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The Students Ability in Using Relative Clause at the Second Year Students of SMAN 1 Maiwa Enrekang - Repositori UIN Alauddin Makassar


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A Thesis

Submitted in Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Degree of

Sarjana Pendidikan (S.Pd.) in English Education Department of

Tarbiyah and Teaching Science Faculty of

UIN Alauddin Makassar

By: H U S N I

Reg. Number: 20401106170



Dengan senantiasa mengharapkan ridha Allah SWT, yang bertanda tangan di

bawah ini menyatakan bahwa skripsi ini adalah benar- benar hasil karya penyusun

sendiri. Jika dikemudian hari terbukti bahwa skripsi ini merupakan duplikat, tiruan

atau dibuat oieh orang lain secara keseluruhan atau sebagian, maka skripsi dan gelar

yang diperoleh karenanya batal demi hukum.

Makassar, 27 Agustus 2010




the Almighty Allah SWT who has given His blessing, mercy, and guidance to her in completing this thesis, which is one of the requirements to attain the degree of Sarjana Pendidikan in English Education Tarbiyah and Teaching Science Faculty UIN Alauddin Makassar. Bless be upon, also to the prophet Muhammad SAW, who has guided the human being from the worst to the piece.

The writer realizes that in writing this thesis many people have contributed her with their help, support motivation, and advice. Therefore, the researcher would like to express her deepest sincere appreciation to:

1. The researcher’s beloved parents, Haruna and Nuriah who always pray, educate, encourage and provide material support, so that she could finish this thesis. Besides, she also thanks to her brother and sisters: Mistri & Sugianto, Risman & Nurhidayah, Jumriani S.Pd & Ahmad Dolla, Sahril, Gunawan, and Enita, who always give her many kinds of spirit, material support, love and praying in finishing her study.

2. Prof. Dr. H. Azhar Arsyad, M.A.,the Rector of Alauddin State Islamic University (UIN) Makassar.

3. Prof. Dr. H. Moh. Natsir Mahmud, M.A. as the Dean of Tarbiyah and Teaching Science Faculty of Alauddin State Islamic Universitiy (UIN) Makassar.

4. Dra. Djuwairiah Ahmad, M.Pd., M. TESOL and Dra. Kamsinah, M.Pd.I, the head and secretary of English education department of Tarbiyah and Teaching Science faculty of Alauddin State Islamic University (UIN)Makassar.


6. My beloved family; grandfathers, grandmothers, uncles, aunts, cousins, and for my beloved nephew and nieces; Lutfiah Latifa, Aulia Akila, Farik Fahras and Alifah Amalia. All of family that could not be mentioned here. Thanks for help and motivation.

7. My beloved friends in “JUST SPEAK IT” team; Kamrida Habe SPd, Abu Nawas S.Pd, Uhma S.Pd, Suardi S.Pd, Nur mayanti S.Pd, St. Herlina, Sahriati, Yohana, Asni, Abdi, Fatih, Jusman, Adi, Irhas Najrin and so on.

8. Drs. H. Muh. Yasin as the headmaster of SMAN I Maiwa Enrekang, and special thanks for the English teacher of the second year of SMAN I Maiwa, Rahman Alwi S. S, and the staff of SMAN I Maiwa for their help during the writer research.

9. The second year of SMAN 1 Maiwa who had been actively participated to be the respondents of the research.

10.The researcher’s classmate in English Department PBI 9&10 (EIGO NINETEN/LOVAMATES INVICTUS SPIRIT) (the 2006 generation), best friends in Nur Mayanti S.Pd, Suardi S.Pd, Abdi , St. herlina, Mutahharah, Gusiar SPd, Arin and ShuHarni, Ria, Musdah, Irfan, Dedi, Ela, Rusni, Ela, putriani, Raslia, Ani, Aminah, Raodah, Sa’diah, Mardiah, Nurbiah, Raodah, Nur Ihsan and all friends could not be mentioned here. Thanks for friendship, togetherness and suggestions to the researcher.

The researcher realizes that, this writing thesis is still the simplest one.

Remaining errors are the researcher’s own; therefore, constructive criticism and


Makassar, 5 Juli 2010


TITLE ... i








ABSTRACT ... xii


A.Background... 1

B. Problem Statement... 2

C.Objective of the Research ... 2

D.Significance of the Research ... 3

E. Scope of the Research ... 3


A.Previous Related Findings ... 4

B. Some Pertinent Ideas ... 6


A.Research Design ... 20

B. Population and Sample ... 20

C. Instrument of the Research... 21

D. Procedure of Collecting Data ... 21


B. Discussion ... 35


A.Conclusion ... 38

B. Suggestion ... 39




Table 2. The Students’ Interesting inLearning English……….. 28

Table 3. The Difficulties That the Students Found in Learning English ………… 29

Table 4. The Students’ Interesting in Learning Relative Clause………. 29

Table 5. The Students’ Opinion about Studying Relative Clause ……….. 30

Table 6. The Students’ Understanding in Learning Relative Clause ………. 31

Table 7. The Students’ Opinion about the Teachers’ Method which was Used in

Learning Relative Clause ……… 31

Table 8. The Students’ Frequency to Get Assignment from the Teacher in Using

Relative Clause ……….. 32

Table 9. The Students’ Cooperation in Doing Exercises ……… 33

Table 10. The Books’ Supplying That Support the Students’ Learning Process

Especially English Books ……… 33


APPENDIX B. Test of Research……… 43

APPENDIX C. Key Answer ……….. 49


Title : The Students Ability in Using Relative Clause at the Second Year Students of SMAN 1 Maiwa Enrekang

Consultant I : Dra. Djuwairiah Ahmad, M. Pd., M. TESOL Consultant II :Dra. Kamsinah, M. Pd. I

This thesis explained about the students’ ability and their problems in using

relative clause.

