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Module 1: Cross Cultural Understanding


Academic year: 2023

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Written by

Satyawati Surya

English Literature of Mulawarman University




The Modul for teaching Cross Cultural Understanding is created to facilitate lecturer and students in teaching and learning process. This module consists of Lesson Plans and teaching Materials for Cross Cultural Understanding Subject taught for one semester, three credit. Besides describing the competence to be achieved, it is also equipped with the activities or the teaching methods that can be applied during the

implementation. By having the guidance for teaching and learning, lecturer and students have clear description about the course and can achieve the learning goal more successfully.

This module can be the example for other lecturer to produce and create the other modules. It is demanded for every lecturer to prepare a module for a specific course. Having a module for lecturing reflects lecturer’s readiness for teaching. The writer also suggests for other lecturers in Mulawarman University, especially in Faculty of Cultural Sciences, to prepare themselves well not only for teaching professionally but also pedagogically. Finally, the writer supports the idea of achieving the teaching goal through good preparation.

Satyawati Surya







Kampus Gunung Kelua Jalan Ki Hajar Dewantara



RENCANA PEMBELJARAN SEMESTER TAHUN AKADEMIK Ganjil 2022-2023 Kampus Gunung Kelua Jalan Ki Hajar Dewantara


Mata Kuliah : Cross Culture Understanding

Semester: 5 Sks: 3 Kode MK:

Program Studi : Sastra Inggris

Dosen Pengampu:

Satyawati Surya

Email : suryasatyawati@yahoo.com Phone : 082154213955

Capaian Pembelajaran Matakuliah

Setelah mengikuti proses pembelajaran menggunakan……case method yang dipadukan dengan teknik pembelajaran diskusi kelompok dan presentasi serta penilaian akhir dengan project based learning, mahasiswa diharapkan dapat meningkatkan pengetahuan berupa

………(konsep budaya, perbedaan budaya, pemahaman lintas budaya, kesadaran lintas budaya, dll), keterampilan dalam………(mengaplikasikan pemahaman lintas budaya dalam


berkomunikasi) dan sikap………(meningkatkan mutu diri sendiri dan kelompok, bisa

bekerjasama dalam menyelesaikan tugas, disiplin, dan peka serta perduli dengan lingkungan sekitar).

Deskripsi Matakuliah This course will discuss some important key concepts in helping students of English be comfortable in communicating with person coming from English speaking countries because they understand the stumbling blocks of communication barriers especially caused by

differences in cultures.

Capaian Pembelajaran Lulusan

Sikap S3, S6

S3. Berkontribusi dalam peningkatan mutu kehidupan bermasyarakat, berbangsa, bernegara, dan kemajuan peradaban berdasarkan Pancasila.

S6. Bekerjasama dan memiliki kepekaan social serta kepedulian terhadap masyarakat dan lingkungan.

Keterampilan Umum: KU1

KU1. Menerapkan ilmu pengetahuan dan/atau teknologi di bidang keahliannya melalui penalaran ilmiah berdasarkan pemikiran logis, kritis, sistematis, dan inovatif;

Keterampilan Khusus: KK1, KK5

KK1. Mampu mengaplikasikan konsep dan teori dasar linguistik minimum dalam tataran tata kalimat untuk meningkatkan kompetensi berbahasa Inggris.

KK5. Mahir berbahasa Inggris dalam hal membaca, menulis, berbicara dan menyimak secara professional (tingkat advanced).

Pengetahuan: PP2 dan PP3

PP2. Menguasai teori dan aplikasi dalam kebahasaan (linguistik) PP3. Menguasai teknik dalam kemahiran berbahasa secara praktis.

Refrensi 1. Maulana, Andri. (2020). CROSS CULTURE UNDERSTANDING IN EFL TEACHING: AN ANALYSIS FOR INDONESIA CONTEXT. University of Lucknow, India. Published by IAIN Bengkulu.

2. Rasmussen, L. J., & Sieck, W. R. (2015). Culture-general competence: Evidence from a cognitive field study of professionals who work in many cultures.

International Journal of Intercultural Relations, 14(3), 75-90. DOI:


3. Kompasiana. 2021. Perbedaan Budaya Indonesia dan Amerika.

https://www.kompasiana.com/serimulyana/60a24ed48ede48466e498512/beberap a-contoh-perbedaan-antara-budaya-indonesia-dengan-amerika

4. Rachmawati, Iin. 2010. Dasar-Dasar Teori Cross Cultural Understanding.

Bangkalan: STKIP PGRI Bangkalan Press


Per tem uan ke-

Kemampuan Khusus Indikator

Materi Pokok (Bahan Kajian)

Metode / Model Pembelajar


Pengalam an Belajar


Bobot Refrensi Jenis Kriteria

1. Memahami Course outline Cross Culture Understanding (CCU) sebagai pengenalan dan gambaran umum

Mendeskri psikan gambaran umum CCU yang dipelajari dalam satu semester

Course Outline/R PS CCU

Penjelasan, tanya jawab, dan diskusi

Mahasiswa mendengar penjelasan dosen mengenai konsep mata kuliah CCU mengenai tujuan, materi, jadwal, dan sumber belajar.

Portfolio Ketepatan melukiskan tentang mata kuliah CCU

2 Buku 1-5

2. Memahami konsep What is Cross Cultural


Mendeskri psikan konsep What is Cross Cultural Understandi ng?

What is Cross Cultural Understa nding?


dan diskusi Mahasiswa diberi gambaran situasi dan penjelasan mengenai topik

Authentic Assessme nt

Ketepata n dalam memapar kan atau mendisku sikan situasi

2 Buku 4


bahasan dan diajak untuk berdiskusi.

yang relevant dengan topic bahasan 3. Memahami konsep What is


Mendeskrips ikan Culture and Cultural Awareness

Konsep What is Culture?


dan diskusi Mahasiswa diberi gambaran situasi dan penjelasan mengenai topik bahasan dan diajak untuk berdiskusi.

Authentic Assessme nt

Ketepata n dalam memapar kan atau mendisku sikan situasi yang relevant dengan topic bahasan

2 Buku 5

4. Memahami konsep

Language and Culture Mendeskrips ikan The difference between English and Indonesian Culture in relation to Language Use.

Language and Culture

penjelasan dan diskusi

Mahasiswa diberi gambaran situasi dan penjelasan mengenai topik bahasan dan diajak untuk berdiskusi.

