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Tata Kelola Perusahaan yang baik Good Corporate Governance


Academic year: 2021

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PT Wijaya Karya (Persero), Tbk violATioN ComplAiNT proCess flow



ProSedur PelaPor

reporTer deWan komiSariS/ komite nrG boArd of CommissioNers / Nrg CommiTTee tim kePatuhan GcG gCg CompliANCe TeAm tim Pencari fakta fACT fiNdiNg TeAm maJeliS kehormatan PeGaWai hoNorAry CouNCil of employees direkSi boArd of direCTors

8 a. Tim Pencari Fakta menyerahkan hasil investigasi kepada Tim Kepatuhan GCG b. Tim Kepatuhan GCG melakukan review

terhadap hasil dari Tim Pencari Fakta, apakah kasus akan dilimpahkan atau dilanjutkan ke Majelis Kehormatan Pegawai atau Tidak

c. Tim Kepatuhan GCG membuat Kesimpulan Pokok sebagai masukan bagi Majelis Kehormatan Pegawai.

a. The Fact Finding Team submits the investigation results to the GCG Compliance Team

b. The GCG Compliance Team reviews of the Fact Finding Team results, and whether the case will be delegated or continued by the Employees Honorary Council or not

c. The GCG Compliance Team prepares its Main Conclusions as input for the Employee Honorary Council.

9 Majelis Kehormatan Pegawai membuat Rekomendasi

The Employees Honorary Council makes recommendations

10 a. Majelis Kehormatan Pegawai mereview laporan Tim Pencari Fakta dan Rekomendasi Tindak Lanjut Pokok dari Tim Kepatuhan GCG.

b. Majelis Kehormatan Pegawai melakukan langkah-langkah yang diperlukan untuk menghasilkan rekomendasi terbaik atas laporan tersebut.

a. The Employees Honorary Council reviews the fact finding team's report and the main follow-up recommendations from the GCG Compliance Team.

b. The Employees Honorary Council takes the necessary steps to prepare the best recommendations for the report. 11 Majelis Kehormatan Pegawai membuat

Rekomendasi kepada Direktur Utama

The Employees Honorary Council makes recommendations to the President Director

12 Hasil rekomendasi dari Majelis Kehormatan Pegawai disampaikan kepada Direktur Utama

The Employee Honors Council recommendations results are submitted to the President Director

13 Keputusan oleh Direktur Utama, sesuai peraturan perusahaan yang berlaku

President Director’s Decisions, in accordance with applicable Company regulations

2 END END 2 2 YA YES TIDAK NO 10.a 10.b 11 12 12


sosialisasi whistleBlowinG


Dalam rangka meningkatkan pemahaman mengenai

Whistleblowing System di seluruh tingkatan dalam

organisasi, Perseroan secara konsisten mengadakan

sosialisasi Whistleblowing System dengan berbagai cara.

Salah satu yang dilakukan Perseroan adalah dengan

melakukan penyebarluasan buku Code of Conduct dan

Code of Corporate Governance melalui surat elektronik

kepada seluruh pegawai Perseroan. Bagi Calon Pegawai

Perseroan, Perseroan melakukan melakukan presentasi

in class agar calon pegawai On Job Training (OJT) dapat

memahami tindakan apa saja yang melanggar terhadap

ketentuan Code of Conduct.

Sepanjang tahun 2019 Biro Corporate Relations telah

melakukan 8 (delapan) kali sosialisasi mengenai

whistleblowing system terhadap pegawai dan calon

pegawai Perseroan.

jUmlah sanksi/tinDak lanjUt

atas PenGaDUan Di tahUn 2019

Pada tahun 2019, Perusahaan tidak mencatat adanya

penyimpangan maupun pelanggaran yang dilaporkan

oleh Personil WIKA kepada Tim Kepatuhan GCG.

whistleBlowinG system


To improve understanding of the Whistleblowing System

at all organizational levels, the Company consistently

conducts Whistleblowing System socialization in various

ways. One way by the Company distributing Code of

Conduct and Code of Corporate Governance books

by e-mail to all Company employees. For employee

candidates, the Company conducts in-class presentations

so that prospective On-Job-Training (OJT) employees

can understand what actions violate the Code of

Conduct provisions.

