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Academic year: 2022



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Submitted to the Board of Examiners in Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for Literature Degree at

English Literature Department


Rivika Adha Dinanti ( )





Jambi, August Supervisor I : Ulfatmi Azlan, MA

Supervisor II : Firdiansyah, MA

Adress : Adab and Humanities Faculty

State Islamic University

Sulthan Thaha Saifuddin Jambi.


The Dean of Adab and Humanities Faculty

State Islamic University In

Jambi Assalamu’alaikum wr.wb

After reading and revising everything extend necessary, so we agree that the thesis entitled “Gender Inequality In The Victorian Era As Seen In The Movie Enola Holmes ( )” can be submitted munaqasyah exam in part fulfillment to the requirement for the degree of Humanities Scholar. We submitted it to be received well. Thus, we hoped it can be useful for all.

Wassalamu’alaikum wr.wb

Supervisor I

Ulfatmi Azlan, MA


Supervisor II

Firdiansyah, MA NIDN:




Jambi, Agustus Pembimbing I : Ulfatmi azlan, MA

Pembimbing II : Firdiansyah, MA

Alamat : Fakultas Adab dan Humaniora


Kepada Yth

Ibu Dekan Fakultas Adab dan Humaniora UIN STS Jambi


Tempat Assalamu’alaikum wr.wb

Setelah membaca dan mengadakan perbaikan seperlunya, maka kami berpendapat bahwa skripsi saudari : Rivika Adha Dinanti, Nim, , yang berjudul “Gender Inequality In The Victorian Era As Seen In The Movie Enola Holmes ( )”, telah dapat diajukan untuk dimunaqosahkan guna melengkapi tugas-tugas dan memenuhi syarat-syarat untuk memperoleh gelar sarjana strata satu (S ) pada Fakultas Adab dan Humaniora, UIN STS Jambi. Maka, dengan itu kami ajukan skripsi tersebut agar dapat diterima dengan baik.

Demikianlah kami ucapkan terima kasih, semoga bermanfaat bagi kepentingan kampus dan para peneliti.

Wassalamu’alaikum wr.wb

Pembimbing I

Ulfatmi Azlan, MA


Pembimbing II

Firdiansyah, MA NIDN:




This thesis has been examined by the session of Adab and Humanity Faculty of The State Islamic University Sultan ThahaSaifuddin Jambi on May th and accepted as a part of the requirement which has to be fulfilled for obtaining Undergraduate Degree (S ) in English Literature Department.

Jambi, August Dean of Adab and Humanity Faculty

Dr. Halimah Dja’far, S. Ag.,M.Fil,I NIP.

Examiner I Supervisor I

Dian Mukhlisa, S.Pd, M.A Ulfatmi Azlan, SS.,MA NIP. NIP.

Examiner II Supervisor II

Rahmat Fajar, MA Firdiansyah, SS.,MA







Rivika Adha Dinanti, : Gender Inequality In The Victorian Era As Seen In The Movie Enola Holmes ( ).

English Literature Department, Adab and Humanities Faculty, University of Islamic Sulthan Thaha Saifuddin Jambi.

Supervisor I : Ulfatmi Azlan, MA

Supervisor II : Firdiansyah, MA

This thesis analyzes gender inequality against women that occurred Victorian Era in the th century in the film Enola Holmes. The writer wants to see the gender inequality in the th century toward female character. The purpose of this research is first, to find out the types of gender inequality depicted by the female character in the Enola Holmes’s movie. Second, to find out the effects of gender inequality on the female character in the Enola Holmes’s movie. This thesis research uses feminist approach and theory of Alice Eagly and Carol Gilligan. The methods used in analyzing the problem of this thesis are qualitative methods and descriptive techniques to analyze the data. The data source is taken from dialogues and scenes in the film Enola Holmes ( ). In the results of this study, the authors found that the gender inequality seen in the movie Enola Holmes. First, gender inequality in education and gender inequality in politics. Second, the effects of gender inequality, namely losing their identity and feeling oppressed.

Keywords : Enola Holmes, Gender Inequality, Movie




Rivika Adha Dinanti, : Gender Inequality In The Victorian Era As Seen In The Movie Enola Holmes ( ).

English Literature Department, Adab and Humanities Faculty, University of Islamic Sulthan Thaha Saifuddin Jambi.

Supervisor I : Ulfatmi Azlan, MA

Supervisor II : Firdiansyah, MA

Skripsi ini membahas tentang ketidaksetaraan gender terhadap perempuan yang terjadi di Era Victoria abad ke- dalam film Enola Holmes.

Penulis ingin melihat ketidaksetaraan gender pada abad ke- terhadap karakter utama perempuan. Tujuan dari penelitian ini pertama, untuk mengetahui jenis-jenis ketidaksetaraan gender yang digambarkan karakter utama perempuan di dalam film Enola Holmes kedua, untuk mengetahui efek ketidaksearaan gender yang terjadi pada karakter utama perempuan di dalam film Enola Holmes. Penelitian skripsi ini menggunakan pendekatan feminis dan theory Alice Eagly & Carol Gilligan. Adapun metode yang digunakan dalam menganalisis masalah skripsi ini adalah metode kualitatif dan teknik deskriptif untuk menganalisis data. Sumber data di ambil dari dialog dan adegan dalam film Enola Holmes ( ). Hasil dari penelitian ini penulis menemukan bahwa ketidaksetaraan gender yang terlihat di dalam film Enola Holmes pertama, ketidaksetaraan gender di bidang pendidikan dan ketidaksetaraan gender di bidang politik. Kedua, efek ketidaksetaraan gender yaitu kehilangan jati diri dan merasa tertindas.

Kata Kunci : Enola Holmes, Ketidaksetaraan Gender, Movie








MOTTO ... v






A. Background of the problem ...

B. Formulation of the problem ...

C. Limitation of the research ...

D. Purpose of the research ...

E. Significant of the research ...


A. Feminist Approach ...

B. Feminist theory ...

C. History of women in the Victorian era ...

D. Gender inequality ...



E. The effect of gender inequality ...

F. Review of related research ...


A. Design of research ...

B. Source of data ...

C. Technique of Data collection ...

D. Technique of Data Analysis ...


A. Types of gender inequality ...

B. Effects of gender inequality ...


A. Conclusion...

B. Suggestion ...





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Picture ...