Authentic Assessme nt

Ketepata n dalam memapar kan atau mendisku sikan situasi yang relevant dengan topic bahasan

2 Buku 1

5. Memahami Konsep Cross Cultural Competence

Menjelask an

Pentingnya Cross Cultural Competence

Konsep Cross Cultural Compete nce


dan diskusi Mahasiswa diberi gambaran situasi dan penjelasan mengenai topik bahasan dan diajak untuk

Authentic Assessme nt

Ketepata n dalam memapar kan atau mendisku sikan situasi yang relevant dengan

2 Buku 2


berdiskusi. topic bahasan 6. Memahami konsep

Perbedaan Budaya Indonesia dan Amerika

Mendeskr psikan perbedaa n budaya Indonesia dan Amerika beserta contoh- contohnya

Konsep Perbedaa n Budaya Indonesia dan Amerika

penjelasan dan diskusi

Mahasiswa diberi gambaran situasi dan penjelasan mengenai topik bahasan dan diajak untuk berdiskusi.

Authentic Assessme nt

Ketepata n dalam memapar kan atau mendisku sikan situasi yang relevant dengan topic bahasan

2 Buku 3

7. Memahami konsep Cross Cultural Effectiveness

Mendeskr psikan stages and steps to Cross Cultural Effectiven ess

Konsep Cross Cultural Effectiven ess


dan diskusi Mahasiswa diberi gambaran situasi dan penjelasan mengenai topik bahasan dan diajak untuk berdiskusi.

Authentic Assessme nt

Ketepata n dalam memapar kan atau mendisku sikan situasi yang relevant dengan topic bahasan

2 Buku 5

8. Midterm test 30

9. Memahami konsep

Manners and Ethics Mendeskr psikan good manners and ethics guidelines

Konsep Manners and Ethics


dan diskusi Mahasiswa diberi gambaran situasi dan penjelasan mengenai topik bahasan dan diajak untuk berdiskusi.

Authentic Assessme nt

Ketepata n dalam memapar kan atau mendisku sikan situasi yang relevant dengan topic bahasan

2 Buku


10. Memahami konsep Guide to American Culture and Etiquette

Mendeskr psikan American Culture and their ethics

Konsep Guide to American Culture and Etiquette


dan diskusi Mahasiswa diberi gambaran situasi dan penjelasan mengenai topik bahasan dan diajak untuk berdiskusi.

Authentic Assessme nt

Ketepata n dalam memapar kan atau mendisku sikan situasi yang relevant dengan topic bahasan

2 Buku

11. Memahami konsep Attitude and Value

Mendeskr psikan Compariso n between American and Indonesia n Attitude, and Cultural values.

Konsep Attitude and Value

penjelasan dan diskusi

Mahasiswa diberi gambaran situasi dan penjelasan mengenai topik bahasan dan diajak untuk berdiskusi.

Authentic Assessme nt

Ketepata n dalam memapar kan atau mendisku sikan situasi yang relevant dengan topic bahasan

2 Buku

12. Memahami konsep

Customs and Traditions Mendeskr psikan perbedaa n istilah customs dan tradition, customs and tradition in foreign language learning.

Konsep Customs and Traditions


dan diskusi Mahasiswa diberi gambaran situasi dan penjelasan mengenai topik bahasan dan diajak untuk berdiskusi.

Authentic Assessme nt

Ketepata n dalam memapar kan atau mendisku sikan situasi yang relevant dengan topic bahasan

2 Buku

13 Memahami konsep

Culture Shock Mendeskr

psikan Konsep

Culture penjelasan

dan diskusi Mahasiswa

diberi Authentic

Assessme Ketepata

n dalam 2 Buku


definition, phase, and stages of Culture Shock

Shock gambaran

situasi dan penjelasan mengenai topik bahasan dan diajak untuk berdiskusi.

nt memapar

kan atau mendisku sikan situasi yang relevant dengan topic bahasan 14. Memahami konsep

Verbal and Non Verbal Communication

Mendeskr psikan Contoh- contoh Verbal dan Non Verbal Communik ation

Konsep Verbal and Non Verbal Communi cation

penjelasan dan diskusi

Mahasiswa diberi gambaran situasi dan penjelasan mengenai topik bahasan dan diajak untuk berdiskusi.

Authentic Assessme nt

Ketepata n dalam memapar kan atau mendisku sikan situasi yang relevant dengan topic bahasan

2 Buku

15. Review

16. Final Examination

Tugas mahasiswa dan penilaiannya:

1. Making analisis of some cases during discussion period 2. Presentation


1. Midterm test: Written test

2. Final Examination: Final Project in the form of posters of particular culture and presentation.

Samarinda, 8 Agustus, 2022


Mengetahui Ketua Program Studi Dosen Pengampu MK

Singgih Daru Kuncara, M. Hum Satyawati Surya, M.Pd

Nip. Nip. 197009012005012001


Institution : English Literature, Cultural Sciences of Mulawarman University.

Course : Cross Cultural Understanding Credit/hour : 3/3

Program : SI – English Literature Department

Semester : V

Topic : 2. What is Cross Culture Understanding?

Sub topics : 1.1. The showing of Indonesian Culture video 1.2 What is Culture?

1.3 Cultural Form

1.4 Cross Cultural Differences


1. At the end of the course, the students have practical knowledge to develop their ability to understand about their culture and cross culture in term of the meaning of culture, cultural form, and cross cultural Differences.

B. Specific Objective:

1.1 The students have practical knowledge to discuss about Indonesian Culture.

1.2 The students have practical knowledge to explain about the meaning of culture.

1.3 The students have practical knowledge to mention and explain cultural form.

1.4 The students have practical knowledge to discuss and respond cross cultural differences.

C. Material/Content

1.1 The showing of Indonesian Culture video: Video visualisasi keberagaman budaya Indonesia.https://www.youtube.com/watch?


Bahan diskusi kelompok:

1. Bisakah Anda mendeskripsikan secara umum, apakah yang dimaksud dengan budaya?

2. Apa saja hal-hal di sekitar Anda yang bisa dikategorikan sebagai bentuk/produk budaya?

3. Apakah budaya hanya sekadar bentuk-bentuk seperti musik, seni, makanan, gaya berpakaian, dan karya tulis tertentu?

1.2 What is Culture?

1. Levine (1992), budaya adalah: “a shared background (for example, national, ethnic, religious) from a common language and communication style, customs, beliefs, attitudes, and values”.