The problem statements of the research are: (1) What is the students’ ability in

using relative clause and (2) what are the students’ problems in using relative clause. The objective of the research was to find out the students’ ability and their

problems in using relative clause at the second year of SMAN 1 Maiwa Enrekang. This research applied descriptive method.

The population of the research was the second year students of SMAN 1 Maiwa Enrekang that consist of 135 students and the sample consist of 30 students who taken randomly. In collecting data, the research used two kinds of instruments, namely: (1) objective test and (2) questionnaire. The objective test used to find out

the students’ ability in using relative clause and questionnaire was to find out the students’ problem in using relative clause.

The result of the data indicated that the second year students of SMAN 1 Maiwa have low mastery the relative clause. The mean score of the students in the





Language is very necessary in daily life, moreover at the modern period.

Every country has something to do with the other person. In this case, it cannot be

denied that language has an important role in communication, because it is a tool

of communication.

In English language there are four skills, such us speaking, listening,

writing and reading. These skills support each other and they cannot be isolated.

The elements of the language such us vocabulary and grammar must also be taught

to the students as the basic knowledge to words the English use and skill. Through

the study of grammar, students would become more familiar with the grammar of

their native language and that this familiarity would help them understand, so they

can speak and write better.

Arsyad (1996) states that relative clause is a group of words that consist of

subject and verb which is part of the other sentence, and the other statement that

clause is clause that has function as adjective and explain noun or pronoun,

Kardimin (2005). Unfortunately, English grammar sometimes makes Indonesian

students confused because it is different from the grammar of their mother tongue, so that the ability of the Indonesian’s students in grammar still low. One element


of the English grammar that the students need to know is relative clause or

adjective clause.

In a relative clause tells us which person or thing (or what kind of person or

thing) the speaker means (Murphy, 1994). So that, know this material make the

students easy to understand what the speaker means.

Many students have learned about relative clause but still failed because

they do not know how to use it. So, because of it the researcher inspires to do a

research entitled “The Students’ Ability in Using Relative Clause at the Second

Year of SMAN 1 Maiwa Enrekang”.

B.Problem Statements

Based on the previous background, the researcher formulates research

questions as follows:

1. What is the students’ ability in using relative clause at the second year of

SMAN 1 Maiwa Enrekang?

2. What are the students’ problems in using relative clause at the second year of

SMAN 1 Maiwa Enrekang?

C.Objective of the Research

Based on the problem statement above the researcher determines the


1. To find out the students’ ability in using relative clause at the second year of

SMAN 1 Maiwa Enrekang.

2. To find out the students’ problems in using relative clause at the second year of

SMAN 1 Maiwa Enrekang.

D.Significance of the Research

The result of the research is expected to be useful information for the

English teachers especially for the English teachers of SMAN 1 Maiwa Enrekang.

E.Scope of the Research

By discipline of the research, the researcher focuses the scope on the

students’ ability and their problems in using relative clause at the second year of




This chapter deals with some previous related research findings and some

pertinent idea.

A.Some Previous Related Findings

Latif in Sahrir (2003), the grammatical structure is knowledge of how to

built sentences, it is important to teach the students as the basic framework to use

English. As the knowledge of grammatical structure, it enable the students to built

meaningful production in order to communicate effectively, to correct and

eliminate the interference and errors in their communication, to develop their

language skills, and easily comprehend and English text.

Sudrajat in Sahrir (2003), as one element of English grammatical structure

is necessary, because the mastery of English is impossible without dealing with it

well. One who has sufficient grammatical knowledge can master English more

easy, she/ he is not encounter so many difficulties in using English grammatically

in her or his communication, because she or he know pattern.

Lado in Rostini (2006) states that the knowledge of grammatical structure

of English for a foreign student is the basic frame work to build the students to


Nasaruddin (2005) says that, the second year students of MAN- 2 Sinjai

Timur have fair ability to make direct and indirect speech. It was proved by they

mean score namely, 5.76. That caused by the students do not get enough

explanation, practice, exercises, guidance, and motivation on direct and indirect


Rostinah (2004) says that, the students’ ability at SMU Negeri 1 Bontotiro

Bulukumba in using relative clause were very poor. It was proved by the mean

score namely, 35.1. She found that the kinds of relative clause were most difficult

for the students based on their incorrectness score were, whose (89.18 %), where

(93.43 %) and when (94.84 %). The kinds of adjective clause were easier for the

students based on their incorrectness score were, which as subject (46.81 %),

which as object (56.68 %), who (51.5 %), that as subject (56.68 %), that as object

(60.5 %), whom (61.49 %).

