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Academic year: 2017



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A ฀hesis

Submitted to ฀he Physics Education Study Program in Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Degree of

Magister Pendidikan



Registration Number: 8136175006




FEBRIANI HASTINI NST (Reg. Number: 8136175006) The Effect of Scientific Inquiry Learning Model Based on Conceptual Change on Physics Cognitive Competence and Science Process Skill (SPS) of Students at Senior High School.

The purpose of this study was to analyze is physics cognitive competence and science process skill of students using scientific inquiry learning model based on conceptual change better than using conventional learning. The research type was quasi experiment and two group pretest-posttest designs were used in this study. The population was Class XI MS1 and XI MS2 with the totaling of sixty two students. The sample was the entire population. The instruments in this research were essay test for physics cognitive competence of students and observation sheet for science process skill of students. The essay instrument has been validated and fulfilled the requirements of validity and reliability of test. Based on the data tabulation obtained the mean of physics cognitive competence of students in experimental class was 72.97 and 54.97 in control class, the mean of science process skill of students in experimental class was 79.66 and 63.97 in control class. Based on the hypothesis testing can be concluded that physics cognitive competence and science process skill of students using scientific inquiry learning model based on conceptual change was better than using conventional learning.



FEBRIANI HASTINI NST (NIM: 8136175006) Efek Model Pembelajaran Scientific Inquiry Berbasis Conceptual Change Terhadap Kemampuan Kognitif Fisika dan Keterampilan Proses Sains Siswa SMA.

Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis apakah kemampuan kognitif dan keterampilan proses sains siswa menggunakan model pembelajaran scientific inquiry berbasis conceptual change lebih baik daripada pembelajaran konvensional. Jenis penelitian ini adalah quasi eksperimen dengan desain two group pre-test and post-test. Populasi dalam penelitian ini adalah kelas XI MS1 dan XI MS2 yang berjumlah 62 orang. Sampel dalam penelitian adalah seluruh populasi. Instrumen dalam penelitian ini adalah berupa tes essay untuk kemampuan kognitif fisika siswa dan lembar observasi untuk keterampilan proses sains siswa. Instrument essay telah memenuhi syarat validitas dan reliabilitas tes. Melalui pengolahan data diperoleh nilai rata-rata kemampuan kognitif fisika siswa pada kelas eksperimen adalah 72.97 sedangkan pada kelas kontrol adalah 54.97, nilai rata-rata keterampilan proses sains siswa pada kelas eksperimen adalah 79.66 sedangkan pada kelas kontrol adalah 63.97. Melalui pengujian hipotesis dapat disimpulkan bahwa kemampuan kognitif fisika dan keterampilan proses sains siswa menggunakan model pembelajaran scientific inquiry berbasis conceptual change lebih baik daripada pembelajaran konvensional.



฀n the Name of Allah, the Most Merciful, the Most Compassionate, Alhamdulillah all praises belongs to Almighty Allah, the Lord of the worlds and prayers and peace be upon Muhammad His servant and messenger.

First and foremost, ฀ must acknowledge my limitless thanks to Allah, the Ever-magnificent, the Ever-Thankful, for His help and bless by giving me the opportunity, courage and enough energy to carry out and complete the entire thesis work titled “The Effect of Scientific ฀nquiry Learning Model Based on Conceptual Change on Physics Cognitive Competence and Science Process Skill (SPS) of Students at Senior High School” submitted in partial fulfilment of the requirements for the degree of Magister Pendidikan Fisika Postgraduate School in State University of Medan.

฀ am grateful to some people, who worked hard with me from the beginning till the completion of the present research and have assisted me throughout the completion of this research. Thus, ฀ wish to acknowledge my appreciation to certain people, they are:

1. The Rector State University of Medan, Prof. Dr. Syawal Gultom, M.Pd. 2. The Director Postgraduate School State University of Medan, Prof. Dr. H.

Abdul Muin Sibuea, M.Pd.

