merupakan suatu cara pemberian pakan tambahan yang

me-ngandung energi tinggi dan diberikan kepada kambing betina selama 34 hari sebelum dan sesudah perkawinan. Manfaat flushing pada kambing betina meningkatan bobot badan, hormon reproduksi, dan siklus birahi.

Selama birahi, estrogen mencapai konsentrasi tertinggi, sedangkan kon-sentrasi progesteron tetap pada konkon-sentrasi basal, sehingga kebuntingan kam-bing dapat diprediksi melalui pengujian konsentrasi progesteron pada hari ke-14 dan 21 setelah kambing betina dikawinkan.

Daging dari otot yang berbeda dan berasal dari ternak yang sama me-nunjukkan keempukan yang berbeda. Hal tersebut diduga karena keragaman dalam aktivitas kalpain. Penurunan aktivitas kalpain diikuti oleh peningkatan ak-tivitas kalpastatin yang berakibat pada penurunan keempukan otot yang ber-sangkutan.

Pemanfaatan pakan berbasis produk ketela pohon yang diberikan secara


kinerja reproduksi dan produktivitas kambing Kejobong. Penelitian ini dilaku-kan sebanyak tiga tahap secara berurutan.

Penelitian Tahap I. “Pengaruh Flushing Berbasis Produk Ketela Pohon terhadap Kinerja Produksi Kambing Kejobong”. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mempelajari pengaruh flushing berbasis produk ketela pohon terhadap kinerja produksi (PBBH, bobot hidup akhir, jumlah anak atau cempe sekela-hiran, dan bobot lahir cempe) kambing Kejobong. Induk kambing Kejobong yang digunakan sebanyak 20 ekor, umur 2,50 - 3 tahun dengan rataan bobot hidup awal 26,60  1,71kg. Semua ternak ditempatkan secara acak kedalam dua macam perlakuan pakan, yaitu: perlakuan non-flushing (48,84% rumput lapangan, 30,23% daun cassava, dan 20,93% Glyricidia immaculata) yang me-ngandung 9,70% PK dan 37,20% TDN; perlakuan flushing (29,30% rumput la-pangan, 18,14% daun cassava, dan 12,56% Glyricidia immaculata) ditambah konsentrat (31,43% onggok; 7,14% dedak padi; dan ultra mineral 1,43%) de-ngan kandude-ngan 12,70% PK dan 84,50% TDN. Konsentrat diberikan kepada ternak selama 34 hari, yang terbagi atas: 17 hari sebelum dan 17 hari sesudah ternak dikawinkan, selanjutnya disebut dengan flushing. Pada hari ke-34 dan seterusnya, baik ternak kelompok non-flushing dan flushing masing-masing ha-nya diberi pakan basal secara ad libitum. Konsentrat dan pakan basal diberikan sebanyak satu kali per ekor per hari masing-masing pada pukul 07.00 dan pukul 15.00. Air minum diberikan secara ad libitum. Penyerentakan birahi dilakukan dengan menyuntikkan larutan steril Lutalyse  (Dinoprost tromethamine) 100mL


intramus-cular melalui vena jugularis terhadap semua induk kambing dengan dosis

1mL atau 5mg per ekor.

Peubah yang diamati adalah PBBH induk kambing, bobot hidup akhir, jumlah cempe sekelahiran, dan bobot lahir cempe. Perbedaan nilai yang diamati karena perlakuan non-flushing dan flushing, selanjutnya dianalisis dengan uji t.

Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa, induk kambing kelompok flushing mengkonsumsi bahan kering, protein dan energi yang lebih tinggi daripada kelompok non-flushing. Keadaan ini diikuti oleh PBBH yang lebih tinggi dan berbeda nyata (P  0,05) pada ternak kelompok flushing dari pada kelompok

non-flushing (66g dan 16g). Jumlah cempe sekelahiran kelompok flushing lebih

tinggi dan berbeda nyata (P  0,05) daripada kelompok non-flushing (1,60 dan 1,13). Peningkatan energi pakan (0,58Mkal ME menjadi 2,20Mkal ME) pada ternak kelompok flushing meningkatkan jumlah cempe sekelahiran per ekor kambing dari 1,13 menjadi 1,60. Bobot lahir cempe kelompok flushing (jantan 1,84  0,11kg; betina 1,61  0,18kg) lebih tinggi dan berbeda nyata (P  0,05) daripada kelompok non-flushing (jantan 1,70  0,04kg; betina 1,47  0,14kg). Pakan berenergi tinggi meningkatkan bobot lahir cempe. Kesimpulan Penelitian Tahap I. Flushing berbasis produk ketela pohon meningkatkan PBBH dan bobot hidup akhir induk kambing Kejobong; jumlah cempe sekelahiran; bobot lahir cempe jantan dan betina.

