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Gender inequality in Enola Holmes movie is the inequality that occurs between men and women in society. Gender inequality in this society develops because of the general view in society that demands that the meek must be women. After the write is done research in the Enola Holmes movie by Harry Bradbeer the writer found the types of gender inequality and the effects of gender inequality.

. Types of gender inequality in the movie Enola Holmes are stereotypes and subordination, stereotypes is inequality in a society where women must follow their minimizing nature as a women who is only given education about how to dress using a corsets, how to eat, and how to walk. Women may not learn science and technology. Here inequality occurs to Enola. The second is subordination is a limitation on women in certain activities both in the fields of education and politics. Inequality in the field of education where Enola must follow his brother’s orders to enter finishing school to learn manners like women at that time because she is considered not to be a failure and can be accepted in the society. Furthermore inequality in the political where women do not get the right to vote on the reform bill because women voices are still considered unequal.

. Effects of gender inequality in the movie Enola Holmes have a negative effects on women where Enola must follow his brother to enter finishing school Enola cannot make choices according to one’s own accord and can follow the path chosen by others and feel lost of women identity and feel repression because women are forced to follow the history and hereditary

habits that developed in the Victorian era, Enola must use corset to shape their bodies and the hip regulators.

Based on the explanation about it can be concluded that gender inequality is a variety of acts of injustice originating from gender beliefs.

Gender inequality often occurs everywhere, this is related to various factors.

Starting from economic, social, cultural, and other needs. Gender issues have existed since ancient times. Deep rooted culture is that women only do things in their homes, making this condition a hereditary habit that is difficult to eliminate. The truth is humans have equal standing. Men and women both are created to the same degree, dignity and dignity. Even if they have different functions, they are all so that they complement each other.

. Suggestion

Based on the analysis in the research, the writer has suggestion related to this research are, this movie is very interesting to watch because depicted life in the Victorian era that present gender issues that make a habit that is hereditary and difficult to break. Especially for women. This movie has other characters that can be analyzed with other theories and concepts. Thus, the writer suggests to another researcher there are many things the researcher can analyze from this movie, such as about characterization, tradition, moral value and the relationship between men and women at that time.

The writer suggests that this thesis will give contribution, knowledge and creativity to make literary work for the reader, especially for students of English Literature Department


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APPENDIX I A. Types of Gender Inequality

. Stereotypes

No Dialogue Description Duration

. Mrs. Harrison : Girls, you are here for one reason, you are here to be made into young ladies, how do we laugh, we laugh politely. Ha ha ha Girls : Ha ha ha

Mrs. Harrison : You all have

potential, but you are untapped, and most of all, untrained. Walk as we show you to. Eyes up up up!

Mrs. Harrison : Speak as we tell you to. What whim led white Whitney to whittle

Girls : Hat whim led white Whitney to whittle

Mrs. Harrison : Act, think, be as well tell you and you will become

acceptable wives and responsible mothers

Women are required to have manners in how to eat, dress, and walk. This still carries the stigma that women are only the weak, where in general the meek majority are women.


. Mycroft : My god. Look at you. You are in such a mess. Where in your hat and your gloves ?

Enola : Well, I have a hat. It just makes my head itch. And I have no

Victorian era th -century women are synonymous with clothing that uses a corset, wears a hat,



Mycroft : She has no gloves?

and gloves. women without hats and gloves are considered a disgraceful sight . Miss Harrison : You’ve missed

supper, but no matter. You could do with losing a pound or two. The name Holmes is coming to mean something in this country. At this school, you’ll be given a chance to live up to it and you can begin by closing your mouth the next time you meet your brothers, they will have reason to be proud of you

women are required to have a slim body to attract attention, this culture is hereditary which requires women to wear clothes using corsets, this makes women restrict movement and feel uncomfortable


. Marquess : If you can get a feast, I can make us a fire started

Enola : fine

Women had to have good manners and be able to do housework such as cooking, while men had to work outside the home. It can be seen that there is an inequality that compares gender between men and women who only do household chores by women such as cooking

. Subordination

Gender inequality in education

No Dialogue Description Duration

. Mycroft : Finding a boarding school that is willing to take Enola on so she won be a complete failure in this world. Enola may prefer to stay here you could acquire a governess. She need a firm hand Sherlock

Women only receive education about manners and do not receive an education like men study science and

technology. Because women are generally expected to marry and perform household

. Mycroft : You are young women now, Enola. You need an education Enola : test me on anything you think, I need to know to be sufficient for this world

Mycroft : If you were educated, you wouldn’t be standing in your

undergranment in front of me you have no hope of making a husband in your current state

Seeing his sister grow into a woman with a different mind to women her age, Mycroft insisted on sending Enola to a boarding school where she would be taught how to be a young lady.

