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Academic year: 2017



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First of all I would like to devote his greatest thankfulness to The Almighty Allah SWT, He is The Most Gracious and The Most Merciful for His blessing, guidance, strength, health and His favor which have been given so that I could finally finish this thesis entitled: Analyzing of Students’ Misconceptions on Acid-Base Chemistry at Senior High Schools in Medan.

In this opportunity, I would like to express my gratitude to my thesis supervisor, Dr. Zainuddin Muchtar, M.Si., for giving me his guidance, support, and chance in doing this research. I also thank to Prof. Dr. Albinus Silalahi, M.S., Dr. Simson Tarigan, M.Pd., and Drs. Eddyanto, Ph.D., as my examiners for their advices, suggestions, guidance, and constructive critics in the process of completing this thesis.

I also like to say thanks tofor Dr. Iis Siti Jahro, M.Si., Dra. Ani Sutiani, M.Si., and Drs. Asep Wahyu Nugraha, M.Si. as my instrument valuators for their times and suggestion in development of my research instrument, for Prof. Motlan Sirait, M.Sc., Ph.D., as the dean of Mathematics and Natural Sciences Faculty, Prof. Dr. Herbert Sipahutar, M.Sc. as coordinator of Bilingual Program, Drs. Jamalum Purba, M.Si. as the head of Chemistry Department, and Prof. Drs. Manihar Situmorang, M.Sc., Ph.D. as my academic supervisor for all their help in completing my study and this thesis. The work was also made possible through Student Grant from Research Institute, State University of Medan.

I give special gratitude for my beloved mother, Asmah Anwar and father, Nurdin, and also for my brothers and sister; Zulkarnain, Ervi Agustini Muhammad Ilham, and Wahyudi. No other could replace all of your love for me.



addressed to all SMA Negeri 1 Matauli Pandan students 16th force. They are always in my mind. Thank you all.

I have attempted as maximal as I can in doing this thesis. However, in my humble heart the writer hope construct suggestions and critics from the reader for the perfection of this thesis. The writer hopes this thesis can be useful and gives many function to the readers knowledge especially about subject matter which is researched in this thesis.

Medan, 23rd July 2012 The Writer,















1.1. Background 1

1.2. Problem Identification 4

1.3. Scope of Research 4

1.4. Problem Statements 4

1.5. Research Objectives 4

1.6. Research Significances 5

1.7. Operational Defenitions 5


2.1. Nature of Chemistry Concept 6

2.2. Misconception in Chemistry 8

2.3. The Source of Misconception 13

2.4. Misconceptions in Acid-Base Chemistry 16

2.6. Conceptual Framework 21


3.1. Overview of the Research 22

3.2. Research Location and Research Time 22



3.4. Research Instruments 24

3.5. Technique of the Data Collection 25

3.6. Technique of the Data Analysis 25


4.1. Description of Result 28

4.2. Students’ Achievement 28

4.3. Students’ Understanding 29

4.3.1. Acid and Base 30

4.3.2. pH and pOH 39

4.3.3. Ionization Degree and Equilibrium Constant (Ka and Kb) 48

4.3.4. Acid-base Indicators 54

4.3.5. Acid-Base Titration 56

4.4. Discussion 61


5.1. Conclusions 63

5.2. Suggestions 63





Table 2.1. Misconceptions in acid-base chemistry listed by Halstead

,(2009) from various researches 18

Table 3.1. The distribution of population and samples in the selected Senior

,High Schools 24

Table 4.1. The average of students’ achievement 28

Table 4.2. Grouping criteria based on students’ achievement for each school 29

Table 4.3. Number of students for each group based on students’ achievement 29

Table 4.4. Question 1 and its answer in ACMT 30

Table 4.5. Percentage of students’ responses for question 1 in ACMT 31

Table 4.6. Students’ reasons corresponding to CH4 as an acid 32

Table 4.7. Question 2 and its answer in ACMT 33

Table 4.8. Percentage of students’ responses for question 2 in ACMT 33

Table 4.9. Question 8 and its answer in ACMT 34

Table 4.10. Percentage of students’ responses for question 8 in ACMT 35

Table 4.11. Question 10 and its answer in ACMT 37

Table 4.12. Percentage of students’ responses for question 10 in ACMT 37

Table 4.13. Percentage of students’ misconceptions in acid and base concepts 39



Table 4.25. Question 5 and its answer in ACMT 52 Table 4.26. Percentage of students’ responses for question 5 in ACMT 52 Table 4.27. Percentage of students’ misconceptions in ionization degree and

