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A Thesis

Submitted to Post-Graduate School English Applied Linguistic Program in

Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Degree of

Magister Humaniora


CHITRA LATIFFANI Registration Number : 8126112006







A Thesis

Submitted to Post-Graduate School English Applied Linguistic Program in

Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Degree of

Magister Humaniora


CHITRA LATIFFANI Registration Number : 8126112006







CHITRA LATIFFANI. Modal Verbs in Barack Obama’s Victory Speeches. A thesis, English Applied Linguistics Study Program, Post Graduate School, State University of Medan, 2014.

The aim of this study was to discover the modal verbs in Barack Obama’s victory speeches. They were (1) to identify the frequent modal verbs are used in Barack Obama’s victory speeches, (2) to describe the frequent modal verbs are used in Barack Obama’s victory speeches, (3) to explain the meaning does the frequently modal verbs on the overall message conveyed by Barack Obama’s in his first election in 2008 and the second election in 2012 victory speeches. Qualitative research was chosen as the research design of this study because the subject matter of this study was related to the discourse analysis of modal verbs used by Barrack Obama in his victory speeches. The clauses obtained from the first and second political victory speeches of the President of the United States Barack Obama. The analysis was conducted by analyzing modal verbs with reference to Nordquist (2013) and englisch-hilfen.de. (1999-2013). The data analysis reveals that there are twelve modal verbs were used by president of the United States Barack Obama’s in his first victory speeches and eight modal verbs were used by president of the United States Barack Obama’s in his second victory speeches. From his first and second victory speeches he used 5 frequent modal verbs which have the same and the different frequent modal verbs in each victory speeches. The meaning does the frequent modal verbs on the overall message conveyed by Barack Obama’s in his second election in 2012 victory speeches were to show ability from can, possibility from could, promise from will, promise from will not and habits from would. Modal verbs also given an insight or information and underlined his speech to influence others to go along with them willingness to volunteer.



CHITRA LATIFFANI. Modal Verbs dalam Pidato Kemenangan Barack Obama. Thesis, Program Linguistik Terapan Bahasa Inggris, Pascasarjana Universitas Negeri Medan 2014.

Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui modal verbs dalam pidato kemenangan Barack Obama. Tujuannya adalah (1) untuk mengetahui modal verbs yang sering digunakan oleh Barack Obama dalam pidato kemenangannya, (2) untuk menggambarkan modal verbs yang sering digunakan oleh Barack Obama dalam pidato kemenangannya, (3) untuk menjelaskan arti dari modal verbs yang sering muncul dalam pesan keseluruhan yang disampaikan oleh Barack Obama dalam pidato kemenangannya pada pemilihan presiden pertama pada tahun 2008 dan pemilihan presiden kedua pada tahun 2012. Penelitian kualitatif dipilih sebagai desain penelitian ini karena subyek penelitian ini berkenaan dengan analisis pidato modal verb yang digunakan oleh Barrack Obama dalam pidato kemenangannya. Kausa ditemukan pada pidato politik kemenangan president Amerika Serikat Barack Obama yang pertama dan yang kedua. Analisis yang dilakukan adalah dengan cara menganalisa modal verbs menggunakan teori Nordquist (2013) dan englisch-hilfen.de. (1999-2013). Analisis data menunjukkan bahwa terdapat dua belas modal verbs yang digunakan oleh presiden Amerika Serikat Barack Obama dalam pidato kemenangannya yang pertama dan delapan modal verbs yang digunakan oleh presiden Amerika Serikat Barack Obama dala pidato kemenangannya yang kedua. Dari pidato kemenangannya yang pertama dan kedua, Barack Obama sering lima modal verbs yang mana kedua pidato tersebut terdapat penggunaan modal verbs yang sama dan berbeda. Modal verbs yang sering muncul dalam pesan keseluruhan yang disampaikan oleh Barack Obama dalam pidato kemenangannya pada pemilihan presiden pertama pada tahun 2008 dan pemilihan presiden kedua pada tahun 2012 berarti menunjukkan kemampuan dari can, kemungkinan dari could, janji dari will, janji dari will not dan kebiasaan dari would. Modal verbs juga menggaris bawahi pidato Barack Obama untuk memberikan wawasan atau informasi dan mempengaruhi orang lain untuk berjalan bersamanya secara sukarela.




First of all, the researcher would like to thank to Allah the Al-mighty who has given her

blessing and merciful until she was able to finish writing this thesis.

In the process of writing this thesis, the researcher has to confess that many people have

given her much help, advice and support. A very special gratitude would be addressed to some

distinguished people as below:

First gratitude belongs to the first adviser of mine is Dr. Siti Aisyah Ginting, M. Pd., and

the second adviser is Prof. Dr. Sumarsih, M. Pd., who advised her in wroting this thesis and

without their guidance and persistent help this thesis would not have been possible.