Lado in Rostini (2006) states that, there were some additional for the

importance of teaching grammar:

1. The grammar of foreign language is different and a new matter for students.

When his native language rulers applied, he must make inference and or errors.

This brings a new problem in this foreign language.

2. The learner is unable to recall precisely all foreign language sentences that he

has learn to be used in communication. He has to know grammar to build


B.Some Pertinent Ideas

1. Definition of Adjective Clause

Murphy (1994) states that, a relative clause/ adjective clause tells us

which person or thing (or what kind of person or thing) the speaker means.

Azar (1999) states that an adjective clause is a dependent clause that

modifies a noun.

Arsyad (1996) states that relative clause is a group of words that consist

of subject and verb which is part of the other sentence.

Frank (1972) states that in adjective clause, a full subject and predicate

is changed by means of a special introductory word which has the same referent

as the preceding noun or pronoun.

Kardimin (2005) states that relative clause is clause that has function as

adjective which explain noun or pronoun.

Based on the definition previous, the researcher concludes that relative

clause is a clause that explains and gives information about a noun. Adjective

clauses are introduced by the following word: who, whom, which, whose, that,

where, and when.

2. Types of Relative Clauses

Frank (1972) states that, an adjective clause may be classified according

to the antecedent that the introductory word refers to.

a. Person



1) As subject

- He gave the present to the woman who (or that) had helped him. - The woman who (or that) bought a book was very kind.

- John who (or that) helped me, passed in examination.

- The handsome man who (or that) sat beside you was my cousin. - The teacher who (or that) teaches you was very smart.

2) As object of verb

- He met the man whom (or that) you helped yesterday. - The child whom (or that) you gave candy was cried. - John whom (or that) he helped passed in examination. - The students whom (or that) you taught were very smart. - The doctor whom (or that) you met was my brother. 3) As object of preposition

- He paid the man fromwhom he had borrowed the money. - The man from whom I borrowed this book was very kind. - The woman whom he looking at was beautiful.

4) As possessive adjective

- He is the man whose car I borrowed yesterday. - She is the woman whose husband died last night. - He is the man whose car was stolen.


b. Thing

Here relative pronoun was used: which or that.


1) As subject

-Here is the pen which (or that) color full. -This is the picture which (or that) very beautiful. -This is the book which (or that) describes city. 2) As object of verb

-Here is the pen which (or that) my mother bought yesterday. -That is the picture which (or that) he had drawn.

-This is the cat which (or that) I like very much. 3) As object of preposition

-She was wearing the coat for which she had paid very expensive. -The music to which we listened yesterday was good.

-The cat at which we looking yesterday was funny.

c. Time


-Monday is the day when we meet together. -08:00 is the time when my plane was arrived.


d. place


-This is the city where I was born.

-Here is the restaurant where we ate together.

-That is the island where we spent vacation together.

3. Position of Adjective Clauses

The normal position of adjective clause is immediately after the noun or

pronoun to which it refers.

Example: - The man who gave me present is very kind. -The seller who sells flowers is very kind. -The book which she bought is very expensive. -He is the man whom I know you can trust. -She is the writer whose book you have read.

However, sometimes a prepositional phrase or a participial phrase may

intervene. Where such a phrase intervenes, the antecedent of the adjective

clause may be ambiguous. For example: the dean wrote to the parents of the

students who had helped with the annual carnival, it is not clear whether the

antecedent of who is the parents or the students, Frank (1972).

Occasionally an adjective clause referring to the subject comes after the

verb, especially when antecedent is a pronoun.

Example: - Everyone came who could afford the price of the ticket.


4. Kinds of Adjective Clauses

There are two kinds of relative clause: defining relative clause and non-

defining relative clause.

a. Defining Relative Clause

Kardimin (2005), defining relative clause is relative clause which gives

necessary information about antecedent.

Thomson (1986), defining relative clauses usually follow the + noun, but they can also be used with a/ an + noun, plural noun without the and the pronoun all, none, anybody, somebody, and those.

The noun or pronoun in these cases is usually the object of a verb or


-I met someone who said he knew you. -I met her who gave you present.

-A grandfather who came here yesterday is my family. -He knows everybody who ever came in his home.

Thomson (1986) notices that there was no comma between a noun and a

defining relative clause.

Allen (1947), defining relative:


SUBJECT who [that] that [which]

OBJECT (that) (that)


POSSESSIVE whose of which [whose] Example:


-The man who wrote this poem is a doctor.

-The beautiful girl who cooked this soup is a cooker. -The book which is on the table is mine.


-The man whom you met yesterday was a doctor. -The radio which he bought was big.

- The book that I put on the table was mine.


-The man that you spoke to yesterday was a doctor. - The music that you listened to yesterday was funny.

-The book which you were looking at just now belongs to me.


-The man whose name I always forget is a doctor. -He is the student whose bag is red.