equilibrium constant (Ka and Kb) concepts 53 Table 4.28. Question 7 and its answer in ACMT 54 Table 4.29. Percentage of students’ responses for question 7 in ACMT 55 Table 4.30. Question 11 and its answer in ACMT 57 Table 4.31. Percentage of students’ responses for question 11 in ACMT 57 Table 4.32. Percentage of students’ misconceptions identified in acid-base





Figure 3.1.,The overview of research planning of analyzing of students’ misconceptions on acid-base chemistry at Senior High Schools





Appendix 1. Acid-Base Chemistry Misconception Test (ACMT) 68 Appendix 2. Expected Answer of Acid-Base Chemistry Misconception Test

(ACMT) 72

Appendix 3. Lattice of Acid-Base Chemistry Misconception Test (ACMT) 75 Appendix 4. Concept Analysis of Chemistry for XI Grade of SHS

(Acid-Base Chemistry Topic) 77

Appendix 5. Acid-Base Chemistry Material 81 Appendix 6. Tabulation of Students’ Responses in ACMT 110

Appendix 7. Data of Students’ Achievement in School A 112

Appendix 8. Data of Students’ Achievement in School B 113

Appendix 9. Data of Students’ Achievement in School C 114

Appendix 10. Data of Students’ Achievement in School D 115

Appendix 11. Data of Students’ Achievement in School E 116

Appendix 12. Data of Students’ Achievement in School F 117 Appendix 13. Certificates of Content Validation of Instruments 118

Appendix 14. Documentations 121

Appendix 15. Letter of Approval to Supervisor 125 Appendix 16. License for Conducting Research from FMIPA Unimed 126 Appendix 17. License for Conducting Reserch from Dinas Pendidikan Kota

,Medan 131





1.1. Background

Learning process starts from the beginning and occurs in every day of human life. Human beings, especially students, learn from their own explorations of the environment (parents, siblings, peers, electronic media, printed media, museums etc.) Consequently, students do not enter the classrooms as blank board, but they enter classrooms with a preexisting knowledge or ideas of science concepts (Gonen and Kocakaya, 2010). These ideas are logical, sensible, and valuable from the students’ point of view, strongly held by the students. These ideas may be significantly different from accepted scientific viewpoints or may be same with the true or the scientific explanation (Osborne, 1982; Schoon and Boone, 1998, cited in Ozmen, 2004).

When learning science at school students sometimes relate their prior knowledge to what teacher explains inappropriately, and hence the meanings or concepts they construct are incorrect, incomplete or ineffective to explain the scientific phenomena (Osborne and Wittrock, 1983, cited in Pinarbasi et al., 2009). These inconsistencies between the students’ views and the scientifically accepted views are called misconceptions (Ozmen, 2004; Barke et al., 2009), alternative conceptions (Pedrosa and Dias, 2000) (Talanquer, 2006), commonsense reasoning (Talanquer, 2006), preconceptions (Barke et al., 2009), alternative framework (Kuiper, 1994; Maskill and de Jesus, 1997), or naive conception (Reiner et al., 2000) (for simplicity, the term of misconception is used in this thesis.) In general, these misconceptions may be highly resistant to change, and remain intact for many years essentially unaffected by classroom teaching because these are something students believe. If the misconceptions are not corrected, new learning can be encumbered or it might not take place at all (Gonen and Kocakaya, 2010).



and visible phenomena in the everyday experiences of learners, (2) submicroscopic (or molecular) representations that provide explanations at the particulate level in which matter is described as being composed of atoms, molecules and ions, and (3) symbolic (or iconic) representations that involve the use of chemical symbols, formulas and equations, as well as every media that symbolize matter (Chandrasegaran et al., 2007). Most chemistry teaching operates at the macro (or laboratory) level and the symbolic level, but it’s known that many misconceptions in chemistry stem from an inability to visualize structures and processes at the submicroscopic level (Tasker and Dalton, 2006). Submicroscopic (molecular level) views are particularly challenging because students must think about something abstract that cannot be seen. Therefore, many students do not construct appropriate understandings fundamental chemical concepts from the very beginning of their studies (Gabel et al., 1987, cited in Erdemir et al., 2000). In general, any chemistry teaching that can not relate these three chemistry representation properly will have great possibility to create misconceptions in students and make them cannot fully understand the more advanced concepts that build upon the fundamentals.