Third gratitude, the researcher likes to express her deepest thanks to the head of English

Applied Linguistic Study Program Prof. Dr. Busmin Gurning, M. Pd., secretary of English

Applied Linguistic Study Program Dr. Sri Minda Murni, M.S., and all the experienced lectures

who taught, educated and advised her along for three semesters.

Fourth gratitude, the researcher own this deep thanks to the three reviewers of hers. They

are: Prof. Amrin Saragih, M.A., Ph.D., as the first reviewer, Dr. Zainuddin, M.Hum., as the

second reviewer and Dr. Sri Minda Murni, M.S., a the third reviewer who provided her with the

most useful critics and constructive suggestion.

Last, I am indebted to my many classmates LTBI B1 who supported me in wrote this



Alamsyah Lubis, S.Pd., Syafrina K.N. Panjaitan, S.Pd., Fandy Zulmi, S.Pd. for their sincere,

comfort, love and patience.

This thesis is dedicated to my beloved parents who always support me throughout my

life, to my beloved husband who always stood by me and believed that I could do it and to my

beautiful daughter who always being left but always smile whenever I got home.

Medan, June 2014

The researcher,



1.5 The Significance of Study ...6


2.1 Modal Verbs ...8

3.3 Instrument of the Data Collection ...23

3.4 Technique of the Data Collection ...23

3.5 Technique of the Data Analysis ...23

3.6. Trustworthiness of the Study ...25


4.1 Data ...28

4.2 Data Analysis ...28

4.2.1 Modal Verbs are used in Barack Obama’s Victory Speeches ...28

4.2.2 Frequent Verbs used in Barack Obama’s Victory Speeches ...34

4.2.3 Meaning of Frequent Modal Verbs on the Overall Message Conveyed by Barack Obama’s Victory Speeches ...36

4.3 Research Findings ...44

4.3.1 Modal Verbs used in Barack Obama’s Victory Speeches ...44

4.3.2 Frequent Verbs used in Barack Obama’s Victory Speeches ...45

4.3.3 Meaning of Frequent Modal Verbs on the Overall Message Conveyed by Barack Obama’s Victory Speeches ...45

4.4 Discussion ...46

4.4.1 Modal Verbs used in Barack Obama’s Victory Speeches ...47

4.3.2 Frequent Verbs used in Barack Obama’s Victory Speeches ...47

4.3.3 Meaning of Frequent Modal Verbs on the Overall Message Conveyed by Barack Obama’s Victory Speeches ...47


5.1 Conclusion ...49

5.2 Suggestion ...50



No. 1 Table 2.1 Modals – English Grammar ... 9

No. 2 Table 2.2 Strength and Frequency of Modals Verbs ... 13

No. 3 Table Modal Verbs used in Barack Obama’s victory speeches

in the first election ... 29

No. 4 Table Modal Verbs used in Barack Obama’s victory speeches

in the second election ... 32

No. 5 Table Distribution of Modal Verbs used in Barack Obama’s

victory speeches in the first election ... 34

No. 6 Table Distribution of Modal Verbs used in Barack Obama’s

victory speeches in the second election ... 38

No. 7 Table Meaning of Frequent Modal Verbs used in

Barack Obama’s victory speeches in the first election ... 37

No. 8 Table Meaning of Frequent Modal Verbs used in



No. 1 Appendix 1 Barack Obama First Victory Speech ……. ... 54

No. 2 Appendix 2 Barack Obama Second Victory Speech ..……. ... 59

No. 3 Appendix 3 Modal Verbs Analysis of Barack Obama’s

2008 election Victory Speech ..……. ... 64

No. 4 Appendix 4 Modal Verbs Analysis of Barack Obama’s



INTRODUCTION 1.1. The Background of the Study

Communicating is a very important language activity in human life

and through communication; a person may disclose or convey meaning,

feelings, advice, ideas and so on. Communication can be done orally or in

written form by means of language. In order to what is delivered by a

speaker can be understood by listeners, the language that is used; either the

structure or the word choice, should be arranged in such a way.

Communication which is done orally is different with

communication which is done in written form. The structure of oral

communication is usually irregular and very simple and if the listener did

not understand the message or the meaning of what is the speaker try to

disclose or convey, then the listener can ask question directly to the speaker.

While in written communication, the structure of it should be complete

because if the reader cannot understand the message, the reader could not

directly ask the author.

However, it does not mean that the speaker can use language that is

not particularly well structured in monologue communication. In monologue

communication, the frequently ask and question (FAQ) is not expected to

occur during the speaker delivered his speech. If there is interaction from

the listener, it is only as a sense of awe, agree, sympathetic and so forth that


will attempt to convey meaning by using aspects of the language in such a

way, for example the use of phoneme, morpheme, grammar, metaphor and

modal verbs.