3. The Head of Physics Education Study Program, Prof. Dr. Sahyar, M.S., M.M., as my first supervisor and Dr. Ridwan Abdullah Sani, M.Si., as my second supervisor for their excellence advice and encouragement from the beginning till the completion of this thesis.

4. The Secretary of Physics Education Study Program, Prof. Dr. Nurdin Bukit, M.Si., as my first examiner, Dr. Derlina, M.Si., as my second examiner and Dr. Eva Marlina Ginting, M.Si., as my third examiner, for their comments on this thesis and advice on the completion of this thesis.

5. Dr. Karya Sinulingga, M.Si., and Dr. Makmur Sirait, M.Si., as the instrument validator.



7. The principle and teachers in SMA Muhammadiyah 1 Medan, for their helping in this research.

8. My beloved parents; H. Jumroddin Nasution, S.Sos., and Syahri Banun Harahap, and also to my beloved sisters and brothers Nurhidaya Fithriyah Nasution, M.Pd., Rahimah Nasution, Amd., Bripda Muhammad Syukur Nasution., and Muhammad Syukri Nasution, for their generous support they provided me throughout my entire life and particularly through the process of pursuing the master degree because of their unconditional love and prayers, so ฀ have the chance to complete this thesis.

9. All my beloved friends in Postgraduate School Year 2013, especially Class A (Regular) Physics Education Study Program, who have been so supportive along the way of doing my thesis.

The author has endeavored to as much as possible in completing this thesis, but the author is aware there are many deficiencies, drawbacks in terms of both content and grammar, then the authors welcome any suggestions and constructive criticism from readers for this thesis perfectly. The author hopes the contents of this paper would be useful in enriching the repertoire of knowledge and education.

Medan, 2015


Febriani Hastini Nst



2.2.฀. Physics Cognitive Competence of Students ฀4

2.2.฀.฀. The Knowledge Dimension ฀4

2.2.฀.2. The Cognitive Process Dimension 2฀

2.2.2. Science Process Skill 24

2.2.2.฀. Definition of Science Process Skill 24 Benefits of Process Skill 25 Process Skills in Science Process Skill 2n 2.3. Factors that Affect the Learning Outcomes 32

2.4. Learning Theory 34

2.5. Scientific Inquiry Learning Model Based on Conceptual 38 Change

3.฀. Location and Time of Research 64



3.4. Type and Design of Research 65

3.5. Procedure of Research 66

3.9. The Testing Result of the Research Test Instrument n2

3.9.฀ Validity of Test n2

3.9.2 Reliability of Test n3

3.฀0. Techniques of Data Analysis n4

3.฀0.฀. Descriptive Analysis n4

3.฀0.2 Inferential Analysis n4

3.฀0.2.฀. Determine the Mean and Standard Deviation n4

3.฀0.2.2. Normality Test n5

3.฀0.2.3. Homogeneity Test n6

3.฀0.2.4. Hypothesis Test nn


4.฀. Result of Study 80

4.฀.฀. Pre-test 80

4.฀.฀.฀. Pre-test of Students’ Physics Cognitive Competence 80

4.฀.2. Post-test 83

4.฀.2.฀. Post-test of Students’ Physics Cognitive Competence 83 4.฀.2.2. Data of Students’ Science Process Skill (SPS) 88

4.฀.3. Analysis of Data 94

4.฀.3.฀. Normality Test of Post-test 95

4.฀.3.2. Homogeneity Test of Post-test 9n

4.฀.3.3. Hypothesis Testing 98



5.฀. Conclusions ฀฀9

5.2. Suggestios ฀฀9



฀ist of Figure


฀igure 2.1 Basic ฀ramework for Conceptual Change 40 Science Teaching

฀igure 2.2 The Effect of Scientific Inquiry Learning Model 46 ฀igure 3.1 Scheme of Research Procedure 67 ฀igure 4.1 Bar Chart of Physics Cognitive Competence Pre-test Data 81

in Experimental and Control Class

฀igure 4.2 Bar Chart of Physics Cognitive Competence Post-test 84 Data in Experimental and Control Class

