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Submitted as Requirement to Obtain Degree of Sarjana Pendidikan in

International Program on Science Education Study Program

Written by:

Sadokat Narmetova








Sadokat Narmetova

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Memperoleh gelar Sarjana Pendidikan di Fakultas Pendidikan Matematika dan

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© Sadokat Narmetova 2014

Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia

Agustus 2014

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Dr. Phil. Ari Widodo, M.Ed.

NIP: 196705271992031001

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NIP: 198007252001122001

Head of Study Program of

International Program on Science Education

Dr. Diana Rochintaniawati, M.Ed.


Sadokat Narmetova, 2014

The Role Of Video Animation On students Concept Mastery In Title Separation Of Pure substances and Mixtures

Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia | repository.upi.edu | perpustakaan.upi.edu

The Role of Video Animation on Students Concept Mastery in Title Separation of Pure Substances and Mixtures

Sadokat Narmetova

Indonesia University of Education International Program on Science Education


The purpose of this research is to investigate the role of video animation in the concept of pure substances and mixtures to differentiate the

students’ concept mastery and determine which cognitive level more

influenced by video animation. This study used quasi experimental method. Comparing pretest-posttest comparison group were used as research design in this study. The population were in grade 7th A and B of Junior High School students in Lab School Bandung. This study used random sampling technique and chose two classess as experimental group and control group. Experimental group was given treatment by showing video animation in the learning process, meanwhile control group was given by powerpoint presentation in the learning process. The matching of normalized gain between experimental group (0.35) and control group (0.24) shows that the showing video animation is more

effective in increasing students’ concept mastery in the concept of

separation pure substances and mixtures in experimental group. So, showing video animation made an significant difference between experimental and control group. Showing video animation is more influence in analyzing ability (C4) and evaluating ability (C5). It can be concluded that showing video animation in learning process make the students easily understand in their study.


Sadokat Narmetova, 2014

The Role Of Video Animation On students Concept Mastery In Title Separation Of Pure substances and Mixtures

Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia | repository.upi.edu | perpustakaan.upi.edu





PREFACE ... iii






CHAPTER I: INTRODUCTION A. Background of Problem ... 1

B. Research Problem ... 3

C. Research Question ... 4

D. Research Limitation ... 4

E. Research Benefits ... 4

F. Definition of Term ... 5

G. Assumption ... 6

H. Research Hypothesis ... 6



Sadokat Narmetova, 2014

The Role Of Video Animation On students Concept Mastery In Title Separation Of Pure substances and Mixtures

Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia | repository.upi.edu | perpustakaan.upi.edu

2. Characteristics of Visualization ... 9

3. Importance of Visualization in the School ... 9

B. Visual Aids in Science ... 9

1. Types of Visual Aids ... 9

2. Concept Mastery ... 11

3. Content Analysis in Concept Separation of Pure Substances and Mixtures ... 13

4. Some Experts Finding About Animation and Video ... 14

5. Concept of Pure Substances and Mixtures ... 15


B. Research Design ... 19

C. Population and Sample of Study ... 20

D. Instructional Tools ... 20

E. Treatment ... 20

F. Research Instrument ... 21

G. Research Procedure ... 26

H. Data Analysis ... 30

CHAPTER IV : RESULT AND DISCUSSION A. The role of video animation in students’ concept mastery ... 33

B. Improvement of Students’ Concept of Mastery in Cognitive Level ... 39


Sadokat Narmetova, 2014

The Role Of Video Animation On students Concept Mastery In Title Separation Of Pure substances and Mixtures

Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia | repository.upi.edu | perpustakaan.upi.edu

B. Recommendation ... 45




LIST OF FIGURE Page Figure 2.1 Temperature Change ... 15


Sadokat Narmetova, 2014

The Role Of Video Animation On students Concept Mastery In Title Separation Of Pure substances and Mixtures

Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia | repository.upi.edu | perpustakaan.upi.edu



Table 2.1 The Cognitive Process Domain ... 13

Table 2.2 Types of Mixtures ... 16

Table 3.1 Scheme of Two Group Pretest-Posttest Design ... 19

Table 3.2 Indicator for Pretest-Posttest Questions ... 22

Table 3.3 Result of Validation Item Test ... 24

Table 3.4 Reliability of Item Test ... 26

Table 3.5 Distribution of Test Items in Cognitive Level ... 26

Table 3.6 Table of N-Gain Criteria ... 31

Table 4.1 Matching the Result of Pretest and Posttest Score ... 33

Table 4.2 Tests of Normality ... 34

Table 4.3 Test Statistics ... 34

Table 4.4 Test of Normality ... 35

Table 4.5 Independent Samples Test ... 35

Table 4.6 Matching The Average of Pretest and Posttest Score


Sadokat Narmetova, 2014

The Role Of Video Animation On students Concept Mastery In Title Separation Of Pure substances and Mixtures

Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia | repository.upi.edu | perpustakaan.upi.edu

Sub Topic of Separation of Pure Substances and

Mixture ... 37

Table 4.7 Skewness Result of N-gain in Sub Content of Separataion Pure Substances and Mixtures ... 38

Table 4.8 Matching the Average of Pretest and Posttest Score between Control and Experimental Group Based on Cognitive Level ... 39

LIST OF APPENDICES Page A. Appendices A : Instructional Tools ... 50

1. Lesson Plan ... 51

2. Learning Scenario ... 53

3. Table of Spesific Test Item ... 63

4. Pretest and Posttest Test Item ... 81

B. Appendices B : Data Collecting ... 87

1. Pretest and Posttest Data ... 88

2. Learning Normalized Gain (N-Gain) ... 92


Sadokat Narmetova, 2014

The Role Of Video Animation On students Concept Mastery In Title Separation Of Pure substances and Mixtures

Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia | repository.upi.edu | perpustakaan.upi.edu

4. Distribution of Normalized Gain in Sub Content of Separation


Sadokat Narmetova, 2014

The Role Of Video Animation On students Concept Mastery In Title Separation Of Pure substances and Mixtures

Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia | repository.upi.edu | perpustakaan.upi.edu


There is no doubt that the role of science in modern society is changing. It is

very different to that of a generation ago. Increasingly the challenges we face as a

community be it at the global level such as, dealing with climate change or at the

local level such as the problems of an ageing population, of environmental

degradation, or of enhancing our economic productivity through science and

innovation – all depend on science.

According to Peter (2010) stated that the problem is made even more acute

because the nature of science has changed. Rather than dealing with simple

systems, increasingly science is dealing with complex issues such as interrelated

physical and biological changes in the environment. Science has moved over the

last 100 years from being a method that yields certainty and exactitude to a

process by which complex systems are studied and modelled and knowledge is

expressed in terms of increased probability and reduced uncertainty, but never in

terms of absolutes.

A further issue that has been emerged the growth of the internet, which has

meant that increasingly the information available to citizens is of an unfiltered

nature – it may come from a reliable or an unreliable source, but the reader may not have the skill to as certain the difference. Accordingly, what is seen to be

„information‟ is not necessarily dependable or useful or even safe. Given that the

internet is increasingly going to be the way in which people seek knowledge that

affects their lives, providing the skills to distinguish reliable from unreliable

information is an important part of modern education.

In education, globalization affects on learning process in the schools. It also

affects to the technology development in the instructional media which is used in



Sadokat Narmetova, 2014

The Role Of Video Animation On students Concept Mastery In Title Separation Of Pure substances and Mixtures

Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia | repository.upi.edu | perpustakaan.upi.edu

their learning via “chalk-and-talk” method or which is used to conventional

teaching method, they do not use media appropriately whereas technologies are

available for them to make change in their learning. Commonly, teacher coltrols

the instructional process, the content is delivered in the class and the teacher tends

to emphasize factual knowledge. With other word, teacher delivers the content

and the students only listen the information from the teacher. Thus, the learning

model tends students become passive in their learning process. According to Nitin

(2012) stated that the conventional teaching method in classroom has limited

effectiveness in the learning process. Some limitations which may prevail in

traditional teaching methods are : (1) Teaching in classroom using chalk and talk

is “one way flow” of information, (2) Teachers often continuously talk for an

hour without knowing students response and feedback, (3) The material presented

is only based on lecturer notes and textbooks, (4) Teaching and learning are

concentrated on “plug and play” method rather than practical aspects, (5) The

handwriting of the lecturer decides the objective of the subject, (6) There is

insufficient interaction with students in classroom, (7) More emphasis on theory

wihout any practical in real situation, (8) It is more about memorizing, not


Chemistry is one of the science subjects in the middle school. Chemistry is

about natural phenomena that occur in daily life. The concepts are very important

and one that should be noted is how the concept was understood by learners.

However, because there are many teachers who use traditional teaching or lecture

so the concept is expected to be understand by students are not conveyed properly

or is not working as expected. This is beacause a lot of chemistry concepts are

complex, so it should be supported by practical activities or different media.

However, not all school are fully equipped science laboratory facilities. In

addition, that equipments are generally only able to show symptoms of the macro.

As in mixture materials with sub chapter of separation pure substances and

mixtures, the mixture of substances should be shown by conducting experiment.