Modal verbs operate like other aspects of language, they can be

analyzed from pragmatic and semantic perspective, they are used to indicate

different meaning or acts like request, obligation, order, permit, etc. Modal

verbs in English regarded as small class of auxiliary verbs. They distinguish

from other verbs because they have not participle or infinitive forms.

According to Jabber and Jinguan (2012) “The modal verbs characterized by

some feature like: they do not use (s) in the third person singular, they are

not used as infinitives or participles, they function like auxiliary verbs do

and they can undergo the subject auxiliary version”.

Seonoaid (2013) states that “The modal verbs that often used are

Can, Could, May, Might, Must, Ought to, Shall, Should, Will and Would”.

These modal verbs is often used to express ability, possibility, permission,

request, offer, suggestion, necessity, advice, obligation, demand, order,

prediction, assumption, wish, promise and habit in declarative and

interrogative sentences. Modal verbs occur in daily conversation, whether

written or spoken. It is spoken by entire people such as teacher, lecturer,

parents, students, doctors, lawyers, politicians, presidents, etc.

Barack Obama for example, as an elected president of The United

States in his speech tries to satisfied and pleased his people and supporters


of modal verbs as one of Barrak Obama’s efforts to convince his people and


Examples below show us some of his modal verbs used in his speech

on Manassas, Prince William County, Virginia at November 3rd 2008. The

night before the election:

 “Tomorrow you can turn the page on policies that put greed and

irresponsibility before hard work and sacrifice.” Modal verbs can in

his speech occurs to expres ability function in declarative sentences.

 “We tried to communicate for these last two years that we can't

afford the same political games, the same tactics that pit us against

one another, that make us afraid of each other.” Modal verbs cannot

in his speech occurs to expres prohibition function in declarative


 “I'd see my staff and I would say "Are you fired up?" and they would

say "We are fired up, boss, are you ready to go?" And I'd say "I'm

ready to go."” Modal verbs would in his speech occurs to expres

habits function in declarative sentences.

All of above examples show the modal verbs that express ability,

prohibition and habits function in Barack Obama speech to persuade the


Speech is a power in itself, it is means that through speech, the

speakers can persuade the listeners. The most significant thing in the speech


listener understands the message in the speech, he will responds or behaves

positively. According to Mulyana (1995) “Speech is an utterance with a

good arrangement to be submitted to the crowd”. Its means beside the

message, good arrangement of words and grammar from the speaker speech

is also important in delivered a speech in order that the listener interpreted

the speaker message well.

In Barack Obama’s leadership, there are not only pro which arise but

also the contrary of him. There are his supporters but there are his haters,

but it did not become his obstacle to lead the United States not only for once

but twice in a row. It is become an interesting phenomenon why and how

he, with his background as an African American, can be a president of the

United States defeated his entire opponent and takes the people’s trust in

him. Especially in linguistic area which is related to the use of modal verbs

in his speeches.

Language and politics are related, language is a tool by which the

politicians can command, request, persuade, declare, etc. Due of this,

politicians tend to use special forms of language to give their speech

discourse charm which enable them to send different messages to different

people of different orientations and levels at one time and within one piece

of discourse. According to Jabber and Jinguan (2012), “To achieve these

functions they use language in a subtle, manipulative and convincing way


Based on the research about “The Modals Verbs: A Speech Act of

Request in The Speech of The President of The United States Barack

Obama” Jabber and Jinguan (2012), their resulted that the modal verbs as a

general used as auxiliary verbs can be occurring in declarative, imperative

sentences and also can be used to create interrogative sentences. Three

modal verbs namely “can”, “Will” and “Must” are used by the speaker in the

speech chosen, they frequented many times and the study showed that the

speaker in his speech focus on them as a tool to interact with his

interlocutors. It is mean that modal verbs occurs by the speaker in the

speech that they use and the speaker in his speech focus on them as a tool to

interact with his listeners.

Another previous research about “Modal verbs and politeness

strategies in political discourse” Ruxandra Boicu (2007), conclude that the

use of the modal verbs in Ashley Mote’s speech enhances the illocutionary

force of FTAs (Face-Threatening Acts), as by definition. Considering the

extremist character of nationalist ideology that he promotes, his discourse

might be expected to be more radical and more illocutionarily forceful.

Ashley Mote’s status of an independent politician who is not an MP in the

national parliament cannot enable him to utter commissive speech acts or

stronger directive ones. It is mean that modal verbs spoken by Ashley Mote

enhances the illocutionary force but he enable to utter commissive speech

acts or stronger directive ones due to his status of an independent politician


From all of those interested discusses, the researcher attempted to

research Modal Verbs in Barack Obama’s Victory Speeches. The researcher

interested to know what modal verbs are used in Barack Obama’s victory

speeches, which modal verbs are frequently used in Barack Obama’s victory

speeches and in what meaning does the frequently modal verbs on the

overall message conveyed by Barack Obama’s in his first and the second

election 2012 victory speeches.