-He is the producer whose movie you watched yesterday.

b. Non- Defining Relative Clause

Kardimin (2005), non- defining relative clause is relative clause which


Allen (1947), Non- defining relative:


SUBJECT , who , , which , OBJECT , whom , , which ,

PREPOSITION , prep + whom , , prep + which , POSSESSIVE , where , , whose ,

Relative clauses in these cases give us extra information about the

person or thing. We already know which thing or person is meant.



-My mother, who is over 50 years, still plays badminton.

-His brother, who lives in California, came to visit him recently. -The coffee, which had been boiling for a long time, tasted rancid.


-Miss Lidya, whom you helped yesterday, is a doctor. -The girl, whom he knows, was very charming.

-Yesterday I met Cerry, whom I had not seen for a long time.


-The man, that you spoke to yesterday, was a doctor. -The music, which you listened to yesterday, was funny



-Mr. Ridwan, whose father I met last night, is a good teacher.

-The producer, whose movie you watched last night, is very professional. -Amy, whose motorcycle had broken, was in very bad mood.

5. The Used of Relative Pronoun in Relative Clauses a. Using Who and Whom


1) The woman –she sits beside me – is a doctor. who

The woman who sits beside me is a doctor.

In example above, she is a subject pronoun. She refers to “the women.”

To make a relative clause, change she to who. Who is a subject pronoun.

Who refers to the woman. 2) The woman – I met her– is a doctor. whom

The woman whom I met is a doctor.

In example above, her is a object pronoun. Herrefers to “the women.”

To make a relative clause change her to whom.

3) The child –he cried beside me – was very cute who


In example above, he is a subject pronoun. He refers to “the child”, to

make a relative clause, change he to who. Who is subject pronoun, who

refers to the child.

b. Using Who, Who(m), and That

Frank (1972), relative pronoun who (whom for object, whose for possessive) refers to persons (also pets); which refers to things. That may refer to persons or things. That does not appear after a preposition.

Some authorities claim that, that should refer only to things and that in formal prose only which is appropriate to denote things. However, this “rules” are largely ignored in the United States. It would probably be more

in accord with actual usage in this country to say that, with nonrestrictive

clauses referring to things, the choice between that and which is merely one of style; thatis chosen if a “lighter” structure word is desired, and which if a “heavier” one is preferred.


1) The waiter was friendly. He served us dinner who


-The waiter who served us dinner was friendly. -The waiter that served us dinner was friendly.


2) The waiter was friendly. I met him

whom that

-The waiter whom I met was friendly. -The waiter that I met was friendly.

Azar (2003), who(m),that can be used as the object in adjective clause. 3) The man woman was Latifa. I saw her

whom that

-The woman whom I saw was Latifa. -The woman that I saw was Latifa

c. Using Which and That


1) The book is mine. It is on the table which


- The book which is on the table is mine. - The book that is on the table is mine.

Azar (2003) states that, which used for things, that is used for both people and


2) The books were expensive. I bought it

which that

-The books which I bought were expensive. -The books that I bought were expensive. 3) The cake was very delicious. We ate it last night

which that

-The cake which we ate last night was very delicious. -The cake that we ate last night was very delicious.

d. Singular and Plural Verb


1) I know the girl who is singing there.

Verb in example above, (is) is singular because who refers to a singular

noun, “girl.”

2) I saw a tool which is used to cut wood.

Verb in example above, (is) is singular because which refers to a singular noun, “tool.”

3) I know the girls who are singing there.

Verb in example above, (are) is plural because who refers to a plural noun, “girls”.


Verb in example above, (play) is plural because who refers to a plural

noun, “athletes.”

e. Using Preposition

Azar (2003) states that, in an adjective clause, whom, which and that

can be used as the object of a preposition.

Azar (2003) states that, in very formal English the preposition comes

at the beginning of the adjective clause. Usually, however, in everyday

usage, the preposition comes after the subject and verb of the adjective

clause. If the preposition comes at the beginning of the adjective clause, only

whom or which may be used. Example:

1) She is the woman. I told you about her

whom that

-She is the woman about whom I told you. Atau:

-She is the woman whom I told you about.

2) Aulia likes the family. She is living with them

whom that

- Aulia likes the family whom she is living with. Atau:


f. Using Whose

Whose is used to show possession. It carries the same meaning as other possessive pronouns used as adjective: his, her, its, and their. Like his,

her, its, and their, whose is connected to a noun:

His pencil whose pencil

Her composition whose composition

Azar (1989) states that, both whose and the noun is connected to are placed at the beginning of the adjective clause. Whose usually modifies “people”

but it may also be used to modify “things”.

The examples of using whose in adjective clauses:

1) I know the man. His house was destroyed. whose house

-I know the man whose house was destroyed. 2) She is the girl. Her book I borrowed.

whose book

-She is the girl whose book I borrowed. 3) Here is the police. His gun was lost whose gun

-Here is the police whose gun was lost

g. Using Where

Azar (1989) states that, where is used in an adjective clause to



-The room is very beautiful. He sleeps there.

The room where he sleeps is very beautiful.

-The books store was so far. She bought books there

The books store where she bought books was so far. -That is the river. I swimming together my friends

That is the river where I swimming together my friends.

h. Using When

Azar (1989) states that, when was used in adjective clause to modify a

noun of time (year, day, time, century, etc).


