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The Effect of English Usage in 'Wafer Tango's' Television Advertisements Towards 'Wafer Tango's' Brand Image According To Customers' Perspective.


Academic year: 2017

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Tugas akhir yang berjudul “The Effect of English Usage in Wafer Tango’s

Television Advertisements towards Wafer Tango’s Brand Image” ini bertujuan

untuk melihat apakah penggunaan bahasa Inggris dalam iklan Wafer Tango dapat mempengaruhi pandangan konsumen mengenai brand image Wafer Tango.

Untuk mengetahui pandangan konsumen tentang perubahan bahasa yang digunakan Wafer Tango terhadap brand image Wafer Tango, saya menggunakan kuesioner yang dibagikan pada pengunjung Violetha Mini Market. Dari hasil kuesioner didapat bahwa penggunaan bahasa Inggris dalam iklan Wafer Tango ini membawa dampak positif bagi brand image Wafer Tango. Penggunaan bahasa Inggris dalam iklan Wafer Tango mengesankan bahwa iklan ini mempromosikan produk dari luar negeri; dan hingga kini konsumen Indonesia masih mempunyai anggapan bahwa produk luar negeri pasti mempunyai kualitas yang baik. Maka dapat disimpulkan bahwa penggunaan bahasa Inggris pada iklan Wafer Tango dapat memperkuat brand image Wafer Tango di benak konsumen.

Oleh sebab itu, produsen yang akan mempromosikan produknya melalui iklan harus memperhatikan iklan yang akan dibuat, baik itu dari segi bahasa yang digunakannya maupun dari segi ceritanya. Selain itu, produsen sebaiknya memastikan iklan yang dibuat itu berbeda dari iklan produk sejenis, memasukkan unsur logo ataupun slogan, sering mengulang iklan, memakai bahasa atau kata-kata yang tepat, dan memakai endorser yang menarik sehingga iklan tersebut mudah diingat konsumen dan akan memperkuat brand image produk tersebut di benak konsumen.




Appendix 1 : Questionnaire about Wafer Tango’s Advertisement in Indonesian

Version towards Brand Image

Appendix 2 : Questionnaire about Wafer Tango’s Advertisement in English

Version towards Brand Image

Appendix 3 : Number’s meaning of Correlation






PREFACE... iii




1.1Background of the Study... 1

1.2Identification of the Problem ... 2

1.3Objectives of the Study ... 3

1.4 Benefits of the Study... 3

1.5Concise History of the Company ... 4

1.5.1 History of Orang Tua ... 4

1.5.2 Company’s Vision and Mission ... 5

1.6Product / Service of the Company ... 5

1.7Limitation of the Study ... 6

1.8Layout of the Term Paper ... 6


2.1 Advertisement ... 8

2.1.1 Advertisement Definition... 8



2.1.2 The Aim of Advertisement ... 8

2.2 Television Advertisement ... 9

2.2.1 The Strengths and Weaknesses ... 10

2.3 Language of Advertising... 10

2.4 Brand Image ... 11

2.4.1 Brand Image Definition ... 11

2.4.2 The Strategy to Have Strong Brand Image .... 12


3.1 Method of Study... 13

3.1.1 Choice of Instrument... 13

3.1.2 Data-gathering Process... 13

3.1.3 Presentation of Data ... 14








Responden yang terhormat,

Saya mengucapkan terimakasih atas kesediaannya meluangkan waktu

untuk mengisi kuesioner ini.

Dalam rangka pengumpulan data untuk penyusunan tugas akhir di

Universitas Kristen Maranatha tentang perubahan iklan Wafer Tango (dari bahasa

Indonesia ke bahasa Inggris) terhadap brand image-nya, maka dengan kerendahan

hati, saya mohon kesediaan dan partisipasi Anda untuk mengisi kuesioner ini.

Hendaknya setiap pertanyaan diisi dengan sungguh-sungguh. Setiap jawaban yang

Anda berikan merupakan masukan yang berharga bagi saya.

Atas perhatian dan partisipasinya, saya ucapkan terima kasih.