Sadokat Narmetova, 2014

The Role Of Video Animation On students Concept Mastery In Title Separation Of Pure substances and Mixtures

Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia | repository.upi.edu | perpustakaan.upi.edu

requires a long time because before conducting experiment teacher must prepare

the materials before the class started.

In response to this problem, it is necessary to attempt improvement and

innovation in the learning process. One innovation that can solve problems in

science learning is teacher needs to make improvements their teaching strategies

such as use of computer to deliver materials. Besides that, teacher should place

their position as a designer and organizer of learning so that students have the

opportunity to understand and interpret science through learning activities. In

addition, teachers can make learning and teaching more attractive by using

interactive learning media to attract students‟ motivation in learning science

especially in chemistry. Because of that, the role of media is important to make

learning process become more interesting and students more curious in science

subjects. By choosing the appropriate media will make learning process

effectively. An effective learning is a learning process that is not only focused on

learner outcomes, but how effective learning process is able to provide a good

understanding, intelligence, perseverance, opportunity and quality which can give

change behavior and apply it in their lives.

In general educational terms, animations can be viewed as a technique of

visualisation. According to Richard and Roxana (2002), animation refers to a

simulated motion picture depicting movement of drawn (or simulated) objects.

Together with other techniques elaborated as a result of rapidly developing

information and communication technologies, use of animations has been

strongly encouraged as an innovative, constructivist and students-centred

alternative to the traditional learning approaches in many countries (Moreno et al,

2001; Neo & Neo, 2009).

The role of video animation as a visual aid is very powerful tool for

developing the students concept mastery in separation pure substances and

mixtures. The main purpose of this research is to determine the effectiveness of



Sadokat Narmetova, 2014

The Role Of Video Animation On students Concept Mastery In Title Separation Of Pure substances and Mixtures

Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia | repository.upi.edu | perpustakaan.upi.edu

years) participated in the study. Two classess are chosen. The concept separation

of pure substances and mixtures delivered by using video animation to the class.

The instruments used in this research: pre-test, video animation, and post-test.

B. Research Problem

Based on the background that have been explained on above, the research

problem of this paper is “how is the role of video animation on students concept

mastery in title of Separation of Pure Substances and Mixtures?”.

C. Research Questions

Regarding the research problem, two questions can be addressed:

1. Does the use of video animation make an difference in the students concept

mastery of separation pure substances and mixtures?

2. At which cognitive level students concept of mastery is more improved in both

of group?

D. Research Limitation

In this study, the researcher chose to limit the problems of the using of video

animation in chemistry in the concept of pure substances and mixtures. So, that

the results can be more focused. Research limitation in this study are :

1. Students‟ improvement in learning concept of pure substances and mixtures

through the video animation.

2. Learning materials and students' mastery of concepts is measured by pretest

and posttest question.

E. Research Benefits

The use of audio- visual aids in classroom or other training sessions improves



Sadokat Narmetova, 2014

The Role Of Video Animation On students Concept Mastery In Title Separation Of Pure substances and Mixtures

Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia | repository.upi.edu | perpustakaan.upi.edu

with different perspectives; using variety of audio-visual aids for particular

concept maximum students receives success in comrehending such lecture.

According to James (1959) stated that audio-visual aids are tool or mechanics

used to facilitate the learning experience of the individual and to make it more

realistic and dynamic. In this research, many benefits should be considered

toward the students and teachers:

1. Students

Using a different kind of visual aids such as video animation will improve the

students interest in understanding the chemistry concepts.

According to Sampath, Panneerselvam, and Santhan (1998) stated that

students more attentive, motivated and interested as compared to that classroom

session that is in function without the use of audio-visual aids. In other word, by

using visual aids students attention will attracted.

2. Teachers

The use of audio – visual aids in the classroom teachers will deliver the concept easily.

An old Chinese proverb goes like “one picture has more worth then thousand

words”. According to Samreen, Sufiana and Malik (2012) “Indeed if teacher uses

words along with pictures students are better able to grip the crux of the concept


When an audio-visual is practiced by the teacher, there must be some benefits

and advantages of using it. Some commonly known pros of using audio-video

aids are expressed in opinions of following scholars:

James (1959) stated that helps in comprehension by bringing the child in a

direct contact with the concept and how it actually works in real life situations

In the process of science learning, the teacher should therefore incorporate

students‟ “rich pool of representational competence” in creating lessons so that

they are motivating students (Andrea 2004). If we conclude from all of those



Sadokat Narmetova, 2014

The Role Of Video Animation On students Concept Mastery In Title Separation Of Pure substances and Mixtures

Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia | repository.upi.edu | perpustakaan.upi.edu

F. Definition of Terms

Operational definition is important in this research to avoid the

misunderstanding between researcher and the reader. There is some explanation


1. Video Animation

Video animation have the power to gain the attention of a person for hours

together without boring them. And sometimes video animations are extremely

helpful in learning process. They help us show and generate interest in something

which we otherwise would not entertain.