- I’ll never forget the day. I met you.

I’ll never forget the day when I met you. - This is the year. We will make a small party

This is the year when we will make a small party. - This is the year. We promise to meet again




This chapter deals with the research design, population and sample,

instrument of the research, procedure of collecting data, and technique of data


A.Research Design

The method that was used in this research was descriptive. It described the

students’ ability and their problems in using relative clause at the second year of

SMAN 1 Maiwa Enrekang.

B.Population and Sample 1. Population

The population of the research was the second year students of SMAN 1

Maiwa Enrekang in the academic year of 2010-2011. It consisted of five

classes, they were: IPA I: 31 students, IPA II: 31 students, IPA III: 29 students,

IPS I: 18 students and IPS II: 26 students. The total population of the second

year Students of SMAN 1 Maiwa Enrekang was 135 students.

2. Sample

Arikunto (2006) Sample is most of population in who are researched, in

this research the method of taking sample was used random sampling, which


member of population to be sample, Tiro (2000: 3). The number of the sample

in this research was 30 students.

C.Instrument of the Research

There were two kinds of instrument that were used in this research. They

were objective test and questionnaire. The test was used to find the students’

ability in using relative clause and the questionnaire was used to find the students’

problems in using relative clause.

D.Procedure of Collecting Data

Collecting this thesis, the researcher collected data through three steps


1. Preparation Phase

In this step the researcher did introduction study to the object that would

be research, the researcher contacted the headmaster of the school and also the

English teacher of the class. After that the researcher continued by doing

literature study by analyzing some books that connected with this thesis. After

that the researcher made and looked for instrument of the research that would

be given to the students of SMAN 1 Maiwa Enrekang.

2. Collecting Data

In this step the researcher did a field research. Field research is a method


The researcher collected the data from the students’ work, namely from

the objective test and questionnaire, the procedure did as follows:

a. Firstly, the researcher contacted the teacher of the class

b. The researcher explained first how to work out the objective test and

questionnaire as well as and told them the time to do the test.

c. The researcher distributed the instruments to the students.

d. The researcher asked the students to do the test and may continue doing


e. Finally, the researcher collected the answer sheets from the students.

3. Processing Data

After the researcher got the data from the research object, the researcher

processed it to be discussed in this thesis.

E.Technique of Data Analysis

In this research, the researcher used descriptive method and analyzed the

data collection through test and questionnaire. The data was obtained from the test

and then was analyzed quantitatively as follows:

a. Scoring the students correct answer of the test

Students’ correct answer

score = x 10 total number of item


b. Calculating the mean sore of the students in using English articles by using the

following formula:

Where: = mean score

∑ = sum of all score

N = total number of subject

(Gay, 1981)

c. Classifying the students’ score into seven levels, which fall into seven

classifications: Depdikbud (1985: 6).

No. Classification Score


d. The data from the questionnaire will be analyzed by using percentage

technique. The formula is as follows:

P = x100 N



% : Percentage

n : Frequency




This chapter consists of two sections. The first section deals with the finding

of the research, and the second section deals with the discussion of the research.


1. The presentation of the data analysis collected through the test

For the purpose of classifying and tabulating the data into percentage

rate, the score of each item of the test is firstly determined. This test consists

of 25 items, and the score of each item is one point. To know the score of the

students, the score of each item (25) is multiplied with the correct answer

made by the students.

Table 1. Rate Percentage of the Students Score in Relative Clause

No Classification Score Frequency Percentage


The table above shows that of 30 students, no one got excellent score, 1

(3.33 %) of them got very good and good score, no one got fairly and fair

score, 13 (43.33 %) of them got poor score, and 15 (50 %) of them got very

poor. This means that the goal of teaching and learning English structure is

still far away from the required target.

The total aim of the score of the students in using relative clause

objective test is 110.8, and the total numbers of the students who have been

researched are 30 persons. So, to find out the students mean score, this

research uses following formula:


= mean score

∑ = sum of all score

N = total number of subject

Notation: ∑



Having seen the calculating above, it can be concluded that the second

year of IPA students of SMAN 1 Maiwa, cannot understand how to use

relative clause well. This is proved in the calculation above that the mean

score of the students is 3.69. consequently, based on the classification of the

score in advice, the score above is classified as”poor”.

The students’ score in using relative clause

Number of

respondent Number of item



2. Data analysis collected through the questionnaire Table 2.

The Students’ Interesting in Learning English

No Classification Frequency Percentage


The table above shows that from 30 respondents, 8 (26.66 %) of them

were very interested, 19 (63.33 %) of them were interested, 2 (6.66 %) of them

were uninterested and 1(3.33 %) of them were strongly uninterested.

Based on the analysis above, the researcher concludes that most of the

students were interested in learning English.

Table 3.

The Difficulties that the Students Found in Learning English

No Classification Frequency Percentage


students said always found difficulties in learning English.

Table 4.

The Students’ Interesting in Learning Relative Clause

No Classification Frequency Percentage



The table above shows that from 30 respondents, 2 (6.66 %) of them were

very interested, 19 (63.33 %) of them were interested, 9 (30 %) of them were

uninterested, and no one of them were strongly uninterested.