Hormat saya,

Maureen Tamara



Æ Ada seorang anak sedang makan Wafer. Kemudian temannya bertanya

Berapa lapis


Kemudian si anak yang sedang makan Wafer itu menjawab


Lalu temannya dengan cepat menimpali



Berilah tanda silang (X) pada jawaban yang anda anggap paling mewakili

diri anda pada kolom yang disediakan

Menurut Anda, cerita di iklan Wafer Tango:

Buruk 1 2 3 4 5 Baik


I. Iklan Wafer Tango

Menurut Anda iklan Wafer Tango yang menggunakan slogan “Berapa lapis? Ratusan… Lebih!!!” Tango:

Sulit dikenali 1 2 3 4 5 Mudah dikenali

II. Brand Image Wafer Tango

Menurut Anda :


Sangat Tidak setuju 1 2 3 4 5 Sangat setuju

2.Ha rg a Wa fe r Ta ng o se sua i d e ng a n kua lita s p ro d uk

Sangat Tidak setuju 1 2 3 4 5 Sangat setuju

3.Me re k Wa fe r Ta ng o a d a la h me re k ya ng fa milia r

Sangat Tidak setuju 1 2 3 4 5 Sangat setuju

4.Ikla n Wa fe r Ta ng o me nc e rminka n b a hwa kua lita s Wa fe r Ta ng o itu b a ik

Sangat Tidak setuju 1 2 3 4 5 Sangat setuju

5. PT Ora ng Tua se b a g a i p ro d use n Wa fe r Ta ng o a d a la h p e rusa ha a n ya ng ino va tif

Sangat Tidak setuju 1 2 3 4 5 Sangat setuju

6.PT Ora ng Tua se b a g a i p ro d use n Wa fe r Ta ng o a d a la h p e rusa ha a n ya ng me ng ha silka n p ro d uk ya ng b e rkua lita s ting g i

Sangat Tidak setuju 1 2 3 4 5 Sangat setuju

7.PT Ora ng Tua se b a g a i p ro d use n Wa fe r Ta ng o a d a la h p e rusa ha a n ya ng p e d uli te rha d a p ko nsume nnya

Sangat Tidak setuju 1 2 3 4 5 Sangat setuju

8.PT Ora ng Tua se b a g a i p ro d use n Wa fe r Ta ng o a d a la h le a d e r d i p a sa r wa fe r

Sangat Tidak setuju 1 2 3 4 5 Sangat setuju



Responden yang terhormat,

Saya mengucapkan terimakasih atas kesediaannya meluangkan waktu

untuk mengisi kuesioner ini.

Dalam rangka pengumpulan data untuk penyusunan tugas akhir di

Universitas Kristen Maranatha tentang perubahan iklan Wafer Tango (dari bahasa

Indonesia ke bahasa Inggris) terhadap brand image-nya, maka dengan kerendahan

hati, saya mohon kesediaan dan partisipasi Anda untuk mengisi kuesioner ini.

Hendaknya setiap pertanyaan diisi dengan sungguh-sungguh. Setiap jawaban yang

Anda berikan merupakan masukan yang berharga bagi saya.

Atas perhatian dan partisipasinya, saya ucapkan terima kasih.

Hormat saya,

Maureen Tamara


“Let’s join us! Switch to plan B. Strawberry,

chocolate,vanila, kurma madu,....

Æ Wafer Tango menggunakan iklan dengan cerita bersambung versi bahasa Inggris yang menceritakan sekelompok mafia yang berusaha mencari rahasia

Wafer Tango dengan segala cara. Pertama, ia menyogok pegawai pabrik Wafer

Tango dengan ajakan : Let’s join us!”. Namun, pegawai tersebut rupanya tidak

bisa dibujuk. Akhirnya mafia itu menggunakan rencana B dengan ucapannya :

“Switch to Plan B” yaitu menyusup ke dalam pabrik untuk mencari rahasia

Wafer Tango. Akhirnya seseorang dari kelompok tersebut berhasil mengetahui

berbagai rasa yang dimiliki Wafer Tango. Namun ketika akan memberitahukan ke

boss-nya, sekelompok anak kecil lewat dan memberitahukan berbagai rasa yang


Berilah tanda silang (X) pada jawaban yang anda anggap paling mewakili

diri anda pada kolom yang disediakan

Menurut Anda, cerita di iklan Wafer Tango:

Buruk 1 2 3 4 5 Baik

Artinya: Anda berpendapat bahwa cerita di iklan Wafer Tango sangat baik.

