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Issue 2517, 10/11/2014

General Corporat e

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Preserving Land Rights in Forestry Areas

The Minist er of Int erior Af f airs, Minist er of Forest ry, Minist er of Public Works, and Head of Nat ional Land Agency have issued Joint Regulat ion No. 79 of 2014, PB. 3/ Menhut -11/ 2014, 17/ PRT/ M/ 2014, and 8/ SKB/ X/ 2014 on Acquisit ion Procedures f or Land Locat ed in Forest ry Areas ( “2014 Joint Regulat ion” ).

The 2014 Joint Regulat ion was issued t o accommodat e several decision made by t he Const it ut ional Court , namely Decision No. 34/ PUU-IX/ 2011, No. 45/ PUU-IX/ 2011, and No. 35/ PUU-X/ 2012,1 which essent ially obligat es t he government t o preserve exist ing land right s locat ed in f orest ry areas. Consequent ly, t he 2014 Joint Regulat ion was issued t o set out procedures f or individuals, government al inst it ut ions, social and religious ent it ies and cust omary communit ies (collect ively ref erred as “Applicant s” )2 t o claim right s over land locat ed in f orest ry areas.

If an Applicant can prove an ent it lement over land locat ed in a f orest ry area, t he relat ed government al aut horit ies must det ermine such land as not part of f orest ry area, and grant t he Applicant t he appropriat e land right . Such a det erminat ion is crit ical t o an Applicant (owner), as Law No. 41 of 1999 on Forest ry provides t hat land locat ed in St at e f orest areas (hut an negar a) cannot be encumbered wit h any land right s (f reehold, right t o use, right t o f arm, or right t o build).3

The 2014 Joint Regulat ion is relevant t o businesses in t he f orest ry sect or and t he public in general.

Inventory Team

Every regent / mayor and governor must est ablish an invent ory t eam4 wit hin t heir j urisdict ion t hat will be responsible f or receiving, verif ying, assessing and inspect ing, land right s claims.5 The invent ory t eam at t he regency/ cit y level has t he aut horit y t o process applicat ions f or land right claims locat ed wit hin t heir regency/ cit y, while t he invent orying t eam at t he provincial level has aut horit y t o process applicat ions f or land locat ed across mult iple regencies/ cit ies wit hin a province.6

1 For m ore inform at ion see Huk um on line.com , MK Affirm s Different iat ion Bet w een Cu st om ary and St at e Forest Land and I LB No. 2297.


Art . 1 ( 7) , 2014 Joint Regulat ion .

3 Art . 1 ( c) ( d) , Law No. 41 of 1999 on Forest ry . For m ore inform at ion on land right see I LD No. 323.

4 Tim I nv ent arisasi Penguasaan, Pem ilikan , Penggunaan, dan Pem anfaat an Tanah ( I P4T) . This t eam is com p rised of

represent at iv es from t he land serv ices office, forest ry serv ices office, forest ry area det erm inat ion office, spat ial serv ices office, cam at , and lurah ( Art . 2 ( 2) and 3 ( 2) , 2014 Joint Regulat ion) .

5 Art . 4, 2014 Joint Regulat ion.

6 Art . 2 ( 1) and 3 ( 1) , 2014 Joint Regulat ion.

Enforcement Date

17 October 2014

Related ILB

• Acknowledgement to the Customary Law Society

• One Hundred and Nine Regulations on Land Matters Repealed:

Travelling through Indonesia’s Land Law History

• New Provision on Customary Forest • Draft Bill on Indigenous

Communities’ Right

• Authority Delegation on Land Rigts and Land Registration Re-Regulated • Digestible Overview of Indonesian


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Issue 2517, 10/11/2014

General Corporat e

en. hukumonl ine. com

Application Procedure

Land right claim applicat ions must be submit t ed t o t he relevant invent orying t eam wit h j urisdict ion.7 There are t hree main requirement s f or land right claim in a f orest ry area, namely:

a. The Applicant must lodge t he applicat ion t hemselves, and include writ t en approval f rom ot her part ies which possess/ own t he land direct ly adj acent t o t he land being applied f or;8

b. The Applicant must physically cont rol t he land in quest ion; and9

c. The Applicant has draf t ed an Af f idavit of Physical Land Possession (Sur at Per nyat aan Penguasaan Fi si k Bi dang Tanah – “SPPFBT” ), declaring t hat t he Applicant is t he owner of t he land in quest ion. This af f idavit must be wit nessed by at least 2 persons (non-relat ives) and acknowledged by t he local village head.10

Upon receiving an applicat ion, t he invent ory t eam will procure a sat ellit e imagine of t he claimed land and perf orm a f ield inspect ion.11 Through t he f ield inspect ion, t he invent ory t eam will verif y t he legalit y of t he claim f or t he land right s12 and physical condit ion of t he land it self .13