Based on the analysis above, the researcher concludes that most of the

students were interested in learning relative clause.

Table 5.

The Students’ Opinion about Studying Relative Clause

No Classification Frequency Percentage


very difficult, 21 (70 %) of them said difficult, 3 (10 %) of them said easy, and

no one of them said very easy.

Based on the analysis above, the researcher concludes that most of the


Table 6.

The Students’ Understanding in Learning Relative Clause

No Classification Frequency Percentage


The table above shows that from 30 respondents, no one of them strongly

understand, 12 (40 %) of them understand, 16 (53.33 %) of them not

understand, and 2 (6.66 %) of them strongly not understand in learning relative


Based on the analysis above, the researcher concludes that most of the

students not understand in learning relative clause.

Table 7.

The Students’ Opinion about the Teachers’ Method which in Learning Relative Clause

No Classification Frequency Percentage


The table above shows that from 30 respondents, 2 (6.66 %) of them were

strongly like, 5 (16.66 %) of them were like, 22 (73.33 %) of them were dislike,

and 1 (3.33 %) of them were strongly dislike with the teachers’ method in

learning process.

Based on the analysis above, the researcher concludes that most of the

students were dislike with the teachers’ method in learning English.

Table 8.

The Students’ Frequency to Get Assignment from the Teacher in Using RelativeClause

No Classification Frequency Percentage


said always, no one of them said seldom, 16 (53.33 %) of them said sometimes,

and no one of them said never got assignment from their teachers.

Based on the analysis above, the researcher concludes that most of the


Table 9.

The Students’ Cooperation in Doing Exercises

No Classification Frequency Percentage


sometimes, and 1 (3.33 %) of them said never doing exercise with their friends.

Based on the analysis above, the researcher concludes that most of the

students said sometimes doing exercise with their friends.

Table 10.

The Resources that Support the Students’ Learning Process

No Classification Frequency Percentage


The table above shows that from 30 respondents, 1 (3.33 %) of them said

strongly support, 4 (13.33 %) of them said support, 22 (73.33 %) of them said

not support and 3 (10 %) of them said strongly support.

Based on the analysis above, the researcher concludes that most of the

students said not support.

Table 11.

The Students’ Lack in Learning Relative Clause

No Classification Frequency Percentage

1. 2. 3. 4.

Lack of time to studying Lack of exercise from teacher Lack of explanation from teacher Lack of books

because of lack of time to studying, 4 (13.33 %) of them said because of lack of

exercise from teacher, 8 (26.66 %) of them said because of lack of explanation

from teacher, and 15 (50 %) of them said because of lack of books which

support in learning English.

Based on the analysis above, the researcher concluded that most of the

students obstructed because of less of books which support in learning English.



This part, the writer would like to discuss the result of the data analysis

which is expected mainly to relate with the description of this research. The

discussion consists of some problems that have relation to the data analysis that

the writer took from the two instruments, namely: objective test and questionnaire.

1. Data Analysis of Objective Test

Based on the result of data analysis , from the objective test, no one of the

students obtain excellent, very good and good score only 1(3.33%). There were

not students got fairly good and fair score, 13 (43.33%) students got poor score

and 15 (50%) students got very poor score.

Based on the result, it can be shown that the students’ mastery of relative

clause is low, and it can prove that from five classes students only one student

(3.33%) got very good and good score and there were not students got excellent

score, 13(43.33%) students got poor score and 15 (50%) students got very poor

score. The mean score of the students is 3.96, and based on the classification of

the score in advice, it is classified as poor score. This findings is supported by

Rostinah (2004) who found that the students’ ability SMU Negeri 1 Bontotiro

Bulukumba in using relative clause were very poor. It was proved from the

students’ mean score is 35.1. She found that the kinds of relative clause were

most difficult for the students based on their incorrectness score were, whose

(89.18 %), where (93.43%), and when (94.84 %). The kinds of relative clause


subject (46.81 %), which as object (50. 4 %), who (51.5 %), that as subject

(60.5 %), that as object (56.68 %), whom (61.49 %).

2. Data Analysis of Questionnaire

According to Nasaruddin (2005) stated that, the second year students of

MAN-2 Sinjai Timur have fair ability to make direct and indirect speech. It is

proved by the mean score namely, 5.76. That caused by the students do not get

enough explanation, practice, exercises, guidance, and motivation on direct and

indirect speech.

From table 2, shows that from 30 respondents, 8 (26.66 %) of them were very interested, 19 (63.33 %) of them were interested, 2 (6.66 %) of them were

uninterested and 1 (3.33 %) of them were strongly uninterested. Based on the

analysis, most of the students felt interested in learning English, although they

always found difficulties in learning English (see table 3).

Table 4, shows that from 30 respondents, 2 (6.66 %) of them were very interested, 19 (63.33 %) of them were interested, 9 (30 %) of them were

uninterested, and no one of them were strongly uninterested. Based on the

analysis, most of the students were interested in learning relative clause,

although their opinion about studying relative clause was difficult (see table 5).