Penelitian Tahap II. “Pengaruh Flushing Berbasis Produk Ketela Pohon terhadap Kinerja Reproduksi Kambing Kejobong”. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengevaluasi pengaruh flushing berbasis produk ketela pohon terhadap


kinerja reproduksi (tanggap birahi, awal birahi, lama birahi, konsentrasi estro- trogen dan progesteron selama birahi dan konsentrasi progesteron setelah ka- win) kambing Kejobong.

Bahan penelitian yang digunakan adalah DRG Estradiol ELISA dan DRG

Progesterone Enzyme Immunoassay Kit. Pengamatan tingkah laku birahi (D0),

terdiri dari tanggap birahi, awal birahi, dan lama birahi, terhadap semua ternak dilakukan selama dua hari setelah suntikan secara intramuskular dengan lutalyse masing-masing pada jam ke-0, 24, 36 dan jam ke-48. Lama waktu pengamatan dari masing-masing jam pengamatan birahi adalah dua jam. Pengambilan contoh darah dilakukan tujuh hari sebelum flushing, selama dua hari, yang dimulai setelah suntikan lutalyse masing-masing pada jam ke-0, 24, 36 dan jam ke-48. Proses analisis konsentrasi estrogen dan progesteron dengan menggu-nakan Enzyme Linked-sorbent Assay (ELISA).

Peubah yang diamati adalah tanggap birahi (%), awal birahi (jam), lama birahi (jam), konsentrasi estrogen (pg/mL) dan progesteron (ng/mL) selama birahi, serta konsentrasi progesteron (ng/mL) pada hari yang ke-14 dan ke-21 setelah kawin. Perbedaan peubah birahi (tanggap birahi, awal birahi, dan lama birahi) karena perlakuan non-flushing dan flushing dianalisis dengan uji t. Peubah konsentrasi estrogen dan progesteron selama birahi dianalisis dengan rancangan acak lengkap pola faktorial 2x5. Ulangan sebanyak 5 kali. Peubah konsentrasi progesteron setelah kawin dianalisis dengan rancangan acak lengkap pola faktorial 2x2. Ulangan sebanyak 5 kali. Apabila hasil uji F menun-jukkan ada perbedaan, analisis dilanjutkan dengan uji beda nyata terkecil.


Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa, penyerentakan birahi terhadap induk kambing kelompok flushing dan non-flushing menghasilkan tanggap birahi masing-masing sebanyak 100%. Timbulnya birahi yang bersamaan pada ternak disebabkan karena kehadiran preparat prostaglandin (PGF2). Hal ini

menye-babkan konsentrasi progesteron yang dihasilkan corpus luteum dalam darah menurun. Awal birahi ternak kelompok flushing lebih cepat dan berbeda sangat nyata (P  0,01) daripada ternak kelompok non-flushing (36,30  0,31jam dan 37,40  0,45jam). Lama birahi induk kambing kelompok flushing lebih lama dan berbeda sangat nyata (P  0,01) daripada kelompok non-flushing (37,78  0,54jam dan 36,54  0,25jam). Flushing pada induk kambing mempercepat timbulnya awal birahi dan memperpanjang lama birahi. Konsentrasi estrogen induk kambing selama birahi pada kelompok flushing lebih tinggi dan berbeda nyata (P  0,05) daripada kelompok non-flushing (18,40pg/mL dan 13,35pg/mL).

Flushing pada induk kambing selama birahi meningkatkan konsentrasi estrogen.

Konsentrasi progesteron induk kambing kelompok flushing lebih tinggi dan berbe-da nyata (P  0,05) daripada kelompok non-flushing (1,13ng/mL dan 0,38ng/ mL). Flushing pada induk kambing meningkatkan konsentrasi progesteron sela-ma birahi walaupun sela-masih tetap pada konsentrasi basal. Konsentrasi proges-teron induk kambing setelah kawin pada hari ke-21 lebih tinggi dan berbeda sangat nyata (P  0,01) daripada hari ke-14 (13,04ng/mL dan 8,72ng/ mL). Semakin bertambah hari dari sejak ternak dikawinkan semakin tinggi pula kon-sentrasi progesteronnya. Konkon-sentrasi progesteron ternak setelah kawin pada kelompok flushing (11,13ng/mL) secara nyata lebih tinggi (P  0,10) daripada


kelompok non-flushing (10,58ng/mL). Flushing meningkatkan konsentrasi pro-gesteron sebanyak 0,55ng/mL.