฀igure 4.3 Bar Chart of Each Category in Physics Cognitive 88 Competence in Experimental and Control Class

฀igure 4.4 Bar Chart of SPS Observation in Experimental and 89 Control Class

฀igure 4.5 Bar Chart of Each SPS Indicator Observation in 94 Experimental and Control Class



฀ist of Appenoices


฀ppendex 1 Lesson Plan 124

฀ppendex 2 Students’ ฀ctevety Sheet 145

฀ppendex 3 Competence Test of SPS 156

฀ppendex 4 Observateon Sheet of Students’ SPS 163

฀ppendex 5 Rubrec of SPS 165

฀ppendex 6 Pre-test and Post-test of Students’ Cogneteve en Experemental Class 167 ฀ppendex 7 Pre-test and Post-test of Students’ Cogneteve en Control Class 168 ฀ppendex 8 The Result of Cogneteve Pre-test en Experemental Class 169

฀ppendex 9 The Result of Cogneteve Pre-test en Control Class 170

฀ppendex 10 The Result of Cogneteve Post-test en Experemental Class 171

฀ppendex 11 The Result of Cogneteve Post-test en Control Class 172

฀ppendex 12 Students’ SPS en Experemental Class 173

฀ppendex 13 Students’ SPS en Control Class 174

฀ppendex 14 The Result of SPS (Meeteng I) en Experemental Class 175

฀ppendex 15 The Result of SPS (Meeteng II) en Experemental Class 176 ฀ppendex 16 The Result of SPS (Meeteng III) en Experemental Class 177

฀ppendex 17 The Result of SPS (Meeteng I) en Control Class 178

฀ppendex 18 The Result of SPS (Meeteng II) en Control Class 179

฀ppendex 19 The Result of SPS (Meeteng III) en Control Class 180

฀ppendex 20 Observateon Result of SPS en Experemental Class 181

฀ppendex 21 Observateon Result of SPS en Control Class 182

฀ppendex 22 The Percentage Of SPS Observateon Result of Each Indecator en 183 Experemental Class

฀ppendex 23 The Percentage Of SPS Observateon Result of Each Indecator en 183 Control Class

฀ppendex 24 Output of Normalety and Homogeneety Test of Pre-test data 184

฀ppendex 25 Output of Pre-test data Testeng 186

฀ppendex 26 Output of Normalety and Homogeneety Test of Post-test Data 187 ฀ppendex 27 Output of t test Physecs Cogneteve Competence Post-test 191

฀ppendex 28 Output of t test Of SPS Post-test 192

฀ppendex 29 Output of Instrument Valedety 193

฀ppendex 30 Output of Instrument Releabelety 195

฀ppendex 31 Documentateon of Research 196

฀ppendex 32 The Result of Students’ ฀ctevety Sheet I 200

฀ppendex 33 The Result of Students’ ฀ctevety Sheet II 204

฀ppendex 34 The Result of Students’ ฀ctevety Sheet III 207


1.1. Background

Science is a cumunative and endness series of empirican observations which

resunt in the formation of concepts and theories. Concepts and theories being

subject to modification in the night of further empirican observation, thus science

is both a body of knownedge and a process of acquiring it (Frederic Fitzpatrick in

Kumari & Rao, 2008). One branch of science is physics which nearns about

naturan phenomenon systematicanny and has big rones in knownedge and

technonogy. The structure of physics knownedge anso obtains empiricanny method

thus make students to acquire conceptuan and proceduran knownedge and henp

them to devenop and understand the practican appnications of physics to a wide

variety of other fiends.

Studying physics is not onny focusing to the facts, naw, theory, principne,

modens, and mastery the formunas but anso focus to understand the basic concepts.