In 2019 the Corporate Relations Bureau conducted 8

(eight) whistleblowing system socialization sessions

with Company employees and prospective employees.

comPlaints sanctions

/ Follow-UP in 2019

In 2019, the GCG Compliance Team did not receive any

irregularities or violations reports from WIKA Personnel.



L a p o r a n Ta h u n a n


PT Wijaya Karya (Persero), Tbk



Bad governance Practices transparency

laPoran atas aktivitas

PerUsahaan yanG

mencemari linGkUnGan

Hingga akhir tahun 2019, Perusahaan tidak pernah

mendapatkan adanya laporan atas aktivitas Perusahaan

yang mencemari lingkungan. Perusahaan memberikan

perhatian terhadap seluruh aspek dalam kegiatan

bisnis Perusahaan, termasuk pengadaan emas sebagai

produk utama Perusahaan yang bekerja sama dengan

perusahaan lain yang memiliki riwayat produksi dan

pengolahan emas yang dapat dipertanggungjawabkan.

PenGUnGkaPan PemenUhan

kewajiBan PerPajakan

Sepanjang tahun 2019, WIKA tidak memiliki kasus

yang berkaitan dengan perpajakan. Perseroan taat

dan patuh dalam membayar dan melaporkan pajak

sesuai kewajibannya.

ketiDaksesUaian Penyajian

laPoran tahUnan Dan laPoran

keUanGan DenGan PeratUran

yanG BerlakU Dan stanDar

akUntasi keUanGan (sak)

Berbagai informasi, analisa dan pembahasan kinerja

pada laporan tahunan ini mengacu pada Laporan

Keuangan Perusahaan untuk tahun-tahun yang berakhir

31 Desember 2019 dan 31 Desember 2018 yang

telah diaudit oleh Kantor Akuntan Publik Amir Abadi

Jusuf, Aryanto, Mawar & Rekan. Laporan keuangan

konsolidasian Perseroan disusun dan disajikan sesuai

Standar Akuntansi Keuangan (SAK) di Indonesia, yaitu

Pernyataan Standar Akuntansi Keuangan (PSAK), yang

mencakup Pernyataan dan Interpretasi yang dikeluarkan

oleh Dewan Standar Akuntansi Keuangan (“DSAK”)

Ikatan Akuntan Indonesia dan Peraturan Pasar Modal

yang berlaku antara lain Peraturan Badan Pengawas

Pasar Modal dan Lembaga Keuangan (Bapepam-LK) No.

VIII.G.7 tentang Pedoman Penyajian Laporan Keuangan,

keputusan Ketua Bapepam-LK No. KEP-347/BL/2012

tentang Penyajian dan Pengungkapan Laporan Keuangan

Emiten atau Perusahaan Publik.

rePort on comPany activities

PollUtinG the environment

Up to the end of 2019, the Company has never received

any reports on any Company activities that pollute

the environment. The Company pays attention to all

aspects of the Company’s business activities, including

gold procurement as the Company’s main product in

collaboration with other companies with a responsible

history of gold production and processing.

DisclosUre on FUlFillment

oF taX oBliGations

During 2019, there were no cases involving WIKA

related to taxation. The Company complies and is

obedient in paying and reporting taxes corresponding

to its obligations.

incomPatiBility oF annUal

rePorts anD Financial

statements Presentation

with aPPlicaBle reGUlations

anD Financial accoUntinG

stanDarDs (sak)

The performance information, analysis and discussions

in this annual report refers to the Company’s Financial

Statements for the years ended December 31, 2019

and December 31, 2018 as audited by Public Accounting

Firm Amir Abadi Jusuf, Aryanto, Mawar & Rekan’s. The

Company’s consolidated financial statements were

prepared and presented in accordance with Indonesian

Financial Accounting Standards (SAK), including the

Statement of Financial Accounting Standards (PSAK),

and Interpretation issued by the Financial Accounting

Standard Board - Indonesian Institute of Accountants

(DSAK), and Applicable Capital Market and OJK

Regulations, and Bapepam-LK Regulation No. VIII.G.7

concerning Guidelines for the Presentation of Financial

Statements, and Chairman of Bapepam-LK Decree No.

KEP-347/BL/2012 concerning Presentation and Disclosure

of Financial Statements of Issuers or Public Companies.