I. Iklan Wafer Tango

Menurut Anda iklan Wafer Tango dengan versi bahasa Inggris yang

menggunakan sekelompok mafia sebagai tokoh utama:


membosankan menarik

II. Brand Image Wafer Tango


7.PT Ora ng Tua se b a g a i p ro d use n Wa fe r Ta ng o a d a la h p e rusa ha a n ya ng p e d uli te rha d a p ko nsume nnya

Sangat Tidak setuju 1 2 3 4 5 Sangat setuju

8.PT Ora ng Tua se b a g a i p ro d use n Wa fe r Ta ng o a d a la h le a d e r d i p a sa r wa fe r

Sangat Tidak setuju 1 2 3 4 5 Sangat setuju



To decide how strong the correlation between the advertisement and brand

image, I use the theory of “Correlation Analysis” by Sugiyono. From the research,

I get the results in numbers (pp.27 and pp.29); of which the explanation is listed

below (Sugiyono, 2007:216):

0.00-0.25 = no association or low association (weak association)

0.26-0.50 = moderately low association (moderately weak association)

0.51-0.75 = moderately high association (moderately strong association)




1.1Background of the Study

In this era, the competition among companies that sell goods and services

becomes higher and higher. This condition has caused the companies to look for a

way to retain the company’s life. To retain their lives, the companies should

increase their sales because the sales are the only way to increase the profit, which

can be used to pay their costs, such as their employees’ wages, operational cost,

taxes to government, and promotion costs.

One way that can be done by the companies to increase the sales is to make

the customers always remember the brand of the product in their minds. A

particular brand can influence customers to buy the products. A tool that can be

used to set up the brand image in customers’ mind is advertisement. A common

media, which is used to advertise products in Indonesia, is television. Television

is chosen because television has become a common thing for Indonesian people,

which is used for entertaining, educating, and giving information to them.

Advertising in television can give big influence to the brand image because

the audio and visual performance on television can influence people’s perception

about the brand image of a particular product. A good advertisement can build a




Maranatha Christian University good brand image in customers’ mind while a bad advertisement can build a bad


One of the products that has altered its television advertisement is Wafer

Tango. Formerly, Wafer Tango used children as models in their advertisement,

which is known with slogan “ Berapa lapis? Ratusan…” Now, Wafer Tango uses

continuous story in their advertisement, but they change the language from

Indonesian into English. The new advertisement tells about a group of mafia who

looks for a secret of Wafer Tango’s recipe. They do anything they can do to get

the secret, such as bribing an employee who works at Wafer Tango’s plant in

order to know the process of making the wafer. When one member of the gang is

about to reveal the secret information about the flavor of Wafer Tango to the boss,

there are children passing while mentioning the various flavors of Wafer Tango,

which shows that the information they are looking for is no longer a secret.

From the advertisement’s changing both in language and in story, I want to

know whether it changes customers’ perception of Wafer Tango’s brand or not.

Related to the problem mentioned, I am interested in doing a study, which is titled

The Effect of English Usage in Wafer Tango’s Television Advertisements towards

Wafer Tango’s Brand Image.

1.2Identification of the Problem

From the Background of the Study above, I can identify some problems to


1. What is the customers’ perception of Wafer Tango’s television advertisement



Maranatha Christian University 2. What is the customers’ perception of Wafer Tango’s television advertisement

in English towards Wafer Tango’s brand image?

3. Which one is better in influencing Wafer Tango’s brand image in customers’

mind, the Indonesian version or English version?

1.3Objectives of the Study

Related to the problems, the objectives of this study are:

1. To find out the customers’ perception of Wafer Tango’s television

advertisement in Indonesian towards Wafer Tango’s brand image.

2.To find out the customers’ perception of Wafer Tango’s television

advertisement in English towards Wafer Tango’s brand image.

3. To find out whether it is the Indonesian version or the English version of Wafer

Tango’s advertisement that influences Wafer Tango’s brand image in customers’

mind more successfully.

1.4Benefits of the Study

I expect the result of the study will be useful for:

1. The writer: to add scientific knowledge concerning English advertisement on

television and the effect towards brand image.

2. The readers: to improve readers’ knowledge about brand image, especially

about the effect of advertisement towards brand image.

3. D3 English Programme: to give more insight about the effect of English



Maranatha Christian University 1.5Concise History of The Company

1.5.1 History of Orang Tua

In 1948, when society began to concern about traditional healthy drinks, the

company established a plant in Semarang. Two years later, the company expanded

their company by building a plant in Jakarta. Later, because the society’s need

increased, the company started to build production facility and new kinds of

product. The first products that they produce were toothpaste and toothbrush

branded Formula.

In 1985, the company began to build holding company (a company that is

formed to buy shares in other companies which it then controls), which was

named ADA, which stands for Attention, Direction, and Action. ADA began to

expand the company and did the product diversification continuously. ADA’s

Management then pointed P.T. Arga Boga Cemerlang as the only distributor in

Indonesia to maintain the distribution of the product which was produced by

ADA. P.T. Arga Boga Cemerlang could maintain and manage products

penetration both to traditional market and to modern market.