On the other hand, learning is a pretty complicated process, well for me it‟s a

nightmare when it comes to studies. Now when you analyse the process of

learning, “Concentration” will stand out to be the a major criteria for a better learning, followed by “Understanding” and finally “Remembering”. All these go

hand in hand.

2. PowerPoint Presentation

Presentation is the practice of showing and explaining the content of a topic to

an audience or learner. Presentations is also the means of communication which

can be adapted to various speaking situation, such as talking to a group,

addressing a meeting or briefing a team.

Presentation is a way that used to describe something in the form of

PowerPoint that have summarized and packed with interesting visualization. In

addition, presentation is an active activity where sources explain and

communicate information to the audients. Presentation is created in the form of

PowerPoint presentation that contains text, picture, graph, table, and etc.

PowerPoint presentation should be able to attract the attention of the audience and



Sadokat Narmetova, 2014

The Role Of Video Animation On students Concept Mastery In Title Separation Of Pure substances and Mixtures

Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia | repository.upi.edu | perpustakaan.upi.edu 3. Mastery of Concept

Students mastery of concept is a result or a level of ability of students that

have been achieved after participating in learning process in the form of changes

in behavior skills, and knowledge at certain time then will be measured by using

test and assessed into score or statements. In this research, to measured students‟ mastery of concept by using pretest and posttest. The type of question that used in

pretest and posttest is multiple choices.

G. Assumption

Video animations can be viewed as a technique of visualisation. According to

Richard and Roxana (2002) “Animation refers to a simulated motion picture depicting movement of drawn (or simulated) objects”. Together with other techniques elaborated as a result of rapidly developing information and

communication technologies, use of animations has been strongly encouraged as

an innovative, constructivist and students-centred alternative to the traditional

learning approaches in many countries (Moreno et al, 2001; Neo & Neo, 2009).

H. Research Hypothesis

Based on above discussion and background, one hypothesis stated in this

research. Which is followed as :

H0 : There is no significant difference between control and experimental class

on the student‟s mastery of concept in learning the concept of separation of

pure substances and mixtures through video animation.

H1 : There is significant difference between control and experimental class on

the student‟s mastery of concept in learning the concept of separation of


Sadokat Narmetova, 2014

The Role Of Video Animation On students Concept Mastery In Title Separation Of Pure substances and Mixtures

Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia | repository.upi.edu | perpustakaan.upi.edu



A. Research Method

This research aims to see the students concept mastery in concept separation

pure substances and mixtures. The method was used in this study is a quasi

experimental with design nonequivalen control group.

This research uses quantitative approach (John 2006), based on research

objectives that want to be achieved then research method that chosen by

researcher. In this research identify the students concept mastery when using

video animation in the learning process.

B. Research Design

This research was chose two classess as a sample. The research design in this

paper was comparing Pretest – Posttest (Oskar 2008) in two classess. In learning

process in the control group, the concept was given by using Power Point

Presentation. While in the experimental class, the concept was given by using

video animation as a media.

In this research, pretest was given in both classess before the concept was

delivered. After the concept has been delivered, the students were given the post



Scheme of Two Group Pretest-Posttest Design.

Pre-test Treatment Post-test





Sadokat Narmetova, 2014

The Role Of Video Animation On students Concept Mastery In Title Separation Of Pure substances and Mixtures

Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia | repository.upi.edu | perpustakaan.upi.edu Experimental


O1 X2 O2

O1 = Pre-test of students’ concept mastery on concept Separation of Pure

Substances and Mixtures

X1 = Power Point Presentation

X2 =Video Animation

O2 = Post-test of students’ concept mastery on concept Separation Pure

Substances and Mixtures. (Martyn 2009).

C. Population and Sample of Study

In this research random sampling used. The research was conducted in the 7th

grade which are 7A and 7B in Junior High School in Lab School Bandung. The

students in second semester of the year 2013/2014 will be involved into this

research. The research will conduct for two weeks at 3 meetings. Population

of this research is in 7th grade students. The 7A consist of 28 students, while the

7B consist of 27 students. So, the number of population in this study 55 students.

D. Instructional Tools

1. Lesson Plan

Lesson plan is the design of instructional arrangement that used to conduct the learning process. It is used to be teacher’s guidance in conduct learning process to achieve the intended learning outcome and learning objectives. Learning

objectives of each meeting is different.

