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“Enola Holmes” is an action, adventure, and mystery movie with a feminist message, directed by Harry Bradbeer in . In research on gender inequality in the Enola Holmes movie, this study uses the descriptive analysis method. This analysis is used to read gender inequality and the effects that arise. In the research of the movie Enola Holmes, the writer found data that are stereotypes, subordination in education and, subordination in politics as for the effect, namely loss of women identity, and feel repression. The writer analyzed the data taken from Enola Holmes’s movie ( ).

negative consequences for women is that there are differences between men’s and women’s abilities women are only given education on how people speak, how people dress wearing a corset, how to eat gracefully, and embroidering. Women may not study science, martial arts empty-handed jujitsu, archery, and play tennis.42 It can be seen from the dialogue below :

Datum :

In this scene, Mrs. Harrison tells the girls in the Miss Harrison’s Finishing School women must have a feminine education to become into young ladies and be accepted in society. Mrs. Harrison said :

Picture 43

Mrs. Harrison : Girls, you are here for one reason, you are here to be made into young ladies, how do we laugh, we laugh politely. Ha, Ha, Ha.

Girls : Ha, Ha, Ha

Mrs. Harrison : You all have potential, but you are untapped, and most of all, untrained. Walk as we show you too. Eyes Up! up, up up!

Mrs. Harrison : Speak as we tell you to. What whim led white whitney to whittle

Girls : What whim led white Whitney to whittle

Mrs. Harrison : Act, think, be as well tell you and you will become acceptable wives and responsible mothers

42 Richard A Lippa, “Gender Nature and Nurture Second Edition” California State University, Fullerton ( ) p.

43 Enola Holmes (Duration: - )

Analysis :

The dialogue above, tells about how a women here shows that it must be a gentle and polite person, women were required to have manners such as eating procedures, dress procedures, walking procedures, as well as several skills that are mandatory for women such as embroidering, making handkerchiefs, to arranging shells and doing things that still carry a strong stigma that women are just the weak. Where in general the majority of the meek and polite are women. Gentle and polite is a view that is shown to women. Men do not have such things. Beliefs and beliefs that become common view is still ongoing that women are more suitable or more ideal for the meek than man.

It can be seen here, that there is gender inequality in stereotypes which makes women unable to get out of the feminine nature, women should receive education in a manner. If it is related to the analysis of gender inequality stereotypes above, which states that gender is not only about personality, physical characteristics, and social roles which assumes that women only provide and do housework.

Datum :

Picture 44

44 Enola Holmes (Duration - )

Marquess : If you can get a feast, I can make us a fire started

Enola : Fine.

Analysis :

In the dialogue above tell stereotypes are based on interpretations generated on the basis of perspectives and cultural backgrounds, in the Victorian era, the culture that developed, women had to have manners and could do housework such as cooking, while men had to work outside the home. It can be seen that there are inequalities comparing gender between men and women who are solely doing housework only by women such as cooking. Which can actually be done by men

Datum :

In the next dialogue, it is shown that when Enola was years old her mother left and disappeared leaving the Ferndell Hall of her house she left Enola with some gifts that she instructed Mrs. Lane to give Enola at teatime.

The departure of her mother from home made his two brothers come home namely Mycroft and Sherlock, when Enola arrived at the train station they didn’t even recognize Enola at the first time because it had been a long time not seeing, Mycroft was shocked to see Enola in a mess and do not use hat and gloves. Mycroft said :

Picture . 45

Mycroft : My god. Look at you. You are in such a mess.

Where is your hat and your gloves ?

Enola : Well, I have a hat. It just makes my head itch. And I have no gloves

Mycroft : She has no gloves ?

Analysis :

In the dialogue above which tells about Mycroft has a women’s point of view should neat and elegant appearance, looked Enola at the first time at a railway station Frendell Hall dressed in disheveled clothes and without a hat and gloves Mycroft looked at Enola with a look of astonishment and looks disgusted by Enola's messy appearance. women at that time were identical to use wearing hats and gloves, according to Mycroft women without hats and gloves are an embarrassing sight. Mycroft was shocked to see Enola grew up in a different way than women in those at that time

It can be seen here that there is gender inequality in stereotypes that are seen in the dialogue, Enola gets inequality from her own brother in the way she looks, the standard of female beauty in that era was to wear hats and gloves. Gender inequality in this society has developed from generation to generation because of the general view among the society that requires women to wear hats and gloves

45 Enola Holmes (Duration - )

Datum :

In the next dialogue, it is shown that Enola’s first day entered the Miss Harrison’s finishing school which was delivered directly by her brother Mycroft. Since it was late at night so Enola skipped dinner. Mrs. Harrison greeted Enola that evening and told her she had to lose weight so it was okay if Enola missed dinner at that time. Mrs. Harrison said :

Picture . 46

Miss Harrison : You’ve missed supper, but no matter You could do with losing a pound or two. The name holmes is coming to mean something in this country. At this school, you’ll be given a chance to live up to it and you can begin by closing your mouth. The next time you meet your brothers , they will have reason to be proud of you.