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CHAPTER I INTRODUCTION . Background of the Problem

Literature is a work that has a certain meaning and beauty in writing, where in literature we can find creative ideas by reading several works and from reading that we can understand that the relationship between the soul with literary works to provide comfort to self-activity that reflects a situation in everyday life.

Literature is called an art activity that uses language and other symbols as a tool to create imaginative things.

Literary work is a form of language that reflects a lot of human life and reality. In literature, feminism is a focused concept of criticism of her analysis of women's issues. Fakih argues gender inequality is a system that dominates the role of men in the public sector while women are limited in the domestic sector.

Emphasizes feminism as a movement of equality between men and women in all fields, including politics, economics, education, social and organized activities that defend women's rights and interests1

Throughout the history of human civilization, the problem of social injustice has generally afflicted women. Women who are solely positioned in domestic and reproductive roles greatly hinder their progress in the world of public and production. Gender is a behavioral difference between men and women who are socially constructed gender is seen as a cultural concept that is used to distinguish the roles, behaviors, mentality, and emotional characteristics of men and women that develop in society as well as non-biological factors.2

1 Alfian Rokhmansyah, Pengantar Gender dan Feminisme Pemahaman Awal Kritik Sastra Feminisme.

(Yogyakarta:garudawacha, .)p.

2 Alfian Rokhmansyah, Pengantar Gender dan Feminisme Pemahaman Awal Kritik Sastra Feminisme (Yogyakarta : garudawacha, .) p. .


In understanding the concept of gender, the word gender must be distinguished from sex gender. Gender is a trait inherent in men and women who are socially and culturally constructed through a long process. So, gender is sociocultural which is a cultural interpretation of gender differences. For example, that women are known to be gentle, beautiful, loyal, and motherly, while men are considered strong, manly, often put forward reason rational, aggressive, disloyal, manly, and mighty. With gender equality comes an understanding of the differences between gender and gender roles3.

Feminism is a women's movement to fight oppression and emancipation as advocacy for equal rights of women and reject everything that is marginalized, subordinated, and denigrated in the fields of politics, economics, and social life in general. According to Yoder Feminism is likened to a blanket that is built and formed from pieces of a soft cloth.4

Women are an interesting study to always present aspects that can be used as objects to be observed, even the phenomenon of gender inequality in the Victorian era in England can be visualized in the form of mass media such as in the film "Enola Holmes".

The movie is one type of fiction literary works.The movie, as in other genres, various levels contribute to the overall artistic impression. This medium, which emphatically depends on specialized angles, has a few imperative, extraordinarily cinematic highlights with their claim wording. The foremost fundamental components of the motion picture can be subsumed beneath the measurements of space, time, and sound5

3 Alfian Rokhmansyah, Pengantar Gender dan Feminisme Pemahaman Awal Kritik Sastra Feminisme (Yogyakarta : garudawacha, .) p.

4 Suwardi Endraswara “Metodologi Penelitian Sastra Epistemologi, Model, Teori, dan Aplikasi p.

5 Klarer, Mario. . An Introduction to Literary Studies. London and New York Routledge. P.


Through the film, someone can see the story in the past and the future, movie as a semi-textual genre both influenced by and exerting influence on literature and literary criticism. Movie is predetermined by literary techniques, conversely, literary practice developed particular features under the impact of movie. Movie has also produced diverse cinematic genres and forms which no longer permit a classification of film as a mere by-product of drama. Because of its visual power the visual element plays only a secondary role in fiction. Fiction is a story built by imagination the story does not happen in real life while a non-fiction is a true story and happens in real life.6

There are a lot of nonfiction stories that are still coming up and being made.

As movie Enola Holmes. Enola Holmes is a movie that tells about feminism in the Victorian era in England, she lives with her mother and her two brothers. His father died when she was a child. raised by her mother alone, her mother was a brave, intellectual and independent woman. She taught Enola things that women should not normally learn at that time, by studying various branches of science, Enola was not only educated intellectually with various literacies, but also forged her physical abilities by practicing tennis, sword fighting, and jujitsu empty- handed martial arts. It should be noted that at that time, women in England focused more on personality schools and emphasized the way they looked and behaved in public.

There are some problems that occasionally happen to gender inequality in the movie Enola Holmes by Harry Bradbeer. It can be seen within the picture and dialogue below.

6 Klarer, Mario. . An Introduction to Literary Studies. London and New York Routledge p.


Pictures 7

The picture and dialogues above show that the women in the Victorian Era had to wear clothes with corsets to make them look elegant, catch an eye, and to attract.

In this research, the writer chooses the “ Enola Holmes ” Movie because this movie is a spin-off from the story of Sherlock Holmes who is a famous detective.

The movie was directed by Harry Bradbeer who has won golden globe awards in the film industry.8 This movie is no less interesting combining stories about gender inequality and feminism. Besides its interesting story, this film also stole the attention because behind the Enola Holmes movie it has interesting facts, namely the theme of feminism, and took time in in England and contained elements of the Victorian style. Furthermore, the feminism theme in Nancy Springer's Enola Holmes movie, which made the movie interested in a deeper analysis. In this research, the writer takes the title “Gender Inequality In The Victorian Era As Seen In the Movie “Enola Holmes” ( )

7 Enola Holmes ( Duration: - )

8 https://hai.grid.id/read/ /dikritik-sampe-dapat-penghargaan-ini- -fakta-enola-holmes- film-yang-diperankan-millie-bobby-brown?page=all


. Formulation of the problem

Based on the background of the problem, the formulations of the problem in this research are :

. What are the types of gender inequality depicted in the Enola Holmes movie ?

. What are the effects of gender inequality toward main character as seen in Enola Holmes movie ?