Kesimpulan Penelitian Tahap II. Flushing berbasis produk ketala po-hon pada kambing Kejobong mengakibatkan timbulnya birahi lebih awal dan birahi lebih lama; meningkatkan konsentrasi estrogen dan progesteron selama birahi, serta meningkatkan konsentrasi progesteron setelah kawin.

Penelitian Tahap III. Pengaruh Penambahan Konsentrat Ke dalam Pa-kan Basal terhadap Karkateristik Karkas serta Aktvitas Kalpain dan Kalpastatin Daging Kambing Kejobong. Tujuan penelitian, yaitu: mengetahui karakteristik karkas (pH, CL, WHC, dan keempukan daging), dan mempelajari aktivitas kal-pain dan kalpastatin daging).

Induk kambing umur 2,00  2,50 tahun dengan kisaran bobot hidup awal antara 23,80  24,20kg sebanyak 20 ekor digunakan dalam penelitian ini. Semu-a ternSemu-ak ditempSemu-atkSemu-an secSemu-arSemu-a Semu-acSemu-ak dSemu-alSemu-am duSemu-a mSemu-acSemu-am perlSemu-akuSemu-an pSemu-akSemu-an, ySemu-akni: perlakuan pakan basal (48,84% rumput lapangan, 30,23% daun cassava dan 20,93% Glyricidia immaculata) (9,70% PK dan 37,20% TDN); dan perlakuan pa-kan basal (29,30% rumput lapangan, 18,14% daun cassava, dan 12,56%

Glyricidia immaculata ditambah konsentrat (31,43% onggok; 7,14% dedak padi;

dan ultra mineral 1,43%) (12,70% PK dan 84,50% TDN).

Pakan basal dan konsentrat diberikan sebanyak satu kali per ekor per hari masing-masing pada pukul 07.00 dan pukul 15.00. Air minum diberikan se- cara ad libitum. Setelah 12 minggu periode pemeliharaan, kemudian dilakukan pemotongan ternak. Induk kambing yang dipotong sebanyak lima ekor atau 50%


dari jumlah ternak yang ada pada masing-masing perlakuan pakan basal dan pakan basal + konsentrat.

Peubah yang diukur pH, CL, WHC, keempukan daging, serta aktivitas kalpain (-kalpain dan m-kalpain) dan kalpastatin. Otot kambing diperoleh dari hasil pemotongan terhadap masing-masing lima ekor kambing Kejobong yang telah mendapat perlakuan pakan basal dan pakan basal + konsentrat. Contoh daging sebanyak 20 g masing-masing diambilkan dari otot PP, BF, dan otot LD.

Peubah WHC, pH, CL, keempukan daging, dan aktivitas kalpain dan kal-pastain dianalisis dengan rancangan acak lengkap pola faktorial 2x3. Ulangan sebanyak 5x ulangan. Apabila hasil uji F menunjukkan ada perbedaan, analisis dilanjutkan dengan uji beda nyata terkecil.

Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa, pH daging induk kambing yang di-beri pakan basal + konsentrat lebih tinggi dan berbeda sangat nyata (P  0,01) daripada yang diberi pakan basal (5,29 dan 5,14). Konsumsi protein yang tinggi dari pakan basal + konsentrat meningkatkan pH daging sebesar 0,15.

Pemberian pakan basal pada ternak menghasilkan CL daging yang lebih tinggi (44,63% dan 36,75%) dari pada yang dibeir pakan basal + konsentrat teta-pi tidak berbeda nyata. Penambahan energi TDN dan protein dari pakan basal dan konsentrat pada induk kambing menurunkan CL daging walaupun penurun-an CL tersebut tidak nyata.

Ternak yang diberi pakan basal + konsentrat menghasilkan WHC daging lebih tinggi dan berbeda nyata (P  0,05) daripada yang diberi pakan basal (62,32% dan 62,23%). Penambahan protein konsentrat dalam pakan basal me-


ningkatkan WHC daging.