Table 6, shows that from 30 respondents, no one of them strongly understand, 12 (40 %) of them understand, 16 (53.33 %) of them not


clause. Based on the analysis, most of them said not understand in learning

relative clause, because most of them said dislike with the teachers’ method in

learning relative clause, (see table 7).

Table 8, shows that from 30 respondents, 14 (46.66 %) of them said always, no one of them said seldom, 16 (53.33 %) of them said sometimes, and

no one of them said never get assignment from their teachers. Based on the

analysis, most of them said sometimes got assignment from their teachers, so it

also makes them sometimes made cooperation in doing exercises (see table 9).

Table 10, shows that most of the students said that the resources that support their learning process especially English book is not support, and based

on the table 11, shows that the students’ lack in learning relative clause is lack




This chapter consists of two sections, the first section deals with the

conclusion of the finding of the research, and the other one deals with suggestion.


Based on the finding and discussion in the previous chapter in this study,

the researcher concludes that the students’ mastery of relative clause is low, it can

be proved by from 30 students only one student (3.33%) got very good and good

score and there were not students got excellent score, 13(43.33%) students got

poor score and 15 (50%) students got very poor score. The mean score of the

students is 3.96, and based on the classification of the score in advice, it is

classified as poor score.

From the analysis of the data obtained through the questionnaire, the researcher finds out some problems that influence the students’ mastery in using

relative clause:

1. The students’ opinion about studying relative clause is difficult.

2. The students do not understand in learning relative clause, because they dislike

with the teachers’ method.

3. The teachers just sometimes give the students assignment, so it also makes the

students sometimes make cooperation in doing exercises.


4. The resources in school are limited.


By looking at the conclusion of the research stated above, the writer believes

that the mastery of the third year students of SMAN 1 Maiwa in using relative

clause can be improved. This can be achieved by doing the following things:

1. Many students still complained about English grammar as a difficult lesson, so

he teacher should teach in some various ways of teaching and use technique in

teaching grammar.

2. The students should learn how to use relative clause correctly.

3. The school should prepare sufficient books in the library especially English



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Pelaksanaan Sistem penilaian. Jakarta: DEPDIKBUD.

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London: Charles E. Meril Publishing Company.

Hornby, A. S. 2006. Oxford Advanced Learner’s Dictionary. Oxford: Oxford University Press.

Kardimin, Akhmad.2005. Smart English Grammar. Yogyakarta: Pustaka Pelajar. Murphy, Raymond. 1994. English Grammar in Use: A Reference and Practice Book

for Intermediate Students. New York: Cambridge University Press.

Nasaruddin. 2005. The Ability of the Second Year Students of MAN 2 Sinjai Timur to Use Direct and Indirect Speech. Thesis Tarbiyah UIN Alauddin Makassar.

Rostinah. 2004. The Ability to Use Relative Clause by the Third Year Students of

SMU Negeri 1 Bontotiro Bulukumba. Thesis UNISMUH.

Rostini. 2006. Students Mastery of the Simple Present Tense with Main Verb A Study of the Second Year Students of SMP Negeri in Bantaeng. Thesis FBS UNM


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Sudjana. 1982. Metode Statistika. Bandung: PT. Trasito

Thomson, A.J. and Martinet. 1980. A Practical English Grammar. Oxford: Oxford University Press.



The students’ score in using relative clause

Number of

respondent Number of item





Daftar pertanyaan di bawah ini bertujuan untuk mengumpulkan data tentang

kemampuan siswa dalam penggunaan relative clause.

Untuk itu diharapkan memberikan jawaban yang sejujur-jujurnya sehingga

hasil penelitian dapat diperolah dengan seobjective mungkin, semua jawaban yang

anda berikan tidak akan mempengaruhi nilai bahasa Inggris anda.

Atas bantuan dan partisipasi anda, peneliti mengucapkan banyak terima kasih.


1. Sebelum anda menjawab soal- soal di bawah ini, tulislah dahulu identitas


Nama: ………

Nim : ………

2. Jawablah pertanyaan- pertanyaan berikut dengan memberikan tanda silang

(X) pada huruf di depan jawaban anda, yang sesuai dengan pendapat anda



Choose the correct answer a, b, c or d.

1. The woman sits beside me is a teacher.

a. which c. whom

b. who d. where

2. The book

a. which is on the table is new.

b. who is on the table is new.

c. whom is on the table is new.

d. whose is on the table is new.

3. The place we spent our holiday was really beautiful.

a. when c. who

b. whom d. where

4. The boy bag is red is very polite.

a. who c. whose

b. whom d. which

5. “Who called you last night?”

“The child “.

a. which I help yesterday


c. I help him yesterday

d. whose I help yesterday

6. The man you give a book is blind.

a. whom c. which

b. who d. whose

7. “Who is she?”

“She is the girl book I borrowed”.

a. who c. which

b. whom d. whose

8. Rina : Do you know his father?

Dian: Yes, I do.

His father is the kind man gives you a parcel.

a. whom c. who

b. which d. whose

9. That is the jungle

a. who is the monkey lived.

b. where is the monkey lived.

c. which is the monkey lived.

d. whose is the monkey lived.