. Limitation of the Problem

In this research, the writer set the limits types and effects of gender inequality as depicted in the movie Enola Holmes ( ) that occurred in the Victorian Era, Especially toward women there. The types of gender inequality in this movie can be seen at that time when women were required to have speech attitudes that have been instilled since childhood, starting from personality school and learn how to be a young lady. How to laugh politely, eating habits, embroider, and dress using a corset.

. Purpose of the Research

Based on the formulation of the problem above there are :

a. To find out the types of gender inequality in Enola Holmes movie b. To find out the effects of gender inequality as seen in Enola Holmes



. Significant of the Research

This research is entitled Gender Inequality by Harry Bradbeer in the movie Enola Holmes. In conducting this research, the authors hope that this research can be of benefit to readers. There are two reasons for consideration in conducting research. can provide theoretical and practical benefits to such studies.

Theoretically, this study aims to provide more knowledge about literature, especially literature and movie. This research is also expected to foster readers' interest in understanding feminist literature and Gender Inequality what feminist ideologies are.

Practically, this research can be used by readers as inspiration and reference in conducting further studies on the analysis of feminism. This study can also be a reference for women to fight for the right to gender equality, not by demanding that women be the same as men, but by supporting women and men to have the opportunity to exist in an equal position.




A. Feminist Approach

Since ancient times literature has been a culture regime and has a strong appeal to gender issues, the notion of women as gentle people and on the other hand men as intelligent and active people.9Feminism has the origin of the word femme which means female, which is a movement or activity of women who struggle for gender balance between women and men in getting their rights in social society. The purpose of this feminism movement is the achievement of equality and equality of rights and obligations applied to all gender.

Feminism was born in the early th century, pioneered by Virginia Woolf in his book A Room of One’s Own Etymologically feminist comes from the word femme (woman) meaning women who aim to fight for the rights of women, as a social class. Feminist goals are gender balance and interrelation In a broader sense, feminists are a women’s movement to reject everything that is marginalized, subordinated, and demeaned by dominant cultures, both in the political and economic spheres and social life in general10

Feminism is a notion that opposes cultural and political policies that do not benefit women, this understanding then developed into a movement in western countries around the s. Marry Wollstonecraft pioneering the British feminism movement in her work A Vindication of the Right of Women, written in the late th century argues that women, especially from the middle class, are the oppressive class. Must rise from the shackles of the household. In a patriarchal society, women are limited to the home, while men

9 Suwardi Endraswara, “Metodologi Penelitian Sastra Epistemologi, Model, Teori, dan Aplikasi” p.

10 DRA Wiyatmi, M.Hum, ”Kritik Sastra Feminis: Teori dan Aplikasinya Dalam Sastra Indonesia”

(Yogyakarta : ) p.


control the general camp, namely the environment and life outside the home.

This situation of gender inequality arises because of the cultural structure created by humans. And not something natural11

B. Feminist Theory

Feminism combines the tenet of rise to rights for ladies which is an organized development to attain women's human rights, with an belief system of social change that points to form a world for ladies. Women's liberation is an philosophy of women's freedom with the conviction that aims to create a world for women. Woman's rights offers different analyzes of the causes, culprits of women's oppression12

Feminism as a social movement originated in the th century.

Feminism originated during the “First wave” of feminist activity, roughly the s the first wave of feminism centered on women’s suffrage “Second wave” of feminist activity, roughly from the s through the s and began to transform and restructure itself concentrated on gender equity and equal opportunity for women “Third wave” of feminist activity, approximately from the s to the present and the third wave shifted focus to egalitarian concerns, equality of outcome, and intersectionality theory13

Focusing on gender and reproduction in their movement. They argue that women will not reach the same position and men if the male and reproduction systems cannot be changed. Radical feminists are divided into two views, namely liberal views and cultural views. The liberal view states that clever women have feminine and masculine qualities that are balanced

11 Nuril Hidayati, “Teori Feminisme Sejarah, Perkembangan dan Relevansinya dengan Kajian Keislaman Kontemporer” p.

12 DRA Wiyatmi, M.Hum, ”Kritik Sastra Feminis: Teori dan Aplikasinya Dalam Sastra Indonesia”

(Yogyakarta : ) p.

13 Rosemarie Tong and Tina Fernandes Botts, “ Feminist Thought A More Comprehensive Introduction” (New York ) p.


within them. So that it can be accepted by the community and can be equated with men.14 According to Mary Wollstonecraft :

In A Vindication of the Rights of Woman, Mary Wollstonecraft compared women of privilege to members of “the feathered race,” birds confined to cages with nothing to do but preen and “stalk with mock majesty from perch to perch.

In Wollstonecraft's estimation, women sacrificed their health, freedom, and virtue for anything, pleasure, and power their husbands (or fathers or other male relationships) could provide. The moment he saw it, these women, not allowed to exercise outdoors because their skin was tan, did not have a healthy body. Not allowed to make their own decisions, they have no freedom. Discouraged to develop their power of reason, they have no virtue.

Although Wollstonecraft does not talk about socially constructed gender roles, he denies that women are, by nature, more fun-seeking and fun-giving than men. He reasoned that if confined in the same cage as women, men will develop the same "female" characteristics15

Critical feminist theories of social construction, historicization and discursive deconstruction have been forcefully mobilized to counteract gender conservative discourses and their simplistic and determinist linking of biological sex and sociocultural gender. To effectively repudiate gender conservative arguments, many feminist theorists not least in the early years of feminist studies in the s discussion of sociocultural gender from reflections on biological sex. Socioculturally changeable gender, and not static sex, became the crucial issue for many feminist researchers16

14 Ibid. p.

15 Mary Wollstonecraft, A Vindication of the Rights of Women (New York : Oxfort University Press Inc, . P.

16 Nina Lykke, ”Feminist Studies A Guide to Intersectional Theory, Methodology and Writing” (New York, ) p.


Feminist literary criticism today is a direct result of the women's movement in the s. This concern for conditioning and socialization underpins a crucial distinction between the terms feminist, female and feminine. As Toril moi explains, the first term is a political position, the second relates to biology, and the third a set of culturally defined characteristics.17

Analysis in the study of feminists should be able to reveal aspects of women's oppression against men. Why women are politically affected by patriarchy, thus putting women in an inferior position. Feminism is a movement influenced by the ideas postulated, popularized and precipitated by thinkers and authors like Alice Walker, Naomi Little bear, Judith Felterbey, Michele Wallace, Lillian smith, Elaine Showalter, Somine de Beauvoir, Kate Millett and others. It is a modern movement expressing protest against the male domination. It provides strategies for change. Feminism aims to understand women’s oppression keeping in mind race, gender, class and sexual preference.