Induk kambing yang diberi pakan basal + konsentrat menghasilkan da- ging yang lebih empuk dan berbeda nyata (P  0,05) dari pada kambing yang diberi pakan basal (0,27mm/gr/dt dan 0,26mm/gr/dt). Peningkatan konsentrasi protein konsentrat dalam paka basal meningkatkan keempukan daging.

Aktivitas -kalpain pada ternak yang diberi pakan basal + konsentrat lebih tinggi dan berbeda nyata (P  0,05) daripada yang diberi pakan basal (6,10U dan 5,32U). Pakan yang bergizi tinggi (pakan basal dan konsentrat mengandung energi 0,51kg TDN) meningkatkan 0,78U aktivitas -kalpain sehingga daging lebih empuk.

Aktivitas m-kalpain pada induk kambing yang diberi pakan basal + kon-sentrat lebih tinggi dan berbeda nyata (P  0,05) daripada yang diberi pakan basal (6,00U dan 5,15U). Konsumsi energi sebanyak 0,51kg TDN dari pakan basal dan konsentrat meningkatkan aktivitas m-kalpain sebesar 0,85U. Semakin tinggi aktivitas kalpain (m-kalpain) daging semakin empuk.

Aktivitas kalpastatin daging kambing pada perlakuan pakan basal + kon-sentrat lebih tinggi dan berbeda nyata (P  0,05) daripada p0 (29,61U dan 27,09U). Konsumsi energi sebanyak 0,51kg TDN dari pakan basal dan konsen-trat meningkatkan aktivitas kalpastatin sebesar 2,52U.

Kesimpulan Penelitian Tahap III. Pemeliharaan kambing Kejobong ber-basis produk ketela pohon meningkatkan pH; menurunkan cooking loss; water-


kambing Kejobong berbasis produk ketela pohon meningkatkan aktivitas -kal-pain, aktivitas m-kal--kal-pain, dan aktivitas kalpastatin.



Animal husbandry of Kejobong goats kept in traditional systems by

cas-sava farmers as the main occupation. Livestocks only fed forage of cutting and

carrying on the marginal land, i.e.: grass, Glyricidia immaculata, and cassava leaves. They have never been fed concentrate as an additional feed, whereas there is a lot of “onggok” as a by product industries of cassava meal.

Flushing is a system of additional feeding that contains high energy and fed into the doe since 34 days pre and post mating. The usage of flushing on doe is to improve live weight, reproduction hormone, and estrus cycle.

Estrogen increases in high level during estrus, while progesterone levels constant on the basal concentration, so goat pregnancy can be predicted through the test of progesterone concentration on day 14 and 21 following doe mated.

Meat from different muscles and source of the same livestock shows ten-derness different. Those estimated in variability reason of calpain activity. De-creasing of calpain activity followed by raising of calpastatin activity that causes on the reduction of muscle tenderness as well.

The usage of feed bases on the cassava production fed as a flushing and or as feed additional hoped to increase the reproduction and productivity performance of Kejobong goats. This experiment conducted by three stage in sequence.

The first stage of the experiment. The Effect of Flushing Bases on the Cassava Products into the Productivity Performance of Kejobong Goats. The aims of this experiment is to study the effect of flushing bases on the cassava


production local into the productivity performance (ADG of doe, final live weight, litter size, and kid birth weight). There were 20 does, 2.503 years old by initial live weight 26.60  1.71kg. All animals were randomly assigned into two sorts of the feed treatment, i.e.: non-flushing (48.84% grasses, 30.23% cassava leaves, and 20.93% Glyricidia immaculata) contained 9,70% CP and 37.20% TDN; and flushing (29.30% grasses, 18.14% cassava leaves, and 12.56% Glyricidia

immaculata) added concentrate (31.14% onggok and 7.14% rice meal; ultra

mineral 1.43%) containing 12.70% CP and 84.50% TDN . Concentrate fed to the animals during 34 days, consist of 17 days pre and 17 days post mating, in sequence, furthermore called flushing treatment. On day 34 and so on, does group of non-flushing and flushing were fed forage ad libitum, respectively. Concentrate and basal feed were given one time a day per head at 07.00 a.m. and 03.00 p.m. respectively. Drinking water was given to the animal ad libitum. Estrus synchronization was done by injection of solution sterilize Lutalyse (Dinoprost tromethamine) 100 ml © Pharmacia & Upjohn Company Kalamazoo, MI 49001, USA intramuscularly via vena jugular of all does with 1mL dosage or 5mg per head.