Analysis :

The dialogue above tells that Enola didn't get dinner on her first day entering Miss Harrison’s finishing school because she had missed dinner.

This is also because Enola's had to lose weight. We can see that there is a gender inequality that happens where women are required to have a slender body to catch an eye and to attract. This hereditary culture requires women

46 Enola Holmes ( Duration - )

to wear clothes that use corsets. If it is associated with gender inequality in stereotypes which states that the difference in frequency between men and women includes physical characteristics. This really makes women have to be forced to use a corset which makes the body uncomfortable and limited movement

. Subordination

Subordination is the limitation of women to certain activities and limiting them to people others who are lower in assignments and other social positions the assumptions that arise in society, for example, the assumption that women are irrational and emotional so they cannot lead and result in the emergence of an attitude placing women in an insignificant position and limiting women in certain activities.47

. Gender inequality in Education

Educational gender inequality women often study to category housewife than study science and technology. The experiences of males and females differ greatly in as is schooling, occupation, and monetary reward. It can be seen from the different types of education for females were to spend most of their lives in the private sphere while males who were to spend their lives in the public sphere.48

Datum :

47 Richard A Lippa, Gender Nature and Nurture Second Edition California State University, Fullerton ( ) p.

48 Nancy Mandel, Jennifer Johnson Feminist Issues Race, Class, and Sexuality United State of America Sixth Edition p.

This scene tells when Miss Harrison came to Enola’s house to measure clothes and prepare for Enola to enter Miss Harrison’s finishing school, and suddenly Miss Harrison said :

Picture . 49

Miss Harrison : At my finishing school, you will learn how to be a young lady, and you will make many new friends

Analysis :

The dialogue above, which tells about how women in England at that time had to be educated from a young age by being given education about eating procedures, walking procedures, and clothing. This negative view distinguishes women and men as if the manners is only for women while men must be firm and active. This standard of value is very detrimental to women. it can be seen here that there is inequality in education where Enola must receive manner education

If it is associated with the analysis of gender inequality in education above, which states that women only study for the category of housewives rather than studying science and technology. Where in general the majority of the meek and polite are women

49 Enola Holmes (Duration - )

Datum :

In the next dialogue, Enola plans to run away from home because she doesn't want to go to finishing school Miss Harrison, on her way she meets a man who is the same as her who is running away from home, but this man is being chased by a hitman because of that Enola feels he has to help her from that person. It can be seen dialogue below :

Picture 50

Enola : We should think about sleeping soon Marquess : We should think about eating soon Enola : We have nothing to eat

Marquess : Of course we do. Arctium lappa, which you’ll know as burdock. And then there’s Trifolium. Clover. Yes.

I knew it mushroom! Agaricus lanipes delicious.

Analysis :

The dialogue above, which tell in the victorian era, the era which still glorifies patriarchal culture and upholds that women must obey the rules and culture that exists in society, including in terms of education, science

50 Enola Holmes (Duration - )

education is not available for women. Women are only required to have knowledge of manners.

It can be seen here comparison gender inequality in the education of men getting science knowledge while women only get knowledge of manners. If it is associated with the analysis of gender inequality in education above, which states that women only study for the category of housewives rather than studying science and technology

Datum :

In the next dialogue, the writer found gender inequality in education in the form of a plan made by his brother Mycroft to put Enola into finishing school. He saw her young sister grow up to be a wild woman who was not what she should be the woman at that time who had education about manners and how to dress. Mycroft planned to put Enola into Miss Harrison’s finishing school through her old friend miss Harrison. It can be seen dialogue below :

Picture . 51

Mycroft : Finding a boarding school that is willing to take Enola on so she won be a complete failure in this world. Enola may prefer to stay here you could acquire a governess. She need a firm hand Sherlock.

51 Enola Holmes (Duration -

Analysis :

The dialogue above states that women in this film must have education in manner and discipline, women are generally expected to marry and to do household and maternal duties rather than seeking formal education. women cannot receive an education like men who study science and technology, This is where gender inequality occurs between men and women. Then Mycroft told her brother Sherlock to find a boarding school that would accept Enola so that she could learn manners and discipline to follow like women at that time.

It can be seen here, that there is gender inequality in education which makes Enola feel constrained by the finishing school that teaches about manners, which is very different from the previous life being a woman who is free to do things she likes, not confined in Miss Harrison’s finishing school.

Datum :

In the next dialogue, it is shown that his brother Mycroft spoke to Sherlock as long as her mother was not there he would take care of Enola, he insisted on getting Enola into Miss Harrison’s finishing school to learn proper manners for women at that time, Mycroft was worried that with Enola character which she considered to be less than good, she would have difficulty adapting to the environment and no man would want to marry her.