2. Learning Scenario

Learning scenario is briefly illustration of lesson plan. Learning scenario is the

design of classroom activity for each meeting that describes initial activity until

closing activity. Learning scenario in experimental group and control group is



Sadokat Narmetova, 2014

The Role Of Video Animation On students Concept Mastery In Title Separation Of Pure substances and Mixtures

Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia | repository.upi.edu | perpustakaan.upi.edu

E. Treatment

In this research, two kinds of treatment was used, which are showing video

animation and power point presentation. Both of treatments are implemented into

different groups, showing video animation and power point presentation were

implemented in experimental group and power point presentation was

implemented in control group.

1. Showing Video Animation

Animated visualization that show both structures and processes help teachers

convey important scientific concepts in chemistry. According to Sorina (2010), “When running an animation it is important to distinguish between knowledge that involves animation (when the movement is essential to understand the

acquired information) and knowledge with emphasis on animation (when the

movement is not part of the context to be learned, but it is used in order to draw

attention to some aspects of content).” The concept that used in this study is

separation of pure substances and mixtures. This concept is divided into two sub

topic, first topic is about pure substances and mixtures, second topic is about

tecniques of separation. Both topic is delivered by using video animation. Video

animations for those topics was taken from Youtube. Researcher was selected

those video animations carefully. After that those video animations were

eliminated by experts. They eliminated it based on their clarity of voice,

suitability of topic, and time duration. Beacuse it should be understandable for

the students.

2. PowerPoint Presentation

Microsoft PowerPoint is a presentation program in computer that developed

by Microsoft in the Microsoft Office application package. Microsoft PowerPoint

is an application that is widely used for presentation purpose, such as seminar,

promotion of products, as well as scientific activity. PowerPoint is an application

program that is used to create presentation in the form of text, table, picture,

graph, diagram and etc. PowerPoint Presentation should be able to attract the



Sadokat Narmetova, 2014

The Role Of Video Animation On students Concept Mastery In Title Separation Of Pure substances and Mixtures

Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia | repository.upi.edu | perpustakaan.upi.edu

Presentation was used to describe two sub topic, which is about pure substance

and mixtures, and techniques of separation. The PowerPoint Presentation was

made by researcher.

F. Research Instrument

Research instrument is the process of collecting data, analyzing, and find the

solution. The aim of the technique for collecting the data is to support the success

of the research. According to Arikunto (2006:149), the technique of collecting

data is the way that can be used by the research to collect data. There are pre-test

and post-test for two classess. The pre-test conducted at the beginning of the

research. Meanwhile, post-test will be given after conducting of the research.

1. Learning Achievement Test (Pretest and Posttest)

Learning achievement test is an instrument that used to collect the development of students’ concept mastering in the concept of separation pure substance and mixture. Learning achievement test that used in this study in the

form of pretest and posttest.

Pretest is conducted before students implementing video animation in the

learning process. Pretest is to investigate basic knowledge of the students in the

concept of separation of pure substance and mixture.

On the other hand, posttest is conducted after students already have

implementing video animation in the learning process. The purpose of conducting posttest is to measure the development of students’ concept mastering after using video animation. Posttest activity could be conducted immediately after given the


The type of question that used in pretest and posttest is multiple choices about

separation of pure substances and mixtures. It consists of five cognitive level

based on Revised Bloom Taxonomy from C1 until C5. There are 30 questions

used in pretest and posttest. Those questions spread of five cognitive level and

have indicator for each question. Pretest and posttest is shown on the table below.



Sadokat Narmetova, 2014

The Role Of Video Animation On students Concept Mastery In Title Separation Of Pure substances and Mixtures

Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia | repository.upi.edu | perpustakaan.upi.edu Indicator for Pretest-Postest Questions

Indicator Test Item Number

Describe the characteristics of mixtures and pure



Classify a variety of substances used in daily life as

pure substance, solutions or mixtures

2, 3, 4

Differentiate the difference between homogeneous

and heteregeneous mixture

5, 8, 10

Describe the other name of homogeneous mixture 6

Describe the parts of solutions 7

Describe the characteristics of suspension and



Describe the methods used to separate the

components of filtration, dissolving, vaporization,

evaporation, magnetism, and etc

11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 21,


Explain and understand about separation methods 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 22

Compare the separation methods with other methods 30

Conclude the trapped substance in the filter paper 25, 27, 28, 29

Differentiate the properties of components 23

Evaluate and understand about mixtures 24

Instrument or test items should be tested before given to the students to know

the quality of tests. Testing of instruments that have characteristics of both and

must comply with several rules:

a) Validity of Test Items

“Validity of instrument is accuracy of instrument toward the concept that will be measured, so an instrument is called valid if it measure what is purpose” (Suherman, 2003: 102). An evaluation instrument said to be good when having

high validity. High and low validity of the instrument can be calculated with the



Sadokat Narmetova, 2014

The Role Of Video Animation On students Concept Mastery In Title Separation Of Pure substances and Mixtures

Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia | repository.upi.edu | perpustakaan.upi.edu

study is using judgement from the subject matter experts. The experts who judge

the item test in this study is chemistry experts, they are two chemistry lecturers

from University of Education in Indonesia. In this study, judges evaluate the

appropriateness of item with the criteria such as indicator and level of cognitive.