Variables measured were ADG of doe, final live weight, litter size, and kid birth weight. Value different of the variables due to the treatment of non-flushing and non-flushing analyzed by t test.

The result of this research showed that does of flushing group ate dry matter, protein and energy was higher than of non-flushing. This situation follo-wed by highly ADG and significantly different (P  0.05) on animal of flushing


group than that of non-flushing (66g and 16g). Litter size of does in flushing group was higher and significantly different (P  0,05) than that of non-flushing (1.60 and 1.13). Raising of energy feed (0.58Mcal ME into 2.20Mcal ME) on livestock of flushing increased litter size per head doe from 1.13 into 1.60. Kid birth weight of does in flushing group (male 1.84  0.11kg; female 1.61  0.18kg) was higher and significantly different (P  0.05) than that of non-flushing (male 1.70  0.04kg; female 1.47  0.14kg). Highly energy feed improved kid birth weight.

Conclusion of the first research. Flushing bases on the cassava products increased ADG and final live weight of the doe; litter size; kid birth weight of male and female.

The second phase of research. “The Effect of Flushing Bases on the Cassava Products into the Reproduction of Kejobong Goats”. The purposes of this experiment is to evaluate the effect of flushing bases on the cassava pro-ducts into the reproduction performance (estrus response, onset of estrus, length of estrus, concentration of estrogen and progesterone during estrus and proges-terone concentration on post mating) of Kejobong goats.

Material used in the research was DRG Estradiol ELISA and DRG Progesterone Enzyme Immunoassay Kit. Observation on estrus behavior (D0)

consists of estrus response, onset of estrus, length of estrus into all animal conducted during two days following intramuscularly injection of lutalyse on the hour 0, 24, 36, and hour 48, respectively. Length of the observation into the each of estrus observation hour was two hours. Blood sampling done on seven days


before flushing, during two days, that started following lutalyse injection on the hour 0, 24, 36, and hour 48. Enzyme Linked-sorbent Assay (ELISA) was utilized to analyze concentration of estrogen and progesterone.

Variables measured were estrus response (%), onset of estrus (hour), length of estrus (hour), concentration of estrogen (pg/mL) and progesterone (ng/ mL) during estrus, and concentration of progesterone on the day 14 and 21 post mating. Differentiation of variable observed (estrus response, onset of estrus, length of estrus) due to the treatment of non-flushing and flushing were analyzed by t test. Variable of concentration of estrogen and progesterone during estrus were analyzed by the completely randomized design based on the factorial pattern 2x5. Replication was 5 times. Variable of progesterone concentration after mating was analyzed by factorial design 2x2. Replication 5 times. If the result of F test showed a significantly different, analysis to be continued by least significantly different (LSD).

The result of this experiment showed that, estrus synchronization into the doe of flushing and non-flushing groups produced an estrus response 100%, respectively. Appearance of estrus of the animal at the same time caused by the attendance of prostaglandin (PGF2). Those caused a progesterone

concen-tration that produced by corpus luteum in the blood was decline. Onset of estrus in the flushing group was faster and a highly significantly different (P  0.01) than that of non-flushing (36.30  0,31 hours and 37.40  0,45 hours). Length of estrus of the doe of flushing group was longer and a highly significantly different (P  0.01) than that of non flushing (37.78  0.54 hours and 36,54  0,25 hours).


Flushing on the doe made faster of the onset of estrus appearance and of longer of the estrus length. Estrogen concentration on the doe during estrus of flushing group was higher and a significantly different (P  0.05) than that of non-flushing (18.40pg/ mL and 13.35pg/mL). Estrogen concentration on the doe during estrus of p1 group increased. Concentration of progesterone of the doe of flushing group was higher and a significantly different (P  0.05) than that of non-flushing (1.13ng/mL and 0.38ng/mL). Fushing on the doe improved progesterone con-centration during estrus although it was still permanent on the basal concen-tration. Progesterone concentration of the doe on post mating on the day 21 was higher and a highly significantly different (P  0.01) than that of on the day 14 (13.04ng/mL and 8.72ng/mL). More and more of the day of since the mated animal caused progesterone concentration was higher. Concentration of pro-gesterone of the doe of flushing group (11.13ng/mL) was higher (P  0.10) than that of non-flushing (10.58ng/mL). Flushing increased concentration of proges-terone of the animal as much as 0.55ng/mL.