2. Edward Burnett Tylor (1832-19721) kebudayaan adalah sistem kompleks yang mencakup pengetahuan, kepercayaan, kesenian , moral, hukum, adat istiadat, kemampuan, serta kebiasaan-kebiasaan yang didapatkan oleh manusia sebagai anggota masyarakat.


3. Bronislaw Malinowski (1884-1942)

kebudayaan sebagai penyelesaian manusia terhadap lingkungan hidupnya serta usaha untuk mempertahankan kelangsungan hidupnya sesuai dengan tradisi yang terbaik. Dalam hal ini, Malinowski menekankan bahwa hubungan manusia dengan alam semesta dapat digeneralisasikan secara lintas budaya.

3. Clifford Geertz (1926-2006)

Antropolog ternama dunia Clifford Geertz mengatakan kebudayaan merupakan sistem keteraturan dari makna dan simbol-simbol.

Simbol tersebut kemudian diterjemahkan dan diinterpretasikan agar dapat mengontrol perilaku, sumber-sumber ekstrasomatik informasi, memantapkan individu, pengembangkan pengetahuan, hingga cara bersikap.

4. Roger M. Keesing (1935-1993)

Roger mendefinisikan makna kebudayaan melalui dua pendekatan, adaptif dan ideasional. Kebudayaan menurut pendekatan adaptif merupakan kontes pikiran dan perilaku. Sedangkan, menurut pendekatan ideasional kebudayaan adalah semata-mata sebagai konteks pikiran.

5. Koentjaraningrat (1923-1999)

Antropolog asal Indonesia ini mendefinisikan kebudayaan sebagai seluruh sistem gagasan dan rasa, tindakan, serta karya yang dihasilkan manusia dalam kehidupan bermasyarakat yang dijadikan miliknya dengan cara belajar.

Prof. Dr. Koentjaraningrat menjelaskan unsur-unsur budaya adalah berupa 1. bahasa,

2. pengetahuan, 3. organisasi sosial,

4. peralatan hidup dan teknologi, 5. ekonomi,

6. religi,


7. kesenian.

1.3 Cultural Form

Jadi budaya tidak hanya seputar musik, seni, makanan, gaya berpakaian, dan karya tulis tertentu. Budaya bisa jadi berupa sesuatu yang bersifat informal, abstrak, dan bagian dari interaksi, ekspresi, serta sudut pandang dari orang-orang yang berasal dari satu budaya yang sama. Dalam hal ini, budaya bisa sangat kompleks dan universal.

Culture looks like An Iceberg

Secara analogi, budaya bisa diumpamakan seperti sebuah gunung es dimana terdapat bagian yang tampak di permukaan laut dan ada bagian yang tersembunyi di bawah permukaan laut. Seperti halnya sebuah gunung es, hasil dari pengaruh luar terhadap budaya ini tidak dapat dilihat atau dengan kata lain tidak mudah untuk diinterpretasikan. Bagian-bagian budaya yang tersembunyi ini justru yang paling banyak berperan dalam menentukan sikap dan karakter seseorang dalam hubungan interaksinya dengan orang lain.

Hidden part of Iceberg

Hal-hal abstrak seperti cara berkomunikasi, cara berpikir, kepercayaan, sikap, karakter, nilai-nilai, dan sudut pandang seseorang merupakan contoh dari bagian tersembunyi dari sebuah gunung es tersebut.

Kita tidak akan tahu karakter maupun cara berpikir seseorang hanya dengan melihat dari penampilan luarnya saja. Untuk menggali hal-hal abstrak tersebut, kita harus terlebih dahulu mengenal dan terus berinteraksi dengan orang tersebut. Sekalipun telah lama mengenal seseorang, bisa jadi kita tidak akan sepenuhnya tahu bagaimana karakter orang tersebut.

Bisa jadi dalam hal-hal tertentu kita bisa dengan tepat menilai seseorang, namun dalam hal-hal lainnya mungkin kita bisa salah menilai. Karena sulitnya pengenalan inilah, maka hal-hal abstrak tersebut disebut layaknya bagian terdalam dari sebuah gunung es yang tidak terlihat di permukaan laut.


1.4 Cross Cultural Differences Cross-Cultural Communication

Sedangkan pengertian komunikasi lintas budaya adalah komunikasi (baik verbal maupun non-verbal) antara orang-orang yang berasal dari budaya yang berbeda; komunikasi yang dipengaruhi oleh nilai-nilai budaya, sikap, dan perilaku; pengaruh budaya terhadap reaksi dan respon sekelompok orang terhadap sekelompok orang lain.

Right or Wrong?

Apa yang disebut sesuai dalam sebuah budaya belum tentu sesuai di budaya yang lain. Bisa jadi apa yang disebut sesuai dalam sebuah budaya tersebut justru dianggap tidak sesuai dalam budaya yang lain. Misalnya, budaya cium pipi kiri dan kanan ketika bertemu seseorang (baik sejenis maupun lawan jenis) dianggap sesuai di Amerika dan sebagian besar negara Barat, namun budaya yang sama justru dianggap tidak sesuai di Indonesia, Arab, dan beberapa negara di kawasan Asia.

Assignment to be discussed

1. Berdasarkan pendapat kalian, apa saja hal-hal yang menyebabkan masalah paling serius dalam komunikasi lintas budaya?

2. Apa saja konflik-konflik budaya yang biasanya terjadi dalam lingkungan masyarakat yang heterogen?

3. Dapatkah kalian berpikir bagaimana sebuah stereotip bisa berkembang menjadi prasangka atau bahkan kebencian? Jelaskan dengan contoh kasus!

4. Apa saja hal-hal yang mungkin dilakukan oleh seseorang berdasarkan anggapan dari stereotip yang dipercaya oleh masyarakat?

D. Method/activities

1.1.1 The lecturer asks students to watch video visualisasi keberagaman budaya Indonesia

1.1.2 The lecturer asks the students some questions related to the video and give questions to be discussed in groups.

1.2.1 The lecturer shows some definitions about culture and also the elements of culture according to experts’ opinion.

1.3.1. The lecturer explains about culture form.


1.4.1 The lecturer shows some cultural differences

1.4.2 The lecturer gives assignment to be discussed to prompt students respond toward cultural differences.

E. Assessment/Evaluation

1.1 Can you give description about Indonesian Culture?

1.2 Can you give your definition about what culture is?

1.3 Can you describe about culture form?

1.4 How to respond toward cultural differences?

Focusing on the use of Case Method

Topic Tasks Description of the Case

Method Procedures What is Cross

Cultural Understanding?