PenGUnGkaPan seGmen oPerasi

PaDa laPoran keUanGan

Sebagaimana yang tercantum dalam PSAK No. 5

(Penyesuaian 2015) tentang Segmen Operasi dan

untuk kepentingan manajemen, Perusahaan telah

menyajikannya menurut pengelompokkan (segmen)

jenis usaha dan berdasarkan geografis sebagai

bentuk pelaporan segmen operasi, seperti yang telah

disampaikan dalam Laporan Keuangan Audit tahun buku

2019 catatan “Informasi Segmen”.

kesesUaian BUkU laPoran

tahUnan Dan laPoran

tahUnan DiGital

Laporan Tahunan WIKA baik yang disampaikan kepada

pemegang saham, investor, pemangku kepentingan,

maupun yang telah diunggah pada situs web resmi

Perseroan telah sesuai dengan buku Laporan Tahunan

yang dicetak dan diterbitkan oleh Perseroan.

oPeratinG seGments DisclosUre

in the Financial statements

As stated in PSAK No. 5 (2015 Amendment) concerning

Operating Segments, and for the benefit of management,

the Company has presented its business segments based

on geographical or operating segment, as presented

in the 2019 Audit Financial Report notes “Segment


annUal rePort anD DiGital

annUal rePort comPatiBility

WIKA’s Annual Report, whether submitted to shareholders,

investors, stakeholders, or uploaded on the Company’s

official website, is the same as the Annual Report printed

and published by the Company.



L a p o r a n Ta h u n a n


PT Wijaya Karya (Persero), Tbk


hak PemeGanG Saham / riGhtS of ShareholderS




A.1 Hak Dasar Pemegang Saham

Basic Shareholder Rights 338

A.1.1 Perseroan membagi dividen dalam kurun 30 hari sejak diumumkan

Does the company pay (interim and final/annual) dividends in an equitable and timely manner; that is, all shareholders are treated equally and paid within 30 days after being (i) declared for interim dividends and (ii) approved by annual general meeting (AGM) for final dividends?

223-224 A.2 Hak untuk berpartisipasi dalam pengambilan keputusan terkait dengan perubahan-perubahan fundamental


Right to participate in decisions concerning fundamental corporate changes. 344

A.2.1 Amandemen Anggaran Dasar

Amendments to the company's constitution? 344

A.2.2 Otorisasi penerbitan saham baru

The authorisation of additional shares? 344

A.2.3 Pengalihan Aset atau penjualan Perusahaan

The transfer of all or substantially all assets, which in effect results in the sale of the company? 344

A.3 Hak untuk berpartisipasi secara efektif dalam RUPS dan mendapatkan informasi terkait prosedur RUPS

Right to participate effectively in and vote in general shareholder meetings and should be informed of the rules,

including voting procedures that govern general shareholder meetings 347

A.3.1 Pemegang saham diberi kesempatan untuk berpartisipasi dalam memutuskan remunerasi Dewan Komisarisa dan Direksi

Do shareholders have the opportunity, evidenced by an agenda item, to approve remuneration (fees, allowances, benefit-in-kind and other emoluments) or any increases in remuneration for the non-executive directors/ commissioners?


A.3.2 Perusahaan memberikan hak kepada pemegang saham pengendali untuk mencalonkan kandidat Direksi dan Dewan Komisaris

Does the company provide non-controlling shareholders a right to nominate candidates for board of directors/ commissioners?

356 A.3.3 Perusahaan memfasilitasi pemegang saham untuk melakukan pemilihan Direksi dan Dewan Komisaris secara


Does the company allow shareholders to elect directors/commissioners individually? 356

A.3.4 Apakah mengungkapkan prosedur pemungutan suara dan tabulasi suara dalam RUPS sebelum RUPS dimulai

Does the company disclose the voting and vote tabulation procedures used, declaring both before the meeting

proceeds? 349-360

A.3.5 Notulen RUPS mencatat adanya kesempatan bagi pemegang saham untuk menyampaikan pertanyaan dan usulan

Do the minutes of the most recent AGM record that there was an opportunity allowing for shareholders to ask questions or raise issues?