It can be seen from the dialogue below :

Picture . 52

Mycroft : You are young women now, Enola. You need an education

Enola : test me on anything you think, I need to know to be sufficient for this world

Mycoft : If you were educated, you wouldn’t be standing in your undergarment in front of me you have no hope of making a husband in your current state

Analysis :

The dialogue above states that the female character in this film did not receive the proper manner of education for women at that time. Mycroft who had not come home for a long time saw her younger sister grow up with a different mind than girls his age. Mycroft insisted on putting Enola into Miss Harrison’s finishing school because he felt Enola was wrong upbringing and too wild for women at that time Mycroft is worried that with Enola’s character, she will find it difficult to adapt to the environment and no man wants to marry her. It should be noted, at that time women in England focused more on personality school and emphasized the way they looked and behaved in public

Iit can be seen that there are inequalities comparing gender between men and women who are solely doing housework only by women such as cooking. which can actually be done by ment can be seen here, that there is

52 Enola Holmes (Duration: - )

gender inequality in education that Enola only gets an education on manners, don’t get education in science and technology

. Gender inequality in Politic

Political gender inequality is close to women. Women do not participate as much as men due to the law. If they use more nonconventional ways. They are more engaged in social movements and non-governmental organizations than in governments, parliaments, or political parties. Political participation can also be measured using political representation. Representation means that legally authorized citizens should be elected to the parliament and form the government. Generally, the parliament should be a mirror of society. All groups should be represented equally. Thus, many feminists believed that a cooperative society based on socialist economic principles would respect the right of women.53

Datum :

England at that time was shocked by the nobles who debated the reform bill Enola’s going to London made her know a lot about the outside world at the center of civilization, the center of civil society of music of literature, and the finest things that money can buy. On her way the journey in the city of London, there were several people voicing reform bills to vote.

It can be seen the dialogue below :

53 Nancy Mandel, Jennifer Johnson Feminist Issues Race, Class, and Sexuality United State of America Sixth Edition. p.

Picture . 54

Enola : Women’s suffrage. Make your voices heard

Analysis :

The dialogue above explains that reform bill women cannot vote. That the reform bill of voting right in the country does not involve women’s voices. Women cannot vote in government because their votes are considered not equal to men’s It can be seen that gender inequality is when a woman does not have the power to vote. This shows that women are only in place at home or women just take care of the child and homework only and not in the permission of more than her men. This is where there is gender inequality in other words women do not have the power to vote.

54 Enola Holmes (Duration - )

Datum :


Sherlock Holmes : UU reform bill the lord face crucial vote

Analysis :

In the political field, men have the right to vote in government, while women do not. It can be seen here that there is gender inequality in the political field, where men get the right to vote while women do not. This is what equalizes the inequality of political rights for men and women

Datum :

In the next dialogue, it is shown that, Reform bill very warm to be the talk of society at that time. When Mycroft was reading the newspaper he told Sherlock the reform that we shaking his country, he hoped the country did not need voters who had no education. Then Mycroft said :

55 Enola Holmes (Duration - )

Picture . 56

Mycroft : Reform God help us If there’s one thing this country doesn’t need its more uneducated votes, England is going to pot

Analysis :

In the dialogue above Mycroft spoke to Sherlock he approved of a reform bill that does not allow women to voice their voices. Mycroft thinks the country doesn’t need uneducated voters It can be seen there is gender inequality when women do not have the power and right to vote. The emergence of this inequality is due to the values and norms of society that limit the movement of women as well as the assignment of duties and roles that consider women to be gentle

If it is related to the analysis of gender inequality in politics which states that women do not participate as much as men. Women are more involved in social movements than in government.

Datum :

In the next dialogue, it is shown that seeing the chaos of England politics at that time, Sherlock Holmes is a famous detective interested in

56 Enola Holmes (Duration - )

solving the mystery of what is really going on in England, after getting the answer Sherlock Holmes meet Lestrade who is a co-worker. Then Sherlock Holmes said :

Picture 57

Sherlock Holmes : The marquess case. You need to arrest his grandmother, the dowager she is trying to kill him, as the killed his father

Lestrade : How did you arrive at that conclusion ?

Sherlock Holmes : It’s a question of divided loyalty and succession.

With the boy dead, the uncle would take the vacant seat in the lord, and stand against the reform bill and the extension of the vote just as the dowager wanted.

Analysis :

In the dialogue above her grandmother thought that Marquess support of the idea of expanding elections would threaten their way of life and tried to kill her grandson Marquess Basilwether because Marquess was a new thinker who didn’t care about history who thought of reforming the world of England politics where everyone had same right to vote. While grandmother was against it for him as the world becomes increasingly unstable, it feels

57 Enola Holmes (Duration - )

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