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8. Pengenalan Python Programming Language Workshop HMTS 23022016


Academic year: 2017

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Introduction to Python

Why, How, Why not, etc.


Workshop : Selasa, 23 Feb 2016, Ged. F UNAND, oleh : Ahmad Junaidi,

MT, MEngSc


Computers and Programming

➲ Turing provided an influential

formalization of the concept of the algorithm and

computation with the Turing

machine. Alan Turing,


"It is possible to invent a single machine which

can be used to compute any computable


Computer Programming

➲ 1940s:

 Assembly language

 The first programming language: Plankalkül

➲ 1950s, 60s:


➲ 1970s:

 Object orientation (e.g. Simula, Smalltalk)  C

➲ 1980s:

 C++, Ada, Perl

➲ 1980s: (Internet)

 Java  Python  C#


Programming Languages

➲ Java: is a cargo ship. It’s

very bulky. It’s very

enterprise~y. It can also carry a lot of weight. Will

carry a project, but not very fun to drive.

➲ PHP: is a bamboo raft. A

series of hacks held together by string. Still keeps afloat


➲ C/C++: is a nuclear submarine. The

instructions are in 'Japanese', but all of the hardware is optimized for performance.

Clumsy, in many aspects can be

dangerous, but it regularly goes where other boats go when they have holes!



➲ Python: Small boat with outboard engine. Easy

to learn, fun to ride, no need to have a license, very Dutch. Kids love it! Many use it as a hobby.


Born 31 January 1956 (age 60)Haarlem, Netherlands

Nationality Dutch

Alma mater University of Amsterdam

Occupation Computer programmer, author

Employer Dropbox

Known for Creating the Python programming language

Awards Award for the Advancement of Free Software (2001)

Guido van Rossum

Monty Python's Flying Circus

Creator Python

He was employed by Google from 2005 until 7 December 2012


Python, a general purpose

programming language. It is

interpreted and dynamically

typed and is very suited for

interactive work and quick





Position Programming

Language Share Trend

1 Java 24.2 % +0.3 %

© Pierre Carbonnelle, 2015

Worldwide, Feb 2016 compared to a year ago:


Position Programming Language Ratings 21 SAS 0.984% 22 COBOL 0.852% 23 Scratch 0.794% 24 ABAP 0.675% 25 Fortran 0.668% 26 Lisp 0.658% 27 Scheme 0.648% 28 Dart 0.622% 29 Transact-SQL 0.621% 30 Scala 0.532% 31 Ada 0.529% 32 Lua 0.523% 33 Logo 0.431% 34 RPG (OS/400) 0.392% 35 Prolog 0.374% 36 F# 0.348% 37 OpenEdge ABL 0.320% 38 Go 0.294% 39 LabVIEW 0.289% 40 Haskell 0.267% 41 Bash 0.237% 42 Erlang 0.231% 43 Ladder Logic 0.216% 44 PureBasic 0.211% 45 Alice 0.202% 46 (Visual) FoxPro 0.202% 47 Apex 0.199% 48 Rust 0.195% 49 VBScript 0.186% 50 ML 0.172%


Python is now the most popular introductory teaching language at Top U.S. Universities; MIT, Stanford


Why Python

-Readable code (If you understand English, you already

understand Python)

-Easy to learn

-If you know Python, you can work with almost any

Python with little effort

-High-performance computing -Powerful

-Python is broad -Python is fast -Python is free

-Python is efficient

You are looking for a job, which language should you learn?


How to go abut learning...

➲ First

 Ignore the details and focus on important principals!  Writing small programs is better than reading long


 Find a few good on-line references and use them often.

➲ Then

 Take a fairly involved problem and write your own program.

➲ Later

 If you are to write fairly long programs, details are also important. Try to remember how, if not why.


Warnings do Matter

(not only errors)

➲ A man is smoking a cigarette and blowing

smoke rings into the air. His girlfriend becomes irritated with the smoke and says, "Can't you

see the warning on the cigarette pack? Smoking is hazardous to your health!"

➲ To which the man replies, "I am a programmer.


https://www.python. org/


https://docs.python.org/2/tutorial/https://docs.python.or g/2/tutorial/




Science python





Basemap demo


Integrated Development Environtment (IDE)

Tex Editor

free ide for python



Installing Numpy, Scipy and

Matplotlib with pip install


pip install numpy

pip install Scipy

pip install matplotlib

Install module/package

pip install <name module/package>

make sure you are connected to the Internet



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