C. History of Women In the Victorian Era

The status of women in the Victorian era is often seen as an illustration of this stark difference between British national power and wealth and what was much, then and now, considering the dire social conditions.

During the era symbolized by the government ratu wanita Merl, women do not have the right to vote, sue, or own property. At the same time, women participate in the workforce who are paid in a very high proportion increased after the Industrial Revolution. Feminist ideas spread among the educated middle class, Discriminatory laws were repealed, and the women's suffrage movement gained momentum in the last years of the Victorian era.

17 Peter barry, Beginning Theory, An Introduction Literary and Cultural Theory ( Yogyakarta, ) p.


Victorian women's clothing followed a trend that emphasized elaborate gowns, skirts of wide volume made using layered materials such as crinolines, circular skirts, and heavy fabrics. Due to the impracticality and health effects of the fashion of the times, a reform movement was started among women.

The ideal silhouette at the time demanded a narrow waist, which was achieved by shrinking the stomach with a strappy corset. While the silhouettes are striking, and the dresses themselves are often highly detailed creations, the models are impractical. At best, they restrict women's movements and at worst, they have a harmful effect on women's health. Doctors turned their attention to wearing corsets and determined that they were causing several medical problems: chest compressions, restricted breathing, organ displacement, poor circulation, and a drooping uterus.18

D. Gender Inequality

Gender inequality is the social process by which men and women are not treated as equals. The treatment may arise from the educational and political differences that existed in British society during the Victorian Era.

There are types of gender inequality according to Alice Eagly social role theory, the first is stereotypes and subordination. Alice Eagly proposes a social role theory which states that extreme differences between women and men say that in most cultures in the world, women are considered to have lower status power than men, and women also have less control over resources power, compared to men.

. Stereotypes

18 Buckner, Phillip Alfred Menemukan Kembali Dunia Inggris. . Calgary: Universitas Calgary Press p.


Gender stereotypes refer to traits and behaviors that are believed to occur with different frequencies between men and women. Gender stereotypes are not just about personality. People also hold stereotypes about men’s and women’s physical traits (muscular, soft, hairy) social roles (provides, does housework), occupations (engineer, librarian). One kind of gender stereotypes that may have especially negative consequences for women is that there are differences between men’s and women’s abilities One of the stereotypes comes from a gender perspective, for example society. The belief that England is a meritocratic society has always been wishful thinking.19 For example, women are only given education on how people speak, how people dress wearing a corset, how to eat gracefully, and embroidering. Women may not study science, martial arts empty-handed jujitsu, archery, and play tennis. Their exposure to particular culture remains associated with social class These ‘soft skills’ of conversation and taste are crucial for self-presentation.

. Subordination

Subordination is the limitation of women to certain activities and limiting them to people others who are lower in assignments and other social positions the assumptions that arise in society, for example the assumption that women are irrational and emotional so they cannot lead and result in the emergence of an attitude placing women in an insignificant position and limiting women in certain activities.20 One example of subordination in the film is about, Reformation of the people act in England. The law is one way for women to get voting rights in

19 Richard A Lippa, “Gender Nature and Nurture Second Edition” California State University, Fullerton ( ) p.

20 Richard A Lippa, “Gender Nature and Nurture Second Edition” California State University, Fullerton ( ) p.


elections, at that time in the law, women’s votes were not heard because they were still considered too high and not equal for women.

In other theories there are limits to gender inequality, namely :

a. Educational Gender Inequality

Educational gender inequality women often study to category housewife than study science and technology. The experiences of males and females differ greatly in as of schooling of occupation and monetary reward. It can be seen from the different types of education for females who were to spend most of their lives in the private sphere while males who were to spend their lives in the public sphere21. For instance, women often study to category housewives in the form of manners how to laugh politely, how to eat, how to dress using a corset, embroidering and arranging shells instead of learning science and technology.

Furthermore, there were different salaries paid to men and women teachers. The averages of women in Canada have only a high school education. Hence, they are appropriate to become a member of the paid the labor force22.

From the statement above, the writer concludes that educational gender inequality in education for women. Men are having higher education than women. Therefore, men will get a better education than women themselves.

b. Political Gender Inequality

21 Nancy Mandell, Jennifer Johnson “ Feminist Issues Race, Class, and Sexuality” United State of America Sixth Edition. p.

22 Ibid p.


Political gender inequality is close to women. Women do not participate as much as men due to the law. If they use more noncoventional ways. They are more engaged in social movements and non-governmental organizations than in governments, parliaments or political parties. Political participation can also be measured through political representation. Representation means that legally authorized citizens should be elected to the parliament and form the government. Generally the parliament should be a mirror of the society. All groups should be represented equally. Thus, many feminists believed that a cooperative society based on socialist economic principles would respect the right of women. Women political participation and representation is not democratic23.

The causality of the power gap between women and men is very difficult to explain There are many reasons women’s voices are not heard and are underrepresented. Because it is considered too high and not equal for women. Such as family background, gender identity, education, age, occupation, and income. From the statement above, the writer concludes that political gender inequality is the discrimination of women in the politic areas, where women are always having lower positions than men have.

E. The Effects of Gender Inequality

The theory of Nurture by Carol Gilligan assumes differences are man made, especially by men, so responding to the differences this group demands elimination of gender boundaries and interpret equality as are equation.

