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UNIT JOB INTERVIEW. Wawancara adalah suatu percakapan antara dua atau lebih orang yang dilakukan oleh pewawancara dan narasumber.


Academic year: 2021

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Setelah mempelajari modul ini, anda diharapkan mampu menguasai, menjelaskan, menyatakan unsur-unsur kebahasaan yang diperlukan dalam wawancara kerja atau Job Interview secara lisan.

Pengertian Wawancara adalah suatu percakapan antara dua atau lebih orang yang dilakukan oleh pewawancara dan narasumber.

Ada juga yang mengatakan bahwa definisi wawancara adalah suatu bentuk komunikasi lisan yang dilakukan secara terstruktur oleh dua orang atau lebih, baik secara langsung maupun jarak jauh, untuk membahas dan menggali informasi tertentu guna mencapai tujuan tertentu pula.

Wawancara kerja atau job interview adalah wawancara yang terdiri dari percakapan antara pelamar pekerjaan dan perwakilan dari majikan yang dilakukan untuk menilai apakah pelamar harus dipekerjakan. Wawancara adalah salah satu perangkat yang paling populer digunakan untuk pemilihan karyawan.

Fungsi fungsi wawancara secara umum adalah untuk menggali informasi dari narasumber. Selengkapnya, berikut ini adalah beberapa fungsi wawancara tersebut:


2 1. Menghindari kesalahan informasi/ data yang simpang


2. Informasi/ data dari hasil wawancara merupakan pelengkap informasi awal

3. Memperoleh informasi secara komprehensif, akurat, jujur, dan mendalam

4. Mendapatkan informasi dan data yang objektif dan berimbang

5. Menggali kemunkinan adanya perspektif baru atas suatu masalah

Dalam wawancara kerja berfungsi menjelaskan identitas diri dan potensi keahlian untuk meyakinkan orang lain agar dapat diterima sebagai partner kerja atau karyawan yang baik.


“Could you please introduce yourself?”

Bisakah Anda memperkenalkan diri Anda?

Pertanyaan ini adalah salah satu pertanyaan interview Bahasa Inggris yang paling dasar. Anda dapat merespon pertanyaan tersebut seperti contoh berikut:

Contoh Jawaban: Yes, of course. My name is Karina Darmawan. You can call me Rina. I’m 23 years old and I’ve just graduated from Gadjah Mada University, majoring in English Literature. My current daily activity right now is writing on my English-Learning Blog.

I consider myself as a creative person who loves new challenges every day. Thank you.

“You have strengths, don’t you? Could you please mention three of them?”

Anda punya kekuatan. Bisakah Anda sebutkan tiga di antaranya?

Contoh Jawaban : I’d like to think that my creativity, my passion to learn new things, and my friendly personality as my strength.

Biasanya pertanyaan dalam wawancara kerja atau job intervew mempunyai beberapa tujuan untuk menggali lebih dalam informasi yang dimiliki pelamar.

Contoh percakapan wawancara kerja atau job interview

Mike : Good Morning, John. I am Mike.

John : Good Morning.

Mike : How are you doing?

John : I am doing fine. Thank you.


3 Mike : How was the traffic coming over here?

John : I am so glad that the traffic was light this morning. No traffic jam and no accidents.

Mike : That is good. John, let’s start the interview. Are you ready?

John : Yes, I am.

Mike : John, tell me a little bit about yourself.

John : I was a student at West Coast University, and I just graduated with a Bachelor degree in Finance. I have been working part-time as a payroll clerk for the last two years.

Mike : What are you looking for in a job?

John : The job should help me see what Finance is all about. I have learned a lot of Finance theories at school, and now it is time for me to put them into practice.

Mike : Anything else?

John : I also hope that it will help me grow in my field.

Mike : What are your strengths? Why should I hire you?

John : I am a hard-working person and a fast learner. I am very eager to learn, and I get along fine with people.

Mike : OK. Now, let me ask you a few quick questions. You do not mind working long hours, do you?

John : No, I do not.

Mike : Can you handle pressure?

John : Yes, I can. When I was going to school, I took quite a few courses each semester while working at least twenty hours every week. And, I handled that situation very well.

Mike : Do you still have any questions for me?

John : No, I think I have a pretty good understanding of the job. I believe that I can handle it with ease, and I hope to have the opportunity to work for you.

Mike : John, nice meeting you. Thank you for coming.

John : Nice meeting you too. Thank you for seeing me.

Dari percakapan tersebut dapat kita amati ada beberapa pertanyaan yang umum di tanyakan pada saat wawancara kerja,

John, tell me a little bit about yourself.

(John, ceritakan sedikit tentang dirimu.)

What are you looking for in a job?

(Apa yang Anda cari dalam pekerjaan?)

What are your strengths? Why should I hire you?

(Apa kekuatan Anda? Mengapa saya harus mempekerjakan Anda?

OK. Now, let me ask you a few quick questions. You do not mind working long hours, do you?

(Baik. Sekarang, izinkan saya mengajukan beberapa pertanyaan cepat. Anda tidak keberatan bekerja berjam-jam, bukan?)



Can you handle pressure?

(Bisakah Anda menangani tekanan?)

Selain itu terdapat beberapa pertanyaan yang biasa terdapat dalam wawancara kerja atau job interview

Please introduce yourself briefly

Tolong perkenalkan dirimu secara singkat

What do you know about our company?

Apa yang kamu tahu tentang perusahaan kami?

Why do you want to work in our company?

Kenapa kamu ingin bekerja di perusahaan kami?

Why are you interested in the position?

Kenapa kamu tertarik dengan posisi ini?

Do you have any working experience related to this position?

