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1 The Paradox of Growing Importance of the “Putting-Out” System

in the Development of the Batik Industry

(A Case Study in the Sragen-Surakarta-Sukoharjo Cluster of Indonesia)


The economic crisis stimulated the growing importance of the “putting-out” system for the development of small-scale batik industries, in which home-workers who produce goods at home are part of a decentralized chain of production and control. Such systems were already present before the crisis but are now more prominent, faster, complex, and different from the “putting-out” system in general. The

performance of the former cannot be separated from the “hidden” roles of the home -workers and their families. The home--workers have played strategic roles in supporting the existence and survival of the small-scale batik industries, but despite their contributions, they remain on the margins. This paper is based on research conducted in central Java, Indonesia. This paper describes three key findings, namely (a) the paradox of the growing importance of the putting-out system for the development of the batik industry, (b) The POS Transformation from a gender perspective, and (c) the implications of the system on the role of home-workers and the employment conditions in the batik industry


The transformation of POS has had different impacts on entrepreneurs and HWs. Although it is difficult to generalize, the employer generally benefits more than home workers, while HWs are more exploited than the employer. Among HWs, tempahan (especially male tempahan) gain more benefits than

“sanggan” and subsanggan (especially female “sanggan” and sub-sanggan).

The economic crisis stimulated the growing importance of the POS for the development of MSMsI

batik. The MSMsI that are based on the POS (MSMsI-POS) seem to have different dynamics from the

MSMsI that employ laborers in their factories. They were already present before the crises but are now more prominent, faster, complex, and different from POS in general, particularly as they change the production structure; and create a system that is no longer dominated nor processing female-stereotyped commodities. The performance of the former cannot be separated from the roles of the HWs

and their families, because most of the production processes are carried out at their homes without their employers’ supervision. It is the HWs that have played strategic roles in supporting the existence and survival of the small- and medium- scale industries thus far, especially during the economic crisis. Although their roles are “hidden”, it is clear that they are being exploited as evident by their marginal condition, especially female HWs.

The change in POS has opened the domain of HWs profession that has been dominated by women for many years. Yet paradoxically, the gender transformation does not change the structure of gender relations within the profession. Female HWs remain marginalized within a profession that was previously considered to be the woman’s domain.


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