23 Nancy Mandell, Jennifer Johnson “ Feminist Issues Race, Class, and Sexuality” United State of America Sixth Edition. p.


Women still have access to education which is lower than that of men. The mindset of society as a whole has a significant impact on gender inequality, how men and women are differentiated in terms of education and politics.

The definition of gender is to be differentiated from type gender has a negative effect on women.

a. Loss of women’s identity, cannot make choices according to one’s own accord and can only follow the path chosen by others, because of the moment boundaries between gender are removed what happens is women feel inferiority to her feminity and eventually imitating her traits masculine.

b. Feel repression, because women are forced to follow the history and hereditary habits that developed in the Victorian era, namely women must use corset to shape their bodies and the hip regulators.24

F. Review of Related Literature

In this research, many researchers also conduct research about feminism but from a different perspective. The writer does the researches about gender inequalities in the Victorian era in the movie Enola Holmes a feminist analysis, but some researchers have been found by the writer who has discussed about feminism movie they are :

Firstly, the thesis of Chintia Puspitasari ( ). She was a student at English Literature Department Adab and Humanities Faculty State Islamic University Sulthan Thaha Saifuddin Jambi. Her thesis entitled” Postcolonial Feminism in Memoir of Geisha’s Film by Rob Marshall 25”. Postcolonial

24 Richard A Lippa, ”Gender Nature and Nurture Second Edition” California State University, Fullerton ( ) p.

25 Chintia Puspitasari, “Postcolonial Feminism in Memoir of Geisha’s Film by Rob Marshall” English Literature Department Adab and Humanities Faculty State Islamic University Sulthan Thaha Saifuddin Jambi.


feminism is a subset of feminism which only focused on the experience of women. This thesis analyzed postcolonial feminism in memoir of geisha’s film by Rob Marshall. This study is designed to find out the postcolonial feminism reflected in memoir of geisha’s film by Rob Marshall, Chiyo solved her life discrimination and the effects of Chiyo solve the life discrimination memoir of geisha’s film by Rob Marshall The writer uses postcolonial feminism theory by M Lucinda News and Dominic Daviesto theory support the writing of this thesis. This study is descriptive qualitative since the data are collected, analyzed and described in the form of words rather than numerical scores or statistics. The data of the research are the pictures and and dialogue, which contains body language expressed by the main character.

The research result shows that first, postcolonial feminism reflected in memoir of geisha’s was experienced by Chiyo, they are (a) life discrimination where she was sold to be servant and (b) sex experience, where she got sex from the man and she felt very sad and give up. Second, there are two ways Chiyo solve postcolonial feminism, they are (a) making good relationship, where she met a new friend named was pumpkin who always accompany her when they done homework in Okiya they also entered the Geisha school together (b) commitment, where she was commit with her purpose. Chiyo tried to never give up anymore it happened when she met Mr. chairman who very kind to her. Mr. chairman bought palm ice to her when Mr. chairman want to go the spring party and he look at Chiyo in the bridge, at that time Chiyo commit to become a geisha. Chiyo got the second change, it because mama bought her from Nita house, with that chance she committed to become the best Geisha. Third, the effect of Chiyo solve postcolonial feminism, they are (a) self confidence, where she got her confident in herself it proved with performed of Chiyo she done the best dance ever. She made the people who watched her marveled by her performances it because mama who teach her to become a best geisha (b) happiness, where she met her true love.


Second, thesis by Dyana Mayasari ( ). She was a student at Adab Faculty the State Institute for Islamic Studies Sulthan Thaha Saifuddin Jambi.

Her thesis entitled “ The Analysis of Feminism Values in Maya Angelou’s Poetries Related to Her Own Life 26”. This research deals with the analysis of feminism values in maya angelou’s poetry related to her own life Poetry is a literary work in which is spontaneity overflow of feelings that is comes from the emotion and arranged accurately and then encourage the specific response through rhyme, and specific words. Meaning is the advice in those poetries in denotative and connotative meaning. This research purposes to analyzed how is a feminist explores her ideas through a literary work. So, the writer used Sylvan Barnet et al and supported by Rene Wellek and Austin Warren’s theory.

In this research, the writer used descriptive and qualitative method.

The writer took four of selected poetries of Maya Angelou. First, the writer read and explained the poetries. Second, the writer correlated the meaning of poetry with the poet’s life And the last analysis the writer grouping based on the criteria of feminism in each poetry and also compared it to Islamic views.

Third, thesis from Zaharani Nurul Ngabidah ( ). She was a student English Language and Letters Department Faculty of Humanities Maulana Malik Ibrahim State Islamic University Malang. Her thesis entitled “ Gender Discrimination Suffered by Characters in Jane Austen’s Persuasion 27”.

The equality between women and men are hard to be struggled even through, gender equality wide spoken today. The inequality itself had come from the patriarchy perspective of male domination. The patriarchy had become dogma

26 Dyana Mayasari. “The Analysis of Feminism Values in Maya Angelou’s Poetries Related to Her Own Life” Adab Faculty the State Institute for Islamic Studies Sulthan Thaha Saifuddin Jambi.

27 Zaharani Nurul Ngabidah, “ Gender Discrimination Sufferers by Characters in Jane Austen’s

Persuasion” English Language and Letters Department Faculty of Humanities Maulana Malik Ibrahim State Islamic University Malang.


in society, making hegemonies to the society about the power of human who can be a head of family, have a job, because the belief that men physically stronger than women. Patriarchy had been bringing the impact to women. Its perspective bringing the disadvantages to women, from the perspective come to belief, the belief of society th century almost there are no school accepted the women to enter.

The researcher focuses on the gender discrimination suffered by a character which discussing the kind of discrimination toward women in social life as the object in the persuation novel by Jane Austen. The discrimination data are taken from the society treatment to women, prejudicing, insulting, perspective of society besides the individual side. The analysis start from women characters in the novel and analyzed the kind of gender discrimination toward characters.

