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Academic year: 2017



Teks penuh





Hasmi Syahputra Harahap NIM. 408641004

Biology Bilingual Education Study Program


Submitted to Biology Education Department The State University of Medan, in Partial Fulfillment of the Requirement for Degree of Sarjana Pendidikan









Figure 2.1. The Emotional Brain 11




Pages Table 2.1. The Personal and Social Skills Attributed on

Emotional Intelligence 19

Table 2.2. Range of Score Interval and Qualification on Emotional Intelligence 25

Table 3.1. Number of Class XI IA Students 34

Table 3.2. Score of the Positive Statement and Negative Statement 36

Table 3.3. Range of Score Interval and Qualification on Emotional Intelligence 36

Table 3.4. Lattices in Questionnaire used to Aspects of Emotional Intelligence 37

Table 3.5. Analysis of Variance (ANAVA) for Test of Linearity Regression 45

Table 3.6. Correlation Coefficient 46

Table 3.7. Interpretation Value 47

Table 3.8. Index of Determination 48

Table 4.1. The Summary of Calculated Frequency Distribution of Emotional Intelligence Students 49

Table 4.2. The Summary of Calculated Frequency Distribution of Biology Learning Achievement Student 50

Tabel 4.3. Normality Test 52

Table 4.4. Summary of ANAVA for Regression Equations Y on X 54




Pages Appendix 1. Research Instrument

(Questionnaire of Emotional Intelligence) 65

Appendix 2. Daftar Nilai Kecerdasan Emosional dan Nilai Murni Ujian Biologi Semester II 70

Appendix 3. Research Data Tabulation 75

Appendix 4. Calculation of the Average of EI & BLAS and it is the Standard Deviation 81

Appendix 5. Frequency Distribution Research Data 83

Appendix 6. Normality Test 85

Appendix 7. Homogeneity Test 89

Appendix 8. Linear Regression Test 99

Appendix 9. Calculation of Correlation Coefficient 111

Appendix 10. Correlation Significance Test 113

Appendix 11. Index of Determination 115

Appendix 12. Research Documentation 116

Appendix 13. The Critical Value of L for Lilliefors Test 124

Appendix 14. Table of Large Area under the Normal Curve of 0 to z 125

Appendix 15. The price of Chi-Square (2 ) 126

Appendix 16. Nilai Persentil Untuk Distribusi F 127

Appendix 17. Critical Value of t Distribution 130




1.1.Background of Problem

Education is a business or activity carried on with deliberate, organized and planned with the intent to change or develop desired behavior. Schools as formal institutions are instrumental in achieving these educational goals. Through the school, students study a range of things. In formal education, study shows that there is a positive change so that at the final stage will get the skills and new knowledge. The results of the learning process are reflected in academic achievement. But in an effort to achieve a satisfactory learning achievements and learning needs. The learning process that occurs in individuals is an important thing, because through the study of individuals familiar with their environment and adjust to the surrounding environment. For example studying biology will produce lasting changes in a person. To find out to what extent the changes that occur, there needs assessment. Assessment of results of learning biology a student to know the extent to which learning objectives have been achieved is called an achievement to learn biology.

Educational problems will not be endless. Besides increasing competition in the world of education today, is a natural thing if the students worry about failure in learning achievement or even the fear of failing grades. Therefore, teachers have an important role in education. Teachers as one of the educational staff have a role as one of the critical success factors of education goals, because teachers are directly in contact with learners. However, efforts of the students also have important role in learning achievement the best as to form study group or follow the guidance of learning. Such effort is clearly positive, but there is still another factor that is not less important in achieving success than intellectual intelligence, these factor is emotional intelligence.



need to develop a rational understanding of intelligence that is commonly understood model student, but also need to develop student’s emotional intelligence.

Intellectual intelligence just does not provide preparation for students to face the difficulties in life to get the achievement. Teachers suggested that further improve the quality of the field of emotional intelligence for students, considering the challenge of education to produce quality human resources that can compete in era globally. Efforts to improve the performance is usually done by providing motivation, conduct supervision, provide incentives, provides an excellent opportunity to grow in mind, improve skills, good leadership style and other efforts relevant that can support students in achieve emotional intelligence.