Students are asked to identify a cultural case by watching video of Indonesian culture and discuss about the meaning of culture and its elements and also their opinion/respond about cultural


1. Watching video as a case to be discussed.

2. Giving questions and answering questions.

3. Discussing and Giving opinion.

4. Making conclusion.

F. Source of material:


Rachmawati, Iin. 2010. Dasar-Dasar Teori Cross Cultural Understanding. Bangkalan: STKIP PGRI Bangkalan Press

Peserta Latsar Kelompok Marangin. Visualisasi Keberagaman Budaya Indonesia. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dOw97fmv76I


Institution : English Literature, Cultural Sciences of Mulawarman University.

Course : Cross Cultural Understanding Credit/hour : 3/3

Program : SI – English Literature Department

Semester : V

Topic : 3. What is Culture?

Sub topics : 1.1 The Phenomena of Culture 1.2 Understanding Culture Awareness

A. General Objective:


1. At the end of the course, the students have practical knowledge to develop their ability to understand about the phenomena of culture: Why does culture exist? What does culture look like? What types of culture exist? How is culture transmitted? And to understand culture awareness.

B. Specific Objective:

1.1 The students have practical knowledge to discuss about The Phenomena of Culture 1.2 The students have practical knowledge to be tolerant to Culture Awareness

C. Material/Content

1.1 The Phenomena of Culture

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DaXKTVXcaGg Video about Cross Culture Understanding VS Cross Culture missunderstanding What?

`Culture' means different things to different people. For our purposes culture can be defined as the set of learned values, assumptions and norms which are shared to varying degrees with members of a group, and which influence the way in which members of that group perceive, think and act.

Why does culture exist?

Two characteristics of human beings and social groups can help us understand why culture exists: first, the human mental tendency to categorize; and second, the human need for social interaction.

What Things are categorized?

Do you follow social Group? What social groups do you follow? What kinds of interaction are done in your groups?



We have an in-built tendency to organize information about the world around us into categories - labels that help us make sense and find meaning in the otherwise confused environments we inhabit. These categories are a function of the challenges we face and the way in which we respond to them.

Based in part on these categories, people make attributions - conclusions or judgements about the causes of the behaviour they see and the things that happen in their world. In making attributions about situations we categorize them as challenging, or dangerous, or full of possibilities. In making attributions about people we assess whether they are intelligent, aggressive, polite or any of a myriad number of judgements.

Positive and Negative aspects of categorization.

Positive Aspect:

Natural categorization helps us organize a great deal of information in a limited amount of time, and it can be extremely helpful.

humans tend to actively emphasize the similarities between items within categories.

Negative Aspect:

1. Negative generalizations that we call 'stereotypes' are a good example of this tendency. Once a stereotyped label is attached to someone, all the information we attach to that stereotype comes to the surface - for example, that the British are cold and unfriendly, or the Americans loud.

In this way, we mask the many differences between people in these categories by applying a simple, and often not very

complimentary, label to each of them. In this way we fail to question or reinterpret what we see, and the uniqueness of each individual is masked.

2. The second challenge that categorization brings with it is the tendency to emphasize the differences between different categories.

We hold relatively positive attitudes towards people we see as similar, and less positive attitudes towards those we perceive as different.


This phenomenon of distinguishing 'in-groups' from 'out-groups' is common to all human cultures. Our own groups are seen as sources of comfort and security whereas other categories of people are seen as distant, untrustworthy and inferior.

For individuals who have left their own in-groups behind when they moved abroad and consequently have a greater need to establish new close relationships, this can be a difficult problem to resolve.


Culture can be seen as multi-layered like an Iceberg; from the surface (visible) and underwater (invisible)

Surface level cultural products and behaviours are visible. We can (with effort and with varying degrees of objectivity) identify the language, body language, rituals and symbols that mark cultural groups.

For example:

The jargon and rituals of the legal profession, and the white coats and bedside manner of medical workers are examples of such manifestations.


Underwater is somewhat less visible, but still accessible through questioning and interpretation, are behavioural orientations associated with cultures - for instance, how people tend to communicate and listen. We are rarely asked to reflect on actions and experiences that seem natural to us.

Values can be defined as ideas or beliefs to which strong emotions are attached. Each of us has our own unique value system;

influenced by our upbringing, group membership, peers and the personal choices we make. However, many of the things we strongly believe are influenced by our membership of cultural groupings.

Eastern cultures are typically seen to place more value on family and group responsibilities than do Western cultures. This pattern is reflected at the individual level in the values people claim to hold and, at the surface level, in the way people act towards their family a norms can be seen as the practical embodiment of these shared cultural values; the 'right' and 'wrong' ways of doing things that people routinely live by. Whether written down or simply implicit, norms separate the acceptable from the unacceptable.


Of course, what people in one culture value or have extensive norms and rules about, others simply consider irrelevant or have no rules for.

For Example: Western norms with regard to sexual freedom or Eastern norms towards extended family responsibilitiesnd friends.


They are : basic 'truths' about human identity and purpose, space, time, social organization, ways of thinking and communicating.

For the most part, groups and their members are wholly unaware that there basic ‘truths’ are often culturally unique. Individuals take on board, to a greater or lesser extent, the core assumptions of their groups without any conscious awareness of doing so.

Most cross-cultural misunderstandings occur at this subjective level. As a result, it is cultural conflict at the level of core assumptions that can be the most damaging, as individuals and groups find their most basic notions of their own identities challenged.


There are different types of human grouping which cause different types of culture.

Regions such as Europe, the Middle East or Latin America have certain defining cultural characteristics that each share and that distinguish each from the other.

Each of these distinct groupings has unique beliefs and world-views.

Many nations are formed around linguistic groupings So, What type of Culture Exist?


Assumptions, values, norms and behaviours are transmitted, generation to generation by parents, teachers, the media and a variety of other influences.

parents and others rarely actually sit down and explain values or assumptions; for the most part, they are not even aware that they hold them. Rather, these cultural attitudes are inherent in what they do and say (which they have learned from their parents and teachers).

As children, we grow through absorbing and internalizing these values and behaviours.


At home we 'know' how to deal with the family and respond to authority. At work we 'know' the styles of behaviour that enable us to get things done. We can tackle problems, communicate with others and build relationships in a manner to which others will recognize and respond reasonably predictably. All this we have taken in from observing the world and the people around us.