349-360 A.3.6 Notulen RUPS mencatat dinamika rapat

Do the minutes of the most recent AGM record questions and answers? 349-360

A.3.7 Notulen RUPS mencatat keputusan RUPS

Did the disclosure of the outcome of the most recent AGM include resolution(s)? 349-360





Corporate governance Compliance according



hak PemeGanG Saham / riGhtS of ShareholderS




A.3.8 Perusahaan mengungkapkan hasil pemungutan suara (setuju, tidak setuju, abstain) untuk tiap-tiap agenda


Did the company disclose the voting results including approving, dissenting, and abstaining votes for each agenda item for the most recent AGM?

349-360 A.3.9 Perusahaan mengungkapkan kehadiran Direksi dan Dewan Komisaris dalam RUPS

Did the company disclose the list of board members who attended the most recent AGM? 348

A.3.10 Komisaris Utama menghadiri RUPS

Did the chairman of the board of directors/commissioners attend the most recent AGM? 348

A.3.11 Direktur Utama menghadiri RUPS

Did the CEO/Managing Director/President attend the most recent AGM? 348

A.3.12 Ketua Komite Audit menghadiri RUPS

Did the chairman of the Audit Committee attend the most recent AGM? 348

A.3.13 Perusahaan memilih lokasi RUPS yang mudah dijangkau oleh pemegang saham

Did the company organise their most recent AGM in an easy to reach location? 349

A.3.14 Perusahaan memberikan fasilitas pemungutan suara dengan surat kuasa

Does the company allow for voting in absentia? 348

A.3.15 Pemungutan suara dilakukan dengan cara tertutup

Did the company vote by poll (as opposed to by show of hands) for all resolutions at the most recent AGM? 348

A.3.16 Perusahaan mengungkapkan bahwa menggunakan pihak ketiga dalam memvalidasi perhitungan suara dalam RUPS

Does the company disclose that it has appointed an independent party (scrutineers/inspectors) to count and/or validate the votes at the AGM?

347 A.3.17 Hasil pemungutan suara dipublikasikan sehari sesudah pemungutan suara

Does the company make publicly available by the next working day the result of the votes taken during the most

recent AGM for all resolutions? 347

A.3.18 Perusahaan menyediakan waktu paling tidak 21 hari untuk mengumumkan keputusan RUPS

Do companies provide at least 21 days notice for all resolutions? 347

A.3.19 Perusahaan memberikan penjelasan terlebih dahulu untuk tiap-tiap agenda yang membutuhkan persetujuan pemegang saham dalam pengumuman atau undangan RUPS

Does the company provide the rationale and explanation for each agenda item which require shareholders’ approval in the notice of AGM/circulars and/or the accompanying statement?

347 A.4 Berfungsinya pasar dalam mengendalikan Perusahaan secara efisien dan transparan

Markets for corporate control should be allowed to function in an efficient and transparent manner. 196

A.4.1 Untuk kasus merger, akuisisi, dan/atau takeover, Perusahaan menunjuk pihak independen untuk melakukan evaluasi kewajaran harga transaksi

In cases of mergers, acquisitions and/or takeovers, does the board of directors/commissioners of the offeree company appoint an independent party to evaluate the fairness of the transaction price?

225 A.5 Pelaksanaan hak pemegang saham, termasuk pemegang saham institusi difasilitasi oleh Perusahaan

The exercise of ownership rights by all shareholders, including institutional investors, should be facilitated. 345

A.5.1 Perusahaan mempublikasikan kebijakan untuk mendorong pemegang saham, termasuk pemegang saham institui untuk menghadiri RUPS

Does the company publicly disclose policies to encourage shareholders including institutional shareholders to attend the AGM?

347 A.5.2 Investor institusional selain pemegang saham pengendali memiliki saham lebih dari 5%

Is the share ownership by institutional investors, other than controlling shareholders, greater than 5%? 346

B Perlakuan yang sama kepada pemegang saham

Equitable Treatment of Shareholders 346

B.1 Saham dan hak suara

Shares and voting rights 346

B.1.1 Saham biasa memiliki 1 hak suara per lembar

Do the company's ordinary or common shares have one vote for one share? 346

B.1.2 Jika Perusahaan memiliki lebih dari satu kelas/seri saham, maka hak suara untuk tiap-tiap seri saham dipublikasikan

Where the company has more than one class of shares, does the company publicise the voting rights attached to each class of shares (e.g. through the company website / reports/ the stock exchange/ the regulator's website)?