ADA changed its name into ORANG TUA. This historic name has been

known by Indonesian society as traditional healthy drink so that the name could

be the strength for positioning the product in society. Because of that, the

company thought that they had to create a logo to go along with the growth of the

business, which began to enter consumer goods.

In 2004, the ORANG TUA’s logo was changed. The changing of the logo was

aimed at creating a new perception of Orang Tua as a company which produced



Maranatha Christian University dynamic, spirited, and powerful customers. The company became larger and

began to increase the production facility as well as innovating different kinds of

new products.

1.5.2 Company’s Vision and Mission

The company has a vision to be a premier company delivering first choice

brands and innovative solutions to customers in Asia Pacific. To reach the vision,

the company also has some missions that support the vision. The company’s

missions are to brighten and delight the lives of the CESS (Consumers,

Employees, Shareholders, and Society) by creating and meeting customer's needs.

1.6Product/ Service of the Company

There are many kinds of products produced by Orang Tua. These products are

divided into several types, which are:

9 Personal care, for instance toothpaste and toothbrush (like Formula)

9 Confectionery, for instance candies (like Stasion Rasa, Kurang Asem, Blaster,

etc), chocolate (like Canon Ball) and so on.

9 Health drink, for instance healthy drink for women (like Kiranti) 9 Biscuit, for instance Oops and Fugu.

9 Noodle, for instance Selera Rakyat, Kare, etc. 9 Dairy product, like Vitacharm.



Maranatha Christian University 1.7Limitation of the Study

My paper only deals with Wafer Tango’s television advertisement that is

showed on Indonesian television channels. The study will concern about brand

image because television advertisement has strong relation with customers’ brand

image. Television advertisement can influence customers’ brand image.

This study also concerns in language change of Wafer Tango’s advertisement

from Indonesian to English. This change can influence Wafer Tango’s brand

image. Later, we can see the effect of language change towards brand image by

looking at the result of the questionnaires in chapter three.

1.8Layout of the Term Paper

This term paper starts with the Abstract, a concise summary of the entire

paper in Indonesian. This Abstract is followed by the Preface, in which I

acknowledge the work and contribution of other parties. After that is the Table of

Contents, followed by its five chapters:

Chapter I is the introduction to the analysis

Chapter II contains the library research

Chapter III deals with the performance of the research

Chapter IV contains the result and discussion of the research

Chapter V contains the conclusion, my comments and suggestions




Based on the result which is mentioned in the previous chapter, I know that

television is an important media for promoting new products or reminding

customers about existing products. Nevertheless, the producers who want to put

their advertisement on television should consider the content of the advertisement

itself and language usage in it because language usage can influence customers to

have certain brand image of a product.

From Wafer Tango’s result, we can see that English usage in the

advertisement can influence the customers to have better brand image about the

product. As we know, English as an international language can make the

customers think that Wafer Tango’s advertisement is an international product and

usually international products have a good quality. We can see that choosing

appropriate language usage, in this case English, in the advertisement can create

good brand image of the product.

Besides, there are some factors that make a good advertisement which can

create a strong brand image in customers’ mind. The advertisement should be

memorable, unique, and having high frequency of repetition. From Wafer Tango’s

case, we can learn that the advertisement changes both in language and story

make the customers have better brand image of Wafer Tango. In addition, Wafer



Tango also repeats the advertisement in high frequency and the advertisement

is usually shown in premium time so that the customers are reminded about Wafer


Therefore, producers should be careful in making advertisement to promote

their products because advertisement can create customers’ brand image about the

products. If the producers want to have good brand image in their customers’

mind, they should include factors like being memorable, being unique, involve

their slogan or jingle, symbol exposure, use appropriate words or language,

choose the attractive endorser, and high frequency of repetition in their






Arnold, D. The Handbook of Brand Management. Massachusetts: Perseus Books, 1992

Dalrymple, Douglas J. and Leonard J. Parson. Marketing Management. New York:John Wiley and Sons, 2000

Kasali, R. Manajemen Periklanan:Konsep dan Aplikasinya di Indonesia. Jakarta:Pustaka Utama Grafiti, 1995

Kotler, Phillip. Marketing Management. New Jersey:Pearson Education. Inc, 2003

Sugiyono. Statistika untuk Penelitian. Bandung:Alfabeta, 2007


Arixs. Kepedulian terhadap Bahasa Indonesia Penjabaran Ajek Bali dan Dedek Indonesia. 12 March 2007.

<http://www.cybertokoh.com/mod.php?mod=publisher&op=viewarticle&artid=2 315>.

Brand Image. Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. 10 October 2006. <http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/brand>.


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