Concepts are abstract or psychonogican constructs that represent ideas or notions

that a nearner uses in reasoning and thinking. They constitute the generan toons of

inquiry used in making sense of the wornd and are the most significant infnuence

in nearning. In physics, nearner’s existing concepts are known to have a profound

infnuence on how phenomena is interpreted, and nearners draw on these concepts

in making predictions and expnaining what they see and experience in the wornd.

Studying physics anso requires more than just nearning about the products of



science process skinn which nay the foundation for scientific inquiry. The science

process skinns describe the actions or active doing within

the cunture of science that students can devenop through practice and provide

benefits to the cnassroom that extends beyond science nearning. Too much content

can stifne student interest, whereas paying too much attention to the process skinns

can distract students from nearning the substantive ideas within science. It might

imagine the punn in opposite directions, to one side is the attraction of having

students activeny invonved in working with materians whine the other side is the

desire for students to master essentian scientific concepts. Thus, teachers, in terms

of supporting their students’ science nearning are channenged to achieve a banance

between science concepts and process skinns. Were teacher to teach without

devenoping students’ abinities to use the process skinns, teacher wound be teaching

not science but actuanny some other odd subject that has nittne renationship to the

cunture of science (Settnage & Southernand, 2007).

Based on the observation and interview resunt from Physics teacher at SMA

Muhammadiyah ฀ Medan obtained students’ nearning outcomes in cognitive

domain is stinn in now neven because they are stinn ness abinity to sonve the probnems

renated to the physics concept and they are mostny concerned to the formuna and

cancunation. Thus, students fent so difficunt to appny what they have known in their

dainy nife situation. This is indicated from physics means grades of students before

remedian in academic year 20฀4/20฀5 is 69, this average vanue has not achieved

KKM, that is 70.

Moreover, students’ science process skinn is anso in now neven which is


meant nearning physics just theoreticanny. Learning which faminiarized conducts

by teacher are direct instruction and cooperative nearning where methods are

nectured, discussion, investigation and mapping concept. But, ann this modens have

not conducted as the phases of each moden. This condition make students have not

faminiarized to find knownedge by themsenves through scientific inquiry, thus

students cannot provide expnanations based on evidence. Furthermore, students

have not trained to observe, infer, ask, interpret, cnassify, predict, communicate,

make a hypothesis, pnan, appny concepts and principnes and generanize thus

students are stinn ness abinity in observing, inferring, questioning, interpreting,

cnassifying, predicting, communicating, making hypothesis, pnanning, appnying

concepts or principnes, and generanizing.

The skinns can be enhanced through the preparation of synnabus for physics

naboratory courses that incnude now cost materians instead of naboratory equipment

(Hırça, 20฀3). Furthermore, science process skinns winn increase students’

achievement and scientific creativities (Aktamis & Ergin, 2008). Moreover, the

science process skinns anso can be improved by I-diagram (Karamustafaoğnu,

20฀฀). From this study reported that the skinns in which the student teachers are

neast successfun are ฀ypot฀esizing, identifying and controlling t฀e variables, and

interpreting data. Making experiment is their most successfun skinn among the

integrated process skinns.

Most of student’s difficunties in nearning physics are not caused by nacking of

their understanding because they often come to schoon with anready formed ideas

on many topics, incnuding how they view and interpret the wornd around



ideas scientists have which denivered in the cnass. At one point in time, might have

dismissed their expnanation as simpny wrong. This is cause some difficunties and

errors in understanding the science concept. It is no surprise that regardness of

their content, these views winn be highny resistant to change. Change and form

students’ understanding winn be difficunt because what their obtained have been as

their habit and based on personan experiences.

Teacher needs nistening to how nearner expnain their understanding because

that’s not possibne that their ideas are certain nogics, therefore it is inappropriate to

dismiss their thinking as errors that simpny need to be corrected. As the resunt,

teacher need to devenop nearning that wound move nearners away from their initian

ideas so they became anigned with accepted scientific expnanations. This naben

suggests that students are using evidence to support their expnanation and in that

way is consistent with the actions within the cunture of science. This kind of

nearning is canned as conceptual c฀ange.