According to Lawshe, (1975), “if more than half the judges indicate that an item

test is essential, that item test has at least some content validity. Greater levels of content validity exist as larger numbers of judges agree that an item is essential”. The item test could be rejection or repaired. Because of the judgement in this

study 2 experts, so the item test will be rejection if only one person who agree

with item test. They judge 61-item test, every item test have their indicator and

level of cognitive. After judge with the expert, 19-test items are rejected, 13-test

items are repaired, and 29-item tests are accepted.

Table 3.3

Result of Validation Item Test

Test Item

Indicator Cognitive Level Note

Yes No Yes No

1 I I II Not used

2 II I I Not used

3 II II Not used

4 I I I I Not used

5 II I I Used

6 II I I Not used

7 II II Not used

8 II I I Repair

9 II II Used

10 II II Used

11 I I I I Repair

12 I I II Repair

13 I I II Used

14 I I II Used

15 I I II Repair



Sadokat Narmetova, 2014

The Role Of Video Animation On students Concept Mastery In Title Separation Of Pure substances and Mixtures

Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia | repository.upi.edu | perpustakaan.upi.edu

17 I I I I Repair

18 II I I Used

19 II II Used

20 II II Used

21 II I I Not used

22 II I I Repair

23 I I I I Not used

24 II II Used

25 II II Used

26 II I I Repair

27 II II Used

28 II II Used

29 II I I Repair

30 II II Not used

31 II II Used

32 II II Used

33 II II Used

34 II I I Repair

35 II I I Repair

36 II II Used

37 II II Used

38 I I I I Not used

39 II II Used

40 II II Used

41 II II Used

42 II II Not used

43 II II Used

44 II I I Used

45 II I I Repair

46 II I I Used

47 I I II Repair

48 II I I Repair

49 I I I I Not used

50 II II Not used

51 II I I Not used

52 II II Used

53 II II Used

54 II II Used



Sadokat Narmetova, 2014

The Role Of Video Animation On students Concept Mastery In Title Separation Of Pure substances and Mixtures

Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia | repository.upi.edu | perpustakaan.upi.edu

56 II I I Not used

57 I I II Not used

58 I I I I Not used

59 II I I Not used

60 II II Used

61 I I II Not used

b) Reliability

Reliability of an instrument is intended as a tool that gives the same results if

the measurement is given on the same subject although done by different people,

at different times and different places (Suherman, 2003: 131). It is not affected by

the behavior, circumtances, and conditions. High reliability measurement tool

called a reliable gauge. Reliability of item test is conducted by test it to be

students after test item was evaluated by the experts. Students who test the item doesn’t come from experimental group and control group. It used 61 test items to calculate reliability. In this research, calculating reliability is using Anatest

progrom to make it efficient.

Table 3.4

Reliability of Item Test

Table 3.4 shows the result of reliability of item test. Reliability value in this

table can be seen in the Reliability test column, it is about 0,51. As general

interpretation, if the reliability value > 0,40 it means that the test item which used

is reliable.

Reliability Statistics



N of Items



Sadokat Narmetova, 2014

The Role Of Video Animation On students Concept Mastery In Title Separation Of Pure substances and Mixtures

Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia | repository.upi.edu | perpustakaan.upi.edu

After instrument has been tested, it is given to experimental group and control

group in the form of pretest and posttest. Pretest is given to determine prior

knowledge of students in both group, meanwhile posttest is given to show the development of students’ concept mastering in both group. All test items spread out into five cognitive level, as follow as:

Table 3.5

Distribution of Test Items in Cognitive Level

Cognitive Level Test Item

C1 – Remembering 1, 6, 26

C2 – Understanding 2, 3, 4, 5, 7, 8, 9, 10, 16, 25 C3 – Applying 11, 12, 13, 14, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21,


C4 – Analyzing 23, 27, 28, 29 C5 – Evaluating 15, 24, 30

G. Research Procedure

In this research, there are three stages that have done. Which are preparation

stage, data implementation, and the last stage is data analysis stage that descripted

as follows:

1. Preparation stage

Before conduct the research , the researcher should prepare everything

that needed in the research. In the preparation stage are mainly about the steps

when the researcher preparing all instrument being used in research, as follow:

a. Identify issues to be used as research material through observations or

problem that happening nowadays.