1.2 Understanding Culture Awareness HUMANS AS SOCIAL BEINGS

Humans are social animals with an instinctive inclination to form groups in order to achieve goals, or merely to survive. Any group thus formed faces a twin set of challenges: how to adapt to the surrounding world in all its complexity, and how to manage

relationships and communication among group members in order to remain integrated and effective.

Finding an effective approach to external adaptation and internal integration is a challenge.

Japan and the USA face very different challenges of population, climate, geography and topography, each of which has influenced the adaptive strategies that each country has adopted for survival.

For Japan, isolated, crowded, racially homogenous and lacking in resources, an appropriate adaptive response was the development of an interaction style focused on group support and the maintenance of harmony.

For the USA in contrast, individualism, ambition and 'time is money' attitudes can be seen as adaptive responses to the need to tame wide open spaces and manage the needs of a diverse immigrant population.

Neither the Japanese or Americans (or anyone else) are necessarily aware of the uniqueness of their culture's approach to external adaptation and internal integration. People did not, for the most part, sit down and actively create American or Japanese ways of seeing the world or doing things.

What do we need to understand about culture?

Cultural beliefs are dynamic; they can and do change.


Culture is not a static one-way process that imprisons individuals within a rigid programming from which they can never be set free.

Instead, there is a dynamic two-way interchange between who we are and the groups to which we belong.

Culture sets the range of parameters for acceptable (and unacceptable) ways of thinking and acting. We are not, however, ciphers or stereotypes or hapless victims of culture. We are capable of individual thought - of recognizing the cultural influences on us and learning the rules of other cultures.

We can influence the way in which our team works, our company works and even, on occasion, the way in which our country works.

Assignment to be Discussed about Cultural Awareness.

Cultural Awareness: the geographic, historical, economic, artistic and scientific aspects of the target society.

The Geographic Aspect of America:

Where is it located?

How is the population?

How is the climate?

What are the characteristics of their territory/land?

The Historical Aspects of America

Who are the first dwellers of this country?

Who discovered this continent?

What other countries ever colonized US?

When did the USA got their independence?

What is the country motto?

The Economic Aspects of America

How is their economic status now? In the past?

What are their main income come from?


What is meant by Neo-Colonialism?

What other countries are US main competitors now?

The Artistic Aspects of America:

Ask students to identify:

City famous of museums

City famous with film productions

City where amusement for kids and adults are located The scientific Aspects of America

What scientific inventions are USA famous for?

Where are the centers of scientific Development located?

D. Method/activities

1.1.1 The lecturer asks students to watch video Cross cultural Understanding VS Cross Cultural Misunderstanding.

1.1.2 The lecturer asks the students some questions related to the video and give questions to be discussed in groups.

1.1.3 The lecturer shows some definitions about culture and the phenomena of culture.

1.1.4. The lecturer explains about culture forms, types of culture, and how culture is transmitted.

1.2.1 The lecturer prompts the students to understand culture awareness.

1.2.2 The lecturer gives assignment to discuss Cultural Awareness: the geographic, historical, economic, artistic and scientific aspects of the target society.


E. Assessment/Evaluation

1.1Apakah CCU hanya berlaku di komunitas Lintas Budaya?

1.2 Cultural Awareness: the geographic, historical, economic, artistic and scientific aspects of the target society.

The Geographic Aspect of America:

Where is it located?

How is the population?

How is the climate?

What are the characteristics of their territory/land?

The Historical Aspects of America

Who are the first dwellers of this country?

Who discovered this continent?

What other countries ever colonized US?

When did the USA got their independence?

What is the country motto?

The Economic Aspects of America

How is their economic status now? In the past?

What are their main income come from?

What is meant by Neo-Colonialism?

What other countries are US main competitors now?

The Artistic Aspects of America:

Ask students to identify:

City famous of museums


City famous with film productions

City where amusement for kids and adults are located The scientific Aspects of America

What scientific inventions are USA famous for?

Where are the centers of scientific Development located?

Focusing on the use of Case Method

Topic Tasks Description of the Case

Method Procedures What is Culture? Students are asked to

identify a cultural case by watching video of Cross Cultural

Understanding VS Cross Cultural

Missunderstanding and discuss about the phenomena of culture and Cultural Awareness

1. Watching video as a case to be discussed.

2. Giving questions and answering questions.

3. Discussing and Giving opinion.

4. Making conclusion.

F. Source of material:



Cross cultural Understanding VS Cross Cultural Misunderstanding https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DaXKTVXcaGg CROSS CULTURAL UNDERSTANDING, is it important to study? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CgV0w-jyb54



Institution : English Literature, Cultural Sciences of Mulawarman University.

Course : Cross Cultural Understanding Credit/hour : 3/3

Program : SI – English Literature Department

Semester : V

Topic : 4. Language and Culture

Sub topics : 1.1 Why are Language and Culture intertwined?

1.2 How to introduce Culture?

1.3 Some theories about language and culture

1.4 Some cases and examples of language and culture are intertwined 2.1 The Difference between English and Indonesian Culture

A. General Objective:

1. At the end of the course, the students have practical knowledge to develop their ability to understand about language and culture are intertwined and cross cultural differences between English and Indonesia

B. Specific Objective:

1.1 The students have practical knowledge to discuss whether language and culture are intertwined.

1.2 The students have practical knowledge to find the way to introduce culture

1.3 The students have practical knowledge to explain some theories about language and culture


1.4 The students have practical knowledge to discuss some cases and examples of language and culture are intertwined 2.1 The students have practical knowledge to share experience about the difference between English and Indonesian culture.

C. Material/Content

1.1 Why are Language and Culture intertwined?

The showing of https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XvjaIrYlkIg How Cross Cultural Understanding helps us to see each other.

The role of culture is a crucial thing which needs to be combined with the teaching material of Languages to assist teachers and students for reaching the learning objective.

English learners in Indonesia face several obstacles when they find some terms which are unable to get its point in the literal meaning.

Understanding the background culture in learning English is expected to minimize students' misunderstanding and lead them to use proper English in real communication.

Integrated teaching material which contains cultural contents and its backgrounds is one way to introduce English to the learners, not only as a language but as a culture as well.

1.2 How to introduce culture?

By Providing topics of learning based on authentic sources from native English speaking countries such as fable, short story, conversation role-play, songs, and movie.