B.2 Pemberitahuan RUPS



L a p o r a n Ta h u n a n


PT Wijaya Karya (Persero), Tbk


hak PemeGanG Saham / riGhtS of ShareholderS



B.2.1 Tiap-tiap permasalahan dalam RUPS memiliki penyeleseian

Does each resolution in the most recent AGM deal with only one item, i.e., there is no bundling of several items into

the same resolution? 346

B.2.2 Keputusan RUPS diterjemahkan dalam Bhs Inggris dan dipublikasikan bersamaan dengan yang Bhs Indonesia

Are the company's notice of the most recent AGM/circulars fully translated into English and published on the same

date as the local-language version? 347

B.2.3 Profil Dewan Komisaris dan Direksi ditampilkan saat pemilihan Dewan Komisaris dan Direksi

Are the profiles of directors/commissioners (at least age, qualification, date of first appointment, experience, and

directorships in other listed companies) in seeking election/reelection included? 356

B.2.4 RUPS membahas pemilihan Auditor Eksternal

Are the auditors seeking appointment/re-appointment clearly identified? 352

B.2.5 Perusahaan mengungkapkan kebijakan dividen

Has an explanation of the dividend policy been provided? 351

B.2.6 Perusahaan mempublikasikan jumlah dividen yang akan dibayar

Is the amount payable for final dividends disclosed? 351

B.2.7 Perusahaan memudahkan pemegang saham mendapatkan formulir surat kuasa

Documents required to be proxy/ Were the proxy documents made easily available? 346

B.3 Terdapat larangan insider trading dan tindakan menguntungkan diri sendiri

Insider trading and abusive self-dealing should be prohibited. 557

B.3.1 Perusahaan memiliki kebijakan untuk melarang Direksi, Dewan Komisaris dan karyawan untuk mengambil keuntungan akan informasi yang tidak tersedia secara umum (inside information)

Does the company have policies and/or rules prohibiting directors/commissioners and employees to benefit from knowledge which is not generally available to the market?

557 B.4 Transaksi dengan pihak berelasi

Related party transactions by directors and key executives. 226-232

B.4.1 Direksi dan Dewan Komisaris diharuskan untuk mengungkapkan adanta transaksi dengan Perusahaan atau konflik kepentingan lainnya

Are directors and commissioners required to disclose their interest in transactions and any other conflicts of interest?

226 B.4.2 Perusahaan memiliki kebijakan bahwa komite penunjang Dewan Komisaris melakukan telaah terhadap

transaksi dengan pihak berelasi, apakah dilakukan atas nama kepentingan Perusahaan

Does the company have a policy requiring a committee of independent directors/commissioners to review material/ significant RPTs to determine whether they are in the best interests of the company and shareholders?

226 B.4.3 Perusahaan memiliki kebijakan yang mengharuskan Direksi dan Dewan Komisaris untuk tidak memberikan

pendapat atau keputusan pada saat memiliki konflik kepentingan

Does the company have a policy requiring board members (directors/commissioners) to abstain from participating in the board discussion on a particular agenda when they are conflicted?

226 B.4.4 Perusahaan memiliki kebijakan pemberian pinjaman kepada Direksi dan Dewan Komisaris yang

mengharuskan dilakukannya secara wajar/harga pasar (arm’s length basis)

Does the company have policies on loans to directors and commissioners either forbidding this practice or ensuring that they are being conducted at arm's length basis and at market rates?

226 B.5 Melindungi hak pemegang saham minoritas

Protecting minority shareholders from abusive actions 226

B.5.1 Tidak terdapatnya transaksi dengan pihak berelasi yang dikategorikan sebagai bantuan keuangan untuk perusahaan selain Entitas Anak

Were there any RPTs that can be classified as financial assistance to entities other than wholly-owned subsidiary companies?