The social gender perspective emphasizes the women’s phenomena toward society, in individual approach, society toward individual approach family, people in society. Thus, the social gender giving the empirical overview between the story in the novel and society phenomena. The result of the analysis finds the gender inequality in Austen’s persuasion which there is connected to Naomi Wolf’s gender inequality perspective

Fourth, thesis from Fera Ramadani ( ). Student at English Literature Department Adab and Humanities Faculty the State Islamic University Sulthan Thaha Saifuddin Jambi. Her thesis entitled “Feminism Values in Emily Dickinson’s Selected Poem 28”. Feminism belief in the social, economic, and political of both sexes. Although mostly from the west, feminism is manifested throughout the world and represented by various

28 Fera Ramadani, ” Feminism Values in Emily Dickinson’s Selected Poem “ English Literature Department Adab and Humanities Faculty the State Islamic University Sulthan Thaha Saifuddin Jambi.


institutions committed to activities in the name of woman right and interests.

The author is interested in discussing feminism because one of the interesting things about feminism is that patriarchy has failed to oppress women in science. Many female scientists have made significant discoveries and provided knowledge with interesting new facts. The object of this study is to describe the categories of feminism, and to find out the historical background of poetry.

In this study, the authors use the kind of feminism by Abbott &

Wallance as major theories and Rosemarie Tong’s theories as supporting theories to answer research problems. The author also uses the biographical approach by Wellek & Warren to help answer the problem in this study. This research is qualitative research that focuses on qualitative research by Hill Way in Kaelan and uses the descriptive method by Surakhmad.

The author found in the research that : ( ) there are five kinds of feminism values contained in Emily Dickinson’s chosen poetry, namely liberal feminism, radical feminism, marxist feminism, materialist feminism, and dual-system feminism, ( ) in her work, Emily tells a lot about her life and the events around her became the connection between the background of Emily’s poetry

Fifth, thesis from Wahyu Utomo ( ). Student at School of Teacher Training and the education Muhammadiyah University of Surakarta. The thesis entitled “Gender Inequality in Fatima Mernissi’s Novel Dreams of Trespass ( ) A Socialist Feminist Approach29”. This study is aimed to show the gender inequality in the dream of trespass novel by using the socialist feminism approach. It is done by establishing two objectives: the first is analyzing the novel based on its structural elements and the second is

29 Wahyu Utomo, “ Gender Inequality in Fatima Mernissi’s Novel Dreams of Trespass ( ) A Socialist Feminist Approach”School of Teacher Training and Education Muhammadiyah University of Surakarta.


analyzing the gender inequality based on the socialist feminism approach. The writer used socialist feminist theory by Charlotte Perkins Gilman and Silvia Federici the writing of this thesis. This research is qualitative research. Type of data the study is text taken from two data sources: primary and secondary.

The primary data source is the dream of trespass novel written by Fatima Mernissi in . While the secondary data sources are other materials taken from books, journals, and the internet related to the study. Both data are collected through library research and analyzed by descriptive analysis.

The outcome of the study shows the following conclusions. Firstly, based on the structural analysis indicated that each of narrative elements of the novel have been related into solid unity, secondly, the novel illustrates six types of inequality for women, namely social, economic, religious, political, educational, and the law of gender inequality. Thirdly the represents a criticism of different inequality experienced by women and that women should struggle in order to get their rights.

From some research above, it can be concluded that the writer deal with Gender Inequality. Actually, this research has the same topic but has different literary works. The difference of this research is the object and theory to answer the problem formulation. Some of the studies about examine different objects and several theories from other experts. For example the theory of M Lucinda News, Dominic Davies, Rene Wellek & Austin Warren’s, Naomi wolf, Abbott & Wallance, and Rosemarie Tong Whereas in this study the writer will use the theory of Gender by Alice Eagly and Carol Gilligan in the movie Enola Holmes by Harry Bradbeer as the object.




A. Design of Research

In writing the research, the writer uses the descriptive methods and qualitative research that is suitable with the aim of the research may be in descriptive form. Qualitative research tends to collect various forms of data through documents, interviews, and observations. They are less likely to use or rely on questionnaires or instruments developed by other researchers.

Qualitative researchers construct their patterns, categories, and themes from the bottom up, organizing data into increasingly abstract units of information.

Descriptive research is a which aims to describe a phenomenon accurately based on the characteristic of the research30. In this research, the writer will use qualitative research, where the data will be analyzed through interpretation, not statistic analysis. Nyoman Kutha Ratna state that :

“ Metode kualitatif memberikan perhatian terhadap data alamiah, data dalam hubungannya dengan konteks keberadaannya. Cara-cara inilah yang mendorong metode kualitatif dianggap sebagai multi metode sebab penelitian pada gilirannya melibatkan sejumlah besar gejala social yang relevan. Dalam penelitian karya sastra,misalnya, akan libatkan pengarang, lingkungan social dimana pengarang berada,termasuk unsur-unsur kebudayaan”31.

It means that descriptive research is research that aims to describe a phenomenon accurately based on the characteristic of research. One of the characteristics of qualitative is analytic descriptive, which means the result of

30 John W. Creswell, Qualitative Inquiry & Research Design Choosing Among Five Approaches (United State of America), p.

31 Nyoman Kutha Ratna, Teori, Metode dan Teknik Penelitian Sastra, p.


the research will give the description of research phenomena. Glaser and Strauss stated that :

“ Qualitative research is inductive. Qualitative researchers develop concepts, insights, and understandings from patterns in the data rather than collecting data to assess preconceived models, hypotheses, or theories. Glaser and Strauss ( ).”32

So, qualitative research is analyzing descriptive data and is it a process to do research such as a writer or spoken at the person who is observed in the research, where the qualitative method also analyzing about the data from outside which the data is still not right. In the theory, qualitative research in research procedures which produces descriptive data as spoken words of the person or behavior being researched Moh Nazir state that “Metode deskriptif bertujuan untuk membuat deskripsi, gambaran atau lukisan secara sistematis, factual dan akurat mengenai fakta-fakta, sifat-sifat serta hubungan antar fenomena yang diselidiki.”33

Based on the quotation above, qualitative research can be used in this research due to the qualitative research not only involves the intrinsic aspect in literary work but also can be related to the extrinsic aspect in the literary itself, so, that is way, the qualitative method also can be said as multi- method. Because of the relating of the intrinsic aspect and extrinsic aspect in the literary itself. From that statement, it can conclude that qualitative research is analyzing the descriptive data such as a writer or spoken, by using this qualitative method make the writer easy to answer the problem formulation in

“ Enola Holmes movie”

32 Steven J Taylor, Robert Bogdan, and Marjorie L Devault, “ Introduction to Qualitative Research Methods A Guidebook and Resource Fourth Edition ( ). Kanada : John Wiley & Sons, Inc. p.