Proper teaching material which is based on the authentic source will be one of many ways to introduce the new culture to the students The teacher should not only teach students in linguistic competence but should teach them communicative competence as well because mastering linguistic competence is insufficient to use English in natural discourse.


1.3 Some theories about language and culture

The relation among language, society, and culture is illustrated by Saphir-Whorf Hypothesis which is known as the “Theory of linguistic relativity”.

The main idea in this hypothesis, as Whorf (Whorf, 1952, 1956; Levinson, 2000; Gilbert, et al. 2008) puts it, is that every human being views the world by his own native language (Jafari, 2012).

It means that the way people think, utter, and behaviors are influenced by culture, society, and geography. Society has their own habit and creates some rules and customs which construct the people mindset and influence the people’s point of view.

According to Roohul-Amini (1989), Elements such as language, rituals, clothes, science, beliefs, and values connect people together (Afriani, Z.L; Mirizon, S; Sitinjak, 2020; Jafari, 2012).

These elements make a society is unique and has its own special characteristics because it has been arranged as the time is going on.

The people are doing the same things gradually and inherit it to their generation unconsciously.

This is in line with Edward Sapir (1956) statement; that culture is a system of behaviors and modes that depend on unconsciousness (Jafari, 2012).

These backgrounds also caused language variation among societies from different places with their own uniqueness, so the language learner should understand the background of the native speaker of its language they learned.

Further, language as a part of culture has a crucial role to construct the image of society. Language becomes a medium to express people’s feelings and thought.

This statement is strengthened by Larsen-freeman & Anderson (2011) that “Culture is the everyday lifestyle of people who use the language”.

In addition, in English learner context, they may face confusion toward native speaker speaking style; in spoken English most of the people utter in both formal and informal ways which probably appear idiomatic sentences, proverb, or English slang. These particular language styles are not able to be translated directly into literal meaning, because the sentence or the term has a specific meaning.


According to Hyms (1971) as cited in Larsen-freeman and Anderson (2011) being able to communicate requires more than linguistic competence;

it requires communicative competence,

Communicative competence is Knowing when and how to say what to whom.

Linguistic competence may cover linguistic units such as grammar structure, vocabulary items, and functions, while communicative competence is “appropriateness”

1.4 Some cases and examples of language and culture are intertwined

English vocabularies are unable to be translated to the target language directly and vice versa.

For example in the context of Bahasa Indonesia and English, the word ‘shrugs’ means expression to show that a person does not know about something by rising his/her shoulders. This is an example that this word is tough to be found in its translation in Bahasa

Indonesia. This happens because in Indonesian culture, mostly the people express this feeling by shaking their heads.

The differences between British and American use of the word ‘check’. In British usage, the word refers to the act of examining something, but in contrast, that word could refer to a paper that instructs the payment In American usage.

For example, the sentence ‘An apple of my eyes’, the sentence does not mean as a fruit, but rather than an image of someone beloved.

Another example is ‘Head and Shoulders’, this expression is not a physically head and shoulders as a part of the human body, but the implicit meaning of this sentence is an expression of something best.

Therefore, English learners should understand some language terms related to the culture, so they will be able to understand the meaning of those sentences and minimize misunderstanding whether in written or spoken form.


2.1 The Difference between English and Indonesian Culture 1. A: May I go to the back of your house?

B: What for?

A: I want to urinate.

B: I think you can go to toilet there

“go to the back” is the utterances to show politeness which means “ ijin ke belakang buat buang air kecil”

But it is not fitted with other culture.

There is a question: Where are you going?

For Indonesian, it is no problem to ask such kind of question. We always ask this question when we meet or see friends or relatives passed by us.

But for American and Englishman, it is impolite. They feel upset for such a question. It is my business, not yours, why do you want to know more by asking that question.

When someone pass by our house, we say hello and sometime we offer him to come by, saying “Gak mampir?” as politeness. But, are you sure you invite him to come to your house? Not really. It is only for good manner.

If you do it to a foreigner, he thinks you are really invite him to come to your house. And He might receive your offer.

But in Indonesian context, we usually refuse to come since we know it is only for politeness or good manner, not really an invitation.

As a response, we say “lain kali saja” or next time. If you make such kind of response to a foreigner, it means you make a promise to come to his house. You must keep your promise of course.

Rice is staple food for Indonesian. Thera are various ways to say rice: beras, padi, gabah. But In English, there is only one word



If a foreigner come to Indonesia saying to us : saya lapar, saya mau makan padi (he finds the translation of rice in his pocket dictionary).

The concept of place for living:

In Indonesia, we say “rumah”

In North pole or for Eskimo, they say “Igloo”

In Middle East, they say”Ev”, “bayt”

In Papua, they say “Honai”

Can you imagine when Arabic say, I want to pray at the roof of my house”

The others say “oh my God, how come?”

Since they have different concept of house as a place for living.

In Conclusion, language and culture are two things unable to be separated from each other. They are supporting one another in terms of language learning and communicative competence.

If the goal of language instruction is communicative competence, language instruction must be integrated with cultural and cross- cultural instruction (Celce-murcia & Thurrell, 1995).

D. Method/activities

1.1.1 The lecturer asks students to watch video How Cross Cultural Understanding helps us to see each other.

1.1.2 The lecturer asks the students some questions related to the video and give questions to be discussed in groups.

1.2.1 The lecturer asks the students to find the way to introduce culture.

1.3.1 The lecturer asks the students to discuss some theories about language and culture.

1.4.1 The lecturer shows some the students Some cases and examples of language and culture are intertwined 2.1 The lecturer asks the students to discuss the difference between English and Indonesian culture


E. Assessment/Evaluation

1.1 How do you think that language and culture are intertwined?

2.1 Can you show us the difference between English and Indonesian culture?

Focusing on the use of Case Method

Topic Tasks Description of the Case

Method Procedures Language and

Culture are intertwined

Students are asked to identify that language and culture are

intertwined by watching videoHow Cross Cultural Understanding helps us to see each other and students give opinion about cultural differences between English and Indonesian.

1. Watching video as a case to be discussed.

2. Giving questions and answering questions.

3. Discussing and Giving opinion.

4. Making conclusion.

F. Source of material:


ANALYSIS FOR INDONESIA CONTEXT. University of Lucknow, India. Published by IAIN Bengkulu.

How Cross Cultural Understanding helps us to see each other https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XvjaIrYlkIg LESSON PLAN


Institution : English Literature, Cultural Sciences of Mulawarman University.