. Miss Harrison : At my finishing school, you will learn how to be a young lady, and you’ll make many

Women in England at that time had to be educated from a

new friends young age by being

given education about eating procedures, walking procedures, and clothing.

. Enola : We should think about sleeping soon

Marquess : We should think about eating soon

Enola : We have noting to eat

Marquess : Of course we do. Arctium lappa, which you’ll know as burdock.

And then there’s trifolium. Clover.

Yes. I knew it mushroom! Agaricus lanipes delicious

It can be seen here comparison gender inequality in the education of men getting science knowledge while women only get knowledge of manners. If it is associated with the analysis of gender inequality in education above, which states that women only study for the category of housewives rather than studying science and technology

Gender inequality in politic

No Dialogue Description Duration

. Enola : Women suffrage. Make your

voices heard

The bill to reform voting rights that does not allow women to be involved, because women's votes are considered unequal to men's.

. Mycroft : Reform. God help us. If there’s one thing this country doesn’t need its more uneducated votes.

England is going to pot

Mycroft thinks the country doesn't need uneducated voters. It can be seen there is gender inequality when women do not have the power and right to vote. The emergence of this inequality is due to the values and norms of society that limit the movement of women as well as the assignment of duties and roles that consider women to be gentle.

. Sherlock Holmes : The Marques’s case. You need to arrest her grandmother, the dowager she is trying to kill him, as the killed his

Her grandmother thought that

Marques’s support of the idea of expanding



Lestrade : How did you arrive at that conclusion ?

Sherlock Holmes : It’s a question of divided loyalty and succession. With the boy dead the uncle would take the vacant seat in the lord, and stand against the reform bill and the extension of the vote just as the dowager wanted

elections would threaten their way of life and tried to kill her grandson.

Marquess Basilwether a new thinker who didn't care about history who thought of reforming the world of England politics where everyone had the same right to vote.

B. Effects of gender inequality . Loss of women identity

No Dialogue Description Duration

. Miss Harrison : At my finishing school, you will learn how to be a young lady, and you’ll make many new friends

Mycroft : An uneducated,

underdressed and poorly mannered wilding

Enola : No! please don’t do this to me. Let me remain happy. I am happy here

Enola was forced to enter a boarding school by his brother, because of the

compulsion she experienced Enola felt that she had lost her identity because she could not choose according to her own

will and had to follow the path chosen by others.

. Mycroft : But even your blessed mother made a match. Even your blessed mother was a bride. I want you to be happy

Enola : No. you want you to be happy. You want me controlled.

Enola feels

constrained and loses her identity as a woman because she has to follow his brother wish to enter finishing school, because for his brother if she is not educated in manners it will be difficult to adapt and not be accepted in her environment.


. Sherlock Holmes : What in heaven’s are you looking for? Why might you be interested in the personal? You’ve gone quite mad

Enola : I have a right to be mad in a place like this

Enola is forced to follow school rules that require Enola to be a young woman who has manners that make her mad in this place. Here, it can be seen that there is an effect of gender inequality where a woman cannot make


their own choices

. Feel repression

No Dialogue Description Duration

. Enola : The corset a symbol of

repression to those who are forced to wear it. The bust enhancer and the hip regulators

Enola feels imprisoned by wearing a corset that makes her body shaped like a pillow.

Gender inequality occurs when one of the parties is harmed so that is experienced injustice which has a negative effect on women.

. Misss Graytson : You haven’t any hope of understanding any of this.

You do know that?

Sherlock Holmes : Educate me as to why

Miss Graytson : Because you don’t know what it is to be without power.

Politics doesn’t interest you Why?

Negative effects of gender inequality in political rights can have a negative effect on women, namely feeling oppressed.

This can cause women to be


Sherlock Holmes : Because it’s

fatally boring

Miss graytson : Because you have no interest in changing a world

positioned behind men, so women cannot be equal with men.

. Eudoria Holmes : I felt for you because I couldn’t bear to have this world be your future. You have to make some noise if you want to be heard

Women feel

oppressed because she does not have the power to vote, women here are in the

oppressed group and are deprived of their rights this because of hereditary habits and culture that hinder women’s access


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