33 Moh Nazir, Metode Penelitian ( ) Bogor:Ghalia Indonesia. p.


B. Source of Data

The source of data in this research is the movie entitled Enola Holmes.

The movie Enola Holmes is an American mystery movie directed by Harry Bradbeer who has won golden globe awards in the movie industry. The movie consists of minutes, and it was published on September . The data is taken from Netflix.34 Sunday, October at WIB. The writer will use the script, words, phrases, sentences, dialogue between characters or some quotations that related to Gender Inequality with Enola Holmes movie.

C. Technique of Data Collection

Techniques data collection are the most strategic step in research, because the main purpose of research is to obtain data. The technique used by the author is data collection with documents. Document is a record of events that have passed. Documents can be in the form of writing, pictures, or monumental works. Documents in the form of works such as pictures, sculptures, films, etc35

In terms of document as Bogdan state that “In most tradition of qualitative research, the phrase personal document is used broadly to refer to any first person narrative produced by an individual which describes his or her own actions, experience and belief”.36

The writer use some documents that have correlation or support the problem of the research, because this research is descriptive that is why the writer describe and analyzed the data that has been found in Enola Holmes movie ( ) to answer of the problems that has been formulated in the formulation of the problem.


35 Sugiyono, Metode Penelitian Kuantitatif Kualitatif dan R & D, ( Bandung:Alfabeta) p.

36 Sugiyono, Metode Penelitian Kuantitatif Kualitatif dan R & D, ( Bandung:Alfabeta) p.


The writer has some steps in collecting data, to make this research more specific. They are :

. Downloading

The writer downloading the Enola Holmes movie and the other sources which are closely related to the aim of the research and also journals and articles.

. Watching the movie

To find the data the writer watches the movie repeatedly, carefully, and effectively to find the point dialogues that exist in Enola Holmes’s movie.

. Reading the data repeatedly, carefully, and effectively of Enola Holmes movie

After watching the movie, the writer read the data repeatedly, carefully, and effectively of Enola Holmes’s movie to find as many as possible that related to the problems.

. Identifying and classifying the data

After watching and reading the writer finding all the data completely, the writer identified the data and made assumptions about Gender Inequalities in Enola Holmes’s movie. And the writer classified the picture and dialogues from Enola Holmes’s movie which correlated with the research problem.

D. Technique of Data Analysis

The writer will analyze the data with Qualitative research, technique analysis data are used a technique of data analyzed. According to Bogdan

“Data analysis is the process of systematically searching and arranging the interview transcripts, fieldnotes, and other materials that you accumulate to


increase your own understanding of them and to enable you to present what you have discovered to others”37

In this research, writer used technique descriptive analysis to describe of the data, descriptive analysis will help the writer to summarize the data in meaningful way. According to Nawawi : “Metode deskriptif dapat diartikan sebagai prosedur pemecahan masalah yang diselidiki dengan menggambarkan dan melukiskan keadaan subjek atau objek penelitian (novel, drama, cerita pendek, puisi) pada saat sekarang berdasarkan fakta-fakta yang tampak atau sebagaimana adanya.”38 The writer describes and analyzed the data to find the answer the formulation of the problem that have been formulated.

According to Miles and Huberman there are steps in the analysis of the data which are :

. Data Reduction

Data reduction is a form of data analysis that focuses on things that are important, classifies, directs, removes unnecessary and organizes data so that it is systematic and can make a meaningful conclusion.39 In this research, the data is in the form of a movie and dialogue of the movie Enola Holmes by Harry Bradbeer. In this step, the researcher first analyzes the data by watching the movie Enola Holmes. Listen carefully and checking the data by reading the dialogue to see the context. Next, the researcher selecting the sentences or utterances of gender inequality to be analyzed.

37 Sugiyono, Metode Penelitian Kuantitatif Kualitatif dan R & D, (Bandung:Alfabeta) p.

38 Siswantoro. ( ) Metode Penelitian Sastra. (Yogyakarta: Pustaka Pelajar) p.

39 Matthew B.Miles and A, Michael Huberman, Qualitative Data Analysis second edition United States of America: Sage Publication, Inc. . p.


. Data Display

The process of presenting this data can be done in the form of a brief description that reveals the whole of a group of data obtained so that it is easy to read and understand, the most often used to present data in qualitative research is narrative text.40 In this step, the researcher shows or displays the data which contain gender inequality. The researcher shows which sentences or utterances contains gender inequality what are the types and effects of gender inequality found in the movie Enola Holmes by Harry Bradbeer.

. Verification

According to Miles and Huberman the last step in the analysis of qualitative data is conclusion and verification. Data that has been arranged in such a way is patterned, focused, arranged systematically, and then summed up so that the meaning of the data can be found.41 In this step, the researcher concludes the result of the study based on the formulation of the problem and the theory of gender inequality used.

40 Ibid, p.

41 Matthew B.Miles and A, Michael Huberman, Qualitative Data Analysis second edition United States of America: Sage Publication, Inc. . P.