10.He is the producer film you watched yesterday.

a. whose c. whom


11.Yogyakarta I have studied there is very beautiful.

a. whose c. when

b. which d. where

12.John : which lady is the manager’s wife?

Alex : the beautiful one is wearing a red coat.

a. whose c. who

b. whom d. which

13.The chocolate cake I ate last night was very delicious.

a. whose c. who

b. which d. whom

14.He came here the bell rang.

a. when c. which

b. where d. whose

15.Do you know the man wife died yesterday?

a. who c. whom

b. which d. whose

16.Student will be awarded scholarship.

a. pass with excellent grades

b. they pass with excellent grades


d. to pass with excellent grades

17.The man is very rich.

a. that is car is new c. who car is new

b. whose car is new d. whom car is new

18.Why is November 1994 important in the history in Indonesia?

It was the month the APEC Conference was held.

a. when c. which

b. where d. that

19.“These are all the exercise books”.

Is yours?

a. Where c. When

b. Whose d. Which

20. Do you know a restaurant I can eat salad?

a. who c. where

b. whose d. when

21.I finally went back to town I was born.

a. when c. which

b. where d. whom

22.Hans has a dog follows him every day.

a. which c. whom


23.The dress Akeela bought was very expensive.

a. who c. whose

b. whom d. which

24.The book we borrowed yesterday is good.

a. who c. that

b. whose d. where

25.Mr. Ridwan house is near mine, will go to America.

a. who c. whom




1. B 6. A 11. D 16. C 21. B

2. A 7. D 12. C 17. B 22. A

3. D 8. C 13. B 18. A 23. D

4. C 9. B 14. A 19. D 24. C





Daftar pertanyaan di bawah ini bertujuan untuk mengumpulkan data tentang

masalah yang dihadapi siswa dalam penggunaan relative clause.

Untuk itu diharapkan memberikan jawaban yang sejujur-jujurnya sehingga

hasil penelitian dapat diperolah dengan seobjective mungkin, semua jawaban yang

anda berikan tidak akan mempengaruhi nilai bahasa Inggris anda.

Atas bantuan dan partisipasi anda, peneliti mengucapkan banyak terima kasih.


1. Sebelum anda menjawab soal- soal di bawah ini, tulislah dahulu identitas


Nama: ………

Nim : ………

2. Jawablah pertanyaan- pertanyaan berikut dengan memberikan tanda silang

(X) pada huruf di depan jawaban anda, yang sesuai dengan pendapat anda.



1. Apakah anda tertarik dalam mempelajari bahasa inggris?

a. Sangat tertarik c. Tidak tertarik

b. Tertarik d. Sangat tidak tertarik

2. Apakah dalam mempelajari bahasa Inggris anda menemukan kesulitan?

a. Selalu c. Kadang- kadang

b. Jarang d. Tidak pernah

3. Apakah anda tertarik dalam mempelajari Relative Clause?

a. Sangat tertarik c. Tidak tertarik

b. Tertarik d. Sangat tidak tertarik

4. Apa pendapat anda tentang belajar Relative Clause?

a. Sangat sulit c. Mudah

b. Sulit d. Sangat mudah

5. Apakah anda mengerti penjelasan guru anda tentang Relative Clause?

a. Sangat mengerti c. tidak mengerti

b. Mengerti d. Sangat tidak mengerti

6. Apakah anda suka dengan metode pembelajaran yang diterapkan oleh guru


a. Sangat suka c. Tidak suka


7. Apakah guru anda selalu memberikan tugas bila selesai memberikan materi?

a. Selalu c. Kadang- kadang

b. Jarang d. Tidak pernah

8. Apakah anda selalu bekerja sama dalam mengerjakan tugas Relative Clause?

a. Selalu c. kadang- kadang

b. Jarang d. Tidak pernah

9. Apakah sarana dan prasarana yang tersedia di sekolah anda cukup menunjang

proses belajar mengajar, khususnya pelajaran bahasa Inggris?

a. Sangat menunjang c. Tidak menunjang

b. Menunjang d. Sangat tidak menunjan

10.Hambatan apa saja yang anda hadapi dalam mempelajari Relative Clause?

a. Kurangnya waktu untuk mempelajarinya.

b. Kurangnya latihan dari guru.

c. Kurangnya penjelasan dari guru.



The researcher, Husni, was born on April 30th 1987 in

Maroangin Kab. Enrekang, South Sulawesi. She is the fifth daughter of

four sisters and three brothers from marriage Haruna and Nuria.

In 1993, she started her education in SDN 126 Sarassang Kec. Maiwa Kab.

Enrekang and graduated in 1999. She continued her study in SLTP Negeri 1 Maiwa

Kab. Enrekang and graduated in 2002. And then she continued her study in SMAN 1

Maiwa Kab. Enrekang and graduated in 2005. In 2006 she was accepted as a student

in English Education Department, Tarbiyah and Teaching Training Faculty State


Table 1.  Rate Percentage of the Students Score in Relative Clause
Table 2.
Table 3. The Difficulties that the Students Found in Learning English
Table 5.


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