Conclusion of the second phase research. Flushing bases on local feed on Kejobong goats caused the estrus appearance faster and estrus longer; enhancing concentration of estrogen and progesterone in the pre mating were, respectively; and to increase concentration of progesterone in the post mating.

The third stage of the experiment. The Effect of Concentrate Additional in the Basal Feed into the Carcass Characteristics and Calpain Activities and Calpastatin of the Kejobong Goats Meat. The aims of this experiment was to


investigate carcass characteristics (pH, cooking loss, water-holding capacity, and tenderness of meat); to study the calpain and calpastatin activities of meat).

There were 20 heads doe the age of 2.00  2.50 years old with the initial live weight range 23.80  24.20kg utilized in this experiment. All animals were randomly assigned into two sort of feed treatment, i.e. basal feed (48.84% grasses, 30.23% cassava leaves, 20.93% Glyricidia immaculata (9.70% CP and 37.20% TDN); basal feed (29.30% grasses, 18.14% cassava leaves, 12.56%

Glyricidia immaculata) added concentrate (31.43% onggok; 7.14% rice meal; and

1.43% ultra mineral) (12.70% CP and 84.50% TDN).

Basal feed and concentrate fed one times per head per day at 07.00 a.m. and 03.00 p.m. Drinking water gave ad libitum methods. Keeping of the animals were 12 weeks, then those slaughtered. Does slaughtered were 5 heads or 50% of the animal total in the treatment of basal feed and basal feed + concentrate groups. Slaughtered animals were randomly got of those treatments.

Variables measured i.e.: pH, cooking loss (CL), water-holding capacity, meat tenderness, activity of calpain (-calpain and m-calpain) and calpastatin. Muscle of goat came from the slaughtered results of 5 heads which received the treatment basal feed and basal feed + concentrate groups. Meat sampling 20g was taken from the muscle of PP, BF, and LD.

Variables of WHC, pH, CL, meat tenderness, and calpain and calpastatin activities were analyzed by the completely randomized design based on the factorial pattern 2x3. Replication was 5 times. If the result of F test showed difference, analysis to be continued by the least signifycantly different (LSD).


The result of the experiment showed that meat pH of does fed basal feed + concentrate was higher and highly significant different (P  0.01) than that of basal feed (5.29 and 5.14). Highly protein consumption of basal feed and con- centrate enhanced 0.15 pH of meat.

The treatment of basal feed produced meat CL was higher (44.63% and 36.75%) than that of basal feed + concentrate but not significantly different. Addition of TDN energy and protein of basal feed and concentrate on doe de-clining meat CL although not significant.

Water-holding capacity or WHC of goat meats fed basal feed + concen-trate treatment was higher and significantly different (P  0.05) than that of basal feed (62.32% and 62.23%). Concentrate protein additional into the basal feed increased meat WHC.

Does fed basal feed + concentrate treatment delivered meat more tender and significantly differrent (P  0.05) than that of basal feed (0.27mm/g/second and 0.26mm/g/second). Enhancement of concentrate protein in basal feed increased meat tenderness.

Activity of -calpain on basal feed + concentrate group was higher and significantly different (P  0.05) than that of basal feed group (6.10U and 5.32U). Highly nutrient (basal feed and concentrate content 0.51kg TDN energy) advan-ced activity of -calpain as many as 0.78U so that meat was tender.

Activity of m-calpain on basal feed + concentrate group was higher and significantly different (P  0.05) than that of basal feed group (6.00U and 5.15U). Consumption of energy 0.51 TDN on basal feed and concentrate increased


activity of m-calpain as much as 0.85U. More and more high of calpain activity (m-calpain) meat was tender.

Activity of calpastatin on goat meat of basal feed + concentrate group treatment was higher and significantly different (P  0.05) than that of basal feed group (29.61U and 27.09U). Consumption of 0.51kg TDN energy of basal feed and concentrate advanced activity of calpastatin as many as 2.52U.

Conclusion of the third phases of research. Keeping of Kejobong goats bases on local feed increased pH; decreasing of cooking loss; water holding

ca-pacity enchanced; meat tenderness increased. Keeping of Kejobong goats

bases on local feed rise activity of -calpain, m-pain, and activity of cal-pastatin.



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