The existence of emotional intelligence, students are able to recognize and respond to their own feelings and are able to read and deal with the feelings of others effectively. Students have good emotional skills is likely for succeed in life and have the motivation to achievement. While students who can not hold the controls for the emotional life will experience an inner struggle that undermine its ability to focus on their tasks and a clear mind that existed at the student.

Goleman (1995) and some other researcher in the U.S. (Yoseph, 2005) showed that an someone's success in life is 80 percent were depend on Emotional Quotient (EQ), Spiritual Quotient (SQ) and only 20 percent were depend on Intelligence Quotient (IQ). In the human personality, it consists of two different dimensions, namely the SQ and EQ sides. Concerning the spiritual side of man's ability to calculate, analyze, think about cause and effect and produce something. The emotional side to bring the nuances of feelings, moods regarding happy, sad, frustrated, tense, and afraid. While the IQ is cognitive intelligence. So, EQ and SQ are very important in life than IQ.



According to the report, in some of school did not have one or more elements of emotional intelligence/do not want to know whether they also have cognitive difficulties such as learning disabilities (Goleman, 2009).

According to Goleman (2000), Emotional intelligence is the ability to perceive, understand and effectively apply the power and sensitivity of emotion as a source of energy, information, connections and influence human. This capability of students can be able to know who is him, to control himself, to motivate himself, empathizing with the surrounding environment and have the social skills

that will improve the quality of his own understanding, while according to Gottman (2008), students who have high levels on emotional intelligence are

better, can become more skilled in calming himself quickly, rarely contracting the

disease, more skilled in focusing attention, better in dealing with others, more adept at understanding others and for academic work at school is better.

Many educational programs oriented only on the intelligence of the brain alone or Intelligence Quotient (IQ). The appropriate what is actually required how to develop intelligence, such as toughness, initiative, optimism, adaptability which has now become the basis of a new assessment.

Based on the results of research Yolanda (2007) average emotional intelligence students equal to 2,4 belong to medium categories and

biology learning achievement 67,69 belong to successful categories. It means that there is the relationship between emotional intelligence and biology learning achievement student’s. Similar to Gusmayanti (2009) average emotional intelligence students equal to 2,81 with biology learning achievement on average 74,73. The study was based on the measurement of emotional intelligence scores

range that can be seen in table 3.3, chapter III that the interval ranges from 0.0 until 2,0 belong to classification low categories and 2,1 until 4.0 belong to

high categories. The measurement of learning achievement student based on the

value predetermined of Biology KKM (Kriteria Ketuntasan Minimal) is 73 for class XI IA at SMA Negeri 2 Kisaran. If the student's achievement scores is less



relations of emotional intelligence to biology learning achievement, in addressing the child's learning success is not solely due to sheer intellectual ability, but there are one of the that support the learning success of children, especially teenagers. Because, there is relationship between emotional intelligence and biology learning achievement of student’s. Based on the information above, the author want to conduct a research titled “The Relationship Between Emotional Intelligence and Biology Learning Achievement Student’s in Class XI IA at SMA Negeri 2 Kisaran Academic Year 2011/2012.”

1.2. Problem Identification

Based on the background above the problems are identified as follows: 1. Not all students in class XI IA have high emotional intelligence.

2. Not all teachers know the importance of emotional intelligence on student achievement.

3. Lack of implementation or development of emotional intelligence in teaching and learning in the classroom.

4. Lack of student motivation to improve academic achievement in classroom.

5. In the teaching-learning process is needed teacher personality to the

expectations of the student to improve biology learning achievement in class.

1.3. Research Scope

In order for this research can be successfully implemented and directed, then this research only limited on emotional intelligence that include to

“personality skills and social skills", then look at student achievement, and to know the relationship between emotional intelligence and biology learning



1.4. Research Questions

The problem can be formulated as follows:

1. Is there any average level of student emotional intelligence in class XI IA at SMA Negeri 2 Kisaran academic year 2011/2012?