b. Reading some literature study such as journal as the foundation to determine



Sadokat Narmetova, 2014

The Role Of Video Animation On students Concept Mastery In Title Separation Of Pure substances and Mixtures

Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia | repository.upi.edu | perpustakaan.upi.edu

c. Determine the material that will be used in the research. In this research,

researcher choose Separation of Pure Substances and Mixtures because this

concept is one of complex concept that students need media.

d. Making lesson plan appropriate with the material taken and video animation

used in the learning process.

e. Making instrument that will be used in the research. Some instruments need

to support the research to be conducted such as Concept Mastery Test which

is Pretest and Posttest.

f. Before the instrument used, firstly it must be validated. In this research two

experts judge the instrument to use in the learning process or not.

g. Doing revision of the instrument to revise mistakes after judged by the


h. Giving instruments to the students to test the quality of questions.

i. Calculating the reliability of test items.

j. Select the test item which has a good validity and reliability.

k. Determine research sample by using random sampling technique.

2. Implementation stage

In the conduct of research done stages as follows:

a. Conducting the pretest with the same question to the control group and

experimental group to know the basic knowledge of the students before the

learning process.

b. Teach the experimental group by using video animation as an media in

learning activity. Meanwhile the control group using traditional

teaching-learning model by powerpoint presentation that given by teacher during the

lesson activity.

c. After third meeting students given posttest with the exactly same questions as

pretest question distributed to measure the improvement of student’s concept

mastery in both experimental and control group.



Sadokat Narmetova, 2014

The Role Of Video Animation On students Concept Mastery In Title Separation Of Pure substances and Mixtures

Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia | repository.upi.edu | perpustakaan.upi.edu In the final stage performed the following steps:

a. Data analysis done to process the data obtained from the whole research

pretest and posttest data processing done by using SPSS 17.0.

b. Making conclusion from data obtained, namely the improvement of student’s

imrovement in concept mastery.



Sadokat Narmetova, 2014

The Role Of Video Animation On students Concept Mastery In Title Separation Of Pure substances and Mixtures

Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia | repository.upi.edu | perpustakaan.upi.edu Planning Stage

Implementation Stage

Conclusion Stage

Figure 3.1 Analyze the concept of

Separation of Pure Substances and Mixtures

Conducting posttest Conduct learning process

by using video animation

Revision Analyze of Reliability and Validity Limitation of Test Judgement from expert

Make the instrument Make lesson plan

Analyze video animation

Making Multiply Choice Questions

Judgement from expert


Conducting Pretest

Data Processing: Pretest, Posttest,

Data Analysis



Sadokat Narmetova, 2014

The Role Of Video Animation On students Concept Mastery In Title Separation Of Pure substances and Mixtures

Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia | repository.upi.edu | perpustakaan.upi.edu Research Flow

H. Data Analysis

Data that has been acquired from research instrument then will be processed

by using statistic. Statistic was used to analyze data. Researcher used SPSS 17.0

software (Statistic Product and Service Solution) which is a statistical computer

program that capable to processing statistic data quickly and accurately, as well as

serving in a variety of output.

A. Analysis the role of video animation in students’ concept mastery

To simplify the data processing, all statistical tests in this research was used

SPSS 17.0 software for windows. Details are written in below as follows:

1. Normality Analysis

Normality is identified to search whether gain from experimental and

control group are distributed normally or not. This analysis will be used as the

consideration in analysis data whether the analysis use of parametric or

non-parametric analysis test. If both data distribute normally, we can continue the data

processing to homogeneity test. If the data show that the distribution from one or

all the data not normally distribute, the data processing can continue using

non-parametric statistic it is using Mann-Whitney test.

2. Homogeneity Analysis

After the normality has been identified, the consideration of analysis

method is not able to considered yet. Still another aspect which needs to be

identified is homogeneity. If both data normally distribute and homogeous, the

hypothesis test will be use is t-test, meanwhile if the data comes from normal and

did not have homogenous variences then hypothesis test that will be use is t’test.

3. Score of Mean Difference

Score of mean difference is done to determine whether both experimental

and control group have the same mean score or not. If the data obtained normally

distribute and has homogenous variences the next test will be t-test (independent



Sadokat Narmetova, 2014

The Role Of Video Animation On students Concept Mastery In Title Separation Of Pure substances and Mixtures

Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia | repository.upi.edu | perpustakaan.upi.edu

distribute normally and did not have homogenous variences the test will be use is

non-parametric test which is Mann-Whitney test.