Apakah kamu punya pengalaman kerja yang berkaitan dengan posisi ini?

Tell us about your education Ceritakan tentang pendidikanmu

Please specify 3 of your strengths Sebutkan 3 kelebihanmu

Please specify 3 of your weaknesses Sebutkan 3 kekuranganmu

What do you like to do outside of work?

Apa yang kamu suka lakukan di luar pekerjaanmu?

What motivates you?

Apa yang memotivasi dirimu?

How do you deal with pressure or stressful situations?

Bagaimana kamu mengatasi tekanan atau situasi yang membuat stres?

What type of work environment do you look for?

Lingkungan kerja seperti apa yang kamu cari?

How do you prioritize your work?

Bagaimana kamu memprioritaskan pekerjaanmu?

What is your salary expectation?

Berapa ekspektasi gajimu?

Why should we hire you?

Kenapa kita harus mempekerjakanmu?

Contoh Soal dan Pembahasan

1. What is a job interview?

a. an interview to find information b. an interview to find the crime suspect c. an interview to select an applicant d. an interview to get a direction


5 e. an interview to get car

jawaban : C

Pembahasan : wawancara kerja adalah wawancara yang bertujuan untuk menyeleksi pelamar atau applicant.

2. What is applicant?

a. The one whom interviewing b. The one whom welcoming c. The one whom applying d. The one whom receiving e. The one whom sending jawaban : C

Pembahasan : applicant adalah seseorang melamar pekerjaan

3. Where can we find the job advertisement? (Dimanakah dapat kita temukan iklan pekerjaan?)

a. In the newspaper (di koran) b. In the phone

c. In the computer d. in the novel e. in a school book

jawaban : A

Pembahasan : iklan berisi tentang lowongan pekerjaan (job vacancy) biasa kita temukan dalam koran atau newspaper.

Latihan Soal!

1. The mentioned items below are commonly asked in the job interview except...

a. Background of Education b. GPA Score

c. Name of Parents d. Work Motivation

2. As A Good Job Seeker, you must be ... to attend the job interview.

a. In time b. Online

c. On Time d. Offline


6 3. In job interview, work experience of the candidate is always asked. The

aim of knowing this information is...

a. To know your work and achievement in school

b. To know your work endurance and record

c. To know more about your religion and ideology

d. To your experience of outdoor adventure and social work 4. When the interviewer wants to know about your leadership skills,

he/she will probably ask about ...

a. Number of classmate you remember

b. Organizational record and positions held

c. School academic experiences and achievements

d. Number of published article and writtings

5. The ability of working in group is important in any field of work, because...

a. Working alone is boring and burdening

b. Working with friend will decrease your job

c. Working alone can earn more salary

d. Working cooperatively can produce maximum result

II. Answer the following questions with your own answers!

1. If you are a Job Seeker, describe a company or institution which you want to apply for job!

2. If you are asked ‘How much salary you want for the Job?’, what will you answer?

3. Describe your reason to be accepted for the position or job!

4. What is the function of job interview?

III. Pretend that you are an interviewer in one of International company, create 10 questions to adress the candidate with the CV below:




8 Answer the following question by choosing A, B, C, D, or E!

Text for Question number 1-2!


Employers from around the country are interested in talking with you!

We have gathered over 100 companies, representing a variety of industries. To meet with you at the JAKARTA JOB FAIR on Saturday and Saturday, May 7th - 8th from 9.00 a.m. to 4.00. p.m. Location: Jakarta Convention Center, Jln. Gunung Mas No. 34/Jakarta Pusat 16007.

Parking is available, no registration is necessary. Bring copies of your resume.

For more details, call our JCC office at 021-415627125 / 021-415627126 Email: Jakartajobfair@gmail.com

1. What should interested readers do?

A. Send the employers their resume B. Call to register

C. Go to the fair D. Check the website E. Note the email

2. Where will the fair be held?

A. At an employer’s office.

B. At locations around the country.

C. At the meeting center in Jakarta Convention Center.

D. In Jakarta Convention Center E. At the parking lot

Interviewer : As you already know, the main task of Accounting Staff is making financial reports, from weekly, monthly, until annual report. You will also take care of tax matters, such as PPh 21, PPh 25, and annual tax. Do you mind about that?

Interviewee : Of course not. At my previous workplace, I also worked on those things. So I’m sure I can do the tasks well and adapt to the job quickly.

Interviewer : Good to hear it. What else did you do in your previous workplace?



9 Interviewee : I also take care of things relating to banks and notaries because

those often related to corporate finance.

Interviewer : I see

3. From the dialog above the the job applicant is applying a position as ...

a. a teacher

b. an accountant staff c. a manager

d. a driver e. a clerk

4. where approximately the applicant is applying for a job?

a. A Bank

b. A finance Corporation c. A post offic

d. A school e. A restaurant

5. What is the main task of an accounting staff?

a. Making financial report b. Arranging a school report c. Making a list of necessity d. Making a note

e. Writing a meeting report PART II ESSAY


10 Complete the following application letter based on the job vacancy above!


... (your name) ... (Street Address) ... (City)

... (Phone) ... (Email)

... (Date)

... (Recipient Name) ... (Title)

... (Company Name) ... (Street Address) ... (City)

Dear ... (Recipient Name), (2)

I am writing in response to your advertisement in ... (location of advertisement) for a temporary ... (job title). Based on the requirements listed in the ad, I feel that my skills and experience are a perfect match fot this position.


I have enclosed my resume for your review. I look forward to further discussing opportunities with .... (company name). If you have any questions or would like to schedule an interview, please call me at ... (phone number)

Sincerely, (5)

...(your name)


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