2. How is the average score of biology learning achievement student in class XI IA at SMA Negeri 2 Kisaran academic year 2011/2012?

3. Is there any relationship between emotional intelligence and biology learning achievement student in class XI IA at SMA Negeri 2 Kisaran academic year 2011/2012?

1.5. Objectives

This research will conducted with several objectives as follows:

1. To know the average level of emotional intelligence student’s in class XI IA at SMA Negeri 2 Kisaran academic year 2011/2012.

2. To know the average score of learning achievement student’s in class XI IA at SMA Negeri 2 Kisaran academic year 2011/2012.

3. To know the relationship between emotional intelligence and biology learning achievement student’s in class XI IA at SMA Negeri 2 Kisaran academic year 2011/2012.”

1.6. Significance of Research

The results of this study have significance some are as follows: 1.6.1. Theoritically

1. Research is expected to contribute to and enrich the educational psychology research that has been there also especially for biology education and can give an idea of the relationship of emotional intelligence with academic achievement.



1.6.2. Practically

1. Results of this study is expected to help provide information, especially to parents, teachers and school counselors in an effort to guide and motivate students to explore adolescent in terms of their emotional intelligence toward positive behavior.

2. As a material input for the student to be able to improve their emotional intelligence.

3. As a material input for the teacher to be able give attention and approach to students, particularly in terms of improving children's emotional intelligence.





5.1. Conclusions

Based on the objective, result and discussion of research on the relationship between emotional intelligence and biology learning achievement

student’s that previously stated, it can be concluded that:

1. The average level of emotional intelligence of student in class XI IA at SMAN 2 Kisaran academic year 2011/2012 is 3.1, it is belong to high

categories, which is reach the students as much 34.81 %.

2. The average score of biology learning achievement student’s in class XI IA at SMAN 2 Kisaran academic year 2011/2012 is 54.34, it is belong to medium categories, which is reach the students as much

42.96 %.

3. There is significance relationship between emotional intelligence and biology learning achievement student’s in class XI IA at SMA Negeri 2 Kisaran academic year 2011/2012. The value of calculation in correlation coefficient (r) is 0.53, and the emotional intelligence contribution is 28 % toward biology learning achievement students and the rest affected by other factors.

5.2. Suggestions

Based on the above conclusions, then it could be the following proposed some suggestions that are as follow:

1. The results of these studies used as an input to the teachers for students in dealing with emotional intelligence and can further enhance the achievement of biology students in the achieve to success.



3. The readers can enhancing more references so that the statements regarding this research more accurately and ensure that there is a positive

relationship and ability to increase biology student achievement in school.




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Hasmi Syahputra Harahap was born in Simpang Ranto Jior, on 21st July 1991. The dear parents are my father Salim Harahap and my mother

Siti Awan Rambe, was the second child of the child’s four. In 1996, the author started his first educational experience in SD Negeri 116254 Ranto Jior and graduated in 2002. In 2002, the author entered in MTs Darul Falah and graduated in 2005. In 2005, the author continued his educational in MAS Darul Falah and graduated in 2008. In 2008, the author was registered in Biology Bilingual

Education, Biology Department, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Science, the State University of Medan, and did the thesis examination on 11January 2013.

Academic experiences have been follows are field course, a national seminar and field experience program at SMA Negeri 2 Kisaran. The author

activities in college that are related to BIOTA (Biologi Pencinta Alam) and HMJ (Himpunan Mahasiswa Jurusan).

The final task, the author completed the thesis with a title

“The Relationship Between Emotional Intelligence and Biology Learning

Achievement Student’s in Class XI IA at SMA Negeri 2 Kisaran Academic Year






Hasmi Syahputra Harahap (408641004)


These research have the aims to know the relationship between emotional

intelligence and biology learning achievement student’s in class XI IA at SMA Negeri 2 Kisaran academic year 2011/2012.