4. Significant Test

To analyze the correlation of pretest and posttest result, the determination

of normalized gain index is conducted. Normalized gain is calculated by using of

the formula proposed by Hake (1998):

< g > = % � � � −% � � � �


100 %−% � � �� �

Table 3.6

Table of N-Gain Criteria

Gain Interprets

g > 0,7 High

0,3 <g < 0,7 Medium

g < 0,3 Low

B. Analysis of the improvement of Students’ Concept of Mastery in Cognitive


To simplify the data processing, all statistical tests in this research was used

SPSS 17.0 software for windows. Details are written in below as follows:

1. Normality Analysis

Normality is identified to search whether gain of each cognitive level from

experimental and control group are distributed normally or not. This analysis will

be used as the consideration in analysis data whether the analysis use of

parametric or non-parametric analysis test. If both data distribute normally, we



Sadokat Narmetova, 2014

The Role Of Video Animation On students Concept Mastery In Title Separation Of Pure substances and Mixtures

Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia | repository.upi.edu | perpustakaan.upi.edu

distribution from one or all the data not normally distribute, the data processing

can continue using non-parametric statistic it is using Mann-Whitney test.

2. Homogeneity Analysis

After the normality has been identified, the consideration of analysis

method is not able to considered yet. Still another aspect which needs to be

identified is homogeneity. If both data normally distribute and homogeous, the

hypothesis test will be use is t-test, meanwhile if the data comes from normal and did not have homogenous variences then hypothesis test that will be use is t’test.

3. Score of Mean Difference

Score of mean difference is done to determine whether both experimental

and control group have the same mean score or not. If the data obtained normally

distribute and has homogenous variences the next test will be t-test (independent

t-test). If the data normally distribute and did not have homogenous variences then taht will be tested with t’test. Meanwhile if the data obtained did not distribute normally and did not have homogenous variences the test will be use is

non-parametric test which is Mann-Whitney test.

4. Significant Test

To analyze the correlation of pretest and posttest result, the determination

of normalized gain index is conducted. Normalized gain is calculated by using of

the formula proposed by Hake (1998):

< g > = % � � � −% � � � �


Sadokat Narmetova, 2014

The Role Of Video Animation On students Concept Mastery In Title Separation Of Pure substances and Mixtures

Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia | repository.upi.edu | perpustakaan.upi.edu



Based on the chapter IV of the data that have been occured in one Junior High

School in Lab School Bandung at grade 7th about the role of video animation as an

media in the learning process in the concept of separation of pure substances and

mixtures can be concluded that :

1. The implement of video animation in learning process is better to enhance

students’ understanding of the concept about separation of pure substances and

mixtures then the implement of powerpoint presentation to deliver the

material. Thus, video animation improves students’ concept mastery in the experimental group. It’s based on the data obtained in this study, that N-gain for experimental group is highly significant than control group. Average of

N-gain in experimental group is 0.35 and control group is 0.24.

2. Video animation can improve students’ concept mastery in the concept of

separation of pure substances and mixtures. It can be seen in each cognitive

level that measured in this study is increasing . Cognitive level that measured

in this study is remembering ability (C1), understanding ability (C2), Applying

ability (C3), analyzing ability (C4), evaluating ability (C5) based on Bloom’s

Revised Taxonomy. Based on data above, all cognitive level has improvement

except two cognitive level which is remembering ability and understanding

ability. The highest result of N-gain is seen in C4 (analyzing ability) is 0.65

and C5 (evaluating ability) is 0.43. Meanwhile, in the sub content of

techniques of separation gets highly significant of N-gain which is 0.87. So,

video animation influence the student’s concept mastery in the sub content of

separation technique.

B. Recommendation



Sadokat Narmetova, 2014

The Role Of Video Animation On students Concept Mastery In Title Separation Of Pure substances and Mixtures

Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia | repository.upi.edu | perpustakaan.upi.edu

1. It needs further research on the implementation of video animation in another

science subject, such as physics and biology.

2. In the further research, beside determine students’ concept mastery in

cognitive level also determine the psychomotor aspect of the students.

3. Students worksheet provides in the video animation must be developed in the

next research.

4. Questionnaire must be developed to know the students respont in


Sadokat Narmetova, 2014

The Role Of Video Animation On students Concept Mastery In Title Separation Of Pure substances and Mixtures

Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia | repository.upi.edu | perpustakaan.upi.edu DAFTAR PUSTAKA

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Sadokat Narmetova, 2014

The Role Of Video Animation On students Concept Mastery In Title Separation Of Pure substances and Mixtures


Table 4.8  Matching the Average of Pretest and Posttest  Score
Table 3.3 Result of Validation Item Test
table can be seen in the Reliability test column, it is about 0,51. As general
Table 3.5


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