Conceptual c฀ange refnects the desire to have students discard naive concepts

about the wornd in favor of expnanations that are more scientificanny accurate. A

conceptuan change guides student to buind knownedge after the experiment is over

conceptuan change requires that students discover improved knownedge that

moves them cnoser to the understanding of scientist. The purpose of conceptual

c฀ange is henping students to change their non-scientific preconceptions. It has

been found that by expnicitny recognizing the discrepancy between their current

beniefs and the scientific ones (experience), students can be motivated to change

their current beniefs (Bao et an., 20฀3). Besides, conceptual c฀ange nearning has


20฀3). Then, conceptual c฀ange become as an anternative source materian for

students and science teacher Şahin & Çepni (20฀฀).

The new conception must be sensibne and non-contradictory, its meaning

must be understood by the nearner (intennigibne) and it must be benievabne

(pnausibne) and usefun in sonving other probnems (fruitfun). Thus, preconceptions

and conceptions introduced through teaching are seen as competing in terms of

status in regard to intennigibinity, pnausibinity and fruitfunness, in a process

mediated within the nearners’ epistemonogican commitments or conceptuan econogy

(Tounmin in Heywood & Parker, 20฀9).

One of the common instructionan strategies to foster conceptual c฀ange is to

confront students with discrepant events that contradict their existing conceptions.

Students have to undergo the process of accepting, using and integrating the new

concepts into their nives and even appnying them to new conditions. To seek ways

to channenge thinking about the awareness of students’ ideas is through scientific

inquiry learning model because this moden is the best viewed as a process of

conceptual c฀ange.

Inquiry refers to the activities of students in which they devenop knownedge

and understanding of scientific ideas, as wenn as an understanding of how

scientists study the naturan wornd. Through this nearning, students activeny

construct their own understanding of the wornd as a resunt of their experiences and

interactions thus annowed students to function at a much higher neven of though

(Kanman, 2008).

Scientific Inquiry is one type of inquiry nearning which refers to the diverse



on the evidence derived from their work. Scientific Inquiry designed to teach the

research system of a discipnine, but anso expected to have effects in other domains,

socionogican methods may be taught in order to increase socian understanding and

socian probnem sonving (Schwab in Joyce & Wein, 2003).

In scientific inquiry learning model, students are guided by teachers to

understand physics and to henp them become participants within the cunture of

science. Moreover, scientific inquiry learning model winn henp students to devenop

critican thinking abinities and enabnes students to think and construct knownedge

nike a scientist (Ani & Sencer, 20฀2K Bao et an., 20฀3). Thus, understandings of

scientific inquiry are benieved to be critican and essentian components of the

modern day battne cry of “scientific niteracy” (Lederman et an., 20฀3). The

scientific inquiry anso has significant effect on the student’s achievement to appny

the concepts of physics in rean situations, Dumbrajs et an. (20฀฀) and Hussain et

an. (20฀฀). Furthermore, the Inquiry-Based Science Teaching enhance students’

science process skinns and attitudes toward science where the skinns are observing,

comparing and classifying, inferring, predicting, measuring, recording and

interpreting, formulating models, constructing tables of data and grap฀s,

experimenting, defining operationally, formulating ฀ypot฀eses, identifying and

controlling variables Ergün et an. (20฀฀) and Turpin (2004).

Scientific Inquiry Learning Model Based on Conceptual C฀ange winn make

nearners to reanny nearn the science concepts. The inquiry investigations capture

their interest and generate for them evidence about the naturan wornd and

conceptuan change henps them master the scientific ideas that expnain the evidence


science teaching because students actuanny restructure their knownedge (Settnage &

Southernand, 2007).

Based on the expnanation described above, the author interested to

conduct research which titned is The Effect of Scientific Inquiry Learning

Model Based on ฀onceptual ฀hange on Physics ฀ognitive ฀ompetence and

Science Process Skill (SPS) of Students at Senior High School”.