If t he f ield inspect ion reveals t hat t he Applicant had possessed and ut ilized t he land f or at least 20 consecut ive years, t he Applicant may proceed t o regist er t heir land right s wit h t he Nat ional Land Agency pursuant t o St at e Minist er of Agrarian/ Head of Nat ional Land Agency Regulat ion No. 3 of 1997 on Implement ing Regulat ion of Government Regulat ion No. 24 of 1997 on Land Regist rat ion.14

However, if t he inspect ion f inds t hat t he Applicant did not possess and/ or ut ilize t he land f or at least 20 consecut ive years, t he land will be declared as St at e land and t he Applicant may be grant ed cert ain right s over t he land, as part of t he government land ref orm program.15 Alt ernat ively, t he Applicant may also be grant ed right s t o ut ilize t he land under t he government communit y empowerment scheme.16

Excluding Land from Forestry Areas

The invent orying t eam is responsible t o present t he result s of t he f ield inspect ion t o t he head of t he land services of f ice where t he land in quest ion is locat ed. The result s of t he f ield inspect ion will t hen be f orwarded by t he head of t he land services of f ice t o t he Direct or of Forest ry Plant ology at t he Minist ry of Forest ry (“Direct or” ).17

Based on t he result s of t he f ield inspect ion, t he Direct or will make adj ust ment s t o t he f orest area boundaries and exclude t he land in quest ion f rom t he f orest ry area.18 Thereaf t er, t he Direct or will also issue a decree Amend exist ing Forest ry Area Boundaries, which is a requirement f or t he Applicant t o regist er t heir land.19

7 Art . 4 ( a) ( b) , 2014 Joint Regulat ion. 8 Art . 6 ( 1) , 2014 Joint Regulat ion . 9

Art . 1 ( 7) and 8 ( 1) ( 2) , 2014 Joint Regulat ion.

10 Art . 7 ( b) , 2014 Joint Regulat ion.

11 Art . 6 ( 2) , 7 ( a) and 4 ( c) , 2014 Joint Regulat ion.

12 I nform at ion on legal aspect s of t he land cov ers t he st at us of t he land and any encum brances on t he land ( Art . 1 ( 9) , 2014

Joint Regulat ion) .

13 Art . 4 ( d) , 2014 Joint Regulat ion. I nform at ion on phy sical condit ion of t he land cov ering locat ion and land area ( Ar t . 1 ( 10) ,

2014 Joint Regulat ion.

14 Art . 8 ( 1) and 1 ( 16) , 2014 Joint Regulat ion.

15 Art . 8 ( 2) and 1 ( 11) , 2014 Joint Regulat ion. For m ore infor m at ion on land reform program see I LD No. 38 2. 16

Art . 8 ( 3) , 2014 Joint Regulat ion .

17 Art . 4 ( f) and 11, 2014 Joint Regulat ion. 18 Art . 12 and 13 ( 1) , 2014 Joint Regulat ion. 19


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Issue 2517, 10/11/2014

General Corporat e

en. hukumonl ine. com

Indonesian Legal Brief is a service of PT Justika Siar Publika owner and operator of www.hukumonline.com, www.hukumpedia.com, and en.hukumonline.com Puri Imperium Office Plaza G-7 Kuningan, Jakarta 12980

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for feedback email english@hukumonline.com

Editor-In-Chief: Davidson Samosir | Editor: Pirhot Nababan | Foreign Editor: Keld Conradsen

Writer: Robert Sidauruk and Christina Desy Butarbutar

Librarian and Data Coordinator: Dedi Rosyadi

Disclaimer: All data and information contain in this service is compiled from various reliable sources. We have taken every effort to ensure the accuracy and completeness of data and information in these services; however, we are not responsible for any errors or omissions as well as translation mistakes from the source language. Hukumonline English may change, modify, add or remove any errors or omissions on

Hukumonline English website without notification. These services are not intended and should not be taken as legal advice or opinion. No action should be taken in reliance of information contained in these services without first seeking professional services.

Land Rights Claims by Customary Societies

Alt hough a cust omary societ y may claim land right s under t he Joint Regulat ion, t he procedure t o acknowledge such right s is carried out based on Minist er of Int erior Af f airs Regulat ion No. 52 of 2014 on Guidelines f or t he Acknowledgment and Prot ect ion of Cust omary Law Societ ies.20

The 2014 Joint Regulat ion has been in f orce since 17 Oct ober 2014.


Art . 9, 2014 Joint Regulat ion. For m ore infor m at ion see I LB No. 2460


• Prudential Principles in Managing Foreign Loans (Issue 2516 – 7/11/2014)

• Permits for Representative Offices of Foreign Construction Companies (Issue 2515 – 6/11/2014) • Employing Foreign Workers in the Horticulture Sector (Issue 2514 – 5/11/2014)

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• Minister of Marine Affairs and Fisheries Regulation No. 45/PERMEN-KP/2014 on Operational Feasibility Certificate for Fishing Boats

• Minister of Marine Affairs and Fisheries Regulation No. 41/PERMEN-KP/2014 on Prohibition on Import of Hazardous Fish

• Minister of Agriculture Regulation No. 107/Permentan/SR.140/9/2014 on Oversight of Pesticides


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