1.2.The Problem of the Study

The problem of this study is on to the use of modal verbs in Barack

Obama’s victory speeches in the first election on 2008 and the second

election on 2012. The problems formulated as in the following.

1. What modal verbs are used in Barack Obama’s victory speeches in

the first election in 2008 and the second election in 2012?

2. Which modal verbs are frequently used in Barack Obama’s victory

speeches in the first election in 2008 and the second election in


3. What meaning does the frequently modal verbs on the overall

message conveyed by Barack Obama’s in his first election in 2008

and the second election in 2012 victory speeches?

1.3.The Objectives of the Study

In relation to the problems, the objectives of the study are to


1. the modal verbs are used in Barack Obama’s victory speeches in the

first election in 2008 and the second election in 2012,

2. the frequent modal verbs are used in Barack Obama’s victory

speeches in the first election in 2008 and the second election in 2012,


3. the explanation of what meaning does the frequent modal verbs on

the overall message conveyed by Barack Obama’s in his first

election in 2008 and the second election in 2012 victory speeches.

1.4.The Scope of the Study

The scope of the study is focused on the modal verbs and the use of

modal verbs which are found in Barack Obama’s victory speeches in the

first election in 2008 and the second election in 2012. Further, the analysis

of the study intends to find the objective and explanative of the modal verbs

used in Barack Obama’s victory speeches in the first election in 2008 and

the second election in 2012.

1.5.The Significance of the Study

Finding of the study are expected to be significantly relevant

theoretically and practically.

Theoretically, the researcher expect that the research finding will be useful


1. describing the modal verbs used in Barack Obama’s victory speeches


2. understanding the modal verbs used in Barack Obama’s victory

speeches in the first election in 2008 and the second election in 2012,

3. teaching to improve the ability to teach English and enlarges their

knowledge about the modal verbs that is used in speech, and

4. identifying the speakers’ intentions of the modal verbs in speech,

especially in Barack Obama’s victory speeches in the first election in

2008 and the second election in 2012.

Practically finding of this research will be useful for:

1. other researcher who will conduct the relevance study, this research

will be very a useful aid,

2. politicians can use the findings of this research to give a new point of

view of modal verbs that use in political discourse, and






This study is concerning on Modal Verbs used by Barack Obama’s victory

speeches in the first election in 2008 and in the second election in 2012. It was aimed to

describing and explaining the frequent modal verbs and the meaning of frequent modal

verbs bring on the overall message conveyed by Barack Obama’s in his first and second

victory speeches.

Based on the analysis of the data which has been done, the conclusions are as the


1. There are fourteen modal verbs used by the president of the United States Barack

Obama in his first victory speech. They are can, cannot, could, could not, may, may

not, might, shall, should, will, will not, would and would not. And for his second

victory speech, they are 8 modal verbs that used by the president of the United States

Barack Obama namely can, could, may, should not, will, will not, would and would


2. There are six frequent modal verbs in general which were used in Barack Obama’s first

victory speeches, they are can, cannot, may not, must, should and will. In Barack

Obama’s second victory speeches there are five frequent modal verbs also that were

used, they are can, could, will, will not and would. From both of his first and second

victory speeches there are nine frequent modal verbs are used, namely 1) can, 2)



3. The meaning of frequent modal verbs on the overall message conveyed by Barack

Obama’s victory speeches in the first election in 2008 are to express functions such as

ability from can, incapability from cannot, possibility from may not, necessity from

must, advice from should and promise from will. And the meaning of frequent modal

verbs bring on the overall message conveyed by Barack Obama’s victory speeches in

the second election in 2012 are to express functions such as ability from can, possibility

from could, promise from will, promise from will not and habits from would. Modal

verbs is used in the Barack Obama’s first and second victory speeches to delivering a

message in his speech in order that the listener interpreted the message well and modal

verbs also serving as a social function to show uncertainty or politeness. Modal verbs

also underlining his speech to influence others to go along with them willingness to

volunteer, to give an insight or information on other people and to make other people

happy with an entertaining speech so that other people happy and satisfied with the

greeting that he submitted.

5.2. Suggestion

In accordance with this research, some important suggestions are required as the


1. Modal verbs are one aspect of language which naturally occur in every communication

and can be used by anyone. Speakers, especially politicians, orators and public

speakers, suggested to frequently using modal verbs to influence and deliver a



2. Modal verbs used in the Barack Obama’s first and second victory speeches is one of

discourse phenomenon. Find out new phenomena to add discourse aspect and rise up




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