226 B.5.2 Prusahaan mempublikasikan transaksi dengan pihak berelasi dilakukan dengan harga pasar dan bersifat

arms length

Does the company disclose that RPTs are conducted in such a way to ensure that they are fair and at arms' length? 226

C Peran Stakeholders

Role of Stakeholders 598-643

C.1.1 Perusahaan mengungkapkan kebijakan kesehatan dan keselamatan konsumen

Stipulates the existence and scope of the company's efforts to address customers' health and safety? 623-631

C.1.2 Perusahaan mengungkapkan kebijakan pemilihan pemasok



hak PemeGanG Saham / riGhtS of ShareholderS




C.1.3 Perusahaan mengungkapkan kebijakan ramah lingkungan dalam proses bisnisnya dan konsisten dalam

menerapkan sustainable development

Describes the company's efforts to ensure that its value chain is environmentally friendly or is consistent with promoting sustainable development?

618-620 C.1.4 Perusahaan mengungkapkan kebijakan kepeduliannya kepada masyarakat

Elaborates the company's efforts to interact with the communities in which they operate? 633-640

C.1.5 Perusahaan mengungkapkan kebijakan program dan prosedur anti korupsi

Directs the company's anti-corruption programmes and procedures? 560-565

C.1.6 Perusahaan mengungkapkan kebijakan perlindungan hak-hak kreditor

Describes how creditors' rights are safeguarded? 218

C.1.7 Perusahaan menerapkan kebijakan kesehatan dan keselamatan konsumen

Customer health and safety 632-634

C.1.8 Perusahaan menerapkan kebijakan pemilihan pemasok

Supplier/ Contractor selection and criteria 642-643

C.1.9 Perusahaan menerapkan kebijakan ramah lingkungan dalam proses bisnisnya dan konsisten dalam menerapkan sustainable development

Environmentally-friendly value chain 618-620

C.1.10 Perusahaan menerapkan kebijakan kepeduliannya kepada masyarakat

Interaction with the communities 635-642

C.1.11 Perusahaan menerapkan kebijakan kebijakan program dan prosedur anti korupsi

Anti-corruption programmes and procedures 560-565

C.1.12 Perusahaan menerapkan kebijakan perlindungan hak-hak kreditor

Creditors' rights 218

C.1.13 Perusahaan melaporkan CSR Report atau SR

Does the company have a separate corporate responsibility (CR) report/section or sustainability report/section?

C.2 Hak stakeholder untuk memperoleh penyeleseian yang efektif akan pelanggaran hak-haknya

Where stakeholder interests are protected by law, stakeholders should have the opportunity to obtain effective

redress for violation of their rights. 631

C.2.1 Perusahaan menyediakan informasi contact dalam website atau laporan tahunan yang memfasilitasi para stakeholder untuk menyampaikan keluhan akan pelanggaran hak-hak mereka

Does the company provide contact details via the company's website or Annual Report which stakeholders (e.g. customers, suppliers, general public etc.) can use to voice their concerns and/or complaints for possible violation of their rights?


C.3 Perusahaan mengembangkan mekanisme yang memfasilitasi karyawan untuk berpartisipasi dalam rangka peningkatan kinerja karyawan

Performance-enhancing mechanisms for employee participation should be permitted to develop. 554

C.3.1 Perusahaan secara eksplisit mengungkapkan kebijakan kesehatan, keselamatan, dan kesejahteraan karyawan

Does the company explicitly disclose the health, safety, and welfare policy for its employees? 621-629

C.3.2 Perusahaan mempublikasikan data terkait dengan program kesehatan, keselamatan, dan kesejahteraan karyawan

Does the company publish data relating to health, safety and welfare of its employees? 631

C.3.3 Perusahaan memiliki program pelatihan dan pengembangan karyawan

Does the company have training and development programmes for its employees? 263-264

C.3.4 Perusahaan mempublikasikan data terkait program pelatihan dan pengembangan karyawan

Does the company publish data on training and development programmes for its employees? 263-264

C.3.5 Perusahaan memiliki kebijakan pemberian kompensasi (reward) untuk pencapaian kinerja di atas kinerja keuangan yang sudah ditentukan

Does the company have a reward/compensation policy that accounts for the performance of the company beyond short-term financial measures?

253 C.4 Stakeholders termasuk karyawan individu maupun perwakilannya memiliki hak dan kesempatan untuk

bisa mengkomunikasikan kepedulian mereka akan tindakan-tindakan ilegal atau tidak etis kepada Dewan Komisaris dan Direksi tanpa ada rasa takut

Stakeholders including individual employee and their representative bodies, should be able to freely communicate their concerns about illegal or unethical practices to the board and their rights should not be compromised for doing this.


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