Course : Cross Cultural Understanding Credit/hour : 3/3

Program : SI – English Literature Department

Semester : V

Topic : 5. Cross Cultural Competence

Sub topics : 1.1 The meaning and important of Cross Cultural Competence 1.2 A Research on cross-culture competence

2.1 Video showing about Examples of Cross Cultural Understanding vs Cross Cultural Misunderstanding https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zlgS-mAtvMk

2.2 Some cases about cultural differences to be discussed to get lesson and solution

A. General Objective:

1. At the end of the course, the students have practical knowledge to develop their ability to understand about Cross Cultural Competence and to solve problems of cultural differences.

B. Specific Objective:

1.1 The students have practical knowledge to discuss the meaning and the important of Cross Cultural Competence.

1.2 The students have practical knowledge to describe the findings of a Research on cross-culture competence.

2.1 The students have practical knowledge to have experience by watching a video about Examples of Cross Cultural Understanding vs Cross Cultural Misunderstanding https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zlgS-mAtvMk


2.2 The students present some cases about cultural differences to be discussed to get lesson and solution.

C. Material/Content

1.1 The meaning and the important of Cross Cultural Competence

Cross-cultural competence refers to your ability to understand people from different cultures and engage with them effectively. And not just people from the one culture that you’ve studied for years. Having cross-cultural competence means you can be effective in your interactions with people from most any culture.

Being able to communicate and work with people across cultures is becoming more important all the time. People are traveling, reaching out, and mixing with different others like never before. They do it for fun, but they also do it for work. In all cases, success requires developing a relationship. And doing this means bridging a cultural divide.

Cross-cultural competence helps you develop the mutual understanding and human relationships that are necessary for achieving your professional goals.

But what exactly makes up cross-cultural competence?

What are the specific knowledge, skills, and attitudes that make someone cross-culturally competent?

Louise Rasmussen and Winston Sieck conducted a study to address these questions. They described their model of cross-cultural competence in an article published in the International Journal of Intercultural Relations.

Rasmussen was also granted an award from the Defense Language and National Security Education Office to further study and validate the model, which describes 12 elements of cross-cultural competence.

1.2 A Research on cross-culture competence


Rasmussen and her team interviewed cross-cultural experts about their experiences interacting in foreign cultures. These experts were military personnel who had a great deal of cross-cultural experience. They were also nominated by their peers as being especially effective in their interactions with members of other cultures.

The researchers did not ask about the opinions of the cross-cultural experts. Instead, they used cognitive task analysis in which they asked questions to get at the interviewees’ actual, lived overseas experiences. From these experiences, Rasmussen and her team uncovered the skills and knowledge the experts drew on as they interacted with people from other cultures.

Rasmussen, Sieck, and their colleagues identified 12 core aspects of cross-cultural competence. These competencies were frequently found in the thought process of the experts. They are listed here as a set of principles that can help you be more effective on your next sojourn:

1. Stay focused on your goals: If you’re overseas for work, then building intercultural relationships is not just for fun. Building relationships will help you get your work done.

2. Understand the culture within yourself: Keep aware of the fact that you see the world in a particular way because of your own background, personal history, and culture.

3. Manage your attitudes towards the culture: You don’t always have to love the culture. But you do have to keep check on your reactions to values and customs that are different from your own. The first two principles can also help you manage your attitudes.

4. Direct your learning of the culture: Don’t expect a book or training course to hand you the answers. Try to make sense of the culture for yourself, using the information you come across as clues.

5. Develop reliable information sources: Find two or three locals to get answers from about the culture. Build the relationships so you feel comfortable asking about most anything. Check with more than one and compare their answers in your head.

6. Learn about the new culture efficiently: You can’t learn everything about the culture before your trip. It’s unrealistic. Focus on learning a few things that fit your interests, and use those to make connections and learn more while you are abroad.


7. Cope with cultural surprises: No matter how much you prepare in advance, you will find yourself faced with people acting in ways that you find puzzling. When you do, try to find out why. Doing so will often lead to new insights.

8. Formulate cultural explanations of behavior: Routinely try to explain to yourself why people act as they do in this culture, differently from your own. Using things you know about the culture to explain behavior will help you build a deeper understanding of the culture overall.

9. Take a cultural perspective: Try to see things from the point of view of the people from the other culture. By taking a cultural perspective, you may create a whole new understanding of what’s going on around you.

10. Plan cross-cultural communication: Think ahead of time about what you have to say and how you want the other person to perceive you. Use what you know about the culture to figure out the best way to get that across.

11. Control how you present yourself: Be deliberate about how you present and express yourself. Sometimes you’ll be most effective if you’re just yourself. Other times you have to adapt how you present yourself to the culture you are in to be most effective.

12. Reflect and seek feedback: Continue to reflect on and learn from your interactions and experiences after they occur. After an interaction you can think about whether you got the messages across you intended. You can even ask a local how they think you did.

These twelve principles give you some pointers about how to think about the experiences you have in new cultures. They are essential to cross-cultural competence.

Reading through the principles you may be asking yourself “do I really need to do this much thinking when I go abroad?”

Rasmussen consistently found this thoughtful approach among those with high cross-cultural competence. Keep these principles in mind and use them. You will be more capable and confident engaging people from any culture.

2.1 Video showing about Some cases about Examples of Cross Cultural Understanding vs Cross Cultural Misunderstanding https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zlgS-mAtvMk

2.2 Some cases about cultural differences to be discussed to get lesson and solution.


If the cultural differences is accepted, there will be Cross Cultural Understanding, but if the cultural differences is rejected, there will be Cross Cultural Misunderstanding. Then, What happened if there is rejection and what happened if there is acceptance? What lessons can be learned from the cases?

D. Method/activities

1.1 The lecturer asks students to discuss about the meaning and important of Cross Cultural Competence 1.2 The lecturer asks the students to identify about the findings of a research on cross cultural competence

2.1 The lecturer asks the students to watch video about Examples of Cross Cultural Understanding vs Cross Cultural Misunderstanding https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zlgS-mAtvMk

2.2 The lecturer asks the students to present some cases about cultural differences to be discussed to get lesson and solution

E. Assessment/Evaluation

1.1 Can you tell the meaning and important of Cross Cultural Competence?

2.1 What kinds of lessons to be learned from the cases you discuss?

Topic Tasks Description of the Case

Method Procedures


Competence describe the meaning and important of cross cultural competence and having this competence to solve problems in some cases of cultural competence.

to be discussed.