As mentioned above, there are some topics that chemistry students find more difficult to understand. One of those topics is acid-base chemistry. The topic of acids and bases is dense with concept and requires an integrated understanding of many areas of introductory chemistry, such as the particulate nature of matter, molecular kinetic theory, the nature and composition of solutions, atomic structure, ionization, ionic and covalent bonding, symbols, formulae and equations, chemical equilibrium, and collision theory (Sheppard, 2006). Many students rely on formulas and use their calculators without thinking. Students often gain knowledge of acid-base concepts through memorization. Students are also unable to remember what they had memorized because the topics hadn’t actually been learned (Lin et al., 2004).

Several published studies have investigated students’ conceptions of acid-base chemistry (Huang, 2003; Sheppard, 2006; Schmidt and Chemie, 2007; Cartrette and Mayo, 2010; Chaiyapha et al., 2011; Rahayu, 2011). Sheppard (2006) found that students had considerable difficulty with acid-base chemistry, were unable to describe accurately acid-base concepts, such as pH, neutralization, strength, and the theoretical descriptions of acids and bases. Chaiyapha et al. (2011) also reported that many students also exhibited misconceptions for several concepts, consisting of electrolytic and non-electrolytic solution, ion in acid and base solutions, acid and base theory, dissociation of strong and weak acids and bases, dissociation of water, and neutralization. Given these reported issues, it seems likely that students have difficulty with understanding what is happening in submicroscopic and symbolic terms even in macroscopic term of acid-base chemistry.



1.2. Problem Identification

Based on the background, some problems have been identified as the following.

1. Teaching methods implemented tended to not relate between macroscopic, submicroscopic, and symbolic level in chemistry properly.

2. The complext and abstract nature of chemistry potentially create misconceptions.

3. Students tended to gain knowledge of acid-base concepts by memorizing the generalization of concepts in acid-base chemistry.

1.3. Scope of Research

In order to keep this research became more focused and directed; researcher limited the problems as the following.

1. In this research, study was limited to the investigation of students’ misconception in Senior High Schools.

2. This study was limited to XI grade students in Senior High Schools in Medan.

3. This study was limited to the unit of acid-base chemistry topic.

1.4. Problem Statement

To give the direction of this research, the problem statements in this research were formulated as the following.

1. What misconceptions did students acquire about acid-base chemistry at Senior High Schools in Medan?

2. How much was the percentage of students’ misconceptions about acid-base chemistry at Senior High Schools in Medan?

1.5. Research Objectives



concepts of acid-base chemistry. The specific objectives that have been achieved in this research were the following.

1. Identifying students’ misconceptions about acid-base chemistry at Senior High Schools in Medan.

2. Investigating the percentage of students’ misconception about acid-base chemistry at Senior High Schools in Medan.

1.6. Research Significances

This study was expected as the following.

1. This study was expected as reference about students’ misconception on acid-base chemistry in development of curriculum and teaching method. 2. This study was expected to be an input and information in improving the

quality of teaching and learning chemistry especially about acid-base chemistry in Senior High Schools.

3. For researcher, this research was expected as consideration material in conducting teaching and learning process by identifying students’ misconceptions.

1.7. Operational Defenitions

Operational defenition of the keywords used in this thesis are presented as the following.

1. Concept is an abstraction that represents thoughts, ideas, senses, notions, believes or entities in order to describe categories or classes of entities and events.

2. Conception is personal interpretation or mental representations of a concept.




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Table 4.25. Question 5 and its answer in ACMT
Figure 3.1.,The overview of research planning of analyzing of students’


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