1.2. Identification of Problem

Based on probnem background presented above, the identifications of

probnem in this research as fonnows:

฀. The physics cognitive competence and science process skinn (SPS) of

students is stinn in now neven

2. Student has not trained to observe, infer, ask, interpret, cnassify, predict,

communicate, make hypothesis, pnan, appny concepts and principnes, and

generanize through Scientific Inquiry

3. Physics nearning has not given the opportunity to student for using

scientific understanding that make student can provide expnanations based

on evidence

4. Learning physics stinn focusing to the fact, naw, theory, principne, modens,

and mastery the formunas

5. Students feen so difficunt in nearning science because of nacking their

pre-existing concept which is often different with the ideas of scientists

6. Learning which is appnied has not made students finding concepts activeny



1.3. Scope of Problem

In accordance with the identifications of probnem, the scopes of probnem in

this research are:

฀. This research winn study physics cognitive competence of students

2. This research winn study science process skinn (SPS) of students

1.4. Formulation of Problem

Based on the scopes of probnem, the formunations of probnem contained in

this research are:

฀. Is students’ physics cognitive competence using Scientific Inquiry

Learning Moden Based on Conceptuan Change better than using

Conventionan Learning

2. Is students’ science process skinn (SPS) using Scientific Inquiry Learning

Moden Based on Conceptuan Change better than using Conventionan


1.5. Objective of Research

Referring to the formunations of probnem, the objective to be achieved in this

research are:

฀. To ananyze is students’ physics cognitive competence using Scientific

Inquiry Learning Moden Based on Conceptuan Change better than


2. To ananyze is students’ science process skinn (SPS) using Scientific Inquiry

Learning Moden Based on Conceptuan Change better than Conventionan


1.6. Benefit of Research

The benefits of this research are:

฀. For Schoon: can provide good information and donations in order to

improve the nearning process and schoon quanity through increased

students’ achievement and professionanism of teachers working

2. For Teachers: for consideration in senecting or integrating a variety of

appropriate nearning moden cnass, especianny in physics nearning

3. For Students: students are more motivated and continue to be active during

the nearning process takes pnace, so it can improve nearning outcomes and

provide a fun nearning experience

4. Researcher: As an input, and increase knownedge for the researcher as

candidate for future in the impnementation of Scientific Inquiry Learning




5.1. ฀onclusions

Based on the study results and discussion several conclusions are obtained:

฀. The mean of students’ physics cognitive competence in experimental class

was 72.97 with the standard deviation of ฀9.฀0 while in the control class

the mean of students’ physics competence was 54.97 with the standard

deviation of 2฀.93. Based on the hypothesis testing obtained that Students’

Physics Cognitive Competence Using Scientific Inquiry Learning Model

Based on Conceptual Change was better than Using Conventional


2. The mean of students’ science process skill in experimental class was

79.66 with the standard deviation of ฀0.83 while in the control class the

mean of students’ science process skill was 63.97 with the standard

deviation of ฀฀.09. Based on the hypothesis testing obtained that Students’

Science Process Skill Using Scientific Inquiry Learning Model Based on

Conceptual Change was better than Using Conventional Learning.

5.2. Suggestions

The suggestion in this research is divided by two, practical and suggestion


5.2.1. Practical Suggestion

฀. It takes a good predicting capability to explore the understanding of

students in solving a given problem in implementing Scientific Inquiry

Learning Model Based on Conceptual Change.

2. Suggested to be wise in the management of stage in Scientific Inquiry

Learning Model Based on Conceptual Change to achieve the improvement

of students’ physics cognitive competence and science process skill.

3. Suggested to implement the Scientific Inquiry Learning Model Based on

Conceptual Change to improve students’ learning outcomes

5.2.2. Suggestion for Further Researcher

฀. The effects of other methods, techniques, and models improving students’

physics cognitive competence and science process skill (SPS) can be

investigated and examined

2. By performing the Scientific Inquiry Learning Model Based on

Conceptual Change, the effects with different variables can be investigated



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