“Enola Holmes” is an action, adventure, and mystery movie with a feminist message, directed by Harry Bradbeer in . In research on gender inequality in the Enola Holmes movie, this study uses the descriptive analysis method. This analysis is used to read gender inequality and the effects that arise. In the research of the movie Enola Holmes, the writer found data that are stereotypes, subordination in education and, subordination in politics as for the effect, namely loss of women identity, and feel repression. The writer analyzed the data taken from Enola Holmes’s movie ( ).

A. Finding Analysis

Finding based on the analysis, the writer found that the types of gender inequality against women namely, stereotypes and subordination. Women must be able to make handicrafts, learn manners, and embroider, stereotypes in society that consider only jobs that have elements of a feminine personality that are appropriate for women to do. Types of gender inequality in Enola Holmes movies ( ) the writer found that there are two types of gender inequality namely, stereotypes and subordination. The analysis of the types of gender inequality can be presented below.

. Types of Gender Inequality . Stereotypes

Gender stereotypes refer to traits and behaviors that are believed to occur with different frequencies between men and women. Gender stereotypes are not just about personality People also hold stereotypes about men’s and women’s physical traits (muscular, soft, hairy) social roles (provides, does housework), occupations (engineer, librarian). One kind of gender stereotypes that may have especially


negative consequences for women is that there are differences between men’s and women’s abilities women are only given education on how people speak, how people dress wearing a corset, how to eat gracefully, and embroidering. Women may not study science, martial arts empty-handed jujitsu, archery, and play tennis.42 It can be seen from the dialogue below :

Datum :

In this scene, Mrs. Harrison tells the girls in the Miss Harrison’s Finishing School women must have a feminine education to become into young ladies and be accepted in society. Mrs. Harrison said :

Picture 43

Mrs. Harrison : Girls, you are here for one reason, you are here to be made into young ladies, how do we laugh, we laugh politely. Ha, Ha, Ha.

Girls : Ha, Ha, Ha

Mrs. Harrison : You all have potential, but you are untapped, and most of all, untrained. Walk as we show you too. Eyes Up! up, up up!

Mrs. Harrison : Speak as we tell you to. What whim led white whitney to whittle

Girls : What whim led white Whitney to whittle

Mrs. Harrison : Act, think, be as well tell you and you will become acceptable wives and responsible mothers

42 Richard A Lippa, “Gender Nature and Nurture Second Edition” California State University, Fullerton ( ) p.

43 Enola Holmes (Duration: - )


Analysis :

The dialogue above, tells about how a women here shows that it must be a gentle and polite person, women were required to have manners such as eating procedures, dress procedures, walking procedures, as well as several skills that are mandatory for women such as embroidering, making handkerchiefs, to arranging shells and doing things that still carry a strong stigma that women are just the weak. Where in general the majority of the meek and polite are women. Gentle and polite is a view that is shown to women. Men do not have such things. Beliefs and beliefs that become common view is still ongoing that women are more suitable or more ideal for the meek than man.

It can be seen here, that there is gender inequality in stereotypes which makes women unable to get out of the feminine nature, women should receive education in a manner. If it is related to the analysis of gender inequality stereotypes above, which states that gender is not only about personality, physical characteristics, and social roles which assumes that women only provide and do housework.

Datum :

Picture 44

44 Enola Holmes (Duration - )


Marquess : If you can get a feast, I can make us a fire started

Enola : Fine.

Analysis :

In the dialogue above tell stereotypes are based on interpretations generated on the basis of perspectives and cultural backgrounds, in the Victorian era, the culture that developed, women had to have manners and could do housework such as cooking, while men had to work outside the home. It can be seen that there are inequalities comparing gender between men and women who are solely doing housework only by women such as cooking. Which can actually be done by men

Datum :

In the next dialogue, it is shown that when Enola was years old her mother left and disappeared leaving the Ferndell Hall of her house she left Enola with some gifts that she instructed Mrs. Lane to give Enola at teatime.

The departure of her mother from home made his two brothers come home namely Mycroft and Sherlock, when Enola arrived at the train station they didn’t even recognize Enola at the first time because it had been a long time not seeing, Mycroft was shocked to see Enola in a mess and do not use hat and gloves. Mycroft said :


Picture . 45

Mycroft : My god. Look at you. You are in such a mess.

Where is your hat and your gloves ?

Enola : Well, I have a hat. It just makes my head itch. And I have no gloves

Mycroft : She has no gloves ?

Analysis :

In the dialogue above which tells about Mycroft has a women’s point of view should neat and elegant appearance, looked Enola at the first time at a railway station Frendell Hall dressed in disheveled clothes and without a hat and gloves Mycroft looked at Enola with a look of astonishment and looks disgusted by Enola's messy appearance. women at that time were identical to use wearing hats and gloves, according to Mycroft women without hats and gloves are an embarrassing sight. Mycroft was shocked to see Enola grew up in a different way than women in those at that time

It can be seen here that there is gender inequality in stereotypes that are seen in the dialogue, Enola gets inequality from her own brother in the way she looks, the standard of female beauty in that era was to wear hats and gloves. Gender inequality in this society has developed from generation to generation because of the general view among the society that requires women to wear hats and gloves

45 Enola Holmes (Duration - )


Datum :

In the next dialogue, it is shown that Enola’s first day entered the Miss Harrison’s finishing school which was delivered directly by her brother Mycroft. Since it was late at night so Enola skipped dinner. Mrs. Harrison greeted Enola that evening and told her she had to lose weight so it was okay if Enola missed dinner at that time. Mrs. Harrison said :

Picture . 46

Miss Harrison : You’ve missed supper, but no matter You could do with losing a pound or two. The name holmes is coming to mean something in this country. At this school, you’ll be given a chance to live up to it and you can begin by closing your mouth. The next time you meet your brothers , they will have reason to be proud of you.

Analysis :

The dialogue above tells that Enola didn't get dinner on her first day entering Miss Harrison’s finishing school because she had missed dinner.

This is also because Enola's had to lose weight. We can see that there is a gender inequality that happens where women are required to have a slender body to catch an eye and to attract. This hereditary culture requires women

46 Enola Holmes ( Duration - )


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