2. Giving questions and answering questions.

3. Discussing and Giving opinion.

4. Making conclusion.

F. Source of material:

Rasmussen, L. J., & Sieck, W. R. (2015). Culture-general competence: Evidence from a cognitive field study of professionals who work in many cultures. International Journal of Intercultural Relations, 14(3), 75-90. DOI:


English Bestie. Examples of Cross Cultural Understanding vs Cross Cultural Misunderstanding https://www.youtube.com/watch?




Institution : English Literature, Cultural Sciences of Mulawarman University.

Course : Cross Cultural Understanding Credit/hour : 3/3

Program : SI – English Literature Department

Semester : V

Topic : 6. Perbedaan budaya di Amerika dengan Indonesia Sub topics : 1.1 Fenomena Kebudayaan Indonesia dan Amerika

1.2 Mengapa Kebudayaan Amerika bervariasi 1.3 Perbedaan Budaya di Amerika dan Indonesia

A. General Objective:

1. At the end of the course, the students have practical knowledge to develop their ability to understand about the differences of Indonesian and American Culture.

B. Specific Objective:

1.1 The students have practical knowledge to describe Fenomena Kebudayaan Indonesia dan Amerika 1.2 The students have practical knowledge to give reasons Mengapa Kebudayaan Amerika bervariasi 1.3 The students have practical knowledge to show Perbedaan Budaya di Amerika dan Indonesia

C. Material/Content

In Fact, we are different, don’t be confused


Perbedaan budaya dapat membingungkan setiap orang. Apalagi bagi para mahasiswa Asia yang kuliah ke Amerika Serikat, dimana terdapat perbedaan yang besar antara budaya barat dan timur. Akan tetapi, jika dipelajari dahulu, Anda bisa mepersiapkan diri untuk beradaptasi dengan kehidupan Amerika dengan lebih baik.

A Phenomenon of Indonesian Culture

Budaya Indonesia adalah seluruh kebudayaan nasional, kebudayaan lokal, maupun kebudayaan asal asing yang telah ada di Indonesia sebelum Indonesia merdeka pada tahun 1945. Budaya Indonesia dapat juga diartikan bahwa Indonesia memiliki beragam suku bangsa dan budaya yang beragam seperti tarian daerah, pakaian adat, dan rumah adat. [1] Budaya Indonesia tidak hanya mencakup budaya asli bumiputera, tetapi juga mencakup budaya-budaya pribumi yang mendapat pengaruh budaya Tionghoa, Arab, India, dan Eropa.

A Phenomenon of American Culture

Budaya warga Amerika meliputi tradisi dan adat istiadat di Amerika Serikat. “Budaya kita meliputi agama, makanan, pakaian yang kita pakai, bagaimana memakainya, bahasa kita, pernikahan, musik, kepercayaan kita terhadap apa yang benar atau salah, bagaimana kita duduk, bagaimana kita menyapa tamu, bagaimana kita memperlakukan orang-orang yang kita cintai, dan masih banyak hal lainnya,” ujar Cristina De Rossi, seorang antropolog dari Barnet and Southgate College di London.

Why American culture variety?

Amerika Serikat adalah negara terbesar ketiga di dunia dengan jumlah populasi lebih dari 325 juta jiwa. Secara lebih spesifik, seorang anak lahir setiap 8 detik, dan seseorang meninggal setiap 12 detik berdasarkan Biro Sensus Amerika Serikat.Selain penduduk asli Amerika, imigran yang berasal dari beberapa negara juga berkontribusi pada jumlah populasi negara ini.

Walaupun tindakan terbaru berupa penutupan perbatasan Amerika Serikat untuk imigran dan pengungsi baru telah dilakukan, setiap imigran baru datang ke Amerika setiap 33 detik, berdasarkan Biro Sensus. Hal ini menyebabkan Amerika Serikat menjadi salah satu negara dengan kebudayaan paling beragam di dunia.



Hampir seluruh daerah di dunia telah mempengaruhi pembentukan budaya di Amerika, terutama Inggris yang menjajah negara ini pada awal 1600-an, selain budaya dari penduduk asli Amerika, Latin Amerika, Afrika, dan Asia. Amerika Serikat terkadang dikenal sebagai “tempat pencampuran” dimana perbedaan budaya menyumbangkan “cita rasa” nya. Hal yang sama juga berlaku pada budaya di berbagai negara, dimana budaya Amerika mempengaruhi budaya negara-negara tersebut. Istilah budaya negara Barat sering merujuk ke budaya Amerika Serikat dan Eropa

Perbedaan budaya di Amerika dengan indonesia ada beberapa yaitu

1. Di lihat dari makanan pokok Indonesia dengan Amerika sangat jelas perbedaanny Indonesia makanan pokoknya nasi sedangkan Amerika lebih suka makan roti atau kentang sebagai makanan pokoknya.

2. Etika dalam bergaul di Amerika terlalu bebas, Di Indonesia selalu mengedepankan etika dan moral.

3.Di Indonesia banyak sekali masyarakat nya yang lalai sehingga sering di sebut kurang menghargai waktu sedangkan Amerika sangat menghargai waktu.

Mengenai budaya Indonesia dan Amerika, indonesia dikenal dengan penduduk yg terlalu apresiatif yg di katakan apresiatif yakni Kurangnya kedisiplinan waktu dan lain sebagai nya sedangkan Amerika orang yang sangat tertip dalam memproses pekerjaan apapun dan begitu juga menghargai waktunya

4. Di Amerika negara yang bekerja dalam sektor swasta bukan negeri.

Sedangkan di indonesia itu bersifat negeri.

5. Perbedaan lainnya yaitu ndonesia memiliki aturan yang jelas mengenai seragam, dari mulai taman kanak-kanak bahkan hingga sekolah menengah atas. Sementara, sekolah di Amerika tidakt memiliki aturan mengenai seragam. Siswanya dibebaskan mengenakan pakaian apapun selama itu sopan dan rapih.

6. Di Amerika anak anak yang sudah beranjak dewasa di umur 18 tahun sudah diajarkan lebih mandiri seperti mereka dibebaskan dari rumah orang tuanya, remaja di Amerika di haruskan tinggal tidak bersama dengan orang tuanya sejak umur 18 tahun ke atas atau sejak mereka dewasa. Tujuannya adalah agar sang anak bisa mandiri dan lebih bertanggung jawab, budaya ini sangat berbeda dengan di


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