The population of this research is all students in class XI IA at SMA Negeri 2 Kisaran with amount is 135 student. This case, the sample taken

with used total sampling is 135 student, from the entire of the population. The research method used is descriptive correlation, using the questionnaire it means as the collecting data in research.

Based on the data analysis result of the prerequisite test known that is well the data of emotional intelligence and biology learning achievement that are distributed normally and homogeneous. For technical data analysis known form so the hypothesis is accepted. From the calculated of correlation coefficient

obtained r = 0.53 and Index of determination (I) = 28 % means that there is a positive and significant correlation between emotional intelligence and student

achievement, where the emotional intelligence factors the contribution is 28 % to increase student achievement. The hypothesis test which is obtained tarithmetic > ttable (7.21 > 1.96), so that the hypothesis testing of Ho is rejected while

of Ha is accepted.

Based on the explanation above, it can be concluded that there is relationship between emotional intelligence and biology learning achievement student’s in class XI IA at SMA Negeri 2 Kisaran academic year 2011/2012.




Alhamdulillahirabbilalamin . . .

All the praise and gratitude the author prayed to the Almighty God ALLAH SWT who has given the ability, health and safety, so that the author is able to finish this thesis. The affection is given to the author, it can be follow the

lectures and completed the study according to the planned time, with a title: “The Relationship Between Emotional Intelligence and Biology Learning

Achievement Student’s in Class XI IA at SMA Negeri 2 Kisaran Academic Year 2011/2012”. This thesis is structured to fulfill one of the

requirement for the degree of Sarjana Pendidikan in Biology Department, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Science, the State University of Medan (UNIMED).

The author wish big express thank’s to Dra. Meida Nugrahalia, M.Sc. as the thesis supervisor which has provided guidance and suggestions to the

author from the beginning to the end of writing this thesis. Thank’s also goes to Mr. Syarifuddin, M.Sc, Ph.D., and Mr. Dr. rer. nat. Binari Manurung, M.Si., and also Mrs. Dr. Hj. Fauziyah Harahap, M.Si., as the examiner lecturers who have give thank’s to Mrs. Dr. Hj. Fauziyah Harahap, M.Si., as the academic supervisor and to Mr. Prof. Dr. Herbert Sipahutar, M.Si., M.Sc., as the coordinator of Bilingual Program, and all the lecturers and staff personnel department of biology in Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Science UNIMED who have helped to the author.



Especially of the author give thank’s to dear parents, my father Salim Harahap and my mother Siti Awan Rambe, that has been educating and

raising the author, and always pray for author to remain in the shadow of ALLAH SWT, if the author had difficulties in lectures and preparation of this

thesis only to him for advice, and their pray to the author can remain in completing this thesis. Author dedicate this thesis specifically for beloved

parents who never stopped encouraging and proved to be great in terms of the material, spiritual and motivational advice for author, it can be complete a study at UNIMED, and also especially give thank’s to my brother Herman Chandra Harahap and my younger brother Hendri Tauhid Harahap and also Hasrul Susanto

Harahap who have help me during in life, so the author can complete a study at UNIMED.

Not forgetting also say of the author would love to my friends in biologist who always encouraging and supporting to me during the lecture at UNIMED, and to dear friends in class Biology Bilingual Education 2008, who

have provided supporting and motivating to reach achieve success in the struggle to the author. And also to sincerest gratitude for BIOTA (Biologi Pencinta Alam)

and HMJ (Himpunan Mahasiswa Jurusan), the organizations that have built my character to be more survive and competitive in life.

The author has tried to finish as much as possible in this thesis, but the author is aware there are still many weaknesses in terms of both content and grammar, to the author welcome any suggestions and constructive criticism from the readers for this thesis so that perfectly. The author also recognize that without the help of the various parties, it’s not be resolved this thesis. The finally, author

hope that this thesis can provide inspiration and information to the readers, to increase the knowledge and enrich the educational revolution.


Figure 2.1.   The Emotional Brain


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